What is a man of the 21st century. What does a 21st century person look like? Where did the general confusion come from?


Subetto Alexander Ivanovich

"Man of the 21st century"? - What is he like?

The answer to this question cannot be simple, if only because the 21st century has just begun, only 12 years have passed, and, therefore, referring to the image of a person in the 21st century, we must include some assessments in our logic of reflection. the future of the 21st century, i.e. assessment of its purpose, assessment of the “challenges” that it carries in its content, as some “questions” to a person and some “tests” for the compliance of his mind, spirit with the very basis of his being on Earth.

Firstly, when we start talking about a person of the 21st century, whether we like it or not, we start talking about “a person in general”, because in the “person of the 21st century” all “humans” are present in a filmed form, i.e. . the entire history of human development.

Secondly, each century poses its own problems, trials, tasks for a person, solving which he rises along the steps of his progress, the steps of elevation in his spiritual, moral and intellectual development.

How to evaluate the "man of the century"?

And how do you evaluate the "man of the century"?

According to the highest achievements of culture, spiritual achievement, moral heights, according to the heights of scientific knowledge, creativity, creation, or according to the depths of its fall into the "abysses of evil", according to the destructive potential of wars, according to the volume of violent deaths of people in wars, revolutions, in dictatorial regimes, prisons and concentration camps?

Or maybe it is necessary to evaluate by the “tension” of the confrontation between the great and the base, by the “distance” between the height of the elevation of the spirit and creation and the depth of the fall into the “low”, into the “inferno”, into the “abyss” of destruction and degradation?

In one way or another, the entire human culture, the entire philosophy, the entire history of mankind as a science, the entire complex of the social sciences and the humanities, the entire system of education and upbringing as such, is engaged in an attempt to answer these questions.

What has the 20th century given us from the standpoint of human historical self-awareness?

With what historical experience did he arm us, what questions did he leave to the 21st century from the standpoint of the logic of human history?

What is great about the 20th century?

First, the space breakthrough of man into space.

First, on April 12, 1961, a citizen of the USSR, the first socialist state in the world, Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin, went up into near space on a rocket and flew around the Earth.

Then, 8 years later, thanks to the success of the "lunar space program" in the United States, the first to step on the surface of the Moon, the Earth's space satellite, was Neil Armstrong, an American astronaut, a naval aviator of the US Navy Air Force, who recently passed away. Behind this space breakthrough are all the achievements of science of the twentieth century, including physics, biology, medicine, astronomy, planetology, etc., including such giants of Russian space science as K.E. Tsiolkovsky, N.F. Zander, S.P. Korolev.

Secondly, the socialist breakthrough in Russia at the beginning of the 20th century, which resulted in the emergence of the USSR, and then in the second half of the 20th century the People's Republic of China, socialist Vietnam, the socialist countries of Eastern Europe, socialist Cuba, etc.

The society of social justice, in which opportunities were opened for the creativity of each person for the common good of all people, to improve the quality of life, remains the main reference point for the humanistic orientation of human history on Earth.

V. I. Lenin and I. V. Stalin will forever stand at the origins of mankind's breakthrough to socialism.

Thirdly, the emergence of the doctrine of the biosphere and noosphere by V.I. Vernadsky, whose 150th anniversary we will celebrate on March 12, 2013.

V.I. Vernadsky was the first in the history of mankind to draw attention to the fact that the planetary thought of mankind, primarily represented by science, armed with a great energy of economic impact on nature, has become a significant factor in the evolution of the planet Earth, which, first of all, has a transformative effect on shell of living matter around the Earth - the Biosphere.

Noosphere, literally - "sphere of mind" (from the word "noo" - mind), according to V.I. Vernadsky, is not only and not so much the sphere of mind, although it is, but a new state (new quality) of the Biosphere, in which the human Mind becomes a significant factor in its planetary evolution.

V.I. Vernadsky emphasized that “the main influence of human thought as a geological factor is revealed in its scientific manifestation: it mainly builds and directs the technical work of mankind, remaking the biosphere”2. Therefore, "man, as he is observed in nature, like all living organisms, like any living substance, is a certain function of the biosphere, in its certain space-time", "constitutes a certain natural part of the structure of the biosphere."

This determines the transition of the biosphere into the noosphere, and at the same time determines the entire evolution of the Biosphere on planet Earth as an evolutionarily necessary stage. “Processes that have been preparing for many billions of years cannot be transient, cannot stop. It follows from this that the biosphere will inevitably pass one way or another, sooner or later, into the noosphere, i.e. that in the history of the peoples inhabiting it, events will occur that are necessary for this, and not contrary to this process” 4 (emphasis added by me, S.A.).

The appearance of the doctrine of the noosphere by V.I. form of noospheric history. And this is the greatest achievement of the “man of the twentieth century” in the person of the genius Vladimir Ivanovich Vernadsky.

And how did the base manifest itself in the 20th century?

Firstly, in the 2 world imperialist wars in 1914 - 1918. and in 1939 - 1945, terrible in terms of the destructive power of the destruction technique - the weapons of the warring armies, and anti-human cynicism (the use of chemical weapons by the German army in the First World War, the use of nuclear weapons by the United States of America in 1945 against the peaceful Japanese cities - Hiroshima and Nagasaki and chemical weapons in Vietnam at the turn of the 60s - 70s of the twentieth century).

Secondly, in the phenomenon of fascism, as a kind of extremist mutation of capitalist systems. Hitlerism became the most striking and concentrated expression of the anti-humanity of fascism. Hitler's fascist system only in concentration camps located in European countries under the heel of fascist soldiers destroyed more than 10 million civilians and prisoners of war.

Thirdly, in the heyday of various criminal businesses that bring profits measured in hundreds and thousands of billions of dollars, including drug trafficking, trafficking in women and children, trafficking in human organs, prostitution, trafficking in the services of private military companies, etc., etc.

The gap between "high" and "low" in the existence of mankind in the twentieth century.

The lag of human progress from scientific and technological progress, leading to an anthropotechnogenic collapse

The gap between "high" and "low" in the existence of mankind in the twentieth century materialized in the fact that human progress, its spiritual and moral improvement and intellectual development lagged behind scientific and technological progress and led to a collapse between man (anthroposphere) and technology (technosphere). ).

N.A. Berdyaev once said at the beginning of the 20th century (in 1918) that “self-interest is fraught with madness.” This "formula" is close to K. Marx's assessment: if a capitalist makes a profit of 300% or more, he is ready to commit any crimes. A "mad" self-serving man armed with an atomic bomb, represented by US President Harry Truman, orders the atomic bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the consequences of which are terrible - about 200 thousand lives burned in the "atomic furnace" or dying some time later from radiation sickness .

Hiroshima and Nagasaki- and there is a warning symbol about this collapse between the "mad" self-serving person and the technology created by a person (other, quite possibly, not a self-interested person).

In the 20th century, there was a leap in the energy of the world economy by several orders of magnitude. The leap in the energy base of the technosphere, which affects the biosphere through economic consumption of nature by several orders of magnitude, against the backdrop of lagging behind in managing the future and in predicting negative environmental consequences, has given rise to a special type of asymmetry in the total intelligence of society - social intelligence, which I named back in at the end of the 80s of the twentieth century by the information-intellectual-energy asymmetry of the human mind (IEAR). A person has become (from the perspective of the IEEE) like a “dinosaur”, whose “small head” is an expression of low quality in anticipation of negative consequences, crises and catastrophes, and the “big body” is a huge energy of economic impact on nature, on the Biosphere, generating, due to self-serving "madness", an increasing flow of man-made and environmental disasters.

As a result, the logic of increasing the gap between “high” and “low” in the 20th century gave rise to the first phase of the Global Ecological Catastrophe by the end of the 20th century.

Reflection on the global environmental crisis is turning into one of the main concerns of the scientific community and honest thinking people in the world, which has been constantly present since the second half of the 20th century.

An important event was the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development in June 1992 in Rio de Janeiro (“RIO-1992”), which put forward the imperative of the transition of mankind to sustainable development (“Agenda for the 21st Century”) and was it is recognized that the main obstacle on this path is private ownership of the means of production, i.e. private capitalist property.

"Verdict of the Cosmos" or "Verdict of Nature": there is no future for market-capitalist humanity

What happened at the end of the twentieth century?

What is the person facing?

The first phase of the Global Ecological Catastrophe meant that a person was faced with a kind of “Verdict of the Cosmos” or “Verdict of Nature”: if a person does not change the system of values, if he does not change in his attitude towards Nature, he will be Nature, or the Cosmos, as a kind of superorganism, ecologically destroyed.

This means that the ongoing global ecological crisis (according to the principle of mirror symmetry!) is a global anthropological crisis, a global crisis of the Mind of mankind.

The transition of this crisis into the first phase of the Global Ecological Catastrophe at the end of the 20th century is also the transition into the first phase of the Global Anthropological Catastrophe.

Nature, the Cosmos requires us to radically change.

Mankind cannot continue to live on Earth the way it used to. This "Verdict" affects all the "institutions" of human existence: economy, economy, culture, science, education, system of values, spirituality and morality, worldview.

It can be said figuratively like this: the period of “pregnancy” (perinatal period) of the Biosphere with the “human Mind”, or, in other words, with the “real person” has ended; came at the turn of the 20th and 21st centuries of its “birth”, which can cover the entire 21st century. And like any “birth”, they are deadly, they can end in a “miscarriage”, i.e. ecological death of mankind.

I think this is the mission or purpose of the 21st century. This is the age of the emergence of a real, real, noospheric man and, accordingly, a real, real, noospheric mind.

What have 12 years of the 21st century shown?

The 21st century has come into its own. History is accelerating, the flow of historical events is condensing. What have the past 12 years shown?

First. They showed that the market and capitalism, the value system that serves the market-capitalist form of management on Earth, serve as a barrier (a kind of barrier) in solving the way humanity out of the ecological impasse. Well-known environmental economists Goodland, Daly and El-Serafi in an analytical report commissioned by the World Bank showed that in the ecologically saturated niche occupied by humanity, the market has long exhausted itself. And this means that both capitalism and the system of capitalocracy are an ecological "utopia", they must be eliminated, since they carry a mortal danger to all mankind. The UN conferences held (“RIO+10”, “RIO+20”) have only shown that in the market-capitalist format of development, mankind cannot create a strategy for its way out of the ecological impasse of history.

The only way out is noospheric ecological spiritual socialism in the form of a controlled socio-natural evolution based on public intellect and an educational society.

So, the strategy of getting out of the ecological impasse of History in the 21st century will require the socialist imperative, the experience of the history of socialism in the 20th century.

“Man of the 21st century”, whose formation is the mission of the 21st century, is in its formation a socialist man and at the same time a noospheric man.

Second. The past 12 years, in particular the wave of the global financial crisis in 2008/2009, have shown that the ideal of socialism - the ideal of the socialist structure of social life - remains the guideline of the aspirations of human history. The shift towards socialist transformation in Latin America, in Venezuela in particular, in the first decade of the 21st century is only the beginning.

Third. The past 12 years have shown that the global environmental crisis, in my opinion, the processes of the first phase of the Global Ecological Catastrophe, continues to deepen. And this means that in the market-capitalist world - the world of "madness of self-interest" - the trend of ecological self-destruction continues to operate, gaining momentum.

At the same time, the processes of realizing that it is no longer possible to live like this, that it is necessary to change the spiritual, moral and ideological foundations of the human Mind, are growing.

In Russia, this has acquired the framework of a noospheric scientific, worldview and educational movement, one of the events in the development of which was the emergence of the Noospheric Public Academy of Sciences in 2009.

In 2012, we can talk about the creation of an entire scientific noospheric library, covering dozens of authors, many books and monographs. The International Noospheric Northern Forums "Noospherism: an Arctic view of the sustainable development of Russia and humanity in the XXI century" (2007, 2009, 2011) were held on the basis of the State Polar Academy and the International Scientific Conference "Noospheric Education in the Eurasian Space" (2009, 2010, 2011 , 2012) on the basis of the Smolny Institute (University) of the Russian Academy of Education (RAO).

On September 27-28, 2012, the anniversary international scientific conference "Vladimir Ivanovich Vernadsky and Lev Nikolayevich Gumilyov: The Great Synthesis of Creative Legacies" will be held with the publication of a major scientific (collective) monograph of the same name.

In recent years, on the problem of noospherism, noospheric philosophy and the noospheric-socialist imperative, I have written and published “Russia’s Noospheric Breakthrough into the Future in the 21st Century” (2010, the publication was funded by the Russian Humanitarian Foundation), “The Theory of Fundamentalization of Education and Universal Competencies (Noospheric Paradigm of Universalism)” ( 2010), "Manifesto of Noospheric Socialism" (2011), "The Beginnings of the Theory of Social Quality Management (Noospheric-Social Paradigm)" (2012), "Noospheric Meaning" (2012).

"Man of the 21st century" is a socialist noospheric man who must take place.

"To be or not to be - that is the question"

“Man of the 21st century” is a becoming noospheric (or cosmonospheric) man. It must still take place. The 21st century is a kind of "maternity hospital" in which such a person should be "born".

The “kinds” of a noospheric human are precisely that noospheric human revolution that determines the positive “vector” of the Epoch of the Great Evolutionary Break.

To be or not to be is the question:

What is nobler in spirit - to submit

Slings and arrows of a furious fate

Or, taking up arms against the sea of ​​troubles, slay them

Confrontation?" - so begins the famous monologue of Hamlet in the play of the same name by William Shakespeare "Hamlet".

“To be or not to be – that is the question”, put before the man of the 21st century by Nature itself, the Biosphere, the logic of its evolution on Earth, the first phase of the Global Ecological Catastrophe.

“Being a “man” means for him to renounce private capitalist property, the market, the system of capitalism as such, to renounce the system of values ​​that serve such a “world order”.

“To be” means to become a real, real person, a “person” of the century, in this case, the mind of the 21st century, the mind of the Biosphere, which, thanks to such a mind, passes into the Noosphere.

This means to become a “man of love”, moreover, Love, directed not only to the “neighbor” (“love your neighbor as yourself”), but also to the “far”, Love, turned to Nature, to any life (to any “creature ”) on Earth and in Space.

This means to become a human harmonist, performing harmonizing influences on the entire system of relations between man, society, humanity and Nature.

This means becoming an altruistic person, whose meaning of life is defined as the meaning of intelligent life, continuing life in all its diversity on Earth and in Cosmos, spiritualizing and rationalizing life on Earth and in Cosmos in the true meaning of this mission, in which they unite together, in a single fusion of Truth, Goodness and Beauty, which is the Ontological Truth, the Truth of the Being of man and the Cosmos, which evolutionarily gave birth to him.

This means - to overcome the former self, to become the "beginning" of a new human history - the History of cooperation, i.e. on the basis of the Law of Cooperation (it can be conditionally called the "Law of Cosmic Love") - Stories in the form of a controlled socio-natural evolution based on social intelligence and an educational society. And this is the Noospheric History, which will be created by the noospheric man.

For this to happen, it is necessary that the noospheric worldview, thanks to noospheric education (“Teacher System” according to N.N. Moiseev), becomes the basis of a person’s view of himself and the world around him, becomes the basis of consciousness of a new quality - noospheric consciousness.

Ivan Antonovich Efremov, offering the world his philosophy of beauty, set out in the form of an "adventure novel" called "The Razor's Edge" (because to follow the path of beauty and harmony means to follow the "razor's edge" - this is the main metaphor of the novel), emphasized speaking to modern man:

« … to educate a person is the main task for the future of the Earth, more important than achieving material well-being. And in this task, beauty is one of the main forces, if only people learn to correctly understand and appreciate it, and also use it.". In the 21st century, this main task is transformed into a duty - to educate a noospheric person. The future of mankind also depends on the solution of this problem, and through the future of mankind, the future of the Earth, because the completion of the “comprehension” of the evolution of the Earth and the Biosphere, its noospheric stage, is associated with the formation of a real person corresponding to his title “man” (“man »!), capable, thanks to the achievements of science, culture, education, spirituality and morality, in the development of social justice on Earth and the truth of History, to take responsibility for the quality of their management of socio-natural (noospheric) evolution - and, therefore, socio-natural - noospheric harmony ! This is the main result in the formation of the true Beauty of Man, born of the Beauty of Nature, the highest expediency of the Evolution of Nature on Earth and in Space (according to I.A. Efremov).

“Not to be” a person in the 21st century- this means "not to be a man", and to perish without becoming a real rational person.

"Man of the XXI century"- this is not only and not so much what is as a person in all its diversity on Earth in 2012, but what a person should become in the 21st century, having made his noospheric breakthrough.

Man is becoming man!

And as a becoming person, he expresses the entire potential of humanity, the entire potential of humanism, which has been accumulated by the history of mankind, the entire culture of mankind. This is the "hidden" guarantee that a man of the XXI century, nurtured by the entire History of mankind in the space of the Evolution of Life on Earth, will become a noospheric man. And how the legendary Danko from the work of Maxim Gorky will carry the light of his heart, mind into the Future, giving other people, humanity, the biosphere, the Earth, the Solar System, the Cosmos his Love, creativity, Harmony and the ascent of the entire cosmos to a New quality of being, even more harmonious, intelligent and more majestic in its beauty!

Man on Earth appeared not by chance. His appearance is natural. This appearance is the result of the operation of the law of "comprehension" of all the evolutions of the Universe and, therefore, the Universe itself - a law that accompanies the growth of complexity and cooperation of structures - from lower forms to higher ones.

The death of mankind will turn out to be accidental, due to the action of the “Anti-Reason” of the capitalist person, as a kind of capital rationalized, and as a result of this capital rationalization, the ecologically self-destructing “mind”.

The death of mankind is the ecological death of capitalism, as unnatural to Nature, a social structure and, therefore, a device unnatural to human nature, which, dying, “hugging” a person in its “embraces of a dead man”, destroyed him, and did not escape from the “web” of capitalism values . This is the unnaturalness of the future ecological death of mankind.

To prevent it from happening in the 21st century, a person needs to find the strength in himself to “throw off” capitalism as an outdated way of its development that does not meet new environmental requirements.

Therefore, the question "Man - become a man!" in the 21st century means at the same time the questioning "Man - overcome yourself, give up the values ​​of the market and capitalism", "revolving" around the value of money, the value of capital, the value of enrichment by any means (when the profit reaches 300 percent or more, the capitalist goes to any crimes).

Thus, "Man of the 21st century" is also the problem of a man of the 21st century, which consists in the need for his Great Rejection of the values ​​that serve the market and the "society of Capital".

The Epoch of the Great Evolutionary Break is the Epoch of the Great Renunciation of all foundations, which, in the end, determined what can be called the "Elemental Paradigm" of the history that has taken place. It ended in the twentieth century. A person can no longer save himself on Earth in this paradigm of being, when he lived according to the principle “we don’t know what we are doing”, justifying ourselves by the fact that “the road to hell is paved with good intentions”. The great F.M. Dostoevsky called this principle in his “Diary of a Writer” the law of “distortion of generous ideas”.

The emerging imperative of humanity's survival in the 21st century - the imperative to get out of the ecological "chasm" in the form of the developing processes of the Global Ecological Catastrophe - required a transition to the "Management Paradigm" of History, which is the "Noosphere of the Future", to the management of socio-natural evolution and, therefore, to managing your own history.

To do this, a person must acquire cosmic-planetary responsibility for everything that he creates on Earth. His Mind must become real, "controlling the mind."

Freedom outside such history, outside such management, outside such responsibility appears as an illusion of capitalism and liberalism, destroyed by the very fact of the first phase of the Global Ecological Catastrophe that has already taken place.

"Man of the 21st century" - a gigantic task of the 21st century

Man of the 21st century? Who is he?

This is us - all the people on Earth who live, create our own history, suffer, think, create, think about the future!

The man of the 21st century is in us, who must solve this gigantic task of the 21st century - the task of the noospheric human revolution, i.e. the task of his decisive ascent to the top of his cosmic planetary responsibility for the preservation and development of life on Earth and for the further process of "reasoning" at first the "near" and then the "far" space.

But before we go into space, we must become better, more spiritual, more moral, smarter, wiser, so that, going into space, we know that we are carrying there, to other stars and planets, perhaps to other space civilizations, the message love, kindness, beauty, harmony, love of life and responsibility before this Great Temple under the name "Universe"!

Subetto Alexander Ivanovich,
Actual lecture to students at the Smolny Institute of the Russian Academy of Education on September 3, 2012.

Anna Toporkova | 26 December 2015

OverviewVisual look

Modern man. Who is he? What does he want from life? What does he believe in? How is he different from the people who lived before him?

A person in the 21st century has a huge number of very different opportunities: thanks to the Internet, we can do things that our ancestors never dreamed of. Think about whether people could dream of hearing and seeing their friends who are on the other side of the Earth, at any time to get access to the necessary information? For us, it has become commonplace. We are dependent on our gadgets, without which we feel insecure and helpless. Live communication is gradually fading away, indeed, it’s easier to write to a neighbor from the third floor than to go up the whole floor! In some cases, online communication helps out a lot, but you can’t limit yourself to it. Is it more pleasant to look at an emotionless screen or at a friend's joyful smile? The choice is quite simple, but for some reason, the majority prefers option 1.

You can write whatever you like. What the tongue does not dare to say in a personal conversation will not seem so wild on the Internet. Unfortunately, the reality is that the Internet turns us into zombies who are able to express their opinions exclusively on social networks. The tragedy of modern man is Internet addiction and, as a result, the extinction of individuality.

A culture of speech. The lack of literacy and the worst thing is the desire for it. What for? We have autocorrect! But our gadgets cannot correct oral speech! Therefore, read books, articles written competently and concisely, listen to the radio (and not only songs), write real paper letters to friends living far away (this is doubly pleasant for them and useful for you). Competent speech is your calling card, hardly anyone will like it if you distort words. Your speech can create a favorable (or not so) impression that is difficult to change later (as practice shows).

What is the top priority for people right now? A family? No. Career? Yes, but not really. Money? Yes!

It is surprising how recently the syndrome of thirst for material goods has become aggravated. The primary role in choosing a profession is given to wages. Of course, this is important, but how can you build your future according to the principle: I work where they pay more? A well-paid job is great, but a job you love is much better! First of all, you need to choose what your soul aspires to, then it will bring twice as much pleasure (and money, by the way). An unhappy person is one who does not mind his own business. How can you do something every day that you hate? This is some kind of execution!

We gradually forget our history. And all why? The love of American films, the lack of good history teachers, the unwillingness to learn this subject (which is natural: who will have the desire to learn what they cannot properly present to us) exterminate in us the need to know our roots. Reading Russian classics is also gradually fading away, and yet it describes the main events of Russian history, moreover, they are incredibly interesting! Have you ever wondered why this or that work is called the cultural heritage of Russia? Not just like that! And this stupid stereotype: allegedly what is called a classic is infinitely boring and boring. It's just a reason not to read. You need to overcome this prejudice and sit down for a good book!

There is a reassessment of values. Of course, this process began a long time ago, but it seems to me that we saw it so clearly and clearly only in the 21st century. People put career above family, they prefer money to friendship, online communication to live communication, they are looking for profit in everything. Insincerity and greed spread with surprising speed. And the worst thing is that we simply do not see all this, thinking that it will affect us and bypass us. But look at your friends. Look at yourself. What drives you when you do something?

We stopped walking the streets, we communicate with friends only through the Internet, and the TV channel is the sponsor of watching the sunset. The treatment of the common cold, which we trust to doctors, costs us money. But earlier people did not have such a material basis, and the treatment of the common cold was carried out with the help of traditional medicine.
In the 21st century, we simply cannot imagine most of what our parents tell us: queues for cheese and meat, which were on store shelves only in limited quantities, the opportunity to relax only in the territory of our country, the shortage of clothes, and so on. Now we have the opportunity to worry, in fact, only about our financial situation. There is nothing complicated at first glance - just work well and earn money for any of your needs.
It turns out that, on the one hand, there is nothing wrong with such progress - we just need to do our job well and increase income levels.
However, this progress affects the change in human essence. In a critical situation, we remain completely helpless. We were fired from work - we, in fact, lost our means of subsistence. We turned off the lights at home - our equipment does not work, and we feel lonely and abandoned. No internet connection - we can't order food delivery from the restaurant. The world is changing, people are changing, ideas about the meaning of life, about goodness, about generations. Living in the real world is very dangerous and even harmful. People became so embittered, became nervous and selfish. Now there are few people with a good soul and heart, they are few. And such units sometimes make you think about the meaning of the lived, the meaning of life.
The man of the 21st century has become more materialistic, for him there are fewer prohibitions and secrets, but more opportunities and choices. The outlook has increased, now the planet does not seem to be infinite, the cosmos and microcosm are being actively studied. And now digital nanotechnologies are capable of creating life that seemed fantastic yesterday.
In a rapidly changing world, a person needs to constantly be on the move, searching for self-improvement. If a person does not cope, he is no longer among the first, problems arise - as a result, depression and fears for tomorrow. An unstable and rapidly changing world, a large flow of conflicting information - this is one of the factors influencing the moral state of a person and society today.
But this is all about adults, consciously thinking people, but what about modern children? Children born at the very beginning of the century, in the so-called zero years, are now much written and discussed about them. Often we hear "indigo child", and the concept of "indigo" is familiar to everyone. But do all modern children have the quality of indigo? And if not all, then why? For me, the answer is that the main difference at the beginning of the millennium is the maximum number of degrees of freedom. There are no rigidly fixed conditions, everything is flexible, mobile, unpredictable. And this is the trick. After all, small children with unpredictable abilities, brought up by their parents and grandparents, will also unpredictably manifest the values ​​of the time period of the 20th century.
All of the above can be considered the answer to the question posed. I am sure that among us there are no nervous and selfish, embittered modern people of the 21st century. After all, our profession does not allow us to be like that.
Bernard Shaw once said: “I am sure that if I had to choose: to live where the children's din does not stop for a minute, or where it is never heard, then all normal and healthy people would prefer the incessant noise to the incessant silence” .
In my opinion, teachers are the most normal and healthy people of the 21st century!

Larisa KISKINA, Chairman of the Council of Young Teachers of ZelAO

3 thousand years BC 18th century AD 19th century 1900 1950 1950 1980 1980 2000 21st century 2000 Russia ranks third... Oil and gas microencyclopedia

City XXI century ... Wikipedia

- "Volga XXI century" Russian literary and art magazine, published in Saratov. Published since 2004. The magazine began to appear instead of the former Volga magazine, headed by Sergei Borovikov and closed in 2000 ... Wikipedia

This term has other meanings, see Noon (meanings). Noon. XXI century ... Wikipedia

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- "Chemistry and life of the XXI century" File: Http://www.soamo.ru/lj/chemistry/covers/cover 1989 12.jpg Specialization: popular scientific Publication frequency: monthly Language: Russian Publisher (country): (Russia) Publication history: from 1965 to the present ... Wikipedia

- "Chemistry and life of the XXI century" File: Http://www.soamo.ru/lj/chemistry/covers/cover 1989 12.jpg Specialization: popular scientific Publication frequency: monthly Language: Russian Publisher (country): (Russia) Publication history: from 1965 to the present ... Wikipedia


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Modern society sets special standards for what should be people of the 21st century. The sum of ideas about what a successful human individual looks like can be characterized by the concept of "anti-morality", because the qualities and aspirations that are currently praised are often directly opposite to those inherent in traditional morality.

At the same time, their true essence is disguised under pseudo-positive masks, like wolves in sheep's clothing. So, instead of chastity and modesty, "freedom from complexes", "breadth of views" and other liberal values ​​are welcomed. Humility and patience are replaced by “self-confidence” and “the ability to stand up for oneself”, implying the ability to observe one’s own interests without any regard for others.

"Wholesale" cheaper

It is dangerous for the life of society that the metastases of this malignant anti-morality extend into the key areas of human existence: reproductive, educational, spiritual, and so on. And not the last role in its distribution and rooting is played by the snake with three chapters, which are cinema, television and the Internet. Of course, these media are not inherently evil.

But, unfortunately, it is through them (and not through books or Holy Scripture) that the idea of ​​an exemplary ideal is introduced into the heads of the young generation. Moreover, this is done very skillfully, sometimes even in things in which it is quite difficult to suspect an ideological background.

It is a well-known fact that with the help of advertising, marketers promote not only the product, but and a way of life, in the coordinate system of which existence without this product is not possible. But sometimes we underestimate how radical the intervention of a seemingly harmless commercial in our consciousness can be.

Have you tried to wonder why it is becoming fashionable to be single?

It is difficult not to pay attention to the amorphousness and lack of initiative of today's young people regarding the creation of a family - up to a conscious rejection of it and declaring the position "I live well with a cat."

"Rossiyskaya Gazeta" with reference to the British The Guardian writes that it makes economic sense to convince people to live alone: ​​“Singles consume 38% more food, 42% more packaging material, 55% more electricity and 61% more gas per person than families from 4 people. This is stated in a study conducted by scientists at the University of Michigan.

Now in the US, the number of single people aged 25 to 34 who have never married is 46% ahead of those who are married. Divorce is a growing market: one broken family means that now two houses have to buy two cars, two washing machines, two televisions. The days of the complete family as the ideal consumer unit are numbered.

"Happy" loneliness

Thus, multinational corporations realized that there was a new direction for growth in sales - an emerging market of singles, promoted by the indulgence of divorce and the promotion of individualistic freedom. In accordance with this concept, accents in advertising policy are also changing. Anna Golova, deputy head of the Department of Advertising Technologies and Management, Moscow State University, talks about this mechanism in a commentary to Rossiyskaya Gazeta.

As an example of promoting happy loneliness and complete independence, she cites a coffee advertisement featuring popular actor George Clooney. Clooney is forced to make a difficult choice between an attractive girl and coffee when he enters a coffee shop. But the beauty, however, is also not up to him: she easily changes a movie star for a drink.

“Pay attention to how relationships are built,” the expert explains. - He does not need a woman, a woman does not need him either, although they have the opportunity to meet. They all need coffee. There are a lot of such models of complete independence in advertising. And advertising is a powerful tool of influence. It shows: “do this, but don’t do this”, gives social samples, ready-made models. They are emotionally attractive, as in a coffee commercial with Clooney, so they are embedded in the subconscious, whether the viewer-consumer is aware of this or not.

At the same time, the social assessment of various phenomena is slowly and surely destroyed, what was previously condemned by society becomes the norm.<…>

Singles market is much more interesting than family. They don’t think about tomorrow, they don’t need to save money for the future of their children, because they don’t have “deferred demand”, they part with money more easily and take loans easily.”

The answer to the question how to deal with your physiological needs as a loner, readily suggests modern cinema. Thanks to him, even the most morally stable member of the younger generation, no, no, yes, will think about whether it is now necessary to be adamant about extramarital relationships.

The destructive influence of cinema

And the destructive influence of cinema the system of family values ​​is also not always so obvious, notes Anna Golova: “Let's see what values ​​were declared in films 20 years ago: collectivism, hard work, feat in the name of a common cause. Contrasting oneself with society, individualism, "narcissism" were condemned.

Now there are many feats of singles on the screen, individualism is identical to self-sufficiency and strength, an active life is manifested not in creativity and service to society, but in entertainment. Such a clever substitution of concepts.

Family relationships turn into grotesque, where the roles of men and women are mixed. Series "Voronins", "Happy Together" very revealing.

Even the cute series "Daddy's Daughters" shows the dominant women in the family, the violation of the age hierarchy, and the most reasonable youngest Button dictates some decisions to her father.

We seem to strive for freedom from society, from the social environment, but in fact from any deep relationships and ties (friendly and family), but we find ourselves completely dependent on the commercial environment with its benefits: goods, services and hopes. And we actually become more manageable.”

All religions are good, choose according to taste?

What to do with the need for socialization and everyday communication with your own kind, living with a cat? - Here we have the Internet with social networks for every taste. Are there still spiritual needs that inevitably increase as we approach eternity? - Popular esoteric and occult practices come to the rescue, which have turned into a kind of "spiritual fast food", many of which are rooted in Vedic culture and Hinduism.

Yoga and Vegetarianism

Meditation and yoga classes under the guidance of countless gurus, sannyasins and other “enlightened” and “awakened ones” have become part of the mass culture both in the West and here. To attend to his religious needs, a top manager who is tired of a series of office everyday life just needs to take a plane to Goa or Bali, upon arrival, change into exotic Indian attire, to heighten the effect, refuel with available “expanders” of consciousness and go to a “meeting with God”, which is most often found in a loved one.

For such a spiritually indiscriminate seeker, even vegetarianism can become a kind of religion. Refusing to eat products of animal origin, a conscious citizen sometimes (but not always!) considers his spiritual duty fulfilled on this, because, having ceased to “exploit” innocent animals in this way, he automatically moves to the rank of highly developed beings. in.

About whether he tied up with "cannibalism" at the same time, an advanced individual does not always think. And then “peace and love” is declared by him as a life credo rather in words: under the pretext of caring for others, such a fighter for the rights of animals will annoy with his convictions all the familiar “corpse eaters” (this is how some “peace-loving” vegetarians affectionately call meat-eaters).

About tolerance

Is there in this world what is the Christian value system? "Of course! tolerant, open-minded contemporaries will answer. “All religions are equal, and each of them leads to God.” But upon closer examination, it turns out that some of them are somehow “more equal” than others, and even in the era of all-forgiving and all-encompassing tolerance, there is a reason to discriminate against some of them.

Every now and then, the news reports that someone's feelings were once again offended by the image of Christ - whether as a wooden crucifix on the wall of the classroom of one of the Italian schools, or a pectoral cross, for wearing which they are fired from work in the UK:

“Gilli's stories about English life, our doctors listened, what is there to hide, with envy. But it turned out that there is a luxury that our sisters of mercy can afford. We can pray for our sick, not secretly, not stealthily, but quite openly.

And we won't get anything for it! But in England, a nurse cannot demonstrate her religious beliefs. It is forbidden, and for this you can be fired from your job. Jilly said that one day when she suggested to her colleague, a Christian nurse, to pray together for a sick person, she got into big trouble. On a gold chain on her chest, Jilly wears an anchor pendant. Only an experienced eye can distinguish one of the forms of the cross in this decoration. "We've become too polycorrect," Gilly says.

But in relation to other religions, we see the operation of somewhat different standards. The notorious political correctness leads to the fact that, out of fear of oppressing the interests of national minorities, the inhabitants of European countries themselves find themselves in an unenviable position.

Six years ago a German newspaper Spiegel reported that in one of the schools in Berlin, the headmistress demanded the dissolution of her own school: “The violence that reigns in it is completely out of control, there are practically no classes, there are continuous fights, doors are knocked out, firecrackers are burned, teachers are beaten or ignored. Only 20% of schoolchildren of indigenous German nationality study at school. They are called ‘pig-eaters’ and they are the most downtrodden and disenfranchised part of the school population.”

It is also mentioned that German schoolchildren try to speak with an accent so as not to run into trouble and not differ from the main mass. And in a rush to defend their rights in an overly politically correct society, young French people not so long ago seized a mosque in Paris with slogans: “Our generation refuses to watch the disappearance of our people. We will never be the Indians of Europe."

What are the new Christians like?

World in the 21st century changes very quickly, almost before our eyes. Do Christians adjust to this rapid speed, do Christian ideals change in accordance with the metamorphoses of the environment? "Not!" - Orthodox believers from different parts of the Earth unanimously answer.

“Being a Christian in the 21st century means exactly the same thing that it always meant: to love the Lord our God with all your heart, mind and soul, and to love your neighbor as yourself. As for the question: "What characterizes us as Christians in the 21st century, and what distinguishes us from non-Christians" - the answer to it has also not changed since the time when the Founder of the Church gave it: "By this all will know that you are My disciples if you have love for one another” (John 13:35),” says ROCOR nun (USA), Doctor of Theology Vassa Larina.

Hierodeacon Philip (Maikrzhak), director of the Musical Chapel at St. Vladimir's Seminary in New York, adds: "Seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all this will be added to you" (Matt. 6:33).

Fulfilling this commandment people of the 21st century, Christians, must distribute every aspect of their lives according to a criterion that is completely opposed to worldly orders, as Christians in the nineteenth, and in the eleventh, and in the eighth, and in the second centuries must have done.

Hierodeacon Philip also notes that each epoch faces its own special and unprecedented problems: “Chastity and silence are two Christian virtues that, among other virtues, we should do our best to preserve in our day. Their opposites are lust and noise, they overflow our culture and our lives.<…>That is why we need a fire extinguisher: silence, outer and inner.

We cannot fight fire with fire, and yet we fill our lives with a lot of loud sounds: radios, iPods, video games, mobile phones, televisions that play talk shows, movies, sports reports, music videos, live concerts, debate, war, anger, entertainment - scattering, immoral and obscene ... Without God-filled silence Christian life in the twenty-first century will be indistinguishable from the life of non-Christians. Without such vigilance, we risk wasting our lives and destroying our human image.

Archimandrite Luka (Anich), rector of the Cetinje Monastery of the Nativity of the Virgin (Montenegro), is in solidarity with the fact that every time brings its own temptations, inevitably leaving its mark: “I think that modern christians, in essence, do not differ from the first Christians.

Today there is a universal tendency to erode spirituality and everything that concerns the world order, and the jealousy of those who are trying to get rid of, to free themselves from everything that this cornucopia offers, and truly live by faith, is manifested as martyrdom. This is very difficult, especially since the whole fabric of the world today is transforming what was once brutal persecution into a blurry guise of democracy. With her, any belief is possible and allowed, belief no longer matters, but this is the most dangerous thing for her.

Speaking about the fact that the temptations in which today's Christians find themselves are in a certain way more difficult than the first persecutions, Archimandrite Luke emphasizes that we must in no case make any allowances for this: “I think that if a Christian says to himself that he MODERN CHRISTIAN, he will already lose the battle. He must understand that he is a CHRISTIAN and that he is waging the same battle that has been going on for 2000 years already - the battle for the knowledge of God, for what remains forever, for what forms a person and his attitude to the world, God and other people . If he understands this, then he is on the right path to finding what he was striving for.

os the same yesterday, today, tomorrow and forever and ever as the apostle Paul said.

I think that in modern life, the lie that the devil is presenting to us is manifested in this way: that now there is some kind of special situation for which there are no recipes yet, there are no rules, that now is the time of computers and modern technologies and the ways of salvation are different now.

I believe that along with this lie that he implants in us, he imposes on us a parallel religion, the religion of this world. The fact that modern technology exists now, that we dress differently, and that social attitudes have changed does not separate us from the gospel in the least. The gospel has remained the same, for it is timeless and was written not for those times when the Lord walked the earth, but for all times.

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