What kind of correspondence does Buzova have with Nagiyev. New in the world


Recently, hackers have been increasingly hacking iCloud storage on celebrity phones. In 2014, personal photos of many Hollywood stars got onto the Web, after which the world learned how actress Jennifer Lawrence playfully shakes her breasts in front of her boyfriend, and Kirsten Dunst is photographed half-naked in the mirror. Russian celebrities also suffered: in early 2016, the public learned the details of the correspondence between TV presenter Ksenia Sobchak and her friends. The diva discussed her exes in it and made sarcastic comments about mutual acquaintances. So, a certain Polina Ksenia and her girlfriend in correspondence were called "a chopped off horse", "a rude, ugly, rude boorish woman with huge demands and claims." Also, several intimate selfies of Ksenia got into the Network, which, however, quickly disappeared from there.

This time it was the turn of another well-known TV presenter - Olga Buzova. Compromising evidence against her literally blew up the Russian Internet. Shortly before the correspondence hit the Internet, Buzova broke up with her husband, 29-year-old Lokomotiv football player Dmitry Tarasov. And while the fans of the star couple came up with “reconciling” flash mobs on social networks and wrote Buzova tons of words of support, hackers hacked into her phone and published a correspondence in which Buzova still calls her husband “scum” and asks an unknown person named Anton to write to her what he thinks about their breakup. Buzova also writes to Tarasov's mother, Olga, sending her a photo of Anastasia Kostenko, Vice-Miss Russia 2014, with whom Dmitry is credited with an affair, accompanying the image with the words: “Inhumans. Animals. God is your judge. To all of you. See you in court."


From a person recorded on the phone as “husband”, Buzova received an SMS with a warning “do not touch mom”:


And Olga's mother hints to her daughter that there is her fault in their separation from her husband. For example, he calls her "dirty."


However, the most discussed in this whole story were those screens that show Buzova's correspondence with the famous showman Dmitry Nagiyev. Olga complains to a friend about how bad she is, asks to come and even sends intimate photos. In response, Nagiyev complains that he is on tour, invites his girlfriend to “write and call” him and ... advises to engage in masturbation more often.


Some, however, do not believe the suffering of the star and believe that this whole story is nothing more than self-promotion. After all, somehow the “drain” of her correspondence coincided with the release of Buzova’s new song, which is called “To the Sound of Kisses” and tells about unhappy love.

  • Olga is 30 years old, four years of which she spent as a participant in the reality show "Dom-2".
  • In 2007, wax figures of Olga Buzova and Roman Tretyakov, the most popular members of Doma-2, appeared in the Moscow Wax Museum.
  • Olga has released four books, all about herself.

The high-profile divorce of Olga Buzova and Dmitry Tarasov seems to be taking place in the best traditions of the famous TV show, hosted by the now free Buzova herself.

The network literally blew up the news about compromising information on Olga, which was published after the star's phone was hacked. Particular attention of bloggers was attracted by intimate correspondence with Dmitry Nagiyev. In the chat, the TV presenter sent photos and videos of a very piquant nature to the famous handsome man.

Olga's colleagues on the Dom-2 project managed to make comments on what happened. Ksenia Borodina supported Buzova, while noting that all correspondence is nothing more than a joke.

“This is a good story for Olya, because she is a woman who is in the process of divorce, Olya is crying and sincerely worried about this. I support her and believe that nothing terrible happened. People will gossip for two weeks and forget about it, and those who did it, God be their judge. As for the story with Dmitry Nagiyev, I know that both Olya and Dima have a good sense of humor and there is definitely no love story in this. It's just laughter, they make fun and that's it, Dima always communicates in this form, ”Ksenia told Life.ru.

Alena Vodonaeva also shared her opinion with the portal: “Personally, I think that Olya did not particularly hurt what happened. This is also curious: in my opinion, this scandal worries the public more than Buzova herself. Still, Olya has been appearing on the air of the most popular TV channel almost every day for 12 years now, but what is there, we all have a different facet of personal and public, and we are better prepared than others for such upheavals. Of course, I am not a connoisseur of adult men, as everyone probably knows, but Nagiyev's popularity among women is absolutely clear to me. In general, Booz! Don't even think about getting upset! Do you hear? Come on in fact: now a good half of the female population of our country is jealous of you, because they dream of being at least in some kind of relationship with Dmitry Nagiyev. And even more so in such gentle and, judging by the correspondence, still friendly, like you have with him. Hold on, you'll survive! And they didn’t worry like that!”

Olga herself also did not stand aside: as it turned out, she does not know the details of what happened. “I do not comment on the illegal actions of people. That's what law enforcement agencies are for. I'm in Berlin right now for an exclusive interview with Michael Fassbender and Marion Cotillard in support of Assassin's Creed. I don't know what's going on there. They say that my correspondence and iCloud were hacked. It's mean. Cruel. I am a free woman for the 3rd month. That's all I can say right now. Sorry, I have no time - I need to work, ”the TV presenter said in a conversation with Life.ru.

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We just talked to Michael🔝 We laughed, joked and, I hope, I managed to get a good interview. I have been preparing for this for a long time 🙏🏻 And I am happy to talk about it today, and not about what, unfortunately, is interesting to many, due to the current situation... Michael Fassbender is an amazing actor and man. Nice to meet! Just saw the cool new movie "Assassin's Creed" with him and talked about this blockbuster. But I'm ready to watch again with you on January 5 😌👍🏻👌🏻🔝

The host of the infamous reality show "Dom-2" Ksenia Borodina reacted rather calmly to the publication of the intimate correspondence between Olga Buzova and Dmitry Nagiyev. Ksenia is sure that there is nothing between Olga and Dmitry.


“This is a good story for Olya, because she is a woman who is in the process of divorce, Olya is crying and sincerely worried about this. I support her and believe that nothing terrible has happened. People will gossip for two weeks and forget about it, and those who did it - God be their judge. As for the story with Dmitry Nagiyev, I know that both Olya and Dima have a good sense of humor and there is definitely no love story in this. It's just a laugh, they are kidding and that's it, Dima is always form communicates," said Borodina.

But a friend of Dmitry Tarasov, singer T-killah (real name Alexander Tarasov) turned out to be much more emotional. He said that he would not give a helping hand to Olga Buzova after she insulted Dmitry's mother Olga.

“To be honest, there is nothing shocking for me. After Aunt Olya, Dima’s mother, in tears, showed me the correspondence where Buzova calls her an animal and scoffs in every possible way, I realized that there is nothing sacred for this person. I hope now Buzova will stop fooling around people with their statements, their suffering look and crazy hashtags," Life.ru quotes the artist.

Photo posted by Olga Buzova (@buzova86) Dec 1, 2016 at 4:10 AM PST

Earlier, journalists published the personal correspondence of Olga Buzova. So, one of the subscribers, signed on the phone as "Dmitry Nagiev", invited the interlocutor to come to the "Voice" to see "how the master works."

Also, explaining the absence of meetings by extreme employment, the author of the messages gave advice on getting the girl out of depression and showered her with compliments. "I'm in St. Petersburg at night. Performances. And in Tver at the Fizruk. Send me photos, videos, everyone went. For now. Consider that I left the army. Sleep, walk, dro *** and. The motto of the next two weeks,” wrote the addressee under the name “Dmitry Nagiev”.

Recall that on November 29, Olga Buzova, host of the infamous television project Dom-2, filed an application with the Meshchansky registry office for divorce from football player Dmitry Tarasov.

A shocking sex compromising evidence on the host of the Dom-2 show, Olga Buzova, appeared on the network.
Correspondence, photographs and videos published by cybercriminals indicate that the 30-year-old blonde, after parting with her football player husband Tarasov, sought solace in the arms of the main sex symbol of the Russian television screen, Dmitry Nagiyev.
According to published data, Buzova asked Dmitry for a personal meeting in an intimate setting, recorded candid videos for him, and the host of the Voice show himself gave her valuable advice on how to relieve stress, namely: “Sleep, walk, masturbate”. "Life" publishes a sensational correspondence between two stars of the Russian screen.

Nagiyev made sure that the correspondence with Olga was not leaked to the press

To relieve stress, Dmitry offers Buzova to masturbate

To Buzova’s offer to fly to her in Marbella, Dmitry replied that he had a lot of work

It was about such pictures that the TV presenter asked Olya


Life contacted Dmitry Nagiyev, who spoke about his relationship with Olga Buzova and confirmed that he had corresponded with Dmitry Tarasov's wife.
“This is such a vile story that it’s just disgusting in my soul,” Nagiyev shared with Life. - It's disgusting that there are people who are interested in getting into their personal lives, a disgusting feeling. This does not apply to Olga Buzova, this applies to all life. A disgusting feeling of disgust and falling into the abyss. If someone is interested in watching, reading or listening to it, then this is all the internal muck of the person who is interested in it.
- Olga contacted you after the correspondence was published?
- We are not so close friends with Olga that she contacted me. Olga and I saw each other five times in our lives, and we are not connected by friendly relations, believe me. Regarding the correspondence, I think that everyone would have done the same, supported the person. But as for the video, they, fortunately or unfortunately, did not reach me, because it has the ability to be erased. As for support, I am ready to support her at any moment, because, as it seems to me, this is an intelligent and frank person.


Football player Dmitry Tarasov was shocked when he found out about Buzova's sex correspondence with Nagiyev, but at the same time admitted that he suspected his wife of infidelity.
- I think now I can officially be considered a free man. All my doubts were confirmed. We never managed to create a real family: I want children, but, unfortunately, this requires the desire of two people. And from her video I'm about ... (in deep shock), - the athlete admitted to "Life".

Buzova and Nagiyev correspondence and video without retouching photo life. All the personal secrets of the famous TV presenter Olga Buzova became public. This is the work of hackers who, according to preliminary data, hacked the star's phone. Along with the incredible success of her first solo track, the TV star is suffering a complete collapse in his personal life. The divorce was already on December 30, Olga Buzova filed an application with the capital's registry office, informvest.net reports.

The file contains correspondence with her mother, sister, husband and Dmitry Nagiyev, who became the “pillow” in which Olenka cried after breaking up with Tarasov. The TV presenter did not deny the fact that he corresponded with Buzova. On the shocking audio recordings that hit the Web, there is a lot of data about the reasons for the separation of the Tarabuzikov. In addition, it became known that Dmitry was cheating on Olga with Anastasia Kostenko.

Fans of the TV personality are excited by the news that their favorite phone was hacked by hackers. The network got candid photos and videos of the star. In addition, Olga Buzova's correspondence with all subscribers from her notebook became public. So many revelations at once: the fans are on fire.

Buzovoy's sex video shocked many of her fans, informvest.net notes. On the video, the TV personality, lifting the hem of her dress, gently runs her fingers along her genitals, while not being embarrassed. Olya is wearing a long floor-length dress, in which she was at one of her friends' parties just the other day.

It is noteworthy that at the time of this correspondence, Olga Buzova was still officially married to football player Dmitry Tarasov: divorce papers were filed only on December 2.

Buzova and Nagiev correspondence and video without retouching photo life

Olga Buzova poured out her soul to Dmitry Nagiyev. Now Olga is the envy of all the girls, because she had a chance to communicate with the main alpha male. In their correspondence there were intimate conversations in which the TV presenter supported and advised Olga on what to do in this or that situation.

It is worth noting that Dmitry Nagiyev did not deny this fact and confirmed that he corresponded with Olga. He said that "this nasty story, from which disgusting soul."

Intimate correspondence Buzova and Nagieva life

Buzova - “I arrived at the hotel, got drunk, tried to do what you asked me to do, but it didn’t work out .. I don’t want myself.”

Nagiyev - "Everything is in your head, don't get drunk, but drink."

Buzova - “I want to return myself, I want to feel that they want me! I want to feel that I am a woman!

Nagiyev - “I will always be there. You can send me different pictures where you are naked, dressed. I'm not you, I won't show anyone."

Buzova - "I will!".

Buzova and Nagiev correspondence and video without retouching photo life

This is the correspondence conducted by Dmitry and Olga. There is nothing wrong with the fact that the TV presenter wanted to support Buzova, no. However, it caused a shocking reaction from fans of the TNT star.

Dmitry Tarasov responded to the message about the correspondence and video of his wife: "I'm in shock!". He stated that he always wanted children, but his desire was never mutual, notes informvest.net. Meanwhile, in another correspondence, Buzova characterizes her husband not entirely positively.

Turning to a man named Anton, and that is the name of the permanent assistant and PR director Olga Buzova, the girl asks him for support and advice, tells that she has lost self-confidence and curses what the world is worth a man named Tarasov.

"Anton, Anton, Anton, he's scum, he's not a person. Look at this scum. You can explain to me, like a man, what the fuck he's doing. Record me a voice. Please. Write down at least something, your thoughts at all.

In a response audio message, probably recorded by the same Anton Bogoslavsky, Olga Buzova's press secretary, words of support she needs so much come.

“He is injured, not in the national team, not in the team. Well, yes, with a contract, but we have already discussed this with you, it can be canceled. And part of this contract is one hundred percent your merit. Lokomotiv fans love you, respect you. I started this is a message from the fact that you are fucking, he is now completely losing everything. After a while, he will understand this. You are Olga Buzova. You are a household name. You are the most fucking chick."

Buzova and Nagiyev correspondence and video without retouching photo life. Along with messages in which there were family squabbles and experiences, in the materials posted by "well-wishers" you can find photographs and shocking videos of a personal nature, in which a girl, like two drops of water similar to Olga Buzova, demonstrates her intimate parts of the body - sometimes letting T-shirt, then lifting up the dress, showing the genitals to the camera. On the provocative video - a brown-haired woman with bracelets and a pendant, like a TV presenter, and in a coral-purple dress - exactly the same Buzova flaunted on her friends' anniversary. That same holiday, at which Olga's soul almost screamed from the stage: "If my memory serves me, and lately not only my memory has been cheating on me."

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