What does zhen shan ren hai mean. In my humble opinion



In Buddhism, people are still searching for what the Buddha Fa is. There are those who believe that the Fa taught in Buddhism is the Fa of the Buddha in its entirety. But actually it is not. The Law preached by Shakyamuni was recited two thousand five hundred years ago for ordinary people who were at a very low level, that is, for those people who originated from the newly formed primitive society and were very primitive. The last period of decline and destruction of dharma, as Shakyamuni spoke of, is the essence of today. It is no longer possible for people today to cultivate according to this Fa. In this last period of decline and destruction of dharma, even the monks in the temples are powerless to save themselves, let alone save others. The law that Shakyamuni preached at one time met the then conditions, but even then Shakyamuni did not fully express the entire content of the Buddha Fa, which he knew, being at that level. And it is impossible for the Law to remain unchanged forever.

Society develops, and after it the ideology of mankind becomes more complicated, which negatively affects self-improvers, hinders their work on themselves. The Buddhist Fa does not cover the entire Buddha Fa, it is only a very small part of the Buddha Fa. There are many more Great Laws in the Buddha system, which are spread among the people and transmitted by oral preaching to a single successor. Different levels have different Laws, different spaces have different Laws - all this is a different manifestation of the Buddha Fa in different spaces and at different levels. Shakyamuni also said that there are 84 thousand schools of cultivation in the Buddha, and in Buddhism there are only more than ten schools: the Chan school, the Pure Land school, the Tiantai school, the Huayan school, the Tantric school, and others, which does not cover the Buddha Law as a whole at all. . Shakyamuni at one time did not preach his Law in full, but transmitted only that part that was available to the people who lived then.

So what is the Buddha Fa? The most root property in this universe is "Zhen Shan Ren », it is precisely the highest manifestation of the Buddha Fa, it is precisely the most basic Buddha Fa. Buddha Law at different levels has different forms of manifestation, at different levels it plays a different guiding role; the lower the level, the more chaotic its manifestation. In corpuscles of air, in stones, wood, earth, iron, the human body and in every matter, there is this property "Zhen Shan Ren » . In ancient times, it was said that all beings and phenomena in the Universe are formed from the “five primary elements”, and everything also contains such a property as “Zhen Shan Ren » . Cultivators who have reached a certain level can only experience the specific manifestation of the Buddha Fa of that level. This is Guo Wei and the level of cultivation. If the Law is manifested in full, then its content is infinitely rich. If we keep in mind only its highest point, then it becomes very simple and clear, because the Law resembles a pyramid. At an extremely high level, it can be summed up in just three words, that is, "Zhen Shan Ren." Manifestations at different levels become extremely complex. Let's take a person as an example. The Tao system takes the human body as a microcosm. A person has a physical body, but this is not enough to create a single whole person; for this, the character inherent in a person, natural properties, features and Yuansheng are still needed. Only in this way will a whole, independent person having his own individuality be created. The same is the case with our Universe: there are galaxies, other star systems, there is also life, water and all the phenomena and beings of this Universe - this is one of the sides of the existence of matter; but at the same time it also contains the property of "Zhen Shan Ren". The particles of any matter contain such a property, it is contained in all the smallest particles without exception.

The criterion for evaluating good and bad in the universe is the characteristic property of "Zhen Shan Ren". What is good and what is bad? Everything is determined by this property. The same is the case with the evaluation criterion Te, which we discussed earlier. Of course, in today's human society, there has been a change in relation to moral criteria, and moral norms are distorted. If anyone learns from Lei Feng these days, they might say that he is crazy. But in the fifties, sixties, would anyone say he was crazy? The norms of the morality of mankind are crumbling like a great landslide, there is a continuous decline in morals. People are chasing profit, for the sake of their own selfish interests they harm others, without stopping at anything. Think about it, is it permissible for all this to continue in the future? When a person is doing a bad deed and you tell him about it, he will not believe. He really won't believe he's doing bad things. Some evaluate their actions according to the fallen norms of modern morality and consider themselves better than others, because the criterion of evaluation by which people are guided has changed. No matter how the norms of morality of mankind change, the property of the Universe cannot change. It is also the only criterion for evaluating a good and bad person. Then a cultivator should make demands on himself in accordance with the property of the universe, and should not make demands in accordance with the criteria of ordinary people. If you want to return to the source and to the truth, if you want to improve yourself upwards, then you must act according to this norm. Only one who behaves in accordance with the property of the universe "Zhen Shan Ren" is a good person. And the one who opposes this property is really bad. You may be called bad in society or at work, but this does not mean that you are really bad, and if they call you good, then in reality you hardly deserve such praise. By devoting yourself to self-improvement and merging with the property of the universe, you will become a person who has comprehended the Tao. Here is such a simple principle.

In the Tao system, people, striving to achieve "Zhen Shan Ren", emphasize Zhen in their cultivation. Therefore, in the Tao system one cultivates truthfulness, speaks true words, does true deeds, becomes a true person, returns to the origin and truth, and eventually cultivates into a true person. But Ren is also there, Shan is also there, but the emphasis in self-improvement is on Zhen. In the Buddha system, people, striving in their self-improvement to achieve "Zhen Shan Ren", focus on Shan. Cultivation in Shan evokes great mercy, and with the display of mercy in their eyes, all sentient beings suffer. Hence the desire to save all living beings arises. But Ren is also there, and Zhen is also there, but the emphasis in cultivation is on Shan. In our school, Falun Dafa cultivates according to the highest standard of the universe, "Zhen Shan Ren", and in the same way. The gong we practice is very great.

MOU "Uzunovskaya secondary school"

Lesson topic:


Grade 11

Teacher: Elena Smyslova



To form in students a concrete idea of ​​the role of China in the modern world;

Determine the leading sectors of the country's economy: achievements and problems;

To develop cognitive interest in the subject, the mental activity of students;

To consolidate the practical skills of students in working with the text of the textbook, atlas maps, statistical material, maps, diagrams, tables.

Lesson objectives:

  1. Educational: to form an idea about the region, country.
  2. Developing: to activate the cognitive activity of students using information technology,development of speech, thinking.
  3. Educational: the formation of a system of worldview, respect for foreign culture.
  1. Equipment:
  1. Multimedia projector
  2. Economic map of China
  3. National clothes (women's dress)
  4. Chinese household items (chopsticks, tea set)
  5. Souvenirs: Great Wall of China, glass painting, fan, silk
  6. Coins and paper money
  7. Recordings of Chinese music

Lesson structure:

  1. Organizational
  2. Learning new material
  3. Lesson summary

Individual students of the class are given advanced tasks on the following issues: the symbolism of the country, a brief historical background, Chinese discoveries, and the peculiarities of the life of the population.

Key concepts to the topic:

Population explosion;

demographic policy;

population reproduction;


Population density;

world religions;

national religions;


The colony.

Checking homework:

1. the number of countries in Overseas Asia;

2. countries of Foreign Asia in terms of the form of government and territorial-administrative structure;

3. the city of which state is the birthplace of three religions;

4. grouping of countries by geographical location;

5. population of foreign Asia;

6. indicator of the level and quality of life of the population;

7. grouping of countries according to the level of economic development;

8. a country that is one of the seven economically developed countries of the world.

2. Learning new material:
Teacher: There are many bright and interesting countries in foreign Asia. One of them is often called the Middle Kingdom. -
- What country is called that?
Lesson topic: China - yesterday, today, tomorrow
China is a country with an interesting past, a bright present and a great future.
Today your comrades will help me, they have prepared interesting and important information about the country and will be happy to share it with you.
Your task: Based on what you heard and saw, write a description of China, fill in the task cards, insert the missing words, fill in the contour map for the task.

So on the way...
1. General information about China.
slide 1.
China is the largest country in Foreign Asia, its area is 9561 thousand square meters. sq. km. This is the 3rd place in the world, after Russia and Canada. In terms of population, the country has been ranked first for a very long time. China's form of government is a republic. This country is a unitary one, although it is administratively divided into 23 provinces (including Taiwan), five autonomous regions and four cities of central subordination - Shanghai, Beijing, Tianjin and Chongqing. The capital of China is Beijing (
Begin) . The monetary unit of the country is the yuan.
Slide 2.
What region does the country belong to?
Slide 3.
2. Economic and geographical position of the country
The country is washed by the waters of the Yellow, East China and South China seas of the Pacific Ocean. There are many islands off the coast of China, among them the largest are Taiwan and Hainan.
China borders with more than 10 states: in the north - with Mongolia and Russia, in the west - with Kazakhstan and Afghanistan, in the southwest with India, Nepal, Bhutan, Burma, Thailand, Laos, Vietnam, in the east with Korea, has a maritime border with the Philippines and Japan. The length of the maritime borders is approximately 11 thousand km, the length of the land borders is about 15 thousand km. The country has one time zone. Time is ahead of Moscow by 4 hours in summer and 5 hours in winter.
Teacher: Heraldry is the science of state symbols.

slide 4

The word "China" ” came from the name of the tribe Khitan who ruled in the north when the first contacts between European and Chinese civilizations took place. In European languages, this word originally came as catai - this is the name given to China Marco Polo during his trip to Asia . Literally, the word China means “middle state”. The current official name of the country isPeople's Republic of China
The mythological symbol of China is the dragon, which in the Celestial Empire was a kind, gracious, merciful creature to people. For this, the Chinese loved their dragons and gave them high honors. Even the imperial throne was called the “dragon throne”. The state emblem also featured a dragon.

slide 5, 6
TEACHER : China is the birthplace of many inventions. Each of them has its own history. We will meet two of them.


Teacher: One of such majestic structures that has come down to us is the Great Wall of China.

Slide 9
The Great Wall of China is so huge that you can't even see it completely from the plane. But it is the only structure on Earth that is clearly visible from space. Scientists are still arguing about its length, naming two numbers - more than 4000 km and more than 5000 km. And the width of the stone road is such that a row of ten infantrymen can pass along it or five horsemen can pass. Locals call the wall "a divine thread that connected the shreds of the Chinese state." Its other names are less poetic - "Wall Section of the Great Wall of Tears and Suffering" or - "The longest cemetery in the world." According to rough estimates, at least a million Chinese are buried in the Wall, as if stretching to infinity, who died at a truly great construction site during the reign of the powerful Emperor Qin Shi-Huangdi (which means “The First Sovereign of the Qin Dynasty), who lived in the 3rd century BC. BC It is believed that this stone mass, stretching along the entire northern border of the country, was built to protect China from enemy attacks (in ancient times, these were the Huns, Mongols). However, an insurmountable barrier in fact did not always save us from the raids of the conquerors. The wall, for example, did not confuse the battle-hardened army of Genghis Khan. And the last successful assault on the wall was made in 1933, when the Japanese invaded China.)

Near the city of Xi'an, archaeologists discovered a whole army - 7 thousand soldiers with carts and horses. This find is part of the tomb of Qin Shi Huangdi, the first emperor of China (221-209 BC), it was he who put an end to state fragmentation and proclaimed an empire, built the Great Wall, introduced a single script. The tomb was built for 36 years by 700 thousand prisoners. Columns total -38. No warrior is like another. Details of the costume correspond to military ranks and branches of service. The burial chamber of the emperor himself is not yet available. He is buried under a mound 76 meters high.

  1. country nature

Teacher: The nature of China is rich and diverse. Sea coasts stretch for thousands of kilometers. The further inland the country, the less precipitation. The northwestern regions are the driest, in the deserts located there (Takla Makan, Gobi, Ordos) there is almost no precipitation. High mountains and uplands (Tibet is more than 2000 m above sea level) and vast plains occupy vast areas. The country has deposits of 150 world-famous minerals. China is one of the 8 mining powers in the world.
- On the map of the atlas, name what minerals the country is rich in, which ones it exports to the world market?
Yangtze, Huanghe, - the most famous rivers, have access toQuietocean
About 500 species grow in China
bamboos, forming 3% of the forests in which the bamboo bear lives - the panda.In China, pandas are a symbol of peace and friendship. There is a legend that says that the panda used to be white. But one day, when a leopard was hunting her, a good fairy rushed to protect the panda, who died, and the rescued animal cried bitter black tears, which dyed the white fur.

  1. Population of the country

Slide 10
AT november2000China held the fifth all-Chinapopulation census. As shown statistics, the total population in the continental part of the country is 1 billion 265 million 830 thousand people and isthe largest in the world. To slow down population growth,1979year, China switched to a plannedchildbearing. Target governments- one child per family, with exceptions for ethnic minorities. It is resisted, especially in rural areas. Families that break the policy often lie duringcensus.
slide 11
Despite the fact that natural population growth in China has already fallen to the average level, it is still growing significantly year after year.
slide 12
The country is multinational. About 55 different people live in China
peoples- each with their owncustoms, national costumesand in many cases with their ownlanguage. But for all their diversity and richnessculturaltraditions- these peoples make up only about 7% of the populationcountries. The main people are the Chinese, who call themselves "hantsy". Population density is very different: max - in the east (why) less in the northwestern parts.
slide 13
There are many large cities, of which 50 are millionaire cities. The largest of which is Shanghai.
In terms of the number of citizens, China ranks first in the world. There are 370 million of them in China, but this is 38% of the total population. China is a medium urbanized country.
Slide 14
It is very difficult to learn Chinese. Writing is even more difficult. There are still about 250 million illiterates in the country.
China is a country with the richest traditions in the field of culture, medicine, weaving, national cuisine, painting, etc. It is impossible not to note the wonderful qualities of this people - diligence, perseverance, patience, patriotism.
The Chinese are very sensitive to gifts and consider them as an important part of communication. Contrary to Western notions, odd numbers, according to Chinese notions, are unfortunate. So wedding gifts and birthday gifts are always given in pairs, according to an old belief, luck accompanies the couple. The number four is considered the number of death in China and should be avoided. Watches are also not customary to give in China, they symbolize the funeral, so this is a taboo.
From ancient times, the basis of the Chinese costume (male and female) was long pants and a loose swinging jacket or robe with a wrap from left to right and a ribbon tie. Later, women changed into jackets and skirts similar to European ones. Women's outfits differed from men's mainly in the exceptional beauty of embroidered color patterns. sleeves covered the entire brush. . Of the jewelry, women preferred earrings made of greenish-milky jade and the same bracelets. Chinese women paid special attention to the hairstyle, which was most often based on a knot of hair fixed with hairpins. Hairstyles were decorated with complex structures of pearls and jade, flowing pendants. Given the ideals of beauty, femininity, grace, small arms and legs, restraint of movements, gestures, and gait were valued in Chinese women. Throughout China, it was customary to tightly bandage the feet of girls to stop their growth. The length of the shoe of an adult woman reached only 9-12 cm. Despite the natural swarthyness, the whiteness of the face was appreciated in women. Therefore, white and blush were widely used in decorative cosmetics.
slide 15

  1. General characteristics of the economy

slide 16
Slide 17
Despite all the above, China is still classified as a developing country. The reason is GDP per capita. According to it, the country ranks 121st.
Slide 18
.The dynamics of GDP growth is the largest in the world. Over the past 50 years, more than 370,000 new industrial enterprises have been built in China. Today, factories and plants in China produce products worth 2.1 billion yuan daily. The PRC industry is represented by 360 industries. In terms of the total number of factories and plants, China ranks first in the world. The "face" of the country in the modern world is determined by heavy industry.

  1. Industry geography of the most important industries

Slide 19
In China's ferrous metallurgy, iron smelting traditionally predominates over steel smelting. Surplus pig iron is partly used for the production of agricultural implements, household products, castings, and partly exported. At the same time, China has to make up for the shortage of many types of rolled products and special steels through imports.
Slide 20
Mechanical engineering in China is developing rapidly. The largest centers of mechanical engineering are Shanghai, Harbin, Beijing, Shenyang, Tianjin, Dalian. The needs of China's domestic market for cars are currently almost entirely met by domestic production, imports account for 9-10% of sales, although back in 1993-1994. the market was divided equally between imports and domestic production. The production of passenger cars in China is 90% provided by joint ventures with foreign manufacturers such as Volkswagen, Toyota, Peugeot, Citroen, Honda, Renault, Nissan, BMW.
slide 21
4/5 electricity production is based on coal and oil-fired thermal power plants. A hydropower development program is underway, and cascades of hydroelectric power stations are being built in the upper reaches of the Yangtze and the Yellow River.
slide 22
The textile industry is represented by 23 thousand enterprises. These are mainly cotton and silk factories that work both for the domestic and foreign markets.
There are 4 major industrial bases in China:-
2) Shanghai-Ningbo-Hangzhou
3) Liaoning - Dalian - Shenyang

8. Geography of agriculture
slide 23
China's agriculture plays a huge role in the country's economic development, since up to 70% of the supply of raw materials to light industry is carried out precisely at the expense of its own potential. More than 313 million people are employed in agriculture, and about 850 million people with family members.
The main problem is the constant lack of land. Of the 320 million hectares of plowed land, only 224 million hectares can be used. Main industry
- crop production.The main food crops are rice, wheat, corn, kaoliang, millet, tubers and soybeans.Wheat is the second most important grain crop. To date, no other country in the world has such high yields of wheat as in China. Corn and wheat growing areas are called "yellow China"

slide 24

About 20% cultivated area occupied by rice, it accounts for about half of the total grain harvest in the country. The main rice-growing regions are located south of the Yellow River. Over the centuries-old history of rice cultivation in China, about 10 thousand varieties of this cereal have been bred. In China, the cultivation of industrial crops is of great importance. As a result of the prevailing price structure, their production is much more profitable than grains, cotton, vegetables and fruits.
China is not the last place in the world in terms of growing
tea, which has been used as a medicine since the 4th century AD, and since the 6th century has been a common drink. Until now, most varieties of green and black tea are almost exclusively exported. Rice and tea growing areas are called "Green China"

In agricultural lowland areas, they are bred mainly pigs (in terms of their livestock, China ranks first in the world), draft livestock and poultry.
The northwestern regions are characterized by extensive, nomadic or semi-nomadic pastoralism. This is "dry China"

In the southwest, agriculture is not developed at all. This is Cold China.
Production and consumption of livestock products, especially per capita, are low. Interestingly, until recently, dairy farming was poorly developed. Milk was almost never used.

  1. Country transport

Transport is one of the main componentseconomy. In terms of the length of railway tracks, China ranks second in the world, behind the United States, but ahead of Russia. During 2010, active construction of new lines, as well as electrification of existing ones, continued. China has the world's largest networkhigh speed rail. Train speed over 350 km/h.
Qinghai-Tibet Railway in
Tibet- the highest mountain railway (up to 5072 m above sea level), the construction cost of which amounted to $ 4.2 billion.
Maritime transport serves the country's foreign trade. There are more than 2000 ports in China, 130 of which accept foreign ships. The largest 16 ports in China have a turnover of 50 million tons per year. (world ports). By 2010, it is estimated that 35% of the world's shipping will be in China.

Spacious, well-paved roads, complex multi-level interchanges are worthy of respect. So far, China has little idea of ​​traffic congestion.

10. Features of life and everyday life (at home, kitchen)
Teacher: Take a closer look at the appearance of cities. They are very modern and organic, amaze with bright illumination and aspiration upwards. Our journey is coming to an end, but first we will visit a Chinese restaurant. Let's get acquainted with the peculiarities of Chinese cuisine

Chinese cuisine is widely popular, very diverse and not for the squeamish. The Chinese themselves say that they eat everything that has four legs, except for tables. In most cases, this is simply the preparation of gourmet dishes with a limited number of ingredients. Chinese cuisine can roughly be divided into four regional categories: Beijing and Shandong (with reheated buns and paperclip-shaped pasta), Catongese and Qiaorhou (lightly cooked meats and vegetables), Shanghainese (the birthplace of "red" dishes and ribs), and Xi'an (very spicy, with a lot of chili sauce). Tea is one of the most common non-alcoholic drinks. Another favorite drink is maotai, which is made from sorghum, with the smell of medical alcohol, which successfully replaces gasoline and paint thinner.

The originality of Chinese cuisine lies not so much in the original product, but in the way it is processed. All dishes are usually multi-component, and each component is subjected to a separate heat treatment in a special mode. Heat treatment does not take long. All products are cut into the same small pieces for “one bite”, so that it is convenient to eat. You can fry or boil such pieces in 2-3 minutes. Often, batter is used for cooking to preserve the original juiciness of the product.
It is characteristic that the Chinese try to give the product an unusual taste: "pork with fish flavor", "beef with fruit flavor", etc. If the chicken had the taste of chicken, then why did you have to work, do something with it?

4. The result of the lesson:
Teacher: China is an amazing country with a long history, unique culture and philosophy. Ancient pagodas and mirrored skyscrapers, traditional culture and cutting-edge production coexist peacefully here! Today we got only the most general idea about the country, but I want to believe that it did not leave you indifferent and gave rise to a desire to get to know it in more detail.


Make a "visiting card" of China:

Area - ………………………….(place in the world);

Population - ………………………(place in the world);


s-in - …………………….

with-yu - ……………………;

The total length of land borders - …………………….(place in the world);

The length of the maritime borders is 14,000 km;

Wash the seas (see map of the atlas) -

The form of government of China is………………………………………..;

Capital - ………………………………………………………..;

Administrative - territorial division - ………………………..;

Number of provinces - ……………………………………………;

Autonomous regions - ………………………………………………;

Cities of central subordination (see map) - …………………………………….;

Which island was declared the "Republic of China" in 1949 - …………………….

The population of China - ………………………………;

How long has China been the leader in terms of population - ………………;

What does the saying mean: “Ren shan, ren hai” - ………………………………….;

The last census of the population of China was in - ……………………………….;

Population policy (page 61) -…

Types of reproduction of the population of China (Table No. 2, page 62) - .............................................. .....;

Population reproduction formula (map No. 13 p. 63) - ………………………;

The overwhelming majority of the population of China are - ………….., who call themselves …………….;

They live in ………………….part of China (see map);

Why did this majority populate ………………………part of the country (explain!).

Modern China ………………………., which occupies an important position in the world economy;

China forms the third economic center of the world economy;

China occupies ……………………… the place in the world for the production of ……………….. kinds of …………………… and ……………….. products (see page 238, 262 No. 19);

New industries: electronics, aerospace;

The face of China largely determines ………………………… They gravitate…………… (Article 238);

The machine-building complex is dominated not by ……………………, but by …………………. enterprises;

Half of the country's rural areas have no electricity, and agriculture is dominated by manual labor.

A very important role in the Chinese economy is played by agriculture, which employs more than……………… people;

The main agricultural regions are located in the eastern part of the country……………………..;

They grow here:

see page 239

Rice is the main bread of the population (p. 262 No. 20);

China is a leader in the production of cotton, silkworm, rice and other crops;

Name the animal industries in China.

Young spectators attentively listen to the guide. International art exhibition "The Art of Zhen Shan Ren", Kharkiv, 2017

International art exhibition "The Art of Zhen Shan Ren" in Kharkov

The international art exhibition "The Art of Zhen Shan Ren", held in Kharkov, is a huge success. At the opening of the exposition, the halls of the regional art gallery could hardly accommodate all the representatives of television, radio, the press, cultural and art workers, artists and all those who came to get acquainted with the paintings of the masters of the new renaissance.

The exhibition is conceptual, it carries an important idea, without getting acquainted with it, it is difficult to understand why there are so many paintings depicting scenes of repression.

Every day the art gallery is visited by many art lovers, most of them are young people. Kharkiv is a city of students. There are many universities, academies, institutes and other educational institutions.

At the exhibition “The Art of Zhen Shan Ren”, Kharkiv, 2017

It is always interesting what those who came here think about the exposition, what thoughts the paintings give rise to. We turned to visitors, and they willingly shared their impressions. Let's take a few statements.

Yuliana, National Aerospace University. Zhukovsky "Kharkov Aviation Institute", teaches Russian to foreign students.

– The exhibition makes you think about the values ​​of life. Each of us has our own goals that a person is trying to achieve. But not everyone thinks about whether he can achieve his goal without harming others and without compromising his conscience.

– I have heard about Falun Dafa before, I know that it is the science of self-knowledge, self-cultivation. But I was not familiar with the history of the emergence and development of this movement. Here I learned how this movement came into existence and that its principles are "Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance" (Chinese Zhen Shan Ren - I.R.). It's not easy to follow them. There is something to think about here.

– I consider myself a person of art and I think that every citizen should join art. The more a person has knowledge, the more he can realize in life.

– I was surprised that in China to this day there are repressions. One can draw a parallel with the persecution of free-thinking people in the Soviet Union. I read the terrible book The Gulag Archipelago by Solzhenitsyn. It was a difficult time for the country. The events in China help us understand the difficulties our people have gone through and give the new generation the opportunity to learn about their past, because a person without a past cannot build a future. Everyone needs to know the history of their country and apply this knowledge.

– Very strong impression from the exhibition! The depiction of the torture that Falun Dafa practitioners are subjected to in China is shocking. I can't believe that such barbaric things can happen in the 21st century.

- The quality of the artwork is very high.

– Thirdly, I saw that there is still kindness in people, people are drawn to kindness. I would like the Chinese people to be helped so that the world community can influence the situation in China.

– The plots of the paintings, as it were, call for spirituality, for self-improvement. Self-improvement is necessary, first of all, to deal with oneself, with one's internal aggression. And if each person could overcome the evil in himself, then peace and happiness would come.

I love Eastern teachings, I love Buddhism, I do qigong myself. As far as I can, I listen to Buddhist teachings.

I have known about the persecution of Falun Dafa followers in China for a long time, perhaps from those people who sit in meditative positions in parks and squares. Even 10 years ago I saw them in Kharkov and became interested in who they were and what they did. They told me a little, gave me a newspaper with Internet addresses. At home, I went to falundafa.org - it's good that now any information can be found on the Internet - and from there I took everything I needed to know about Falun Dafa.

- Accidentally learned about the exhibition, it became interesting. I suggested to my friend that we go see it together. Previously, we did not suspect the existence of such a teaching as Falun Dafa, much less aware of the persecution. Here, at the exhibition, we were given informational materials, we will get acquainted with them in more detail in order to understand what is happening in China now.

Of all the paintings, Eugene sunk into the soul "Gift", where a girl holds a lotus made by her own hands. He walked up to the canvas and looked at it for a long, long time.

He explains: “The girl, as if alive, as if the artist had just painted her.”

Alexandra, fifth-year student of Kharkiv National Pedagogical University named after Grigory Skovoroda

“I went to the exhibition to learn about Falun Dafa, I hadn't heard anything about it before. The guide introduced us to the history of the Communist Party, told us about the persecution of Falun Gong followers. It turns out that people are still being killed in China, I have never heard anything like this before.

- The plots of the paintings are very penetrating. People are in severe pain. The heroes of some canvases caused me pain and compassion. But other works admire the fortitude. One of the most memorable paintings is "Shock".

– The exhibition left a deep impression. I will follow the development of events to which the exposition is dedicated.

Emine from Antalya (Turkey), a first-year student of Kharkov National Medical University

The exhibition was very interesting to me. We were told in detail about each picture. Although I do not understand the language very well, I feel these pictures. They are very beautiful and attractive. I liked everything here.

– I love classical painting. Every artist expresses his idea with a brush. As he himself perceives the realities, so he reproduces them on the canvas. And we, the audience, absorb his idea into ourselves.

- In the paintings, I was struck by the purity of the image. Impeccable work! It is difficult for me to single out any one canvas - each has a thought and each of them is important.

Anastasia and Margarita, students of KhNU, Faculty of Radiophysics


– The exhibition made a strong impression. There are pictures that inspire spiritually, awaken inner strength. Some of the paintings made my soul feel heavy: tears came out of my eyes - Falun Dafa followers accept torment for their faith, but do not betray it.

- There is another aspect - disappointment in those people who ruled the country and unleashed repressions, disregarding human nature and moral principles. We see the tragedies this leads to.

- As for artistic skill, the paintings are made very vividly, the artist put into literally every brushstroke the idea of ​​the teaching that he follows. The canvases are written out subtly, exquisitely.


- When I went to this exhibition, I thought that I would see paintings painted under the influence of modern thinking, something like abstractionism. But everything turned out to be very realistic.

- Some of the stories inspired philosophical thoughts. During the tour, I realized how small we humans are. In fact, we know so little about the world, about our planet, about the Universe. We erase 90% of our memory when we come into this world, and scientists have already proven this. Maybe we used to live on another planet or in another galaxy. In a word, the exhibition awakened the desire for new knowledge.

Irina Rudskaya

France. Zhen Shan Ren Art Exhibition Called 'Amazingly Touching'
A practitioner from France

Since 2004, the Zhen Shan Ren International Art Exhibition has been held in more than 50 countries around the world. "Zhen Shan Ren" translates to "Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance", which are the main tenets of Falun Gong. All of the artists who submitted their work for this exhibition practice Falun Gong, the spiritual practice of self-cultivation of the mind and body, which is also known as Falun Dafa.

"Our art comes from a pure heart, and our works reflect our own experiences," said Professor Zhang Kunlun, the exhibition's founder and Falun Gong practitioner. “Art has a huge impact on people's thinking, and it is also directly related to human morality. And these two components interact.”

Until this year, Falun Gong practitioners have successfully presented this exhibition in French cities such as Cannes, Colmar, Périgord and Beaune.

The paintings in this exhibition depict the spiritual life of Falun Gong practitioners and the persecution of millions of Falun Gong practitioners since 1999 at the hands of the Chinese Communist Party.

“I was amazed!” said Jean Ventesitan, a local resident. “These paintings strongly reminded me of my religious faith. The contrast between good and evil, especially with Falun Gong practitioners, shows their kindness and compassion in the face of difficult trials."

The exhibition hall in Beaune was so crowded with visitors that the organizers of this event decided to extend the exhibition hours until midnight.

Art lover, intellectuals and other locals praised the art he presented. People were visibly moved by the great hope, spirit and strong determination of the characters depicted in the paintings.

International Policy Scholar: "This exhibition 'awakens people' to action"

"I was moved by the beauty of these paintings," said Georg Djukanowicz, an engineer, sociologist, and scholar of international politics. “Each picture has its own voice and wants to tell something, such as the picture that describes the merciless torture (of a Falun Gong practitioner).

"We want to stretch out our hands and tell him, 'Come here!' And in the painting “Setting the Universe in Motion”, we can see how the Master gives his heart and energy to everyone.

This exhibition encourages people, and this is important. It's time for people to wake up to action because our planet is in danger. What we are witnessing now is the self-destruction of mankind, which will not last long!”

President of St. Martin's District: "Organ trafficking is an unbearably terrible and cruel act!"

Thierry Reisenthaller, President of Saint Martin's District in Colmar, France, was deeply moved by the oil painting "Criminal Organ Harvesting" by Xiqiang Dong.

This painting describes the true story of a practitioner who had his organs forcibly removed while he was still alive. Although the main character in the painting is clenching his fists in pain, he does not strike doctors or police officers.

“All this organ trafficking is organized, which is unbearably horrible and cruel!” Resentaller said. “In the face of such extremely brutal crimes, it is absolutely unacceptable if we separate ourselves from this and do nothing.

Now is the time for the whole world to work together to make this (the crime of organ harvesting) disappear.

It will be great if the international community can find its humanity again, make illegal the acts of organ harvesting from people, and severely punish anyone who takes part in this terrible crime.

Hospital Administrator: "These paintings radiate 'great compassion and energy'"

“As soon as I entered the exhibition hall, I felt calm and peaceful,” said Chantilly Asenbeler, administrator of the hospital. “I feel a lot of positive energy in my hands.

Although some of the paintings depict scenes of torture and persecution, which is very sad, I could still feel great compassion and energy from these paintings. I felt so good being there that I didn't want to leave!

Today's moral values ​​are rapidly disappearing, especially in the field of medicine, where doctors no longer seem to pay attention to medical ethics. It seems that their only purpose in life is to earn more and more money. Usually it is these people who are tempted to participate in the forcible removal of organs from living people,” said Asenbeler.

"The most important thing is that governments can now act correctly and establish laws that would prevent the commission of crimes related to trafficking in human organs, and that would punish anyone who puts the arrival above human decency."

Legal Consultant: "One Day the Chinese Will Leave Communism"

Florence Trinh, a legal consultant for the Vietnamese and Chinese, said she was deeply moved after seeing the paintings.

"The Chinese have a very deep, harmonious and peaceful cultural heritage," she explained. “It is a very rich and ancient culture.

One day, the Chinese will abandon communism and spread democracy and peace throughout the world."

Art teacher: "Those who persecute others are actually persecuting themselves"

“The Buddha we see in paintings is the origin of humanity,” said Agathe Bonnet, an art teacher in the city of Périgord. “It will be terrible if a person breaks this connection.”

She said that when things reach their limit, they turn into their opposite. “Those who persecute others are actually persecuting themselves,” she warned. "If they can stop, it's possible they can wake up."

"I just got to know Falun Gong," said Colm Klement, a French-Chinese researcher. “Falun Gong is a good practice for mankind. I hope it spreads widely abroad. I think it's great!"

Many visitors wrote warm comments of gratitude and appreciation for being given the opportunity to see this exhibition. Some people expressed their desire to read Zhuan Falun, the main book of Falun Gong, while others wanted to learn the Falun Gong exercises.

On July 2, the international exhibition "The Art of Zhen Shan Ren" (translated from Chinese - Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance) opened in the concert complex "Bulgaria" in Sofia. The exhibition was created in 2004 with the aim of reviving human morality and morality through the classical methods of fine art.

So far, it has been represented in more than 900 cities in 50 countries of the world, as well as in the European Parliament and in the parliaments of countries such as Canada, Australia, Great Britain and the USA. In Greece and Bulgaria the exhibition is held for the second time, the first time Bulgaria hosted the exhibition in 2007 in Sofia and Plovdiv.

Over the past 4 months, the international exhibition "The Art of Zhen Shan Ren" was held in a number of cities in Bulgaria: Balchik, Dobrich, Burgas, Plovdiv, Varna and Stara Zagora, which received a wide response from the public and the media.

The exhibition is available to residents and guests of the capital from 2 to 22 July 2018 from 10.00 to 18.30 in the gallery "Bulgaria", located in the concert complex "Bulgaria", at the address: Sofia, Aksakov street No. 1. the entrance is free.

The traditional oil painting, used by the masters of the Renaissance, opens up to guests a new round of fine art - the "New Renaissance". Some of the paintings depict classical Chinese motifs painted on silk or paper, as well as calligraphy.

Based on traditional classical techniques, Zhen Shan Ren's twenty painters emphasize the play of hues with perfect geometry and lines to deepen meaning and add emotional power to the perception of paintings. They tell real stories coming from the East, complete with real images of people. Guides in the gallery hall will help each visitor to reveal the meaning of the content of each work.


The paintings embody the hierarchy of being - place, spirit and matter, through the structure of the macro- and microcosm and the place of man in them. The connection between soul and matter, characteristic of the Renaissance, recreates the eternal relationship between morality and art.

The themes of the exhibition's works reveal the inner spiritual world of artists whose rights have been repeatedly violated by the state. The authors are mostly Chinese artists inspired by the traditional meditation practice of Falun Dafa.

"Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance" is the characteristic of the universe, the source of human morality, and the foundation of peace and freedom. It exists outside of time and space, religion and politics. Traditional Chinese culture reflects the balance between man and nature, existing in the present moment and in a favorable space.


Some of the artists dedicate themselves to the meaning of life. Their works praise the divine and deepen the theme of the struggle between good and evil. Their artistic efforts are directed not only to sense gratification, but rather to higher wisdom and truth. "The Art of Zhen Shan Ren" stands the test of time. The main motive of the exhibition is to reveal the truth about the earthly and heavenly world. These are works of art that transcend outer beauty and purify the human spirit.

The exhibition may be of interest to a wide range of people. It encourages people who are interested in the connection between art and society, and the ability of man to cope with all adversity and trials.

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