What is wealth for a person. Russian thought of the 17th-19th centuries


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I hope that after reading the article, some people's understanding of wealth will change. After all, it is not limited solely to finances.

So what is human wealth? Having specifically asked this question to the Yandex search engine, I received a huge selection of sites where you can read articles for hours and conclude that most people mean by wealth the presence of an unlimited amount of money and property.

Some even argue that wealth is that residual between income and expenses. Everything that could not be spent was spent on a deposit, turning into wealth.

Even Wikipedia reports that Wealth is nothing more than an abundance in a person or society of intangible and material values ​​​​such as money, means of production, real estate or personal property.

But is it? I believe that the concept is significantly distorted and I fully agree with the ideas about the wealth of Dr. V. Sinelnikov. It was after reading his book “The Way to Wealth or Where the Treasury is Buried” that I changed my understanding of this term. I confess that I used to associate this word with money and other material values.

What does this word mean? Let's take a look at its etymology. The root basis of the word Wealth is God. What is God in the broadest sense of the word? No, this is not a gray-haired, bearded man on a cloud, threatening all punishment. God is this creator, creator, source of abundance, love, good. God is the absolute, containing everything, all the facets and colors of life. God is very harmonious.

What does it mean to be a rich person

Let's think about our body. It is quite complex and contains a large number of organs. But each organ has its own important function in the vast system of the body. What do we feel when at least one small organ begins to malfunction or is affected by a disease? We start to feel bad. Sometimes the symptoms are minor and do not disturb the rhythm of life, but sometimes the disease, localized in a certain area of ​​the body, literally knocks us off our feet, violating the quality of life.

It turns out that we can do just fine only when all the organs in our body are healthy and work in harmony. Every cell, every centimeter of body tissue is important for our well-being. You cannot call yourself absolutely healthy if at least one organ in the body is sick.

Now remember that we are made in the image and likeness of God. And that means we have all the qualities of God. We are RICH. Rich means having God in him.

But most have forgotten about it, and do not have enough faith to accept and recognize in themselves the full power and creativity of God. From this disharmony begins, difficulties, sufferings, illnesses come.

Is it possible to call a rich person who has a huge amount of money, real estate abroad, but at the same time has no health and friends? Hardly. It can only be called financially wealthy.

Or another example: a previously poor person suddenly gets a huge inheritance. Intoxicated by such luck, but at the same time not having sufficient knowledge and skills to preserve and increase finances, he lowers all his property in a short time. Was he rich? No. Even with this inheritance, he remained a man with the consciousness of a poor man.

In my opinion, to be rich means to recognize your divine nature and love this world, every day, every moment. It means to show your creative potential in everything and harmoniously fill every area of ​​your life with love. Realize that you are endowed with all the abilities to achieve the life you dream of. First of all, enrich your consciousness.

To be rich means to be self-sufficient, to have not only financial benefits, but also successful relationships with people, to have good health, to be in harmony with yourself and the world around you. Have the desire to give and share as God does. After all, God is very generous.

As in our body, everything is important in God, every single “organ”. And if, for example, we have a great financial condition, but at the same time we cannot find a partner to create a family and suffer from loneliness, will we feel good? I think no. No amount of money will give what man can give to man.

A rich man is rich in everything. He appreciates everything that is in his life, he is not afraid to dream and knows that, as a creator, he can bring whatever he wants into his life. He is not afraid to lose it all. After all, he knows that he has creative potential and will be able to create everything he needs anew.

This is a person open to new knowledge, in a state of constant learning and search. This is a flexible person. Such a person is the master of life, not its victim. A rich person is a grateful person.

What are the criteria for wealth

Having taken such a point of view and understanding of the word "wealth", as I described above, one can fall into some misconceptions. For example, consider that a rich person, in addition to money, must have a family, children and many friends. After all, we talked about all areas of life that affect true wealth.

But let's not forget that everyone has their own ideas about life, their own needs and desires. Not all people want to get married (get married), give birth to children, have large groups of friends, expensive cars, not everyone wants to own factories and steamships. And that's completely normal.

The one who is happy in the position in which he is rich is rich. The main criteria for wealth are spiritual, mental, physical, moral well-being, harmony inside and the presence of a sufficient amount of spiritual strength for a full, happy life, the realization of one's goals and desires.


(wealth), abundance of property, stomachs, money (V. Dahl). In Russia, there is a different attitude to money and wealth than in the West. For a Western person, freedom is personified in money (in particular, the well-known aphorism of B. Franklin), for a Russian, freedom is independence from money. The Western world most often reduces the concept of freedom to the degree of the ability to buy, acquire more and more new goods and services, the Russian sees in this “freedom” a form of bondage that entangles his soul and impoverishes his life.
“Trouble will give birth to money,” the working Russian persistently repeats. “Money is like stones - it’s hard on the soul”, “Money is dust”, “You can’t redeem the soul with money” or another version of this proverb - “Money is dust, well, they are in tartarara”. Hence it is clear what gave the right to F.M. Dostoevsky to write that the Russian people turned out to be, perhaps, the only great European people who withstood the onslaught of the golden calf, the power of the money bag.
Money for a working person is not a fetish. “It is better to give than to take”, “God forbid to give, God forbid to ask.”
To wealth and the rich, to hoarding, the Russian people treated unkindly and with great suspicion. As a working man, he understood that "from the labors of the righteous you will not make stone chambers", "You will be fed from your labors, but you will not be rich." Although it would be wrong to assume that he was guided by a feeling of envy. No. Simply acquiring wealth above one's need, hoarding all sorts of goods above measure did not fit into his scale of life values. "Do not boast of silver, boast of good."
Many among the people believed that any wealth is associated with sin (and, of course, not without reason). "Wealth before God is a great sin." "The rich devils forge money." “You won’t turn your head away with a nag (that is, you won’t rob your neighbor), you won’t be rich.” "Let your soul go to hell - you will be rich." "There are many sins, and plenty of money." "Do not be in hell - do not make wealth." “I saved up money, but I bought something difficult.” “Saved, saved, but the devil bought!”
Hence the conclusions: “It’s better to live a poor man than to get rich with sin”, “Unrighteous self-interest will not work for the future”, “Unrighteous gain is fire”, “Unrighteously acquired sideways, unrighteous acquisition is dust”, “Avarice did not come out of poverty, from wealth” .
The working man treats the rich with great distrust. “Wealth is akin to arrogance,” he says. "The rich man remembers no one, he only remembers himself." "A rich man rows money with a shovel." "He has money - chickens do not peck." "Cancer is a claw, but a rich man is a purse." "The man is rich as a horned bull." "The rich man will not buy his conscience, but he will destroy his own."
At the same time, the peasants even somehow sympathize with the rich, seeing in his position a moral inconvenience and even inferiority. "The rich don't grieve, but get bored." "The rich man can't sleep, the rich thief is afraid." And for the moral education of a child, wealth in the public mind brings direct harm. "Wealth of parents - damage to children." "The father is rich, but the son is unsuccessful."
Sometimes hostility towards the rich comes to curses: “We praise God, we magnify Christ, we curse the rich rich!” - says one of the folk proverbs.
O. Platonov

Source: Encyclopedia "Russian Civilization"



See what "WEALTH" is in other dictionaries:

    Wed plenty, abundance, abundance, excess, excess. Harvest wealth. Wealth of thoughts. | The abundance of property, bellies, money, yarosl., Bonfire. rich, arkhan. wealth, lower wealth, ryaz. rich woman, zap. rich cf. (see also bagatier), ... ... Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary

    It is the savings of many in the hands of one. Julian Tuwim If you are told: "My wealth is acquired by hard work," ask: "Whose?" Don Marchie Many people dream of such money, when money is no longer needed. Vladislav Grzeszczyk Very rich people don't look alike... Consolidated encyclopedia of aphorisms

    See property, luxury ... Dictionary of Russian synonyms and expressions similar in meaning. under. ed. N. Abramova, M .: Russian dictionaries, 1999. wealth of property ... Synonym dictionary

    wealth- Wealth The value of assets owned by a person or group of persons. Economics began with the study of the nature of wealth (for example, Adam Smith's The Wealth of Nations) and how it changes over a given period. ... ... Technical Translator's Handbook

    - (wealth) The value of assets owned by an individual or a group of individuals. Economics began with the study of the nature of wealth (for example, Adam Smith's The Wealth of Nations) and how it changes over a given period. ... ... Glossary of business terms

    Wealth- - everything that has a market value and can be sold for money or exchanged for other goods. (This, of course, is far from the only definition of such a general concept, but it is accepted quite widely in the economic literature). B. can… … Economic and Mathematical Dictionary

    WEALTH, wealth, cf. 1. Large property, prem. monetary. || preim. pl. The totality of material values. The natural wealth of the USSR is incalculable. 2. trans. Plenty, abundance. Shakespeare's language is rich in words. 3. Splendor, ... ... Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov

    - (wealth) The value of assets owned by a person or group of persons. Economics began with the study of the nature of wealth (for example, Adam Smith's The Wealth of Nations) and how it changes over a given period. Keynesian theory ... ... Financial vocabulary

    WEALTH, a, cf. 1. See rich. 2. The abundance of material values, money. National wealth. Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 ... Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

    wealth- magnificent (Barantsevich); wretched (Balmont) Epithets of literary Russian speech. M: The supplier of the court of His Majesty, the partnership of the printing press A. A. Levenson. A. L. Zelenetsky. 1913 ... Dictionary of epithets

Every person in the depths of his soul dreams of becoming rich, so as not to think about tomorrow and live for his own pleasure. But what is wealth? Do people correctly interpret this concept? And is it only material goods that are meant by this word? Perhaps the category of wealth is not as narrow as it is commonly believed in society?

The meaning of the concept of "wealth"

There are many definitions of this term. So, wealth can be understood as financial security or as the breadth of the possibilities of the human mind and body, nobility, the ability to compassion, kindness and many other spiritual qualities. Wealth is, on the one hand, a large number of all kinds of material goods a person has that contribute to a comfortable life. In this sense, this term is usually synonymous with the income of a member of society, which allows him to spend a lot of money on the image and acquisition

On the other hand, wealth is its intellectual capital, variety of emotions and various positive qualities. In this sense, the term is not tied to any material objects, be it money or the attributes of a luxurious life (luxurious houses, yachts, designer items, etc.). Wealth becomes something that cannot be seen at first sight, without penetrating into the essence of human nature.

Synonyms for "wealth"

Synonyms for the word "wealth" basically describe this term from the material side. So, the most common synonymous concept is "luxury". Luxury is a person's possession of expensive items of clothing, things that raise prestige in society and increase the level of social status. This word means only material goods, which are designed to make a person's life more comfortable.

Another synonym is abundance. Abundance means a huge, innumerable amount of something. This concept, of course, can describe both the material and spiritual viability of a person, but more often it is still used to characterize monetary income.

The word "prosperity" can also in some cases be wealth. This happens if we are talking about something inanimate (city, area, field, region, etc.). The phrase "prosperous city", for example, can describe a settlement with a high standard of living for people, favorable conditions for its development.

Antonyms for the word "wealth"

The lexical meaning of the word "wealth" can also be explained through antonyms. So, the most common of them - "poverty". This word can be understood as a lack of funds to create comfortable living conditions, as well as a narrow outlook, the scarcity of spiritual qualities.

Another antonym is "poverty". This word describes the worse material and spiritual condition of a person than poverty. And again, this term describes the external and internal spheres of the life of society and its individual members.

Another antonym of wealth is need. This word speaks for itself. It includes in its meaning the concept that a person lacks something for a comfortable, well-fed life, that his income is too small to purchase expensive household items, prestigious clothing models, technical innovations, etc.

Symbols of wealth

In human culture, fairly stable ideas about wealth have developed. Depending on the customs and traditions of each particular people, certain symbols and talismans have appeared that help to attract prosperity and well-being to the house.

Especially widely the theme of wealth is revealed in Eastern cultures. For example, in China, the feng shui flow explains not only what talismans should be kept in the house to attract wealth and good luck, but also how they should be located so that the energies of water, air, fire and earth are not extinguished. So, the symbol of wealth in China is - is the character of the same name. It is believed that this image must be placed next to money so that their number multiplies and increases, for example, draw on a wallet, put a piece of paper with such a pattern in a safe, and also next to valuables (in a jewelry box or with important papers). Another talisman of the Celestial Empire is coins with square slots. It must be hung on a string in the house or worn around the neck. A toad with a coin in its mouth will also help attract wealth. According to Feng Shui, you need to place several figures in each room in the southeast with their backs to the entrance. This will give the illusion that the toad has just jumped into the room and brought money with it.

In Russian culture, there is also a symbol of wealth. This is a horseshoe, which is traditionally hung over the front door. It is believed that this talisman brings wealth, happiness and good luck to the house, and also drives away evil spirits that spoil things and people's relationships.

gods of wealth

Eastern peoples worship a large number of gods that can give people prosperity, wealth and happiness. In Indian mythology, the god of wealth is Kubera. This deity not only increases wealth, but also keeps the secrets of underground treasures and precious metals.

Which god to worship depends not only on the preferences of each person, but also on what zodiac sign he was born under and in what year according to the eastern horoscope. So, the Buddhist deity Dzambala is recommended to pray to people who were born in the year of the Rooster or Monkey.

In ancient Greek mythology, the god of wealth is Plutos. He was brought up from early childhood by two goddesses: Tyche and Eirena. Plutus brings prosperity and profit only to those who work hard. He himself did not know how to properly manage material wealth, for which he was punished by the supreme god of the Greeks Zeus.

sayings about wealth

Many great people have mentioned wealth in their quotes. These are quotes filled with deep meaning. “The greatest wealth is to live and be content with little,” the Greek poet and writer Plato said about prosperity. This statement can be interpreted as follows: desiring a lot, a person becomes greedy and ceases to appreciate what he already has.

“All wealth is a product of labor”, - this is how John Locke, an English philosopher, described luxury and abundance. From his quote it is clear that a great material fortune cannot be achieved without effort. Nothing in life comes easy.

Wealth as a material category

The first meaning of the word wealth is the presence of material goods, namely money. A large number of monetary units allows a person not to think about what to buy, what to eat, where to relax. On the other hand, wealth does not have to be selfish. For example, many famous people donate a lot of money to charity, help international organizations, send them to armed conflict zones. All these are examples of how wealth can serve the benefit of the whole society, and not an individual.

Wealth as a spiritual category

The material component is only a small part of what is included in the concept of "wealth". It is also the ability and desire to do good deeds, extensive knowledge in various areas of life, high moral principles and strong moral principles. This is what every person should really strive for, not limited to narrow ideas about wealth as a pile of money that can be thoughtlessly spent left and right on all sorts of pleasures.

The word "wealth" is used very often in speech. Many people pronounce it without really thinking about its meaning. And what can be wealth? Only material? Or something else?

If you want to know as much as possible what wealth is, you just need to read this article!

Meaning of the word

The Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language gives the following definition of the word “wealth”: it is an excess, an abundance of certain values ​​that can belong both to society as a whole and to each person individually.

“To be rich” means to have at your disposal a sufficient amount of material and non-material objects, such as money, real estate, precious stones and materials, knowledge, children, etc.

Word synonym

So, you have learned what wealth is. Can you name a synonym for this word?

Recall that synonyms are words that mean the same as the chosen word, that is, they have a similar meaning. For example: kids, kids, kids, kids, etc.

True, not every word in Russian has a synonym. Therefore, using such a word in speech or writing can be difficult. If it is impossible to replace and the forced abundance of the same word, the text may turn out to be ugly, unreadable, boring.

However, this problem will not arise if your conversation touches on the topic of wealth, because this word has a synonym. And not alone.

So what is "wealth"? Synonyms for the word studied in this article: multitude, abundance, surplus, contentment, excess, abundance.

Antonym of the word

Do you remember what antonyms are? Not? But it's so easy! Antonyms are words that have the opposite lexical meaning.

“Wealth” (the word we are currently analyzing) also has an antonymous word. What do you think?

Haven't figured it out yet? Let's find out. You already know that wealth is abundance, an abundance of something. And what word can be opposed to it?

Indeed, wealth and poverty (or poverty) are words that are opposite in meaning and meaning, they are antonyms.

material wealth

When you hear someone mention the phrase "rich man" in a speech, what is the first association that comes to your mind? Most likely, this is a healthy, cheerful, fat-bellied rich man, who, as the people say, does not peck money. He lives life to the fullest, without thinking about limiting himself in any way.

Usually such people are treated rather negatively. They are condemned in every possible way, arguing that it is simply impossible to get a huge fortune in an honest way.

However, the paradox of this topic lies in the fact that no matter how people offend the rich, almost each of them (if not all) with great pleasure would take the place of a contented moneybag in order to fully appreciate what material wealth is, in order to have not only money , but also real estate, assets, firms or entire concerns, etc.

A beautiful life constantly attracts a huge number of people, forcing them to engage in "dishonest" business. But few people really manage to break through, most of these arrogant dreamers are left with nothing.

spiritual wealth

What is wealth from a material point of view, we have studied above. But the coveted earthly blessings, with an abundance of virtues, nevertheless fade when they have to be compared with spiritual wealth.

But what is meant by the epithet "spiritual"? All those life values ​​that cannot be measured in monetary terms. It can be health, happiness, a large and friendly family, joyful work, respect for others, love and much more. All that essentially makes every person actually happy and rich.

Spiritual wealth is much more important than material wealth, because people build their happiness over the years, and one wrong step can destroy everything.

Perhaps you will now object that a similar story is possible with material objects. For example, one wrong deal made by your firm with another, and you are a bankrupt who has lost absolutely everything. However, this situation can still be improved. Of course, no one denies that it will be hard, but there is a way out.

What if someone close to you is sick? Many are ready to give all the money to the last penny, but it’s just that there will be no sense in this - a loved one will leave ... Nothing and no one will change this.

Here it is, spiritual wealth, the meaning of which is very deep. And his loss is the most difficult and sometimes irreparable.

Wise people about wealth

The famous Greek thinker Plato once said: « Wealth is to live and be content with little ». This means that each person should appreciate and cherish what he has at the moment. After all, fate has already gifted him - he lives, he exists. And even if now there is not a penny for the soul, everything can be fixed - for this life is given.

The English philosopher John Locke also quite original and intelligently expressed his thoughts on wealth. He argued that wealth is the result of labor . These words express a deep thought that nothing in the world gets just like that. And many rich people (not all, of course) also started from the bottom, slowly moving towards their cherished goal - worthy capital.

And spiritual capital also does not appear out of nowhere. He is the product of long and painstaking work, as a result of which you are a student who passed all the exams with excellent marks, a happy family man, a grandmother or grandfather with five charming grandchildren, etc.

If at one time you had not taken certain steps that brought you closer to success and your cherished goal, you would have remained down there, poor and unhappy.

Whom to ask for wealth?

In all life's difficulties, if they somehow arise on the way, people ask the gods for help. Many believe that several well-known divine beings will help you become rich.

However, the choice of your patron should be approached with some caution and thoroughness, because not every higher power will favor you. Moreover, the “wrong” patron will not only leave your financial situation at its original level, but will generally lead to the fact that you will unwittingly feel in your own skin all the horrors of a situation that is opposite in meaning to wealth.

So you have learned everything related to the word "wealth". Thank you for your attention!

Wealth (Wealth) is the totality of all material and non-material values ​​of a person or society as a whole.

The wealth of society in the traditional sense, which dates back to the founders of the classical school (A. Smith, D. Ricardo, etc.), was considered as a set of material goods accumulated by the labors of both previous and present generations. Modern economics, on the other hand, is critical of the proposition that there is only one material content of wealth. Today, a different approach to understanding this category is characteristic, namely, that wealth is everything that people value. Such a definition of wealth allows us to attribute to it natural resources, and innate human abilities, and professional knowledge, and free time. From the point of view of theory, such a definition of wealth allows us to shed light on the various subtleties of this economic category. On the other hand, when it comes to international comparisons of national wealth and statistical calculations, such a broad definition of wealth makes it difficult (if not impossible) to calculate specific numbers. We must also not forget that all the wealth of society can be represented both in cash and in kind. Therefore, when the value of money itself changes, one can come to different results of evaluations of the same set of material goods. In addition, a change in the estimates of the people themselves can lead to a change in the real size of the wealth of a particular state. For example, in the USSR, a number of shoes were produced per year that far exceeded those of England, Germany and France combined. The production of metal-cutting machine tools, cement, etc. also exceeded the indicators of the most developed countries in the world. But are these indicators, reflecting the production of goods, the real creation of wealth in the country, if, for example, people bought shoes of domestic producers only when they did not find imported ones? Is Russia poor or rich? You can always hear directly opposite answers to this question. Yes, we are poor, because we do not have enough housing at affordable prices, domestic clothing, domestic food, etc. Yes, we are rich, because we have colossal reserves of natural resources, a priority in many scientific studies, and qualified personnel. Sometimes the question is put differently: if we are so rich, why are we so poor? Have we become richer if, for example, we increased the production of gas and oil at the cost of environmental pollution?

It should be noted once again that the understanding of wealth largely depends on people's assessments. In many ways, this is a normative category, and outside the judgments of people about the value of any good, they do not exist. Also, wealth can be imagined as everything that expands a person's choice, his alternative possibilities. From this point of view, money, things, free time, natural resources, and knowledge expand people's choices and can be equated with wealth.

It must always be seen in the context of meeting needs. For example, if goods are available in the quantity in which they are able to satisfy all our needs to full saturation and are available, then we can say that we are rich. But more and more we turn our attention to the normative context in the definition of wealth. Is a millionaire who is bedridden and physically and mentally incapacitated rich? Is a yogi rich who lives on a minimum of food and is busy realizing God? What does the rather popular expression “the main wealth is freedom” or “the main wealth is health” mean? Is it possible to be free at the same time without having that amount of goods, which is called the subsistence minimum?

All these questions in the analysis of the concept of wealth are posed in order to emphasize the importance of normative, evaluative categories in economic theory.

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