What did Yuri Vine say. Yuri Loza: Hendrix is ​​a weak guitarist, and journalists misrepresent me


In just a few months musician Yuri Loza turned into one of the most prominent people in the media space of the former USSR. Perhaps, even at a time when the legendary song "The Raft" became an all-Union hit, its performer was less known than now.

Each new statement by Yuri Loza is eagerly awaited, since the musician's non-trivial thoughts about everything in the world cause an extremely violent reaction from the public. At the same time, individual phrases are often snatched from Loza's statement, which is why it greatly changes the original meaning. Attempts by the musician to then explain that he meant something completely different, as a rule, are not successful.

Vine about badly playing and singing Led Zeppelin

It all started in March 2016, when Yuri Loza became a guest of the TV program Zahara Prilepina"Salt". When it came to the work of world rock bands, Loza said: “80 percent of what is sung by the Zeppelins, that is, Led Zeppelin, is impossible to listen to. Because it is played and sung badly. At that time, everything was perceived, everything was liked. The Rolling Stones have never tuned their guitar in their entire lives, but Jagger never hit a single note, so what can you do. Richards Just as he couldn't play then, he can't play now. Well, it happened.".

Fans of the classics of world rock took up arms against Vine, and journalists realized that they had stumbled upon a "gold mine". The words of the Russian musician were given to the producer of the Rolling Stones and Led Zeppelin Jimmy Douglas, who was indignant at such an assessment and stated that he had never heard Loza's songs.

Vine and duet with Mick Jaeger

Loza himself, who was approached for a comment by representatives of the Moskva Speaks radio station, also did not lower the heat, declaring that he was ready to sing a duet with Mick Jaeger: “We could very well perform on the same stage. I look at it like a pro. I would say: we will earn good money and do a big PR campaign. 'Cause he's going to be great here, if he sings the verse of "The Raft," it'll be funny and cool and wonderful. And I would sing Satisfaction. They want, they need, let them go. I’m sitting here, everything is fine with me, they are also self-sufficient”.

Journalists often have a problem getting their interlocutor to talk, getting really bright answers from him. Yuri Loza, however, is not at all like that - he is a direct person, and if he is asked about something, he answers vividly and figuratively. Realizing this, the reporters did not limit the range of questions to music, as a result of which the collection of Loza's statements began to grow exponentially.

Vine and checkmate Vladimir Putin

"National News Service" after the next "Direct Line" with Vladimir Putin asked the musician how he assesses the president's recognition that he sometimes uses strong words.

“Putin has never cursed on the air. Putin never cursed at the conference. I don't know where he swears if he says he does it. Let him do it as much as he wants, if no one hears. If he says that he swears, for God's sake" Loza said.

Vine and anorexia Angelina Jolie

Loza and the gay minister

Yuri Loza does not pass by the news of politics. So, in May, it became known the appointment of the first openly gay as the Secretary of the US Army Erica Fanning.

“For all my tolerance, I could not restrain a malicious laugh, and this is why: firstly, Eric will obey not only the Minister of Defense, but also his now lawful spouse, for “let the wife be afraid of her husband” (the letter of the Apostle Paul to the Ephesians, 5th chapter); secondly, the low-level military personnel received real confirmation of their thesis, repeatedly voiced earlier - “they are all there, at the top, fagots ... aces”; Well, thirdly, the chances have been added that in the US Army now everything will be done through zh..pu, and this is very beneficial for us, as their potential opponents, ”- Loza wrote on his Facebook page.

Vine and Eurovision

Naturally, Yuri Loza was actively asked for comments after Eurovision, replicating a lot of juicy and vivid phrases. But on Facebook, the musician spoke much more calmly and clearly: “Everything is as always: a) Europe received a new “hit” from the winner, which no one will listen to or rehash; b) Ukraine received a winner who will not be allowed into Eurostars once again; c) we got another idiotic tantrum for many hours on the Russia 1 channel; d) our native Russian culture has received nothing. Yes, and could not get anything even in the case of the so-called victory ".

Vine and Sergey Lazarev

To the question of what he thinks about Sergey Lazarev, who represented Russia in 2016 at Eurovision.

“At the very beginning it was said “our Lazarev”. This is not our Lazarev. Kirkorov, Lazarev - these are not our guys, but "theirs". Lazarev has nothing of ours, except for a passport, ”the musician remarked,“ You yourself said that the Greeks gave him the number. What is our relationship to him? Well done Greeks, Swede and Englishman. From a formal point of view, he did not show the world anything new. Hit the notes, but sang even-medium. As he always sings. You can't call him a great vocalist. By and large, he sang differently than Celine Dion sang at Eurovision at one time. She voiced the song. And Lazarev's number was good because the Greeks did well. What are we up to? There is nothing of ours there but money.”.

Vine and Petro Poroshenko

Yuri Loza did not pass by the topic of returning to Ukraine Hope Savchenko paying attention to the speech Petro Poroshenko on this occasion.

“The President of Ukraine in front of the cameras said to the whole country:

“This is the day when hope returned to Ukraine. Nadezhda Savchenko, hope and firm will in our victory. And just as we returned Nadezhda, so we will return Donbass, so we will return Crimea under Ukrainian sovereignty.” It is very strange, but for some reason no one tried to delve into the essence of his words, and yet it is this:

As we were all told, as compensation for the release of Nadezhda Savchenko, the Kyiv authorities sent two Russians home, so if Poroshenko decided to return the Donbass and Crimea in a similar way, then he is going to offer two Ukrainian regions in exchange for each of the above-mentioned territorial objects !

It remains to wait - that he is ready to give in " Loza wrote on Facebook.

Vine and Gagarin

In general, if you get acquainted with Loza's statements in full, they, for all their originality and poignancy, look much less scandalous than the "squeeze" from them, exploding the media space.

So, in fact, it happened with Loza's last statement at the moment, regarding the first cosmonaut of the Earth, Yuri Gagarin.

In an interview with a journalist of the Zvezda TV channel Evgeny Muzhikov the musician discussed the work of The Beatles.

“You understand what it is. Gagarin was the first. Gagarin did nothing, he was lying. He is the first most important astronaut. The Beatles were the first to be in the right place at the right time."- answered Yuri Loza. — “The Beatles came at a time when television appeared in every home. These were the first idols who stepped into every home. The Beatles wouldn't have been the same if they'd been ten years earlier or ten years later.".

"Fucking Moldavian, your mother!"

Oddly enough, but the controversial and debatable statement about The Beatles remained in the shadows. The media of the post-Soviet space thundered with a sensation: "Yuri Loza: Gagarin did nothing, he just lay."

While social media users unleashed their anger on Vine, journalists got to the first man who went into outer space - Alexey Leonov. One of the first Soviet cosmonauts was a close friend of Gagarin, and, having heard from a reporter that "Gagarin was just lying," he gave vent to his feelings.

“So, tell this Yuri Loza that he is an asshole, nothing more! He's just a scoundrel, this Vine, he doesn't know him. He is an immature man - Vine! This is not a serious person! Fucking Moldavian, your mother!”, — quotes Leonova Life.

It should be noted here that the Moldavians got it absolutely in vain, because the musician, who has Polish roots, has nothing to do with Moldova.

Journalists got to one more veteran of the Soviet space program, a cosmonaut George Grechko.

“I would love to hear his opinion about songs, about trends in songwriting, about what has survived, what has gone. That is, I would listen to his opinion about the songs with pleasure. And his opinion about space and about Gagarin, sorry, does not interest me, ”Georgy Grechko told the website of the Zvezda TV channel.

“Brothers, maybe I missed something?”

“Brothers, maybe I missed something? All my life I have trusted popular science literature and various technical books. The day before yesterday, on the air of the Zvezda TV channel, I said (considering this a generally accepted fact) that the first cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin was lying in a rocket. This is confirmed by all sources known to me, ”Voza wrote in response on his Facebook page,“ It is also everywhere stated that the flight of Vostok-1 took place in automatic mode, nothing depended on the person, and only one task was set for him - to return alive. And in all publications it is written that six people were selected directly for the flight, equally ready and rushing into space. Gagarin was chosen for parameters that were not related to the training itself, but this in no way detracts from his great feat. A feat that cannot be repeated at all, because he was the FIRST to step into the unknown, all the rest followed him..

Loza also reacted to the rebuke of Alexei Leonov: “What kind of non-humans are these journalists who upset the honored cosmonaut Leonov by giving him distorted information about my supposedly negative statement about his colleague and, perhaps, friend. Do they really not understand that it is impossible for the sake of a scandal and a banal struggle for rating to unnerve a person who is 82 difficult years old? And what should they be called after that?

When will it end?

Shortly before the story with the statement about Gagarin, Loza wrote on Facebook: “I think it’s time to stop talking on the phone altogether - whatever you say to these journalists, everything will be distorted.”

It seems that Yuri Loza will really be able to stop this process only if he stops giving interviews or commenting on anything on social networks.

That's just, apparently, the author of the legendary "Raft" in terms of character is far from silent. This means that sooner or later it will “break through” again. Moreover, both journalists and the public are really craving new “aphorisms from Vine”. And demand, as you know, creates supply.

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Popularity is a capricious lady. It comes when you least expect it. The name of Yuri Loza is now on everyone's lips, he is the most discussed person in show business. And not because he released a new hit or staged a world-class show. And because he encroached, it would seem, on the sacred ...

Yes, probably, Vine has not been talked about so much since the release of his song “The Raft”, that is, read it, for 30 years already. And the path to glory turned out to be banal simple. It was worth saying in the Salt program on REN TV that the guitar had never been tuned in the Rolling Stones in their entire life, Mick Jagger did not hit the notes, and a little later it was stated that Mozart and Beethoven were engaged in self-copying, as the forgotten performer was immediately remembered by the whole country!

- Yuri, what, however, you raised a wave of indignation! Specially such provocative judgments were voiced?

Behind all this inflated scandal are certain people who pulled my phrases out of context. They wanted me to get punched in the nose and feel bad. And I felt good! I had a sharp rise in popularity. I have already received several interesting commercial offers: to become a commentator and blogger on major Internet portals.

- So what did they distort in your statements?

People began to quote pieces without trying to understand in what context it was said. They write to me: “How could you, you bastard, say that Led Zeppelin has bad music?” Fir-trees-sticks, but I didn’t say a word about music at all! I said that a certain number of compositions were badly played - it was only about the performance. Yes, listen to them yourself! In any encyclopedia it is written that the musicians for the last five years of the band's existence were on drugs, living in a fog. Since 1985, the group has resembled a mobile infirmary - one was taken out of an overdose, then the other from a drug crisis. They were shaking and shaking. They arranged sprees, which were legendary! Hotels after their departure got up for a major overhaul! And this way of life could not but be reflected in the way they played. Alkaloids leave the body in a week, and they did not even have two days to recover. They did everything in a state of serious overload. Jimmy Page, the band's famous guitarist, couldn't play his solo on take 20 at the studio recording! And all this is heard!

Maybe it was not necessary to touch the "sacred cows"? Indeed, for many, the Rolling Stones, Led Zeppelin are the idols of youth, practically a religion.

Well, of course! But you need to understand that when you are young, you follow fashion, admire what is heard. And when a certain age comes, the outlook on life changes. Guys, you have stuck your idols out of nowhere - that's what I'm trying to explain to everyone! Here I will say: the Pesnyary group sang better than the Beatles! And now imagine what will begin! How?! Who are the "Pesnyars"?! How can you compare?.. I can! As vocalists, Pesnyary were five times better, because their voices were stronger. Why did the Beatles thunder all over the world? Yes, they just had better promotion!

And I’ll say one more seditious thing, for which the Vine will be devoured with giblets: sbiten is twice as tasty and ten times more useful than Coca-Cola. Do what you want with me!

- Everything Western is easy to criticize. Especially now. And what about ours, are they all geniuses?

Vysotsky wrote brilliant songs towards the end of his life. Couldn't sing. He couldn't finish the concerto... From modern ones? I have said a hundred times that Borya Moiseev cannot sing. He has no hearing. But he is promoted, he is a star, there are much more of him on the air than me. They tell me you're just jealous. What?! I suggest everyone to open their eyes: stop labeling based on the degree of promotion. Assess professional excellence.

- Your oratorical skills have been appreciated by many. And those who twist their fingers to their temples are much more...

Yes, spit on them at all! The dog barks - the caravan moves on. Let them criticize. My phone is melting, what a flurry of messages: “Yura, we are with you, well done, thank you!” So there are normal people. And idiots - well, why should I argue with them, or what, I will? An unfamiliar Vasya Pupkin writes and demands: “Explain yourself!” I answer him: why should I report to you? Vasya Pupkin has no ears to hear, well, what can I do? ..

Olga Lesina

Photo by G. Usoev

Former member of the ensembles "Integral" and "Architects", singer-songwriter Yuri Loza, in a television interview, said that he considers Led Zeppelin and the Rolling Stones to be bad musicians who played bad music, "not hitting the notes." Social media users responded with a hurricane of sarcasm.

Yuri Loza expressed unexpectedly sharp judgments about popular and world-famous rock bands when Zakhar Prilepin, the host of the concert program on Sol on the Ren-TV channel, asked him if he still listens to the music of his youth. Loza said that he no longer listens, because now that he himself "can do a lot", the songs of famous rock musicians of the 60s and 70s seem unprofessional to him.

“Eighty percent of what is sung by Led Zeppelin is impossible to listen to because it is played and sung badly. At that time, everything was perceived, everything was liked. ”

Got one of the most popular bands in the history of rock music.

“The Rolling Stones never tuned their guitar in their entire lives, and Jagger never hit a single note, so what can you do.”

Loza praised Deep Purple soloist Ritchie Blackmore. He knew how to play well, and the band performed decent music. The same cannot be said for Rolling Stones guitarist Keith Richards.

“Keith Richards couldn’t play then, and he can’t play now. But there is a certain drive in this, some kind of buzz. A lot of people project their youth onto these bands, and they were very weak."

If you have time, you can enjoy the interview in its entirety and at the same time listen to the songs of Yuri Loza himself and the playing of his musicians:

Twitter reacted to the words of the performer rather violently.

Actor Gennady Smirnov wrote poisonous text on facebook:

“Here Yuri Eduardovich Loza spoke in the sense that Led Zeppelin and the Rolling Stones do not know how to play. It means that Yuri Eduardovich knows how, not *** [penis] oxen masturbates. About the same Gazmanov taught McCartney. That is, the author of the song "You are a sailor, I am a sailor" taught the author of the song "Estedei". And this should not be surprising, because this is an ancient battle of the village against the city. For villagers, Madonna will always be a mediocre prostitute, Keith Richards will not be able to play his *** [low-quality] guitar, not to mention Elton John, who generally gives in the ass. Of course, he starts to sing incredibly worse from this. Whether business on our rural disco. We have Vine here, and Masha Rasputina, and Vika Tsyganova, and Philip Kirkorov.

Some more from Facebook:

“Attention, news that you need to try to read with a serious face!”

“Vine hit all the notes all his life. And nowhere else."


In the end, on Twitter, people focused more on direct trolling and began to recall the main hits of Yuri Loza.

And not only his hits.

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