What does the proverb mean, the well-fed does not understand the hungry. “By common sense everyone understands only his own”??? Why is this happening


Let's talk about the meaning of the proverb "the well-fed does not understand the hungry." It is now rarely seen in both written and oral speech. Maybe if you tell the world about it, people will use it more often.

Not only about food

If you interpret it head-on, it will come out: a well-fed person cannot understand a hungry one. But this is not the only thing here. A satiated person cannot understand how a hungry person wants to eat in principle. Of course, a mentally well-fed person realizes that it is natural for a person to eat, and preferably three times a day. But it's not a problem for him. He just opened the refrigerator, took what he liked, or rather, he wanted and ate.

The hungry person has another problem: he does not have a “magic” refrigerator, that is, he is constantly suffering. If such a food source existed, then both subjects of the proverb would be full, and the problem would be settled. But life is not so simple.

The meaning of the proverb “the well-fed does not understand the hungry” comes down to human misunderstanding, when one is not aware of the situation and the position of the other, moreover, he does not even want to hear about it, both literally and figuratively. He simply imposes his value grid on the fate of another person - and the difficulties disappear. It's like a magic trick.

Example with two students

Probably hard to understand without an example. Imagine a situation that does not involve food. For example, there are two schoolboy friends, Senya and Sasha. Senya can buy a pen, but Sasha cannot, so he only has one, and if he loses it, then he will have nothing to write with in class. Further, let us imagine that he lost it after all. And Senya comes up to him and says: “Why are you upset, just take money from your mother for another pen!” But how to explain to Sena that there are poor parents in the world who have no money? You can tell him so: “You know, Senya, there are people who have no money.” It will be a shock for him, because he always has them. History is the disclosure of the meaning of the proverb "the well-fed does not understand the hungry."

Why is this happening?

That's a good question. But there is probably no satisfactory answer to it. For example, why do people not donate to sick children for operations, but rent yachts or buy football clubs? Of course, you can't save all children, the sea of ​​grief that bathes the world is unlikely to get smaller. But still I wonder why people don't help when they can.

It's just a version, but still. There is a legend about the Buddha, who did not know what old age, illness and death are, because he was protected in every possible way from the grief that fills the world. A person grows up in a certain environment, communicates in a circle of people in which certain values ​​\u200b\u200bare accepted. Some people are lucky and need less. Some people are unlucky and need more. The world of these two people is colored either by a positive experience of existence, or a negative one. They close themselves in it and do not see what goes against it. Or maybe they deliberately do not notice "problem areas". In addition, one's shirt is always closer to the body, that is, people are often not interested in the misfortunes of another person, and they do not want to delve into them.

There is a fairly well-known social paradox, which partly explains the meaning of the proverb "the full does not understand the hungry." Our sense of justice depends on what position we occupy in society. The elite believe that the world is fair, but the lower we go down the "ladder of well-being", the less fair people find the world. A phraseological unit speaks of a fundamental contradiction between people of different social positions.

If we formulate the meaning of the proverb “the well-fed does not understand the hungry” briefly, then the following will come out: a person is not able to understand another if he himself has not personally learned something from his own experience. The reader may be indignant and ask: “But what about the information pouring through all media channels, is it really all for nothing ?!” The answer to this can only be disappointing. Somehow people don't notice. Or rather, they notice, but it does not bother them too much. Each of us exists in the space of the universe of our own consciousness. That is why the proverb “the full does not understand the hungry” arose.

Closed clinics, schools, villages - the elite are trying with all their might to separate from the "cook's children" and equip themselves with a reserve of the sweet life.

daddy can

The holiday that rapper Timati rolled up for 4 year old daughter alice guests will remember for a long time. Her birthday was held at the State Museum of Fine Arts. Pushkin in Moscow. The parents posted a photo report on social networks. The people reacted harshly: while the children of the "rogue" are entertained by clowns at McDonald's, the children of the elite are circling in crinolines around the Greek Hall.

At co-owner of RESO-Garantia Sergey Sarkisov 5 children. One of the sons is the "Black Prince", as he calls himself Sergey Sarkisov Jr.- hangs out with famous singers and football players, at his birthday parties, world pop stars light up at private parties, and the heirs of the same big fortunes sit at the tables.

While most Russian families start saving money in the spring to prepare their children for the new school year, kids former mayor of Khimki Vladimir Strelchenko, according to media reports, buy shoes for half a million rubles a pair, ride a Lamborghini worth 15 million rubles. and live in VIP hotels for 100 thousand rubles. per day. Strelchenko's youngest daughter is studying at an elite school on Rublyovka, where a year of study costs 1.3 million rubles. It would seem, where do they get such financial opportunities from? After all, the head of the family, from a family of Novosibirsk workers, made a military career until he quit his job in 1999 and went into politics. He worked as deputy minister of housing and communal services of the Moscow region, and then was elected mayor ...

Co-owners of the Summa group Ziyavudin and Magomed Magomedov the second month they sit in a pre-trial detention center. The brothers face a life sentence for organizing a criminal community, the purpose of which was to steal large sums from the state - we are talking about 2.5 billion rubles. In 2017, Forbes ranked the Magomedov brothers fifth in the ranking of the richest business families in Russia. Their relatives hastily delete their pages in social networks. But the people have already managed to see in what luxury these people are accustomed to live. For example, the Magomedovs have their own plane. And the wife of a businessman could easily fly over the ocean to get to her girlfriend's fashion show. The eldest son of Ziyavudin Magomedov Daniyal travels on my father's yacht to the best resorts in the world. And the youngest son personally opened a football field in Dagestan, in the construction of which his father invested money (Khunzakh district).

"Golden" lands

Bureaucratic and oligarchic reserves in Barvikha, Chigasovo (Rublyovskoye Highway), the Golden Mile on Ostozhenka and other oases of well-fed life have now become public. But Kamenny Island, located in the center of St. Petersburg, is not very advertised in the media. Here live those who were previously called the cream of society, the nomenklatura. Smolny even had an idea to declare Kamenny Island a specially protected natural area, which would allow him to completely fence himself off from the plebs. But she didn't pass.

The regional elite does not lag behind the capitals either. In the Irkutsk region, on the banks of the Irkutsk reservoir, in the water protection zone, elite cottages suddenly grew up. According to the investigators of the Investigative Committee of the ICR for the Irkutsk region, the land for them was illegally allocated former mayor of the Irkutsk region Igor Naumov, who has been under investigation since 2015.

Law enforcers believe that the official illegally disposed of a land plot of 42 hectares belonging to the state. The ex-mayor granted it to the dacha non-profit partnership "Solnechnaya Polyana" and members of the said partnership. And soon the entire site was purchased by a commercial organization for development. The damage from the actions of the former mayor to the state exceeds 40 million rubles.

In small Zelenodolsk (Tatarstan), local VIPs and ordinary people live as if on different planets. For VIPs - free housing and land, for ordinary people - mortgage bondage. So, residents of hundreds of emergency houses in Zelenodolsk were forced to buy new housing on a mortgage, although the municipal authorities should provide it to tenants free of charge. But there is no such place for them. It is for others. So, in different years, the Zelenodolsk military commissar, the head of the local department of the State Fire Supervision Service, the son of the deputy head of the district, also the ex-head of the executive committee of Zelenodolsk and his deputy received apartments from the city for free in different years. The scheme was worked out for years: first, a social lease agreement was drawn up, then a resolution was issued by the head of the executive committee, according to which the apartment was excluded from the number of service apartments, after which it was privatized. Fortunately, the district prosecutor's office managed to return part of the apartments to municipal ownership.

A few years ago, in the same Zelenodolsk district, more than 70 land plots were distributed free of charge. According to the results of the “auction for their own”, plots in the best places of the city and district went to the deputy city prosecutor, the deputy head of the Internal Affairs Directorate, the head of the executive committee and other employees, employees of the military enlistment office and the sanitary and epidemiological station, the commanding staff of the local Ministry of Emergency Situations and the editor of the Zelenodolsk newspaper. Not everything was returned to municipal ownership.

: AiF, Gennady Mikheev / RIA Novosti, Vladimir Vyatkin.

Hook of Shame

Sometimes class division begins even in kindergarten, as happened in the city of Kamyshin, Volgograd region. Parents told AiF about how in one kindergarten in the corridor next to one of the groups there are lockers, on the doors there are signs with the names of the children. And next to the wall was nailed a “nominal hook”, on which one of the pupils hung children's clothes. It was a kind of "public punishment" for the fact that the mother of the child was not able to make a "voluntary" contribution to buy a locker. One of the parents witnessed how the teacher reprimanded the baby: “You are a fool, your parents do not love you - they are 100 rubles. did not pass to the group.

At one time, the stories of schools in Samara and Perm made a lot of noise, where students who receive free meals were sent to a separate table. And those guys who paid for breakfast and lunch sat at other tables, and their menu was richer.

In Primorye, graduates of private schools have a tradition of riding limousines at graduation parties, and then launching grandiose fireworks. The local rich delight their offspring with gangster-style restaurant balls or in the interiors of a sea or space ship. Floors and ceilings are painted with gold and silver, chocolate fountains spouting champagne are being built. Teachers note that often children from private schools are simply not ready for final exams. But no problem - for the money, the "golden child" will enter any university.

How are they fighting this evil in Europe?

In Europe, the gap between the rich and the poor is controlled by a social market system based not only on laws, but also on moral standards.

“Firstly, taxes are very high in Europe,” explains the German political scientist Alexander Rar. - In some countries, the rich give the state half the money they earn. At the same time, 40-45% of the budget goes to social needs, including support for the poor and social benefits. Therefore, the poor can live with dignity.

Secondly, a rigid judicial system monitors the implementation of tax laws. You constantly hear about high-profile cases brought against millionaires who use loopholes in laws to evade taxes.

And in Europe it is not customary to brag about what you have earned. This is due to the traditions of Protestantism - the wealth that a person has earned is shameful to spend on window dressing. Therefore, rich Europeans compete not with brand new cars, but with charitable foundations to support the needy, educational grants, patronage.

Naturally, millionaires have learned to turn these expenses in their favor using tax incentives. This is how they improve their image and show that they serve the society.”

Solution: raise the standard of living

Is it possible to overcome this division of society into estates?

They took by rank

“There was also social stratification in the USSR, but it was significantly different from what it is now. First, there was no business back then. Now, with the accumulated capital, you buy an apartment, a car, a mansion. At the same time, you received an apartment, education, medical care for free, ”a former employee of the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation, general director of the Institute of Regional Problems Dmitry Zhuravlev explained to AiF. - Of course, the apartments were different, and hospitals. And there was also a difference in salaries: the Chairman of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR received the largest - 1000 rubles, and the engineer was paid about 170 rubles. (by the way, in the 1940s-1960s, an ordinary engineer could afford to have a housekeeper, and in the 70s they already joked: if you want to marry an engineer, bring a certificate that you can support him).

The so-called party nomenklatura, in addition to the salary, had a bunch of benefits and privileges. For example, in the Central Committee of the CPSU, prices in the dining room, as established in 1927, have never been denominated. There were closed distributors with the best goods. There were rations - food packages at low prices.

But! The distribution of these "benefits of communism" was still monitored. The boss got two apartments - for himself and for his daughter, so his party comrades with a higher rank will definitely ask him: why did you take two for yourself if the locksmith Vasya has been standing in line for 25 years? Now the rich take as much as they can carry. And not a single person in the state has the right to pull him up.

Where does wealth come from?

Another question that was clearly monitored in the USSR is where did a person get wealth? Dmitry Zhuravlev continues. “I didn’t put it off from the Soviet salary in order to buy a factory for myself. And if you stole - then answer. Therefore, it did not make sense to steal - there was nowhere to put the money. If you are the director of a plant in the USSR, you won’t be able to pull it apart on the machines, you won’t hand over the area to the left and you won’t withdraw money offshore. At the most, you can build yourself a good apartment at the expense of the plant, and in a building that will provide housing for workers as well. And everyone will be in full view of each other, so you won’t really make a fuss - they’ll straighten up. And now you can sell anything under the hammer, withdraw money to accounts abroad, not pay salaries to employees for months and not answer to anyone for this,” says Dmitry Zhuravlev. “Here’s another reason for such a blatant class stratification: a handful of those who managed to snatch factories and wells for themselves can do whatever they want with their hired workers.”

“People are not even irritated by the very fact of inequality, but by the sources of the origin of this inequality,” draws attention ex-director of the Research Institute of Statistics of Rosstat, Doctor of Economics, Professor Vasily Simchera. - We open the Forbes lists: many people there belong, let's say, to the raw material class. I, living, suppose, in America, I understand why Bill Gates richer than me - yes, because he has a smarter head! And he created something new out of nowhere. Jobs created something, a man in China created something. And then I understand that this one of ours from Forbes did not give birth to any ideas in agony, but found something somewhere, somehow got somewhere ... "

“In the Soviet Union, with its class system, there were also powerful social elevators that allowed even the simplest people to go up the career (including the party) stairs and move from one class to another. Today, it is practically impossible to move from the working class to the class of big business or bureaucratic nomenklatura. No mobility! - sure sociologist, professor at the Higher School of Economics, former assistant to the President of the Russian Federation Simon Kordonsky. - The situation with law is also very interesting. If in the Russian Empire each estate was judged according to its own law, then we have a single Criminal Code. But in any article of the code there is a lower measure of punishment and there is a higher one. And representatives of the lower classes are judged according to the highest frame: for a stolen chicken - 5 years. And representatives of the upper classes receive punishment according to the lower frame, which cannot but aggravate the split of society.

Do it yourself!

There is only one way out of this explosive situation - to raise the standard of living of the lower part of the population. Then the estate layers will begin to crumble by themselves. If people have money not only for survival, they will quickly organize themselves. And their child's school will be no worse than that of officials, and everything else too.

“We need to make sure that low-income people do not remain dependents. It is necessary to create a system of jobs, in particular in single-industry towns, so that people do not survive on benefits, but change their own well-being. It will take about 40 million jobs, the process of creating them may take 5-6 years, ”is the recipe from Vasily Simchera.

The satiated is not a friend to the hungry

The well-fed does not understand the hungry (the well-fed is not a friend to the hungry) - a person learns everything from his own experience. Experience is the main thing in understanding the world and others. The well-fed will only understand the hungry when he himself suffers from malnutrition. A healthy person will sympathize with a sick person only when he himself falls ill. the strong will put himself in the place of the beaten only if he meets a stronger one. Only failures equalize the happy and offended by fate

I put one experience higher than a thousand opinions born only of the imagination - M. Lomonosov

Analogues of the expression "the well-fed does not understand the hungry"

  • Well-fed is hungry, but the rich do not know the poor
  • Goose pig is not a friend
  • Taste it yourself, believe us
  • Whom the bear fought, he is afraid of the stump
  • We also heard how the dubrovushka rustles
  • I ate bread from seven ovens
  • An old bird is not caught with chaff
  • Who has passed the sea, he will not drown in the river
  • A fool learns from his own mistakes, a smart one learns from others

Est rerum omnium magister usus - experience is a teacher for everything (Caesar)

Application of the proverb in literature

« I murmured something miserable in my defense, but K.I. already understood everything, even though they say that a well-fed one does not understand a hungry one"(Nina Voronel" Without embellishment. Memories ")
« The well-fed does not understand the hungry,” Moiseev grinned and immediately frowned: “Listen, Volodya, what happened to the guy who ran away with me?"(Andrey Zhitkov" Supermarket ")
« No, it was impossible to convince them of anything. The well-fed does not understand the hungry. And the next morning - even worse"(Mikhail Kozakov" Acting Book ")
« Let's leave, perhaps, this conversation, it will not lead us to good. The well-fed does not understand the hungry. However, you are not full"(Boris Vasiliev "There were and weren't")
« After him, Caesar, it was noticed that the well-fed does not understand the hungry"(Maxim Gorky" The Life of Klim Samgin ")

Modern technology has made tremendous strides. New discoveries are being made every day in all branches of science. One after another, new and new models of equipment for various purposes are produced, which make life easier for a person.

If about a hundred years ago a car was a rare means of transportation, which was considered a luxury, and only wealthy people could afford it, today some people already fly into space at their own expense.

Similar stunning successes can be found in practically all areas of scientific and technological progress. Judging by all these revolutionary changes, mankind should have lived in abundance and had a lot of free time to engage in the worship of their creator.

Also, despite huge advances in the development of agricultural technology, humanity has not been able to defeat hunger around the world. Surprisingly, today entire countries have big problems with food and drinking water.

Unfortunately, we, living in a certain prosperity, having no problems with food, water and other essentials, very rarely remember people who sometimes have nothing to release their post, and some don’t think about them at all. Moreover, we manage to complain about simple problems that we sometimes create for ourselves.

If you can’t pay attention to those who live in poverty or in poverty, remember at least how our Prophet ﷺ lived, what hardships he endured. Remember how the companions of the Messenger of Allah ﷺ lived, their followers and our righteous predecessors (salaf as-salih).

It is reported from the words of ‘Urwa that Aisha (may Allah be pleased with her) said to him:

وَاللهِ، يَا ابْنَ أُخْتِي، إنْ كُنَّا نَنْظُرُ إِلَى الهِلاَلِ، ثُمَّ الهِلالِ: ثَلاَثَةُ أهلَّةٍ في شَهْرَيْنِ، وَمَا أُوقِدَ في أبْيَاتِ رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم - نَارٌ. قُلْتُ: يَا خَالَةُ، فَمَا كَانَ يُعِيشُكُمْ؟ قالت: الأَسْوَدَانِ التَّمْرُ وَالمَاءُ، إِلاَّ أنَّهُ قَدْ كَانَ لرسول الله - صلى الله عليه وسلم - جِيرَانٌ مِنَ الأَنْصَارِ، وكَانَتْ لَهُمْ مَنَائِحُ وَكَانُوا يُرْسِلُونَ إِلَى رسول الله - صلى الله عليه وسلم - مِنْ ألْبَانِهَا فَيَسْقِينَا

« I swear by Allah, O son of my sister, it happened that we saw a new moon, then another (in total we saw) three new moons for two months, and during all this time) in the houses of the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him Allah) did not kindle a fire (that is, during this time they did not cook hot food there) ».

‘Urva said: “And I asked:” Oh auntie, what was it that kept you going? " She said: " Dates and water, but in addition to this, in the neighborhood of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) lived the Ansar, who had dairy camels, and they gave the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) their milk, and he gave them to drink to us "». ( Bukhari; Muslim)

The Messenger of Allah loved the poor and respected them very much, always took care of them and bequeathed to do this to his companions. An example is a group of poor companions who were constantly in the mosque of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him). For them, the Messenger of Allah even assigned a special place - Suffa. That is why they were called "Ashab as-suffa".

Abu Hurayrah (may Allah be pleased with him) reported:

لَقَدْ رَأَيْتُ سَبْعِينَ مِنْ أَهْلِ الصُّفَّةِ، مَا مِنْهُمْ رَجُلٌ عَلَيْهِ ردَاءٌ، إمَّا إزَارٌ وَإمَّا كِسَاءٌ، قَدْ رَبَطُوا في أعْنَاقِهِم مِنْهَا مَا يَبْلُغُ نِصْفَ السَّاقَيْن، وَمِنْهَا مَا يَبْلُغُ الكَعْبَيْنِ فَيَجْمَعُهُ بِيَدِهِ كَرَاهِيَةَ أَنْ تُرَى عَوْرَتُهُ

« I saw seventy people from among those who lived under a shed (Ashab as-suffa), and not one of them even had outerwear, but only a dress or some other single garment, the ends of which they tied around their necks. For some, these clothes reached the middle of the lower leg, while for others, they reached the ankle. They held their edges with their hands, not wanting to see the awrah (what should be hidden from prying eyes » ( Bukhari).

In another hadith, the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) spoke about the appearance in the future of people who will think only about their stomach.

Imran bin Al-Husayn (may Allah be pleased with them both) reported that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said:

خَيْرُكُمْ قَرْنِي، ثُمَّ الَّذِينَ يَلُونَهُمْ، ثُمَّ الَّذِينَ يَلُونَهُمْ قَالَ عِمْرَانُ: فَمَا أدْري قَالَ النبي - صلى الله عليه وسلم - مَرَّتَيْنِ أَو ثَلاَثًا «ثُمَّ يَكُونُ بَعْدَهُمْ قَوْمٌ يَشْهَدُونَ وَلاَ يُسْتَشْهَدُونَ، وَيَخُونُونَ وَلاَ يُؤْتَمَنُونَ، وَيَنْذِرُونَ وَلاَ يُوفُونَ، وَيَظْهَرُ فِيهمُ السَّمَنُ». متفقٌ عَلَيْهِ

« The best of you will be my contemporaries, then those who follow them, and then those who follow them. ».

Imran said: And I do not know how many times the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) repeated these words - twice or thrice».

And then he said: And they will be replaced by people who will be ready to testify, but they will not be accepted as witnesses, who will act treacherously and will be untrustworthy, who will make vows, but will not keep them, and there will be many fat, well-fed people among them. . (Al Bukhari; Muslim)

That is, these generations will be replaced by people who will indulge in excesses in food and drink and strive to accumulate worldly goods.

It is likely that any of us can fall into this category of people referred to in the hadeeth. May Allah protect us from this. However, those who live in full prosperity also manage to complain about life, not to mention the fact that they do not give praise to the Almighty for all these blessings.

From Ubaydullah bin Mihsan al-Ansari al-Khatmi (may Allah be pleased with him) it is transmitted that the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said:

مَنْ أصْبَحَ مِنْكُمْ آمِنًا في سربِهِ، مُعَافَىً في جَسَدِهِ، عِنْدَهُ قُوتُ يَوْمِهِ، فَكَأنَّمَا حِيزَتْ لَهُ الدُّنْيَا بِحَذَافِيرِهَا

« It can be said that the whole world has gone to one of you who met the morning with a calm heart, being in good health and having enough food to last him a day. "(Tirmizi).

If a person has food for the coming day, has a roof over his head, then his family and property, like himself, are inaccessible to enemies. What else remains for him but to give praise to the Almighty for all these blessings? As they say, in such a situation it is a sin for him to complain.

Dear brothers and sisters, when you have any domestic problem, no matter how serious it may be, do not think that the whole world has turned away from you, that the earth is slipping away from under your feet. Just remember how difficult life was for our Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him), his companions and so on.

Also remember that somewhere in Africa someone has nothing to eat and sometimes there is not even water suitable for drinking. I am sure that then it will definitely become easier for you, and you will give praise to the Almighty, because complaints and worries will not increase your lot.

Nurmuhammad Izudinov

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