What do peter grinev and shvabrin have in common. Comparison of grinev and mop


Take care of your honor from a young age.


It has long been noted that, overcoming life's difficulties and resisting the vicissitudes of fate, some people become stronger, more tempered, more courageous, while others give up, break down. Presenting unexpected surprises, life seems to test people for strength of character, for the stability of their moral and ethical values, for honesty with oneself. Such a "verification" test was for many the peasant war led by Pugachev. Participation in the Pugachev uprising and its suppression brightly highlighted two unforgettable characters in the story - Pyotr Grinev and Alexei Shvabrin.

From the very beginning of the story, we have the opportunity to observe what events and factors leave their deep imprints on the character of Pyotr Grinev, shaping him. At the beginning of the story, Peter is a gullible and naive young man, but even then he sacredly fulfills the behest of his father, who escorted him to the service: "Take care of honor from a young age." Deep shame and remorse seize Peter after a cheerful feast with a new acquaintance, Zurin. However, in spite of everything, Peter considers it a matter of honor to give him the money he lost in a dishonest game. Kindness, generosity and simple human gratitude is shown by Grinev in relation to the person who saved him during a snowstorm and who later turned out to be the leader of the peasant uprising Pugachev.

Once on the service in the Belogorsk fortress, Pyotr Grinev gets acquainted with all its inhabitants, especially closely converges with the family of the commandant of the fortress Mironov and Alexei Shvabrin.

As love and tenderness for Masha Mironova grows and strengthens in Grinev's heart, the reasons for Shvabrin's base and vile impulses are revealed to him. After all, Shvabrin was once also in love with Marya Ivanovna, but, having been refused, now he cannot come to terms with this, and is trying to denigrate her, inventing gossip and nasty things about her and her family. Realizing this, Grinev stands up for the honor of the girl and challenges the offender to a duel. It is not known how the duel would have ended if Shvabrin had not wounded Peter with a dishonorable blow.

It is unbearable for Shvabrin to see the attention and participation that surrounded the wounded Masha Grinev and her family. He writes an anonymous letter to Peter's father, after which, enraged by his son's act, the father does not give young Grinev consent to marry his girlfriend.

When the wave of the uprising reached the walls of the Belogorsk fortress, its inhabitants met the rebels in different ways. The commandant of the fortress and many officers fell at the hands of the stern Pugachev, refusing to recognize him as king. The pangs of conscience are not characteristic of Shvabrin. He swore allegiance to Pugachev without hesitation, kissed his hand, changed clothes and cut his hair. For this person, there is no concept of noble duty, and in order to save his life, he is ready for anything. Remaining in the fortress as the chief, this scoundrel puts Masha Mironova under lock and key on bread and water and threatens her in every possible way, trying to make her become his wife. He feels his impunity and from this becomes even more cruel.

By the will of fate, it turns out that the hare short fur coat, presented by Grinev to Pugachev a long time ago, during the trial of the defenders of the fortress, saves the young man's life. Now his main task is to save Masha from captivity, give her protection and shelter. Honesty and straightforwardness, kindness, self-esteem and duty, nobility attract in Grinev not only the readers of the story, but also Pugachev himself, who knows how to appreciate the real dignity of a person. After all, Grinev, turning to the state enemy for help, does not change his oath and does not hide this from the formidable chieftain. Hoping for decency, understanding and human participation, Pyotr Grinev asks Pugachev for help and receives it. The girl and her good name are saved. material from the site

Having fallen on trial after the suppression of the uprising, Shvabrin does not even think of repenting of his base deeds. He continues to defend himself, accusing Grinev of espionage and treason, thereby hoping to once and for all take revenge on his enemy, his witness - Shvabrin - baseness and meanness. Grinev, once again, shows nobility and breadth of soul, refusing to justify himself in the face of the empress and the entire state in order not to involve the name of his beloved girl in the trial, who was left an orphan and endured severe trials.

For Pyotr Grinev, everything ends happily, and we see that no vicissitudes and difficulties of fate can ever break a person if he is determined to fight for his principles, ideals, love. An unscrupulous and dishonest person who does not know a sense of duty often expects the fate of being left alone with his vile deeds, meanness, meanness without friends, loved ones and just close people.

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  • characteristic mop from the captain's daughter
  • comparative description of mop and grinev
  • Grinev at the beginning of the story
  • shvabrin and grinev
  • Grinev in the story The Captain's Daughter
Petr Grinev Alexey Shvabrin
Appearance Young, handsome, not devoid of masculinity. Embodies the features of a simple Russian person Young, stately, not tall, with a swarthy, ugly, but mobile face
Character Courageous, hardy, courageous, decent, straightforward, noble, fair and conscientious. Cynical, impudent, sharp, impulsive, emotional, cowardly.
Social status Educated nobleman, officer. Educated nobleman, officer
Life position To be a decent officer, honestly serve the state, protect the weak, stop excesses. Occupy a prominent public space. Prove your case by any means. Seek profit in everything.
Attitude towards moral values Take care of morality. Tries not to follow contrary to her principles. Does not value moral values, often stepping over them.
Relationships with wealth He does not pursue wealth, but is accustomed to a noble life in abundance. Values ​​money and wealth.
Moral Moral, honest, conscientious. Immoral, shameless, looks down on everyone. He forgets about his duty and honor.
Attitude to the Mironov family They became his real family. He loved them like his own parents. He honored them with nothing but charity and ridicule. He slandered Ivan Ignatievich, insulted Maria.
Attitude to the oath Bravely refuses to swear allegiance to Pugachev and kiss his hand. Ready to die, but not to become a traitor. Without any hesitation breaks the oath. He goes over to the side of the rebels.
Dueling behavior They are driven by justice and nobility. The honor of the girl is insulted, and he, as an officer, must protect her. Leads an honest, brave fight. This is not his first duel. Behaving dishonestly. Strikes when the opponent is defenseless.
Attitude towards Maria Mironova In love, respects the feelings of Mary, ready to wait for her reciprocity and fight for love. Saves her life, defends her during interrogation. It is unlikely that she has high love feelings for her. Humiliates her, insults her, keeps her locked up. Easily gives out to the enemy.
Behavior with Pugachev He holds his head high and does not want to humiliate himself. Bravely answers provocative questions. Retains officer prowess. Begging for freedom, crawling at the feet of Pugachev. Humbles himself and grovels before him.
Relationships At first, Shvabrin causes some sympathy for Grinev. But then harsh statements about the Mironov family, and then further actions set Grinev against Shvabrin. There are no feelings other than contempt. Considers Grinev weak. At first, he tries to impress him. But the further development of events turns them into antipodes.
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    • In 1833–1836 A. S. Pushkin wrote the novel "The Captain's Daughter", which was the result of the author's historical searches, embodying all his thoughts, feelings, doubts. The main character (he is also the narrator) is Pyotr Grinev. This is a completely ordinary person who, by the will of fate, is drawn into the whirlpool of historical events, in which the traits of his character are revealed. Petrusha is a young nobleman, a district underage who received a typical provincial education from a Frenchman who “was not an enemy […]
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  • Written in 1836 by Pushkin, the story "The Captain's Daughter" is a logical continuation of the theme of the "insignificant hero", an ordinary person who cannot boast of great wealth, influence or serious connections. The main character is close to the people, has positive qualities of character, kind, fair. The story is based on an uprising led by Pugachev, but Pushkin did not at all set himself the goal of recreating historical events; against their background, he described the life stories of ordinary people.

    General characteristics of Grinev

    Pyotr Grinev comes from a noble family, but his parents are poor, so he grew up in a provincial-local life. The hero cannot boast of a good upbringing, he admits that he grew up short. Since his father was a retired military man, Peter also became an officer. This is a conscientious, gentle, kind and fair young man, looking at everything through the disperse, and he understands how the world actually works.

    Thanks to his moral instinct, even from the most difficult and dangerous situations, Petr Grinv comes out unscathed. The characterization of the hero shows his rapid spiritual growth. The man was able to see in Masha Mironova a moral personality and a pure soul, he had the courage to ask for forgiveness from the serf Savelich, Peter saw in Pugachev not just a rebel, but a fair and generous person, he realized how low and vile Shvabrin really is. Despite the terrible events that took place during the internecine struggle, Grinev managed to maintain honor, humanity and loyalty to his ideals.

    General characteristics of Shvabrin

    The characteristics of Grinev and Shvabrin allow the reader to figure out who is who in reality. Alexei Ivanovich is a nobleman by birth, he is lively, swarthy, not very handsome. By the time Grinev arrived at the Belgorod fortress, Shvabrin had already served there for five years, he was transferred here for murder. Everything speaks of his meanness, arrogance and heartlessness. At the first meeting with Peter, Alexei Ivanovich introduces him to the inhabitants of the fortress, speaking of everyone with contempt and mockery.

    Shvabrin is very smart and much more educated than Grinev, but there is no kindness in him. This character was compared by many with a tumbleweed, a man without a family, who only knew how to adapt to different circumstances. Nobody loved him or expected him, but he doesn't need anyone either. At the end of the story, Shvabrin's black hair turned gray after the unrest, but his soul remained black, envious and vicious.

    Grineva and Shvabrina

    Every story has an antagonist to the main character. If Pushkin had not created the image of Shvabrin, then Grinev's spiritual growth would not have been so noticeable, moreover, the development of a love line between Mary and Peter would have been impossible. The writer opposes in everything two young officers of noble origin. A brief description of Shvabrin and Grinev shows that they even got into the service in the fortress for various reasons. Peter was sent here to serve by his father, so that the offspring would smell real gunpowder and serve in the army. Alexei was exiled for the murder of a lieutenant.

    The expression "military duty" each of the heroes understands differently. Shvabrin doesn't care who he serves, as long as he feels good. During Alexei immediately went over to the rebels, forgetting about the oath and honor. Grinev, under pain of death, refuses to swear allegiance to the rebels, but he was saved by natural kindness. The fact is that once he gave Pugachev a hare sheepskin coat and served a glass of wine, and he in return pays with gratitude and saves Peter's life.

    For the heroes became the captain's daughter. Grinev and Shvabrin fell in love with Masha, but their love is very different. Peter composes poems for the girl, and Alexei criticizes them, smashing them to smithereens. This is understandable, because he himself likes Maria, but could a sincerely loving person put his beloved in a bad light and recommend his opponent to give her earrings instead of poetry so that she would come out to him at dusk.

    The relationship between Shvabrin and Maria

    Alexei Ivanovich likes the captain's daughter, he takes care of her, but when he is refused, he spreads dirty and false rumors about her. This person is not capable of sincere, kind and pure feelings, he needs Masha only as a beautiful doll that can be remade in his own way. The characteristics of Grinev and Shvabrin show how different people are from each other. Peter would never allow himself to slander or force his beloved to do anything.

    Aleksey is mean and cowardly, he acts in detours. In a duel, he wounded Grinev in the chest with a sword, then informed Peter's parents about the duel so that they forbade his son to marry Maria. After going over to Pugachev's side, Shvabrin uses his power to force the girl to become his wife. Even at the end, he cannot allow the happiness of Grinev and Mironova, so he slanders Peter.

    The relationship between Grinev and Masha

    Pyotr Andreevich has the brightest and purest feelings for the captain's daughter. With all his heart he became attached to the Mironov family, which became his own. The young girl immediately liked the officer, but he tried to act delicately, composed poems for her in order to win the heart of the beauty. The characteristics of Grinev and Shvabrin give an idea of ​​the concept of honor among these two people.

    Alexey Ivanovich wooed Mironova, but was refused, he could not admit his defeat with dignity, so he tried with all his might to tarnish the girl's reputation. Grinev, in turn, protects his beloved, challenging the enemy to a duel. Peter is ready to give his life for Masha, risking, he rescues the girl from Shvabrin's imprisonment, takes her out of the fortress. Even at trial, he tries not to tarnish the honor of Mironova, although he is threatened with life imprisonment. Such behavior speaks of the nobility of the hero.

    Grinev's attitude to Pugachev

    Pyotr Andreevich does not approve of the actions of the rebels and zealously protects the fortress from them; during the execution of officers, he refuses to swear allegiance to Pugachev, because he serves the empress. Nevertheless, Grinev admires the generosity, justice and organizational skills of the leader of the rebels. The hero and Pugachev develop their own, somewhat strange, but friendly relations based on mutual respect. The rebel remembers Grinev's kindness and repays him in kind. Although Peter did not go over to the side of Pugachev, he remains of a good opinion about him.

    Shvabrin's attitude towards Pugachev

    The characterization of Shvabrin and Pyotr Grinev shows a different attitude towards the honor of a military man among these officers. If the main character, even under pain of death, did not want to betray the empress, then for Alexei Ivanovich, his own life is most important. As soon as Pugachev called on the officers to go over to him, Shvabrin immediately went over to the side of the rebels. For this person there is nothing sacred, at the right time he is always ready to trip others, so the recognition of the power of the rebels is nothing more than an attempt to save his life.

    Spiritual development of Grinev and the fall of Shvabrin

    Throughout the story, the reader follows the spiritual growth of the protagonist. The characteristics of Grinev and Shvabrin speak for themselves: if nothing is sacred for Alexei, he is ready to step over anyone to achieve his goal, then Peter conquers with his nobility, kindness, honesty and humanity.

    The legendary novel by A.S. Pushkin "The Captain's Daughter", first of all, considers the issues of honor, dignity and human virtue. In order to penetrate deeper into the essence of people and give the reader more opportunities to observe the evolution of the character of the characters, the author places them at the time of the Pugachev uprising. Pushkin confronts the two main characters of the novel - Grinev and Shvabrin.

    At first glance, these young people have a lot in common. Both of them are of noble origin, both received a good education, are interested in poetry. They even like one girl - Masha Mironova. But that's where their similarities end. Grinev ended up in the fortress because his father wanted his son to “sniff the gunpowder” and become an officer. Shvabrin was exiled to the Belogorsk fortress for the murder of a lieutenant.

    Love for Masha Mironova became the stumbling block against which the possible friendship of young people broke. From this moment on, the characters of the heroes begin to reveal themselves more and more. Masha refused Shvabrin, and his rotten insides began to manifest in all their glory. Shvabrin began to spread bad rumors about Masha, not shying after that to sit down at the table with her family. He also tried to make Grinev look like a fool in her eyes, criticizing his poems and mocking them.
    Peter, offended in his feelings, challenges Shvabrin to a duel, where the villain tried to attack him from behind. After the duel, Shvabrin wrote Grinev's parents a letter discrediting him, in the hope that this might upset their relationship with Masha.

    The characters of the heroes are fully revealed at the moment when Pugachev captures the fortress. Shvabrin immediately went over to the side of the aggressor, while Grinev refused to serve Pugachev even under pain of death. It seemed that Peter's death was inevitable, but he was generously pardoned for the overcoat generously granted by Grinev to Pugachev and a glass of wine.
    But Shvabrin does not stop there either. Left alone in the fortress with Masha, Alexei Ivanovich tries to force her into marriage, taking advantage of his high position under the new government. Masha was lucky that Grinev, who loves her, managed to gain the respect of Pugachev, who helped him free her from the tenacious hands of the villain.

    The idea of ​​the spiritual growth of our hero runs like a red thread through the whole novel. The image of Shvabrin perfectly sets off this growth, without this hero he would not be so noticeable.

    With his novel, Alexander Sergeevich probably wanted to show that a man of honor who retains dignity and faith in his ideals can overcome any difficulties. And a person who has not been able to resist his baser instincts can lose not only freedom or life, but his very essence, soul, no matter how high he climbs. And this is the worst ending ever.

    Shvabrin and Grinev are the main characters of A. S. Pushkin's story "The Captain's Daughter".
    Both are noblemen, both are officers, both serve in the Belogorsk fortress, both are in love with Masha Mironova.
    This is where their similarities end. Shvabrin was transferred to the fortress for murder, Pyotr Grinev got here at the request of his father, who wanted his son to receive first-class army training not in the capital.
    Young people understand their duty differently. As soon as Emelyan Pugachev took the Belogorsk fortress, Shvabrin, trimmed to a circle, immediately went over to his side, fearing for his life. Grinev honestly told the impostor that he swore allegiance to the empress and would not serve him.
    Shvabrin also behaves ugly towards Grinev. He tells his parents about the unworthy behavior of his son, envious of the fact that it was Peter, and not him, that Masha Mironova preferred .. In addition, he laughs at his friend's poems instead of supporting him. Shvabrin does not know how to make friends, to betray - at the expense of "times".
    Both Shvabrin and Grinev are nobles, but the second of them follows the covenant "take care of honor from a young age", and the first only thinks about his own skin. Presenting two peers to the readers, Pushkin makes it clear that the song of the Shvabrins before the court of history has long been sung, and the Grinevs are the elite of Russia and its future.

    In his novel "The Captain's Daughter" A.S. Pushkin puts the problem of honor and human dignity in the first place. Throughout the work, he comprehensively develops this issue, confronting the main character Pyotr Grinev with other characters.
    So, the complete opposite of Grinev is Alexei Ivanovich Shvabrin. It would seem that these people have a lot in common. Both of them are of noble birth, both are young, quite well educated.
    These characters seem to have a lot in common. No wonder Pushkin emphasizes that these people were in close contact: “Of course, I saw A. I. Shvabrin every day ...”
    We understand that both of them are interested in literature, poetry in particular. So, Shvabrin knows well the work of V.K. Trediakovsky, and Grinev's poems were highly appreciated by Sumarokov himself.
    In addition, the heroes have another common interest - Masha Mironova. Both of them are in love with the captain's daughter, both look after her. But it was this feeling, first of all, that showed the difference between the heroes, their completely opposite moral qualities, life principles.
    Masha refused Shvabrin, and he, in retaliation, began to slander the innocent girl. He literally poured mud on the heroine, not at all embarrassed later to sit down with her and her parents at the same table, to visit their house. Moreover, Alexei Ivanovich, seeing that there was mutual sympathy between Grinev and Masha, did everything so that young people would not be together.
    Pyotr Grinev does not share and does not accept such behavior of his "friend". He considers him unworthy not only of a nobleman, but of an honest person in general. Grinev challenges Shvabrin to a duel, seeking to protect the good name of his beloved. It is important that Alexei Ivanovich behaves dishonestly in this duel of honor.
    But in the fullness of the nature of the heroes revealed during the uprising of Pugachev. Both of them became witnesses and participants in terrible events that threatened them and their loved ones with death.
    Shvabrin took the easy path. He, forgetting about his oath to the empress, about his noble honor, went over to the side of Pugachev: “After all, he cut his hair in a circle and now he feasts with us right there! Agile, nothing to say! Thus, Shvabrin becomes a traitor, preferring a dishonorable life to an honest death.
    Grinev, under the same conditions, chooses another. He declares to Pugachev’s face that he cannot become his supporter, because he swore on the Bible that he would be faithful to the empress: “No,” I answered with firmness. - I am a natural nobleman; I swore allegiance to the empress: I can’t serve you.”
    Such behavior of the hero commands respect even from Pugachev. He releases Peter from the fortress. But, more than that, the rebel helps Grinev to rescue Masha from the imprisonment in which the girl was imprisoned by Shvabrin. Dishonest Alexei Ivanovich, taking advantage of his position, forced the girl to marry him. And only a brave act of loving Peter saved Masha from starvation.
    As a result, Grinev, despite the evil machinations of Shvabrin, who slandered him, emerges victorious from all events. The preserved honor, self-esteem, and Masha's love help the hero stay alive and move on with his head held high. Shvabrin, seriously wounded, was captured by state troops, began to bear the stigma of a criminal and traitor.
    Pushkin shows us that it is possible to save oneself, to emerge victorious from the difficult trials of life, only by preserving one's own honor, the Man in oneself. This writer clearly demonstrates to us on the example of two of his heroes - Grinev and Shvabrin. Frightened, following the lead of his baser instincts, a person risks not his body, but his soul. And it's much scarier, in my opinion.

    Comparative characteristics of Grinev and Shvabrin (option 2)

    The Belogorsk fortress was far from the then cultural and political centers, however, a wave of the Pugachev rebellion reached it. The small garrison accepted an unequal battle. The fortress fell. Yemelyan Pugachev instigates his "imperial" court, that is, he mercilessly cracks down on unarmed people. It is this moment in the story that is the key to the comparative characterization of the two heroes of The Captain's Daughter - Grinev and Shvabrin.
    Grinev was brought up in the family of a retired military man and became an officer himself. Petrusha is a soft and conscientious young man, full of the brightest dreams. For him, the height of human well-being is service in the guard. However, life itself dispels his illusions. After a card loss to Zurin, Grinev is ashamed. The meeting with the counselor that followed shortly shows that Petrusha is a good person. Despite Savelich's admonition, Grinev gives the counselor a hare sheepskin coat from his shoulder. Service in the Belogorsk fortress turned out to be easy, Petrusha falls in love with the commandant's daughter Masha Mironova. Being in love makes Grinev a poet. Petrusha shares his poetic samples with Alexei Shvabrin, a young officer exiled to the fortress for participating in a duel. It turns out that Shvabrin was also in love with Masha, but was refused. Shvabrin tries to denigrate the girl in the eyes of Grinev, and he challenges him to a duel. Petrusha receives a slight wound from his former friend. But even after that, Shvabrin continues to envy Grinev, because Masha and her parents carefully look after the wounded young man. However, Shvabrin soon gets the opportunity to take revenge.
    Pugachev called on everyone to join his rebellious army. Shvabrin happily agrees: he swears allegiance to the impostor. Grinev, despite the mortal danger, does not change the military oath and dares to stand up for the orphaned Masha Mironova. Thus, rivals in love and opponents in a duel stand on opposite sides of the barricades. Shvabrin's position is, after all, less advantageous: by joining Pugachev, he thus placed himself outside the law once and for all. Grinev, whom Pugachev remembers from a meeting on the way, tells the impostor the truth about his beloved, hoping for indulgence from the leader. Grinev wins this psychological battle by saving himself and Masha.
    Two officers of the Russian army - Pyotr Grinev and Aleksey Shvabrin behave completely differently: the first follows the laws of officer honor and remains faithful to the military oath, the second easily becomes a traitor. Grinev and Shvabrin are carriers of two fundamentally different worldviews. This is how they are portrayed by the author of the story "The Captain's Daughter"

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