What to wear. “Dress” or “put on” - how to say it correctly, examples of usage in various situations

If you formulate this for yourself once and for all, then, having a very modest wardrobe, in a few minutes you will choose an image suitable for the occasion. After all, how often for this or that occasion we put on our best things, but on the spot we feel out of place, because we either overdid it or didn’t finish the image. And it is for such cases that there are rules for several, but win-win things.

1. We are sure you have a little black dress in your wardrobe.. Is there a little blue, gray or green? The choice of color depends on which one suits you best. But having a simple and well-fitting dress in a neutral shade is a worthwhile investment in your wardrobe. Let's say that in the evening your friends invited you to a restaurant. You do not know exactly what format it is, and you have only an hour before the release. You can, of course, wear the same little black dress, but this is the most banal thing you can think of. Yes, and in this outfit you will meet a lot of people there. And if you put on too colorful and solemn, you risk looking like this is your first trip to a restaurant in your life. In such cases, simple outfits save, without complex designs, bright colors, prints and decors. They are like a canvas on which you can draw whatever you want. Put on this simple dress, and pick up chic shoes for it.

black dress

black dress_1

Angela Harutyunyan

Fashion blogger

The main success of such a simple and appropriate dress for all occasions is that it should fit perfectly on your figure, emphasizing the advantages and hiding the flaws. It is difficult to find such a perfect dress, but if you find it, it will turn out to be the best that you can have in your wardrobe.

2. Stylish jacket with an interesting cut or rich decor you also need. He should attract all the attention in the image to himself. The jacket can be with rhinestones, with spikes and rivets, a complex style or a very bright shade. And with him you can just put on that same little black dress or an ordinary white shirt and black trousers. Even jeans and a black top with an interesting jacket will look attractive. So this thing will save you once again when you don't know what to wear for a special occasion.

3. Few women have a classic evening dress. For some reason, we remember it only when it is very necessary. For example, when a wedding is with friends or acquaintances. Why look for and buy it in a hurry? It is better if you have such a dress hanging in the closet and waiting for its release than its absence will make you nervous at the right moment. The color can be completely different - from scarlet red to delicate beige. It is better if the style is flowing and the decor is non-flashy. We will leave too many rhinestones, flounces and frills to brides and graduates. It is important for us to look elegant and feminine in evening dress.

4. InYou were invited to your new country house by friends. And if these are not your friends, but, for example, friends of a young man or a colleague of her husband. Then you absolutely don’t want to “hit your face in the dirt”, and at the same time this case requires simple things and combinations. Therefore, we don’t even remember about catchy jewelry, original shoes and expensive handbags. Do you have a very feminine or even romantic dress with a delicate floral pattern? And put it on. He needs sandals, ballet flats or wedges. If you don't want a dress, wear a plain tank top and khaki pants. For the evening, take a warm cardigan in a classic color. The bag should be comfortable and roomy. If there is straw, then this is ideal. If not, then the main thing is that it is not a clutch, the rest will still work.

5. As for the daily struggles with choosing clothes, you need a basic wardrobe of 7 things.. And as many accessories as you can afford. Bijouterie, handbags, glasses, scarves, etc. They will never be redundant. Therefore, buy them constantly, a lot and a variety. And those very 7 necessary things are a black straight-cut skirt, a black dress, black trousers, beige pumps, classic blue jeans, a beige-brown cardigan and a formal white shirt. Basic things can also help when choosing an image for specific cases.

basic wardrobe

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In the basic wardrobe there must be a dress - better than fashionable blue ...

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Or rich green.

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And, of course, at least one little black dress.

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Jeans should be in any wardrobe, and preferably not alone...

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A white shirt will look great with jeans and a skirt.

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A blazer with sequins is a great option for the evening.

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A lace jacket can be worn with a pencil skirt.

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Be sure to buy yourself a cardigan in beige or pastel shades.

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A gray dress is suitable for meetings with friends.

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In this summer dress with a floral print, you can go for a walk in the park.

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A black jacket will go well with a gray top and jeans.

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In such a brilliant evening dress you can go to a wedding.

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Verbs ... Probably, many will agree that the main headache is connected with them. More precisely, with their correct spelling. And, it seems, at school we were taught the rules of our native language well, and we passed the exam with “good” or even “excellent”, but on you we stubbornly continue to “sculpt” mistake for mistake. For example, which, it would seem, could be simpler than the rule that “not” with verbs is always written separately. And yet we step on this rake.

Let's stop at two

This material is devoted to only two "harmful" verbs. And they differ, in essence, only one or two letters. It is "put on" and "put on". Many do not see a fundamental difference between them and use them as synonyms. And absolutely in vain! By the way, again, if we recall the “wonderful school years”, namely, elementary school, then even in one of the Russian language textbooks all the nuances of the correct spelling of these verbs were clearly spelled out and the rules were accompanied by pictures for clarity.

So what is the right way to dress or wear?

The one that starts with "o"

Let's start with the verb "dress". Of course, it means action, like this part of speech as a whole. But what exactly? That which is produced by one person in relation to another. Moreover, this other person is either not fully capable, or is an inanimate object. This row includes: a child, an old man, a doll, a mannequin.

Between the verb “to dress” and the noun immediately following it, it is easy to put the case question “who?” or "what?" And then it will be much more difficult to make a mistake.

And another sure way to avoid mistakes. The verb "dress" is quite easy to turn into a so-called reflexive verb - one that is used with the suffix "sya" at the end. Thus, at the output we get the form of "dressing" - in something new, fashionable or seasonal. And with the verb "put on" this number will not work. The word "to put on" simply does not exist in our language. You can only say “just put it on” when this or that clothes fit during the fitting.

And now with the initial "on"

Now it's the turn to deal with the use of the verb "put on." Everything is much simpler here. Try to remember just one rule - the action denoted by this verb is directed mainly at yourself. For example, in such phrases as “put on a new suit” or “put on something warmer”, “put on the most fashionable dress”, etc.

Of course, even here there are subtleties - where without them! No wonder Russian is considered one of the most difficult languages ​​for foreigners to learn. So, between the verb "to put on" and the noun in case form, the preposition "on" is used. And we get the following sentences: “It is necessary to put a gown on the patient”, “He put glasses on his nose”, “We put a cover on the chair.” Please note that in all the above examples we are talking about inanimate objects.

What is the result?

So, now we can formulate a general rule regarding the use of both verbs. We put something on ourselves or another, as a rule, inanimate object. We dress someone else or dress ourselves.

Well, I would like to hope that now fashionistas will not be mistaken when they talk, for example, about a ring and will know exactly what is right to do with it - to wear or put on.

Strictly speaking, this error is not directly related to sewing and is relevant for everyone without exception. However, people who sew and are fond of fashion still have to use these verbs a little more often. Quite often we hear “Put on a hat!”, “Put on this dress”, “I won’t wear it.” Let's find out what's wrong here!

By the way, the problem is so significant that the Russian poetess Novella Matveeva even dedicated an entire poem to it!

“Dress”, “put on” ... Two words

We confuse so stupidly!

Frosty dawn dawned,

The old grandfather dressed in a fur coat.

And the fur coat, therefore, was put on.

"Dress", "put on" ... Let's look:

When to wear and what to wear.

I believe that on the grandfather

Three fur coats can be worn.

But I don't think that grandfather

It can be worn on a fur coat!

What do dictionaries say?

So, both of these words have every right to exist, however, despite the similarities, they are used a little differently. According to Ozhegov's dictionary, the word "dress" has the following meanings:

1. someone something into what or what. To cover someone with some kind of clothing, a veil. For example, dressing a child in a coat.

2. whom (what). Provide clothing. For example, dressing someone with taste.

Concerning "put on", the values ​​are:

1. Strengthen something on something, attach, attach something to something For example, put a ring on your finger.

2. Cover the body or part of the body with some clothing. For example, put on a sweater for a child.

On the one hand, it is useful to know the exact dictionary meanings, but on the other hand, it must be admitted that they do not completely clarify the situation! The meanings are as similar as the words themselves, and in the end it is not entirely clear which option is correct, "I put on a dress" or "I put on a dress."

Help for those in doubt

Many, perhaps, remember from school times a simple hint: we dress others, we put on ourselves. But this wording can be misleading! For example, the phrase “I put a panama hat on a child” is erroneous, although you can be indignant at how erroneous it is if I put on a panama hat not on myself, but on another!

It is better to use another version of the "memory": Hope is dressed, clothes are put on. The example about Nadezhda is very successful, because it tells us one more feature, the difference between two verbs: “dress” is used with animate nouns (and with inanimate likenesses of a person: doll, mannequin, etc. and with body parts, for example, “dress gloved hand"), and "put on" - with inanimate.

Putting the rule into practice: “I put on dress(inanimate)”, “I put on panama hat(inanimate) on a child" and "I dressed child(sniff.)".

If you suddenly forget the rule itself, remember that Nadezhda is dressed, and clothes are put on, and that the point here is animation.

And, of course, do not forget that speech errors do not determine our personality, character, and even more so professionalism in the field of sewing, but every new day is a chance to become better than yesterday in a variety of areas.

Summer is in the yard - the time of long-awaited rest and vacations, and in honor of such a case, the Literary Workshop is somewhat slowing down the pace of publishing new articles. Do not blame me - soon everything will return to normal, it's just that each of us needs at least a little rest sometimes ...

Today, under the heading “Literacy Minute”, we will discuss the very burning issue of the correct use of verbs dress and put on. And if most of us, I'm sure, learned the main principle of their use at school, then the author, who left this question unattended, runs the risk of being ridiculed at any moment by a more prepared public. Agree that the chance is extremely high that the reader (and even more so the editor at the publishing house or a respected critic), having noticed such a mistake in the text, will simply close this creation, never to return to it again. Therefore, in order not to get into a mess, today we will repeat the rules for using verbs put on and dress.

The essence of the problem

It is quite obvious that the misuse of verb forms is equally characteristic of both oral and written speech. The main reason for such speech errors is the indistinguishability of words with the same root. Often confused, for example, verbs get used to and get used to, relax and let loose, adverbs objectivist and objectively... In the use of single-root words, it is our heroes who are most "unlucky": verbs dress (dress) - put on (put on). These verbs belong to the so-called paronyms - words similar in sound, but different in meaning. The correct use of verbs dress and put on in a given situation and is the stumbling block that we must learn to overcome.

Rules of use

To understand the issue of the correct use of our verbs, the first thing to remember is that verbs dress and put on- multivalued. In order not to introduce unnecessary confusion, we will consider the most common first values:

Dress up- whom, what. 1. Dress someone in some kind of clothing. For example: Dress the son, dress the patient, dress the doll.

put on- what. 1. Pull on, pull on (clothing, shoes, cover, etc.), covering, wrapping something. For example: Put on a coat, put on a hat, put on a mask, put on boots.

In general, it is in the meanings of these verbs that the main rule for their use lies.

As we can see, the verb dress perfectly combines with animate nouns and with some inanimate ones, denoting the likeness of a person ( doll, mannequin, skeleton). Verb same put on used exclusively with inanimate nouns.

It is important to note that the verb dress can be combined with inanimate nouns denoting parts of the body. This happens through the mediation of an animate noun and necessarily with a prepositional case combination of an inanimate noun ( Wear a hand in a glove).

Verb put on has syntactic links on the same principle as with animate nouns ( put a coat on a child), and with inanimate ( put on a glove, put on a sweater under a jacket).

The difference in the semantics of our verbs is also emphasized by the fact that they form different antonymic pairs: put on - take off, put on - undress.

In general, the main thing that we must remember is that the verb dress used in relation to any person or part of the body (in the sense clothe). put on same - it is to pull, pull on some item of clothing.

That's all for today. I hope you have successfully refreshed your memory of the school curriculum and reliably insured yourself against children's mistakes in the texts. Subscribe to blog updates. See you soon!

There are rules that everyone seems to know, but still they are constantly mistaken. These include -tsya and -tsya, zhi- and shi-, the declension of the word “coffee”, as well as the long-suffering WEAR a hat or still WEAR it, damn it?
Are you also confused by these two words? Then I'll tell you a couple of little grammatical tricks, using which you will always use these words correctly.

The main difference between these two verbs is that they always dress someone, but not themselves. In those cases when they dress themselves, they say: "I dress", which means "I dress myself." After all, you will never say: “I will soon put on!” - sounds just ridiculous. So, the first thing to remember is: they always dress someone else - a child, a dog, a doll, a mannequin.
But if you pull on, put on, try on something, some specific thing, then you PUT it on, and that's all. I WILL put on a dress, you WILL put on new shoes, he will never WEAR that horrible tie.

Here it is, the fundamental difference. When you say CLOTHING, you may not indicate any thing and not mention clothes at all, but you must definitely indicate who exactly you WEAR. Therefore: "She dressed her daughter for half an hour." And vice versa: when you say WEAR, you always indicate what exactly, what thing, but you may not specify who exactly put them on. Like this: "Don't wear so many things, you'll get tired."

But what to do when in one sentence there is both a person who needs to be dressed in something, and the item of clothing itself? How then to choose the correct verb? Here, too, everything is easy, if you figure it out. If you're talking about someone you want to dress up, say DRESS. For example: "She didn't play with the doll so much as she dressed her in different outfits."
If you are describing an item that you put on a character, then say WEAR it. So: "Mom put a hat on her son." Here the preposition ON will serve as a clue. Remember, you can not "put on" - only PUT ON.

Still confused? Then, perhaps, you (or your children) will come to the aid of two rhymes-hints, having learned which, you can quickly remember the correct use of the word.

The first poem was written at the end of the 19th century by the poet V. Krylov:

Dear friend, don't forget
What to wear is not to wear;
Do not confuse these expressions
Each of them has its own meaning.
You can easily remember this:
The verb "dress" we say when
We put clothes on something
Or we cover something with clothes,
Or otherwise we dress in clothes.
You want to dress yourself more elegantly,
So you should put on a new dress,
And you put on your hand with a glove,
When you put on a glove on your hand.
You will dress the child in his dress,
When you put a dress on him.
To whom the native language is both sweet and dear,
He will not endure a single trace of a mistake,
And therefore, my friend, never
Do not make such reservations.

And the second was composed by our contemporary, poet and singer-songwriter Novella Matveeva:

“Dress”, “put on” ... Two words
We confuse so stupidly!
Frosty dawn dawned,
The old grandfather dressed in a fur coat.
And the fur coat, therefore, was put on.
"Dress", "put on" ... Let's look:
When to wear and what to wear.
I believe that on the grandfather
Three fur coats can be worn.
But I don't think that grandfather
It can be worn on a fur coat!

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