What is the regional home renovation program update, why and how often is it done? Form for filling out a report on updating the regional program for the overhaul of common property in apartment buildings.



dated April 15, 2014 N 77

List of changing documents

dated 12.04.2016 N 58)
In order to update the regional program for the overhaul of common property in apartment buildings located on the territory of the Novosibirsk Region, in accordance with the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, the Law of the Novosibirsk Region of July 5, 2013 N 360-OZ "On the organization of the overhaul of common property in apartment buildings, located on the territory of the Novosibirsk region", I order:

1. Approve the attached Procedure for submitting information on common property in apartment buildings located on the territory of the Novosibirsk Region, in order to update the regional program for the overhaul of common property in apartment buildings.

2. I reserve control over the execution of the order.

ministerial duties


by order

ministries of construction and

housing and communal services

Novosibirsk region





List of changing documents

(as amended by the order of the Ministry of Housing and Public Utilities of the Novosibirsk Region

dated 12.04.2016 N 58)
I. General provisions
1. This Procedure regulates the submission of information about common property in apartment buildings located on the territory of the Novosibirsk Region, in order to update the regional program for the overhaul of common property in apartment buildings (hereinafter referred to as information).

2. Collection of information is carried out:

1) persons managing apartment buildings;

2) local self-government bodies of urban districts, local self-government bodies of settlements.

3. Information is submitted in relation to multi-apartment buildings located within the boundaries of the respective urban district, settlement:

1) not included in the Regional targeted program for the overhaul of common property in apartment buildings located on the territory of the Novosibirsk Region for 2014-2038, approved by Decree of the Government of the Novosibirsk Region of November 27, 2013 N 524-p (hereinafter referred to as the Regional Program);

2) newly put into operation;

3) recognized as emergency and subject to demolition;

4) included in the Regional Program, in terms of including information about:

Carrying out major repairs of common property in the past year (services and (or) major repairs were performed);

Establishing the presence of a threat to the safety of life and health of citizens;

Physical deterioration of the common property of an apartment building, determined by the results of monitoring the technical condition of an apartment building;

Changing information about the common property of an apartment building that is incorrectly presented or not presented in full in accordance with the Procedure for submitting information about the common property in apartment buildings located on the territory of the Novosibirsk Region, in order to form a Regional Program, approved by order of the Ministry of Construction and Housing and Communal Services Novosibirsk region dated September 12, 2013 N 99.

4. Information is submitted in accordance with the form in accordance with the appendix to this Procedure.

5. Information is submitted annually within the time limits established by Art. 9 of the Law of the Novosibirsk Region of 05.07.2013 N 360-OZ "On the organization of the overhaul of common property in apartment buildings located on the territory of the Novosibirsk Region".

6. In the first year of the implementation of the Regional Program, local governments of urban districts, local governments of settlements submit generalized information on the common property of apartment buildings to the Ministry of Construction, Housing and Communal Services of the Novosibirsk Region by May 12, 2014.
II. Representation by persons exercising control

apartment buildings, and local governments

information about common property in apartment buildings
7. Information is filled in on the basis of the data of cadastral passports, technical documents, accounting information, information on the privatization of premises and other documents on paper in the form in accordance with the annex to this Procedure and in electronic form in .xls format or in .csv format.

(As amended by the order of the Ministry of Housing and Public Utilities of the Novosibirsk Region dated April 12, 2016 N 58)

8. In the event that an apartment building is not managed by legal entities, information on this apartment building is provided by the local government body of the urban district, the local government body of the settlement.

9. Information is certified by the signature of the person managing the apartment building, or certified by the signature of the head of the local government, if the apartment building is not managed by legal entities.
III. Generalization of information about common property

in apartment buildings by local governments
10. Local self-government bodies of urban districts, local self-government bodies of settlements process the information received, summarize the information provided by persons managing apartment buildings, and send them to the Ministry of Construction and Housing and Communal Services of the Novosibirsk Region on paper in the form in accordance with the appendix to this Procedure and in electronic form in .xls format or in .csv format.

(As amended by the order of the Ministry of Housing and Public Utilities of the Novosibirsk Region dated April 12, 2016 N 58)

to Order

submission of information about common property

in apartment buildings located on

territory of the Novosibirsk region, in order to

updating the regional program

overhaul of common property

in apartment buildings

List of changing documents

(as amended by the order of the Ministry of Housing and Public Utilities of the Novosibirsk Region

dated 12.04.2016 N 58)
Updating information about the general

property in an apartment building

N parameter

MKD management form

Parameter value


Date of compilation of updated information

Object identification

Parameter value


Name of the municipal district of the Novosibirsk region


Name of the municipality


Locality name


District of the settlement (for the city of Novosibirsk)


The outside


House number



Note: the name of the municipality of the region is written in full, without abbreviations. Permissible abbreviations in the name of the settlement: city - city; village - s.; settlement - settlement; work settlement - slave. settlement; village - village; street - st. The names "square", "passage", "avenue", "highway", "station" are entered without abbreviation.

N parameter

Object Inventory

Parameter value



Availability of a technical passport of the object


Year of manufacture/updating of the technical passport (if any)


General wear and tear of the building according to the technical inventory (if you have a technical passport)


House condition

Selected from directory 1


Details of the document on the recognition of the house as emergency and subject to demolition in the manner established by the Government of the Russian Federation (if available, a scanned copy of the document is attached)


Details of the document on the recognition of the house as subject to reconstruction in the manner established by the Government of the Russian Federation (if available, a scanned copy of the document is attached)

N parameter

Structural features of the building

Parameter value



Residential building type

Selected from directory 2


Date of commissioning of the apartment building (year of construction)


The material of the external main walls of the building

Selected from directory 5


Roof type (roof structure)

Selected from directory 3


facade type

Selected from directory 4

N parameter

Quantitative parameters

Parameter value


Total building area, m 2


Number of floors


Number of entrances

22 (1)

Number of lifts


Number of apartments


Number of residents


The total area of ​​residential and non-residential premises in an apartment building

Of them:


Total residential area, including:

26 (1)

26 (2)

26 (3)

26 (4)

26 (5)

- other


Total area of ​​non-residential premises, including:

27 (1)

- privately owned by citizens

27 (2)

- privately owned by legal entities

27 (3)

- in state ownership

27 (4)

- in municipal ownership

27 (5)

- other


The presence of a need for a major overhaul of common property in an apartment building on the date of privatization of the first residential premises, provided that such a major overhaul was not carried out as of the date of approval or updating of the Regional Capital Overhaul Program (clause 2 of article 168 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation) - if there is a need obligatory attachment of a scanned copy of the supporting document

28 (1)

Date of privatization of the first dwelling in an apartment building

"Yaroslavl Region" answers another question about the regional program for the overhaul of apartment buildings.

Updating the regional program for the overhaul of apartment buildings (2014 - 2043) is an adjustment to the existing document. Currently, the update is being carried out due to the fact that at the beginning of 2014 changes were made to the federal legislation on overhaul. Corresponding changes were reflected in the regional law on overhaul (No. 32-z).

In particular, Article 3 "The procedure for preparing a regional program for the overhaul of common property in an apartment building" was supplemented with a number of paragraphs that indicate the categories of houses that are subject to exclusion from the regional overhaul program.

So, the program excludes:
1. houses with less than three apartments;
2. houses, the physical deterioration of the main structural elements (roof, walls, foundation) in which exceeds 70%;
3. houses, the overhaul of which exceeds the marginal cost of these services and works, established by the decree of the government of the Yaroslavl region.

What will happen to the houses excluded from the program, which have such high wear and tear? The government of the Yaroslavl region is currently looking for ways to resolve this issue.

In the process of updating the overhaul program, inaccuracies in multi-apartment buildings are being eliminated, and it is also possible to change the timing of the overhaul of some houses - those where there is a threat to the residence of residents, that is, urgent repairs are required (Article 4, paragraph 3, regional law No. 32-h). In this case, the conclusion of a specialized organization is necessary. As a result, the house may receive a major overhaul earlier than the deadlines set in the program.

At the same time, you need to understand that the regional overhaul program cannot work in “emergency mode”, that is, it is impossible to make a major overhaul the next day after the update request. This is due to the fact that the program is a plan for the overhaul of more than 10,000 apartment buildings. The plan, which is inexpedient to radically and rapidly change, must take into account the financial capabilities of the overhaul system.

According to the legislation, the regional program will be updated at least once a year. The grounds for updating the program are established by a decree of the government of the Yaroslavl region (the document is currently under development).

The updating of the regional program is carried out by the department of the housing and communal complex of the region together with the regional fund on the basis of information provided by municipalities.

The short-term plan of the regional program (for 2014) will be formed by the beginning of April.

On Sunday, April 7, residents of Yaroslavl and residents of the region became participants in the environmental action to collect waste paper "Let's Save the Forest", organized by the ONF Youth. There were four collection points in the region.

The organizers emphasized that only 60 kilograms of paper can save one tree. For this reason, it is better not to throw away used paper, but to recycle it.

For the sixth time, the Yaroslavl Art Museum is holding a festival of contemporary artists ART NON-STOP. But this year it is special: for the first time, the public is presented with the works of Yaroslavl sculptors Elena Paskhin and Alexander Zverkov.

The main idea of ​​the project is to present the artistic life of the city as widely as possible, to open to the public new names and new facets of the work of well-known authors. The monumental works of Elena Paskhin have become an integral part of the urban environment. Monument to Leonid Sobinov. The sculptural composition "Post Romanovskaya Zastava". Touching Swifts, which embody the bright memory of the Lokomotiv hockey team that tragically died in September 2011. Memorial to victims of radiation accidents and catastrophes. Sculptural compositions "Buffoonery" and "Puppeteer" on the facade of the building of the Yaroslavl Youth Theater. "Alley of Generals", leading to the building of the Museum of Military Glory. Our great past is captured in the works of Elena Vasilievna - this is a monument to Admiral Ushakov in Rybinsk, Nekrasov in the village of Vyatsky, aircraft technicians of the Great Patriotic War at the Levtsovo (Makarych) airfield. The inhabitants of the region have special feelings for her works: after all, these are our common emotions carved in stone and bronze, our attitude to history and today. Stopping and materializing moments, she made them the property of eternity.

So fate decreed: the opening of the exhibition of Elena Paskhina connected two round dates: the centennial anniversary of the Yaroslavl Art Museum and the anniversary of Elena Vasilievna. Her solo exhibition makes it possible to retrospectively trace the development of a creative personality, to see the author in all the diversity of his talent.

Elena Vasilievna is a laureate of the Opekushin Yaroslavl Regional Prize, awarded the gold medal of the Union of Artists of Russia, Honored Artist of the Russian Federation, in 2012 she became a corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Arts. It is rare luck to see how creative ideas are conceived and implemented. It's like looking into a sculptor's workshop. Three halls of remarkable works - from classic to modern.

Elena Vasilievna works a lot in easel sculpture. Her works, executed in bronze, stone, wood and ceramics, are distinguished by an invariably thoughtful attitude to the material, a subtle sense of the specifics of the “mystery” of working with it. Inspired by the themes of history, religion and mythology, the unique attractiveness of a particular person or some universal human qualities and states, her sculptures are a synthesis of a reverent attitude towards nature and an individual plastic solution for each work. In the diverse work of Elena Paskhin, classical and avant-garde forms are organically combined, - director of the Yaroslavl Art Museum Alla Khatyukhina is delighted.

From the sculptures on the streets of the city, we know the academic Elena Paskhin. At the exhibition, we see how organic it is in this incarnation: this is the composition “For Russia”, depicting the equestrian squad of the prince ready for exploits, and the sculpture of Empress Elizabeth Petrovna, and the monument to Nekrasov (the great poet is depicted on a hunt, he thought, leaning against a tree , apparently composing new poems), and many other works. But few people know Paskhin - an impressionist and follower of Picasso. A feeling of amazing lightness, purity, freshness, blooming life breathes her “Natasha. Spring according to Freud. It seems that in the very next moment the girl will come to life, laugh, run away into a garden that has just been dressed in flowers - all in white attire, like a bride.

18 years ago, I first came to Elena Vasilievna's studio and discovered her sculptures. This is a whole world, the range is the widest! I have a feeling that Elena Vasilievna is an ongoing spring. She flourishes and flourishes, - Semyon Zhokhov, a well-known master in Russia and abroad, a member of the Union of Artists of Russia, speaks very warmly about his teacher.

Such is her soul. Is it any wonder that a personal exhibition opened in the spring creates a spring mood? Classical works are more often embodied in bronze and stone - after all, this is the material for centuries. But our compatriot is no less interested in ceramics, fireclay - fired crushed clay - and composite. They are not so expensive and leave more room for creative exploration and experimentation. Decorativeness, understatement, imperfection of the material - these features inherent in impressionism and its creative style are not alien. Academic School of the Faculty of Sculpture of the Leningrad State Academic Institute of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture. I.E. Repin is complemented by the skills of working with color and various natural materials acquired at the Abramtsevo School of Industrial Art. For example, her bust of Peter the Great is very creative: a ship seems to grow right out of the head of the creator of the Russian fleet. There are so many allusions at once: here is a reference to Greek mythology, in which the goddess of wisdom, the mighty warrior Athena came out of the head of Zeus the Thunderer, and an illustration of the birth of bright ideas.

The composition "Wedding" - the two heads of the newlyweds seem to have merged into a single creature. Perhaps this is an echo of the symposium in the Czech Republic, where Elena Vasilievna surprised the jury with a non-standard approach.

The theme was free, but we were given only a week to implement it, - Elena Vasilievna recalls. - We wandered through the mountains and chose the material. I found a split stone, saw lovers in it, and all I had to do, in the words of the great French sculptor Rodin, "cut off everything superfluous from it."

And sometimes she, like any artist, wants to "play a trick" - to tease the viewer with an unusual interpretation.

Even the great Picasso allowed himself to do this - let's remember his outrageous "Goat", - Elena Paskhina smiles.

Indeed, one of the most famous late works of the master causes a smile: an absurd and courageous dereza goat, built from old rubbish: there is old cardboard, and pieces of plaster, and shards of pottery, and a torn basket instead of a stomach. Elena Vasilievna is preparing a sculptural impromptu on the theme of Picasso and his horned one.

Perhaps someday we will see this sculpture on the streets of Yaroslavl. Really, I would like more Elena Paskhin on the streets of Yaroslavl.

I have a series of works "Prophets". One of them - "Ilya the Prophet" (the Old Testament zealot of fidelity to God flies in a whirlwind to heaven) I would like to see someday near the Elijah's Church in Yaroslavl. The sculpture "Volga" may someday decorate the embankment, - Elena Paskhina shares her hopes.

The exhibition of Alexander Zverkov presents sculptural, graphic and pictorial works of the artist. His works have received a worthy recognition of specialists, art historians, museum workers and the attention of the audience. The focus of attention of Alexander Zverkov is a person. The language of his sculptural works, combining deep knowledge and understanding of classical art with the ability to clothe traditional materials - marble, bronze, wood, granite, limestone - in a modern plastic form, gives rise to semantic completeness, encourages contemplation, comprehension through aesthetic impressions. The graphic and pictorial works of Alexander Zverkov are distinguished by a subtle sense of form and space. In the many associations awakened in the mind by his work, a huge depth is invariably born, turning into infinity. During the festival, admission for spectators is free and free. We will be grateful if you come and leave your feedback, - invites the director of the Yaroslavl Art Museum Alla Khatyukhina.

Tomorrow, April 8, in the center of Yaroslavl, on the site near the Volkovsky Theater, a photo-action will be held in support of the First Russian. Photo zones will be organized there, where professional photographers will take pictures of everyone in front of the theater.

The exhibition of the famous artist from Rybinsk, a member of the Russian Academy of Arts Sergey Gusarin "Dreams and Reality" has opened in the Yaroslavl gallery of modern art "Ariskin-studio".

The collection includes graphic and pictorial works, as well as photographs. In general, more than 30 works, including a number of new, very unusual for viewers who know the work of the author.


His favorite artist is Andrew Wyeth, he often revisits films by Bergman and Sokurov, listens to Lisa Gerrard and baroque music. And this is only a small part of his interests: Sergey Gusarin is a real encyclopedia of world art. It is not surprising that his own works are sections of constant reflection, in which his own life experience, ideas and fantasies, everything seen in reality or manifested in dreams and transformed by his rare, very original talent, echo the images of the world's artistic heritage. Perhaps that is why the artist is equally fully and organically realized in different types, styles and genres of fine art. It is always new and curious for the viewer.

Sergei is a graduate of the Yaroslavl Art College, where he specialized as a graphic artist. In parallel, he mastered painting and photography, then icon painting. In 1994, together with his artist wife Mai-she, they created the Lik icon-painting workshop. Behind him are many solo exhibitions in Russia and abroad, as well as participation in leading art vernissages at the federal and international levels.

dream metaphors

The name of the exhibition "Dreams and Reality" was not chosen by chance: the category of space is one of the most interesting for the author. The vision of space, people, things in the states of sleep and reality is combined into one chain of images: recognizable ones - for example, in the works from the "Forefathers" series - are gradually replaced by the unknown, surrealistically bizarre, catching attention with their mysterious energy - in the works from the "Metamorphoses of Dreams" series . The worlds of reality and sleep are connected, their shaky border becomes a zone of special tension.

I love dreams very much, - says Sergey. - Everything is real in them: you see some stories, pictures, you hear music. My poems sometimes come in whole streams, like poems. And I have never heard them. Even smells, it happens, you catch. In a dream I understand that I am dreaming, and I think how I can remember it all, and when I wake up, everything falls apart. Therefore, in my works, I always try to catch the elusive secret, to depict a kind of metaphor for dreams, to convey the sensations left by them.

The theme of the exhibition allowed Sergey Gusarin to combine works in realistic and abstract styles in a single exposition. Realistic works are made according to the classical principle: from conception to implementation. The details in them are drawn from nature, and then compositionally assembled into an organic unity. Abstract ones are created quite differently.

Image from chaos

The abstract style is now especially interesting to Sergey Gusarin in terms of creative search, although, according to him, this search is more rationalistic.

I am fascinated by the unpredictability of the creative process, - says the artist. - I start working without a plan at all. It happens like this. I take a tablet, paper - primed-primed - traces of primer are printed on the sheet. Then I splash paint or coffee - some form begins to appear ... I take this sheet, stretch it on a tablet and draw random planar lines on it with graphite. Then I also work with coal, constantly peering into the resulting image. And an amazing thing happens: these lines, spots, cracks begin to give some form. I begin to outline them, and out of complete chaos a completely harmonious image appears. Watching his birth is a very exciting process.

The exhibition features several abstract works, each of which expresses an image that combines idea and emotion. Here is the aggressive, squall “Chaos”, and here is the refined, spreading “Tree” ... The work of the “City Without Fun” series is very interesting: out of the chaos of spots and lines, dilapidated houses suddenly appeared, in which in some places they even have lighting, and on the walls you can see graffiti…

Works on topics that constantly excite Sergey Gusarin are also presented. These are, for example, "The Lost World", "Spiral of Time", "Abandoned Garden" - a work from the cycle "Memories from Childhood". The artist has a lot of ideas that are waiting to be realized.

I am determined, - says Sergey. - There is a feeling that I am on the verge of some discoveries, that they are already close - you just need to open the door wider and see the secret.

Center for Creative Development "Dar" in Rybinsk

Sergei Gusarin is moving forward not only as an artist, but also as a business person, accustomed to the fact that life is always in full swing around him. The new undertaking of Sergey and Maya is the center for creative development "Dar" in Rybinsk. The idea of ​​its creation, according to Sergei, arose a long time ago, was hatched for a long time and now began to be actively implemented.

The Center for Creative Development "Dar" is not a business project, it is more for the soul, - says Sergey. - The fact is that both Maya and I have accumulated a huge creative experience that I would like to pass on. In addition, our daughter Daria Sadovskaya studied painting at the Yaroslavl Art School and icon painting at the Orthodox St. Tikhon Humanitarian University. For several years she has been engaged in the creative development of kids - her teaching experience is also interesting. Today there are many art studios in Rybinsk: Rybinsk residents are in demand for artistic knowledge and skills. However, there is no multidisciplinary center where people of different ages, starting from 5 years old, could study. We hope that our undertaking will be interesting and in demand.

Separate building with an area of ​​about 700 sq. m for the center "Dar" has already been built - it is located on the left bank of the Volga, next to the house of artists. Now he is settling inside. It is planned to create museums of modern icons and antiques, a small exhibition hall where works by both local and invited artists will be shown in the center. Lectures, seminars, master classes on various types of art by well-known Russian specialists will be held here. Particular attention will be paid to the teaching of icon painting: there are already those who wish to study from different places in Russia. Now the Gusarinas are developing methodological programs.

The infrastructure of the project includes a large parking lot, a children's playground, a small cafe so that people can come with their families and study throughout the day. In the future, Sergey wants to build a plein-air center for artists nearby.

According to the plan, the center "Dar" should start operating next autumn. Pilot programs will be launched first. Over time, the center should become a landmark of the Yaroslavl region.

In Yaroslavl, scammers posing as "bank employees" continue to steal money.

In the Dzerzhinsky district, two women aged 48 and 57 turned to the police, stating that unknown persons, posing as bank employees, stole money from bank cards - 125 and 40 thousand rubles, respectively, under the pretext of preventing unauthorized debiting of funds.

Similar applications were received by the police of the Zavolzhsky, Leninsky and Frunzensky districts. In all cases, the attackers obtained information from the victims about the details of the cards by deception.

The police are investigating all cases.

The risers are corroded with rust, the roof is open, and the plaster on the facade is pretty peeling off, and the house has to wait for a major overhaul for another five years - this situation is far from uncommon in apartment buildings in the Sverdlovsk region. Owners would like to speed up the overhaul of their homes, but often do not know how to do it and where to turn.

Annual update of the Regional Program

The regional overhaul program is updated annually. New buildings are included in the list of houses in which major repairs are planned for the next 30 years, and houses recognized as emergency and subject to demolition are excluded from the list. So, at the beginning of 2017 in the Sverdlovsk region, 28,385 houses with a total area of ​​more than 84 million square meters.

In addition, to specify the timing of the overhaul and clarify the planned types of work, there are Short-term plans for the implementation of the Regional Capital Repair Program, formed by local governments and approved by the Government of the Sverdlovsk Region.

The order of overhaul of common property in apartment buildings is determined based on the following criteria:

1) the year of construction of the apartment building;

2) physical deterioration of common property in an apartment building;

3) the year of the last major overhaul of common property in an apartment building;

4) the availability of collective (common house) metering devices for the consumption of resources necessary for the provision of public services (thermal energy, hot water and cold water, electric energy, gas), which are to be installed in accordance with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation;

5) the completeness of the receipt of contributions for major repairs from the owners of premises in an apartment building

Note that in some apartment buildings for certain types of work, the timing of the overhaul may differ. For example, the repair of the facade and roof may be scheduled for 2018, and the replacement of utilities - in 2025. You can specify the types of work and the timing of their implementation for a particular apartment building on the official website of the Regional Fund in the "Find a Home" section.

It is possible to postpone the overhaul of MKD to an earlier date

According to Article 189 of the LC RF owners can at any time decide to carry out major repairs in their home ahead of the deadlines established by the Regional Program, including for certain types of work.

There are several options for how to do this.

  • Contacting local authorities

MKD owners need to apply to local authorities with a proposal and justification for postponing the overhaul of the common property of MKD to an earlier date. To do this, residents need to collect documentary evidence that the technical condition of the common property in their house does not ensure the safety of living in it:

Increased wear of structural elements of an apartment building (MKD);

Deterioration of the technical condition of the house due to unforeseen circumstances;

If the funds of the municipal “boiler” are sufficient to carry out major repairs not only in the houses already planned for repair, but also in such additionally identified houses, then local governments, in turn, transfer this information to the Capital Repair Fund for the preparation and updating of the Regional Program .

  • We attract additional sources of financing

The owners must understand that the overhaul will be carried out earlier than the deadline set by the Regional Program, which means that it will be necessary to attract additional funds for its implementation (credits, bank loans). If one or another type of overhaul is carried out in full, then the owners can count on the offset of the money spent.

  • Opening a special account

When forming the overhaul fund on a special account, the owners themselves will determine the timing of the overhaul of MKD. At the same time, they are obliged to organize a major overhaul no later than the deadlines determined by the Regional Program. In case of insufficient funds, they must decide at the general meeting to increase the monthly contribution for major repairs or to determine an additional source of financing (loan, credit, etc.). ). In the event that in the building where the special account is opened, the collection of contributions for capital repairs is less than 50% of the amount accrued, the apartment building, by decision of the local government, will be transferred to the "common boiler" - to the account of the regional operator. If the owners, who form a capital repair fund on a special account, do not have time to carry out repairs in their house within the time period specified in the Regional Program, then their house goes into a “common pool”.

Maintenance - support for the home

Maintaining apartment buildings in good condition is the responsibility of management companies. It is they who should carry out planned systematic work on the current repair of the house, preventing the wear of structures, finishes and engineering equipment. Therefore, it is in the interests of the owners to require the management company to carry out the necessary work as part of the current repair in a timely manner in order to maintain the main arteries of the house in a technically sound operational condition. In addition, at the general meeting of tenants, the owners can decide to combine the overhaul in their house with the current repair. (for example, repair of an entrance). However, at the meeting, it is necessary to determine the sources of funding for current repairs, since this cannot be done at the expense of the capital repairs fund. As a result, the owners will receive a completely renovated house inside and out.

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