What is the Protestant faith? Why don't Protestants make the signs of the cross? Features of the teachings of Protestantism


This is one of the three main directions in Christianity (the other two are Orthodoxy and Catholicism). Protestants have the main authority - the Bible, everyone can understand, interpret it and communicate directly with God. To save the soul, Protestants are sure, not so much good deeds are needed as.

They have no clergy (only preachers) and monasticism. The ritual of worship is simplified to sermons and joint singing. The number of church holidays is reduced to a minimum. Protestants abandoned the veneration of icons, saints, relics, prayers for the dead and the remission of sins. They deny (or recognize only baptism and communion), do without the external attributes of the service - candles, bells, special decoration of the temple.

Why don't Protestants want to be called sectarians?

The main reason is that in Russia any groups that broke away from official Orthodoxy have long been called so. Their rights were infringed in every possible way, they were persecuted, they tried to discredit them. The same was true in Soviet times. As a result, the word "sect" acquired a clear negative connotation, became a "black mark". Who would then want to be called a sectarian?

Many religious organizations have existed for a hundred or two hundred years and include tens of thousands of supporters. They are open to society, actively participate in its life and generally have a positive impact on people. It is hardly correct to label them as "sectarians". In the West, such groups are called "denominations", but this term has not yet taken root in our country.

Well, Christianity was also a dangerous sect in the eyes of the Jews and Romans. A group of supporters of the Prophet Muhammad fled with him to another city from ridicule and persecution. And now these are world religions!

Why did Protestantism appear?

By the end of the 15th century, the Catholic Church was in complete decline. It is mired in corruption and morally decomposed from top to bottom. Absolution of any sins was freely sold. It used to be that two popes occupied the highest throne, and each proved that he was “real”. The church did not differ from other feudal lords: it only aspired to wealth, fame, pleasures, and for this it intrigued, fought, killed and robbed.

In the meantime, society was changing, its structure, economy, human values. The printing press made the Bible accessible. Europe was shaken by wars and uprisings. The new time also needed a new faith.

People, sincere believers, saw a way out in returning to the origins of faith, cleansing it from distortions and fundamentally reforming the church. This found support: among the disenfranchised peasants, among the rulers, who sought to strengthen their power and independence from the papal throne; among enlightened people and the emerging bourgeois stratum. As a result, a new direction separated from Christianity - Protestantism.

Who are the Huguenots?

In the XVI-XVII centuries, the so-called French Protestants. In France, where positions were traditionally strong, the struggle between these two branches of Christianity turned into a series of eight (!) civil wars with huge casualties.

Suffice it to recall Bartholomew's Night - the massacre of thousands of Huguenots. (Even Ivan the Terrible condemned the massacre). Religion was then closely intertwined with politics - there was a struggle for the royal throne.

Later, the opposition became less acute, but the oppression of the Protestants was repeated again and again. They received equal rights with all the people only after the French Revolution (1789).

Why are there so many different groups of Protestants - Adventists, Charismatics and others? God is one...

God is one, but people are different. What is acceptable to some seems foreign and strange to others. The peoples are also very different - each has its own history, culture. Lutheranism, which arose in Germany, took root on its soil in Scandinavia. But the British have always considered themselves in everything separated from the rest of Europe. It is not surprising that they have their own church - Anglican.

In the former Protestant branches, not all people find the basis for their faith. Some believe that only adults should be baptized. Others do not recognize the immortality of the soul. Still others find it impossible to take up arms. And since there are talented leaders, people who are inclined to agree and obey, it is not surprising that more and more branches of Protestantism are appearing. Now there are more than 30 thousand of them in the world.

Were there Protestants in Orthodoxy?

Of course, there were and are. After all, everywhere and always there are enough people who are dissatisfied with life, the church, and yearn for a renewal of faith. The first Protestants to grow up on Russian soil were the Stundists in the second half of the 19th century. They continued to go to Orthodox churches, observed traditional rites, but gathered to study and discuss the Bible.

Later, other church "dissidents" appeared - Molokans, Dukhobors, Khlysty, spirit-lifers, eunuchs, Malevantsy, Subbotniks and others. The majority looked for new interpretations of the Bible, emphasized strict adherence to its commandments, and did not recognize complex Orthodox rituals. Although instead of them, others were sometimes invented, simpler.

For example, the peasant-founder of the sect of jumpers in his own way understood the words of the church song “sprinkle me with hyssop” and introduced a rite of ... sniffing at each other for “cleansing”. And hyssop is a fragrant plant, like mint.

The very word "Protestantism" comes from the Latin "protestans", which translates as "public proof". This Christian creed is famous for its liberality. According to its ideologists, a person should seek the meaning of one's existence not only in prayers, but also in serving the world around- and do it in the way he sees fit.

The history of the split

The Protestant movement began to sprout in XVIcentury during reformation of the catholic church. The first ideologists of Protestantism considered that Catholicism pays too much attention to the observance of dogmas, while forgetting about living original spirit of Christianity. In 1517, Martin Luther nailed papers to the church door. theses, in which condemned the sale of indulgences and called reform the church charter. This gave impetus to the formation of the Protestant movement in Europe.

Today, within Protestantism, there is many independent streams from Lutheranism to Calvinism. Some of these currents moved far enough away from the classical biblical heritage. Due to the diversity of existing branches today, Protestantism plays a large role in ecumenism movement. At present, Protestantism has become most widespread in Scandinavian countries, England, Germany, USA.

Don't make religion a cult

To date, within the Protestant organization there is no single central authority. According to Protestants, a complex bureaucratic system serves not religious purposes, but worldly ones. Therefore, you should try as much as possible "cultivate your garden" and avoid building a complex intrasystem hierarchy.

Within Protestantism Worship has been greatly simplified compared with the same Catholicism: it is characterized deliberate simplicity of services. Protestant prayer houses no decor, there no statues or decorations. This kind of house can be considered any building in which the congregation and the priest come to pray. Worship is built around sermons, prayers, and hymns. Prayers are usually read on local national languages.

Just believe

Protestants, like Catholics, believe in the trinity. Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. True, the quantity sacred ordinances in Protestantism is limited to only two - baptism and communion. It is important that the sacrament of baptism is performed in relation to a Protestant when they reach adulthood- so that he can be aware of the step he is taking. The main source of doctrine is considered Holy Bible which every believer can interpret as it sees fit.

In Protestantism there is no cult of the Virgin, and no pronounced worship of icons and saints. At the same time, saints are considered wise teachers whose example every good Protestant would do well to follow. Clergy and laity are not so strongly separated from each other - probably, it is precisely with this that the rejection of monasticism among Protestants is connected. Various rituals, be it marriage or confession, Protestants believe just a rite- after all, first of all, the meaning that each individual believer puts into them is important.

Man does not need an intermediary between him and God This is the fundamental idea of ​​Protestantism. Martin Luther once wrote: God cannot and does not want to allow anyone to dominate the soul, except for himself. " Perhaps that is why Protestantism has become so widespread - after all, each of us wants our thoughts and prayers from our mouths poured immediately into God's ears.

Who are Protestants

Do you know who the Protestants are and what they fought against? Are you sure that Protestants, Orthodox and Catholics have nothing in common? Are you wondering what Protestants believe? Then read on.


There is a misconception that a church is an architectural structure. In fact, the word "church" (from the Greek ecclesia) means "an assembly of people." Therefore, a church is a gathering of people who believe in Jesus Christ, and a temple is a building where the church meets.


In terms of the number of followers, Christianity is the largest religion in the world. According to research, adherents of Christianity make up 33% of the world's population.

Slightly more than half of all Christians (more than 1.2 billion) are Catholics. The second (in terms of the number of believers) direction of Christianity is Protestantism. Currently, there are about 800 million Protestants in the world. The third major direction within Christianity unites Orthodox believers and has about 314 million of its adherents.


A confession (from Latin Confession - confession) is a feature of a religion within a certain religious doctrine, as well as an association of believers who adhere to this religion. Confessions are different branches of Christianity, united in the main dogmas, but differing in the details of the doctrine and the form of worship. Protestantism is one of the three, along with Catholicism and Orthodoxy, the main confessions of Christianity, which is a collection of independent churches, church unions and denominations.


On October 31, 1517, in the city of Wittenberg (Germany), priest Martin Luther nailed 95 theses to the gates of the local temple in protest against the violations of the biblical commandments by the Catholic Church of that time. This event marked the beginning of the movement for the Reformation of the Church, called "Protestantism", which (from the Latin - protestans) means "publicly proving."

Protestantism did not try to reform Catholicism from the inside, a new movement broke away from this Church and was defined as the Reformation (from Latin reformayio - "restoration in its original form"). The Protestants of the Reformation considered themselves not so much innovators who carry a new teaching, but rather adherents of ancient traditions, rediscovering ancient truths that had been lost over the centuries of the Middle Ages.


The Protestant creed was based on five theses, formed during the Reformation and received “Five “only”” (translated from Latin - Quinque sola):

1. Sola Scriptura - "Only the Bible."
The only and absolute rule and standard by which all dogmas and all teachers must be judged is only the prophetic and apostolic Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments.

2. Sola fide - "Only by faith."
Justification can only be faith, regardless of the performance of good deeds and any outward sacraments.

3. Sola gratia - "Only by grace."
A person cannot merit salvation or participate in any way in my salvation. Salvation is a good gift from God to man.

4. Solus Christus - "Only Christ."
Christ is the only mediator between God and man, and salvation is possible only through faith in Him.

5. Soli Deo Gloria - "Glory to God alone."
A person should honor and worship only God, since salvation is granted only through His will and actions.


Protestant prayer houses are usually free from lavish decoration, images and statues. Any building that is rented can serve as a church building. Protestant worship is centered on preaching, prayer, the singing of psalms and hymns, and the sacrament.

The Protestant movement is successfully developing all over the world to this day. In 92 countries of the world, Protestantism is the largest direction of Christianity, including, in 49 countries, Protestants make up the majority of the population. And countries professing Protestantism are economically and culturally developed.

What is Protestantism? This is one of the three branches of Christianity, a collection of independent churches and denominations. The history of Protestantism dates back to the 16th century, in the era of a broad religious and socio-political movement called the "Reformation", which in Latin means "correction", "transformation", "transformation".


In the Middle Ages in Western Europe, the church ruled everything. And it's Catholic. What is Protestantism? This is a religious social phenomenon that arose in the first half of the 16th century as an opposition to the Roman Catholic Church.

In October 1517, Martin Luther posted on the door of the Wittenberg Castle Church the provisions he formulated, which were based on a protest against the abuses of the church. This document in history was called "95 theses", and its appearance marked the beginning of an important religious movement. Protestantism developed within the framework of the Reformation. In 1648, the Peace of Westphalia was signed, according to which religion finally ceased to play an important role in European politics.

Supporters of the Reformation believed that the Catholic Church had long and far departed from the original Christian principles. Certainly they were right. Suffice it to recall the sale of indulgences. In order to understand what Protestantism is, you should familiarize yourself with the biography and activities of Martin Luther. This man was the leader of the religious revolution that took place in Western Europe in the 16th century.

Martin Luther

This man was the first to translate the Bible from Latin into German. He is considered one of the founders of Hochdeutsch, the literary German language. Martin Luther was born into a family of a former peasant who once left for a big city, where he worked in copper mines, and then became a wealthy burgher. The future public and religious figure had a good inheritance, in addition, he received a good education for those times.

Martin Luther had a master's degree in liberal arts and studied law. However, in 1505, against the will of his father, he took a monastic vow. After receiving a doctorate in theology, Luther launched a wide opposition activity. Every year he felt more and more acutely his weakness in relation to God. Having visited Rome in 1511, he was stunned by the depravity of the Roman Catholic clergy. Luther soon became the main opponent of the established church. He formulated the "95 theses", which were directed primarily against the sale of indulgences.

Luther was immediately condemned and, according to the traditions of the time, called a heretic. But he, as far as possible, did not pay attention to the attacks and continued his work. In the early twenties, Luther began to translate the Bible. He actively preached, called for the renewal of the church.

Martin Luther believed that the church is not an obligatory mediator between God and man. The only way to save the soul, in his opinion, is faith. He rejected all decrees and messages. The main source of Christian truths considered the Bible. One of the directions of Protestantism is named after Martin Luther, the essence of which is the rejection of the dominant role of the church in human life.

Term meaning

The essence of Protestantism was originally the rejection of Catholic dogmas. This term itself is translated from Latin as "disagreement", "objection". After Luther formulated his theses, the persecution of his supporters began. Speyer protest - a document that was filed in defense of the adherents of the Reformation. Hence the name of the new trend in Christianity.

Fundamentals of Protestantism

The history of this Christian direction begins precisely with Martin Luther, who believed that a person is able to find a way to God even without a church. Basic truths are found in the Bible. This, perhaps, is the philosophy of Protestantism. At one time, of course, its foundations were stated quite extensively, and in Latin. The Reformers formulated the principles of Protestant theology as follows:

  • Sola Scriptura.
  • Sola fide.
  • Sola gratia.
  • Solus Christus.
  • Sοli Deο glοria.

Translated into Russian, these words sound something like this: "only Scripture, faith, grace, Christ." The Protestants formulated five theses in Latin. The proclamation of these postulates was the result of the struggle against Catholic dogmas. In the Lutheran version, there are only three theses. Let us consider in more detail the classical ideas of Protestantism.

Only Scripture

The only source of God's word for a believer is the Bible. In it, and in it alone, are the basic Christian doctrines. The Bible does not require interpretation. Calvinists, Lutherans, Anglicans, to varying degrees, did not accept the old traditions. However, they all denied the authority of the Pope, indulgences, salvation for good deeds, and the veneration of relics.

What is the difference between Protestantism and Orthodoxy? There are many differences between these Christian denominations. One of them is in relation to the saints. Protestants, with the exception of Lutherans, do not recognize them. The veneration of saints plays an important role in the life of Orthodox Christians.

Only by faith

According to Protestant teaching, a person can be saved from sin only with the help of faith. Catholics believed that it was enough just to obtain an indulgence. However, that was a long time ago, in the Middle Ages. Today, many Christians believe that salvation from sin comes after doing good deeds, which, according to Protestants, are the inevitable fruits of faith, evidence of forgiveness.

So, one of the five doctrines is Sola fide. Translated into Russian, it means "only by faith." Catholics believe that forgiveness comes from good deeds. Protestants do not devalue good deeds. However, the main thing for them is still faith.

Only by grace

One of the key concepts of Christian theology is grace. It comes, according to Protestant doctrine, as an unmerited favor. The only subject of grace is God. It is always valid, even if the person does not take any action. People cannot earn grace by their actions.

Only Christ

The Church is not a link between man and God. The only mediator is Christ. However, Lutherans honor the memory of the Virgin Mary and other saints. Protestantism abolished the church hierarchy. A baptized person has the right to preach, to perform worship without the clergy.

Confession is not as important in Protestantism as it is in Catholicism and Orthodoxy. The absolution of sins by the clergy is completely absent. However, repentance directly before God plays an essential role in the life of Protestants. As for the monasteries, they completely reject them.

Glory to God only

One of the commandments says "Do not make yourself an idol." Protestants rely on it, arguing that a person should only bow before God. Salvation is granted exclusively through his will. Reformists believe that any human being, including a saint, canonized by the church, is unworthy of glory and reverence.

There are several branches of Protestantism. The main ones are Lutheranism, Anglicanism, Calvinism. It is worth talking about the founder of the latter.

Jean Calvin

The French theologian, a follower of the Reformation, took tonsure as a child. He studied at universities where many Lutherans studied. After the conflict between Protestants and Catholics in France escalated significantly, he left for Switzerland. Here the teachings of Calvin gained wide popularity. He also promoted Protestantism in his homeland, France, where the number of Huguenots was growing rapidly. The center of the Reformation was the city of La Rochelle.


So, John Calvin became the founder of Protestantism in the French-speaking area. However, he promoted Reformed theories more in Switzerland. The attempt of the Huguenots, the same Calvinists, to gain a foothold in his homeland, did not have much success. In 1560, they made up about 10% of the total population of France. But in the second half of the 16th century, the Huguenot wars broke out. During the St. Bartholomew's night, about three thousand Calvinists were destroyed. Nevertheless, the Huguenots achieved some concessions, which they succeeded thanks to the Edict of Nantes, a law that granted religious rights to French Protestants.

Calvinism also penetrated the countries of Eastern Europe, but did not take a leading position here. The influence of Protestantism was quite strong in Holland. In 1571, the Calvinists firmly entrenched themselves in this state and formed the Netherlands Reformed Church.


The religious base of the followers of this Protestant movement was approved as early as the sixteenth century. The main feature of the Anglican Church is absolute loyalty to the throne. According to one of the founders of the doctrine, an atheist is a threat to morality. Catholic - for the state. Today Anglicanism is professed by about seventy million people, of whom more than a third live in England.

Protestantism in Russia

The first adherents of the Reformation appeared on the territory of Russia in the sixteenth century. At first, these were Protestant communities founded by master merchants from Western Europe. In 1524, a peace treaty was concluded between Sweden and the Grand Duchy of Moscow, after which the followers of Martin Luther poured into the country. These were not only merchants, but also artists, pharmacists, artisans.

Already, in the reign of Ivan IV, physicians and jewelers also appeared in Moscow. Many arrived from European countries by invitation, as representatives of social professions. Even more foreigners appeared during the time of Peter the Great, who actively invited highly qualified specialists from Protestant countries. Many of them later became part of the Russian nobility.

According to the Treaty of Nishtad, concluded in 1721, Sweden ceded to Russia the territories of Estonia, Livonia, and Ingermanland. The inhabitants of the annexed lands were guaranteed freedom of religion. This was stated in one of the clauses of the contract.

Foreigners appeared on the territory of Russia in another way, less peaceful. Especially many Protestants were among the prisoners of war, in particular, after the Livonian War, which ended in 1582. At the end of the 17th century, two Lutheran churches appeared in Moscow. Churches were also built in Arkhangelsk, Astrakhan. During the 18th century, several Protestant communities formed in St. Petersburg. Among them are three German or Italian, one Dutch Reformed. In 1832, the charter of Protestant churches on the territory of the Russian Empire was approved.

Large Protestant communities also appeared in Ukraine during the 19th century. Their representatives were, as a rule, descendants of German colonists. In the middle of the 19th century, a community of Stundists was formed in one of the Ukrainian villages, which at the end of the sixties consisted of more than thirty families. The Stundists first visited the Orthodox Church, turned to the shepherd for marriage in order to have children. However, persecution soon began, which was accompanied by the confiscation of literature. Then there was a break with Orthodoxy.


What are the main features of Protestantism? But there are still external differences between this Christian trend and Catholicism, Orthodoxy. What is Protestantism? This is the doctrine that the main source of truth in the life of a believer is the Holy Scriptures. Protestants do not practice prayer for the dead. Saints are treated differently. Some people revere them. Others reject it completely. Protestant churches are free from lavish decoration. They don't have icons. Any building can serve as a church building. Protestant worship consists of prayer, sermon, psalm singing and communion.

Let's start with the fact that the word PROTESTANTISM comes from the Latin word protestatio - solemn declaration, proclamation, assurance; protest, objection, disagreement.

In a number of world religions, Protestantism can be briefly described as one of the three, along with Catholicism and Orthodoxy, the main directions of Christianity, which is a combination of numerous and independent Churches and denominations. In more detail, we need to dwell on the question: who are Protestants from the point of view of theology?

A lot can be said here. And we must start with what Protestants consider the basis of their faith. This is, first of all, the Bible - the Books of Holy Scripture. It is the infallible written Word of God. It is uniquely, verbally and completely, inspired by the Holy Spirit and unmistakably recorded in the original manuscripts. The Bible is the supreme and final authority on all matters it touches upon.

In addition to the Bible, Protestants recognize the creeds generally accepted for all Christians:

Protestant theology does not contradict the theological decisions of the Ecumenical Councils. The whole world knows the famous five theses of Protestantism:

1. Sola Scriptura - "Only Scripture"

“We believe, teach and confess that the only and absolute rule and standard according to which all dogmas and all teachers should be judged are only the prophetic and apostolic Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments”

2. Sola fide - "Only by faith"

This is the doctrine of justification by faith alone, regardless of the performance of good works and any external sacraments. Protestants do not discount good works; but they deny their significance as a source or condition for the salvation of the soul, considering them to be the inevitable fruits of faith and evidence of forgiveness.

3. Sola gratia - "Only by grace"

This is the doctrine that salvation is grace, i.e. good gift from God to man. Man cannot merit salvation or participate in any way in his salvation. Although man accepts God's salvation by faith, all glory for man's salvation is to be given to God alone.

The Bible says: “For by grace you have been saved through faith, and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God: not by works, so that no one can boast” (Eph. 2:8,9).

4. Solus Christus - "Only Christ"

From the point of view of Protestants, Christ is the only mediator between God and man, and salvation is possible only through faith in Him.

Scripture states, “For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus” (1 Tim. 2:5).

Protestants traditionally deny the mediation of the Virgin Mary and other saints in the matter of salvation, and also teach that the church hierarchy cannot be an intermediary between God and people. All believers represent the "universal priesthood" and are in equal rights and in an equal position before God.

5. Soli Deo gloria - “Glory to God only”

The Internet project "Wikipedia" very accurately defines the features of theology, which is traditionally shared by Protestants: "Scripture is proclaimed the only source of dogma. The Bible was translated into national languages, its study and application in one's own life became an important task for every believer. The attitude towards Holy Tradition is ambiguous - from rejection, on the one hand, to acceptance and veneration, but, in any case, with a reservation - Tradition (as well as any other doctrinal opinions, including our own) is authoritative, since it is based on Scripture , and to the extent that it is based on Scripture. It is this reservation (and not the desire to simplify and cheapen the cult) that is the key to the refusal of a number of Protestant churches and denominations from one or another doctrine or practice.

Protestants teach that original sin corrupted human nature. Therefore, a person, although he remains fully capable of good deeds, cannot be saved by his own merits, but only by faith in the atoning sacrifice of Jesus Christ.

And although Protestant theology is not exhausted by this, nevertheless, according to these signs, it is customary to single out Protestants from among other Christians.

Who are Protestants?

Protestantism has been and remains the subject of fierce controversy, rumors and gossip. Someone stigmatizes the Protestants, calling them heretics. Some extol their work ethic, claiming that it is thanks to Protestantism that Western countries have achieved economic prosperity. Someone considers Protestantism to be a flawed and oversimplified version of Christianity, and someone is sure that a truly evangelical simplicity lies behind a modest appearance.

Worldwide there are about 720 million Protestants, 943 million Catholics and 211 million Orthodox (Operation Peace, 2001).

However, the views of Catholics, Orthodox and Protestants differ on some issues. Protestants, or evangelical Christians, believe that the Bible is the most authoritative source of teaching for Christians. Orthodox Christians and Catholics generally believe that church traditions carry a lot of weight and believe that the Bible can only be understood in the context of church tradition. The main differences between these three faiths are rooted in this fundamental palette of opinions. However, despite their differences, all Christians agree with Christ's prayer recorded in John 17:21, "Let them all be one...".

Below are answers to frequently asked questions about church differences, but first, a brief history of Protestantism.


One of the first Protestant reformers was the priest Jan Hus, a Slav who lived in the territory of modern Bohemia and became a martyr for the faith in 1415. Jan Hus taught that the Bible is more important than tradition.

The Protestant Reformation spread throughout Europe in 1517 when another priest and professor of theology named Martin Luther called for a renewal of the church. He said that when the Bible comes into conflict with church traditions, the Bible must be obeyed. Luther also said that the church is doing wrong, selling the opportunity to get into Paradise for money. He also believed that salvation comes through faith in Christ, and not through an attempt to "earn" eternal life by good deeds.

The Protestant Reformation is now spreading all over the world. As a result, churches such as Lutheran, Anglican, and later Baptist, Methodist, Pentecostal, Presbyterian, and others were formed (Note: neither Catholics, nor Orthodox, nor Protestants recognize Jehovah's Witnesses and Mormons as Christian churches).

It is believed that the modern evangelical movement in Russia has purely Western roots. This is fundamentally wrong! It is known from ancient Russian chronicles that in the same centuries as in Europe, people strove for a spiritual understanding and interpretation of traditional Christianity. One can recall the movement of the Strigolnikovs in the 15th century, who called for a close study of the Gospel, the Trans-Volga elders from the entourage of Nil Sorsky, who spoke about the acquisition of the Spirit of God, Seraphim of Sarov, who made the doctrine of the Spirit the basis of his sermon ...

Among the followers of the evangelical teaching in pre-revolutionary Russia were prominent politicians and scientists such as Count Korf, the princes Pashkov, Golitsyn, Trubetskoy, Chertkov, Gagarin, Liven and many others. During the years of bloody repression, Evangelical Christians shared the fate of all the believing people of Russia in prisons, camps and exile.

Many Protestants today would like to return to the purity of the first century Church. Most of these Protestants are called evangelical Christians because they believe that Christians should fulfill the commission of Christ to carry the gospel, that is, the good news (Greek): “Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations…” (Gospel of Matthew 28:19).


The word “Protestant” has come into use since the time of Martin Luther, when the German princes protested at the church council in Spirea in 1529 against formal worship, the sale of indulgences and the purchase of church positions. Now all evangelical Christian organizations are called Protestant.

Modern Protestants in Russia protest against abortion, alcoholism, drug addiction - against sin and against formal religion.


Orthodox denominations believe that only church leaders can interpret the Bible correctly. Protestants believe that every Christian is responsible for the quality of his spiritual life. Everyone can understand the basic doctrines of the Bible for himself, with God's help, by meditating on the Scriptures and studying them carefully.

The Bible says, “However, the anointing that you received from Him abides in you, and you have no need for anyone to teach you; … this anointing teaches you all things” (1 John 2:27). Jesus Christ said: “When He, the Spirit of truth, comes, He will guide you into all truth” (Gospel of John 16:13, 6:45; Isaiah 8:20).

The Bible commends personal study of the Scriptures: “Those who were here were more prudent than those of Thessalonica; they received the word with all diligence, examining the Scriptures daily to see if it was so” (Acts 17:11). It is interesting to note that the inhabitants of the city were not even Christians, but God's Word praises them for checking Paul's teaching with the Bible.


Protestants have nothing against church traditions, except when those traditions are contrary to Scripture. They substantiate this primarily by the remarks of Jesus in Mark 7:8 “For having left the commandment of God, you hold on to the tradition of men…” and in Matthew 15:3 “…Why do you transgress the commandment of God for the sake of your tradition? … thus you have made void the commandment of God by your tradition.”


Protestants believe that all children go to Heaven after death. The Bible says that children do not know good and evil (Deuteronomy 1:39). In Romans 5:13 it is written: "... But sin is not imputed when there is no law."

Jesus said, “Let the children go, and do not prevent them from coming to Me, for of such is the Kingdom of Heaven” (Matthew 19:14). The Bible does not record a single case of infant baptism. But many Protestants baptize children from the age of 10-12, when they can meaningfully accept repentance.


In Acts of the Apostles (19:1–7), the apostle Paul baptized 12 people who had been baptized before. Many Protestants believe that baptism without repentance is meaningless, and since a baby cannot repent because of his ignorance of good and evil, adults are often advised to be baptized again after they repent.

Most Protestants follow biblical examples in which baptism occurs after repentance, and not vice versa (Matthew 3:6; Mark 1:5, 16:16; Luke 3:7–8; Acts 2:38,41 , 8:12, 16:15, 33, 18:8, 19:5, 22:16).


Protestants believe that the Ten Commandments (Exodus 20:4) forbid the use of images for worship: "You shall not make for yourself an idol, nor any image of what is in heaven above, or on earth below, or in water below the earth."

In the Book of Leviticus (26:1) it is written: “Do not make for yourselves idols and images, and do not set up pillars for yourself, and do not lay stones with images on your land to bow down before them; for I am the Lord your God.”

In Deuteronomy (4:15-16) the Lord says: “Hold firmly in your hands that you did not see any image on the day when the Lord spoke to you ... so that you do not become corrupt and do not make yourself statues, images of any idol ... ".

Therefore, Protestants do not use images for worship for fear that some people may worship these images instead of God.


Protestants prefer to follow the instructions of Jesus, where He taught to pray, saying: “Pray like this: Our Father who art in heaven!” (Gospel of Matthew 6:9). Protestants say there are no examples in Scripture where anyone prayed to Mary or the saints. They believe that the Bible forbids praying to people who have died, even to Christians who are in paradise.

They base this on Deuteronomy (18:10-12), which says, "You shall not have ... the questioner of the dead." "Questioner of the dead" means one who communicates with the dead (from the Hebrew "darash" - to consult, find out, seek or pray to the dead).

God condemned Saul for coming into contact with Saint Samuel after his death (1 Chronicles 10:13-14). 1 Timothy 2:5 says, “For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus.”


Protestants believe that Mary was a perfect example of Christian obedience to God and that she remained a virgin until Jesus was born. The basis for this is the Gospel of Matthew (1:25), which says that Joseph, her husband, "did not know her, how at last she gave birth to the Son of her firstborn" and other passages from the Bible, which speak of the brothers and sisters of Jesus (Gospel Matthew 12:46, 13:55–56; Mark 3:31; John 2:12, 7:3).

Protestants do not believe that Mary was without sin because in Luke 1:47 she called God her Savior; but she would not need a Savior if she were without sin.


One of the fundamental theses of Protestantism is the assertion that every believer in Christ can confess him in accordance with the principle of freedom of conscience. This is the reason for such a variety of Protestant churches. We understand the word "church" both as a worldwide association (universal) of believers in Christ, and as a specific community of believers living in some territory. This understanding is not at odds with the Orthodox dogma.

The universal church consists of all people who love God and serve Him through repentance and faith in Jesus Christ, regardless of the denomination to which they belong. The apostle Paul describes such a universal church thus: “To all who call on the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, in every place, with them and with us” (1 Corinthians 1:2).


Protestants do not believe that there is any special power in the relics of the saints, because the Bible does not teach this. Protestants believe that the case of Elisha's bones resurrecting the dead (2 Kings 13:21) was nothing other than the fulfillment of God's promise to give Elisha the double spirit that was on Elijah (2 Kings 2:9). The miracle that happened after Elisha's death was exactly twice the number of miracles performed by Elijah. Protestants believe that the Bible does not indicate that the bodies of dead pious people should be made an object of worship.


They are usually not called “father” because Jesus said in Matthew 23:9, “And call no one on earth your father…”, which, according to Protestants, means that we should not declare anyone their spiritual master. In Protestant churches, believers call each other brothers and sisters, and church leaders - pastors and bishops.


Protestants don't mind the sign of the cross, but since Scripture doesn't teach it, they don't teach it either.


Protestants believe that the iconostasis symbolizes the veil that separates people from the Holy of Holies in the Jerusalem Temple. They believe that when God tore it in two at the time of Jesus' death (Matthew 27:51), He said that we are no longer separated from Him because of the blood He shed so that we could be forgiven, if repent and believe in Christ for our salvation.


Jesus said in Matthew 18:20, "For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them." Protestants believe that worship is sanctified not by the place where the service is held, not by the building, but by the presence of Christ among the believers.

The Bible also says that Christians are the temple of God, not buildings: "Don't you know that you are the temple of God, and the Spirit of God dwells in you?" (1 Corinthians 3:16). The Bible shows that the early Christians held services in many different places. For example, in schools (Acts 19:9), in Jewish synagogues (Acts 18:4,26, 19:8), in the Jewish temple (Acts 3:1), and in private homes (Acts 2:46, 5:42 18:7; Philemon 1:2, 18:7; Colossians 4:15; Romans 16:15 and 1 Corinthians 16:19). Evangelism meetings, according to the Bible, took place near the river (Acts 16:13), in the street crowd (Acts 2:14) and in the square (Acts 17:17)! Protestants build houses of prayer, in which the church gathers - that is, people who believe in Christ.


Protestants believe that there is Heaven and Hell, but they do not believe in Purgatory. The Bible says, “For by one offering He (Christ) has made perfect forever those who are being sanctified” (Hebrews 10:14). Since it is pointed out that only one sacrifice, the suffering of Christ, makes us perfect, no other sacrifices are required. The Bible also says, “Where there is forgiveness of sins, there is no offering for them” (Hebrews 10:18).

In other words, no suffering in purgatory is required if we are forgiven. Protestants believe that 1 Corinthians 3:9–15 refers to the testing of believers on the Day of Judgment, not purgatory. Similarly, Protestants are concerned that the idea of ​​purgatory may mislead sinners about the forgiveness of their sins after death in purgatory, as this is impossible.


Describing Paradise or hell in the Gospel of Luke (16:26), Christ speaks only of Heaven and hell, and not of purgatory. He further says that “it is impossible to pass from hell to Paradise: and moreover, a great abyss has been established between us and you, so that those who want to pass from here to you cannot, nor can they pass from there to us.”

Protestants believe that there is no evidence in the Bible for a place between Heaven and Hell where people could atone for their sins. There are also no examples in the Bible of praying for the dead. Protestants believe that praying for the dead cannot help them (Psalm 49:7-8).


The Protestant Bible does not include the so-called non-canonical books and Apocrypha, which are included in the Scriptures of other Christian denominations. Protestants do not include them in the Bible because Jesus never referred to them and they are not quoted in the New Testament. This distinguishes them from the rest of the books of the Old Testament.

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