What is greed according to the text of Mogilev Money is a means of distributing material wealth according to work (USE in Russian). An example of an essay on the Unified State Examination in the Russian language based on the text of G.L. Mogilevskaya Oge examples from literature on the topic of greed


The answers to tasks 1–24 are a word, a phrase, a number or a sequence of words, numbers. Write your answer to the right of the task number without spaces, commas or other additional characters.

Read the text and do tasks 1-3.

(1) All marine animals depend directly or indirectly on plant plankton as the basis of the food chain, and plant plankton can only exist where sufficient sunlight penetrates the water column for photosynthesis. (2) Below this layer, life rapidly declines, as deep-sea organisms are entirely dependent on the remains of plants and animals coming from above. (3) ______ is enough to pollute only a small part of the top layer to kill all life in the ocean.


Which of the following sentences correctly conveys the MAIN information contained in the text?

1. Since plant plankton - the basis of the food chain of marine animals and deep-sea organisms - exists in the upper layer of water, it is enough to pollute only part of the upper layer for all life in the ocean to die.

2. The life of marine animals and deep-sea organisms in the ocean largely depends on plant plankton, which is found in the upper layer of water.

3. Pollution of only part of the deep layer of the ocean cannot lead to the death of all life in the ocean.

4. Pollution of only a part of the upper layer of water leads to the death of all life in the ocean, since it is in the upper layer of water that the basis of the food chain of marine animals and deep-sea organisms - plant plankton - exists.

5. Since deep-sea organisms depend on animals living on the surface of the ocean, life is concentrated only in its upper layers.


Which of the following words (combinations of words) should be in place of the gap in the third (3) sentence of the text? Write down this word (combination of words).

1. Despite this,

2. Therefore

3. Contrary to this,

4. Maybe

5. On the contrary,


Read the fragment of the dictionary entry, which gives the meaning of the word LIFE. Determine the meaning in which this word is used in the third (3) sentence of the text. Write down the number corresponding to this value in the given fragment of the dictionary entry.

LIFE, and, well.

1. The totality of phenomena occurring in organisms, a special form of the existence of matter. Origin of life on Earth. J. Universe. Laws of life.

2. The physiological existence of man, animal, all living things. J. plants. Risk your life. Save someone. and.

3. The time of such an existence from its inception to the end, as well as in some. his period. Short, long. At the beginning, at the end of life.

4. The activity of society and man in one or another of its manifestations. Public well. Family well. Spiritual well. Seething well.


In one of the words below, a mistake was made in setting the stress: the letter denoting the stressed vowel is highlighted INCORRECTLY. Write out this word.


In one of the sentences below, the underlined word is WRONGLY used. Correct the mistake and write the word correctly.

1. The flower beds and walkways on the site were originally created for decorative purposes, and FENCE them with a border means to destroy the effect of the decor that they create.

2. For many kilometers along the ocean coast, a narrow strip of SANDY beach stretched, to which exotic shrubs descended along the hillside, creating a shadow.

3. I learned gymnastics, in which a sharp INhale is performed when the entire body moves forward.

4. The right choice of car is the key to your safety.

5. The head of the department provided patients with a COMFORTABLE stay in the hospital.


In one of the words highlighted below, a mistake was made in the formation of the word form. Correct the mistake and write the word correctly.


YEAR 2000



Establish a correspondence between the sentences and the grammatical errors made in them: for each position of the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.

A) Preparing for a hike, a lot depends on the organizers. 1) incorrect use of the case form of a noun with a preposition
B) The biologist Malyshev made interesting observations, the results of which he outlined a few years later in his article "Topographic abilities of insects." 2) violation of the connection between the subject and the predicate
C) Thanks to the understanding of my parents and friends, I managed to overcome difficulties. 3) violation in the construction of a proposal with an inconsistent application
D) Andryushin remained for a long time on the terrace, admiring the dazzling flashes of lightning over the garden. 4) an error in constructing a sentence with homogeneous members
E) After the performance, the entire ensemble went down from the stage. 5) incorrect construction of a sentence with a participial turnover
6) violation in the construction of a sentence with participial turnover
7) incorrect construction of a sentence with indirect speech.

Write your answer in numbers without spaces or other characters.


Determine the word in which the unstressed checked vowel of the root is missing. Write out this word by inserting the missing letter.


zabl.. become


per. .odic



Determine the row in which the same letter is missing in both words in the prefix. Write these words out with the missing letter.

and .. walking, ra .. beat

pr.. old, pr.. nickname

pr..touched, pr..call

to..write, o..gave






cheap .. low


Write down the word in which the letter I is written in place of the gap.






Identify the sentence in which NOT with the word is spelled CONTINUOUSLY. Open the brackets and write out this word.

1. Rooks walked in the (NOT) YELLOWED rye.

2. In the house, (NOT) LOOKING at the evening coolness, it was stuffy.

3. Leaving, the father (NOT) CLOSED the windows, and the house became cool.

4. Sonya ran out into the street with her head (NOT) COVERED with a scarf.


Determine the sentence in which both underlined words are spelled ONE. Open the brackets and write out these two words.

1. (C) START ask who has seen this book. (PO) Apparently, no one except Seryozha could take it!

3. (B) DURING the whole morning, Kirill did not leave the feeling (AS) AS if the air was washed with spring water.

4. (AT) DALIE the slender sails of fishing boats rose, and they seemed pink, BECAUSE (THAT) they were illuminated by the setting sun.

5. Many ancient works that were rewritten (B) DURING the VIII-IX centuries were preserved (B) FLESH until recent years.


Indicate all the numbers in the place of which HN is written.

The term "herbarium" appeared in the 16th century to refer to arid (1) plants, collected (2) for a collection and intended (3) for scientific work on floristry, breeding.


Set up punctuation marks. Indicate the numbers of sentences in which you need to put ONE comma.

1. A good specialist is based on fundamental knowledge and is distinguished by the ability to find the right information and the ability to work hard.

2. For festive illumination, both electric garlands and lanterns were used.

3. At night the wind gets angry and knocks on the window.

4. In the thickets, corncrakes or some other birds cried plaintively all night.

5. Coastal grasses were warmed by damp heat and countless clouds of pale green moths hovered low above them.


The sun (1) bypassing the house (2) looked under the pines and fir trees (3) with its branches (4) shading the balcony.


Place punctuation marks: indicate all the numbers in the place of which commas should be in the sentences.

A.S. Pushkin called M.V. Lomonosov "our first university". All his scientific achievements M.V. Lomonosov (1) as you know (2) tried to put into practice. So (3) for example (4) he created the mosaic “Battle of Poltava”, having developed methods for grinding and casting smalt.


Place punctuation marks: indicate all the numbers in the place of which commas should be in the sentence.

Literary parody (1) whose main task (2) (3) is irony (4) has served as a means of controversy since the times of Lomonosov and Sumarokov.


Place punctuation marks: indicate all the numbers in the place of which commas should be in the sentence.

The minutes of waiting dragged on painfully long (1) and (2) when the shooters got close to eight (3) it already seemed to Sergeev (4) that he had spent an eternity on this bench.


Edit the sentence: correct the lexical error by excluding the extra word. Write out this word.

The heroes of the film are not similar to each other, what unites them together?

Read the text and complete tasks 21-26.

(1) Money is a means of distributing material goods according to work, and by no means the purpose of existence, not the basis of the prestige and influence of the individual.

(2) However, with all the subservience of its role, money is constantly present in our relationships, and issues related to money represent a wide field for the formation of such qualities as honesty, nobility, modesty, delicacy, commitment. (3) In addition, cultivating a correct view of the role of money is to instill in children their true meaning, to show their real place in a number of basic life values: knowledge, creative work, spiritual and intellectual communication. (4) Probably, this is why today parents are very concerned about the influence of the family on the attitude to material values, to money. (5) What should and what can the family do in order to prevent manifestations of petty-bourgeois self-interest, possessiveness, “materialism” in children? (6) What should and what can a family do so that children who grow up in material prosperity, surrounded by many good and beautiful things, do not find themselves in spiritual captivity?

(7) At first, no one in the family attached importance to the fact that little Alyonka, to the request: “Give me a toy,” invariably answered with a decisive refusal, energetically pressing a rattle or a rubber animal to her chest. (8) Soon Alyonka's character began to cause some concern: she began to constantly quarrel with children over toys.

(9) Condescending acquaintances delicately reassured worried parents: “Come on, it's a child! (10) Usual childish greed. (11) Don't worry.

(12) There is a dubious theory that classifies the so-called childish greed as a natural, almost mandatory age-related feature. (13) Indeed, many "little greedy" grow up as quite normal, even kind people. (14) Under the influence of upbringing and the environment, sometimes without a special parental "sight" in the emerging character, positive traits take over - kindness, generosity. (15) But this is not always the case. (16) Large greedy grow, as a rule, from small greedy.

(17) It was decided to declare war on Alyonina's greed - a bloodless and "nervous" war. (18) Yes, Alena had no bad examples before her eyes, in her loved ones she could not observe either pettiness or self-interest. (19) But, apparently, more illustrative examples of kindness and not joking, but serious explanations were needed.

(20) Now in the family they tried as often as possible to show each other signs of attention with gifts, and with Alena they often discussed the upcoming gift to relatives or friends. (21) They tried to make the girl see how loved ones easily, with pleasure give in to each other even what they wanted to take for themselves. (22) My grandmother bought a blouse, figured it out - and it fits in size, and it’s good for her face. (23) And in the evening she offered her daughter-in-law, to whom this blouse suited more. (24) Another time, my mother came in a new scarf, but put it on my grandmother's coat, saw how the scarf fits well, and gave it to my grandmother.

Text essay:

What is greed? Where does this quality come from? It is these questions that Galina Lvovna Mogilevskaya, a contemporary publicist and author of the popular brochure "Children and Money", discusses in her text.
The author asks the question: can money cause greed in a person? After all, this quality can manifest itself both in poor and in rich people who have good material wealth. G.L. Mogilevskaya tells the story of little Alena, who did not want to share toys. The girl's parents are at a loss as to where their, still very small, daughter has this bad human quality. A way out of the current situation was found. The scene that it is much better to share than to be greedy completely changed little Alyona, who subsequently "was no longer a greedy person."
Greed is a bad quality. A person should get rid of it, even better, replace it with kindness. In this we see the position of the author.
I fully share the opinion of the author. Such a quality as kindness should prevail in a person, but not greed.
Nikolai Vasilievich Gogol's poem "Dead Souls" comes to mind. Stepan Plyushkin is a kind of standard of greed and pettiness. N.V. Gogol himself wrote about this hero: "He walked every day through the streets of the village, looked under the bridges, under the crossbars, and everything that came across to him: an old sole, a woman's rag, an iron nail, an earthen pot, - everything dragged to him and put in a pile ... ".
There are many sayings about stinginess and human greed. D. Chaucer said: "Greed is the root of all evil." After all, it's true. How many cases do we know when people, because of greed, betrayed, or even killed, even their loved ones. It is no exception that wars also happen because of greed, because people do not want to share anything.
Thus, G.L. Mogilevskaya raised an eternal problem. As long as man exists, greed will exist. Unfortunately, people rarely get rid of this quality.

Text by G.L. Mogilev

1) Money is a means of distributing material wealth according to work, and by no means the purpose of existence, not the basis of the prestige and influence of the individual. (2) However, with all the subservience of its role, money is constantly present in our relationships, and issues related to money represent a wide field for the formation of such qualities as honesty, nobility, modesty, delicacy, commitment. (H) In addition, raising a correct view of the role of money is to instill in children their true meaning, to show their real place in a number of basic life values: knowledge, creative work, spiritual and intellectual communication. (4) Probably, this is why today parents are very concerned about the influence of the family on the attitude to material values, to money. (5) What should and what can the family do in order to prevent manifestations of petty-bourgeois self-interest, possessiveness, “materialism” in children? (6) What should and what can a family do so that children who grow up in material prosperity, surrounded by many good and beautiful things, do not find themselves in spiritual captivity?

(7) At first, no one in the family attached importance to the fact that little Alyonka, to the request: “Give me a toy,” invariably answered with a decisive refusal, energetically pressing a rattle or a rubber animal to her chest. (8) Soon Alyonka's character began to cause some concern: she began to constantly quarrel with children over toys. (9) Condescending acquaintances delicately reassured worried parents: “Come on, it's a child! (10) Ordinary childish greed. (11) Don't worry.

(12) There is a dubious theory that classifies the so-called childish greed as a natural, almost mandatory age-related feature. (13) Indeed, many "little greedy" grow up as quite normal, even kind people. (14) Under the influence of upbringing and the environment, sometimes without a special parental "sight" in the emerging character, positive traits take over - kindness, generosity. (15) But this is not always the case. (16) Large greedy grow, as a rule, from small greedy.

(17) It was decided to declare war on Alyonina's greed - a bloodless and "nervous" war. (18) Yes, Alena had no bad examples before her eyes, in her loved ones she could not observe either pettiness or self-interest. (19) But, apparently, more illustrative examples of kindness and not joking, but serious explanations were needed.

(20) Now in the family they tried as often as possible to show each other signs of attention with gifts, and with Alena they often discussed the upcoming gift to relatives or friends. (21) They tried to make the girl see how loved ones easily, with pleasure give in to each other even what they wanted to take for themselves. (22) My grandmother bought a blouse, figured it out - and it fits in size, and it’s good for her face. (23) And in the evening she offered her daughter-in-law, to whom this blouse suited more. (24) Another time, my mother came in a new scarf, but put it on my grandmother's coat, saw how the scarf fits well, and gave it to my grandmother.

(25) Maybe someone will scornfully respond: “Theatre!” (26) But what of the fact that the theater? (27) Where is it said that in family education "theatre" is a less worthy means than "lecture"? (28) It is important that the "play" has a noble content.

(29) Pretty soon it became clear: Alena ceased to be a "spectator". (30) She carried out into the yard even the most senior representatives of the puppet society and an elegant stroller with thick tires. (31) Even chocolate slices have already been divided automatically. (32) From a brand new embroidery kit, she readily “gave out” to her mother or grandmother a skein of thread of some special, scarce tone at that time. (ЗЗ) From its richest collection of shreds, it gave very valuable exhibits for decoration or repair.

(36) It has been noted more than once that in response to the question of sociologists and educators: “What qualities are you trying to instill in children?” - parents call courage, diligence, will, honesty, and much less often - kindness. (37) However, recently they began to remember kindness more often - about kindness, which opposes anger, coldness, cruelty. (38) But the word "kind" has another meaning: "non-greedy, generous." (39) The most ordinary and also very necessary meaning for life.

(According to G.L. Mogilevskaya *)

*Galina Lvovna Mogilevskaya is a modern publicist, author of the popular brochure "Children and Money".

By greed, I mean the uncontrollable desire to own as much as possible. Greed is a negative quality, it speaks of a person's selfishness, and sometimes of his cruelty. In addition, greed can cause unpleasant events.

For example, in V. Astafiev's story, the hunter's nephew is an impatient, unkind, greedy man who wants to get any prey as soon as possible. He gets upset when he finds out that the ducks have not arrived - “sour, barely trudging” (proposition 11), tries to shoot young hazel grouses (proposition 15), persuades

Uncle to allow him to shoot one "for trial" (preposition 20). The nephew, with his desires, emotions and behavior, causes a very hostile attitude of the reader.

How not to remember that because of her greed, Nastya, the heroine of the fairy tale, was almost in trouble by M. M. Prishvin’s “The Pantry of the Sun”. She was almost bitten by a snake, which the girl, keen on picking cranberries, noticed next to her literally at the last second.

Greed blinds a person, deprives the joy of life, so you need to destroy in yourself the slightest manifestations of this property of character.

In my opinion, greed is an irrepressible appetite, the desire to get everything at once. This human vice goes hand in hand with stupidity, impatience.

In the text I read, it is easy to recognize the hunter's nephew as a greedy person who, for the sake of boasting, can shoot only those "birds and animals" that "sit on the fly themselves" (proposition 7).

Greed so blinded and deafened the unfortunate hunter that he did not even notice the laughter in Vasily Vasilyevich's voice when he pointed out to him a hornet's nest instead of a hazel grouse (proposition 38).

Greedy man is really funny! An experienced hunter taught his nephew a lesson for a reason.

Greed is greed, insatiability. A greedy person always wants to get more and more, he is not ready to stop, even when his efforts are ridiculous and ugly.

Let us turn to the story of V. Astafiev for confirmation of this idea. The city dweller behaves really ugly. He tries to get even a small hazel grouse, despite the persuasion of his uncle (proposition 20, 22), and does not even notice that he is aiming not at a bird, but at a hornet's nest.

Such behavior causes nothing but condemnation and laughter.

As you can see, greed makes a person miserable, unpleasant. Being greedy is very ugly.

Essays on topics:

  1. We know that N.V. Gogol in very many works proved himself to be a talented master of satire, laughter in all his ...
  2. Analysis of the novel "An Ordinary Story" by Goncharova I. A. Readers first got acquainted with the writer's first novel from the pages of the March and April issues...
  3. They were written by I. S. Turgenev from 1847 to 1851. Published in the Sovremennik magazine. The Hunter's Notes is a series of hunter's stories...

Option No. 7520535

When completing tasks with a short answer, enter in the answer field the number that corresponds to the number of the correct answer, or a number, a word, a sequence of letters (words) or numbers. The answer should be written without spaces or any additional characters. The answers to tasks 1-26 are a number (number) or a word (several words), a sequence of numbers (numbers).

If the option is set by the teacher, you can enter or upload answers to the tasks with a detailed answer into the system. The teacher will see the results of the short answer assignments and will be able to grade the uploaded answers to the long answer assignments. The points given by the teacher will be displayed in your statistics. The volume of the essay is at least 150 words.

Version for printing and copying in MS Word

Indicate the numbers of sentences in which the MAIN information contained in the text is correctly conveyed. Write down the numbers of these sentences.

1) In order to choose the right profession, to fill one's existence with true meaning, a person needs to be in demand in society.

2) When choosing a profession, it is important to remember that work should be important not only for the person himself, but also for society, because this is what allows a person to feel in demand.

3) Each person, no matter how absorbed in everyday affairs and worries, should think about how his abilities were claimed by other people.

4) The decision on which path to take, which profession to choose, how to fill one's existence with true meaning, depends on the abilities of the person himself.

5) A person feels in demand in society only when his work matters not only for himself, but also for others, so it is important to choose the right profession.


Which of the following words or combinations of words should be in place of the gap in the 3rd sentence? You-pi-shi-te this word.

For example,

Despite this,

Only then

In this way,


Pro-chi-tai-te fragment of a word-var-noy article, in a swarm with the meaning of the word MEANING. Define-de-li-those meanings, in some way this word is used in the first (1) preposition of the text. You-write-shi-those figure, corresponding to-responding-to-th-th-ing of this meaning in the given fragment-men-those of the word-var-noy article.

MEANING, -and husband.

1. Content, essence, essence, meaning of something. Understand with. pro-is-ho-dya-shche-go. S. words, you-say-zy-va-nia.

2. Purpose, reasonable basis for something. There is no point in this step-ke. Life in-lu-chi-la new s.

3. In some co-che-ta-ni-yah: mind, mind-ness. Hello s. Act with meaning. It makes no sense(I don't see the point) in such a solution.


In which word is there a mistake in a hundred-new hit-re-niya: NOT-VERY-BUT you-de-le-on a letter, denoting-meaning shock vowel sound? You-pi-shi-te this word.




In one of the prepositions given below, NOT-VERY-NO mentions-required-le-but you-de-len-th word. Correct-those lek-si-che-skuyu mistake, after-bringing to you-de-len-no-th word pa-ro-nim. For-pi-shi-te in-do-swear word.

Str-ko-chut kuz-ne-chi-ki, NON-STER-PI-MY heat stands over the meadow.

For-me-tiv DANGER-Y-YOU look so-be-sed-no-ka, I’m on mi-well-that for-du-mal-sya.

On the first day, Ivan easily mastered the new musical instrument.

Mold is a ras-pro-strange MUSHROOM-NOE for-bo-le-va-nie of winter-my-se-vs.

Mrs-po-din Be-lu-ga never-ever from-ka-zy-val to his only NOT-IN-VIEW daughter.


In one of you-de-len-nyh words below, there is a mistake in the ob-ra-zo-va-ni form of the word. Fix the mistake and write the word right.

pair of socks


THREE-MEA-STA-MI dis-ka-mi

more HONEST in-step-drank

summer holidays

14.05. For-ying-from-me-not-but.


Establish a correspondence between grammatical errors and sentences in which they are made: for each position of the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.


A) violation in the construction of a sentence with participial turnover

B) violation of the species-temporal correlation of verb forms

C) violation in the construction of a sentence with an inconsistent application

D) violation of the connection between the subject and the predicate

D) incorrect use of the noun

1) In the April issues of the Novy Mir magazine, poems by a young talented poet were published.

2) Fructose is one of the substances obtained from berries and fruits.

3) Immediately upon arrival in Yuryevets, tourists will pay attention to the bell tower of St. George the Victorious.

4) The soldiers, who were fulfilling their duty to the Motherland, spent four days in the steppe without food and water.

5) Grandmother knits a scarf and gave it to her grandson.

6) This chamber hall, which is now used mainly for educational purposes, was called the White Hall until November 2007.

7) Everyone who has visited the Valley of Geysers understands why it is considered one of the wonders of the world.

8) Artistic speech, which is fundamentally different from official business and scientific speech, in a number of ways approaches journalistic speech.

9) The first who came to the polling station to vote were my neighbors, pensioners.

Write down the numbers in response, arranging them in the order corresponding to the letters:



Define-de-li-those word, in some-rum pro-pus-shche-on without-shock pro-ve-rya-e-may vowel of the root. You-pi-shi-te this word, inserting a missed letter.





vytv… rit


Find a row in which the same letter is missing in both words. Write these words out with the missing letter.

under..tozhit, dez..information;

pr .. verbose, pr .. brushed;

use..tishka, o..fight;

in .. singing, ra .. draw;

oh..sound, na..bite.


You-pi-shi-those word, in some rum in place of the miss-pus-ka-pi-shet-sya letter I.


just a moment .. wat




Write down the word in which the letter I is written in place of the gap.







Define-de-li-those pre-lo-zhe-nie, in some rum NOT with the word pi-shet-sya SLIT-BUT. Ras-cut-those brackets and you-pi-shi-te this word.

That heart (not) learns to love-beat, someone is tired of not-seeing.

In the hundred-ke appeared (not) you-so-kai, pre-ry-va-yu-shcha-I-sya only in one place an arc.

(Don’t) be a case-no-go wi-de-te-la, pro-is-she-action in the go-sti-ni-tse su-me-whether to hide.

(Not) looking at in-va-ra, Anna Pav-lov-na from-gave him a lot of things and again fixed her eyes on the way.

In the ka-bi-ne-te, Kir-sa-no-va was waiting for a man-lo-century, (not) in the same way-to call his name.


Define-de-li-those proposition, in some way both of you-de-len-words are pi-joking SLIT-BUT. Un-cut those brackets and you-pi-shi-those these two words.

You are wrong, (FOR) BECAUSE you can’t condemn a person-lo-ve-ka only (FOR) THAT you are more than once-de-la-e-those of his persuasion.

(BY) WHAT grandfather said, it was clear that he was before Vit-koy, and (FROM) THIS ho-ro-sho became-but-moose in his soul.

Slightly catchy-wi-my, (PO) VE-BLACK-NOT-MU soul-shi-thy smoke pulled FROM-KU-YES (THAT) in the cooling-va-yu-schema air-du-he.

The water in the za-li-ve from-whether-cha-is-sya through-you-tea-noe salinity, and SO (SAME) density, (FOR) THIS wave blows here a lot co-cru-shi-tel-nee than in the sea.

At night, fi-li-ns yell in boo-e-ra-ke, AS (IF) SOMEONE (NOT-BE) is being strangled once-bout-no-ki.


Indicate all the numbers in the place of which one letter H is written.

The morning was wind (1) th; during the night, the eye (2) glasses were covered with ice (3) patterns; it seemed that in a couple of days the whole district would be covered (4) with snow.


Arrange pre-pi-na-niya signs. Indicate two prepositions, in some you need to put ONE for the fifth. For-pi-shi-te no-me-ra of these pre-lo-same-ny.

1) I wanted to give my mother a birthday-de-niya shka-tul-ku or a hat or a silk muffler.

2) At night, under-mo-ra-zhi-va-lo and the stars mustache-and-wa-whether the sky.

3) At the Bird-whose market, one could both buy-to-drink like-viv-shu-yu-sya livestock and just love it.

4) Sparkle-well-la lightning and the forest for a few moments illuminated not-you-ra-zi-mo with a bright light half-nil-sya wonder-whether you-mi-nya-mi.

5) Ko-per-nick thought about Pto-le-me-e-howl si-ste-my of the world and ra-pityed about its complexity and art-stven-but -sti non-logic-no-sti and for-pu-tan-no-sti.


The old-rich-ki began to discuss-to-give the next event (1) signifi-can-but pursing lips (2) and (3) about- me-nyav-shis me-ni-i-mi (4) began to drink tea.


Arrange all not-to-hundred-th-signs of pre-pi-na-niya: indicate the number (s), in place of someone swarm (s) in the pre-lo-s-the-s should stand for the fifth (s).

River (1) ka-za-elk (2) will never wake up from hibernation (3) one-on-one (4) loud crackling from all sides (5) suddenly (6) voz-ve-steel o na-cha-le le-do-ho-da.


Place all punctuation marks: indicate the number(s) that should be replaced by a comma(s) in the sentence.

In the meantime, (1) the elderly owner (2) on whose face (3) was (4) true good nature written (5) with sincere concern asked me about the trip.


Arrange all the signs of pre-pi-na-niya: indicate the number (s), in place of someone swarm (s) in the pre-lo-s-the-s should stand for the fifth (s).

At the meeting of the sa-do-in-go, then-va-ri-shchi-stva go-vo-ri-whether about (1) what (2) if not for-me-thread electric-tri-che -sky pillars (3) then in winter the village can be left without light (4) and the old supports can collapse under the weight of snow.


Edit the sentence: correct the lexical error, excluding superfluous word. Write out this word.

Often works of art are autobiographical. It is known that, while creating the story "Flight to America", Alexander Grin wrote his autobiography.


Which of the statements correspond to the content of the text? Specify the answer numbers.

1) Discussing issues related to money can be used as a means of developing the best human qualities.

2) Greed is a common age-related feature that always goes away on its own as you get older.

3) Kindness and selflessness must be formed from childhood.

4) Kindness and disinterestedness can be brought up in a person if parents are interested in their child possessing these qualities.

5) Alena showed greed, because she saw bad examples of the manifestation of this quality.

(According to G. L. Mogilevskaya *)


Which of the following statements are true? Specify the answer numbers.

Enter the numbers in ascending order.

1) In sentences 1-3, reasoning is presented.

2) Sentence 13 confirms the content of sentence 12.

3) Sentences 17-19 contain a description.

4) Sentences 22-24 illustrate the content of sentence 21.

5) Sentences 38-39 present the narrative.

(1) Money is a means of distributing material goods according to work, and by no means the purpose of existence, not the basis of the prestige and influence of the individual. (2) However, with all the subservience of its role, money is constantly present in our relationships, and issues related to money represent a wide field for the formation of such qualities as honesty, nobility, modesty, delicacy, commitment. (H) In addition, raising a correct view of the role of money is to instill in children their true meaning, to show their real place in a number of basic life values: knowledge, creative work, spiritual and intellectual communication. (4) Probably, this is why today parents are very concerned about the influence of the family on the attitude to material values, to money. (5) What should and what can the family do in order to prevent manifestations of petty-bourgeois self-interest, possessiveness, “materialism” in children? (6) What should and what can a family do so that children who grow up in material prosperity, surrounded by many good and beautiful things, do not find themselves in spiritual captivity?

(7) At first, no one in the family attached importance to the fact that little Alyonka, to the request: “Give me a toy,” invariably answered with a decisive refusal, energetically pressing a rattle or a rubber animal to her chest. (8) Soon Alyonka's character began to cause some concern: she began to constantly quarrel with children over toys. (9) Condescending acquaintances delicately reassured worried parents: “Come on, it's a child! (10) Usual childish greed. (11) Don't worry.

(12) There is a dubious theory that classifies the so-called childish greed as a natural, almost mandatory age-related feature. (13) Indeed, many "little greedy" grow up as quite normal, even kind people. (14) Under the influence of upbringing and the environment, sometimes without a special parental "sight" in the emerging character, positive traits take over - kindness, generosity. (15) But this is not always the case. (16) Large greedy grow, as a rule, from small greedy.

(17) It was decided to declare war on Alyonina's greed - a bloodless and "nervous" war. (18) Yes, Alena had no bad examples before her eyes, in her loved ones she could not observe either pettiness or self-interest. (19) But, apparently, more illustrative examples of kindness and not joking, but serious explanations were needed.

(20) Now in the family they tried as often as possible to show each other signs of attention with gifts, and with Alena they often discussed the upcoming gift to relatives or friends. (21) They tried to make the girl see how loved ones easily, with pleasure give in to each other even what they wanted to take for themselves. (22) My grandmother bought a blouse, figured it out - and it fits in size, and it’s good for her face. (23) And in the evening she offered her daughter-in-law, to whom this blouse suited more. (24) Another time, my mother came in a new scarf, but put it on my grandmother's coat, saw how the scarf fits well, and gave it to my grandmother.

(25) Maybe someone will scornfully respond: “Theatre!”. (26) But what of the fact that the theater? (27) Where is it said that in family education "theater" is a less worthy means than "lecturions"? (28) It is important that the "play" has a noble content.

(29) Pretty soon it became clear: Alena ceased to be a “spectator”, (30) She took out into the yard even the most senior representatives of the puppet society and an elegant stroller with thick tires. (31) Even chocolate slices have already been divided automatically. (32) From a brand new embroidery kit, she readily “gave out” to her mother or grandmother a skein of thread of some special, scarce tone at that time. (ЗЗ) From her richest collection of shreds, she gave very valuable exhibits for decoration or repair.

(36) It has been noted more than once that in response to the question of sociologists and educators: “What qualities are you trying to instill in children?” - parents call courage, diligence, will, honesty and much less often - kindness. (37) However, recently they began to remember kindness more often - about kindness, which opposes anger, coldness, cruelty. (38) But the word "kind" has another meaning: "non-greedy, generous." (39) The most ordinary and also very necessary meaning for life.

(According to G. L. Mogilevskaya *)

* Galina Lvovna Mogilevskaya - a modern publicist, author of the popular brochure "Children and Money"


From sentence 14 write out the phraseological unit.

(1) Money is a means of distributing material goods according to work, and by no means the purpose of existence, not the basis of the prestige and influence of the individual. (2) However, with all the subservience of its role, money is constantly present in our relationships, and issues related to money represent a wide field for the formation of such qualities as honesty, nobility, modesty, delicacy, commitment. (H) In addition, raising a correct view of the role of money is to instill in children their true meaning, to show their real place in a number of basic life values: knowledge, creative work, spiritual and intellectual communication. (4) Probably, this is why today parents are very concerned about the influence of the family on the attitude to material values, to money. (5) What should and what can the family do in order to prevent manifestations of petty-bourgeois self-interest, possessiveness, “materialism” in children? (6) What should and what can a family do so that children who grow up in material prosperity, surrounded by many good and beautiful things, do not find themselves in spiritual captivity?

(7) At first, no one in the family attached importance to the fact that little Alyonka, to the request: “Give me a toy,” invariably answered with a decisive refusal, energetically pressing a rattle or a rubber animal to her chest. (8) Soon Alyonka's character began to cause some concern: she began to constantly quarrel with children over toys. (9) Condescending acquaintances delicately reassured worried parents: “Come on, it's a child! (10) Usual childish greed. (11) Don't worry.

(12) There is a dubious theory that classifies the so-called childish greed as a natural, almost mandatory age-related feature. (13) Indeed, many "little greedy" grow up as quite normal, even kind people. (14) Under the influence of upbringing and the environment, sometimes without a special parental "sight" in the emerging character, positive traits take over - kindness, generosity. (15) But this is not always the case. (16) Large greedy grow, as a rule, from small greedy.

(17) It was decided to declare war on Alyonina's greed - a bloodless and "nervous" war. (18) Yes, Alena had no bad examples before her eyes, in her loved ones she could not observe either pettiness or self-interest. (19) But, apparently, more illustrative examples of kindness and not joking, but serious explanations were needed.

(20) Now in the family they tried as often as possible to show each other signs of attention with gifts, and with Alena they often discussed the upcoming gift to relatives or friends. (21) They tried to make the girl see how loved ones easily, with pleasure give in to each other even what they wanted to take for themselves. (22) My grandmother bought a blouse, figured it out - and it fits in size, and it’s good for her face. (23) And in the evening she offered her daughter-in-law, to whom this blouse suited more. (24) Another time, my mother came in a new scarf, but put it on my grandmother's coat, saw how the scarf fits well, and gave it to my grandmother.

(25) Maybe someone will scornfully respond: “Theatre!”. (26) But what of the fact that the theater? (27) Where is it said that in family education "theater" is a less worthy means than "lecturions"? (28) It is important that the "play" has a noble content.

(29) Pretty soon it became clear: Alena ceased to be a “spectator”, (30) She took out into the yard even the most senior representatives of the puppet society and an elegant stroller with thick tires. (31) Even chocolate slices have already been divided automatically. (32) From a brand new embroidery kit, she readily “gave out” to her mother or grandmother a skein of thread of some special, scarce tone at that time. (ЗЗ) From her richest collection of shreds, she gave very valuable exhibits for decoration or repair.

(36) It has been noted more than once that in response to the question of sociologists and educators: “What qualities are you trying to instill in children?” - parents call courage, diligence, will, honesty and much less often - kindness. (37) However, recently they began to remember kindness more often - about kindness, which opposes anger, coldness, cruelty. (38) But the word "kind" has another meaning: "non-greedy, generous." (39) The most ordinary and also very necessary meaning for life.

(According to G. L. Mogilevskaya *)

* Galina Lvovna Mogilevskaya - a modern publicist, author of the popular brochure "Children and Money"


Among sentences 1-8, find one (s) that is (s) connected with the previous one with the help of a union and lexical repetition. Write the number(s) of this offer(s).

(1) Money is a means of distributing material goods according to work, and by no means the purpose of existence, not the basis of the prestige and influence of the individual. (2) However, with all the subservience of its role, money is constantly present in our relationships, and issues related to money represent a wide field for the formation of such qualities as honesty, nobility, modesty, delicacy, commitment. (H) In addition, raising a correct view of the role of money is to instill in children their true meaning, to show their real place in a number of basic life values: knowledge, creative work, spiritual and intellectual communication. (4) Probably, this is why today parents are very concerned about the influence of the family on the attitude to material values, to money. (5) What should and what can the family do in order to prevent manifestations of petty-bourgeois self-interest, possessiveness, “materialism” in children? (6) What should and what can a family do so that children who grow up in material prosperity, surrounded by many good and beautiful things, do not find themselves in spiritual captivity?

(7) At first, no one in the family attached importance to the fact that little Alyonka, to the request: “Give me a toy,” invariably answered with a decisive refusal, energetically pressing a rattle or a rubber animal to her chest. (8) Soon Alyonka's character began to cause some concern: she began to constantly quarrel with children over toys. (9) Condescending acquaintances delicately reassured worried parents: “Come on, it's a child! (10) Usual childish greed. (11) Don't worry.

(12) There is a dubious theory that classifies the so-called childish greed as a natural, almost mandatory age-related feature. (13) Indeed, many "little greedy" grow up as quite normal, even kind people. (14) Under the influence of upbringing and the environment, sometimes without a special parental "sight" in the emerging character, positive traits take over - kindness, generosity. (15) But this is not always the case. (16) Large greedy grow, as a rule, from small greedy.

(17) It was decided to declare war on Alyonina's greed - a bloodless and "nervous" war. (18) Yes, Alena had no bad examples before her eyes, in her loved ones she could not observe either pettiness or self-interest. (19) But, apparently, more illustrative examples of kindness and not joking, but serious explanations were needed.

(20) Now in the family they tried as often as possible to show each other signs of attention with gifts, and with Alena they often discussed the upcoming gift to relatives or friends. (21) They tried to make the girl see how loved ones easily, with pleasure give in to each other even what they wanted to take for themselves. (22) My grandmother bought a blouse, figured it out - and it fits in size, and it’s good for her face. (23) And in the evening she offered her daughter-in-law, to whom this blouse suited more. (24) Another time, my mother came in a new scarf, but put it on my grandmother's coat, saw how the scarf fits well, and gave it to my grandmother.

(25) Maybe someone will scornfully respond: “Theatre!”. (26) But what of the fact that the theater? (27) Where is it said that in family education "theater" is a less worthy means than "lecturions"? (28) It is important that the "play" has a noble content.

(29) Pretty soon it became clear: Alena ceased to be a “spectator”, (30) She took out into the yard even the most senior representatives of the puppet society and an elegant stroller with thick tires. (31) Even chocolate slices have already been divided automatically. (32) From a brand new embroidery kit, she readily “gave out” to her mother or grandmother a skein of thread of some special, scarce tone at that time. (ЗЗ) From her richest collection of shreds, she gave very valuable exhibits for decoration or repair.

(36) It has been noted more than once that in response to the question of sociologists and educators: “What qualities are you trying to instill in children?” - parents call courage, diligence, will, honesty and much less often - kindness. (37) However, recently they began to remember kindness more often - about kindness, which opposes anger, coldness, cruelty. (38) But the word "kind" has another meaning: "non-greedy, generous." (39) The most ordinary and also very necessary meaning for life.

(According to G. L. Mogilevskaya *)

* Galina Lvovna Mogilevskaya - a modern publicist, author of the popular brochure "Children and Money"

(1) Money is a means of ras-pre-de-le-niya ma-te-ri-al-nyh goods by labor, but by no means the goal of being-va-niya, not os-no-va pre-sti-zha and influence-I-tel-no-sti personal-no-sti.

(1) Money is a means of distributing material goods according to work, and by no means the purpose of existence, not the basis of the prestige and influence of the individual. (2) However, with all the subservience of its role, money is constantly present in our relationships, and issues related to money represent a wide field for the formation of such qualities as honesty, nobility, modesty, delicacy, commitment. (H) In addition, raising a correct view of the role of money is to instill in children their true meaning, to show their real place in a number of basic life values: knowledge, creative work, spiritual and intellectual communication. (4) Probably, this is why today parents are very concerned about the influence of the family on the attitude to material values, to money. (5) What should and what can the family do in order to prevent manifestations of petty-bourgeois self-interest, possessiveness, “materialism” in children? (6) What should and what can a family do so that children who grow up in material prosperity, surrounded by many good and beautiful things, do not find themselves in spiritual captivity?

(7) At first, no one in the family attached importance to the fact that little Alyonka, to the request: “Give me a toy,” invariably answered with a decisive refusal, energetically pressing a rattle or a rubber animal to her chest. (8) Soon Alyonka's character began to cause some concern: she began to constantly quarrel with children over toys. (9) Condescending acquaintances delicately reassured worried parents: “Come on, it's a child! (10) Usual childish greed. (11) Don't worry.

(12) There is a dubious theory that classifies the so-called childish greed as a natural, almost mandatory age-related feature. (13) Indeed, many "little greedy" grow up as quite normal, even kind people. (14) Under the influence of upbringing and the environment, sometimes without a special parental "sight" in the emerging character, positive traits take over - kindness, generosity. (15) But this is not always the case. (16) Large greedy grow, as a rule, from small greedy.

(17) It was decided to declare war on Alyonina's greed - a bloodless and "nervous" war. (18) Yes, Alena had no bad examples before her eyes, in her loved ones she could not observe either pettiness or self-interest. (19) But, apparently, more illustrative examples of kindness and not joking, but serious explanations were needed.

(20) Now in the family they tried as often as possible to show each other signs of attention with gifts, and with Alena they often discussed the upcoming gift to relatives or friends. (21) They tried to make the girl see how loved ones easily, with pleasure give in to each other even what they wanted to take for themselves. (22) My grandmother bought a blouse, figured it out - and it fits in size, and it’s good for her face. (23) And in the evening she offered her daughter-in-law, to whom this blouse suited more. (24) Another time, my mother came in a new scarf, but put it on my grandmother's coat, saw how the scarf fits well, and gave it to my grandmother.

(25) Maybe someone will scornfully respond: “Theatre!”. (26) But what of the fact that the theater? (27) Where is it said that in family education "theater" is a less worthy means than "lecturions"? (28) It is important that the "play" has a noble content.

(29) Pretty soon it became clear: Alena ceased to be a “spectator”, (30) She took out into the yard even the most senior representatives of the puppet society and an elegant stroller with thick tires. (31) Even chocolate slices have already been divided automatically. (32) From a brand new embroidery kit, she readily “gave out” to her mother or grandmother a skein of thread of some special, scarce tone at that time. (ЗЗ) From her richest collection of shreds, she gave very valuable exhibits for decoration or repair.

(36) It has been noted more than once that in response to the question of sociologists and educators: “What qualities are you trying to instill in children?” - parents call courage, diligence, will, honesty and much less often - kindness. (37) However, recently they began to remember kindness more often - about kindness, which opposes anger, coldness, cruelty. (38) But the word "kind" has another meaning: "non-greedy, generous." (39) The most ordinary and also very necessary meaning for life.

The volume of the essay is at least 150 words.

A work written without relying on the text read (not on this text) is not evaluated. If the essay is a paraphrase or a complete rewrite of the source text without any comments, then such work is evaluated with 0 points.

Write an essay carefully, legible handwriting.

(1) Money is a means of distributing material goods according to work, and by no means the purpose of existence, not the basis of the prestige and influence of the individual. (2) However, with all the subservience of its role, money is constantly present in our relationships, and issues related to money represent a wide field for the formation of such qualities as honesty, nobility, modesty, delicacy, commitment. (H) In addition, raising a correct view of the role of money is to instill in children their true meaning, to show their real place in a number of basic life values: knowledge, creative work, spiritual and intellectual communication. (4) Probably, this is why today parents are very concerned about the influence of the family on the attitude to material values, to money. (5) What should and what can the family do in order to prevent manifestations of petty-bourgeois self-interest, possessiveness, “materialism” in children? (6) What should and what can a family do so that children who grow up in material prosperity, surrounded by many good and beautiful things, do not find themselves in spiritual captivity?

(7) At first, no one in the family attached importance to the fact that little Alyonka, to the request: “Give me a toy,” invariably answered with a decisive refusal, energetically pressing a rattle or a rubber animal to her chest. (8) Soon Alyonka's character began to cause some concern: she began to constantly quarrel with children over toys. (9) Condescending acquaintances delicately reassured worried parents: “Come on, it's a child! (10) Usual childish greed. (11) Don't worry.

(12) There is a dubious theory that classifies the so-called childish greed as a natural, almost mandatory age-related feature. (13) Indeed, many "little greedy" grow up as quite normal, even kind people. (14) Under the influence of upbringing and the environment, sometimes without a special parental "sight" in the emerging character, positive traits take over - kindness, generosity. (15) But this is not always the case. (16) Large greedy grow, as a rule, from small greedy.

(17) It was decided to declare war on Alyonina's greed - a bloodless and "nervous" war. (18) Yes, Alena had no bad examples before her eyes, in her loved ones she could not observe either pettiness or self-interest. (19) But, apparently, more illustrative examples of kindness and not joking, but serious explanations were needed.

(20) Now in the family they tried as often as possible to show each other signs of attention with gifts, and with Alena they often discussed the upcoming gift to relatives or friends. (21) They tried to make the girl see how loved ones easily, with pleasure give in to each other even what they wanted to take for themselves. (22) My grandmother bought a blouse, figured it out - and it fits in size, and it’s good for her face. (23) And in the evening she offered her daughter-in-law, to whom this blouse suited more. (24) Another time, my mother came in a new scarf, but put it on my grandmother's coat, saw how the scarf fits well, and gave it to my grandmother.

(25) Maybe someone will scornfully respond: “Theatre!”. (26) But what of the fact that the theater? (27) Where is it said that in family education "theater" is a less worthy means than "lecturions"? (28) It is important that the "play" has a noble content.

(29) Pretty soon it became clear: Alena ceased to be a “spectator”, (30) She took out into the yard even the most senior representatives of the puppet society and an elegant stroller with thick tires. (31) Even chocolate slices have already been divided automatically. (32) From a brand new embroidery kit, she readily “gave out” to her mother or grandmother a skein of thread of some special, scarce tone at that time. (ЗЗ) From her richest collection of shreds, she gave very valuable exhibits for decoration or repair.

(36) It has been noted more than once that in response to the question of sociologists and educators: “What qualities are you trying to instill in children?” - parents call courage, diligence, will, honesty and much less often - kindness. (37) However, recently they began to remember kindness more often - about kindness, which opposes anger, coldness, cruelty. (38) But the word "kind" has another meaning: "non-greedy, generous." (39) The most ordinary and also very necessary meaning for life.

The modern publicist G.L. Mogilevskaya raises in her text the problem of educating the right attitude towards money.

The author considers the ability to explain and show children the real place of money among other life values ​​as one of the correct approaches in education. As one of the effective measures, the publicist calls "theater". Having noticed manifestations of greed in their daughter, the adults did not read her morals and notations, but by their example showed a personal attitude to material goods and values. Little Alenka, seeing the kindness and generosity of family members, is transformed. In the case described, it is not about money, but about what is acquired with it, but this does not change the essence: the correct assessment of material wealth is the key to education.

For example, a businessman Chichikov from Gogol's "Dead Souls" is typical for the present time. We know that in the early years the future character and habits of a person are formed. And what did Chichikov get in childhood? His father oriented his son to the fact that with money you can solve all problems and affairs. The protagonist of the poem followed his father's program daily and hourly. The words of the father: “the main thing is to take care of a penny, you can do anything with it, you will break through everything” so sunk into the soul of the child that he forgot that there is goodness and the ability to sacrifice one's own interests, he became selfish and hypocritical. Gogol showed how the Chichikovs lose their human appearance, and urges readers not to become like his hero, not to exaggerate the role of money.

An even darker, gold-obsessed personality was drawn by Balzac. His Gobsek has no friends, the power of money is above all for him. He maintains a relationship with only one person, whom he once told about how he rules over people. He does not know pity and sympathy. For him, hoarding is an end in itself. For the heroes of these works, the thirst for enrichment has become the meaning of existence, not giving them the happiness to live a full life.

The text offered to our attention helps to understand the importance of the problem raised by the author. It is impossible to allow a growing person to become a slave of things and money, therefore it is important to teach a child from childhood and educate the right attitude towards material values, including money. Money is needed for daily needs, assistance and development, but not for keeping in secluded places. Therefore, it is important that money become a symbol of kindness and mercy, mutual assistance, then every person will be happy.

The material was prepared by Larisa Gennadievna Dovgomelya

Source text:

1) Money is a means of distributing material wealth according to work, and by no means the purpose of existence, not the basis of the prestige and influence of the individual. a field for the formation of such qualities as honesty, nobility, modesty, delicacy, commitment. (H) In addition, raising a correct view of the role of money is to instill in children their true meaning, to show their real place in a number of basic life values: knowledge, creative work, spiritual and intellectual communication. (4) Probably, this is why today parents are very concerned about the influence of the family on the attitude to material values, to money. (5) What should and what can the family do in order to prevent manifestations of petty-bourgeois self-interest, possessiveness, “materialism” in children? (6) What should and what can a family do so that children who grow up in material prosperity, surrounded by many good and beautiful things, do not find themselves in spiritual captivity?

(7) At first, no one in the family attached importance to the fact that little Alyonka, to the request: “Give me a toy,” invariably answered with a decisive refusal, energetically pressing a rattle or a rubber animal to her chest. (8) Soon Alyonka's character began to cause some concern: she began to constantly quarrel with children over toys. (9) Condescending acquaintances delicately reassured worried parents: “Come on, it's a child!” (10) Ordinary childish greed. (11) Don't worry.

(12) There is a dubious theory that classifies the so-called childish greed as a natural, almost mandatory age-related feature. (13) Indeed, many "little greedy" grow up as quite normal, even kind people. (14) Under the influence of upbringing and the environment, sometimes without a special parental "sight" in the emerging character, positive traits take over - kindness, generosity. (15) But this is not always the case. (16) Large greedy grow, as a rule, from small greedy.

(17) It was decided to declare war on Alyonina's greed - a bloodless and "nervous" war. (18) Yes, Alena had no bad examples before her eyes, in her loved ones she could not observe either pettiness or self-interest. (19) But, apparently, more illustrative examples of kindness and not joking, but serious explanations were needed.

(20) Now in the family they tried as often as possible to show each other signs of attention with gifts, and with Alena they often discussed the upcoming gift to relatives or friends. (21) They tried to make the girl see how loved ones easily, with pleasure give in to each other even what they wanted to take for themselves. (23) And in the evening she offered her daughter-in-law, to whom this blouse suited more. (24) Another time, my mother came in a new scarf, but put it on my grandmother's coat, saw how the scarf fits well, and gave it to my grandmother.

(25) Maybe someone will scornfully respond: “Theatre!” (26) But what of the fact that the theater? (27) Where is it said that in family education "theatre" is a less worthy means than "lecture"? (28) It is important that the "play" has a noble content.

(29) Pretty soon it became clear: Alena ceased to be a "spectator". (30) She took out into the yard even the most senior representatives of the puppet society and an elegant stroller on thick tires. (31) Even chocolate slices have already been divided automatically. (32) From a brand new embroidery kit, she readily “gave out” to her mother or grandmother a skein of thread of some special, scarce tone at that time. (ЗЗ) From its richest collection of shreds, it gave very valuable exhibits for decoration or repair.

(36) It has been noted more than once that in response to the question of sociologists and educators: “What qualities are you trying to instill in children?” - parents call courage, diligence, will, honesty, and much less often - kindness. (37) However, recently they began to remember kindness more often - about kindness, which opposes anger, coldness, cruelty. (38) But the word "kind" has another meaning: "non-greedy, generous." (39) The most ordinary and also very necessary meaning for life.
(According to G.L. Mogilevskaya *)
*Galina Lvovna Mogilevskaya is a modern publicist, author of the popular brochure Children and Money.

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