What is forte. Dynamic nuances Musical nuances


The two basic notations for loudness in music are:

Moderate degrees of loudness are indicated as follows:

Except signs f and p , There are also

Additional letters are used to indicate even more extreme degrees of volume and silence. f and p . So, quite often in the musical literature there are designations fff and ppp . They do not have standard names, usually they say "forte-fortissimo" and "piano-pianissimo" or "three fortes" and "three pianos".

In rare cases, with additional f and p even more extreme degrees of sound intensity are indicated. So, P. I. Tchaikovsky in his Sixth Symphony used pppppp and ffff , and D. D. Shostakovich in the Fourth Symphony - fffff .

Dynamic designations are relative, not absolute. For example, mp does not indicate the exact volume level, but that this passage should be played somewhat louder than p , and somewhat quieter than mf . Some computer sound recording programs have standard key velocity values ​​that correspond to one or another volume designation, but, as a rule, these values ​​\u200b\u200bare customizable.

gradual change

The terms used to denote a gradual change in volume are crescendo(Italian crescendo), denoting a gradual increase in sound, and diminuendo(ital. diminuendo), or decrescendo(decrescendo) - gradual weakening. They are abbreviated in notes as cresc. and dim.(or decresc.). For the same purposes, special signs - "forks" are used. They are pairs of lines connected on one side and diverging on the other. If the lines diverge from left to right (<), это означает усиление звука, если сходятся (>) - weakening. The following fragment of musical notation indicates a moderately loud beginning, then an increase in sound and then its weakening:

"Forks" are usually written below the staff, but sometimes above it, especially in vocal music. Usually they denote short-term changes in volume, and signs cresc. and dim.- changes over a longer period of time.

Notation cresc. and dim. may be accompanied by additional instructions poco(quiet - a little), poco a poco(poco a poco - little by little) subito or sub.(subito - suddenly), etc.

Sforzando notation

Abrupt changes

Sforzando(ital. sforzando) or sforzato(sforzato) denotes a sudden sharp accent and is indicated sf or sfz . The sudden increase in a few sounds or a short phrase is called ringforzando(ital. rinforzando) and is designated rinf. , rf or rfz .

Designation fp means "loud, then immediately quiet"; sfp indicates sforzando followed by piano.

Music terms related to dynamics

  • al niente- literally "to nothing", to silence
  • calando- "going down"; slow down and lower the volume.
  • crescendo- reinforcing
  • decrescendo or diminuendo- turning down the volume
  • perdendo or perdendosi- losing strength
  • morendo- fading (calming down and slowing down the pace)
  • marcato- emphasizing each note
  • piu- more
  • poco- a little
  • poco a poco- little by little, little by little
  • sotto voice- in an undertone
  • subito- suddenly


The Renaissance composer Giovanni Gabrieli was one of the first to introduce dynamic shades into musical notation, but until the end of the 18th century, such designations were rarely used by composers. Bach used the terms piano, più piano and pianissimo(written in words), and we can assume that the designation ppp at that time meant pianissimo.

See also

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See what "Forte-fortissimo" is in other dictionaries:

    Dynamics in music is a set of concepts and musical notations associated with shades of sound volume. Contents 1 Notation 1.1 Loudness (relative) 1.2 Gradual changes ... Wikipedia

    Dynamics in music is a set of concepts and musical notations associated with shades of sound volume. Contents 1 Notation 1.1 Loudness (relative) 1.2 Gradual changes ... Wikipedia - (it. forte) music. strongly, loudly, in full force of sound; denoted by lat. f cf. piano). New dictionary of foreign words. by EdwART, 2009. forte [te] [it. forte] (music). 1. Strongly, loudly, in full force of sound (about the performance of musical, vocal ... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

    - [ital. fortissimo] Music. I. adv. Even louder, stronger than forte. Play fortissimo. II. unchanged; cf. Very loud, strong sounding voice or musical instrument; place in a piece of music performed in this way. Effective f. From… encyclopedic Dictionary

    fortissimo- 1. adv.; (Italian fortissimo); music Even louder, stronger than forte. Play fortissimo. 2. unchanged; cf. Very loud, strong sounding voice or musical instrument; place in a piece of music performed in this way. Effective... ... Dictionary of many expressions

    I non-cl. cf. 1. Very loud, strong sounding voice or musical instrument. 2. A place in a piece of music that requires a very loud, strong sound of a voice or instrument. II adv. qualities. the situation 1. Very loud, louder than... Modern explanatory dictionary of the Russian language Efremova

Music is an art form that appeals to our sensory sphere with the help of sounds. The language of sounds includes various elements, which in professional terminology are called “means of musical expression”. One of these most important and powerful elements in terms of influence is dynamics.

What is dynamics

This word is familiar to everyone from the course of physics and is associated with the concepts of "mass", "force", "energy", "motion". In music, it defines the same thing, but in relation to sound. Dynamics in music is the power of sound, it can also be expressed in terms of “quieter - louder”.

Playing at the same level of sonority cannot be expressive, it quickly tires. On the contrary, the frequent change of dynamics makes the music interesting, allowing a wide range of emotions to be conveyed.

If music is meant to express joy, triumph, exultation, happiness, then the dynamics will be bright and sonorous. To convey such emotions as sadness, tenderness, trepidation, penetration, light, soft, calm dynamics are used.

Ways to label dynamics

Dynamics in music is what determines the volume level. There are very few designations for this, there are much more real gradations in sound. So dynamic symbols should be considered only as a scheme, a direction of search, where each performer shows his imagination to the full.

The level of dynamics "loud" is indicated by the term "forte", "quiet" - "piano". This is common knowledge. "Quiet, but not too much" - "mezzo piano"; "Not too loud" - "mezzo forte".

If the dynamics in music requires reaching the level of extremes, the nuances of "pianissimo" are used - very quietly; or "fortissimo" - very loudly. In exceptional cases, the number of "forte" and "piano" icons can reach up to five!

But even taking into account all the options, the number of characters for expressing loudness does not exceed 12. This is not much at all, considering that up to 100 dynamic gradations can be extracted on a good piano!

Dynamic indications also include the terms: "crescendo" (gradually increasing the volume) and the opposite term "diminuendo".

Musical dynamics includes a number of symbols indicating the need to emphasize any sound or consonance: > ("accent"), sf or sfz (sharp accent - "sforzando"), rf or rfz ("rinforzando" - "enhancing") .

From harpsichord to piano

The surviving examples of harpsichords and clavichords allow us to imagine what dynamics is in music. The mechanics of the old ones did not allow changing the volume level gradually. For a sharp change in dynamics, there were additional keyboards (manuals), which could add overtones to the sound due to octave doublings.

A special and foot keyboard on the organ made it possible to achieve a variety of timbres and increase the volume, but all the same, changes occurred suddenly. In relation to baroque music, there is even a special term "terraced dynamics", since the change in volume levels resembled terrace ledges.

As for the amplitude of the dynamics, it was quite small. The sound of the harpsichord, pleasant, silvery and quiet at close range, was almost inaudible at a distance of several meters. The sound of the clavichord was more harsh, with a metallic tint, but a little more sonorous.

This instrument was very loved by J.S. Bach for its ability, albeit to a barely noticeable degree, but still to change the level of dynamics depending on the strength of the fingers touching the keys. This made it possible to give the phrase a certain bulge.

The invention of the piano at the beginning of the 18th century with its hammer action revolutionized the possibilities of dynamics in music played on the modern piano, which has a huge number of gradations of sound and, most importantly, the availability of gradual transitions from one nuance to another.

Dynamics are large and detailed

Large dynamics is usually expressed by the symbols set out in the table. They are few, they are clear and definite.

However, “inside” each of these nuances there can be a lot of finer sound gradations. No special designations have been invented for them, however, these levels exist in real sound and it is they that make us anxiously listen to the game of a talented performer.

Such fine dynamics is called detailed. The tradition of its use originates (remember the possibilities of the clavichord).

Dynamics in music is one of the touchstones of performing arts. It is the mastery of fine nuances, light, barely noticeable changes that distinguishes the game of a talented professional.

However, it is no less difficult to evenly distribute the increase or decrease in sonority when it is “stretched” over a large segment of musical text.

Relativity of dynamics

In conclusion, it is worth noting that dynamics in music is a very relative concept, as, indeed, everything else in our life. Each musical style and even each composer has its own dynamic scale, as well as its own peculiarities in the application of nuances.

What sounds good in Prokofiev's music is absolutely inapplicable when performing Scarlatti's sonatas. And the piano nuance of Chopin and Beethoven will sound completely different.

The same applies to the degree of emphasis, the duration of maintaining the same level of dynamics, the way it is changed, and so on.

To master this means of musical expression at a good professional level, it is necessary, first of all, to study the game of great masters, listen, analyze, think and draw conclusions.


Musical terms that determine the degree of loudness of music performance are called dynamic shades (from the Greek word dynamicos - power, that is, the power of sound). Of course, you have seen such icons in sheet music: pp, p, mp, mf, f, ff, dim, cresc. All these are abbreviations for the names of dynamic shades. See how they are spelled in full, pronounced and translated: pp -- pianissimo "pianissimo" -- very quietly; p - piano "piano" - quietly; mp - mezzo piano "mezzo piano" - moderately quiet, a little louder than the piano; mf - mezzo forte "mezzo forte" - moderately loud, louder than mezzo piano; f - forte ("forte" - loudly; ff - fortissimo "fortissimo" - very loudly. Sometimes, much less often, you can find such designations in the notes: ppp (piano-pianissimo), prrr. Or fff, (forte -fortissimo), ffff. They mean very, very quiet, barely audible, very, very loud. The sign sf - sforzando (sforzando) indicates the selection of a note or chord. Very often there are such words in notes: dim, diminuendo (diminuendo) or an icon indicating a gradual decrease in sound Cresc. (crescendo), or an icon - indicate, on the contrary, that you need to gradually increase the sound. The designation cresc. is sometimes preceded by poco a poco (poco a poco) - little little by little, little by little, gradually. Of course, these words are also found in other combinations. After all, gradually you can not only increase the sound, but also weaken it, speed up or slow down the movement. Instead of diminuendo, they sometimes write morendo (morendo) - fading. This definition means not only calming down, but also slowing down. Approximately the same meaning has the word smorzando (smortsando) - muffling, fading, weakening the sonority and slowing down the pace. You have probably heard the play "November" from the cycle "The Seasons" by Tchaikovsky more than once. It has the subtitle "On the Troika". It starts not very loudly (mf) a simple melody, similar to a Russian folk song. It grows, expands, and now it sounds powerful, loud (f). The next musical episode, more lively and graceful, imitates the sound of road bells. And then, against the background of the incessant ringing of bells, the melody of the song reappears - now quiet (p), then approaching and again disappearing into the distance, gradually melting away.

Creative portraits of composers. - M.: Music. 1990 .

See what "DYNAMIC SHADES" is in other dictionaries:

    Contents 1 Tempos 1.1 Tempo characteristics 1.1.1 Slow tempos ... Wikipedia

    - (French nuance) a shade, a barely noticeable transition in the intonations of speech, in the meaning of words, in colors, etc. The term "N." widely used in music, where it refers mainly to the performance of musical phrases and individual sounds (consonances). ... ...

    It can have a fundamental pitch from to subcontroctave to up to the fifth octave (from 16 to 4000 4500 Hz). Its volume cannot exceed the threshold of pain (See Threshold of pain). In terms of duration and timbre, Z. m. is very ... ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

    - (on behalf of the inventor and lat. vox voice) the first owl. electrical musical instrument. Invented by L. S. Theremin in 1920. In the first version, monophonic; the electronic circuits used were radio tube, later transistor. In T. electric ... ... Music Encyclopedia

    We live in an ocean of sounds. The world around us is filled and even, at times, overflowing with sounds. The sound of a slamming door, the sound of a water jet, the continuous hum of cars outside the window, the noise of a tram, the voices of talking people, the hum of a vacuum cleaner, a buzzing ... ... Music dictionary

    Sound is a musical sound that has: a certain pitch (the pitch of the main tone is usually from to subcontroctave to the fifth octave re (from 16 to 4000 4500 Hz); timbre, which is determined by the presence of overtones in the sound and depends on the sound source. ... ... Wikipedia

    This term has other meanings, see Dynamics. Dynamics in music is a set of concepts and musical notations associated with shades of sound volume. Contents 1 Notation 1.1 Loudness (relative) ... Wikipedia

    A sound that has a certain pitch (the pitch of the main tone is usually from to subcontroctave to the fifth octave re (from 16 to 4000 4500 Hz); timbre, which is determined by the presence of overtones in the sound and depends on the sound source. According to the timbre, sounds ... ... Wikipedia

    Sergey Lemeshev Full name Sergey Yakovlevich Lemeshev Date of birth July 10, 1902 Place of birth Tver province, Russian Empire Date of death ... Wikipedia


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dynamic shades

How to perform a musical composition in such a way that a single line of all music is felt?

In the previous article, we considered the concept of tempo as a means of expression in music. You also learned options for designating tempo. In addition to the tempo, the volume of the sound of a piece of music is of great importance. Loudness is a powerful means of expressiveness in music. The tempo of the work and its volume complement each other, creating a single picture.

dynamic shades

The degree of loudness of music is called dynamic hue. We immediately draw attention to the fact that within the framework of one piece of music, various dynamic shades can be used. Below is a list of dynamic shades.

Constant volume

Full title




very loud



mezzo forte

average volume

mezzo piano





very quiet

Volume changes





poco a poco crescendo

gradually strengthening



poco a poco diminuendo

fading away little by little





Volume change

Consider examples of the interaction of volume and tempo. The march, most likely, will sound loud, clear, solemn. The romance will sound not very loud, at a slow or medium pace. With a high degree of probability, in the romance we will encounter a gradual acceleration of the tempo and increasing volume. Less commonly, depending on the content, there may be a gradual slowdown in tempo and a decrease in volume.


In order to play music, you need to know the designation of dynamic shades. You saw what signs and words are used for this in the notes.

In the previous article, we considered the concept of tempo as a means of expression in music. You also learned options for designating tempo. In addition to the tempo, the volume of the sound of a piece of music is of great importance. Loudness is a powerful means of expressiveness in music. The tempo of the work and its volume complement each other, creating a single picture.

dynamic shades

The degree of loudness of music is called dynamic hue. We immediately draw attention to the fact that within the framework of one piece of music, various dynamic shades can be used. Below is a list of dynamic shades.

Constant volume
Full titleReductionTranslation
fortissimo ff very loud
forte f loudly
mezzo forte mf average volume
mezzo piano mp medium-quiet
piano p quiet
pianissimo pp very quiet
Volume changes
Volume change

Consider examples of the interaction of volume and tempo. The march, most likely, will sound loud, clear, solemn. The romance will sound not very loud, at a slow or medium pace. With a high degree of probability, in the romance we will encounter a gradual acceleration of the tempo and increasing volume. Less commonly, depending on the content, there may be a gradual slowdown in tempo and a decrease in volume.


In order to play music, you need to know the designation of dynamic shades. You saw what signs and words are used for this in the notes.

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