What does the drawing of a child mean. We determine the psychological state of the child by colors


Many psychologists have already confirmed that our drawings can tell a lot about our personality, character and mood. It is no coincidence that in psychology and psychiatry, many diagnostic methods are associated precisely with drawings. Particular attention is paid to children's drawings. When analyzing the personality of an adult, you can use the drawings that he makes casually - we all often draw a pencil on paper during telephone conversations, meetings, lectures, or a long wait. From this article you will learn what our drawings can tell.

According to the drawings, professional psychologists can tell a lot about a person. However, the basic rules for analyzing a drawing are now available to everyone who is interested, so even deciphering a drawing on your own will help you get to know a loved one or even yourself better. Why analysis of drawing in psychology so effective? There are at least two explanations for this.

  • First of all, in drawings we express what we think. Since this way of dialogue with the outside world is indirect, unlike, for example, speech, drawings are less controlled by our consciousness. If, when answering questions, we pass our words through some internal filters, then by expressing something through a drawing, we feel freer and show ourselves real. For example, this can explain the location of the drawings and their content.
  • Our muscular movements are directly reflected in the drawings. The nature of hand movements will be reflected in the lines and dimensions of the image. You probably noticed that our movements depend both on momentary emotions and on temperament and character. Even in the process of ordinary communication, we receive a lot of information about a person non-verbally: by observing how he gestures and how his facial expressions change. The movements of the hand, which can be easily judged from the drawing, can also give us an idea of ​​the character and mood of a person.

Sometimes in psychology, for diagnostics, a person is specifically asked to draw, and sometimes in the analysis random drawings are used, which many of us do casually, if a pencil and paper are in our hands. The second way is definitely more efficient. Random drawings give the most objective characterization, and in drawings made specifically for a psychologist, a person may try to live up to expectations.

The analysis of children's drawings occupies a special place in psychology. Deciphering them is much easier than drawings of adults, because children's drawings are very diverse and have a wide range of colors. If you want to learn how to interpret adult or children's drawings, you should pay attention not only to the content of the image. The location of the object on the sheet, its color and the nature of the lines are of no less importance.

What does the location of the picture say?

By the position of the picture, one can judge the character and values ​​​​of a person. Adults sometimes draw casually in the margins of a notebook, in free space in old documents, or on small scraps of paper. However, even in this case, you can pay attention to how a person uses the available space for his drawing.

  • The drawing, located closer to the upper edge of the sheet, indicates high self-esteem and determination. For this type of people, the main priority in life is self-realization and the desire for success. Such people love the competitive process, strive to be the best in any business. Often they are also quite reckless and have leadership qualities.
  • Accordingly, the figure located at the bottom of the sheet indicates that a person has a rather low self-esteem, he does not feel in demand and is not interested in fighting for superiority.
  • The images on the left speak of conservatism and nostalgia. This person is immersed in his memories, and the past serves as a guide for him.
  • If a person draws something on the right, this, on the contrary, means his aspiration to the future. This means that a person expects positive changes, and the current state of affairs does not suit him. It should be noted that these analysis rules are specific to each culture. For example, movements from left to right are characteristic of our writing, so conclusions can be drawn from the drawings by analogy.

  • The location of the picture either on the left or on the right can be associated with a certain amount of dissatisfaction with life. Usually those people who are uncomfortable in the present are turned to the past or to the future. Therefore, the most harmonious place for the drawing is the center of the sheet.

What does the size of the picture say?

The size of a drawing on a sheet is usually associated with a person's self-esteem. Of course, the size in relation to the entire space of the sheet should be considered if space is limited.

  • Large drawings indicate high self-esteem. If the drawing is excessively large and looks unnatural, this may indicate arrogance and vanity, the underlying cause of which, on the contrary, is self-doubt.
  • Drawings tending to take up all the space on the sheet testify to the particular uncertainty. This is due to the psychological mechanism of compensation: if a person cannot establish himself in his place in life, mentally he seeks to take away all the best, to occupy as much space as possible. Usually such people are extroverts who, for one reason or another, cannot fully realize themselves in society. This is reflected in the drawings.
  • Introverts usually draw small images and leave a lot of empty space around. Psychologists interpret unreasonably small drawings as tightness, stiffness, fear and anxiety. Such people are emotionally closed, feel discomfort in the outside world, feel embarrassed about themselves or do not trust the environment.

Color drawings in psychology

This parameter analyzes, for the most part, children's drawings. Adults usually make drawings between times with the pencil that is at hand. Only the presence or absence of shading can be interpreted in adult drawings. In children's drawings, color is of great importance for psychologists.

  • Green color can indicate independence, self-sufficiency and stubbornness. This color is used by children who want to assert themselves.
  • Yellow drawings indicate that a person feels comfortable.
  • Blue signifies concern and self-absorption. Blue drawings are made at moments of reflection on the past or in an attempt to solve a problem.
  • Purple color indicates a developed fantasy.
  • Red color indicates the need to throw out the accumulated energy. This color is often used by hyperactive children. Also, red can serve as a signal of hidden aggression.
  • Gray indicates boredom and a lack of positive emotions.
  • Brown represents subconscious protest. A child who often uses brown paint is dissatisfied with any situation, feels anxious and uncomfortable.
  • Black is associated with depression. Such drawings indicate that the child is strongly concentrated on his problem, and he lacks positive experiences.
  • In casual drawings of adults, densely shaded figures can mean closedness, a feeling of being boxed in. Often such drawings testify to the creative crisis of a person.
  • If a person never shades his images, this indicates his readiness to perceive new things and accept changes.

What do the lines in the picture say?

The lines that a person makes can tell a lot about his character. These lines can be solid or broken, rounded or with sharp corners. Along the lines in the drawing, you can easily decipher even images made by adults in between times. This method is equally well suited for the analysis of children's and adult drawings.

  • Solid lines indicate emotional stability, flexibility, and confidence. Such people are usually calm, and confident that they will cope with all the difficulties that arise.
  • Dashed lines, on the other hand, represent uncertainty and instability.
  • Bold lines can indicate a person's desire to stand out and assert themselves. With such lines, we can try to compensate for internal uncertainty, the desire to be noticed and appreciated.
  • Intentionally thin lines, when a person almost does not press the pencil and barely touches the paper, speak of a desire to avoid attention and communication, of the need for solitude. Similar lines can also occur if a person experiences shame and guilt.

  • Strictly geometric patterns, where all angles are straight and all lines are perpendicular or parallel to each other, can mean hidden aggression. Also, such lines speak of conservatism and difficulties in adapting to the new.
  • Explicitly expressed aggression and hostility can be determined by the abundance of sharp corners in the figure.
  • Rounded lines and soft curves speak of the softness and flexibility of a person. Usually such drawings are inherent in women more often than men.
  • Narrow and miniature figures speak of enslavement, the desire to adhere to the rules and not go beyond.
  • Large voluminous figures indicate that a person has a broad outlook and is emotionally open.

What do the painted objects say?

Of course, special attention should be paid to what exactly is drawn. Based on what objects a person depicts, you can tell a lot about him.

  • Living objects, which include animals or people, indicate a lack of communication, a need for social contact. Also, such images may indicate a difficult problem in a person’s life, which he is afraid to solve alone.
  • Empty landscapes depicting nature without people indicate difficulties in communicating and understanding other people's feelings or thoughts.
  • The repetition of standard simple ornaments, such as flowers, clouds, trees or stars, speaks of emotional closeness and an attempt to hide one's true experiences.
  • Plot drawings depicting people or animals in motion give out an active and active nature.

Psychology of an adult drawing

Drawings of adults, made casually, can be no less diverse than children's. By what exactly is drawn, one can largely judge the personality of a person. Consider the most popular options for images in adults and their significance in psychology.

  • Wavy lines and spirals may indicate that a person is in a difficult situation and is trying to overcome a crisis. Such drawings indicate hopelessness and appear if a person is confused in something.
  • The grid indicates that a person feels in an unpleasant, vulnerable position.
  • Often people draw the sun or flowers in between times. Unfortunately, the meaning of such drawings is not at all as obvious as it seems. Drawings of flowers in psychologists, like the drawings of the sun, they most often express sadness and the need for attention and communication.
  • Joy can be expressed in drawings with hearts.
  • Repetitive ornaments indicate boredom.
  • If a person draws people, it means that he wants to shift responsibility to someone and avoid work. It can also mean a need for help and support.
  • House drawing in psychology means fatigue, a person's hostility towards the outside world and the desire to relax in an environment conducive to this.
  • Chess is usually drawn by people who find themselves in an ambiguous and difficult situation, when they do not know what decision to make.
  • Honeycombs drawn by an adult speak of harmony and tranquility.
  • If a person draws geometric figures, this may indicate the firmness of his convictions and confidence in the decision made.

Psychology of children's drawing

You can interpret the most common drawings yourself - in any drawing there are always several basic criteria by which you can judge the temperament and emotional state of the child. What do children's drawings mean in psychology?

  • Landscapes with a forest, a lawn or a street without people in children can signal loneliness and problems in communication. If a child draws deserted landscapes, most likely, he is not getting along with his peers.
  • The drawing of the house, as well as in adults, speaks of fatigue and the need for comfort and relaxation surrounded by loved ones.
  • Drawings of monsters can testify to internal tension, fear and discomfort. Often these images reflect popular childhood fears.
  • Attention should be paid to the drawing of the family. Family drawing in psychology in children well demonstrates how they see their family. If the family is depicted in full force and in bright colors, then things are going well and the child is comfortable. If the child has not portrayed someone, it is worth considering - perhaps this person is missing in the child's life, he pays little attention to the child. Black and brown colors in the image of the family speak of the problems and negativity that the child feels. Also, in young children, the largest figure will mean the head of the family in the children's sense.
  • Tree drawing in psychology means the desire for knowledge and development. However, how the tree is drawn is also important. In the nursery psychology there are tests on drawings- one of these tests is that the child is asked to draw a tree. By the presence or absence of roots, one can judge how deeply the child is used to thinking. The curvature of the trunk or the trunk of an unusual shape indicates stress, dissatisfaction and discomfort. You can easily evaluate the crown of a tree by the lines of which it consists - whether the lines are rounded or with pointed corners, thin or bold, solid or broken.
  • Drawings of animals in psychology are considered a good sign - they testify to the calmness and joy of the child.
  • Interpretations of a drawing of a person in psychology are given a special place - this is especially interesting when working with children. If a child draws another person, this often indicates a lack of communication. It is also worth paying attention to whether a specific person or a certain collective image is drawn. If a person is drawn in dark colors and unnaturally large, the child may have a fear of people.
  • If a child draws himself, this speaks of the need for self-knowledge and self-expression. Children's drawings are often not very proportional, and you can also tell a lot from the small details of the image. For example, big ears indicate boldness and a desire to stand out, short legs indicate low self-esteem, and long arms indicate that the child is always ready to try new things.

In psychology according to the drawing of a person much can be said about his personal characteristics, and about his mood at a particular moment. By observing your own drawings, you can be sure that the rules for interpreting them work. Of course, when evaluating a person, you should not rely entirely on the analysis of his drawings, however, some images in which this or that motive is clearly traced can help you get to know the person a little better.

Video: "What do our drawings say?"

Drawing for a child is not art, but speech. Drawing makes it possible to express what, due to age restrictions, he cannot express in words. In the process of drawing, the rational fades into the background, prohibitions and restrictions recede. At this moment, the child is absolutely free. Children's drawing most often clearly demonstrates the sphere of interests of the smallest artist. In the early stages of development (up to three years) - these are dashes, lines, circles. The kid "tryes" a pencil or a brush, experiments. Usually he first makes a drawing, and then comes up with what he depicted, on what it it might look like. Later (by the age of four) appears drawing idea . From a certain age (at 3.5 - 4 years), a person becomes the object of close attention and study. From the point of view of psychodiagnostics, a drawing of a person is one of the most accurate and reliable sources of information. The difficulty lies only in the fact that the information contained in such a message is, figuratively speaking, “encoded”, and the drawing must be correctly “read”. Psychologists who use drawing techniques in their work must have sufficient qualifications and experience working with children. However, attentive parents can always notice something unusual in the child's creative work, feel his mood, catch the hidden tension. Therefore, as a "first aid" we offer several lessons in the analysis of children's drawings.

Details of children's drawing depend on age

The child should be asked to draw his family. Moreover, so that everyone was busy with some business. Let him have a choice of colored pencils and enough paper - a regular landscape sheet (A4 format) is fine. Do not rush the baby or comment on his drawing in the process of drawing. And when he finishes the family portrait, it's time to ask questions: who exactly did he draw and what are all these characters doing. When starting to analyze a drawing, adults should take into account that its content and, relatively speaking, quality depend on the age of the young artist. In three-year-old children, people most often look like "cephalopods": some creatures whose body and head are a single "bubble" with legs. A face may also appear. But, strictly speaking, it will be more correct to analyze the drawing from the point of view of personal development and psycho-emotional state from 4-5 years . By the age of four, a child usually already depicts a person in the form of two ovals with arms and legs - sticks. The head, eyes, torso, arms, legs appear in the drawings of five-year-old children. At six years old, the nose, mouth, fingers are added to the above (their number is insignificant). By the age of seven, “painters” no longer lose sight of such details of the human image as the neck, hair (or hat), clothes (at least in a schematic form), and arms and legs are depicted in double lines. Usually, these criteria are guided by the assessment of the mental development of the child.

Analysis of a child's drawing according to ... own feelings

Home hierarchy

Particular attention is paid to the analysis of the structure of the family pattern. It is necessary to compare its real composition with that which is depicted by the child on paper. You should also evaluate the drawing order, the size of the shapes, and their placement on the sheet. The first and largest, as a rule, depicts the most significant member of the family in the understanding of the young artist. Children usually draw themselves next to those to whom they feel the greatest affection. And farthest in the figure is the most unsympathetic relative to the baby. The image in profile or with the back also indicates a tense relationship between this family member and the author of the drawing. Children live in the moment. And often emotional relationships with someone close (a recent quarrel, resentment) can make their own adjustments to the drawing. In this case, the baby may even “forget” someone. For example, 6-year-old Alyosha does not draw his father, who pays him little attention and is rude. And he explains his absence in the figure by the fact that "dad went on a business trip." Alice (4 years old) did not draw her little sister Ksyusha, explaining her absence by the fact that the baby is “sleeping in another room”. The girl cannot come to terms with the fact that her mother, because of her sister, does not give her as much attention as before. There are also reverse situations, when the child depicts in the picture really non-existent family members. Sasha (5 years old) surprised his mother a lot when he drew a playing baby next to him and announced that he finally had a brother! Such “adjustments” to the composition of the family are made by children who are dissatisfied with their emotional situation. They need more benevolent attention from adults and games "on an equal footing", or better - entertainment in the company of other kids of the same kind. An important role in the analysis of children's drawings is played by what family members are doing. If they are united by some common cause, most often this indicates a favorable family climate. very meaningful an indicator of psychological proximity is the real distance between the depicted figures . By drawing himself apart from the rest, the child can “signal” his isolation in the family. If he separates his relatives from each other with partitions or places them in different "rooms", this may indicate problems in communication. The size of the image indicates what place this person occupies in the emotional life of the family. For example, if a child draws a younger brother or sister larger than himself, then we can assume exceptional attention to him from relatives. He "takes up a lot of space in their lives." The absence of the smallest artist in the drawing is a frequent sign that the child feels lonely in the family, and there is “no place” for him in relationships between loved ones. You can check this by asking the kid the question: “Maybe you forgot to draw someone?” It happens that even a direct indication: “you forgot to portray yourself” the child ignores or explains: “there is no space left”, “then I will finish it”. This situation is a serious reason to think about family relationships. A very dense image of figures, as if overlapping each other, speaks of an equally close relationship between people close to the baby or about his need for such connections.

Evaluation of "manner of writing"

A fairly common sign of increased anxiety in a child is self-correction. Especially those that do not improve image quality. There are drawings from individual small strokes - the baby seems to be afraid to draw a decisive line. Sometimes the whole drawing or some of its parts is hatched. In such cases, one can also assume the increased anxiety of the young artist. It is worth paying attention to the exaggeratedly large eyes in the portrait, especially if the pupils are densely shaded in them. Perhaps the baby is experiencing a feeling of fear. numerous decorations, the presence of additional details and elements of the costume by the author of the drawing indicates the demonstrativeness of the child, his desire to be noticed, craving for external effects. This is more common in girls. Highly weak pencil pressure, low (not for age) detail pattern occurs in asthenic children, prone to rapid fatigue, emotionally sensitive, psychologically unstable. And children who easily, for no apparent reason, change their mood, usually in the process of drawing they often change pressure: some lines are barely noticeable, others are drawn with noticeable effort. give the impression of careless, uncontrolled. Here, strong pressure and gross violations of symmetry attract attention. Sometimes the drawing "does not fit" on the sheet. There are drawings where everyone figures are depicted very small. Usually the entire composition is oriented towards some edge of the sheet. This means that the baby feels weak and does not believe in his own strength. Perhaps one of the relatives is very strict with him or the requirements for the child do not correspond to his real capabilities. If baby portrays himself in an open pose (arms and legs are widely spaced, the figure is large, often rounded), this indicates his sociability and cheerfulness. And on the contrary, a “closed” posture (hands pressed to the body or hidden behind the back, the figure is elongated, angular) rather indicates a closed person, inclined to restrain his feelings and thoughts. Both in the drawings of boys and in the drawings of girls one can often notice symbols of aggressive tendencies behaviors: large accented fists, weapons, intimidating posture, clearly traced nails and teeth. Despite seeming hostility, they can be an expression of a protective form of behavior. . Adults should figure out what is a source of increased emotional danger for their child, and why he needed such a demonstration of his strength. A special place is occupied drawings in violation of accepted image standards . In particular, the image of the genitals. For young children (up to 4 years old), this is rather a frequent occurrence. This reflects the tendency towards the naturalness of life in all its manifestations. In older preschoolers, such a drawing speaks of demonstrativeness, the desire to attract attention in a provocative way, and serves as an expression of aggression.

Is the palette a mirror of the soul?

Children very early begin to "feel" the color and select it according to their mood and attitude. Dr. Max Lüscher, a psychologist and color researcher, has studied the selection of shades from the color range by different people. He came to the conclusion that the choice of color reflects the psychological qualities of a person and his state of health. Number of colors used by the child can be viewed from several perspectives. First of all, it is a characteristic of the level of development of the emotional sphere as a whole. Usually children use 5-6 colors. In this case, we can talk about the normal average level of emotional development. A wider palette of colors suggests a sensitive nature, rich in emotions. If a child over 3-4 years old draws with 1-2 colored pencils, this most likely indicates his negative state at the moment: anxiety (blue), aggression (red), depression (black). The use of only a simple pencil (if there is a choice) is sometimes interpreted as the "lack" of color, so the child "reports" that his life lacks bright colors, positive emotions. The most emotionally significant figures are distinguished by a large number of colors. And openly not accepted characters are usually painted in black or dark brown. Colors can also convey certain character properties and state. Each color has its own symbolic meaning. :

  • Navy blue - concentration, focus on internal problems, the need for peace and satisfaction, introspection;
  • green - balance, independence, perseverance, stubbornness, striving for security;
  • red - willpower, eccentricity, outward orientation, aggression, increased activity, excitability;
  • yellow – positive emotions, spontaneity, curiosity, optimism;
  • violet - fantasy, intuition, emotional and intellectual immaturity (children often prefer this color);
  • brown - sensual support of sensations, slowness, physical discomfort, often - negative emotions;
  • black - depression, protest, destruction, an urgent need for change;
  • grey - "absence" of color, indifference, detachment, desire to leave, not to notice what disturbs.

From theory to practice

So, the kid spent several minutes over a sheet of paper with pencils in his hands, and the picture is ready. How much that is important for him and for his parents is hidden in this picture! Let's try to read it? Here the child has portrayed himself, but the pose is unstable, and there is no face. How do you communicate without a face? - Hard! Here is the baby in the crib - lay down to rest. Perhaps he is tired. Or maybe sick? And I chose brown. Yes, that's right - the temperature! Why do all the girls draw princesses? That's how they feel or...really want it. Just to be in the spotlight, to be the very best ... And what is the demand from the princess? Here is a boy armed to the teeth. He needs protection. Maybe someone offended him.

Examples of analysis of specific drawings:

Children's drawing 1

The author of this “family portrait” is Alyosha (6 years old).

Age criterion In the behavior of the child there are features inherent in an earlier age, the emotional-volitional sphere is characterized by immaturity. All the characters in the picture are depicted in the same way. Clothing, with its inherent details, is missing. The hairstyle is a symbolic sign of gender. The characteristic absence of a neck in the depicted people in this case indicates the difficulty of controlling the mind over bodily impulses, that is, Alyosha's behavior shows high mobility, at times - disinhibition, impulsivity. Emotional characteristic The drawing is bright, light, cheerful, orderly, rather benevolent. Features of the family image The family in the figure is reflected in its entirety. In the center of the composition is the father as an important subject in the domestic hierarchy. It can be assumed with sufficient certainty that the mother is physically and emotionally closer to Alyosha. The resulting couples are noteworthy: mother - son (the youngest in the family), father - daughter. Sister Lena is farthest from the author of the drawing. Probably not everything is going well in their relationship. It is significant that of all family members, only dad "stands firmly on the ground." The rest - soar, a little "hovering in the clouds." In general, we can talk about fairly warm and close relations between family members. This is evidenced by the slight distance between them, the choice of a common color and the image in the same range of a house with smoke from a chimney, symbolizing the “warmth of a family hearth”. "Writing Style" All lines of the drawing are made with confident, decisive movements. It is probably this style of behavior that is most characteristic of Alyosha. But the strong pressure and accentuated shading of the boy’s body speak of inner restlessness, anxiety, perhaps physical (literally bodily) malaise. The hairstyle gives out an active nature, at times, perhaps aggressive. An interesting detail is the peculiar antennas (according to Alyosha), which in the figure "grow" from the boy's ears. They symbolize the need for information in order to compensate for difficulties in communication (the child in the image does not have a face). The poses of all the characters are open, the figures are rounded, which suggests cheerful, sociable people. In the case of Alyosha, this seeming contradiction can mean: “I want to communicate, play, but they don’t always understand me.” Palette The color scheme of the picture is very symbolic. The little artist opted for a signal red color for all family members, especially for himself. This indicates an outward orientation, sociability, increased activity of the author of the drawing. Additional green emphasizes the desire for independence and the desire to insist on one's own as a habitual way of behavior. An important detail of the picture is the clearly traced surface of the earth. If Alyosha spent a lot of time on her image, this is probably something important for him. In this case, you can consider the earth as a need for support, greater stability and stability. The purpose of drawing analysis is always a deeper understanding of the child, looking at the family through his eyes and identifying ways to positive changes. In this case, I would like to recommend to Alyosha's parents that they pay more attention to deep, confidential communication with their son, talk to him more often just like that, ask him for his opinion on various issues. They should also consider what is the difficulty of contact between son and daughter. And outdoor activities, games in the air can significantly reduce emotional and physical stress.

Children's drawing 2.

Its author is Maxim (4 years 10 months)

Age criterion This pattern is more typical for six-year-old children. We can say that the boy develops intellectually ahead of his age. Emotional characteristic The drawing is bright, dynamic, but restless. Features of the image of the family. The family is shown in its entirety. Attention is drawn to the sexual identification of the young author with his father (see clothes). However, emotionally the child is still closer to the mother, which is typical for a preschooler. It is interesting that the boy does not seem to have enough space in the drawing, he is unsteady on his feet. His position is unstable and changeable. Palette The child chose purple for himself, which, combined with his insecure position in the family (this was mentioned above), indicates possible psycho-emotional instability, frequent mood swings. For mom, the little artist chose an energetic, somewhat chaotic, yellow color. Dad is brown. In his image, attention is concentrated on the physical body. This is how a child sees his parents. "Writing Style" The figures are large, angular - most likely, in the communication of the child there is some straightforwardness and a tendency to conflict (sharp corners). Noticeable shading and clearly traced pupils suggest the presence of hidden anxiety.

Children's drawing 3

Petya, 6 years old.

The drawing is bright, saturated, energetic, well organized. It is consistent with the age of the artist. In the structure of the family, there are "adult" and "children's" groups. The younger brother and sister strive emotionally and physically to be closer to Petya. Probably in the family psychologically close, equal relations. Mom is the most vivid, emotional image. The child highlights the image of the mother with the help of color and draws it first. Petya portrays himself as an adult. The arms are somewhat shortened compared to other images. This is usually found in the drawings of children who consider themselves insufficiently skilled, critical of their practical skills and capabilities. The sun and flowers are very common in children's drawings. It is worth paying attention if their appearance is unjustified by the situation. For example, the sun appears in a drawing of a room. Then we talk about the need for warmer relationships in the family. In Petya's drawing, these symbols most likely indicate a positive attitude towards his family.

Children's drawing 4

Polina, 7 years old.

Often children draw arbitrarily, without a special task, asking: "I draw a girl like me." In this case, we observe a somewhat idealized representation of the child about himself. Let's pay attention to the picture of Pauline. It is located at the top of the sheet, quite large and bright. We can talk about the positive self-esteem of the child, activity, emotionality. Probably, the girl is distinguished by high self-control, developed intelligence, and sociability. But she lacks stability (pay attention to the accentuated line of the earth and the small legs of the child). From a psychological point of view, it is about self-doubt. Usually this happens in a family where one child is brought up: he is given, paradoxically as it sounds, too much attention, they control and direct every step. Thus, the child is deprived of the opportunity to somehow show independence. Gradually getting used to this situation, the child is afraid to take the wrong step and waits for "valuable instructions." Maybe Polina should sometimes make her own mistakes and learn from them?

Children's drawing 5

Alexandra, 4 years old.

The drawing is dynamic, bright, somewhat chaotic. The emotional center of the family, of course, is the mother: heat (the sun), the child, the dog are concentrated around her. Her dress is decorated with a pattern. Please note that Sasha draws herself as an equal with adults and only her legs do not reach the ground. The character of the girl is probably fighting, impulsive, boyish. The lines of the drawing are sweeping, with strong pressure suggest a low level of self-control. For such children, games with simple rules that involve several players are useful. Active sports will also teach you to better understand yourself and correlate your desires with the interests of the team.

Children's drawing 6

Petya, 4 years 6 months

A completely unusual drawing for a child of 4.5 years. The cephalopods immediately turned into mature drawings. This is especially true for images of adults. Undoubtedly, this is a drawing of a very observant, developed and at the same time anxious child. Abundant shading, density, tightness of the image, emphasized traced eyes indicate the presence of anxiety. The most striking, significant figure is the pope. Pay attention to how the shading of clothing varies among family members. Dad's - in a strictly defined direction, the suit is official. Probably in life, dad is a very organized, businesslike person. The figures in the figure are depicted very tightly. This may indicate an equally close relationship in reality. But our protagonist seems to need more physical and psychological space for an active life. At first glance, it may seem that the analysis of children's drawings is not such a difficult task. However, I would like to warn parents against harsh formulations and making a psychological diagnosis. Indeed, behind the seeming simplicity and elegance of the method, there are many nuances, interrelations of individual manifestations and features. In addition, a person analyzing a drawing considers it through the prism of his personal experience and state at a given moment in time. Therefore, you should not draw far-reaching conclusions on your own. And if something in the child's drawing alerted or puzzled the parents, it is better not to postpone the visit to the specialist. Let us help you figure it out!

By studying the drawings of children, psychologists have developed special tests and techniques. Projective techniques project, show unconscious feelings onto an object that is not directly related to the child. The child assigns his feelings to a drawing or a drawn character. Very indicative, for example, is a drawing of a child on the theme of his family. When a child draws, he does not control his feelings, emotions and thoughts. And transfers to him problems that he cannot solve himself. In this article, I will give you general points by which you can learn something for yourself about your child and his relationship with family members.

Mystery of the drawing

Give your child a piece of A4 paper, a pencil, and colored pencils. Let the child put the sheet in front of him as he likes. Invite him to draw his family. do not say who is in your family. Let the child express only his feelings and thoughts. When the drawing is completed, you will learn a lot about how the baby perceives relationships in the family, and what is his role in the family from his point of view. When drawing relatives, a child usually clearly knows who to portray next to him, endows family members with personal and only inherent qualities. For example, if a child drew someone with clearly drawn details (bow pockets, jewelry, balls - many small details), this indicates a special love for such a person. If the child draws a figure with clenched fists, this may mean fear, hopelessness, or even aggression. If the hands of the figure are raised up, then this family member is usually positive and self-confident. When all family members hold hands and smile, this indicates that the child perceives his family as friendly and united.

Detailed Analysis

To analyze the drawing in more detail, pay attention to the following details:

  • The size and location of the drawing on the sheet. Insecure children do not place the drawing on the entire sheet, but only on some part of it. They often erase details, doubt the correctness of their image, the ground line (the floors are drawn high from the bottom of the sheet.
  • Figures of people. Children often depict their fathers as strong and strong, which they associate with the material basis and power in the family. If the father is depicted too large in comparison with the mother, then this means that, perhaps, the role of the mother in the family is being diminished and there are problems in parental relationships. Perfect. if dad and mom are depicted in the same style and the proportions of the figures are preserved.
  • Line contours. A happy and self-confident child draws clear, even lines, draws without hesitation. An indecisive child usually chooses faded, soft colors for drawing, draws lines with poor pressure. If the child is aggressive, during work he can often break the pencil lead, put a lot of pressure on it. A soft-spoken child will draw many smooth, curvy lines. Children with a strong-willed character, on the contrary, will use angles and clear straight lines in the drawing.
  • Color selection. Color conveys the emotional state of the child. if a child uses bright colors, the colors of the rainbow, then he is in a good mood. if the child completed the drawing in gloomy dull colors, this indicates a bad mood or a reduced emotional state.
  • Family composition. It is very important how the composition of the family corresponds to reality. if a child did not draw someone, then this indicates his insignificance of this family member for the child or even for the family as a whole. It is possible that the child has a conflict relationship with this person, hostility. He seems to reject this person. very often children do not draw brothers and sisters if their parents are jealous of them, if there is competition for attention and love. Sometimes children in the drawing of the family depict strangers who are part of a real family. This suggests that the child has a very close emotional contact with this person. Also, children can portray grandfathers, grandmothers or other relatives who do not live with him in the family. But the child loves them very much, misses them and considers them also members of his family.
  • The child draws himself. If the child drew himself in the corner of the sheet, separately or with his back to everyone, then this means that he feels lonely, suffers from a lack of attention and love. It is even more disturbing if the child has not drawn himself at all. But it happens that the child painted only himself. This child is a little egoist, accustomed to being the object of general concern. Of course, the meaning is sometimes different, the child, according to the design of the drawing, could “hide somewhere”, this also speaks of difficult relationships in the family. Analysis of the drawing should be carried out in parallel with the child's story about the drawing.
  • Dimensions of the figures in the figure. By their location, one can judge how the child belongs to certain family members. The most significant person in the family for the child will be depicted as the tallest and largest. The smallest and dim - on the contrary. The people who are depicted next to the child are the most significant for him.
  • Facial expression. Consider the faces of the figures, let the child tell you who is in what mood is depicted: sad or cheerful. or maybe thoughtful. the child will tell you why, from his point of view, the figures have such a mood, what thoughts and dreams they have. this will give you a very rich material to think about.
  • Separate parts of the body. Head- mind intelligence and control. If the child especially carefully draws the head, then this may mean that the family pays more attention to the mind than the soul. Ears responsible for the ability to listen and hear interlocutors, as well as to perceive criticism and other people's opinions. Mouth- the ability to defend their interests and rights. Body a person shows feelings, emotional state. a clearly traced body speaks of the mental, physical and emotional health of the child. Hands show the ability to establish contact with loved ones. Legs show the child's ability to move in the world, the ability to perceive new things.

Drawing conclusions

If, after studying the drawing of a child, you learned something that caused you anxiety or fear - do not worry, everything may be completely different. Perhaps the child portrayed his momentary mood. Quarrels with loved ones can affect the drawing, or the fact that the day before he saw a terrible episode on TV and is under his impression. Everything noticed should be discussed with the child in order to dispel negative thoughts and after some time to re-diagnose. But if the result is generally repeated, it already says something, and then you better seek the advice of a psychologist. Draw, and using the knowledge of the secrets of children's drawing, explore the world of your baby!

It is far from always possible to easily assess the psychological state of the child, since at this age perception often occurs at the subconscious level. For example, a baby may be afraid of his father or even hate him deep down, but age does not allow him to understand his feelings, therefore, even asking the baby a direct question, it will be difficult to expect an intelligible answer from him. Also, a whole storm of emotions can be hidden under external carelessness. How to understand what is really happening with the child? It turns out that for this you can use the psychology of a child's drawing, which (if you know how to read it) will tell about everything that happens in a child's soul.

Deciphering the meaning hidden in a children's drawing

The analysis of children's drawings is very similar to solving puzzles. Only an experienced child psychologist can cope with it, although parents should also know the simplest principles of decoding.


This is the most important criterion. Since children prefer not to mix paints, primary colors are sufficient for analysis. If any color prevails in the composition, then this indicates that the child is preoccupied with some phenomenon or event. If he uses a lot of colors, then we can talk about the versatility of his interests and the absence of a problem that dominates him.

  • If, in the presence of a sufficiently complete palette, the child uses mainly gray, black or dark red shades, then he is probably tormented by fears and depression.
  • On the contrary, the abundance of orange and yellow colors indicates a good mood of the painter.
  • The red color signals aggression and rapid excitability, but such serious conclusions can only be drawn after analyzing the rest of the behavior.
  • Self-absorbed individuals prefer different shades of blue.
  • Green speaks of a bored state. If the child has completely green lawns and groves, then you should think about taking him to the section or captivating with something else.
  • Dreamers and dreamers adore purple.
  • Restless children with self-esteem issues often use brown.

But the psychology of children's painting is not so simple. Some mothers, after reading relevant books and noticing an abundance of black in children's scribbles, drag the baby to a psychologist with horror. But after all, the black color not only speaks of anxiety, it can be the easiest way to highlight an important object in the picture. Graphics cannot be considered a sign of a problem, rather, it is a craving for discipline, especially if there are no other reasons for concern.


The relationship of objects in a children's drawing reflects the thoughts of the author.

  • Family members clinging to each other speak of mutual understanding, the clasped hands of the figures also speak of closeness and trust.
  • If a child placed one of the parents in the very corner of the sheet, then that should think about how to communicate more with the child.
  • The child will definitely place the most significant person in the center and make it the largest.
  • If there is no close relative in the picture, then there may be a conflict with him, so the child tries to subconsciously get this person out of his head and out of the picture.
  • With internal emptiness and low self-esteem, the child will leave the center of the picture empty. If inanimate objects are in the center, then there is concern about the financial situation.
  • In a visionary, figures usually float without touching hard surfaces. The bold line of the earth speaks of self-doubt.

The subtext of a child's drawing often becomes intuitively clear. If the objects are drawn very large, then this indicates internal comfort. A selfish nature seeks to occupy as much space as possible with a self-portrait. If the child feels lonely, then he will depict himself as small and place him somewhere in the corner of the picture. The arms and legs, as thin as matches, speak of the baby's concern about his own weakness. A disproportionately large head means self-absorption. By dressing up his figure too much in the picture, the baby says by this that the assessment of his appearance by others is important to him.

Many parents do not pay much attention to a sore throat in a child. But sometimes it is a symptom of a serious illness requiring urgent treatment.

Deciphering a children's drawing of a house

Another visual psychological test is drawing a house.

  • If the kid depicted a big house, then he can be called sociable, hospitable, open.
  • If there is a staircase leading to a blank wall, then it speaks of a hidden family conflict.
  • The house, as if far away, shows the loneliness and rejection of the baby.
  • If the house is surrounded by numerous buildings, then the baby has an alarming condition.
  • If the child tried to draw the back wall of the house, then he seeks to control his emotions.
  • If the house hangs above the ground, then the baby has a weak connection with reality, he soars in the clouds.
  • If the lower contours of the walls, on the contrary, are clearly drawn, then the baby has difficulties and anxiety.
  • Transparent walls show the desire for leadership, while thin sidelines scream of nervous exhaustion. Large open doors are a sign of sociability, but if they are too large, then dependence on other people is quite possible. On the contrary, small doors hide self-doubt.
  • Many doors drawn from different sides indicate a desire for loneliness, and their absence indicates difficulties with communication.
  • The abundance of windows speaks of the thirst for communication, and the curtains on them indicate closeness. If there are windows only on the top floor, then the baby is far from reality.
  • The roof in the form of a thick line also hints at the fantasy of the child, and if it is torn off from the front wall, then the baby does not find a place for himself in life. The cornice, brought out of the roof, speaks of the baby's desire to protect himself from his fears. If the pipe comes out of the back of the roof, then the baby does not want to get close to his family emotionally.
  • Thick smoke reminds of inner tension, and a thin stream - of a lack of communication with loved ones.

Deciphering a children's drawing of a family

You can decipher the children's drawing of the family and understand from this how it relates to any member of the family. The kid needs to be given a sheet of paper, pencils or paints and asked to draw their relatives. Since children usually love to draw, the kid will do this task with pleasure. Next, you will need to apply the knowledge of child psychology when deciphering the finished drawing.
It is useful to quietly observe the drawing process. A child usually starts drawing a family with the most significant and authoritative person for him. If all the drawn family members have tiny figures, then this indicates a very low self-esteem of the author. If the figures are grouped at the top of the sheet, then this indicates that the baby is dissatisfied with his own status in the family, and he would subconsciously want to correct the situation. If they are placed at the bottom of the sheet, then the child has a too low level of claims. The most beloved member of the family is not only drawn first, but also drawn better than the rest.
The distance between the figures indicates the closeness of relationships in the family. The closely spaced figures hint at a trusting relationship, and the absence of other objects between them speaks of the same. If the figures are isolated or separated by objects, busy with different things, then this indicates the disunity of the family and not too warm relations in it.
It is also interesting to evaluate the self-portrait of the baby. If he painted himself equal to or even taller than adults, then he considers himself important and special. On the contrary, a too compressed figure speaks of a feeling of humiliation. A painted hat signals the need for protection. Poorly drawn facial features hint at closeness, internal aggression erupts in the grin of the mouth, and fear looks out of large eyes. Widely spaced legs mean the child’s self-confidence, and insecurity can be judged by hands hidden in pockets or laid behind his back. Usually children do not draw ears, but if this detail is present, it means that the words of the parents are important for the baby and he listens to them.
In children's drawings, the sun is very often present, symbolizing well-being and warmth. If there is a figure blocking the sun for the baby, then such a person in reality can deprive the child of warmth and comfort. If there are many household items in the picture, then, most likely, the parents are more focused on material well-being than spiritual. It’s bad when one of the family members is absent from the picture, which indicates the child’s dislike or indifference towards him, and even worse if the baby himself is not there, that is, he does not feel needed in the family. If there are strangers in the family drawing, then this means that the baby seeks to change something in the family. The child will draw the most unloved member of the family with broken, sharp lines, and he will depict all his beloved relatives more carefully, using smooth lines.

When a child begins to hold a writing object in his hand, he always strives to leave a trace behind him. Any surface can become a canvas for a young artist: new wallpaper, furniture, and floor. The desire to paint anything and everything is a normal stage in the development of a child, so parents will have to be patient and watch how the images and plots of children's drawings change. At a certain moment, the child begins not just to dirty the paper, but to portray all sorts of unknown creatures. Such drawings reflect the inner world of a little man, and today we will figure out how to "read" a children's drawing.

How the drawing is located on the sheet

The entire paper space can be represented as a coordinate system with two axes known from school. The point of their intersection is the center of the sheet. The most favorable option is when the drawing is exactly in the center.

The vertical axis is the child's self-esteem and his sense of his position in the team.

  • The picture is shifted vertically upwards - high self-esteem, a desire to win a high position in a team (sometimes such children suffer precisely from the fact that their own high opinion of themselves is not shared by others).
  • The picture is shifted vertically down - low self-esteem, timidity, low self-confidence, a precarious position in the team (the child is not recognized in the team.

The horizontal axis is the time axis. The left side of the axis is associated with the past, while the right side is associated with the future.

  • The drawing is located to the left of the center - the child is more directed to the past. Such children are more "in themselves", make few plans and dream little, show little activity.
  • The drawing is located to the right of the center - the child is directed to the future, he is often on a positive wave, very active and active.

Analyzing the elements of the image


The position of the head and face matters.

  • If the head is turned to the right, the child is aimed at the implementation of his ideas and plans. If he has conceived something, he tries to implement it, even though he throws some ideas halfway through.
  • If the head is turned to the left - plans and ideas mostly remain in the head, the child does not attempt to implement his ideas due to indecision.
  • If the head is straight, the child is focused on himself, selfish, has high self-esteem.


If ears are attached to the head, this means that the child is ready to listen. This can manifest itself as a cognitive interest (listens to information), or maybe as an interest in the opinions of other people (listens to others in everything).


In the drawing, the eyes are a symbol of fear, especially if they are large, clearly drawn, circled many times. Noticeable and large eyes are a symbol of strong fear. Traced eyelashes speak of some coquetry, attention to one's own appearance, the desire to please.


The mouth can be drawn in different ways: open, closed, just a line or real lips.

  • Clearly drawn lips speak of a child's sensuality.
  • If the emphasis is on the language, the child is very talkative.
  • Sometimes both lips and tongue are drawn. This indicates the expression of both qualities.
  • If the mouth is open, but there is no tongue or lips, especially if there is hatching, the child is very timid, can easily get scared, constantly doubts and does not trust. This is especially true for teenagers.
  • Traced teeth indicate verbal aggression. This aggression is usually defensive in nature, that is, the child can respond if something happens.


A large and high forehead is a sign of the predominance of a rational principle, erudition.

Moms take note!

Hello girls) I didn’t think that the problem of stretch marks would affect me, but I’ll write about it))) But I have nowhere to go, so I’m writing here: How did I get rid of stretch marks after childbirth? I will be very glad if my method helps you too ...

Unusual details on the head

Sometimes children draw different details on their heads, which can also be deciphered.

  • Horns - aggressiveness or a desire to defend themselves, the ability to "wrestle" if necessary.
  • Feathers - the desire to attract attention, stand out, the desire to decorate oneself.
  • Hairstyle, mane or wool - the child seeks to indicate what gender he is, to emphasize this.


The drawn creature can stand on its feet or legs. Their appearance also speaks of the internal state of the child.

  • Massive, strong limbs indicate that the child stands firmly on his feet in life. He has something to rely on, he makes balanced decisions, considers his actions.
  • Weak, thin legs or their absence indicate the fragility of internal positions, beliefs. The child makes decisions rather impulsively, his judgments are not deep.

Special attention should be paid to how the limbs are connected to the body.

  • If the connections are drawn well, the child carefully controls his reasoning, thinks logically and consistently.
  • If the connections are drawn carelessly or are absent at all, the child seems to be slightly out of touch with reality, his thoughts are chaotic.

In addition to legs or paws, the child can draw other limbs. They can serve as decoration, or they can carry some function.

  • Wings, shell, additional limbs indicate that the child is attracted to a variety of areas of activity, he is comprehensively developed, interested in many things, easily makes acquaintances. Such children are self-confident and easily take their place in life.
  • The painted tentacles indicate that the child almost always acts boldly.
  • Various bows, decorations in the picture reveal in the child the desire to attract attention, demonstrativeness and mannerisms.

An interesting element in the image is the tail:

  • If the tail is drawn on the right, the child has high self-esteem, he positively perceives himself and his actions. If on the left - the child is prone to self-criticism.
  • If the tail looks up - the child is active and self-confident, if down - the child is depressed, dissatisfied with himself.

"Three trees"

Studying children's drawings, you can not only analyze what the child draws spontaneously, but also give a task. The Three Trees drawing test is very simple and informative.

Invite the child to draw three trees on a sheet, and then name which of the trees is the father, who is the mother, and which is the baby himself (there may be more trees, according to the number of family members). In this figure, we will be interested in the size of the trees. The key to the puzzle lies in the fact that the child relates trees to family members not by physical height / size, but by the share of influence that this family member has. So, for example, if a child associates himself with the smallest tree, there is nothing to rejoice at, because this suggests that the opinion of the child in the family is not significant. Parents should give the child more independence in making decisions and listen to his wishes. The most harmonious picture will be when all trees are equal. Yes, of course, a child can compare himself to a small tree. itself is small, but the meaning is deeper. Here it is written a little more about this - http://grigorieva-elena.ru/metodika-test-tri-dereva/

Mystery of color

Deciphering color is one of the most difficult. Each color has an ambiguous psychological meaning, and besides, for each child, the meaning of color can be different. That is why it is necessary to decipher the meaning of color based on the information already obtained from the drawing: color can emphasize the severity of the identified qualities or give them a special psychological meaning.

Psychologically, colors are usually interpreted as follows:

  • Red is a symbol of passion, love, but in some cases it symbolizes anxiety, aggression, strong negativity and a sense of danger.
  • Blue is the color of reason, logic, order. His other pole is fantasies, madness.
  • Yellow is the color of vitality, a symbol of openness and freedom. Sometimes personifies jealousy, deceit, envy.
  • Orange is a very energetic color, a sign of strength and personal maturity. Its reverse side is militancy and the desire to fight.
  • Green is the color of growth, maturation, hope for the best. Sometimes denotes immaturity or soreness.
  • Purple is a mysterious color, a symbol of harmony and secret knowledge. It can denote anxiety, depression, withdrawal into oneself.
  • Black can be solid and solemn, or it can be mournful.
  • White is the color of purity, but sometimes it is a sign of inner emptiness and mourning.
  • Gray color is generally neutral, its negative interpretation is confusion, melancholy.

Comparing the results of all methods of working with children's drawings, you can find out about the child something that is hidden deep and not visible to the naked eye. Any concerns or issues that come up need to be dealt with. The first medicine is mother's love, care and attention. Deeper problems are best dealt with by a specialist. Spend as much time with your baby as possible, play and draw together - this will help you better see the problems and give an understanding of how you can help the child.

READ ALSO: How to teach a child to distinguish colors -

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