What did the Soviet authorities hide about the feat of the Panfilovites. The legend of "28 Panfilov" turned out to be a newspaper myth


This is a reference-report of the Chief Military Prosecutor of the USSR N. Afanasyev "On 28 Panfilovites" dated May 10, 1948. The document debunks the legend of the origin of the formula for the struggle for independence: “There is nowhere to retreat - behind Moscow ...” And gives the bitter truth about 28 Panfilov heroes.

For those who are not aware of the history, significant for the Great Patriotic War, with 28 Panfilov heroes who defended Moscow from the Nazis in 1941, a short historical background. We are talking about investigating the details of the battle at the Dubosekovo junction in the Volokolamsky district of the Moscow region, in which 28 servicemen of the 4th company of the 2nd battalion of the 1075th rifle regiment of the 8th Panfilov Guards Division of the Red Army took part. This is the same battle that is included in all history textbooks. And the words of political instructor Klochkov: “There is nowhere to retreat - behind Moscow ...” and even became winged.

And now the pages of the prosecutor's investigation published by the State Archive indicate that most likely no such words were said. All this is nothing more than a fantasy of the literary secretary of the Krasnaya Zvezda newspaper Krivitsky, based on an essay by a front-line correspondent Koroteev, who described the battle of the 5th company of the N-th regiment of the Panfilov division under the command of political instructor Diev. An essay on the battle of the Panfilovites with 54 Wehrmacht tanks was published on November 27, and on the 28th, an editorial by Krivitsky appeared in Krasnaya Zvezda, where the number of fighters and the citation of political instructor Klochkov already appeared.

In the published prosecutor's investigation, Krivitsky's confession is given in black and white that the words of the political instructor are the fruit of his imagination. And the number of dead heroes is calculated very approximately: there were like 30 fighters, but two tried to surrender and were shot dead. The editor-in-chief of Krasnaya Zvezda, Ortenberg, considered, according to the prosecutor's investigation, that two traitors were many and left one. In the same place, in the office of the editor-in-chief, it was decided that every single soldier died a heroic death, destroying 18 tanks.

Perhaps the essay would not have been noticed, but on the front page of Krivitsky under a loud headline "Testament of 28 Fallen Heroes" paid more than close attention. The names of those who died in battle also appeared, the words of political instructor Klochkov were replicated in poetry and prose, no longer by front-line reporters, but by respected writers. They themselves, not having been at the front, supplemented dry newspaper lines with expression.

The investigation of this story did not take place during the years of perestroika and was not initiated by some structure seeking to denigrate the glory of the winners. The main military prosecutor's office investigated the case of treason by Ivan Dobrobabin. In 1942, he voluntarily surrendered to the Germans and served as their police officer. During the arrest of the traitor, the book “On 28 Panfilov Heroes” was found, where he was listed as a dead hero.

The prosecutor's office began to investigate the plot and found out that in addition to Dobrobabin, there were four more living Panfilovites in the lists of dead heroes. In addition to the traitor Dobrobabin, Daniil Kuzhebergenov also ended up in German captivity, who spoke during interrogations ( the document does not indicate to whom he told - the Germans or the Soviet SMERSH - Note. "RM"), that he is the very dead, one of the 28.

And Kuzhenbergenov in verse managed to perpetuate the famous poet of that era Nikolai Tikhonov:

Stands guard near Moscow

Kuzhebergenov Daniil,

I swear on my head

Fight to the last...

Further, the military prosecutor's office finds out that there was no battle at the Dubosekovo junction on the day marked by the publication in Krasnaya Zvezda. On November 16, the Germans quickly broke the resistance of the Panfilovites in this sector of the front, the 1075th regiment suffered serious losses and retreated to the next line of defense. The brother-soldiers did not hear about any feat of 28 heroes. This is confirmed by the words of representatives of local authorities. The chairman of the Nelidovsky village council testified that the Germans passed through the line on November 16 and were already driven out on December 20 during the counteroffensive of the Red Army. Local residents were able to find under the snowy rubble and bury in a mass grave the remains of only six soldiers, including political instructor Klochkov.

Prosecutor's investigation is read in one breath. Although, of course, the Chief Military Prosecutor of the USSR Armed Forces, Lieutenant-General N. Afanasyev, does not use any detective techniques. This is a dry investigation of facts leading to hard conclusions. The prosecutor's office states: there was no feat of the indicated 28 Red Army soldiers, there was no battle described by the journalists of Krasnaya Zvezda.

Now some demand not to recognize the facts of the investigation, which allegedly cast doubt on the heroism of the Soviet people as a whole. Others demand the renaming of streets named in memory of the Panfilov heroes. Extremes in assessing history are commonplace. The well-known publicist Maxim Shevchenko accurately formulated a reasonable attitude to what happened in a speech on the Ekho Moskvy radio:

“...28 Panfilov's men was an important mobilization myth. And 28 Panfilov's men, and political instructor Klochkov, and a Kyrgyz who got up with a grenade under a tank, perhaps a fairy tale. But this fairy tale, which people believed, it inspired a huge number of people to fight. This fairy tale justified those terrible hardships and those sacrifices that people bore. Therefore, let's assume that 28 Panfilov's soldiers specifically and their battle were depicted by a journalist in some metaphorical form. Let's ask ourselves a question: what, there were no battles in which 28 soldiers were on the same Lamsky line near Volokolamsk, where the Panfilov division stopped the offensive of the German operation "Typhoon"? Were. Therefore, the Panfilovites are heroes. General Panfilov is a hero. It's cumulative. There were many Panfilovites along the entire front. But the correspondent did not get there. They didn't let him into the front line. They will still kill him, or he will be taken prisoner by the Germans. The next question is: how does this defame the memory of those who died near Moscow? They defeated the Nazis. There are thousands of nameless Panfilovites like that. They lie in the ravines ... "

It is difficult to argue with Shevchenko's arguments: the characters are not to blame for how they were written about. They fought honestly and as best they could. They are heroes. And here is what the so-called Krasnaya Zvezda journalists did… They did not just betray the meaning of the journalistic profession, the main principle of which is “I saw - I want to tell”. They laid a nasty mine that worked through the years in the heroic history of the Great Victory. But the truth is the truth. She, no matter how bitter she is, does not tolerate excuses "out of time, out of place." The strength of the victorious people lies precisely in the ability to recognize the truth at any, even the most inopportune time. And the way she is.

November 16, 1941 at the Dubosekovo 1075 junction, the regiment of the 316th division took the fight with superior enemy forces. The 316th division, commanded by Major General Panfilov, was in the direction of the main attack throughout October. The heroism of the Panfilovites immediately became known to the Soviet people, and the division and its commander became legendary after the battles in the Volokolamsk direction. It is not surprising that the heroic division received increased attention from the press. November 16, 1075 the regiment was attacked by superior German forces. The regiment repelled the attack, knocking out several tanks. The Germans pulled up reserves and broke through the defenses by evening. Heroically resisting, the Soviet soldiers were forced to retreat, having suffered huge losses. The fate of the regiment befell the rest of the formations of the division. Almost defeated during the November battles, she was forced to withdraw to the Istra line. On November 18, General Panfilov himself was killed in battle. Subsequently, the 316th division was transformed into the 8th Guards Rifle Division and took part in the battles near the famous village of Kryukovo on the Leningrad Highway. And only at the end of December 1941. she went to the rear for reorganization. The commander of the 1075 regiment Kaprov recalled: "By November 16, 1941, the regiment I commanded was on the left flank of the division and covered the exits from the city of Volokolamsk to Moscow and the railway. The 2nd battalion took up defense: Novo-Nikolskoye- settlementPetelino and Dubosekovo junction.... > The fourth company was commanded by Captain Gundilovich, political instructor Klochkov... In the company by November 16, 1941 there were 120- 140 people. ... >. There were 10 in total on the battalion site- 12 enemy tanks. How many tanks went to the sector of the 4th company, I do not know, or rather, I cannot determine. With the resources of the regiment and the efforts of the 2nd battalion, this German tank attack was repulsed. In battle, the regiment destroyed 5- 6 German tanks, and the Germans withdrew ... Around 14.00- At 1500, the Germans opened heavy artillery fire on all positions of the regiment, and the German tanks again went on the attack. ... >More than 50 tanks attacked the regiment's sector, with the main attack directed at the positions of the 2nd battalion, since this sector was most accessible to enemy tanks. For about 40- 45 minutes enemy tanks crushed the location of the 2nd battalion,including the section of the 4th company. ... > When I got over the railway embankment, people who survived the attack of German tanks began to gather around me. The 4th company suffered the most from the attack; led by the company commander Gundilovich, 20 people survived- 25, the rest all died. The rest of the companies suffered less." The Soviet people learned about the heroism of the Division from the Izvestia newspaper already 3 days later. November 19, 1941 G. Ivanov's note "8th Guards Division in battle" was published in it, which describes the battle of one of the companies. The surrounded company offered heroic resistance, knocking out 9 tanks (3 of them burned down), and forced the rest to retreat. There is no information about where Ivanov got the information from, but the information, firstly, is plausible, and secondly, operational, from which we can conclude that Ivanov received it from sources close to the front line. Thirdly, the information did not raise questions in the Authorities. But more on that below. Koroteev Approximately a week later, Koroteev, a correspondent for Krasnaya Zvezda, visited the headquarters of the 16th Army (which included the Panfilov division). Here is how he himself describes in 1948. during interrogation by the investigator, the way in which he received the information. " Approximately 23-On November 24, 1941, together with the military correspondent of the Komsomolskaya Pravda newspaper, Chernyshev, I was at the headquarters of the 16th army ... When we left the army headquarters, we met the commissar of the 8th Panfilov division, Yegorov, who spoke about the extremely difficult situation at the front and said that our people fight heroically in all areas. In particular, Yegorov gave an example of a heroic battle of one company with German tanks, 54 tanks were advancing on the line of the company, and the company delayed them, destroying some of them. Yegorov himself was not a participant in the battle, but spoke from the words of the regimental commissar, who also did not participate in the battle with German tanks ... Yegorov recommended writing in the newspaper about the heroic battle of the company with enemy tanks, having first read the political report received from the regiment ... The political report spoke of the battle of the fifth company with enemy tanks and that the company stood "to the death" - it died, but did not retreat, and only two people turned out to be traitors, raised their hands to surrender to the Germans, but they were destroyed by our fighters. The report did not mention the number of company soldiers who died in this battle, and did not mention their names. We did not establish this from conversations with the regiment commander either. It was impossible to get into the regiment, and Yegorov did not advise us to try to get into the regiment. Upon arrival in Moscow, I reported the situation to the editor of the Krasnaya Zvezda newspaper, Ortenberg, about the company's battle with enemy tanks. Ortenberg asked me how many people were in the company. I answered him that the composition of the company, apparently, was incomplete, about 30-40 people; I also said that two of these people turned out to be traitors... I didn't know that a front line on this subject was being prepared, but Ortenberg summoned me again and asked how many people were in the company. I told him that about 30 people. Thus, the number of 28 people who fought appeared, since out of 30 two turned out to be traitors. Ortenberg said that it was impossible to write about two traitors, and, apparently, after consulting with someone, he decided to write about only one traitor in the front line. On November 27, 1941, my short correspondence was published in the newspaper, and on November 28, the editorial “Testament of 28 Fallen Heroes” written by Krivitsky was printed in the Red Star" .
Whether not trusting Koroteev's literary abilities, or guided by considerations of subordination in the journalistic table of ranks, or for some other reason, Ortenberg, the editor-in-chief of Krasnaya Zvezda, instructs writing the editorial not to the "getter" of information, but to lit. newspaper secretary A.Yu. Krivitsky. Which enthusiastically sets to work, and already on November 28 in the "Red Star" there appears an editorial filled with pathos called "Testament
28 Fallen Heroes. " Resistance might seem like madness. Fifty armored monsters against twenty-nine people! In what war, in what times did such an unequal battle take place! But the Soviet soldiers accepted him without flinching. They didn't back down, they didn't retreat. "We have no way back"- they said to themselves. Only one out of twenty-nine fainthearted. When the Germans, confident in their easy victory, shouted to the guards- "Surrender!",- only one put his hands up. A volley immediately rang out. Several guards at the same time, without saying a word, without a command, shot at a coward and a traitor. It was the homeland that punished the apostate. Already eighteen warped tanks froze motionless on the battlefield. The battle lasted more than four hours, and the armored fist of the Nazis could not break through the line defended by the guards. But now the ammunition ran out, the cartridges in the stores of anti-tank rifles ran out. There were no more grenades. Fascist vehicles approached the trench. The Germans jumped out of the hatches, wanting to take alive the surviving brave men and deal with them. But there is only one warrior in the field, if he is a Soviet warrior! Politruk Diev grouped the remaining comrades around him and a bloody battle ensued again. Our people fought, remembering the old motto: "The Guard dies, but does not surrender." And they laid down their heads- all twenty-eight. They died, but did not miss the enemy!" - writes Krivitsky, showing an example of how a journalist has no right to work. Too lazy to check the information. Or they got scared - after all, for this you need to go closer to the front line and put the precious journalistic life in jeopardy. And this is unacceptable: women give birth to soldiers, but there are few journalists, and they must be protected. How many fighters fought is unknown? Well, let there be thirty people. Are there two traitors for thirty people? Well, let there be one. What is the name of the politician? There, like some kind of hero by the name of Diev, they mentioned it, so let it be Diev! How many tanks were destroyed? Well, let there be 18. 50 tanks in the regiment's sector? Not heroic enough, let it be 50 to 28 people. The fact that this number is completely implausible, the rear journalists, apparently, did not even think about it. Neither Koroteev nor Krivitsky are professional military journalists wearing epaulettes! - they didn’t even think about how physically 54 tanks could advance in a sector defended by 28 people. Provided that about 50 tanks is a lot even for the area defended by the regiment, which is clearly shown by the above-cited testimony of Kaprov. Journalist Chernyshev from Komsomolskaya Pravda, who, together with Koroteev, "received information" at the headquarters of the 16th Army, also wrote an article entitled "Glory to the fearless patriots". Where he described the battle described to him by the division commissar who did not participate in it from the words of the regiment commissar who did not participate in it. He even added for reliability the names of Lieutenant Bezvremenny and senior political officer Kalachev, it is not known whether from himself or from the words of one of the staff officers of the 16th army. Thus, not the most successful literary works appeared, generalizing and "creatively" processing the real events of mid-November. Well, it would seem that God is with this. In the end, why not consider the articles of Chernyshev and Krivitsky as literary fiction based on real facts of mass heroism, and close this topic? But, alas, it doesn't work. After all, if Chernyshev had the conscience and common sense to stop at what had been “achieved,” then Krivitsky and Ortenberg decided to squeeze as much as possible out of the heroic theme. In January of the 42nd, Krivitsky published an essay "On 28 Fallen Heroes", in which he already lists by name those who died in a battle he himself invented. And Ortenberg, who personally sucked the number 28 out of his finger, prints it! Ortenberg "When the guardsmen die in battle, the winged glory flies off the military banner and invisibly becomes an honorary and permanent guard at the head of the dead. The news of the feat of twenty-eight Panfilov guardsmen who laid down their heads on the battlefield spread far across the Soviet land. We still did not know all the details of their death, the names of the heroes had not yet been named, their bodies were still resting on the ground captured by the enemy, but the rumors about the fabulous prowess of twenty-eight Soviet heroes were already bypassing the fronts. Only now have we been able to reconstruct the full picture of the death of a handful of brave guardsmen"- proudly writes Krivitsky. Krivitsky A. Yu. We have already seen the method of "establishing a complete picture of the battle". Where did the names come from. Throughout November and half of December, the 1075th regiment (like the entire division) fought bloody stubborn battles, repeatedly changing places of deployment. In some companies, only 20% of the personnel remained alive. And as soon as the regiment is withdrawn to the rear for reorganization, a Moscow journalist arrives in it (as in the most distinguished and injured in the battles of November 16), along with the division commissar. And they demand to name the names of 28 people who fought off the attack of German tanks on November 16th. Which, of course, confuses the commander and commissar of the regiment. From the testimony of the regiment commander I.V. Kaprov to the investigator of the Chief Military Prosecutor's Office: " At the end of December 1941, when the division was assigned to the formation, the correspondent of the "Red Star" Krivitsky came to my regiment along with representatives of the political department of the division Glushko and Yegorov. Here I first heard about 28 Panfilov guardsmen. In a conversation with me, Krivitsky said that it was necessary to have 28 Panfilov guardsmen who fought with German tanks. I told him that the whole regiment, and especially the 4th company of the 2nd battalion, fought with German tanks, but I didn’t know anything about the battle of 28 guardsmen ... Captain Gundilovich gave names to Krivitsky from memory, who talked with him on this topic, there were no documents about the battle of 28 Panfilov soldiers in the regiment and could not be. Nobody asked me for my last name." . At an urgent request, or rather an order, to name 28 names of those who fought with tanks on November 16, the Kaprov regiment names the 4th company of the 2nd battalion, and sends the journalist to the company commander Gundilovich. He answers the question "where exactly did you fight on November 16" that he fought in the Dubosekovo area. And the requirement to name 28 fighters by name, satisfies as follows. From the testimony of Krivitsky to the GVP investigator: “Kaprov did not give me names, but instructed Mukhamedyarov and Gundilovich to do this, who compiled a list, taking information from some kind of statement or list. Thus, I got a list of the names of 28 Panfilov soldiers who fell in battle with German tanks at the Dubosekovo junction. Arriving in Moscow, I wrote a basement in the newspaper under the heading "About 28 Fallen Heroes"; the basement was sent for a visa to the PUR. During a conversation with Comrade Krapivin in PUR, he was interested in where I got the words of political instructor Klochkov, written in my basement: "Russia is great, but there is nowhere to retreat - Moscow is behind," - I answered him that I invented it myself. The basement was placed in the "Red Star" on January 22, 1942. Here I used the stories of Gundilovich, Kaprov, Mukhamedyarov, Egorov. In terms of sensations and actions, 28 characters are my literary conjecture. I did not talk to any of the wounded or surviving guardsmen. From the local population, I speakril only with a boy aged 14-15, which showed the grave where Klochkov was buried. ... In 1943, from the division where 28 Panfilov heroes were and fought, they sent me a letter of awarding me the title of guardsman. I was only in the division three or four times." Gundilovich P.M. Commander of the 4th company. Thus, the myth of 28 is already taking shape. Now there is a place of battle and 28 names, selected, however, in a completely random way. The latter almost killed the journalist Krivitsky. After a month and a half of hardest fighting (let me remind you that only on November 16 the company lost over 100 people), when the composition of the company was constantly changing, even the best commander will not be able to accurately take into account the losses in killed and wounded. Therefore, among the "28 heroically fallen" were: - Sergeant Dobrobabin, who deserted and later worked as a policeman (more on him below). - Messenger Kuzhebergenov, who did not participate in the battle and was captured by the Germans. - row. Notarov, as it turned out later, fell two days before the battle on November 16th. - row. Timofeev, who was wounded in German captivity. - foreman Shemyakin and a number. Shadrin, seriously wounded and ended up in the rear hospitals. The last three were later awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. A discrepancy also occurred with the name of the political instructor, already named Diev in the first publication, and in the lists of the company bearing the name Klochkov. Apparently, the name Diev belongs to some other person. And I will talk about some research in this direction at the end of the article. For some reason, the hero's surname sunk into the head of the headquarters worker, and he called it to journalists on November 23-24. So Diev was mentioned in Koroteev's November note and Krivitsky's editorial. And when Krivitsky received 28 names of fighters and saw that the deceased political instructor of the 4th company of the 2nd battalion had the surname Klochkov, the journalist, without batting an eyelid, invented another story. He explained the confusion with the names of the political instructor by the fact that the political instructor was Klochkov according to his passport, and one of the Ukrainian fighters jokingly dubbed him Diev. He was already a very active (dialny) person. Krivitsky developed a vigorous activity. The matter was not limited to articles alone; by the end of the war, books about 28 Panfilovites were already in print. The feat was adopted by Soviet propaganda as exemplary. Krivitsky wrote tirelessly, the battle at Dubosekovo took on absolutely incredible, truly fabulous details. Krivitsky described in detail who said what and who thought what, his books were published in large editions and translated into foreign languages. 28 Panfilovites were the strongest business project of their time in the field of PR. It almost ended shortly after the war. In 1947 the "fallen hero" Dobrobabin was arrested, who managed to desert, work as a policeman, flee to another area during the offensive of the Red Army, and re-conscript into the army from the liberated territory, hiding his service in the police. It was his own impudence that ruined him (as it almost ruined Krivitsky). Another would have hid with such a biography, but Dobrobabin, armed with Krivitsky's book about his heroism, went to demand the hero's star. And after checking he was arrested. During the check, the prosecutor's office found out that four more "fallen heroes" were still alive, and decided to investigate the case. The results of the work of the Stalinist prosecutor's office are known and published: http://statearchive.ru/607 The conclusion of people in uniform is unequivocal. Thus, the materials of the investigation established that the feat of 28 Panfilov guards, covered in the press, is a fiction of the correspondent Koroteev, the editor of Krasnaya Zvezda Ortenberg, and especially the literary secretary of the newspaper Krivitsky. This fiction was repeated in the works of writers N. Tikhonov, V. Stavsky, A. Beck, N. Kuznetsov, V. Lipko, M. Svetlov and others and was widely popularized among the population of the Soviet Union. The memory of 28 Panfilovites is immortalized by the installation of a monument in the village. Nelidovo, Moscow region A marble obelisk with a memorial plaque has been installed in the Alma-Ata Park of Culture and Leisure; The Federation Park and several streets of the republic's capital are named after them. The names of 28 Panfilovites were assigned to many schools, enterprises and collective farms of the Soviet Union.

Chief Military Prosecutor of the USSR Armed Forces

lieutenant general of justice

N. Afanasiev.

The prosecutor's office's investigation was sent as intended - i.e. Andrei Alexandrovich Zhdanov, secretary of the Central Committee, who oversaw the ideological and propaganda direction. But the move was not given. As the historian Aleksey Isaev, the author of the book "anti-Suvors", who dealt with the history of "28 Panfilov" in detail, said on this occasion: “In my opinion, it would be wiser if Krivitsky was “rolled up” in Verkhoyansk for this. Then the story would be extremely instructive and would remain in journalism textbooks as an example of how not to do it. But the Soviet government, represented by such a person, like A.A.Zhdanov,showed gentleness." Isaev also drew attention to the fact that the data on the losses of such a number of tanks should undoubtedly have been reflected in the German archives. And they always reflected. But nothing like the destruction of two dozen tanks on November 16 near Dubosekovo was found. It is also important to note that for the entire war and post-war period, this was the only case when the prosecutor's office was engaged in such an investigation. The consequences of journalistic and human meanness could have been very far-reaching. 28 people who did not distinguish themselves in any way received the stars of Heroes, which disavowed the very concept of a feat. The mass heroism of hundreds of people is forgotten and replaced by a feat 28, moreover, invented for career purposes. The party leadership has been put in the position of hostages when it is forced to follow the lead of an irresponsible and unscrupulous scribbler. Moreover, one of the Panfilovites turned out to be a policeman. Let him go now? Or plant a "hero"? Both solutions are bad. What if this story gets out? With what relish will the enemy attack her in the conditions of the Cold War! It is impossible to agree with Isaev on one thing: that Zhdanov showed softness. Zhdanov sent the received document to the members of the Politburo and personally to Stalin. Thus, the fact that the case was not given a move is not on Andrei Alexandrovich's conscience. Moreover, since Zhdanov reported the circumstances of the case to other top party leaders, it can be assumed that he wanted to give the case a legal move. It seems that only a progressive illness and an early death prevented Zhdanov from dotting all the e in this matter. But be that as it may, Krivitsky escaped with a slight fright. Someone might ask, is it really so important whether a forgery is exposed or not? Is it necessary to "say to the end who the bastard is," as Mayakovsky said? Time has shown that then, in the 48th year, of course, it was necessary to do this. There are among us (and, alas, there are more of them) such patriots who sincerely believe that any lie can and should be used if it is aimed at a "good patriotic" cause. Let's try to take their position. Let's forget that for the rest of their lives, 28 Panfilovites fed Krivitsky and fed him much more satisfyingly than an ordinary Soviet person. That all his life he (like his boss on the "Red Star" Ortenberg) wrote about the war and painted exploits, raising children on opuses, the degree of conscientiousness of which we already know. That Krivitsky, who, according to his own statement, was in the division 3-4 times during the entire war, received the rank of guardsman along with the true heroes of the war. That the mythical feat of the 28th overshadowed the real mass heroism. That the stars of heroes were given to people who were no different from any of the hundreds of thousands of other ordinary participants in the battle for Moscow. That out of a hundred dead soldiers of the 4th company, only 28 "honored" to be ranked among the heroes, and no one remembered the soldiers of neighboring companies, each of which lost up to 4/5 of its composition. That among the heroes was a policeman and a deserter ... In a word, let's forget about the moral side of things and begin to be guided by considerations of "pragmatic patriotism" a la modern Russian professional patriots. But even from this position, the myth of 28 had to be exposed. For the forgery of Krivitsky, not exposed in time, backfired on Perestroika.


Putin's zero

One gets the impression that the authors of both this and other similar emotional letters are inclined to support, without understanding deeply the essence of the issue, any campaign fanned in the press. This time they warmly responded to the call of Kumanev and Dobrobaba. Katusev F. A. Alien glory of Ivan Dobrobaba

The Soviet soldiers had dinner twice already. First in the post-war years, then in Perestroika. But the new time requires new varieties of corpse-eating. The USSR was destroyed for the sake of the triumph of the market economy - or rather, for the sake of the possibility of legal enrichment, which it gives. And the former secretaries of regional committees, Komsomol leaders, Chekists and directors of enterprises, having ruined a great country, turned thanks to the market economy into those against whom they once swore to fight at party meetings, and into those from whom they swore to protect the Soviet people. The market economy has its own laws. Demand creates supply, and if the humiliated people had anything in order, it was with the demand for the heroic deeds of their ancestors. And it began. In the USSR, parades on Red Square were held in the anniversary years - 1965, 75, 85 and 90. Starting with Yeltsin, they became annual. Victory Day is celebrated on such a grand scale that even Brezhnev never dreamed of, not to mention Stalin, who celebrated the anniversary twice, and then decided that one should not rest on one's laurels, one should move forward. To new reasons for pride. They carry mummers "veterans" around the city, who are fit to be sons as real veterans, paint everything that is possible in St. George's (not red!) colors. Nightclubs invite you to the "victory night" party, food workers hang guards ribbons on "Danish cod". Stickers "T-34" are hung on BMWs, and "To Berlin" - on Volkswagens, striptease contests (sorry, modern dance) and bodybuilding competitions are timed to coincide with Victory Day. Dry closets and cans of beer are painted in patriotic colors... And many people already consider this to be the norm. A film directed by Salopa from the same series. Salopa's motives have nothing to do with patriotism. As he himself says in interview , "I love stories about heroes very much. And 28 Panfilov's men is a very beautiful story. In addition to the fact that this story is real, among other things, it is also very beautiful, because this battle of a small numberaheroes against a large number of enemies, and the battle, and such, selfless. This is a story, this is a feat, this is a story of selflessness. This is very cool. This is a very famous feat, oh, a very famous feat. Moreover, there, looking back, there are not so many feats of the Great Patriotic War that are immediately heard. This is one of those feats. And there is no movie. What a luck!"(starting at 3:35). And the choice of the scandalous name was clearly deliberate. Could Salopa not know about all the pitfalls? Could not. It is clear that Challopa is deceiving when he says that, starting to create a film, he shoveled a bunch of data, studied archival documents. It is nonsense in our era - for the authors of historical cinema to conduct historical research. But after all, to unearth the necessary evidence and evaluate them is not even a matter of days, but of hours. And all this can be done without leaving home, the Internet provides such an opportunity. Indeed, with more or less careful acquaintance, it would become clear that it is impossible to make a film based on the stories of Krivitsky in the interpretation of Kumanev. And yet, the name "28 ..." was chosen. The version of "conscientious idiocy" is consistent in the case of the regulars of the goblin site. But in the case of those who cut their wool, it does not roll. Everything around which spears were breaking and breaking, and all that had to be done to stop everything and not escalate mass hysteria was to remove 2 things from the film.
    -- Remove "28" from the name. Name "Panfilov's", "Panfilov's heroes", "4th company", "Dubasekovo" ... To the best of your imagination, there are a lot of options. -- To remove policeman Dobrobaba from the film.
And that's it! Not a single person, except for the finished bastards who hate the country and the people, would not turn his tongue to reproach the filmmakers for making a fake. But neither one nor the other was done. Because the filmmakers needed clods of dirt, swearing and squealing on the Internet, trampling on coffins and dancing with the bones of heroes. In a word, PR. The authors deliberately went for this provocation. Consciously and cynically, because they could not help but guess how many tubs of slop will pour out about "28", and how joyfully some of our fellow citizens will begin to shout "invented a feat." Moreover, once again the topic of the mythical 28 was raised not by the "liberals" and "white tape scum", but by Shalope and Puchkov the goblin. It was they who, by their provocation, ensured that dirt again poured on the country and its history. Let's see what clever businessmen have achieved with this. - "Well-wishers" of Russia in the country itself and beyond its borders received another trump card in their hands. The Russians are so stupid, unable to deal with elementary things and with donkey stubbornness insist on a stupid and long-debunked myth. Incl. minister of culture. And the President, who visited the film on October 4th. Wonderful! Scandal only increases commercial success. To whom is war, and to whom is mother dear. - On the Internet, a squabble is rare in intensity, and all these demonic dances take place on the bones of fallen soldiers. Very well, the more interest in the next commercial project, the better. - The split in the left-patriotic camp, and the largest, perhaps, since the "Kurginanomachy". As usual, with mutual abuse and dirt. Young fans of the Goblin are now forced to write down even the historian Isaev as "liberals" and "white ribbons". Who in every way did more to expose the anti-Soviet myths than the Medina-Puchkov-old men. And he made less money doing it. Well, good! Need more swearing! - All those who think and are able to google beyond Wikipedia, but have not yet decided who they are with, have decided. They neigh out loud at what kind of ministers-propagandists we have, and drift into the camp of those for whom not only goblins, Medina-old scoundrels, but also a "parashka-parashka"! But Shalope and the Goblin don't care. The main thing is that the film pays off thanks to the scandal! The results are amazing, to say the least.
And what difference does it make, whether this is all true or not true, some will ask the question again. After all, the main thing is that there should be a propaganda effect - this is how other patriots argue. Without even noticing that they are reasoning exactly as Goebbels once argued. And exactly as Goebbels declares to those who do not like the glorification of a fictitious feat, that they are not patriots. Moreover, their argumentation simply coincides verbatim with Dobrobaba's argumentation! Say, you deny the heroism of the policeman and the cooking of journalists - agree to the point that we did not win the war either. Do not love your homeland, scoundrels!
Monument to Dobrobaba in Tsimlyansk. Already with a star, but so far with an unofficial one. Vlasov next? But Goebbels, unlike his current Russian associates, desperately using his arguments to justify the film - old people, Medina and other goblins - was a smart man. And he understood that from such outright nonsense, if there is a propaganda effect, then with a "-" sign. Goebbels would have twisted his finger at his temple and sent such an employee to the eastern front for stupidity and unsuitability. Let's finish with the nasty PR campaign that preceded the film, and talk about him. Perhaps, despite everything, the film itself turned out to be correct? No. Here it is necessary to make a small digression into the history of the film. Shalyopa and Puchkov collected money for it for several years. And how many more years they would collect more (and there, you see, either the donkey or the padishah will die), is unknown. However, there were sponsors who gave the missing money, which the Internet managed to collect only 20% of the final cost of the film. The main sponsor (read, customer) was the Ministry of Culture headed by Medinsky. It was then that the aforementioned microgoebbels, working according to manuals, joined the PR of the film. Starikov, Marakhovsky, etc.
The notorious Russian Military Historical Society, which is also headed by Medinsky, also took an active part in the promotion of the film. And which has recently been marked by such actions as the sticker of royal eagles on the cars of the Victory parade, the monument to Nicholas II in Belgrade and ... the installation of the same board to Mannerheim. And where in the scientific council (headed by the same Churov) sits the already known Kumanev. By the way, when Medinsky writes angry rebukes to the "complete scum", he does not quote anyone, but his deputy for the RVIO Kumanev. Actually, there is no one to quote from academic historians besides Kumanev ... Or rather, we already have someone: now we have the Medinsky academic historian himself: the same doctor of science as Kumanev, but not yet an academician, this is ahead. Krivitsky gives birth to Kumanev, Kumanev gives birth to Medinsky... And what will happen next is scary to think about.
Thus, in addition to the people who chipped in for a "correct and honest" pro-Soviet film, the picture also got another customer. Whose kung fu do you think was better? Let's see! Not a single red flag in the film, which was allegedly filmed in order to differ in the pro-Soviet direction from the Bondarchuk-Mikhalkovs. Not a single mention of Soviet power and Comrade Stalin. The film never mentions Soviet internationalism. This is despite the fact that half of the division (including this regiment) are Kazakhs and Kyrgyz. They shouted that they would make a Soviet film! But in the end, the White Guard sponsor ordered, and the principal authors of the "honest and correct" film acted like girls. Those who are danced by the one who treats them. But in the film there is Dobrobaba. They don’t call him by his last name, but they call him by his first name and patronymic. Apparently, the authors of the film felt a spiritual kinship with the policeman: " In my opinion, it is better not to consider a traitor a traitor than to humiliate a real hero. Dobrobabin was a man who wanted to live, not die" . - dir. Shallopa. Moreover, the Dobrobaby in the film, perhaps, is the most. And he behaves most heroically: in full accordance with his own stories, recorded by Kumanev.


The Perekop Village Council hereby certifies that during the period of the German occupation of the village of Perekop from October 1941 to September 1943, the German occupiers and the elders who assisted and assisted them and the local rural police were: 1) kidnapped youthto Germany for hard labor -170 people; 2) stolen cattle -up to 100 goals;

5/II -- 1948

The real Deev?

Apparently, the surname "Diev", heard by Chernyshov and Koroteev at the headquarters of the 16th Army, is a distortion of the surname Georgiev. ml. political instructor Andrei Nikolaevich Georgiev, who was the commissar of the tank destroyer detachment, really died in an unequal battle with German tanks, remaining at the head of a small detachment to cover the exit from the encirclement of our units. Political instructor Georgiev, introduced to the title of Hero of the Soviet Union, appears in the memoirs of the commandant of the headquarters of the regiment Melnikov as Yegordiev. Obviously, from the confusion of the names of Georgiev-Egordiev, a mistake occurred. When transmitting information about the feat along the chain from the regiment to the headquarters of the division, and then to correspondents, he turned into Yegor Diev. So the surname Diev appeared in the articles of Chernyshev and Koroteev, written on the traces that had not yet cooled down. When Krivitsky was looking for real names in order to fit them under his nonsense, he did not find the end of this story. Yes, and I hardly looked for it. He announced the first murdered political officer that came to hand as Diev (he turned out to be Klochkov), and out of more than 100 names of the dead soldiers of his company, he randomly chose the remaining 27. This is what real heroism looked like in those November days of 1941. Even in those days, what was done by the tank destroyer unit under the leadership of Commander Ugryumov and Commissar Georgiev deserved to be known at the army headquarters. Let's give the floor to the award list. Georgiev Andrey Nikolaevich. ml. political instructor. Commissar of the fighter detachment of the 1073rd Infantry Regiment of the 8th Guards. Division Panfilov. born in 1916 Russian. Member of the CPSU (b). ... 17 fighters, led by Commissar Georgiev, fought fiercely and stubbornly in an unequal battle under the hurricane fire of tanks, machine guns, and submachine gunners. Commissar Georgiev personally inspiring the fighters himself, to his full height with a bunch of grenades with the slogan "For the Motherland, for Stalin!" rushed to the tank and destroyed it. Of the first 4 tanks, 2 tanks were destroyed, 2 were shot down and turned back.... ... regiment and 690 infantry regiment left the encirclement .... Of the 17 daredevils, 13 died in this battle. At the moment of throwing a grenade to completely explode the wrecked tanks, Commissar Georgiev was also killed with a shell in the chest.

In addition to identifying the names (there are no Dievs in the lists of the Panfilov division) and describing the feat, there is another circumstance that allows us to think that it is Andrei Nikolaevich Georgiev who is that political instructor Diev. This place is from the book "Volokolamsk Highway" by Alexander Beck. The narration in the book is conducted in the first person - on behalf of the battalion commander Momysh-Ula. And in it, the red commander and his biographer never deviate from what Momysh-Uly saw personally, with his own eyes. Except for one short episode. Putting the map in his lap, he continued to listen. - And Ugryumov? - Panfilov's face immediately seemed to be older, the folds around the mouth became sharper. - And Georgiev? At the bridge? I see. Is anyone left alive? Wait a minute, I'll point it out. ... Panfilov softly, without knocking, hung up and returned Dorfman's card. - Do you remember, Comrade Momysh-Uly, Lieutenant Ugryumov? I briefly answered: - Yes. Of course, I wish I didn't remember the snub-nosed freckled lieutenant, whom the cook Vakhitov once surrounded with porridge, who looked like a country boy - a boy with a reasonable speech and a strong hand. - He died ... Did you know political instructor Georgiev? Also died. Almost all of this little detachment laid down their heads. But did not miss the tanks. Nine cars were blown up, the rest left. You see, Comrade Dorfman, things are getting clearer. But there are still many mysteries. - Panfilov scratched his cropped head. It looks like a book with torn pages. It is necessary that these pages do not disappear. We need to restore them. Read this book. Let us also pay attention to the fact that even in the very first note of the correspondent Ivanov, written in hot pursuit on November 19, this number of tanks was mentioned: 9. It is clear that we are talking about the same feat, rumors about which were heard by Krivitsky and turned them for commercial purposes into a shameless deceitful concoction. No, it was no accident that such an uncharacteristic episode got into this book. Baurdzhan Momysh-Uly and his biographer Alexander Bek knew who the hero really was. And they gave a subtle hint in the book through the mouth of General Panfilov. "... a book with torn pages. These pages must not be lost. We must restore them. Read this book."- bequeathed to us by General Panfilov. And we're following the orders of the dead general.

  • Krivitsky, apparently, was not aware that these were the words of the colonel of the Napoleonic Guards, according to legend, said at Waterloo.
  • Since 1947 the death penalty was abolished, but since 1950. in relation to traitors to the Motherland (i.e. Dobrobaba) was introduced again. Moreover, the law had retroactive effect, i. a convicted person during the abolition of the death penalty could be shot.
  • According to the same logic, the Ukrainian "Heavenly Hundred" appeared. Was there a fact of killing people? Was. They came to the Maidan because they wanted the best? Yes. What else do you need, katsapskaya scum? Or do you not love Ukraine?

  • 75 years ago, on November 16, 1941, near Volokolamsk, in the area of ​​​​the Dubosekovo junction and the village of Nelidovo, a battle took place between the 2nd battalion of the 1075th regiment of the 316th rifle division under the command of General Panfilov and a column of German tanks trying to break through to Moscow. As a result of the battle, the tanks were stopped and the Germans decided to break through in other directions. This is what is an indisputable fact.

    The battle for Moscow is the first dispelled myth about the invincibility of the NazisAfter 70 days of the battle for Kyiv in September 1941, Hitler went to Moscow. The operation, code-named "Typhoon", involved not only the capture of the capital, but also its complete destruction.

    Everything else is apocrypha. Even now, with all the development of means of tracking and surveillance, the military cannot say exactly how much and what exactly they destroyed. What can we say about the autumn of 1941. Almost nothing is known: neither how many people died on both sides, nor how many tanks were destroyed, nor even how much and what kind of weapons the Panfilov’s opposing tanks had. There are ratings. But there are no exact numbers.

    Of the assessments, two deserve attention.

    The first is a story that was included in the official mythology of the war, invented by the literary secretary of the Krasnaya Zvezda newspaper Krivitsky. 28 soldiers of the 4th company destroyed 18 enemy tanks and all died.

    The second assessment is the testimony of the commander of the 1075th regiment, Kaprov. The 4th company was fully staffed (120-140 people - even here there is no exact figure!). 20-25 people survived after the battle. In total, the entire 1075th Infantry Regiment destroyed 15 or 16 enemy tanks that day.

    And what do we see by comparing these estimates? We see their unconditional correlation.

    In November 1947, the prosecutor's office of the Kharkov garrison arrested the former policeman Ivan Dobrobabin. According to the certificate-report of the chief military prosecutor Afanasyev, during a search of Dobrobabin, a book about 28 Panfilov heroes was found. And in this book was written Dobrobabin - one of these dead Panfilov heroes. The hero of the USSR.

    Surprised by such a miraculous resurrection with rebirth, the prosecutor's office decided to conduct a check, as a result of which it turned out that in addition to Dobrobabin, 4 more dead heroes remained alive. Moreover, one of them fell into the Panfilov division only in January 1942. And, on the contrary, one of the 28 heroes who allegedly died on November 16 died on November 14. In general, everything was invented by Krivitsky, sums up the military prosecutor Afanasyev. Then he notices that there are monuments to 28 Panfilov heroes, parks, streets, schools and collective farms are named after them. And no matter how bad it turned out.

    And now, on the basis of this document, the champions of historical truth are now asserting: nothing happened. There was no battle at the Dubosekovo junction. There was no stopped tank breakthrough. There were no Panfilov heroes.

    But they were. The fact that not all of these specific 28 people took part in that battle is a particularity. The fact that it was not they who stopped those tanks is a particularity. The fact that the title of Hero of the Soviet Union, perhaps, was not awarded to other heroes of this battle is also a particularity. Unpleasant, but private.

    However, all these particulars do not cancel the main thing - 28 Panfilov heroes existed. And they accomplished their feat - they did not let the German tanks pass to the Volokolamsk highway. There were more than 28, but 28 were definitely among them. Let and with any other surnames.

    And a grandiose monument in a field near the village of Nelidovo stands there quite on business.

    When the champions of historical truth cite the words of regiment commander Kaprov as their final argument: “There was no battle between 28 Panfilov’s men and German tanks at the Dubosekovo junction on November 16, 1941 - this is a complete fiction,” for some reason they never cite what he said further: "On this day, at the Dubosekovo junction, as part of the 2nd battalion, the 4th company fought with German tanks, and really fought heroically. More than 100 people died from the company, and not 28, as they wrote about it in the newspapers." That's all. The whole myth is only in the list of surnames. And, perhaps, in the words of the anthem of Moscow: "And twenty-eight of your bravest sons will live for centuries." Since there were no sons of Moscow in the division of General Panfilov, it was formed in Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan.

    Golodets said that the feat of the Panfilovites cannot be disputedPanfilov's men - soldiers of the 316th Infantry Division under the command of General Panfilov, who participated in the defense of Moscow in 1941. During fierce battles, the Panfilovites destroyed 18 German tanks. For the feat they were awarded the title of Heroes of the Soviet Union.

    And the fact that the literary secretary Krivitsky did not know how to work with texture is not the problem of the Panfilov heroes. This is the problem of Krivitsky himself. That's why he was a literary secretary, not an investigative journalist. Although it must be admitted that the legend he invented and replicated about the confrontation between 28 heroes and 50 German tanks had a rather big impact on the fighting spirit of the Red Army. For one phrase "Russia is great, but there is nowhere to retreat - behind Moscow" he should have been awarded a prize. True, not for journalism, but for PR.

    After all, a legend is a legend, that it cannot be canceled by any historical facts. The legend is over the facts. She is more facts.

    Of course, it is necessary to argue about what exactly and how happened 75 years ago, on November 16, 1941, at the Dubosekovo junction and the village of Nelidovo. It is necessary to find out the details, compare them, clarify the figures and circumstances. But it is completely pointless to fight the legend. Moreover, the legend, in general, does not contradict any established facts, except for the list of surnames.
    The gospels also tell the same story in quite different ways. But we will not, because of this, assert that neither Christ nor the apostles existed.

    God forbid do not get into power
    and not be a hero...

    On November 16, the 4th company of the 1075th rifle regiment, which was defending at Dubosekov, numbering 120-140 fighters, was almost completely destroyed, having managed to damage no more than 5-6 enemy tanks, and the 1075th regiment was defeated and, having lost 400 people killed, 600 missing and 100 wounded, retreated in disarray. 20-25 people survived from the 4th company, led by the commander, Captain Gundilovich (he would die six months later). Neither Panfilov nor Rokossovsky wrote anything about the exploits of the 28 Panfilov heroes in their reports. This case was invented by newspapermen, and then it acquired the status of a fact; 28 names of fighters from the 1075th regiment were even randomly selected, who were posthumously awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. This newspaper myth was repeated in the description of the Moscow battle, published in 1943 under the heading "secret", made in the Soviet General Staff. Subsequently, it turned out that some of the awardees had never participated in the battle on November 16, 1941 at the Dubosekovo junction, while others survived, were captured and even managed to serve in the German police or "voluntary assistants" in the Wehrmacht.
    The Chief Military Prosecutor's Office of the USSR conducted a thorough investigation into the history of the battle at the Dubosekovo junction, as a result of which it turned out, according to the former commander of the 1075th Infantry Regiment, Ilya Kaprov: complete deception. None of the correspondents contacted me during this period; I never told anyone about the battle of 28 Panfilov's men, and I could not speak, since there was no such battle. I did not write any political report on this matter. I do not know on the basis of what materials they wrote in the newspapers, in particular in the Red Star, about the battle of 28 guardsmen from the division named after. Panfilov. The interrogated secretary of the Krasnaya Zvezda, Alexander Krivitsky, in turn, testified that “during a conversation with Comrade Krapivin at the PUR, he was interested in where I got the words of political instructor Klochkov, written in my basement: “Russia is great, but there is nowhere to retreat - Moscow is behind ”, - I answered him that I invented it myself ... As for the sensations and actions of 28 heroes, this is my literary conjecture. I didn’t talk to any of the wounded or surviving guards.”
    One of the Panfilovites faithfully served the German side.
    Owls. secret. Ex. No. 1 Reference-report "On 28 Panfilovites"
    In November 1947, the Military Prosecutor's Office of the Kharkov garrison arrested and prosecuted citizen Dobrobabin Ivan Evstafievich for treason. The materials of the investigation established that, while at the front, Dobrobabin voluntarily surrendered to the Germans and in the spring of 1942 entered their service. He served as chief of police in the village of Perekop, temporarily occupied by the Germans, Valkovsky district, Kharkov region. In March 1943, when this area was liberated from the Germans, Dobrobabin, as a traitor, was arrested by the Soviet authorities, but escaped from custody, again went over to the Germans and again got a job in the German police, continuing active treacherous activities, arrests of Soviet citizens and the direct implementation of the forced sending of young people to hard labor in Germany. Dobrobabin's guilt is fully established, and he himself confessed to committing crimes. When Dobrobabin was arrested, a book about "28 Panfilov Heroes" was found, and it turned out that he was one of the main participants in this heroic battle, for which he was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. The interrogation of Dobrobabin established that in the Dubosekovo area he was indeed slightly wounded and captured by the Germans, but did not perform any feats, and everything that is written about him in the book about the Panfilov heroes does not correspond to reality.
    It was further established that, in addition to Dobrobabin, Vasiliev Illarion Romanovich, Shemyakin Grigory Melentievich, Shadrin Ivan Demidovich and Kuzhebergenov Daniil Alexandrovich, who were also on the list of 28 Panfilov soldiers who died in battle with German tanks, survived. Therefore, it became necessary to investigate the very circumstances of the battle of 28 guardsmen from the Panfilov division, which took place on November 16, 1941 at the Dubosekovo junction. The investigation established: For the first time, a message about the battle of the guardsmen of the Panfilov division appeared in the newspaper Krasnaya Zvezda on November 27, 1941. In the essay by the front-line correspondent Koroteev, the heroic battles of the guards of the Panfilov division with enemy tanks were described. In particular, it was reported about the battle of the 5th company of the N regiment under the command of political instructor Diev with 54 German tanks, in which 18 enemy tanks were destroyed. It was said about the participants in the battle that "everyone died, but the enemy was not missed." On November 28, Krasnaya Zvezda published an editorial titled "Testament of 28 Fallen Heroes." This article indicated that 29 Panfilov soldiers fought with enemy tanks. “More than fifty enemy tanks moved to the lines occupied by twenty-nine Soviet guards from the Panfilov division ... Only one of the twenty-nine was cowardly ... only one raised his hands up ... several guards at the same time, without saying a word, without a command, shot at a coward and a traitor ... " Further, the front line says that the remaining 28 guardsmen destroyed 18 enemy tanks and ... “lay down their heads - all twenty-eight. They died, but they did not let the enemy pass ... The front line was written by the literary secretary of the Red Star, Krivitsky. The names of the guardsmen who fought and died, both in the first and in the second article, were not indicated. In 1942, in the newspaper "Krasnaya Zvezda" dated January 22, Krivitsky published an essay under the heading "About 28 Fallen Heroes", in which he wrote in detail about the feat of 28 Panfilov's soldiers. In this essay, Krivitsky confidently, as an eyewitness or a person who heard the story of the participants in the battle, writes about the personal experiences and behavior of 28 guardsmen, naming their names for the first time: “Let the army and the country finally know their proud names. In the trench were: Klochkov Vasily Georgievich, Dobrobabin Ivan Evstafyevich, Shepetkov Ivan Alekseevich, Kryuchkov Abram Ivanovich, Mitin Gavriil Stepanovich, Kasaev Alikbay, Petrenko Grigory Alekseevich, Yesibulatov Narsutbay, Kaleynikov Dmitry Mitrofanovich, Natarov Ivan Moiseevich, Shemyakin Grigory Mikhailovich, Dutov Petr Danilovich, Mitchenko Nikolay, Shapokov Dushankul, Konkin Grigory Efimovich, Shadrin Ivan Demidovich, Moskalenko Nikolai, Yemtsov Petr Kuzmich, Kuzhebergenov Daniil Alexandrovich, Timofeev Dmitry Fomich, Trofimov Nikolay Ignatievich, Bondarenko Yakov Alexandrovich, Vasiliev Larion Romanovich, Bolotov Nikolai, Bezrodny Grigory, Sengirbaev Mustafa, Maksimov Nikolai, Ananiev Nikolai…” Then Krivitsky dwells on the circumstances of the death of 28 Panfilov’s men: “…The battle lasted more than four hours. Already fourteen tanks froze motionless on the battlefield. Sergeant Dobrobabin has already been killed, the fighter Shemyakin has been killed ..., Konkin, Shadrin, Timofeev and Trofimov are dead ... Klochkov looked at his comrades with inflamed eyes - “Thirty tanks, friends,” he said to the soldiers, “we all have to die, probably. Russia is great, but there is nowhere to retreat. Behind Moscow "... Right under the barrel of an enemy machine gun, Kuzhebergenov walks with his arms crossed on his chest and falls dead..." variants repeat his essay "On 28 Fallen Heroes". In March 1942, the poet N. Tikhonov wrote the poem “The Tale of 28 Guardsmen”, in which, singing the feat of 28 Panfilov’s soldiers, he especially speaks of Daniil Kuzhebergenov: Daniil Kuzhebergenov stands guard near Moscow, I swear on my head to fight to the last strength! ..
    Interrogated about the materials that served him to write the poem, N. Tikhonov testified: “In essence, the materials for writing the poem were Krivitsky's articles, from which I took the names mentioned in the poem. I didn’t have any other materials ... In fact, everything that is written about the 28 Panfilov heroes comes from Krivitsky or is written based on his materials. In April 1942, after it became known from the newspapers in all military units about the feat of 28 guardsmen from the Panfilov division, at the initiative of the command of the Western Front, a petition was filed with the People's Commissar of Defense to confer on them the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of July 21, 1942. all 28 guardsmen listed in Krivitsky's essay were posthumously awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. In May 1942 A special department of the Western Front was arrested for voluntarily surrendering to the Germans, a Red Army soldier of the 4th company of the 2nd battalion of the 1075th rifle regiment of the 8th Guards named after. Panfilov of the division Kuzhebergenov Daniil Alexandrovich, who during the first interrogations showed that he was the same Kuzhebergenov Daniil Alexandrovich, who is considered to have died among the 28 Panfilov heroes. In further testimony, Kuzhebergenov admitted that he did not participate in the battle near Dubosekovo, but gave his testimony on the basis of newspaper reports in which they wrote about him as a hero who participated in the battle with German tanks, among 28 Panfilov heroes. Based on the testimony of Kuzhebergenov and the materials of the investigation, the commander of the 1075th Infantry Regiment, Colonel Kaprov, reported to the award department of the GUK NKO8 about the erroneous inclusion of Daniil Kuzhebergenov among the 28 guardsmen who died in the battle with German tanks and asked instead to reward Askar Kuzhebergenov, who allegedly died in this battle. Therefore, Kuzhebergenov Askar was included in the Decree on rewarding. However, Kuzhebergenov Askar does not appear in the lists of 4 and 5 companies. In August 1942, the Military Prosecutor's Office of the Kalinin Front conducted a check against Vasilyev Illarion Romanovich, Shemyakin Grigory Melentyevich and Shadrin Ivan Demidovich, who claimed to receive an award and the title of Hero of the Soviet Union, as participants in the heroic battle of 28 Panfilov guardsmen with German tanks.
    At the same time, a check in relation to this battle was carried out by the senior instructor of the 4th department of the GlavPURKKA, the senior battalion commissar Minin, who in August 1942 reported to the Head of the Orginspektorsky department of the GlavPURKKA divisional commissar comrade Pronin: “4th company of the 1075th rifle regiment, in which 28 Panfilov heroes were born, occupied the defense of Nelidovo - Dubosekovo - Petelino. On November 16, 1941, the enemy, having preempted the offensive of our units, at about 8 o'clock in the morning, with large forces of tanks and infantry, went on the offensive. As a result of the fighting, under the influence of superior enemy forces, the 1075th Infantry Regiment suffered heavy losses and retreated to a new defensive line. For this withdrawal of the regiment, the commander of the regiment Kaprov and the military commissar Mukhomedyarov were removed from their positions and reinstated after the division left the fighting and was on rest understaffing. No one knew about the feat 28 either during the battles or immediately after the battle, and they were not popularized among the masses. The legend of 28 heroes who fought and died heroically began with an article by O. Ognev (“Kazakhstanskaya Pravda” dated 2.4.42), and then by articles by Krivitsky and others.” A survey of local residents revealed that the battles of the Panfilov division with German tanks took place in November 1941 on the territory of the Nelidovsky village council, Moscow region. In her explanation, the chairman of the Nelidovsky s / council, Smirnova, said: “The battle of the Panfilov division near our village of Nelidovo and the Dubosekovo junction took place on November 16, 1941. During this battle, all our residents, including myself, hid in shelters ... The Germans entered the area of ​​\u200b\u200bour village and the Dubosekovo junction on November 16, 1941 and were repulsed by units of the Soviet Army on December 20, 1941. At that time, there were large snow drifts, which continued until February 1942, due to which we did not collect the corpses of those killed on the battlefield and did not perform funerals. ... In the early days of February 1942. on the battlefield, we found only three corpses, which we buried in a mass grave on the outskirts of our village. And then already in March 1942, when it began to melt, military units carried three more corpses to the mass grave, including the corpse of political instructor Klochkov, who was identified by the soldiers. So in the mass grave of the Panfilov heroes, which is located on the outskirts of our village of Nelidovo, 6 fighters of the Soviet Army are buried. More corpses were not found on the territory of the Nelidovsky village council. Approximately the same was told by other residents of the village of Nelidovo, adding that on the second day after the battle they saw the surviving guardsmen Vasilyev and Dobrobabin. Thus, it should be considered established that for the first time reports about the feat of 28 Panfilov heroes appeared in the Krasnaya Zvezda newspaper in November 1941, and the authors of these reports were front-line correspondent Koroteev and the literary secretary of the newspaper Krivitsky. Regarding his correspondence, published in the Krasnaya Zvezda newspaper dated November 27, 1941, Koroteev testified: “About November 23-24, 1941, together with the war correspondent of the newspaper Komsomolskaya Pravda, Chernyshev, I was at the headquarters of the 16th army ...
    When leaving the army headquarters, we met the commissar of the 8th Panfilov division, Yegorov, who spoke about the extremely difficult situation at the front and said that our people were fighting heroically in all sectors. In particular, Yegorov gave an example of a heroic battle of one company with German tanks, 54 tanks were advancing on the line of the company, and the company delayed them, destroying some of them. Egorov himself was not a participant in the battle, but told from the words of the regiment’s commissar, who also did not participate in the battle with German tanks ... Yegorov recommended writing in the newspaper about the heroic battle of the company with enemy tanks, having previously read the political report received from the regiment ... The political report spoke about the battle of the fifth company with enemy tanks and the fact that the company stood "to death" - died, but did not retreat, and only two people turned out to be traitors, raised their hands to surrender to the Germans, but they were destroyed by our soldiers. The report did not mention the number of company soldiers who died in this battle, and did not mention their names. We did not establish this from conversations with the regiment commander either. It was impossible to get into the regiment, and Yegorov did not advise us to try to get into the regiment. Upon arrival in Moscow, I reported the situation to the editor of the Krasnaya Zvezda newspaper, Ortenberg, about the company's battle with enemy tanks. Ortenberg asked me how many people were in the company. I answered him that the composition of the company, apparently, was incomplete, about 30-40 people; I also said that two of these people turned out to be traitors ... I didn’t know that an advance was being prepared on this topic, but Ortenberg called me again and asked how many people were in the company. I told him that about 30 people. Thus, the number of 28 people who fought appeared, since out of 30 two turned out to be traitors. Ortenberg said that it was impossible to write about two traitors, and, apparently, after consulting with someone, he decided to write about only one traitor in the front line. On November 27, 1941, my short correspondence was published in the newspaper, and on November 28, the editorial "Testament of 28 Fallen Heroes" written by Krivitsky was printed in the Red Star. Interrogated in the present case, Krivitsky testified that when Ortenberg, the editor of Krasnaya Zvezda, suggested that he write an editorial published in the newspaper dated November 28, 1941, Ortenberg himself named the number of Panfilov guardsmen who fought with enemy tanks - 28. Where did Ortenberg get these figures, Krivitsky does not know, and it was only on the basis of conversations with Ortenberg that he wrote an editorial titled "Testament of 28 Fallen Heroes." When it became known that the place where the battle took place was liberated from the Germans, Krivitsky, on behalf of Ortenberg, went to the Dubosekovo junction. Together with the commander of the regiment Kaprov, commissar Mukhamedyarov and the commander of the 4th company Gundilovich Krivitsky went to the battlefield, where they found three corpses of our soldiers under the snow. However, Kaprov could not answer Krivitsky’s question about the names of the fallen heroes: “Kaprov did not give me the names, but instructed Mukhamedyarov and Gundilovich to do this, who compiled a list, taking information from some kind of statement or list. Thus, I got a list of the names of 28 Panfilov soldiers who fell in battle with German tanks at the Dubosekovo junction. Arriving in Moscow, I wrote a basement in the newspaper under the heading "About 28 Fallen Heroes"; the basement was sent for a visa to the PUR. During a conversation with Comrade Krapivin in PUR, he was interested in where I got the words of political instructor Klochkov, written in my basement: “Russia is great, but there is nowhere to retreat - behind Moscow,” I answered him that I invented it myself. The basement was placed in the "Red Star" on January 22, 1942. Here I used the stories of Gundilovich, Kaprov, Mukhamedyarov, Egorov. In terms of sensations and actions, 28 characters are my literary conjecture. I did not talk to any of the wounded or surviving guardsmen. Of the local population, I spoke only with a boy of 14-15 years old, who showed the grave where Klochkov was buried. ... In 1943, from the division where 28 Panfilov heroes were and fought, they sent me a letter of awarding me the title of guardsman. I was only in the division three or four times.” Major General Ortenberg, confirming the testimony of Koroteev and Krivitsky in essence, explained: “The question of the steadfastness of Soviet soldiers in that period acquired special significance. The slogan "Death or victory", especially in the fight against enemy tanks, was the decisive slogan. The exploits of the Panfilovites were an example of such steadfastness. Based on this, I suggested that Krivitsky write an editorial about the heroism of the Panfilovites, which was published in the newspaper on November 28, 1941. According to the correspondent, there were 30 Panfilov soldiers in the company, and two of them tried to surrender to the Germans. Considering it politically inexpedient to show two traitors at once, he left one in the editorial; as you know, the fighters themselves dealt with him. The leading one was therefore called "Testament of 28 Fallen Heroes." The names of the heroes for inclusion in the list at the request of Krivitsky were given to him by the company commander Gundilovich. The latter was killed in action in April 1942, and it was not possible to check on what basis he gave the list. »
    This PR lie, inflated to the size of an airship, lives and prospers in the minds of compatriots, equated to the sparkling greatness of the feat of the Zoya.


    Russian, and even Soviet historiography, spoke about those events like this:

    "From the combat log of the 33rd Army:
    “1.12.41 years. After an hour of artillery preparation at 9.00 on 1.12, the pr-k went on the offensive. Up to 4 PDs operated in front of the army front - 7, 292, 258 and 183 PDs; 3 MOTOR DIVISIONS, 20 TDs and parts of the tank group "DI - GUTTE - GUTTERIA" consisting of up to 130 tanks ... "
    By three o'clock in the afternoon, units of the 292nd Infantry Division reached Akulovo and immediately attacked the positions of our units. Until late at night, the soldiers of the 32nd SD fought a fierce battle with the infantry and tanks of the enemy, who were persistently striving to reach Kubinka. The enemy managed to capture Akulov, but his tanks could not break through further and were stopped by the fire of artillerymen of the 509th AP PTO.
    Despite the complexity of the situation, and the units of the division had to simultaneously repel the offensive of the units of the 7th Infantry Division from the front, the commanders and the Red Army showed their best qualities.
    Having lost a day before an infantry battalion and up to ten tanks, the enemy was forced to go on the defensive. Only 6 km remained before the Minsk highway, and the commander of the 292nd Infantry Division, Major General Demel, decided the next morning to try to break through to Kubinka again, acting somewhat to the right of Akulov.
    The regiment commander, Lieutenant Colonel Meyer, received an order from the division commander, General 3. Henrici, to go to the settlement of Yushkovo, located on the northeastern outskirts of the Alabinsky training ground, and seize a bridgehead there, from which the corps units could subsequently develop an offensive against Moscow. By order of the corps commander, General F. Materny, the regiment was reinforced by a tank battalion from the 27th TP of the 19th TD, a battery of the 611th anti-aircraft artillery battalion and a company of the 258th anti-tank battalion.
    To facilitate the management of subordinate units that suffered heavy losses both among the soldiers and among the officers, the commander of the 478th PP made some reorganization. The 1st battalion was temporarily disbanded: one company was given to the 2nd and 3rd battalions, the 3rd infantry company was the regiment commander's reserve. At the head of the column of the regiment was to operate the 2nd battalion under the command of Captain Stedke.
    After reloading ammunition and replenishing the supply of provisions, the 478th PP with reinforcements under the cover of darkness moved along the road leading from the village of Golovenki in the direction of a height from el. 210.8.
    In the evening, an urgent telegram arrived from the headquarters of the Western Front:
    The commander ordered to immediately take measures to eliminate the breakthrough of tanks and infantry in the direction of GOLOVENKA.
    SOKOLOVSKY 1.12.41"
    Closer to the night, having passed in complete darkness the once inhabited villages of Barkhatovo and Chupriakovo, the height from el. 210.8, the column of the 478th PP of the 258th PD, reinforced by 15–20 tanks of the 20th TP, reached the village of Kutmenevo. Having reported the situation to the division commander, the regiment commander, Lieutenant Colonel Meyer, sent reconnaissance forward and to the flanks and ordered the commanders to camp for the night. The ominous silence frightened the invaders more than the Russian frosts, which were still not so strong.
    The German commanders, who settled in this abandoned village for the night, could not even imagine that there were no our troops in front of them. In the area of ​​Yushkovo, Burtsevo, Petrovskoe, there were only units of the 16th regiment of the NKVD and several field medical institutions were located.

    Well, what can I say. The timid Germans reached almost Moscow, having absolutely no idea about the enemy. And who did not allow Lieutenant Colonel Meyer to carry out the order of the division commander, General 3. Henrici, to go to the settlement of Yushkovo? Why did the Germans stop near the height of 210.8? After all, their goal, determined by order, was YUSHKOVO!
    For the first time, German units (an infantry regiment and 30 tanks) came so close to the headquarters of the Polar Front (a little more than 15 km remained to Perkhushkovo), having a real opportunity to break through to the Kiev highway (12.5 km). What stopped the Germans, who had already lost contact with the enemy precisely on the Searchlight Hill, not allowing them to spend the night in the warm huts of Burtsevo? And spending the night at an altitude of 210.8 turned out to be terrible. Here is the testimony of Paul Carrel from the book "Eastern Front":
    “On the other side of the road was the village of Burtsevo - a God-forsaken place: thirty thatched and half-covered huts with snow. The area around which they were located was the task of the head column of the 258th Infantry Division. Late in the evening on December 2, the 3rd Battalion of the 478th Infantry Regiment entered the village.
    Parts of the 2nd battalion for several hours desperately held back the stubborn attacks of the enemy. Twenty-five or thirty huts seemed to the soldiers a fabulous oasis, a kind of mirage in the desert. The haze rising to the sky indicated that the houses were warm. And the soldiers dreamed of nothing more than warmth. They had spent the previous night in old concrete pillboxes at a tank training ground west of the village. They were not lucky, the temperature suddenly dropped to 35 degrees.
    Collective farmers used pillboxes as chicken coops. There were no chickens, however, but there were fleas. The night was hellish. To escape from fleas, one had to go outside, where the merciless sovereign-frost reigned. Before the soldiers knew what was happening, their fingers turned white, their toes stiffened in their boots. Thirty people sought medical attention in the morning, some of them suffering from severe frostbite. It was impossible even to remove the boots from the patient, since the skin remained on the insoles and on the cloth with which the soldiers wrapped their feet. There were no medicines to help the frostbitten. There was no transport to take the victims to the infirmary. Frostbitten remained among their comrades and dreamed of Burtsev's warm huts. What the soldiers had to endure in those days, shivering from the bone-chilling cold near machine guns and anti-tank guns, seems incredible. They moaned and howled from the cold. They cried from anger and helplessness, from the fact that they are only a flight of a stone from their goal and cannot, cannot achieve it.
    So with whom did the 2nd battalion of the 258th division fought on the afternoon of December 1, 1941? Neither the troops of the 33rd army, nor the troops of the 5th army were already in front of the Germans at the training ground. The border guards of Captain Dzhepchuraev retreated to the Alabinsky camp, saddling the road to Golitsyno.
    In his report to Khrushchev on May 19, 1956, about the villages of Dedovo and Krasnaya Polyana, which are closer to Moscow, Zhukov noted: “... and while N.A. Bulganin took these villages, which were of no importance, the enemy broke through the front in another place - in the Naro-Fominsk region, rushed to Moscow, and only the presence of a front reserve in this area saved the situation.
    The front commander, Army General Zhukov, arrived at the front headquarters to sort out the situation on the spot. Judging by the reports of the commander of the 5th Army, communication with the troops was broken and the situation, especially in the Mozhaisk direction, became much aggravated.
    What reserves could Zhukov throw on December 1 to Searchlight Mountain to stop 30 tanks and 478 PP, reinforced by the 611th anti-aircraft artillery division?
    This is where all the necessary components of the use of a sharply unconventional drop of a large landing unit without parachutes into deep snow converge. It was necessary to quickly deliver and concentrate at the Searchlight Mountain up to a regiment of paratroopers armed only with hand-held anti-tank weapons. Otherwise, the front headquarters would have been crushed for sure, and the 5th army would have been surrounded. It is clear that this could well decide the outcome of the entire Moscow battle.

    “How to determine what supported us in those immeasurably difficult days? We were ordinary Soviet people. We loved our country. Every inch of land given to the enemy seemed like a cut off piece of his own body.

    From the memoirs of Z.S. Shekhtman, former commander of the 1077th regiment of the 8th Guards Rifle Division named after I.V. Panfilov

    The 316th Rifle Division under the command of General Panfilov was the force that was supposed to keep the enemy out of the Volokolamsk direction. The last echelon of fighters from the area of ​​Kresttsov and Borovichi arrived at the Volokolamsk station on October 11, 1941. There was no prepared defense, just as there were no other troops.

    The division took up defensive positions on the 41st kilometer front from Ruza to Lotoshino and immediately began to create centers of resistance on the likely directions of the enemy's attack. Ivan Vasilievich Panfilov was sure that the enemy would bet on tanks as the main strike force. But ... “A brave and skillful tank is not afraid,” said Panfilov.

    “We will not surrender to the enemy of Moscow,” I.V. Panfilov wrote to his wife Maria Ivanovna, “we destroy the reptile by the thousands, hundreds of its tanks. The division is fighting well...” Only from October 20 to October 27, the 316th rifle division knocked out and burned 80 tanks, more than nine thousand enemy soldiers and officers were destroyed.

    Exhausting battles did not stop, by the end of October the front of the division was already 20 kilometers - from the Dubosekovo junction to the settlement of Teryaevo. Having brought up new forces, replacing the broken divisions with new ones and concentrating more than 350 tanks against Panfilov's division, by mid-November the enemy was ready for a general offensive. “We will have breakfast in Volokolamsk, and we will have dinner in Moscow,” the Nazis calculated.

    On the right flank, the 1077th regiment of the rifle division held the defense, in the center there were two battalions of the 1073rd regiment of Major Elin, on the left flank, in the most critical section of Dubosekovo - Nelidovo, seven kilometers southeast of Volokolamsk, was the 1075th Regiment of Colonel Ilya Vasilyevich Kaprov. It was against him that the main forces of the enemy were concentrated, trying to break through to the Volokolamsk highway and to the railway.

    On November 16, 1941, the enemy offensive began. The battle, which was given at night near Dubosekovo by a group of tank destroyers of the 4th company of the 2nd battalion of the 1075th regiment, led by political instructor Vasily Georgievich Klochkov, was included in all history books. For four hours, the Panfilovites held back the tanks and infantry of the enemy. They repelled several enemy attacks and destroyed 18 tanks. Most of the legendary warriors who accomplished this unprecedented feat, including Vasily Klochkov, died that night the death of the brave. The rest (D.F. Timofeev, G.M. Shemyakin, I.D. Shadrin, D.A. Kozhubergenov and I.R. Vasiliev) were seriously wounded. The battle near Dubosekovo went down in history as a feat of 28 Panfilov soldiers, all its participants in 1942 were awarded the title of heroes of the Soviet Union by the Soviet command ...

    The Panfilovites became a terrible curse for the Nazis, and there were legends about the strength and courage of the heroes. On November 17, 1941, the 316th Rifle Division was renamed the 8th Guards Rifle Division and awarded the Order of the Red Banner. Hundreds of guardsmen were awarded orders and medals.

    On November 19, the division lost its commander ... 36 days fought under the command of General I.V. Panfilov 316th Rifle Division, defending the capital in the main direction. Even during his lifetime, the soldiers of the division in fierce battles destroyed over 30 thousand fascist soldiers and officers and more than 150 tanks.

    Having not achieved decisive successes in the Volokolamsk direction, the main enemy forces turned to Solnechnogorsk, where they intended to break through first to Leningradskoe, then to Dmitrovskoe highway and enter Moscow from the north-west.

    In 1967, in the village of Nelidovo, located one and a half kilometers from the Dubosekovo junction, the Panfilov Heroes Museum was opened. In 1975, a memorial ensemble of granite "Feat 28" was erected at the site of the battle (sculptors N.S. Lyubimov, A.G. Postol, V.A. Fedorov, architects V.E. Datyuk, Yu.G. Krivushchenko, I. I. Stepanov, engineer S.P. Khadzhibaronov), consisting of six monumental figures, personifying the warriors of six nationalities, who fought in the ranks of 28 Panfilov's men.

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