What is the human social environment. Man and environment


human habitat

The environment surrounding a modern person includes the natural environment, the artificial environment created by man and the social environment.

Habitat- this is the environment surrounding a person, through a combination of factors (physical, biological, chemical and social), direct or indirect impact on human life, health, ability to work and offspring.

In the life cycle, a person and the environment interact continuously and form a constantly operating system “man - environment”, in which a person realizes his physiological and social needs.

Acting in this system, a person continuously solves at least two main tasks:

Provides its needs for food, water and air;

Creates and uses protection from negative influences, both from the environment and its own kind.

Habitat is a part of nature that surrounds a living organism and with which it directly interacts. The components and properties of the environment are diverse and changeable. Any living being lives in a complex and changing world, constantly adapting to it and regulating its life activity in accordance with its changes.

The environment includes:

Natural environment (Biosphere) - the area of ​​distribution of life on Earth that has not experienced technogenic impact (atmosphere, hydrosphere, upper part of the lithosphere). It has both protective properties (protection of a person from negative factors - temperature difference, precipitation), and a number of negative factors. Therefore, in order to protect against them, man was forced to create the technosphere.

Technogenic environment (Technosphere) - a habitat created by the impact of people and technical means on the natural environment in order to best match the environment with social and economic needs.

Classification of conditions for a person in the system "man - environment":

Comfortable(optimal) conditions of activity and rest. To these conditions, a person is adapted to a greater extent. The highest performance is manifested, the preservation of the health and integrity of the components of the environment is guaranteed.

Permissible. They are characterized by the deviation of the levels of flows of substances, energy and information from the nominal values ​​within acceptable limits. These working conditions do not have a negative impact on health, but lead to discomfort and a decrease in working capacity and productivity. Irreversible processes are not caused in humans and the environment. Permissible exposure standards are fixed in sanitary standards.

Dangerous. The flows of substances, energy and information exceed the permissible levels of exposure. They have a negative impact on human health. With prolonged exposure, they cause diseases and lead to the degradation of the natural environment.

Extremely dangerous. Flows can cause injury or death in a short time, causing irreversible damage to the natural environment.

Human interaction with the environment can be positive(in a comfortable and acceptable state) and negative(with dangerous and extremely dangerous). Many factors that constantly affect a person are unfavorable for his health and vigorous activity.

Security can be provided in two ways:

elimination of sources of danger;

increased protection from dangers, the ability to reliably resist them.

The human environment is divided into production and non-productive(household).

The main element of the production environment is labor, which in turn consists of interrelated and interconnected elements that make up the structure of labor.

Elements of the non-production environment: the natural environment in the form of geographic landscape, geophysical, climatic elements, natural disasters, including fires from lightning and other natural sources, natural processes in the form of gas emissions from rocks, etc. It can manifest itself both in non-production form (sphere) and production, especially in such sectors of the national economy as construction, mining, geology, geodesy and others.

A person is in close connection with all elements of the environment in the course of his activity.

The negative impacts inherent in the environment exist as long as the World exists. Sources of natural negative impacts are natural phenomena in the biosphere: climate change, thunderstorms, earthquakes, and the like.

The constant struggle for their existence forced a person to find and improve means of protection from the natural negative effects of the environment. Unfortunately, the appearance of dwellings, fire and other means of protection, the improvement of ways of obtaining food - all this not only protected a person from natural negative influences, but also affected the environment.

For many centuries, the human habitat has slowly changed its appearance and, as a result, the types and levels of negative impacts have changed little. So, it continued until the middle of the 19th century - the beginning of the active growth of human impact on the environment. In the 20th century, zones of increased pollution of the biosphere arose on Earth, which led to partial, and in some cases, complete regional degradation. These changes were largely driven by:

High population growth rates on Earth (population explosion) and its urbanization;

Growth in consumption and concentration of energy resources;

Intensive development of industrial and agricultural production;

Mass use of means of transport;

Growth of expenses for military purposes and a number of other processes.

Man and his environment (natural, industrial, urban, household and others) in the process of life constantly interact with each other. At the same time, life can exist only in the process of movement through the living body of flows of matter, energy and information. Man and his environment harmoniously interact and develop only under conditions when the flows of energy, matter and information are within the limits favorably perceived by man and the natural environment. Any excess of the usual levels of flows is accompanied by negative impacts on humans or the natural environment. Under natural conditions, such impacts are observed during climate change and natural phenomena.

Man from birth has inalienable rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. He realizes his rights to life, to rest, to health protection, to a favorable environment, to work in conditions that meet the requirements of safety and hygiene in the process of life. They are guaranteed by the Constitution of the Russian Federation.

vitality- this is everyday activity and recreation, a way of human existence.

In the life process, a person is inextricably linked with his environment, while at all times he has been and remains dependent on his environment. It is due to her that he satisfies his needs for food, air, water, material resources, rest, etc.

Habitat- the human environment, determined by a combination of factors (physical, chemical, biological, informational, social) that can have a direct or indirect, immediate or long-term impact on human life, health and offspring.

Man and the environment are continuously in interaction, forming a constantly operating system "man - environment". In the process of evolutionary development of the World, the components of this system were constantly changing. Man improved, the population of the Earth increased, and the level of its urbanization increased, the social structure and the social basis of human society changed. The habitat also changed: the territory of the lands developed by man and its bowels expanded, the natural environment experienced an ever-increasing influence of the human community; domestic, urban and industrial environments artificially created by man appeared.

It should be noted that the natural environment is self-sufficient and can exist and develop without human participation, and all other types of habitat created by man cannot develop independently and are doomed to aging and destruction without human participation.

At the initial stage of its development, man interacted with the natural environment, which consists mainly of the biosphere, and also includes the Galaxy, the Solar system, space and the bowels of the Earth.

Biosphere- the natural area of ​​distribution of life on Earth, including the lower layer of the atmosphere, the hydrosphere and the upper layer of the lithosphere, which have not experienced technogenic impact.

In the process of evolution, a person, striving to most effectively satisfy his needs for food, material values, protection from climatic and weather influences, to increase his sociability, continuously influenced the natural environment and, mainly, the biosphere. To achieve these goals

he transformed part of the biosphere into territories occupied by the technosphere.

Technosphere- a region of the biosphere, in the past transformed by people with the help of direct or indirect impact of technical means in order to best suit human socio-economic needs.

The technosphere, created by man with the help of technical means, is the territory occupied by cities and towns, industrial zones, industrial enterprises. Technospheric conditions also include the conditions for people to stay at economic facilities, in transport, at home, in the territories of cities and towns. The technosphere is not a self-developing environment, it is man-made and after creation it can only degrade.


In the life process, the interaction of a person with the environment and its components among themselves is based on the transfer between the elements of the system of mass flows of substances and their compounds, energies of all types and information. In accordance with the law of preservation of life, Yu.N. Kurazhkovsky: “Life can exist only in the process of movement through a living body of flows of matter, energy and information.”

A person needs these flows to satisfy his needs for food, water, air, solar energy, information about the environment, etc. At the same time, a person releases mechanical and intellectual energy flows into the living space, mass flows in the form of biological process waste, thermal energy flows, etc.

The exchange of matter and energy flows is also characteristic of processes that occur without human participation. The natural environment ensures the flow of solar energy to our planet, which, in turn, creates flows of plant and animal masses in the biosphere, flows of abiotic substances (air, water, etc.), flows of various types of energy, including during natural phenomena. in the natural environment.

The technosphere is characterized by flows of all types of raw materials and energy, a variety of product flows; waste streams (air emissions, water discharges, liquid and solid waste, various energy impacts). The latter arise in accordance with the law on the irremovability of waste and side effects of production: “Waste and side effects are generated in any economic cycle, they are not removable and can be transferred from one physical and chemical form to another or moved in space). The technosphere is also capable of creating spontaneously significant flows of masses and energies during explosions and fires, during the destruction of building structures, during transport accidents, etc.

The social environment consumes and generates all types of flows characteristic of a person as an individual, in addition, the society creates information flows in the transfer of knowledge, management of society, cooperation with other social formations. The social environment creates flows of all kinds aimed at transforming the natural and man-made worlds, forms negative phenomena in society associated with smoking, alcohol consumption, drugs, etc.

The characteristic flows of masses, energies and information for various components of the "man + environment" system are as follows:

The main flows in the natural environment:

· solar radiation, radiation of stars and planets; cosmic rays, dust, asteroids;

· electric and magnetic fields of the Earth;

cycles of substances in the biosphere, in ecosystems, in biogeocenoses;

Atmospheric, hydrospheric and lithospheric phenomena, including

number and natural;

The main flows in the technosphere:

• flows of raw materials, energy;

· product flows of economic sectors;

waste of the economy;

information flows;

traffic flows;

light streams (artificial lighting);

· flows during man-caused accidents;

The main flows in the social environment:

Information flows (training, public administration, international

cooperation, etc.);

human flows (demographic explosion, urbanization of the population);

flow of drugs, alcohol, etc.;


Topic 1 2







The second circle of dangers acts directly on the sources of dangers of the first circle. It includes:

  • waste of economic and household objects that negatively affect the components of the natural environment and elements of the technosphere;

  • technical means, material and energy resources, buildings and structures with an insufficient level of security;

  • insufficient training of production managers on the issues of ensuring the safety of work.
dangers third round not always expressed clearly enough. These primarily include: the lack of necessary knowledge and skills of developers in the design of technological processes, technical systems, buildings and structures; lack of an effective state system for managing security issues across the industry and the economy of the whole country; insufficient development of the system for training scientific and managerial personnel in the field of life safety, etc.

When dividing the noxosphere (sphere of danger) into separate circles of dangers, which is rather conditional, the following must be taken into account: neglect of safety requirements in their first circle is usually accompanied by injuries, poisoning or diseases of a person or a group of people; neglect of safety requirements in the second circle of dangers, as a rule, postpones the negative consequences in time, but increases the scale of their impact on people (mass poisoning when bioresources are contaminated with waste, death of people when building structures collapse, etc.).

Actions to localize the dangers of the technosphere are complex and include a huge layer of individual, universal and state activities of people. The forms and systems of ensuring security are diverse and vary from personal protective equipment to national legislative acts. Achieving human security in the technosphere is a task both on an individual and national scale; a task that is directly related both to the actions of each person in the field of activity, life and recreation, and to the actions of the leaders of production processes, sectors of the economy and the state. Ensuring the safety of human life in the technosphere is the way to solve many problems of protecting the natural environment from the negative impact of the technosphere, the foundation for solving security problems at higher levels: regional, biosphere, global.
Note *Residential zone - a territory intended for housing stock, public buildings and structures, including research institutes and their complexes, as well as individual communal and industrial facilities that do not require the construction of sanitary protection zones; for the arrangement of intracity communications, streets, squares, parks, gardens, boulevards and other public places.

The nature and organization of labor activity have a significant impact on the change in the functional state of the human body. Diverse forms of labor activity are divided into physical and mental labor.

Physical work It is characterized by a load on the musculoskeletal system and functional systems of the human body (cardiovascular, neuromuscular, respiratory, etc.), which ensure its activity. Physical labor, while developing the muscular system and stimulating metabolic processes, at the same time has a number of negative consequences. First of all, this is the social inefficiency of physical labor, associated with its low productivity, the need for high physical exertion and the need for long - up to 50% of working time - rest.

Brainwork combines works related to the reception and processing of information that requires the primary tension of the sensory apparatus, attention, memory, as well as the activation of thought processes, the emotional sphere. This type of work is characterized hypokinesia, i.e., a significant decrease in human motor activity, leading to a deterioration in the reactivity of the body and an increase in emotional stress. Hypokinesia is one of the conditions for the formation of cardiovascular pathology in mental workers. Prolonged mental stress has a depressing effect on mental activity: the functions of attention (volume, concentration, switching), memory (short-term and long-term), and perception worsen (a large number of errors appear).

In modern human labor activity, the volume of purely physical labor is insignificant. In accordance with the existing physiological classification of labor activity, there are: forms of work that require significant muscle activity. This type of labor activity takes place in the absence of mechanized means for performing work and is characterized by increased energy costs;

mechanized forms of labor. A feature of mechanized forms of labor is the change in the nature of muscle loads and the complication of the action program. Under the conditions of mechanized production, there is a decrease in the volume of muscle activity, small muscles of the limbs are involved in the work, which should provide greater speed and accuracy of movements necessary to control the mechanisms. The monotony of simple and mostly local actions, the monotony and the small amount of information perceived in the process of labor lead to the monotony of labor and the rapid onset of fatigue;
forms of labor associated with semi-automatic and automatic production. With such production, a person is excluded from the process of direct processing of the object of labor, which is entirely performed by the mechanism. The task of a person is limited to performing simple operations for servicing the machine: submit material for processing, set the mechanism in motion, remove the machined part. The characteristic features of this type of work are monotony, increased pace and rhythm of work, loss of creativity;

group forms of labor - assembly line. This form of labor is determined by the division of the labor process into operations, a given rhythm, a strict sequence of operations, automatic supply of parts to each workplace using a conveyor. At the same time, the shorter the time interval spent by the worker on the operation, the more monotonous the work, the more simplified its content, which leads to premature fatigue and rapid nervous exhaustion;
forms of work associated with remote control. With these forms of labor, a person is included in the management systems as a necessary operational link, the load on which decreases with an increase in the degree of automation of the management process. There are forms of production process control that require frequent human actions, and forms of control in which the operator's actions are episodic, and his main task is to control instrument readings and maintain constant readiness to intervene, if necessary, in the process of managing an object.

Forms of intellectual (mental) labor are divided into operator, managerial, creative, work of medical workers, work of teachers, students, students. These types differ in the organization of the labor process, the uniformity of the load, the degree of emotional stress.
Operator work characterized by great responsibility and high neuro-emotional stress. For example, the work of an air traffic controller is characterized by the processing of a large amount of information in a short time and increased neuro-emotional tension.
The work of the head of institutions, enterprises (management work) is determined by an excessive amount of information, an increase in the lack of time for its processing, increased personal responsibility for decisions made, and the periodic occurrence of conflict situations.

The work of teachers and medical workers characterized by constant contacts with people, increased responsibility, often lack of time and information to make the right decision, which determines the degree of neuro-emotional stress.
Work of pupils and students characterized by the tension of such basic mental functions as memory, attention, perception; the presence of stressful situations (exams, tests).
The most complex form of labor activity, requiring a significant amount of memory, stress, attention, is creative work. The work of scientists, designers, writers, composers, artists, architects leads to a significant increase in neuro-emotional stress. With such tension associated with mental activity, one can observe tachycardia, an increase in blood pressure, an increase in pulmonary ventilation and oxygen consumption, an increase in body temperature and other changes in the autonomic functions of a person.

The energy that a person needs for life is released in his body in the process of redox decomposition of carbohydrates, proteins, fats and other organic compounds contained in food. Redox reactions in living organisms can proceed both with the participation of oxygen (aerobic oxidation) and without the participation of oxygen (anaerobic oxidation).

The set of chemical reactions in the human body is called metabolism. To characterize the total energy metabolism, the concepts of basal metabolism and metabolism in various activities are used.
BX characterized by the value of energy costs in a state of complete muscle rest under standard conditions (at a comfortable ambient temperature, 12 ... 16 hours after eating in the supine position). Energy consumption for life processes under these conditions for a person weighing 75 kg is 87.5 W.

Changes in posture, intensity of muscular activity, information saturation of labor, the degree of emotional stress and other factors lead to additional energy costs.

So, in a sitting position due to the work of muscles, energy costs exceed the level of total metabolism by 5 ... 10%, in a standing position - by 10 ... 15%, with a forced uncomfortable posture - by 40 ... 50%.
With intensive intellectual work, the brain's need for energy is 15 ... 20% of the basal metabolism (the brain mass is 2% of the body mass). The increase in total energy costs during mental work is determined by the degree of neuro-emotional tension. So, when reading aloud while sitting, energy consumption increases by 48%, when delivering a public lecture - by 94%, for computer operators - by 60 ... 100%. An increase in metabolism and energy consumption during work leads to an increase in heat generation. With heavy physical work, body temperature can rise by 1 ... 1.5 ° C.

The level of energy consumption can serve as a criterion for the severity and intensity of the work performed, which is important for optimizing the working conditions and its rational organization. The level of energy consumption is determined by the method of indirect calorimetry, i.e., a complete gas analysis (the volume of oxygen consumption and carbon dioxide released is taken into account).

With an increase in the severity of labor, oxygen consumption and the amount of energy consumed increase significantly, hence there are various daily human energy costs, MJ:
Knowledge workers (engineers, doctors, teachers, etc.) - 10.5 ... 11.7
Workers in mechanized labor and the service sector (nurses, salespeople, workers, service machines, etc.) - 11.3 ... 12.5
Workers performing medium-heavy work (machine operators, drivers, surgeons, printers, foundry workers, agricultural workers, etc.) - 12.5 ... 15.5
Workers performing hard work (lumberjacks, loaders, miners, metallurgists, etc.) - 16.3 ... 18.0.

Man from birth has inalienable rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. He realizes his rights to life, rest, health protection, a favorable environment, work in conditions that meet the requirements of safety and hygiene in the process of life. They are guaranteed by the Constitution of the Russian Federation. It is known that "life is a form of existence of matter." This allows us to assert that a person exists in the process of life, consisting of his continuous interaction with the environment in order to meet his needs. The concept of “life activity” is broader than the concept of “activity”, since it includes not only the labor process of a person, but also the conditions of his rest, life and migration in the environment. The main principle of the existence and development of all living things is the principle of the obligatory external influence: "A living body develops and exists only in the presence of external influences on it." Self-development of a living body is impossible. The realization of this principle in nature is achieved by the interaction of a living body with its natural environment, and in other conditions, by the interaction of all living things with its environment. The study of the state of the habitat and the processes of interaction of creatures with the environment is carried out by ecology - the science of the house. According to B.A. Nemirovsky, ecology is a biological science dealing with “the study of the collective coexistence of living organisms in one communal apartment called “environment””.

From the end of the 19th century, significant changes began to occur in the human environment. The biosphere gradually lost its dominant importance and in the regions inhabited by people began to turn into the technosphere. Invading nature, the laws of which are still far from being known, creating new technologies, people form an artificial habitat - the technosphere. If we take into account that the moral and general cultural development of civilization lags behind the pace of scientific and technological progress, an increase in the risk to the health and life of a modern person becomes obvious. In the new technospheric conditions, biological interaction is increasingly being replaced by processes of physical and chemical interaction, and the levels of physical and chemical factors of influence have been continuously increasing in the last century, often having a negative impact on humans and nature. Then in society there was a need to protect nature and man from the negative influence of the technosphere. Anthropogenic, that is, caused by human activity, environmental changes acquired such dimensions in the second half of the 20th century that a person directly or indirectly became their victim. Anthropogenic activity, which failed to create the technosphere of the required quality both in relation to man and in relation to nature, was the root cause of many negative processes in nature and society. Thus, the technosphere must be considered as a former region of the biosphere, transformed by people with the help of direct or indirect impact of technical means in order to best suit their material and socio-economic needs. As academician A. L. Yanshin (b. 1911) notes, even the Second World War, with its colossal negative consequences, did not upset the balance that had developed in nature. However, the situation has since changed radically. The rapid growth of the population began, and the number of urban residents grew. This caused an increase in urbanized areas, including landfills, roads, country roads, and so on, which led to the degradation of nature, sharply reduced the distribution areas of many plants and animals due to deforestation, livestock growth, the use of herbicides, pesticides, and fertilizers. The problem of nuclear waste disposal and many other problems arose. Human impact on the environment, according to the laws of physics, causes counteractions of all its components.

The human body painlessly endures certain influences as long as they do not exceed the limits of adaptation. Life expectancy is an integral indicator of life safety. In the early stages of anthropogenesis (for primitive man), it was approximately 25 years. The development of civilization, which is understood as the progress of science, technology, economics, agriculture, the use of various types of energy, up to nuclear, the creation of machines, mechanisms, the use of various types of fertilizers and pest control agents, significantly increase the number of harmful factors that negatively affect person. Creating the technosphere, man sought to increase the comfort of the living environment, to increase sociability, to provide protection from natural negative influences. But by developing the economy, the human population also created a socio-economic security system. As a result, despite the increase in the number of harmful effects, the level of human safety increased. All this had a favorable effect on living conditions and, in combination with other factors (improvement in medical care, etc.), affected the life expectancy of people. Currently, the average life expectancy in the most developed countries is about 77 years. Thus, the technosphere created by the hands and mind of man, designed to satisfy his needs for comfort and safety as much as possible, did not justify the hopes of people in many ways. The industrial and urban habitats that emerged turned out to be far from acceptable requirements in terms of safety.

1. Man as an element of the environment.

The most general system (of the highest hierarchical level) is the “Human-Habitat” (H-CO) system.

The most important subsystem considered by the BJD is the "Man-Environment" (H-OS).

“Man-Machine-Production environment”, etc.

The central element of all BJD systems is a person, therefore a person plays a threefold role:

object of protection

security object,

source of danger.

The high cost of operator error - up to 60% of accidents occur due to human error.

2. The concept of habitat.

The human environment is divided into industrial and non-productive (domestic). The main element of the production environment is labor, which in turn consists of interrelated and interconnecting elements (Fig. 2) that make up the structure of labor: C - subjects of labor, M - "machines" - means and objects of labor; PT - labor processes, consisting of the actions of both subjects and machines, PrT - products of labor, both target and by-products in the form of harmful and dangerous impurities in the air, etc., software of production relations (organizational, economic , socio-psychological, legal labor: relations associated with labor culture, professional culture, aesthetic, etc.). Elements of the non-production environment: the natural environment in the form of geographical and landscape (G-L), geophysical (G), climatic (K) elements, natural disasters (SB), including fires from lightning and other natural sources, natural processes (PP) in the form of gas emissions from rocks, etc. can manifest itself both in non-production form (sphere) and production, especially in such sectors of the national economy as construction, mining, geology, geodesy and others. A person is in close connection with all elements of the environment in the course of his activity. Interest in the environment of its habitat has always been characteristic of man. And this is understandable, since not only the well-being of the family, clan, tribe, but also its very existence depended on the quality of this environment. In the Middle Ages, the dominance of scholasticism and theology weakened interest in the study of nature. However, during the Renaissance, the Renaissance, the great geographical discoveries again revived the biological research of naturalists.

3. Human habitat.

The environment surrounding a modern person includes the natural environment, the artificial environment created by man and the social environment. Every day, living in the city, walking, working, studying, a person satisfies the widest range of needs. In the system of human needs (biological, psychological, ethnic, social, labor, economic) it is possible to single out the needs associated with the ecology of the habitat. Among them are the comfort and safety of the natural environment, environmentally friendly housing, the availability of information sources (works of art, attractive landscapes), and others. Natural or biological needs - this is a group of needs that ensures the possibility of a person's physical existence in a comfortable environment - this is the need for space, good air, water, etc., the presence of a suitable, familiar environment for a person. Ecologization of biological needs is associated with the need to create an ecological, clean urban environment and maintain a good state of natural and artificial nature in the city. But in modern large cities one can hardly speak of the presence of a sufficient volume and quality of the environment necessary for each person.

As industrial production grew, more and more various products and goods were produced, and at the same time environmental pollution increased sharply. The urban environment surrounding a person did not correspond to the historically developed sensory influences necessary for a person: cities without any signs of beauty, slums, dirt, standard gray houses, polluted air, harsh noise, etc. But still, we can confidently state that as a result of industrialization and spontaneous urbanization, the human environment gradually became “aggressive” for the sense organs, evolutionarily adapted to the natural environment over many millions of years. In essence, a person has recently found himself in an urban environment. Naturally, during this time, the main mechanisms of perception could not adapt to the changed visual environment and changes in the air, water, and soil. This did not go unnoticed: it is known that people living in polluted areas of the city are more prone to various diseases. The most common are cardiovascular and endocrine disorders, but there is a whole complex of various diseases, the cause of which is a general decrease in immunity. Due to dramatic changes in the natural environment, many studies have arisen aimed at studying the state of the environment and the health status of residents in a particular country, city, region. But, as a rule, it is forgotten that a city dweller spends most of his time indoors (up to 90% of the time) and the quality of the environment inside various buildings and structures turns out to be more important for human health and well-being. The concentration of pollutants indoors is often much higher than in outdoor air. A resident of a modern city most of all sees flat surfaces - building facades, squares, streets and right angles - the intersection of these planes. In nature, planes connected by right angles are very rare. In apartments and offices there is a continuation of such landscapes, which cannot but affect the mood and well-being of people who are constantly there.

The habitat is inextricably linked with the concept of "biosphere". This term was introduced by the Australian geologist Suess in 175. The biosphere is the natural area of ​​distribution of life on Earth, including the lower layer of the atmosphere, the hydrosphere, and the upper layer of the lithosphere. The name of the Russian scientist V. I. Vernadsky is associated with the creation of the doctrine of the biosphere and its transition to the noosphere. The main thing in the doctrine of the noosphere is the unity of the biosphere and humanity. According to Vernadsky, in the era of the noosphere, a person can and should “think and act in a new aspect, not only in the aspect of an individual, family, state, but also in a planetary aspect.” In the life cycle, a person and the environment surrounding him form a constantly operating system "man - environment". Habitat - the human environment, currently determined by a combination of factors (physical, chemical, biological, social) that can have a direct or indirect, immediate or remote impact on human activity, health and offspring.

Acting in this system, a person continuously solves at least two main tasks:

Provides its needs for food, water and air;

Creates and uses protection from negative influences, both from the environment and its own kind.

The ability to adapt is one of the main properties of life in general, as it provides the very possibility of existence, the ability of organisms to survive and reproduce. Adaptations manifest themselves at different levels: from the biochemistry of cells and the behavior of individual organisms to the structure and functioning of communities and ecological systems. Adaptations arise and change during the evolution of species. Separate properties or elements of the environment are called environmental factors. Environmental factors are diverse. They may be necessary or, conversely, harmful to living beings, promote or hinder survival and reproduction. Environmental factors have a different nature and specificity of action. Environmental factors are divided into abiotic (all properties of inanimate nature that directly or indirectly affect living organisms) and biotic (these are forms of interaction between living beings). The negative impacts inherent in the environment exist as long as the World exists. Sources of natural negative impacts are natural phenomena in the biosphere: climate change, thunderstorms, earthquakes, and the like. The constant struggle for their existence forced a person to find and improve means of protection from the natural negative effects of the environment. Unfortunately, the appearance of dwellings, fire and other means of protection, the improvement of ways of obtaining food - all this not only protected a person from natural negative influences, but also affected the environment.

For many centuries, the human habitat has slowly changed its appearance and, as a result, the types and levels of negative impacts have changed little. So, it continued until the middle of the 19th century - the beginning of the active growth of human impact on the environment. In the 20th century, zones of increased pollution of the biosphere arose on Earth, which led to partial, and in some cases, complete regional degradation. These changes were largely driven by:

High population growth rates on Earth (population explosion) and its urbanization;

Growth in consumption and concentration of energy resources;

Intensive development of industrial and agricultural production;

Mass use of means of transport;

Growth of expenses for military purposes and a number of other processes.

Man and his environment (natural, industrial, urban, household and others) in the process of life constantly interact with each other. At the same time, life can exist only in the process of movement through the living body of flows of matter, energy and information. Man and his environment harmoniously interact and develop only under conditions when the flows of energy, matter and information are within the limits favorably perceived by man and the natural environment. Any excess of the usual levels of flows is accompanied by negative impacts on humans and/or the natural environment. Under natural conditions, such impacts are observed during climate change and natural phenomena. In the conditions of the technosphere, negative impacts are due to its elements (machines, structures, etc.) and human actions. By changing the value of any flow from the minimum significant to the maximum possible, it is possible to go through a number of characteristic states of interaction in the “human-environment” system: comfortable (optimal), acceptable (leading to discomfort without a negative impact on human health), dangerous (causing with prolonged exposure degradation of the natural environment) and extremely dangerous (lethal outcome and destruction of the natural environment). Of the four characteristic states of human interaction with the environment, only the first two (comfortable and acceptable) correspond to the positive conditions of everyday life, and the other two (dangerous and extremely dangerous) are unacceptable for the processes of human life, conservation and development of the natural environment.


There is no doubt that the technosphere has a detrimental effect on nature, and hence on the human environment. Consequently, a person must solve the problem of protecting nature by improving the technosphere, reducing its negative impact to acceptable levels and ensuring one's own safety in this environment. A wasteful lifestyle is a huge burden on the environment. One of the main reasons for the constant degradation of the natural environment around the world is the unsustainable patterns of consumption and production, especially in industrialized countries. In this case, sustainable development means controlled, consistent with the evolutionary laws of nature and society, that is, such a development in which the vital needs of the people of the current generation are satisfied without depriving future generations of such an opportunity. Man is the most gifted and powerful representative of all life on Earth.

In the 19th century he embarked on a broad transformation of the face of our planet. He decided not to wait for favors from nature, but simply to take everything he needed from her, without giving her anything in return. Applying more and more new equipment and technology, people tried to create a habitat for themselves, as far as possible independent of the laws of nature. But man is an integral part of nature and therefore cannot break away from it, cannot completely withdraw into the mechanical world created by him. Destroying nature, he went "back", thereby destroying his entire existence. The modern period of development of society is characterized by a large increase in the conflict between man and the environment. Nature began to take revenge on man for his thoughtless consumer attitude towards her. They polluted nature with toxic substances, using their technical achievements, a person infects himself with this.


1. Akimov V. A., Lesnykh V. V., Radaev N. N. Risks in nature, technosphere, society and economy. - M.: Delovoy Express, 2004. - 352 p.

2. Life safety: Proc. for universities./Ed. S. V. Belova; 5th ed., rev. and additional - M .: Higher. school, 2005.- 606 p.

3. Life safety: Proc. for secondary prof. educational institutions / Under. ed.S.V. Belova; 5th ed., Spanish. and additional - M .: Higher. school, 2006.- 424p. . Kiryushkin A.A. Introduction to life safety. - St. Petersburg: State. un-t, 2001.- 204 p.

6.Reimers N.F. Hopes for the survival of mankind. Conceptual ecology. M., Information Center "Young Russia", 1992.

7. Khvan T. A., Khvan P. A. Life safety. Rostov. 2000.

System "man - environment"

The traditional consideration of the problems of life safety as a science is based on the disclosure of the features of the safe interaction of a person (a group of people) with the technosphere or, in a broader sense, with the environment.

Under life safety refers to the safe interaction of a person (a group of people, society) with the environment, or the effective protection of acceptable (in the ideal case - comfortable) living conditions for a person and society in the environment from exceeding the permissible level of exposure to negative factors, dangers, threats to one's interests and existence itself.

In turn, the human environment includes at least three main components: social, man-made, natural. In other words, the habitat is considered as a combination of social, technogenic and natural factors that exist respectively in society, the technosphere and the ecological system.

Thus, in the last two definitions society as a combination and result of the interaction of a certain number of people, it acts, on the one hand, as an object of life safety, and on the other hand, as a component of the environment, potentially capable of forming negative social factors, dangers, threats.

Such a social aspect of life safety for any particular group of the population leads to the formation of the concept of public safety, and for each individual person is closely related to the idea of ​​personal safety. Unfortunately, civil wars, political repressions, contract killings, terrorism, hostage-taking, organized crime, numerous types of crimes against a person - all of this together and in various forms of manifestation can be a real source of social tension and instability that cannot be ignored when speaking about life safety.

However, even an offender who is a source of social danger has the right to legal protection as a person, i.e. statutory object of life safety. By the way, from this point of view, the death penalty, which is in our country under an indefinite moratorium, but still not completely abolished by law, generally contradicts the meaning and main provisions of the Law of the Russian Federation "On Security".

Another component of the habitat is technosphere- is an element of the noosphere, formed by transforming a part of the biosphere into anthropogenic objects that have completely lost the properties of the natural environment and are based on the use of various types of equipment and technology by humans. The interpretation of the concept of "anthropogenic objects" in this definition is completely legitimate and corresponds to the Federal Law of January 10, 2002 No. 7-FZ "On Environmental Protection".

The technosphere created by human society eventually begins to actively influence the safety of its life, becoming a powerful factor in the existence of modern civilization. In other words, the technosphere created by a person to increase the productivity of his labor and the comfort of rest can then demonstrate a number of negative effects that pose a danger to the person himself and society.

Examples of the implementation of such hazards by the technosphere are cases of injuries and deaths at work, man-made disasters of a local and global scale.

In addition to man and society, the natural environment also experiences a negative impact from the technosphere as a set of anthropogenic objects. Ultimately, the deteriorating state of the ecology of the environment from the action of the man-made technosphere again leads to an increase in dangers for man himself and society. Such an effect in relation to humanity can be very clearly compared with the action of a kind of "technosphere boomerang" launched by man in order to conquer nature and returned to him after some time in the form of a very real threat of deterioration of his habitat and quality of life.

The last of the components of the habitat - ecological system- has a natural character and is part of the biosphere, combining the flora, fauna and, in general, the entire biological world that lives in a certain territory, as well as those physico-chemical conditions that exist in the environment in this territory in the atmosphere, hydrosphere and lithosphere.

According to the Federal Law "On Environmental Protection", the natural ecological system characterizes the state of the natural environment - the totality of natural and natural-anthropogenic objects that have retained their natural properties. In other words, human intervention in the natural ecological system, if it exists, is minimal, being limited to protective and recreational (from Latin recreatio - restoration) functions aimed at preserving and maintaining the natural state of the environment (for example, the organization of nature reserves or territories used for recreation and health care).

However, non-intervention or minimal human intervention in the natural environment does not mean the complete absence of negative factors and potential dangers for humans and society from the natural environment. Moreover, the enormous impact of negative natural factors in the form of hurricanes, floods, earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanic eruptions is most often catastrophic and leads to emergencies. Another major negative impact on human society from biological systems is associated with the emergence of ever new strains of viral diseases, some of which pose a deadly threat to humans, such as the SARS coronovirus (SARS), and can acquire the character of a worldwide epidemic. (pandemics).

In the biosphere, each event is at the same time the cause of other events. All living nature is a single network of material, energy and informational interactions organized in the form of closed autoregulatory cycles. An ecological system is any set of living organisms and their habitat, interconnected by the exchange of substances, energy, and information.

habitat technogenic natural

Figure 1 - Relationship between elements of the habitat

Substance A type of matter that has mass. It consists of elementary particles: electrons, protons, neutrons, mesons, etc. Substances are usually divided into simple and complex (chemical compounds). The cycle of substances is understood as the multiple participation of chemicals in the processes occurring in the atmosphere, hydrosphere and lithosphere, including those parts of the Earth's geospheres that are included in the planet's biosphere, which are important for the functioning of the biosphere.

Energy(other - Greek ?nEsgeib - "action, activity, strength, power") - a scalar physical quantity, which is a single measure of various forms of motion and interaction of matter. Energy does not arise from nothing and does not disappear, it can only pass from one form to another. The concept of energy binds together all the phenomena of nature. The vital activity of all living organisms, including humans, is a work for which energy is required. The continuous flow of solar energy, perceived by the molecules of living cells, is converted into the energy of chemical bonds

Information, in ecological systems can be understood as an energetically weak signal that controls the system. For example, it can be perceived by its organisms in the form of a coded message about the possibility of many times more powerful influences from other organisms, or environmental factors that cause their response. So, weak and completely insensitive to humans tremors - harbingers of a more powerful destructive earthquake, are perceived by many animals that leave their minks in a timely manner.

Thus, even a brief analysis of the three main components of the habitat, represented by social, man-made and natural factors, shows that under certain conditions of impact, they can become and are becoming a source of real dangers for humans and society.

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