What everyone should read. List of books an educated person should read


I present to your attention priceless list of books.

100 books every educated person should read

It's about knowinga list of Brodsky's books. The list printed by the great poet on a typewriter contains 82 positions. But some positions contain several books. From the article you will learn:

We often complain that in winter there is not enough sun, some kind of inexplicable blues attacks. I don't want to go anywhere at night. That's great! You can give everything long winter evenings reading books.

(Wikipedia), the smartest, most talented person, poet, translator, Nobel Prize winner. He did not have a higher education, he left school in the 7th grade, because he was unbearably bored there. Why boring? I think it's because he read a LOT.

After emigrating from the USSR, he taught at 6 British and American universities. Brodsky read a lot and did not understand why his literature students read so little.

Therefore, he compiled and typed a list of books on his typewriter that every thinking person should read in their lifetime. First of all, in order to become interesting to yourself, increase your self-esteem. And then, for to become an interesting conversationalist, be able to support any intellectual conversation.

2. The famous list of Brodsky's books that everyone should read.

I worked hard for you and chose books on Ozone (for those who likes to read a paper book). And also sometimes (when I came across), I chose audiobooks. Below you find links for books and audiobooks.

If you like to read online, then some of the books on the list can be found and read for free in online libraries, for example, on the site e-reading.club.

List of Brodsky's books:

4. Homer "Odyssey", "Iliad" (on Ozone).

9. "History of the Peloponnesian War" Thucydides (on Ozone).

10. Euripides. Plays: "Hippolytus", "Bacchae", "Electra", "Phoenician Women" (on Ozone).

12. Alexandrian poetry (on Ozone).

13. Aristotle "Physics", "Poetics", "On the Soul", "Ethics" (on Ozone).

14. "On the nature of things" Lucretius (on Ozone).

15. Virgil "Aeneid", "Georgics", "Bucoliki" (on Ozone).

16. Comparative Lives of Plutarch (on Ozone).

19. Ovid "Metamorphoses", "Heroids", "Science of Love" (on Ozone).

20. Life of the Twelve Caesars by Suetonius (on Ozone).

26. Elian, On the Nature of Animals, Colorful Stories (on Ozon).

27. "Argonautics" by Apollodorus (on Ozon).

28. "Chronography" Michael Psellos (on Ozon).

29. History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire by Gibbon (on Ozon).

30. Enneads by Plotinus (on Ozon).

31. "Church History" Eusebius of Caesarea (Pamphilus) (on Ozon).

32. Consolation of Philosophy by Boethius (on Ozon).

33. "Letters" by Pliny the Younger on Ozon).

34. Byzantine verse novels.

35. "Fragments" Heraclitus of Ephesus (on Ozon).

36. "Confessions" by Augustine (on Ozon).

37. Summa Theology by Thomas Aquinas (on Ozon).

38. "Flowers of Saint Francis" (on Ozon).

39. The Sovereign by Niccolò Machiavelli (on Ozon).

40. Dante's Divine Comedy (on Ozon).

41. Franco Sacchetti Novels (on Ozon).

42. Icelandic sagas (on Ozon).

43. Shakespeare "Hamlet", "Antony and Cleopatra", "Henry V", "Macbeth", (on Ozon).

44. Rabelais (on Ozon).

45. Bacon (on Ozon).

47. Calvin (on Ozon).

48. "Experiments" Montaigne (on Ozon).

49. Don Quixote by Cervantes (on Ozon).

51. "Song of Roland" (via Ozon)

52. Benvenuto Cellini (on Ozon).

53. "Beowulf" (via Ozon)

54. The Education of Henry Adams by Henry Adams (on Ozon).

55. Leviathan by Hobbes (on Ozon).

56. "Thoughts" Pascal (on Ozon).

57. Paradise Lost by Milton (on Ozon).

58. John Donne (on Ozon).

59. George Herbert (on Ozon).

60. Andrew Marvell (on Ozon).

61. Treatises by Spinoza (on Ozon).

62. Stendhal "Red and Black", "Parma Monastery", "The Life of Henri Brular" (on Ozon).

63. Gulliver's Travels by Swift (on Ozon).

64. "Tristram Shandy" by Lawrence Stern (on Ozon).

65. Dangerous Liaisons by Choderlos de Laclos (on Ozon).

66. "Persian Letters" by Montesquieu (on Ozon).

67. Two Treatises on Government by Locke (on Ozon).

68. Welfare of the Nations by Adam Smith (on Ozon).

69. Discourse on Metaphysics by Leibniz (on Ozon).

70. "Notes of a Federalist" (on Ozon).

71. Hume (on Ozon).

72. Critique of Pure Reason by Kant (on Ozon).

73. Kierkegaard "Either-Or", "Fear and Trembling", "Philosophical Crumbs" (on Ozon).

74. Dostoevsky "Demons", "Notes from the Underground" (on Ozon).

75. Goethe's Italian Journey, Faust (on Ozon).

76. "Democracy in America" ​​Tocqueville (on Ozon).

77. Journey of Our Days by De Custine (on Ozon).

78. “Conquest of Mexico. The Conquest of Peru" Prescott (on Ozon).

79. "Mimesis" by Eric Auerbach (on Ozon).

80. Labyrinth of Solitude by Octavio Paz (via Ozon)

81. Mass and Power by Elias Canetti (on Ozon).

82. Karl Popper, The Open Society and Its Enemies, The Logic of Scientific Discovery (on Ozon).

3. Resume.

Many of the books on this list I, of course, have already read in my life. But now I see how "serious" this list is. And now I understand why Brodsky was so indignant and upset when he saw that his students do not know even a small fraction of the wisdom that is contained in books from this list.

I understand it now because she herself experienced a similar feeling when she read the New Testament only at the age of 30. I realized that all the writers, books that I had read by that time, drew all the wisdom from the Bible (“everything secret becomes clear”, “do your bit”, “prodigal son”, “parable of the town”, stumbling block” , …). I felt sorry for myself that I wasted so much time. That I lived until the age of 30 without this knowledge, without this wisdom.

Be sure to read the Bhagavad Gita and the Mahabharata - the wisdom of the East. And all the books on this list that I haven't read yet!

I think it's foolish not to take advantage of the knowledge and wisdom that were revealed to our ancestors!

I wish you all inspiration, new ideas that you can endlessly draw from these great books!

And before you start reading, I suggest watching this amazing video “Monkeys are SMARTER than people - the incredible abilities of monkeys. Documentary"

Friend tape brought something interesting. A list of books, according to the RAS, that an educated person should read. The first list is for 15-16 year old comrades, and the second list is for older kids. From 17 years old. Unpleasantly surprised by the presence of Pelevin, Coelho and Haruki Murakami, as well as T. Tolstoy and other pseudo-philosophical writers. Pleasantly surprised by the presence of Gaiman, Castaneda, Stoker. In general, I crossed out what I definitely read. It is depressing that, according to the RAS, I cannot be considered an educated person. =(

1. J. D. Salinger "The Catcher in the Rye" and stories.
2. Franz Kafka "Castle", "Process".
3. Ken Kesey "Over the Cuckoo's Nest" ("One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest").
4. Venedikt Erofeev "Moscow-Petushki".
5. Julio Cortazar "Winnings" (1960), "The Hopscotch Game" (1963), "62. Assembly Model" (1968), "Last Round" (1969), "Manuel's Book" (1974).
6. F. M. Dostoevsky "Poor people", "Demons", "Idiot", "The Brothers Karamazov", "Crime and Punishment".
7. S. Lem "Futurological Congress", "Rhinitis", "Eden" and others.
8. Victor Pelevin “Chapaev and the Void”, “Omon Ra”, “The Life of Insects”, “Yellow Arrow”, “Generation P” (“Generation P”) and others.
9. Tatyana Tolstaya "Kys".
10. Ulitskaya L. "Kukotsky's case", "Medea and her children".
11. Boris Akunin "Azazel", "Turkish Gambit".
12. Yuri Mamleev "Cranks", "Moscow Gambit", "Drown My Head", "Eternal Home", "Cranks".
13. Pavel Krusanov “Night inside”, “Kalevala. Karelian-Finnish epic”, “Bite of an angel”.
14. Strugatsky "Picnic on the roadside", "Snail on the slope", "It's hard to be a god."
15. Dale Carnegie How to develop self-confidence and influence people by speaking in public. How to win friends and influence people. How to stop worrying and start living.
16. Garcia Marquez G. One Hundred Years of Solitude, Autumn of the Patriarch, Love in the Time of Plague.
17. Lobsang Rampa "Third Eye" (1. Third eye. 2. Doctor from Lhasa. 3. History of Rampa. 4. Caves of the ancients. 5. You are eternal. 6. Wisdom of the ancients. 7. Hermit. 8. Saffron mantle. 9. Chapters from Life 10. Life with the Lama 11. Candle Fire 12. Beyond 1/10 13. Keeping the Fire 14. Thirtieth Candle 15. Twilight 16. How It Was 17. Ramp on Venus 18. Tibetan sage.).
18. Alexandra David-Noel "Mystics and Magicians of Tibet".
19. Elizabeth Haych "Dedication".
20. Mario Puzo "The Godfather".
21. E. M. Remarque “All Quiet on the Western Front”, “Three Comrades”, “Arc de Triomphe”, “Black Obelisk” (collected works).
22. L.N. Tolstoy "War and Peace", "Anna Karenina".
23. M. Sholokhov "Quiet Don".
24. B. Pasternak "Doctor Zhivago", poetry.
25. M. Bulgakov "Master and Margarita", "Heart of a Dog", "White Guard", "Days of the Turbins", "Fatal Eggs".
26. Marietta Chudakova "Biography of Mikhail Bulgakov".
27. I. Bunin "Dark Alleys", "The Life of Arseniev", "Cursed Days".
28. V. N. Muromtseva "The Life of Bunin", "Conversations with Memory".
29. Ilf I. and Petrov E. "Twelve Chairs", "Golden Calf", "One-Story America".
30. Platonov A. "Pit".
31. Zamyatin "We"
32. A. Solzhenitsyn "One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich", "In the First Circle", "Cancer Ward", "Gulag Archipelago", "Two Hundred Years Together".
33. Galsworthy, J. The Forsyte Saga
34. E. Hemingway "Farewell to Arms!", "For Whom the Bell Tolls."
35. E. Zola "Germinal", "Womb of Paris".
36. Choderlos de Lanclos "Dangerous Liaisons".
37. Guy de Maupassant "Dear friend", stories.
38. G. Flaubert "Madame Bovary".
39. Stendhal "Red and Black", "Parma Monastery".
40. W. Thackeray "Vanity Fair".
41. Alexander Mirer "House of Wanderers".
42. M. Zoshchenko "Stories".
43. Poems: O. Khayyam, V. Shakespeare, M. Basho, I. Krylov, N. Nekrasov, F. Tyutchev, A. Fet, I. Severyanin, S. Yesenin, O. Mandelstam, N. Gumilyov, M. Tsvetaeva, V. Mayakovsky, R. Rozhdestvensky, Bulat Okudzhava, Joseph Brodsky.
44. A. Akhmatova "Evening" (1912), "Rosary" (1914), "White Flock" (1917), "Plantain" (1921), "Anno Domini" (1922), "Running Time"
45. E. Gerstein "Anna Akhmatova and Lev Gumilyov", memoirs.
46. ​​Boris Nosik “Anna and Amadeo. The story of the secret love of Akhmatova and Modigliani, or drawing in the interior.
47. A. Blok "Poems" ("Stranger" and others).
48. M. A. Svetlov "Poems" ("Grenada", "Song of Kakhovka" and others).
49. I.S. Turgenev
50. A.N. Ostrovsky
51. A.P. Chekhov
52. N. G. Chernyshevsky "What to do" "(for a change).
53. Kuprin "Garnet bracelet", "Shulamith".
54. Taffy "Stories".
55. Orwell J. "1984".
56. Y. Nikitin "Three from the forest".
57. Maria Semyonova "Wolfhound", "The Right to a duel", "Istovik-stone", "Sign of the path", "Gem mountains", "Valkyrie".
58. V. Pikul "Moonzund", "Favorite", "Requiem for the Caravan PQ-17".
59. V. Voinovich "The Life and Extraordinary Adventures of a Soldier Ivan Chonkin", "Tales for Adults", "The Smell of Chocolate".
60. V. Shukshin "Stories".
61. Vasil Bykov, Polyakov, Kurochkin, Bogomolov (about the Great Patriotic War).
62. Obruchev "Sannikov Land".
63. Walt Whitman Poems.
64. S. Maugham "Theater", "The burden of human passions".
65. A. Bely "Petersburg".
66. Z. Gippius "Living faces", poetry.
67. Goncharov I. A. Oblomov, Ordinary History.
68. Michael Moorcock "Empty Lands", "Ice Schooner, or Expedition New York", "Chronicles of Cornelius", "Elric of Melnibon".
69. Vladimir Levi "The Art of Being Oneself", "The Art of Being Different", "Non-Standard Child", "Confessions of a Hypnotist".
70. Goethe J. V. "Faust".
71. Dante's Divine Comedy.
72. Homer "Iliad", "Odyssey".
73. Stephen King Pet Cemetery, The Green Mile and other novels.
74. W. Golding "Lord of the Flies".
75. Alex Garland "The Beach"
76. Stoker B. Dracula.
77. Frank Herbert "Dune"
78. Philip Jose Farmer "Ismael's Flying Whales", "Anger? 6?
79. Harlan Ellison "On the road to oblivion."
80. M. Gorky "The Life of Klim Samgin".
81. Molière J. B. “Don Juan”, “Funny coynesses”, “Participant in the nobility”, “Misanthrope”, “Tartuffe”, “Miserly”.
82. Winston Groom "Forrest Gump"
83. John Wyndham "Day of the Triffids".

And another list
1. Marcel Proust "In Search of Lost Time".
2. James Joyce "Ulysses".
3. Umberto Eco "The Name of the Rose", "Foucault's Pendulum".

4. Eric Byrne “People who play games. Games People Play, Sex in Human Life, Introduction to Psychiatry and Psychoanalysis for the Uninitiated.
5. Sigmund Freud "The Interpretation of Dreams", "Introduction to Psychoanalysis" (1910), "Psychopathology of Everyday Life" (1904), "I and It" (1923), "Totem and Taboo", "Essays on the Psychology of Sexuality".
6. Fromm E. "The Art of Loving", "To Have or to Be", "Escape from Freedom".
7. Jung Carl Gustav "Psychology of the Unconscious", "Psychological Types", "Man and His Symbols", "Problems of the Soul of Our Time".
8. Viktor Frankl, Man's Search for Meaning.
9. Abraham Harold Maslow "Motivation and Personality".
10. M.E. Litvak, Psychological vampirism. Anatomy of the conflict.
11. Frederick Perls, Inside and Out of the Dumpster. Joy. Sadness. Chaos. Wisdom.
12. Robert Crooks, Carla Baur Sexuality.
13. Friedrich Nietzsche Thus Spoke Zarathustra.
14. Books about world religions: Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism, Judaism and others (for example: Erriker K. Buddhism; Bertrong D. and E. Confucianism; Besserman P. Kabbalah and Jewish mysticism; Wong E. Taoism; Kanitkar V.P. (Hemant) Hinduism, Maksud R. Islam, Oliver P. World Religious Beliefs, Ferstein G. Tantra, Ernst K. V. Sufism, Young D. Christianity).
15. Bible.
16. Koran. Talmud. Rigveda. Avesta. Brahmapada. Works of Confucius. Tao de jin. Vernadsky (about the noosphere). Kant (on idealism). Kendo. Bushido. Bodhittsatva. Mahamudra. Kabbalah. Bhagavad Gita.
17. V. V. Nabokov “Protection of Luzhin”, “Mashenka”, “Gift”, “Lolita” and others.
18. Patrick Suskind "Perfume", "Dove", "History of Mr. Sommer".
19. Andre Gide "Earthly delicacies", "Counterfeiters", "Narrow gates".
20. Jorge Luis Borges "The Garden of Forking Paths", "The Book of Fictional Creatures" and other stories. "Six Riddles for Don Isidro Parodi", "Seven Evenings".
21. Carlos Castaneda "The Teachings of Don Juan of the Yaquis", "A Separate Reality", "Journey to Ixtlan", "Tales of Power", "Second Ring of Power", "Gift of the Eagle", "Fire Within", "The Power of Silence" , "The Art of Dreaming".
22. Tibetan Book of the Dead - Bardo Thedol
23. Henry Miller "Tropic of Cancer" and others.
24. Andy Warhol "The Philosophy of Andy Warhol (From A to B and vice versa)".
25. G. Hesse "Demian", "Steppenwolf", "Glass Game", "Siddhartha".
26. Bernard Shaw "Widower's House", "Heartbreaker", "Mrs. Warren's Profession", "Devil's Apprentice", "Weapon and Man", "Candida", "The Chosen One of Fate", "Wait and See", "Pygmalion", " The house where hearts break.
27. Albert Camus "Plague", "Fall", "Outsider".
28. Paul Verlaine "Poems" ("Sea", "Autumn Song", "Shadows of trees, lurking behind the gray fog ...", "The sky over the city is crying ...", "Longing", "Tired of suffering, I wilted silent...", "More beautiful and duller...", "GREEN", "Grotesques", "As the day dawns, as the radiance again...").
29. Jean-Paul Sartre "Nausea", "Words", "Freud".
30. Arthur Rimbaud "Poems".
31. Virginia Woolf "Jacob's Room", "Orlando", "To the Lighthouse", "Mrs. Dalloway".
32. Tom Sharp "Distant Intention", "Wilt", "The New Hand at the Poker House".
33. Clifford D. Simak "All living things ...", "Almost like people", "Goblin Reserve", "City", "Ring around the Sun".
34. Ambrose Bierce, The Devil's Dictionary, short stories.
35. Kobo Abe "Woman in the Sands", "Stories" ("Man-box" and others).
36. Aldous Huxley "Yellow Chrome", "Jester's Dance", "Doors of Perception", "Counterpoint", "Brave New World" and others.
37. Haruki Murakami "Rat Trilogy" ("Listen to the song of the wind", "Pinball-1973", "Sheep Hunt"), "Dance-dance-dance", "Kafka on the beach".
38. Alexander Mitta "Cinema between hell and heaven."
39. Daniil Andreev "Rose of the World".
40. Milan Kundera "The Unbearable Lightness of Being", "Broken Wills", "Immortality", "Slowness / Authenticity", "Farewell Waltz".
41. Arseniev V.K. "In the Ussuri region", "Dersu Uzala".
42. Ryu Murakami All Shades of Blue, 69
43. Paulo Coelho "The Alchemist", "Eleven Minutes".
44. Yukio Mishima "Confessions of a Mask", "Golden Temple", "Thirst for Love".
45. Anthony Burgess A Clockwork Orange, Long Way to Tea Party, Iron, Rusty Iron.
46. ​​Max Frisch "I will call myself Gantenbein."
47. W. Faulkner "Village".
48. T. Wilder "Ides of March".
49. John Steinbeck, The Grapes of Wrath, Cannery Row, East of Eden.
50. F.S. Fitzgerald "The Great Gatsby", "Tender is the Night", Stories.
51. Knut Hamsun "Hunger", "Juices of the earth".
52. R. M. Rilke Poems.
53. Francoise Sagan "Fish Blood", "Hello, sadness." "Love Liv Brahms". "A little sun in cold water", "Leash".
54. Aitmatov Ch. "Jamilya", "My Poplar in a Red Scarf", "Camel's Eye", "First Teacher", "Mother's Field", "And the Day Lasts Longer than a Century", "Plaha", "Cassandra's Brand", "White steamboat", "Piebald dog running along the edge of the sea".
55. Akutagawa Ryunosuke (Ryunosuke) "Hell of Loneliness", "Tobacco and the Devil".
56. Updike D. Rabbit Run, Centaur, Gertrude and Claudius, Let's Get Married.
57. Thomas Stearns Eliot "Poems".
58. Neil Gaiman American Gods, Coraline, Smoke and Mirrors.
59. Apollinaire G. "Poems".
60. Apuleius. "Metamorphoses, or the Golden Ass".
61. Asturias M. A. “Young Owner of Treasures”, “Maize People”.
62. Babel I. “How it was done in Odessa”, “Cavalry”, stories.
63. V. Shalamov "The Fourth Vologda", Kolyma stories. Poetry.
64. Bart J. The Floating Opera.
65. Bach, R. Jonathan Livingston Seagull.
66. Böll G. "A house without a master."
67. Bitov A. “Lessons of Armenia”, “Georgian Album”, “Pushkin House”, “Flying Monks”, “Announced”.
68. Blake W. "Songs of Innocence and Experience" (Poems).
69. Beauvoir S. de. "Lovely Pictures".
70. Baudelaire S. "Flowers of Evil".
71. Boccaccio J. "Decameron".
72. Beaumarchais. "The Barber of Seville". "The Marriage of Figaro".
73. Ian Banks "Raven Road", "Bridge", "Wasp Factory", "Steps on Glass"
74. Boris Vasilyev “The Dawns Here Are Quiet””, “Gambler and Breter, Player Iduelyant”, “Assuage My Sorrows…”.
75. Vian B. "Autumn in Beijing", "All the dead have the same skin."
76. V. Vysotsky Poems.
77. Gan Bao. "Notes on the search for spirits."
78. I.A. Efremov "Thais of Athens", "The Razor's Edge", "On the Edge of the Ecumene".
79. Romain Gary "Promise at Dawn" / "Promise at Dawn", "Guilty Head".
80. Leslie Powles Hartley "Death Room" (stories).
81. Henri Barbusse "Tenderness", "Fire". Collection of short stories "Incidents", "True stories".
82. Garcia Lorca F. "The song wants to become light."
83. Gilyarovsky V. A. "Moscow and Muscovites".
84. Alexei Didurov "Legends and myths of the Ancient Scoop."
85. Günter Grass "Under Local Anesthesia", "Tin Drum", "A Dog's Life", "From a Snail's Diary", "Birth from a Head".
86. Dali S. Diary of a Genius.
87. Amanda Lear, DALI Through Amanda's Eyes.
88. James G. The Turn of the Screw.
89. Dovlatov S. “Life is short”, “Reserve”, “Zone: (Notes of the overseer)”.
90. Dombrovsky Yu. "Faculty of unnecessary things."
91. Du Maurier, D. "Scapegoat", "Rebecca", "French Bay", "Royal General", "My Cousin Rachel".
92. Euripides. "Medea". "Hippolyte". "Bacchae".
93. Sacher-Masoch L. background. "Venus in Furs".
94. Kazantzakis N. "The Last Temptation".
95. Capote, T. Breakfast at Tiffany's.
96. Kane, J. "Butterfly", "The Postman Always Rings Twice", "Double Indemnity"
97. Confucius Judgments and conversations.
98. Lawrence D. G. Sons and Lovers, Rainbow, Women in Love, Lady Chatterley's Lover.
99. McCoy H. “There are no pockets in the shroud”, “They shoot down the driven horses, aren't they” “.
100. Marquis de Sade. "Justine, or the Misfortunes of Virtue"

I will quit smoking on Monday. Next week I will start running and join the gym. At the weekend I'll clean up the room and find a job. You have to do more, right?

2019 has landed on our shoulders. It's time to get off the couch, open your eyes, drink mineral water and finally start. I have compiled for you 2 lists of books of world and Russian literature, which you should familiarize yourself with at least in 2016, if you have not done so before. Let's start, perhaps, with the "boring" Russian classics. Listen!

Fyodor Dostoevsky "Dream of a Ridiculous Man"

Have you thought about suicide at least once in your life? If not, then this is no reason to bypass Dostoevsky's story. Everyone knows this author purely from the book "Crime and Punishment", however, in my opinion, in order to fully understand the essence of Dostoevsky, one should start with the story "The Dream of a Ridiculous Man". How to understand the essence of human existence before the last shot in the head? How to exchange paradise for world wars and hatred of one's neighbor? And most importantly - how not to pull the trigger. The end of the story can be titled with the expression "Cherchez la femme", if you understand why, then everything was not in vain.

Anton Chekhov "Ward number 6"

Do you think Russian classics go better with a glass of vodka? I have a subjective opinion on this matter, but what about the views of Comrade Gromov? How to combine reading books, a glass of vodka, a psychiatric hospital and two brilliant people with completely different and at the same time the same views on existence in this world? Such an oxymoron permeates the whole story about the sad truth of the cheerful Chekhov. Have you already figured out how to drink literature?

Evgeny Zamyatin "We"

Yevgeny Zamyatin can be safely considered the founder of the great genre of dystopia. I'm sure if you chose him, then you simply must know such great anti-utopians as Orrwell and Huxley. If these names mean something to you, then without even thinking, get Zamyatin for yourself and start absorbing it with tablespoons. The military system, coupon relations and solid capital letters. Instead of people. Instead of names. Instead of life.

Leo Tolstoy "Death of Ivan Ilyich"

On the cover of this book, I would write in huge red letters: “Caution! Causes frustration, pain and awareness. Sentimental stupid people are strictly forbidden.” Forget about the hackneyed book "War and Peace", you have a completely different side of Leo Tolstoy, which is worth all the volumes of a huge novel. Trying to find a deep semantic subtext in the story "The Death of Ivan Ilyich", you will miss the most important thing that lies on the surface. A banal, simple truth that is available to everyone, every time eluding us. If you found it in the story, and besides, you learned to live by it, my bow to you and white envy.

Ivan Goncharov "Oblomov"

That's something, and in the novel "Oblomov" to find yourself as easy as shelling pears. Alas. How beautiful is the contemplation of this life from the outside, when the stupid vanity of this world bypasses you. First love that somehow makes you get off the couch, obsessive friends, always trying to pull your lazy ass into the light - how absurd this whole "seething life" is. Avoid it, contemplate, think and dream, dream, dream! If you are a supporter of this statement, congratulations, your soul mate has been found in the protagonist of the novel Oblomov.

Maxim Gorky "Passion-face"

It is no coincidence that Gorky's work received such a symbolic name "Passion-muzzle", because the story cannot be read without trembling in the knees. If you love children too much, don't read. If you are impressionable and emotional - do not read. If girls with syphilis disgust you, don't read. In general, do not listen to me now, open the book and start to be afraid of the cruel realities of this life. The social bottom, dirt, vulgarity and yet truly happy, "pure" people in children's and adult swords about impossible happiness.

Nikolai Gogol "Overcoat"

A small person against a huge terrible society, or how to lose everything that is dear to you, even if it is a simple overcoat. A stingy official, an unnecessary environment, a small happiness in exchange for a great disappointment and death as the only logical conclusion. It is on the example of Akaki Bashmachkin that we will consider a large weighty and significant problem of society - the theft of an overcoat.

Anton Chekhov "The Man in the Case"

How do you keep in touch with your work colleagues, classmates or friends? I will advise one great way to improve your communication skills - come to visit them and be silent. I give you a 100% guarantee that society will be delighted with you. An umbrella in a case, a watch in a case, a face in a case. A kind of shell behind which a person tries to hide, protect himself from the outside world. A man who even managed to shove his sincere love into a case and protect it not only from the object of love, but also from himself. So what about maintaining relationships? Shall we keep quiet?

Alexander Pushkin "The Bronze Horseman"

And again we meet the big problem of the little man, only this time in Pushkin's work "The Bronze Horseman". Eugene, Parasha, Peter and a love story, it would seem, what could be more ideal for the plot of a romantic drama? But no, this is not "Eugene Onegin" for you. We break love, we break a city, we break a person, we add to this a drop of the symbolic image of the Bronze Horseman and we get the perfect recipe for one of Pushkin's best poems.

Fyodor Dostoevsky "Notes from the Underground"

And the last one on the list of Russian classics will be the one with whom we, in fact, began - the great beloved Dostoevsky. It is no coincidence that I put “Notes from the Underground” in the final place. After all, this work is not just exciting, it is wild in places, so to speak. Increased awareness of being is a deadly disease. Activity is the lot of the limited and stupid. If you like these interpretations, then you will like Dostoevsky, and if you also humiliated prostitutes at least once in your life, then the "underground" will become your favorite place to stay.

Read about the top 10 foreign classic books in the second part of the book list for 2016. Love Russian classics.

Three years ago, AiF already called on everyone who loves literature to help us make a list of the main books by participating in the vote. April 23, World Book Day, we decided to remind you about this list. Despite the fact that not only Russian but also foreign works were available for voting, the vast majority of favorite books on this list are works by Russian authors.

1 . Bulgakov M., "The Master and Margarita" - 5470 votes
2 . Pushkin A., "Eugene Onegin" - 5219 votes
3 . Tolstoy L., "War and Peace" - 4667 votes
4 . Dostoevsky F., "Crime and Punishment" - 4604 votes
5 . Gogol N., Dead Souls - 4533 votes
6 . Lermontov M., "A Hero of Our Time" - 4365 votes
7 . Chekhov A., stories - 4310 votes
8 . Shakespeare W., "Hamlet" - 4306 votes
9 . Saint-Exupery A., "The Little Prince" - 4303 votes
10 . Defoe D., "Robinson Crusoe" - 4188 votes
11 . Green A., "Scarlet Sails" - 4165 votes
12 . Sholokhov M., Quiet Don - 4078 votes
13 . Turgenev I., "Fathers and Sons" - 4072 votes
14 . Tolstoy L., "Anna Karenina" - 4049 votes
15 . Griboyedov A., "Woe from Wit" - 3968 votes
16 . Pushkin A., "Ruslan and Lyudmila" - 3945 votes
17 . Dumas A., The Count of Monte Cristo - 3918 votes
18 . Russian folk tales - 3826 votes
19 . Twain M., "The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn" - 3804 votes
20 . Andersen G. H., fairy tales - 3794 votes
21 . Hugo V., "Notre Dame Cathedral" - 3692 votes
22 . Carroll L., "Alice in Wonderland" - 3458 votes
23 . Bible - 3435 votes
24 . Chekhov A., "The Cherry Orchard" - 3404 votes
25 . Shakespeare W., "King Lear" - 3382 votes
26 . Goethe I.V., "Faust" - 3310 votes
27 . Shukshin V., stories - 3287 votes
28 . Dostoevsky F., "The Brothers Karamazov" - 3215 votes
29 . Swift J., "Gulliver's Adventures" - 3130 votes
30 . Krylov I., fables - 3114 votes
31 . Mitchell M., "Gone with the Wind" - 3048 votes
32 . Ostrovsky A., "Dowry" - 3006 votes
33 . Dante A., The Divine Comedy - 2992 votes
34 . Pasternak B., "Doctor Zhivago" - 2978 votes
35 . Nekrasov N., "To whom it is good to live in Rus'" - 2965 votes
36 . Milne A.A., "Winnie the Pooh" - 2959 votes
37 . Khayyam O., poems - 2935 votes
38 . Wilde O., "The Picture of Dorian Gray" - 2919 votes
39 . Cervantes M., "Don Quixote" - 2893 votes
40 . Tvardovsky A., "Vasily Terkin" - 2864 votes
41 . Remarque E. M., “All Quiet on the Western Front” - 2861 votes
42 . Solzhenitsyn A., "Gulag Archipelago" - 2846 votes
43 . Reid M., Headless Horseman - 2811 votes
44 . Goncharov I., "Oblomov" - 2808 votes
45 . Bulgakov M., "White Guard" - 2803 votes
46 . Hemingway E., "Farewell to Arms" - 2783 votes
47 . Yesenin S., "Black Man", poems - 2739 votes
48 . Homer, The Odyssey - 2737 votes
49 . Salinger J.D., Catcher in the Rye - 2735 votes
50 . Dreiser T., "An American Tragedy" - 2727 votes
51 . Hugo V., "Les Misérables" - 2725 votes
52 . Stendhal, "Red and Black" - 2702 votes
53 . Bronte S., "Jane Eyre" - 2635 votes
54 . Kuprin A., "Pit", "Duel" - 2612 votes
55 . Bunin I., "Dark alleys" - 2611 votes
56 . Dickens C., "The Adventures of Oliver Twist" - 2588 votes
57 . Cooper F., "The Last of the Mohicans" - 2572 votes
58 . Fonvizin D., "Undergrowth" - 2568 votes
59 . Strugatsky, "It's hard to be a god" - 2558 votes
60 . Maupassant G., "Dear friend" - 2519 votes
61 . "The Tale of Igor's Campaign" - 2507 votes
62 . London J., "Martin Eden" - 2501 votes
63 . Simonov K., "The Living and the Dead" - 2500 votes
64 . O'Henry, "Kings and Cabbage" - 2491 votes
65 . Shakespeare W., "Macbeth" - 2464 votes
66 . Turgenev I., "Nest of Nobles" - 2425 votes
67 . Nabokov V., "Lolita" - 2406 votes
68 . Shaw B., "Pygmalion" - 2376 votes
69 . Marquez G. G., "One Hundred Years of Solitude" - 2359 votes
70 . Akhmatova A., "Requiem" - 2311 votes
71 . Galsworthy J., "The Forsyte Saga" - 2267 votes
72 . Bradbury R. short stories - 2218 votes
73 . Molière, Tartuffe, Don Giovanni - 2195 votes
74 . Blok A., "Twelve" - ​​2172 votes
75 . Dostoevsky F., "Demons" - 2170 votes
76 . "A Thousand and One Nights" - 2154 votes
77 . Flaubert G., Madame Bovary - 2118 votes
78 . Beaumarchais P.-O., "The Marriage of Figaro" - 2050 votes
79 . Saltykov-Shchedrin M., "Golovlevs" - 2038 votes
80 . Boccaccio G., Decameron - 2024 votes
81 . W. Thackeray, Vanity Fair - 2014 votes
82 . Kesey K., One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest - 1979 votes
83 . Aitmatov Ch., "Plakha" - 1956 votes
84 . J. R. R. Tolkien, The Lord of the Rings - 1920 votes
85 . Gogol N., "Petersburg Tales" - 1894 votes
86 . Mayakovsky V., "A Cloud in Pants" - 1861 votes
87 . Rasputin V., "Farewell to Matyora" - 1839 votes
88 . Shakespeare W., "Richard III" or "Henry VI" - 1791 votes
89 .According to E. A., stories, poems - 1790 votes
90 . Osten J., "Pride and Prejudice" - 1765 votes
91 . Maugham S., "Moon and a penny" - 1746 votes
92 . Rabelais F., "Gargantua and Pantagruel" - 1646 votes
93 . Gumilyov N. Poems - 1557 votes
94 . Strugatsky, "Inhabited Island" - 1514 votes
95 . Bergholz O., "Leningrad Diary" - 1508 votes
96 . Nietzsche F., "Thus Spoke Zarathustra" - 1505 votes
97 . Balzac O., Lost Illusions - 1504 votes
98 . Orwell J., "1984" - 1479 votes
99 . Bogomolov V., "In August 44th" - 1443 votes
100 . Chernyshevsky N., "What to do" - 1395 votes

Literature is very limitless and cannot be measured in pieces, but in order to rightfully consider yourself an educated and well-read person, for a start it is enough to go through the list of 100 books that everyone should read. There is hardly a person who has mastered all the books from the list. Be the first! Each of the books has taken a special place in world literature. All of them are of a different genre, different author's style of writing, different eras. Thanks to the collected list, each reader will be able to determine exactly what he likes more than anything in the world. Maybe find your calling? Or at least set new life goals? Every book we read in one way or another influences us, changes or complements us. Don't miss the chance, open a new world.

This is an eternal book that glorified Bulgakov, who does not have a specific genre. Fantasy, mysticism, history, philosophy are intertwined here, and there is even a place for humor. For more than ten years, the writer worked on the creation of the famous work, which became his testament.

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"The Little Prince" is relevant for any age. A magical tale in which young readers are in for an exciting adventure, and adults can learn a real lesson. The true deep meaning of this work will make you look at the world with different eyes.

One of the achievements of Professor Preobrazhensky was the achievement in the field of rejuvenation of the body with the help of transplantation of endocrine organs. The experiment was the transplantation of human glands into the body of a dog. Since then, few people do not know the famous surname Sharikov.

An epic novel, one of the representatives of Russian classical literature. All events unfold in a difficult period for Russia and all of Europe - the beginning of the 19th century. The reader gets acquainted with the smallest details of the war and peace at the same time, while covering different strata of society.

Rodion Raskolnikov is a student who committed a crime in the name of the triumph of justice. The old pawnbroker became his victim. He is tormented by pangs of conscience, but he cannot decide on a confession of what he has done. And only Sonya Marmeladova can inspire him to do this.

The work of one of the best poets of the 19th century. Naturalness, originality, simplicity and sublimity are the distinctive features of the author. "A Hero of Our Time" tells the story of a talented person who, for various reasons, is not destined to be happy.

The incredible adventures of Ostap Bender and Ippolit Vorobyaninov still find fans among readers. The late mother-in-law of Vorobyaninov, before her death, spoke about the hidden treasures in one of the chairs in the living room. Nothing will stop the main characters on their way to wealth.

A kind of "encyclopedia of Russian life", on which Pushkin worked for more than eight years. And he was able to show in a poetic novel an entire era, already referred to as "Pushkin's". The famous work of the author, which took the main place in his work.

The plot of the novel is based on the history of the Buendia family. Loneliness haunts each of its representatives on the heels. Relatives cannot understand each other, the family is completely split. Against the backdrop of a story about several generations of the genus, certain characteristic features are formed.

The stories presented in this book represent an entire era of Chekhov. They are funny and at the same time lyrically sad, serious and a little mocking. Chekhov is a bright representative of Russian classical literature. Modern readers read them to this day.

Gogol occupies a special place in the history of Russian literature. The main character Chichikov is a businessman by profession, a genius by nature. Buying the "Dead Souls" of the peasants became his main occupation. Many well-known aphorisms and quotes are pulled out of a work that excites readers.

A vivid story of the long-suffering Prince Myshkin, the insane Parfyon Rogozhin and the hopeless Nastasya Filippovna. Many times filmed and staged on the stage of theaters. One of the most famous works that embodied all the creative principles of the writer.

A collection of twelve of the most popular short stories. The main storyline is Doctor Watson's story about the great detective Sherlock Holmes. In terms of the number of successful adaptations, the writer's masterpiece detective story could break all records.

Continuation of Ostap Bender's fascinating journey through Soviet Russia. A chance meeting with Shura Balaganov brings him information about an underground millionaire who pretends to be an ordinary employee. Ostap Bender goes to Chernomorsk for wealth.

Anna Karenina is a character known to everyone and everyone who tragically committed suicide. She had everything - a family, a house, a name. She exchanged them for a lover, which thoroughly ruined her life. Against the backdrop of the problems of one family, Tolstoy writes about the problems of Russia.

An immortal masterpiece of Russian literature, based on which films of the same name were made in different years. The events of the work take place in Ukraine, describing the life and real nature of the Ukrainian people. Easy writing style, humor and ironic mystical line.

A famous story based on true events from the life of a sailor who, after the shipwreck, spent more than twenty years on a desert island. The book is about the will to live, courage and wisdom, about true friendship that arose between two people from different worlds.

An ordinary, small German town in the post-war period. Three friends are returning from the front. They have always been each other's support and encouragement. In any difficult situation, they can count on mutual assistance. And even a girl who falls in love with one of them will not come between them.

The only work of the writer, which brought her fame and success. One of those books that can live forever. Re-reading again, you involuntarily rejoice at the meeting with familiar characters, and again you find something new for yourself. About love, friendship, war and betrayal.

At the age of 36, the writer, working as a bank teller, was accused of embezzlement and sentenced to three years. In prison, he wrote a number of stories that were published in New York magazines and have survived to this day. His works are distinguished by ingenuity, humor and an unexpected ending.

Tom Sawyer is a little prankster, lives in a small American town and has a talent for getting into the most incredible situations. He does not want to live according to the accepted rules, and dreams of a free life filled with heroic deeds and unforgettable adventures.

The most sad and tragic, eternal love story of two lovers from warring families. Romeo and Juliet fall in love against each other and want to get married. But none of the families will support them. Do you remember how the immortal book of the great author ends?

A young native of the French province of Gascony, d\'Artagnan wants to become a musketeer, for which he comes to Paris. Immediately after his arrival, he finds himself in a duel with three musketeers, whose names are Athos, Porthos and Aramis. From this moment begins the story of the legendary friendship.

Once, looking at his portrait, painted by a talented artist, Dorian Gray expressed aloud his seemingly unrealistic wish - if his portrait would grow old instead of him. The words were heard, and since then not a single wrinkle will appear on Dorian's face. But is everything so simple?

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The famous story that brought its creator the Nobel and Pulitzer Prizes about the old fisherman Santiago. The boy Manolino is his assistant, they have a strong friendship. They fish every day, and for the last forty days they have been unsuccessful. One day, Santiago believed in luck ...

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The main character is an ordinary American sixteen-year-old boy Holden Caulfield. The author tells about his complex character and peculiar perception of the surrounding world. He is still a child, but already an adult. His difficult everyday life turns into an exciting story for the reader.

27 Alan Alexander Milne - Winnie the Pooh
The first exciting story about the adventures of Winnie the Pooh, taking place in the mysterious Enchanted Forest. About his friends, who are always ready to help, and the comical situations in which they found themselves. This extraordinary story is loved by both adults and children.

28 Ken Kesey - One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest
Almost the entire life of Randle Patrick McMurphy was spent in correctional institutions, where he served many well-deserved terms. One day, he ends up in a psychiatric hospital, where he is haunted by the nurse Gnusen. What will their endless clashes lead to?

Julien Sorel is a very smart and ambitious young man who lives in France in the early 19th century. Dreams of the military achievements of Napoleon and at the same time is interested in a church career. But all his plans are always ruined by women. And one of them leads him to death ...

Paul Beumer, along with classmates, was drafted into the army and sent to the Western Front. Remarque writes unusually realistically about the experiences of adolescents, about the war as young guys saw it. About how life will turn out if they manage to return home ...

Edmond Dantes, the lucky one and the minion of fate, was once betrayed. One complaint from an envious person, and the young sailor ended up in prison for fourteen years. The character, tempered in the conclusion, brings the hero under the pseudonym "The Count of Monte Cristo" to his native land in order to take revenge.

Hamlet - the son of the late king is forced to pretend to be mad until the opportunity comes to take revenge. Revenge is intended for his uncle for the ruthless murder of his brother, the king of Denmark. After all, only in this way, Hamlet's uncle Claudius was able to seize the throne.

A story from the life of Petrusha Grinev, who, at the request of his father, is forced to go to the Belogorsk fortress to serve General R. There he will meet not only a mortal enemy, but also a girl who will love him all his life. The book was successfully filmed.

A story about an unusual and magical parallel world where they walk on their heads, the March rabbit is a significant representative of society, and where the most insane and inexplicable things can exist. This is all a wonderland where the girl Alice ended up by chance.

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Miguel Cervantes began writing his best novel, which became famous all over the world, in prison. He himself lived a life full of adventures and dramatic events. And he wrote a vivid story about the unlucky daredevil Don Quixote and his devoted friend Sancho Panza.

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The story of the Great War for the Ring, who has mastered it and becomes the ruler of the world, but at the same time he is obliged to worship evil. The hobbit Frodo must destroy the power of the Ring. His path full of adventures, he will go along with his friends, and opposes all the villains who want to gain power.

The mother of five daughters in the Bennet family dreams of successfully marrying each of them. Mr. Bingley and Mr. Darcy become the most eligible suitors immediately after their arrival. Feelings flare up between the eldest daughter of Jane Bennet, full of prejudices, and Mr. Bingley, a proud man.

Describing the adventures of the boy Huckleberry Finn, who became an orphan with a living father, Mark Twain touches on such public problems as drunkenness, racism, street children, slavery, fraud and revenge. Contemporaries criticized the author and removed books from libraries.

One of the brightest representatives of world literature about the young nobleman Oblomov, whose life is going downhill. The estate collapses, the manager robs and the only other friend succeeds. And it seems that only unexpected love can bring him to his senses.

Doctor Faust is a historical character from the 16th century. He abandoned modern science and religion, became fascinated with magic, became known as a warlock, and eventually sold his soul to the devil. Many authors recalled in their works the image of Faust, which became eternal thanks to Goethe.

The last novel by Dostoevsky, which raises the problems of greed, love, reverence for parents, compassion and mercy, the struggle between the Divine and the Devil in the human soul. In the center of the plot is the provincial Karamazov family. Has been filmed twice.

A story about faith in miracles, about dreams that must come true and hope. Little Assol, when she was still small, an old man told a story about a prince and a ship with scarlet sails. He will sail to Assol when she becomes an adult. With unwavering faith in miracles, she waited.

For true lovers and connoisseurs of the classics. The famous work of Turgenev will never lose its relevance, because the problems of different generations have remained unchanged since the 60s of the 19th century. The bright characters and the original style of the author will forever be remembered by the reader.

The first novel of the writer, soon after writing it became widely known. Kyiv, the Civil War is in full swing. Talking about the plight of one family of a noble family, the author smoothly moves on to the large-scale problems of the Soviet era, where the eternal values ​​of culture are perishing.

45 Richard Bach - A Seagull Called Jonathan Livingston
A book that can teach you how to achieve what you want, get rid of the ordinary, expand the boundaries of your capabilities. By her own example, she shows that with effort, you can achieve anything. The light writing style and deep valuable meaning captivate readers to this day.

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A cycle consisting of five stories, the author of which was the character invented by Pushkin, Ivan Petrovich Belkin. A biography of which can be found in the preface. The stories are written in different directions - romanticism, sentimentalism, and even with elements of gothic.

The beautiful gypsy Esmeralda, the ugly hunchback Quasimodo are the characters of the famous work of Victor Hugo. The actions of which are transferred to France in the 15th century. A fascinating and unusual plot has repeatedly conquered directors and theater directors.

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Talented detective Sherlock Holmes and his permanent assistant Dr. Watson take on another case. There are rumors of a curse on the Baskerville family. Inhuman footprints were found near the body of the deceased Charles, which pretty much frightened those around him. So is it really all about the curse?

One of the most difficult works that cannot leave you indifferent. In the center of the plot is a lone hero trying to contradict the whole system. Lack of meaning and complete hopelessness haunt him. They won't give him a single chance.

One young man from a noble society was once rescued by a young sailor. As a thank you, he invited him to a dinner party. There, a sailor who does not correspond to such a society meets his sister, and falls in love. To win the heart of the beauty, he decides to take up his education. 51
Three best friends go for a walk on the Thames. What could be better than such a break from city worries. It soon becomes clear that things are not so simple. And any little thing can turn into an ironic problem. And the overly energetic fox terrier adds to the fun.

The novel, created by the author for ten years. Due to his peculiar views on the historical fate of the country, he was criticized and did not appear in print for a long time. In 1958 he was awarded the Nobel Prize and universal recognition. The author himself called the work the peak of his creativity.

The story of the hard fate of the little girl Jane Eyre, who was left without parents at an early age, under the supervision of an unfriendly aunt. She spent her childhood in a boarding house for the poor, and when she became an adult, she earned her living as a governess and teacher.

Paris, 1939 A German surgeon who fled to France is trying to find a place in life. He has no right to work, and has no faith in tomorrow. But in an instant, sudden love changes everything. It cannot exist, but you can’t argue with feelings. Do they have a future?

451 degrees Fahrenheit ignites paper. In the world depicted by Bradbury, houses are built from non-burning material. Also, books are banned. And the only thing firefighters do is burn books. Hungry for change, Montag picks up his first book.

After aliens visited Earth, the world changed. Some Zones were formed, in which various artifacts left by alien creatures are collected. Entrance there is prohibited. But everything that is there is highly valued. So there were stalkers who illegally make their way there.

The main character of the book is programmer Alexander Privalov. Once, right in a dense forest, I met two young people. Thanks to them, Alexander gets a job at a mysterious research institute, where activists and enthusiasts are held in high esteem, and everything unrealizable becomes real.

A four-volume work translated into dozens of languages ​​and won the Nobel Prize. Difficult 20th century, the height of the civil war, a brutal revolution. The Cossack way of life appears in all its diversity. A film of the same name was released in 1957.

While sailing on a yacht off the Scottish coast, Lord Glenarvan and his family caught an unusual hammerhead fish. A bottle was taken out of it, in which a two-year-old letter from Captain Grant was preserved. Glenarvan goes in search of him.

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A planet has been discovered in deep space, on which the ocean has occupied almost the entire surface. They named it Solaris. At one of the research bases, the inexplicable began to happen. Ghosts began to come to doctors and scientists - their loved ones who had died in the past ...

Classicism, realism and romanticism are inherent in the famous creation of Griboyedov. The work is written in verse, comedy genre. The basis of the satirical plot was the Moscow society of aristocrats. Over the years of existence, it has diverged into now-famous quotes.

Once Captain Flint hid treasures on a desert island. And drew a detailed map. Due to some strange events, the map falls into the hands of Jim Gokins, the son of the owner of the inn. It is no longer possible to fight the desire to find wealth.

A unique poem by Homer that has survived to this day unchanged. The legends and myths of Ancient Hellas, dangerous adventures, stunning exotic countries and the feelings of the main characters are described in poetic form. A bright representative of world literature.

He is a wild wolf born in Alaska. Many dangers and adventures met on his way. Once in the hands of people, he was both a fighting dog and a sled dog. And one day the Man saved him from death. His Man. And when the threat loomed over him, the Wolf repaid him the same.

Anton is in a group of earthlings-historians living on a medieval planet. And among the historical cruelty and squalor, he tries to find at least a hint of a bright, already familiar to him, future. He knows that everyone on this planet is doomed to suffer. And he can't help it. It's depressing.

Five northerners were captured by the civil war. Fear of death pushes them to flee. And I had to run in a balloon. The hurricane brought them to a mysterious desert island, where they could not only survive, but live fully. But are they really alone?

Ivan Bunin wrote a love story. About a feeling that can become a sad memory from the past. Or the moment that changed my life. Or about love, which will become a "cruel romance." Each of them is a "dark alley" of the most mysterious and impenetrable labyrinth of the world.

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The protagonist is a pilot who makes a living flying an airplane. One day he meets a man. He also knows how to fly, but not like a regular pilot. He will teach him to believe and create miracles. And not only the hero of the book, but also every reader can learn this.

The love story of a twelve-year-old girl and an adult man. The book, which has endured an incredible amount of criticism, has firmly established itself in classical Russian literature. Even today, the controversy around this work, which has become one of the great creations of the 20th century, does not subside.

A bright representative of world literature. The events take place in Italy at the end of the 18th century. The Italians dreamed of independence, but the Battle of Waterloo was not marked by success. The deep feelings of the characters and intense historical events create an exciting atmosphere.

The Iliad is the prehistory of the famous Odyssey. Here the gods fight each other. The story of Odysseus himself and the fearless Achilles, whose weak point was his heel, is told. As well as the Greco-Trojan war, which began because of love. All this is the Iliad - the immortal masterpiece of Homer.

The narrator of this exciting story is Nick Carraway, the neighbor of the famous and great Jay Gatsby. Jay was rich, famous and free. The guests were not translated in his house, and legends about him were retold everywhere. Once Nick got into this circle, and learned all the secrets of the life and death of Gatsby.

Medieval asceticism became the subject of ridicule by Giovanni Boccaccio, as well as the exposure of churchmen - these are the main ideas of the work "The Decameron", which became famous and glorified the writer. From beginning to end, he guides the reader through Italian society.

The greatest book that has been translated into more than 70 languages ​​of the world. About a shepherd who had a dream, captivating him in search of treasures in distant pyramids. This book may well become a desktop. She teaches you to believe in yourself, as well as how to become successful and get what you want.

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Erast Fandorin is the protagonist of Akunin's detective series of novels. His image is the ideal of an aristocrat of the 19th century: fidelity to principles, nobility, incorruptibility. He has impeccable manners, women are crazy about him. But at the same time, he always remains alone. He is also a successful gambler.

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Sanya Grigoriev, as a child, set himself the task of finding the missing expedition of Captain Tatarinov. Thanks to a dream, he became a polar explorer. He went through many adventures and trials before he reached his intended goal.

The tragic story of a young man Clyde Griffiths from a poor family of preachers, who learned all the delights of a rich life. He is so desperate to become a part of this society that he even decides to commit a crime. This work is the peak of creativity of an outstanding writer.

The owner of one estate saved from death and sheltered a homeless boy. This is the beginning of the story of Wuthering Heights, the heroes of which were the inhabitants of two neighboring estates. Ellen Dean was a witness to their relationship all their lives. She tells the same story.

The most famous novel, which has become a world classic. Lawyer Atticus Finch is raising two children alone after the tragic death of his mother. One day, he comes across a case where he must defend a black man accused of abuse of a white woman.

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The First World War is in full swing. And in the midst of cruelty and devastation, feelings are born between an American soldier and a nurse from Scotland. Many events, obstacles and difficulties will come between them. One day, the soldier decides to desert. Drops weapons for love.

Under unknown circumstances, the monk of the Benedictine monastery died. And the two main characters - William of Baskerville and Adson of Melk will have to deal with this matter. Events unfold over the course of one week. Outside the window is the 14th century, somewhere in the north-west of Italy.

Josef Schweik is a retired soldier. With the outbreak of the First World War, he was again obliged to serve. The action of the novel takes place on the territory of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. The work has a satirical bias, with a share of various political and social problems.

On his 30th birthday, Josef woke up to find himself locked inside a judicial bureaucracy. He explores this machine, trying to somehow influence his business, his Process. Throughout the book, his thinking, although not noticeable to himself, changes.

A book known to everyone since school days. In all colors it shows the life of the Cossacks, who fight for the most important thing in their lives - love for their native land. This is an eternal work about duty and honor, about love, about friendship and betrayal, about family and mutual assistance.

He was very young and naive. Having once been deceived, rejected, mired in dirty slander, he fakes the moment of suicide and escapes. He will return only after thirteen long years with an ugly face, a broken heart and a strange name.

The main characters of the novel are three generations of the Cleary family. Events have been developing for fifty years, since 1915. They were able to rise from the poor to the managers of the largest estate. The author introduces the reader to the rich Australian way of life.

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\"A holiday that is always with you" is a memoir prose based on travel notes from the author's trip to Paris. Ernest Hemingway left his native country of America and began to travel around the world. He wrote about life, literature, writers.

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The writer Kurt Vonnegut, having a tragic military experience, was able to reflect it in his famous, partly autobiographical work. A sharp plot, evil unusual satire, fantasy and a share of philosophy bribe even the most picky reader.

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This is a kind of continuation of the book "Bridge over Eternity", in which, sixteen years later, the grown-up heroes go on the next mysterious adventure through the alternative realities of their other lives. They have to choose only one right path.

Two years ago, five military merchant ships set off from Europe to Asia, of which only one survived. After a terrible storm, the ship is wrecked off the Japanese coast. The surviving sailors end up in a country where they are uninvited guests.

Voshchev led a boring, joyless life, because he did not know what was the meaning of it. He worked at a factory until he was fired due to declining productivity. And he left. Where, he did not know. I got to the neighboring town, where a foundation pit was being dug on the edge for a building under construction.

Hadji Murat was a real horseman, a powerful deputy to Shamil. The Caucasian people made up legends about his exploits. Shamil himself became afraid of him and decided to get rid of his opponent, to kill him. Hadji Murat wanted to go over to the side of the Russians. And he was killed while trying to escape.

One of the greatest representatives of world literature. In all its diversity, the writer shows the French society of the 19th century. An exciting plot, the realism of the events described, the bright and strong characters of the main characters - that's what readers love Hugo to this day.

The story of the girl Polianna, who became an orphan. An unfriendly aunt took her under her care. A distinctive feature of Pollyanna is that she knows how to find positive aspects in any situation and rejoice under any circumstances. This helps not only her, but also those around her.

A fascinating story of the talented singer Consuelo. Which is obliged to overcome the most difficult trials and bring art to people. The book is about the tragic choice between personal life and art, about the fate of a creative person, about the burden of talent.

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The main characters of the book are Richard Bach himself and Leslie Parrish. The novel is partly autobiographical and describes documentary events from the life of the writer, sometimes seen by the author in a dream. Between the main characters there is a real feeling called love. Together they will overcome all difficulties.

Pippi Longstocking is an orphaned girl with amazing physical strength. The main place of events is the Chicken Villa, where Pippi lives with a horse and a pet monkey, Mr. Nils. A cycle of funny short stories.

Race car driver Clerfe meets the terminally ill Lilian. She does not want to die in a gloomy ward, waiting in the wings. And he wants to spend the last months in complete isolation, going on a trip to Europe. A young guy falls in love and proposes marriage.

The work "Candide, or Optimism" is part of Voltaire's "Philosophical Tales" series. The writer's style is distinguished by mockery and speed of development of events. He skillfully combines a philosophical deep theme with a parody of sentimental women's novels about unhappy love.

The original novel by James Joyce, which tells about a single day lived by one ordinary resident of a small European city. Within this framework he was able to place all literature with its various techniques and styles of writing.

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