What are human needs. Types and their essence


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Department of State Municipal Management



On the topic: "Human needs, their types and means of satisfaction"

Completed by a student:

Pavlova A.A.


Sibileva E.V.

Yakutsk 2015

A powerful engine of the economy are the needs of society.

Needs - a lack or need for something necessary for the life of people.

Human needs have important distinguishing features that distinguish it from the rest of the animal world. What are they?

First feature. The needs of people change historically quantitatively and qualitatively. These changes are noticeable during the transition from one era of development of the economy and culture of society to another. Take, for example, people who lived at the beginning of the last century.

They did not even imagine in their fantasies that there could be such extraordinary things that have become familiar to our contemporaries - televisions, computers, space stations and much more.

The second feature. A person's needs change a lot throughout his life. It is one thing for an infant who experiences predominantly physiological needs, and it is completely another for an adult who has mastered a certain specialty.

Third feature. People of even the same age very often have needs, requests, preferences that do not match. It is no coincidence that in Russia there are popular sayings and expressions: “There are no comrades for taste and color”, “Tastes do not argue”. Fourth feature. Modern civilization (the level of material and spiritual culture) knows several levels of human needs:

physiological needs (food, water, shelter, etc.);

the need for security (protection from external enemies and the need for social contacts (communication with people who have those interests; in friendship and love);

the need for respect (respect from other people, self-respect, in acquiring a certain social position);

the need for self-development (in improving all the capabilities and abilities of a person).

What is a need?

Need - a type of functional or psychological need or lack of any object, subject, individual, social group, society. Being internal activators of activity, needs are shown differently depending on a situation. Needs are manifested in the form of emotionally colored desires, drives, aspirations, and their satisfaction - in the form of evaluative emotions. Needs are found in the motives that motivate a person to activity. The education of needs is one of the central tasks of personality formation. A striking example is thirst - an acute feeling of need for water that occurs when the animal's body is depleted of it or when the normal concentration of mineral and organic substances in the blood exceeds.

The physiological mechanism of this feeling is the effect of increased general and osmotic pressure, a change in the concentration of sodium ions, the excitation of the drinking center in the brain occurs, causing neuro-humoral reactions of water conservation in the body, the search for water by an individual. As one needs is satisfied, a person develops other needs, which allows us to assert that, in general, needs are unlimited.

Needs are associated with a person's feeling of dissatisfaction when a person lacks what is required. The presence of a need is accompanied by emotions: first, as the need intensifies - negative, and then - if it is satisfied - positive. Needs determine the selectivity of perception of the world, fixing a person's attention mainly on those objects that can satisfy his needs. Throughout life, human needs change and increase. The presence of unsatisfied needs in a person is associated with tension and discomfort, a discrepancy between the internal (desired) and external (real), which are the stimuli and motivation of activity. The presence of unsatisfied vital, vital needs can lead to death. The need can be understood as a kind of hypothetical variable, which, according to circumstances, manifests itself either as a motive or as a trait. In the latter case, the needs are stable and become qualities of character.

Types of needs

The basic human needs are biological needs.

These needs are the basis for the formation of specific needs of people (the need to satisfy hunger gives rise to the need for certain types of food). The first task of economic activity was the satisfaction of these needs.

The main human needs are:

in clothes;

in safety;

in the treatment of diseases.

These needs are necessary for the simple survival of people, but they are also a very difficult task. Until now, people cannot completely solve these problems; millions of people on Earth are still starving, many do not have a roof over their heads and basic medical care.

In addition, human needs are much more than just a set of conditions for survival. He wants to travel, have fun, a comfortable life, a favorite pastime, etc.

Any human need initially represents an organic interweaving of biological, physiological and psychological processes, which determines the presence of many types of needs, which are characterized by strength, frequency of occurrence and ways to satisfy them.

Most often in psychology, the following types of human needs are distinguished: need vital satisfaction need

depending on the origin, natural (or organic) and cultural needs are distinguished;

according to their orientation, material and spiritual needs are distinguished;

depending on the area to which they belong (fields of activity), they distinguish the needs for communication, work, rest and knowledge (or educational needs);

according to the object, the needs can be biological, material and spiritual (they also distinguish the social needs of a person);

By their origin, needs can be endogenous (they arise from the influence of internal factors) and exogenous (caused by external stimuli).

Maslow's Pyramid

Initially, while still in the womb, we are completely and completely dependent on her. We grow, we form, using the nutrients that our mother gives us. Being born, we find ourselves in a large and uncomfortable world and become dependent on food, air, other significant people, warmth and comfort. The more we grow up, the more addictions surround us in everyday life. Therefore, we are dependent from the beginning! From the moment of our conception to the last breath, as it is difficult to imagine a person who could survive without meeting the basic needs of water, food, air, sex. The so-called "Maslow's Pyramid" tells us the same thing.

Maslow is a well-known psychologist, whose research innovation was that he began to study not pathological, unhealthy personalities, unlike most of his colleagues, but personalities who were fully realized in life. Successful and prosperous. They have made a huge contribution to the development of mankind. It was the study of healthy individuals that allowed him to describe the hierarchy of needs on which these individuals relied in the process of their development. Gradually satisfying their needs, these people achieved incredible achievements in their lives. Receiving complete satisfaction from her, and practically did not need artificial stimulation from the outside.

1. Maslow referred the so-called vital needs to the primary needs - the need for food, air, water. Without the satisfaction of these needs, each of us would simply die as a physiological organism.

2. Maslow attributed the need for security to the secondary needs. The need for protection, housing, warmth, clothing, the ability to defend their territory and defend their borders. It is important for each of us to have clothes, a hearth, a protected room in which he is the master and may not be afraid of an invasion of his territory.

3. To the next, third level in this hierarchy, Maslow attributed social needs.

The opportunity to take place as a respected person, as a professional in your field, to receive recognition from your family, parents, society, to occupy an important position and influence the development of your society. Whether it is a house council or the State Duma. Becoming significant in the eyes of others is of great importance to each of us. Self-respect and self-esteem of a person directly depend on this.

4. The fourth level in Maslow's hierarchy is the self-realization of the individual. When all previous needs are fully satisfied, a person has the opportunity to realize himself in creativity. And it can be varied. Cultural needs, hobbies, development of one's creative potential. There is not a single person in whom potential was not originally laid. The development of talents, the development of a sense of beauty and harmony is inherent in everyone.

5. And to the supreme, standing at the head of the pyramid of needs, are the needs in the spiritual life. To be a part of something much bigger than the person himself. A certain global idea that exceeds all acceptable limits. Confess and share with others certain moral and ethical values. To believe in something miraculous and inexplicable. Fantastic, loving and caring. And accordingly, live by applying these principles in your life.

If you enter a person into this pyramid of needs, then you can easily imagine how he gradually straightens up, gradually satisfying his needs from the bottom up. For a person, in principle, it is enough that the vital and spiritual needs are satisfied. This allows the person to stand. Faith in something more and everything that is necessary for survival is enough for a person to live, gradually filling in the gaps in other areas.

Means of satisfaction of needs

Man, like any other living being, is programmed by nature to survive, and for this he needs certain conditions and means. If at some point in his existence a person does not have these conditions and means, then a state of need arises, which causes the appearance of a selective response of the human body. This selectivity ensures the occurrence of a person's response to stimuli (or factors) that are currently the most important for normal life, life preservation and further development. The experience by the subject of such a state of need in psychology is called a need.

So, the manifestation of a person's activity, and, accordingly, his life activity and purposeful activity, directly depends on the presence of a certain need (or need), which requires satisfaction. But only a certain system of human needs will determine the purposefulness of his activities, as well as contribute to the development of his personality. The very needs of a person are the basis for the formation of a motive, which in psychology is considered as a kind of “engine” of a personality. The motivation of human behavior and activity directly depends on organic and cultural needs, and they, in turn, give rise to an interest that directs the attention of the individual and its activity to various objects and objects of the surrounding world with the aim of their knowledge and subsequent mastery.


The essentiality of the system of needs is that a person or society as a whole has a set of needs, each of which requires its own satisfaction. This seemingly simple thesis takes on a serious color if we analyze modern times and history. What we have achieved in any area, even at the cost of world wars, World crises are ultimately the result of simple desire or lack, or shifts in internal chemistry. In parallel, the law of increasing needs lies. This law is based on the needs of a particular person, and they characterize the needs of the whole society. And at the same time, this law is the driving force economic growth, due to the fact that a person always needs more than he has achieved.

The dialectical relationship between the activities and needs of society is the root source of both their mutual development and all social progress, it is an absolute and eternal condition for the existence and development of society. That is, their relationship has the character of a general economic law. Human society, along with other laws, in its functioning and development is regulated by such an important law as the law of subordination of the entire system of activity to the system of needs of society, requiring the subordination of the entire aggregate activity of society to the satisfaction of its socially necessary, objectively urgent, real needs of society that have arisen in the course of the activity of society. Therefore, the absolute goal of society is to satisfy its needs .

So, the needs of a person are imprints in his own mind of the felt need to ensure that the comfortable and current conditions of his existence correspond.


1. Spirin A.D., Maksyukova S.B., Myakinnikov S.P. Man and his needs: Textbook. Kemerovo: KuzGTU, 2003.

2. Man and his needs Compiled by G. V. Chekmareva, 2003.

3. Godfroy J. What is psychology.: In 2 vols. - T. 1. M .: Mir, 2002.

4. Dzhidaryan I. A. On the place of needs, emotions, feelings in the motivation of the individual. //Theoretical problems of personality psychology. / Ed. E. V. Shorokhova. - M.: Nauka, 1974.

5. Kaverin S.V. Psychology of needs: Educational and methodological manual, Tambov, 2006.

6. Berezhnoy N.M. Man and his needs / Ed. V.D. Didenko, SSU Service - Forum, 2001.

7. Marchenko T.A. Need as a social phenomenon. - M.: Higher school, 2005.

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D e c o n t i o n s :

1. Introduction. one

2. Types of human needs. 1-4

3. Fundamentals of economic activity of mankind.

Specialization and trade. 4-8

4. Limited economic resources and related

problems with her. 8-10

5. Conclusion. Principles of distribution of benefits. eleven

1. Introduction.

The great scientist of ancient Greece, Aristotle, gave the name to science - economics. He combined two words: "eykos" - economy and "nomos" - for-

con, so that "economy" in literal translation from the ancient Greek means

em "laws of economy".

Economics means the science that:

1) studies ways of organizing people's activities aimed at creating

Denmark blessings they need for consumption;

2) explores how people use the limited resources available to

satisfaction of their unlimited needs in life's goods.

There are three main participants in economic life: the family, firms and the state. They interact with each other, coordinating their activities.

ness both directly with each other and through markets factors about

production (that is, resources with which you can organize production

management of goods) and consumer goods (goods that are directly

are being played by people).

Firms and the state play a large role in the economy, but the individual

The family is the main actors in the economy. business executive -

ness of any country should be carried out for the sake of meeting the needs of any -

dey in specific benefits.

Behavior of people, their decisions in specific economic situations

determine the activities of firms, government organizations, markets.

By examining human behavior, economics helps people, firms

mothers and the state to foresee the consequences of their decisions in the economic sphere

2. Types of human needs.

The basic human needs are biological needs.

These needs are the basis for the formation of specific needs

people (the need to satisfy hunger gives rise to the need for certain

types of food). The first task of economic activity (economy) was

satisfaction of these needs.

The main human needs are:

In clothes;

in housing;

In safety;

In the treatment of diseases.

These needs are necessary for the simple survival of people, but they

are a very difficult task. Until now, people cannot completely re-

sew these problems; millions of people on Earth are still starving, many do not have a roof over their heads and basic medical care.

In addition, human needs are much more than just a set of

skill for survival. He wants to travel, have fun, a comfortable life, a favorite pastime, etc.

3. Fundamentals of the economic life of mankind. Specialization and


To meet their needs, people used at first only what the wild nature could give them. But with the growth of needs,

the need to learn how to get things. Therefore, the benefits are divided into

two groups:

1) free goods;

2) economic benefits.

Gift Goods - these are the benefits of life (mainly natural) that are available to people in an amount greater than the need for them. They do not need to be produced, they can be consumed for free. Such benefits include-

Xia: air, water, sunlight, rains, oceans.

But basically, human needs are satisfied not at the expense of gratuitous,

a economic benefits , that is, goods and services, the volume of which is insufficient

to meet the needs of people in full and it can be increased

personal only as a result of the production process. Sometimes you have to

redistribute wealth in one way or another.

Now people live better than in ancient times. This is achieved due to the increase in the volume and improvement of the properties of these goods (food,

clothing, housing, etc.).

The source of prosperity and power of the peoples of the Earth today is

an extremely developed mechanism for combining efforts for the sake of solving common problems, including the most important task - the production of an increasing volume

life benefits, that is, the creation of better living conditions for people.

People use natural resources to produce the goods of life.

their labor and special devices (tools, equipment,

manufacturing facilities, etc.). All these are called "factors of production".

There are three main factors of production:

3) capital.

Work as a factor of production is the activity of people in the production

goods and services through the use of their physical and mental

opportunities As well as skills acquired as a result of training and experience

work. To organize production activities, the right is bought

to use the abilities of people for some time to create

giving a certain kind of benefit.

This means that the volume of labor resources of society depends on the number -

of the working-age population of the country and the amount of time that this

population can work for a year.

Earth as a factor of production - these are all types of natural resources that have

on the planet and suitable for the production of economic goods.

The dimensions of individual elements of natural resources are usually expressed as flat

sparing of land for a particular purpose, volumes of water resources or

minerals in the subsoil.

Capital as a factor of production is the entire production and technical

apparatus that people have created to increase their strength and expand their

the ability to produce the necessary goods. It consists of buildings and soru -

industrial applications, machine tools and equipment, iron

roads and ports, warehouses, pipelines, that is, from what is necessary for

implementation of modern technologies for the production of goods and services. The volume of capital is usually measured by the total monetary value.

For the analysis of economic processes, another kind of fact is distinguished.

production ditch - entrepreneurship. These are the services that

society, people endowed with the ability to correctly assess what new

goods can be successfully offered to buyers, what technologies are

management of existing products should be implemented in order to achieve greater benefits.

These people are willing to risk their savings for new business ventures.

projects. They have the ability to coordinate the use of other factors

tors of production to create the necessary benefits for society.

The volume of the society's entrepreneurial resource cannot be measured.

a clear idea of ​​​​it can be formed on the basis of data on the number

the owners of the firms who created and run them.

In the 20th century, another type of factors of production gained great importance.

properties: information , that is, all the knowledge and information that is necessary

people for conscious activity in the economic world.

Constantly improving the ways of using economic resources

owls, people based their economic activity on two important

Shih element: specialization and trade.

The specialization has three levels:

1) specialization of individuals;

2) specialization of the activities of economic organizations;

3) specialization of the country's economy as a whole.

The basis of all specialization is the specialization of human labor, which


a) Conscious division of labor between people.

b) Teaching people new professions and skills.

c) The possibility of cooperation, that is, cooperation for the sake of achieving a common

cabbage soup goals.

For the first time, the division (specialization) of labor arose about 12 thousand years ago.

ago: some people specialized only in hunting, others were

breeders or farmers.

There are now thousands of professions, many of which require training in specific skills and techniques.

Why is specialization the most important tool in the economic life of mankind?

First, people are endowed with different abilities; they are different

perform certain types of work. Specialization allows everyone

a person to find that job, that profession, where he can prove himself with the most

the best side.

Secondly, specialization allows people to achieve ever greater skill.

loss in their chosen activity. And this leads to the production of goods

or providing higher quality services.

Thirdly, the growth of skill allows people to spend on the production of goods

less time and not have its losses when moving from one

type of work to another.

Thus, specialization is the main way to increase

performance all resources (factors of production) that people use to produce the economic goods they need, and before

the entire labor resource.

Performance is the amount of benefits that can be obtained from the use of

of a unit of a certain type of resources for a fixed period

period of time.

Thus, labor productivity is determined by the number of products that

a swarm was made by a worker per unit of time: per hour, per day, per month, per year.

One of the most significant inventions of mankind in the field of special

socialization and division of labor was the conveyor. This is the most powerful tool

increase in labor productivity.

The creator of the assembly line was Henry Ford (1863-1947), the father of the mass auto-

mobile industry, a talented person. The idea of ​​​​the conveyor was born to him after

how the car company he created stopped

handle orders that have doubled in one year.

Then (in the spring of 1913) in the magneto assembly shop, Ford launched the first

conveyor world. Until that time, the assembler worked at the table, where he had

complete set of parts. A skilled assembler collected about 40 magnetos per shift.

Now each collector had to perform one or two operations on

assembly (that is, he specialized even more than when he knew how to perform

all assembly operations). This reduced the assembly time for one

magneto from 20 min to 13 min.10 sec. And after Ford replaced the old

a low table on a moving belt raised above, which set the pace

work, the assembly time was reduced to 5 minutes. Labor productivity

grew 4 times! After the introduction of the conveyor assembly principle in all workshops

labor productivity increased by 8.1 times, which made it possible in 1914 to increase

chit production of cars in 2 times. Ford got the opportunity to produce its ma-

tires at a lower cost than competitors, sell them cheaper and

capture the market. This led to the fact that competitors had to

implement a conveyor in their enterprises.

Thanks to the specialization of labor and the growth of labor productivity, people

came to the transition from a random and irregular exchange of available bla -

Gami to constant trade in them. There was a transition from self-sufficiency, then

eat from subsistence farming, to receiving goods produced by others

people. People gradually became convinced that thanks to the exchange of goods it is possible to

get more benefits at your disposal and make them more diverse -

mi compared to their independent production. Realizing this, people began

engage in exchange not from case to case, but made it the basis of their lives. So there were products and services used by them for regular

The ability to exchange goods is a unique ability of people, distinguished by

separating them from other inhabitants of the Earth. As the great shot-

Landish economist Adam Smith (1723-1790):

“No one has ever seen a dog deliberately swap a bone with another dog…”

The regular exchange of goods and services was the basis for the most important

areas of human activity trade , that is, the exchange of goods in the form of

whether the sale of goods and services for money.

Trade was born in ancient times, it is even older than agriculture.

It existed during the Paleolithic - at the dawn of the Stone Age, around

30,000 years ago. In the beginning, tribes that lived far away traded among themselves.

to from each other. They traded in luxury goods (precious and finishing

stones, spices, silks, rare woods, etc.). were engaged

these itinerant merchants - Arabs, Frisians, Jews, Saxons, and then Italians.

Over time, trading cities appeared in Europe: Venice, Genoa and

river cities of Germany - Hamburg, Stettin, Danzig and others.

Trade has played a big role in human history. Thanks to her

merchants set sail in search of new lands where they could get

expensive goods. The main goal of Columbus was also trading inte -

res. He wanted to find a shorter route to the shores of India, so that it would be easier and

cheaper to ship goods to Europe. Thanks to trade, many

other geographical discoveries, as well as the birth of modern industrial

ness. From merchant money, large-scale handicraft production began to appear.

stvo, and then manufactories - the forerunners of plants and factories.

It was trade that united people into firms specializing in

production of certain goods.

No one person is capable of mastering all the many professions necessary

go to create the whole variety of goods that are used today

The combination of trade and specialization makes it possible for people to obtain

goods in a larger volume, in a larger assortment and faster.

If a country skillfully uses a combination of specialization and trade, then this will lead to:

Growth in labor productivity;

Growth in the volume of available goods;

An increase in the growth of consumption of goods by people, corresponding to an increase in income


Increasing trade revenues that can be used for development and

improvement of production and specialization of labor.

This applies to all countries, even to those that have great natural wealth, since in themselves the wealth of subsoil, arable land and forests

prosperity is not guaranteed.

So, in Russia, natural resources are enormous, their rational use

nie could make the people of Russia one of the wealthiest in the world. But Russia, not

despite the fact that it was under the control of the planning-command system,

spent its natural wealth on a huge scale, did not provide

high level of well-being for its citizens.

According to UN experts, in terms of wealth, Russia is only at

53rd place. It will be able to rise higher only by increasing the scale of production -

production of economic benefits useful to people. This problem can be solved only

having mastered the art of rational organization of economic activity.

4. Limited economic resources and emerging in this

communication problems.

To satisfy their needs for goods, people need much more resources than have always been available to mankind.

Humans have faced limited resources since ancient times, when

land was the only available source of wealth production.

The graph shows the emergence of a gap between the material

people's desires and opportunities for their satisfaction.

The increase in natural resources occurs due to the development of deposits

mining, construction of hydroelectric power plants, development

virgin lands, etc. On the graph, the line of the volume of resources is a gently rising

toiling. A line that rises steeply - human sweats -

ty. In the first period of human development, the potentialities of nature to feed people, who were few, exceeded their sweat.

children. Due to population growth and increasing needs of people

Humanity is faced with a new situation - scarcity.

Humanity 11-16 thousand years ago could have died out due to a lack of

food and he managed to escape only due to the emergence of agriculture.

The needs of people, the population of the Earth continue to

but increase. The increase in the volume of life's goods lags behind the growth in people's needs, despite the fact that they have learned to use the resources of nature and other factors of production.

With the exception of a small number of goods - air, rain, solar heat - all other means of meeting the needs of mankind

are available in limited quantities. So, oil reserves in the bowels of the Earth are

128.6 billion tons. This is her physical limitation. People actively use

they call her, but now she is available only to those who can pay the costs of

its extraction and transportation. The economic problem is not created by the physical

What is the limitation of the resource, and the ability to get it only by spending other

resources. So, in order to extract an additional amount of oil, you need to spend

other limited resources: electricity, labor of oil workers, metal for

manufacture of oil equipment and oil pipeline pipes), etc.

Consequently, the economic activity of people is always directed

on the withdrawal of resources from the sphere of satisfaction of some, in order to satisfy

the needs of other people.

Economic resources are always limited.

Limitation labor due to the fact that the number of able-bodied people of any country is strictly fixed at any given time.

In terms of physical and mental abilities, not all people are suitable for performing specific jobs. This problem can be partially solved by

attracting workers from other countries, retraining and retraining

botniks to more effective specialties, but this does not give an instant

result, as it requires a certain time for their implementation.

Limitation land(natural resources) is determined by the geography of the country and the presence of mineral deposits in its bowels. This limitation can be reduced by converting previously barren soils into


Limitation capital determined by the previous development of the country,

what she has accumulated. This limitation can be reduced by

construction of new factories, highways, gas pipelines and additional

equipment manufacturing. But this takes time and cost.

Limitation entrepreneurship due to the fact that nature

all endowed with this talent.

Limitation resources forced people to take appropriate

measures. People have long begun to secure economic resources in their own -

ness. An individual or group of people can:

- own resources, that is, actually possess them;

- enjoy resources, that is, use them at your discretion

to receive current income;

- dispose, that is, to have the right to transfer them to other persons, for example

Other people must respect these rights. Consolidation of resources in so-

The property of citizens allows them to provide these resources for a fee to those who need them. Forms of income from this can be very different and depend on the type of resources provided.

Most of the large fortunes of Russia (goods) are associated with the shadow property

venity (criminal access to resources, etc.) and post-state

property (privatization, land, budget funds).

As a result of "privatization" under the guise of the slogan of the voucher people-

privatization, property turned out to be dispersed, torn between

separate links of inseparable by nature technological chains.

This has led to the inefficiency of the Russian economy today.

5. Conclusion. Principles of distribution of benefits.

To satisfy their ever-increasing needs, mankind

forced to constantly look for answers to the main questions of the foundations of economic

noah life, that is, the main issues of the economy:

1. What and how much to produce?

2. How to produce?

3. How to distribute the manufactured goods?

Solving the question "What and in what quantity to produce?", people in the end

account distribute limited resources between producers of various

good things.

When deciding the question “How to produce?”, people choose the preferred

they are methods (technologies) for producing the goods they need.

Each of the possible options for technological solutions involves

its combination and the extent to which limited resources are used. And on-

Therefore, the choice of the best option is not an easy task, which requires a comparison -

leniya, weighing the value of various resources.

Answering the question "How to distribute the manufactured goods?"

people decide who and how much goods should get in the end. How

to carry out the distribution of goods so that it does not cause in people feelings of

justice due to differences in the comfort of life?

People solved this problem in the following way:

- "right of the strong"- the best and in full gets the one who can

to take blessings from the weaker by force of the fist and arms;

- "principle of balance"- everyone receives approximately equally, so that

“nobody was offended”;

- "queue principle"- the benefit goes to the one who first took a place in the queue

wishing to receive this benefit.

Life has proven the perniciousness of the use of these principles, since they do not

interest people in more productive work. With such a distribution

sharing benefits, even if you work better than others and get more for it,

the acquisition of the desired good is not guaranteed. Therefore, in the vast majority of countries in the world (and in all the richest countries) at present

dominated by a complex mechanism of market distribution.


1.I.V. Lipsits "Economics", Moscow, 1998

2. G. Yavlinsky "Russian Economy: Legacy and Opportunities", EPIcenter,

A need is a need, a need for something for human life. There are many types of human needs. Considering them, it is easy to see that there are those without which life is simply impossible. Others are not so important and you can easily do without them. In addition, all people are different and their needs are also different. There are several classifications of types of personality needs.

Abraham Maslow was the first to understand this issue and reveal the role of human needs. He called his teaching "the hierarchical theory of needs" and depicted it as a pyramid. The psychologist gave a definition of the concept and classified the types of needs. He structured these types, placing them in ascending order from biological (primary) to spiritual (secondary).

  1. Primary - these are innate needs, they are aimed at fulfilling physiological needs (breathing, food, sleep)
  2. The secondary ones are acquired, social (love, communication, friendship) and spiritual needs (self-expression, self-realization).

These types of needs according to Maslow are interconnected. Secondary ones can appear only if the lower needs are satisfied. That is, a person cannot develop spiritually if his physiological needs are not developed.

A later classification was based on the first version, but improved slightly. According to this classification, the following types of needs in psychology were identified:

  1. organic- associated with the development of personality and its self-preservation. They include a large number of needs, such as oxygen, water, food. These needs are present not only in humans, but also in animals.
  2. Material- involve the use of products created by people. This category includes housing, clothing, transport, that is, everything that a person needs for everyday life, work, and recreation.
  3. Social. This type of human needs is associated with a position in life, authority and a person's need for communication. The individual exists in society and depends on the people around him. This communication diversifies life and makes it safer.
  4. Creative. This type of human need is the satisfaction of artistic, technical, scientific activities. There are many people in the world who live by creativity, if they are forbidden to create, they will wither away, their life will lose all meaning.
  5. Moral and mental development. This includes all types of spiritual needs and implies the growth of the cultural and psychological characteristics of the individual. A person strives to become highly moral and morally responsible. Often this contributes to his familiarization with religion. Psychological development and moral perfection become dominant for a person who has reached a high level of development.

In addition, the following characteristics of the types of needs are used in psychology.

For the normal existence of a person on earth, he needs to satisfy his needs. All living beings on the planet have needs, but most of all they have a reasonable individual.

Types of human needs

    organic. These needs are connected with the development of man, with his self-preservation. Organic needs include many needs: food, water, oxygen, optimal ambient temperature, procreation, sexual desires, existence security. These needs are also present in animals. Unlike our smaller brothers, a person needs, for example, hygiene, culinary processing of food and other specific conditions;

    material Needs are based on their satisfaction with the help of products created by people. These include: clothing, housing, transport, household appliances, tools, as well as everything that is necessary for work, recreation, everyday life, knowledge of culture. In other words, a person needs the goods of life;

    social. This type is associated with the need for communication, position in society, a certain position in life, gaining respect, authority. A person cannot exist on his own, so he needs to communicate with other people. emerged from the development of human society. Thanks to such needs, life becomes the most secure;

    creative types of needs represent satisfaction in different artistic, scientific, technical. People are very different. There are those who cannot live without creativity. They even agree to give up something else, but they cannot exist without it. Such a person is a high personality. Freedom to engage in creativity for them is above all;

    moral self-improvement and psychological development - these are the types in which he ensures his growth in the cultural and psychological direction. In this case, a person strives to become deeply moral and morally responsible. Such needs contribute to the introduction of people to religion. Moral self-improvement and psychological development become the dominant needs for people who have reached a high level of personality development.

    In the modern world, it is very popular among psychologists. Its presence speaks of the highest level of human psychological development. Human needs and their types can change over time. There are desires that need to be suppressed in oneself. We are talking about the pathology of psychological development, when a person has needs of a negative nature. These include painful conditions in which a person has a desire to inflict pain on another, both physical and moral.

    Considering the types of needs, we can say that there are those without which a person cannot live on earth. But there are some that you can do without. Psychology is a subtle science. Each individual needs a special approach. The question is, why do some people have particularly pronounced needs, while others have others? Some like to work, others don't, why? The answer must be sought in generic genetics or in lifestyle.

    Species can also be divided into biological, social, ideal. The classification of needs has a wide variety. The need for prestige and recognition in society appeared. In conclusion, it can be said that it is impossible to establish a complete list of human needs. The hierarchy of needs is different. Satisfying the needs of the basic level implies the formation of the rest.

Topic: Hierarchy of human needs according to A. Maslow

Kadyrova R.K.


    The concept of needs.

    Various theories and classifications of needs.

    Hierarchy of needs according to A. Maslow.

    Description of basic human needs.

    Basic needs for daily human activities.

    Conditions and factors influencing the way and efficiency of satisfaction of needs.

    Possible reasons for the need for care (illness, injury, age).

    The role of the nurse in restoring and maintaining the independence of the patient in meeting his basic needs

    The role of the nurse in improving the lifestyle of the patient and his family.

The concept of needs

The normal life of a person, as a social being, representing a holistic, dynamic, self-regulating biological system is provided by a combination of biological, psychosocial and spiritual needs. Satisfaction of these needs determines the growth, development, harmony of man with the environment.

Human life depends on many factors that are ordered in time and space and are supported by the life support systems of the human body in the environment.

Need- this is a conscious psychological or physiological deficiency of something, reflected in the perception of a person, which he experiences in the attraction of his whole life. (MANGO Glossary, edited by G.I. Perfilieva).

Basic theories and classifications of needs

The authors of the need-information theory, which explains the causes and driving forces of human behavior, are Russian scientists Simonov and Ershov. The essence of the theory is that needs are motivated by the conditions of the organism's existence in a constantly changing environment.

The transition of a need into deeds and actions is accompanied by emotions.

Emotions are indicators of needs. They can be positive and negative to the satisfaction of needs. Simonov and Ershov divided all needs into three groups:

    Group - vital (The need to live and provide for one's life).

    group - social (the need to take a certain place in society)

    group - cognitive (the need to know the external and internal world).

The American psychophysiologist A. Maslow, of Russian origin, identified 14 basic human needs in 1943 and arranged them according to five steps (see diagram)

    Physiological needs are the lower needs controlled by the organs of the body, such as breathing, food, sexual, the need for self-defense.

    Security needs - the desire for material security, health, provision for old age, etc.

    Social needs - the satisfaction of this need is biased and difficult to describe. One person is satisfied with very few contacts with other people, in another person this need for communication is expressed very strongly.

    The need for respect, awareness of one's own dignity - here we are talking about respect, prestige, social success. It is unlikely that these needs are met by an individual, this requires groups.

V. The need for personal development, for the realization of oneself, self-realization, self-actualization, in understanding one's purpose in the world.

Hierarchy of needs (development stages) according to a. Maslow. Essence of needs theory a. Maslow. Characteristics of basic human needs

Life, health, happiness, of a person depends on the satisfaction of needs for food, air, sleep, etc. These needs are self-satisfied throughout life. They are provided by the function of various organs and systems of the body. A disease that causes a dysfunction of one or another organ, one or another system, interferes with the satisfaction of needs, leads to discomfort.

In 1943, the American psychologist A. Maslow developed one of the theories of the hierarchy of needs that determine human behavior. According to his theory, some human needs are more essential than others. This allowed them to be classified according to a hierarchical system; from physiological to self-expression needs.

Currently, in countries with a high level of socio-economic development, where the priorities in meeting basic needs have changed significantly, it is not so popular. For our conditions today, this theory remains popular.

To live, a person needs to satisfy the physiological needs for air, food, water, sleep, excretion of waste products, the ability to move, communicate, with others, feel touch and satisfy their sexual interests.

Oxygen requirement- normal breathing, one of the basic physiological needs of a person. Breath and life are inseparable concepts.

With a lack of oxygen, breathing becomes frequent and superficial, shortness of breath appears cough. A prolonged decrease in the concentration of oxygen in the tissues leads to cyanosis, the skin and visible mucous membranes become bluish. Maintaining this need should be a priority for the healthcare worker. A person, satisfying this need, maintains the gas composition of the blood necessary for life.

Needin food is also essential for maintaining health and well-being. Rational and adequate nutrition helps eliminate risk factors for many diseases. For example, coronary heart disease is caused by regular consumption of foods rich in saturated animal fats and cholesterol. A diet high in grains and fiber may reduce the risk of colon cancer. The high protein content of food promotes wound healing.

The health worker must educate the patient and give advice on rational and adequate nutrition to meet the person's need for food.

Restrict: the use of egg yolks, sugar, sugary foods, salt, alcoholic beverages.

Food is better to cook, bake, but not fry.

It must be remembered that an unmet need for food leads to a violation of health.

Fluid requirement- this is drinking liquids, 1.5-2 liters daily - water, coffee, tea, milk, soup, fruits, vegetables. This amount makes up for losses in the form of excretions of urine, feces, sweat, fumes during breathing. In order to maintain the water balance, a person must consume more fluids than he excretes, otherwise there are signs of dehydration, but not more than 2 liters, so as not to cause dysfunction of many organs and systems. The patient's ability to avoid many complications depends on the ability of the nurse to anticipate the danger of dehydration or the formation of edema.

The need to excrete waste products. The undigested part of the food is excreted from the body in the form of urine, feces. Selection modes are individual for each person. Satisfaction of other needs may be delayed, but excretion of waste products cannot be delayed for a long time. Many patients find the process of excretion of waste products intimate and prefer not to discuss these issues. When satisfying a violated need, the nurse must provide him with the opportunity for privacy, respect the patient's right to confidentiality,

Need for sleep and rest- with lack of sleep, the level of glucose in the blood decreases, the nutrition of the brain deteriorates and thought processes slow down; attention is scattered, short-term memory worsens. Studies conducted by American experts show that in a person who did not sleep half the night, the number of blood cells responsible for phagocytosis is halved. Sleep is more necessary for a free person, because it helps to improve his well-being. Despite the fact that a person's susceptibility to external stimuli during sleep is reduced, this is a fairly active state. As a result of research, several stages of sleep have been identified.

Stage 1- slow sleep. Light sleep and last only a few minutes. At this stage, there is a decline in the physiological activity of organisms, a gradual decrease in the activity of vital organs, metabolism. A person can be easily awakened, but if the dream is not interrupted, then the second stage occurs after 15 minutes.

Stage 2 slow sleep. Light sleep, lasts 10-20 minutes. Vital functions continue to weaken, complete relaxation sets in. It's hard to wake someone up.

Stage 3 slow sleep. The deepest stage of sleep, lasting 15-30 minutes, is difficult to wake the sleeper. Continued weakening of vital functions,

Stage 4 slow sleep. Deep sleep, lasting 15-30 minutes, is very difficult to wake the sleeper. During this phase, the restoration of physical strength occurs. Vital functions are much less pronounced than during wakefulness. Stage 4 is followed by stages 3 and 2, after which the sleeper enters stage 5 sleep.

Stage 5- fast sleep. Bright, colorful dreams are possible 50-90 minutes after the first stage. There are rapid eye movements, changes in heart rate and breathing, and increases or fluctuations in blood pressure. Decreased skeletal muscle tone. During this phase, the mental functions of a person are restored, it is very difficult to wake the sleeping person. The duration of this stage is about 20 minutes.

After stage 5 sleep for a short time comes 4, 3, 2nd, then again the 3rd, 4th and 5th stages, i.e. the next sleep cycle.

Several factors can influence a person's sleep; physical ailment, drugs and drugs, lifestyle, emotional stress, environment and exercise. Any disease that is accompanied by pain, physical discomfort, anxiety and depression leads to sleep disturbance. The nurse should acquaint the patient with the effect of prescribed drugs and their effect on sleep.

Relaxation- a state of reduced physical and mental activity. You can relax not only lying on the couch, but also during a long walk, reading books or when performing special relaxing exercises. Loud noises, bright lights, and the presence of other people in a health care facility can make it difficult to relax.

The need for rest and sleep for human life, knowledge of its stages and possible causes that cause a violation of the usual functions of the human body, will enable the nurse to help the patient and satisfy his need for sleep with the means available to her.

Need in movement. Limited mobility or immobility creates many problems for a person. This condition can be long or short, temporary or permanent. It can be caused by trauma followed by splinting, limb traction with the use of special devices. Pain in the presence of chronic diseases, residual effects of cerebrovascular accident.

Immobility is one of the risk factors for the development of bedsores, impaired function of the musculoskeletal system, the functioning of the heart and lungs. With prolonged immobility, there are changes in the digestive system, dyspepsia, flatulence, anorexia, diarrhea or constipation. Intensive straining during the act of defecation, to which the patient must resort, can lead to hemorrhoids, myocardial infarction, cardiac arrest. Immobility, especially when lying down, interferes with urination and can lead to bladder infections, bladder stones, and kidney stones.

And the main problem of the patient is that he cannot communicate with the environment, which has a significant impact on the formation of a person's personality. Depending on the degree and duration of the state of immobility, the patient may develop certain problems in the psychosocial sphere, the ability to learn, motivation, feelings and emotions change.

Nursing care aimed at the maximum possible restoration of mobility, independence when moving using crutches, sticks, prostheses, is of great importance for improving the patient's quality of life.

Sexual need. It does not stop even with illness or old age.

The sexual health of a person can be directly or indirectly affected by his disease, developmental defects. Nevertheless, many people are reluctant to talk about this topic even in the presence of serious sexual problems.

Solving actual or potential sexual problems can help the patient achieve harmony in all aspects of health.

It is necessary when talking with a patient:

    develop a solid scientific basis for understanding healthy sexuality and its most common disorders and dysfunctions;

    understand how a person's sexual orientation, culture, and religious beliefs affect sexuality;

    learn to identify problems that are beyond the competence of nursing, and recommend to the patient the help of an appropriate specialist.

The need for security. For most people, safety means reliability and convenience. Each of us needs shelter, clothing and someone who can help. The patient feels safe if the bed, wheelchair, wheelchair are fixed, the floor covering in the ward and in the corridor is dry and there are no foreign objects on it, the room is sufficiently lit at night; with poor eyesight, there are glasses. The person is dressed according to the weather, and the dwelling is warm enough, and if necessary, assistance will be provided to him. The patient must be sure that he is able not only to ensure his own safety, but also not to harm others. Avoid stressful situations.

Social needs- these are the needs for family, friends, their communication, approval, affection, love, etc.

People want to be loved and understood. Nobody wants to be abandoned, unloved and alone. If this happened, it means that the social needs of a person are not satisfied.

With severe illness, incapacity for work or in old age often arises vacuum, social contacts are broken. Unfortunately, in such cases, the need for communication is not satisfied, especially in the elderly, and lonely people. One should always keep in mind the social needs of a person, even in cases where he prefers not to talk about it.

Helping a patient to solve a social problem can significantly improve his quality of life.

The need for self-respect and respect. Communicating with people, we cannot be indifferent to the assessment of our success by others.

A person has a need for respect and self-respect. But for this it is necessary that work bring satisfaction to him, and rest be rich and interesting, the higher the level of socio-economic development of society, the more fully the needs for self-esteem are satisfied. Disabled and elderly patients lose this feeling, since they are no longer of interest to anyone, there is no one to rejoice in their success, and therefore they have no opportunity to satisfy their need for respect.

The need for self-expression is the highest level of human need. Satisfying their need for self-expression, each believes that he is doing better than others. For one, self-expression is writing a book, for another it is growing a garden, for a third it is raising children, and so on.

So, at each level of the hierarchy, the patient may have one or more unmet needs, the nurse, when drawing up a plan for caring for the patient, must help him realize at least some of them.

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