What does it mean to the free will of the saved paradise. Church Orthodox newspaper


We talked, a sorcerer and a sorcerer from the Bear family, and came to the conclusion: it’s not worth leaving the received knowledge between us. With his permission, I will share it with you, Slavs. I broke the text of the conversation into semantic parts and numbered them.

1: How is such a speech understood in sound words? What will the WORDS of the heading tell us?

WILL \u003d "B" (direction deep-inward) + "OL" (the world of a person's mind - his experience of life in the window) + "I" (his Spirit). It turns out: WILL - the desire of a person's mind to act in accordance with his Spirit.
FREE = a person who acts in life only at the behest of his will, that is, according to the manifestation of the worldview of his Spirit.
SAVED - a person who lives according to the SAVING POCON: You owe nothing to the one who saved you, since he acted of his own free will, saving you. But in reality, a person feels like a DEBTOR.
SPAS = "C" (together, jointly ...) + "PAS" (duty space) = "LIFE IN THE SPACE OF DEBT, OBLIGED ACTION TO SOMEONE).
PARADISE \u003d "RA" (the place where the source of light, knowledge, knowledge ...) + "Y" (limiter of the distribution of the above) - "a limited place of light-knowledge-knowledge" - belongs as part of the egregor of the Russian Orthodox Church.


It seems that the sound speaker himself (knowledge by the sound of the WORD) has already answered everything quite transparently.
My will belongs to my Spirit in me (it is my essence). If I imagine myself to be free, then I must act in Reveal (in the world of the Universe), listening to the KONS of my Spirit and only him (my Spirit is part of the Law). Therefore, it is realized FREE -WILL.
Saved-debtor = SLAVE (and how, - I MUST!) Does not have a Path to Rule after death. The error is corrected by realizing it, that is, by KNOWING that "free will" (con Spirit).


To the one to whom I handed it, that is, according to whose CONAM I live. I have:
"I" - my Spirit - my true NATURAL ESSENCE. - THE POWER OF NATURE is in me (I am a part of nature in unity with other similar parts make up its integrity), - my power of GOD, creating = giving birth. With it I create = GENERATE the world Reveal. I AM GOD REVEAL. Spirit is a part of the Rule in me, manifested in Reveal as a MAN (object, being).
"EGO" is my artificial essence, my GENERATION in the form of a PERSONALITY. EGO = "NOT I", my MASK.
"PERSONALITY" - my PERSONALITIES (the faces of another me, that is, my role-masks that I created for myself) + "OST" (the bone-axis on which they, the masks, are held in me). The essence of personality- many faces, many faces.


SOUL \u003d "D" (the sign of the parameter of antiquity as time) + "U" (near, close to ...) + "SHA" (POWER in the form of the will of the spirit of the Subtle World SHA-essence from Navi in ​​the form of an insidious snake-tempter, strength, separating the world into a person and all other objects. The force that divided a single NATURE into separate objects in Reveal, the knowledge of which reveals this illusion and helps to find the interactions of a person and the forces of nature in the acts of BIRTH by him REV. in the TRINITY-THREE-WORLD, and he will receive the capabilities of a creator god. Those who do not know Dey will slip pseudo-knowledge that will never unite anything and lead a person along the created CIRCLE OF LIFE. In short, SOUL is just emotional energy without a clear direction of action. Dei-Dy steals the life force of a person, wasting it on empty emotions, and can also gather energy together, powerfully enhancing the actions of the Spirit in the world-birth of Reveal. He cannot act on his own. He needs the WILL OF HUMAN.
Pre-Christian Rus' did not know the concept of SOUL at all. It was introduced into our worldview (not to be confused with worldview) by Christians. The soul is an illusion, a veil that prevents you from seeing reality. Remember yourself in moments of anger or sadness. How your WORLD PICTURE changes in a moment.
By introducing the concept of SOUL, the Christians radically changed the Slavic picture of the world. Instead of the children of the gods, we instantly became slaves of the Christian gods. (realized themselves) in a world where everything was in abundance to maintain our existence (food-water-plants-fertile land). And Christianity arose in a DESERT AREA, where it was all in short supply and therefore God's servant-man. Psychology of perception of the world we have a fundamentally different one. Christians split a person (his unity of Spirit and body) into a trinity-trinity: Spirit, Soul and body. And everything is separate!


From here, our vocabulary has also changed (with the introduction of the concept of the soul). did not know!
In the 21st century, we all imagine ourselves to be free people. But look around, look around: this one got rich and insolent, and I bend my back on him and am afraid to quit (I’ll be lost!). A drunken husband beats his family. Nobody needs it! (But you don’t need yourself or what?). Here are the consequences: SLAVERY OF THE SOUL. And the substitution of concepts: SLAVERY OF THE SOUL IS SPIRITUAL SLAVERY (when we voluntarily do not live according to the HOUSES OF THE SPIRIT = THE HOUSES RIGHT, but we live according to the LAWS.
Therefore, WILL is confused with PERMISSIBILITY, and FREEDOM IS TRADING (they will give it, they won't give it).
FREEDOM \u003d "C" (see above) + "B" (see above) + "RIM" (the world limited by the RIM-HORIZON LINE around you, the world around you) + "A" (see above) .... ..
FREEDOM - "together and deeply I am connected with the world around me" (A-energy Yin is soft, mobile, like a wave. A WAVE OF LOVE - ACCEPTANCE of the world).
FREEDOM OF WILL is a complete taftology for a person living according to the WILL OF HIS SPIRIT (POKONY RIGHT), such as "butter oil". But for a SLAVE, a phrase that makes sense. Isn't it you yourself, huh? Who replaced the Spirit with your soul? We offer you a tool, magicians, for your own removal of shackles. Or a cure for slavery ... It's as you like, Slavs: YOUR CONSCIENCE is called it!
CONSCIENCE \u003d CO-VEST ... We told you, we gave the message from the KON SPIRIT OF RIGHT,
they brought it and put it on the floor in front of you. If someone raises the instrument, he will know the KON of "WILL".
For us, Magi, the CONSCIENCE tool suggests that in the FREEDOM OF THE WORLD (and a person is a part of this world, that is, a part of the same FREEDOM and is ALWAYS FREE in his SPIRIT) there is a human WILL (as the power of his Spirit).


CUSTODY \u003d "NOT" (denial) + WILL is for the SERVANT OF GOD. He really does not have his own will "Everything is in the will of God"! - Have you heard this? and hatred). Since he KNOWS (psychologists have already eaten a dog on this!): The subconscious mind (Spirit) does not perceive the prefix NOT. my will in you" (in plain sight I deny love, but secretly I only think about you. That is, I send you energy as if I loved). So what does a person really think about the object of his HATE? : I am so dependent on you that I have become your slave and I don’t want to have my BRAIN from you, but I admit that I have. Marya the Artisan: She, being in a FRAUD (a trance state of obsession, a confused state), says: "What will be, what is CUSTODY, IT IS ALL THE SAME." Remove your CONSCIENCE from the Spirit of FAULT and think about our words before discarding the article in anger.

WE RECOGNIZE and completely! The smell of rotten stuff gives off.

Any place that has a LIMITER is essentially a TRAP. A kind of mousetrap. And cheese? - "Soul Salvation" - a variety of cheese is called. We are not joking at all. PARADISE is a sweet trap for your Spirit. - will reach the forehead.
A fisherman is sitting on the shore with fishing rods. He has already caught a lot of fish. A hungry man is walking by.
- Fisherman, save me! I'm dying of hunger!
A stupid fisherman will give a hungry fish (PARADISE is called a fish). A smart fisherman will give him a fishing rod so that he can catch a fish himself (it is called SALVATION OF THE SOUL AND SPIRIT in HER. Give something, but only useless. But because everything has not been fully finished .A wise fisherman will give a fish (after all, a hungry passer-by, - FEED THE HUNGRY IS POCON RIGHT) and a fishing rod (he will keep the WILL OF THE SPIRIT BY THE POCON OF FREEDOM, he won’t wish trouble) and he will teach you how to use a fishing rod, so that you will certainly always be full (he will tell Now it’s time for them to part. And we continue the conversation. Sweet haze called PARADISE no longer bothers?
PARADISE is a place for slave owners (everything is for you, and you are nothing for anyone) FORGIVING THE SPIRIT in itself creating-creating-giving birth to Reality!-That's what PARADISE is. In Buddhism, this is called SAMADHI (a trap for the GODS), which they just can’t remember why they were born. Read, people, it’s useful!).
A hungry man is walking along the road. A fisherman is sitting on the shore and the fish ear is being boiled. Ready already. Continue? HUNGER is eternal, and satiety is a means to prolong hunger, but after a while. I would like to come to a warm house, but there is no house either. No fish soup, no fishing rods, no ability to fish, no building a house, no ... continue on your own.
HELL is a mirroring of the word "YES", that is, the REVERSE: "YES" ON THE REVERSE is "NO", Slavs! Eternal torment and pain. For the hungry, this is HUNGER, for example. HELL is also a TRAP FOR THE SPIRIT, where everything is the other way around than in Paradise .When the SOUL is hurt, she does not think about the will (she is busy with pain: she will not remember that her SPIRIT has never been a SLAVING).
Okay, I'll tell you another saying: "THE BULL IS GOING TO SCALE. WITH FEET IS OUT OF HAPPINESS." Oh! The board is ending, now I will fall! the trouble of his will is stronger! And he would look back, stupid: five meters across the river there is a bridge, so strong, so spacious! This bull looks like the SAVED from the beginning of the article. - the rescued one doesn’t owe me), but the SAVED ONE is itching: how to repay the debt, huh? Bring money or a gift? spiritual hell) and feed the savior with gifts (put him in a spiritual paradise), and grow wiser and live according to the WILL of his SPIRIT. KIND, TOO), so "DO GOOD FOR GOOD" (DO GOOD DEEDS in Reveal, my friend and yourself, of your own WILL). Live "IN KAIF" (paradise) and live b "IN HUNTER_KOLOD" (hell) - equally bad!
The question of Alexander Nevsky is still relevant for everyone.
I think again we can’t do without a parable. I’ll only tell the story. It will be clearer.
There are many symbols of our faith in Rus', Slavs! And one of them is the Blue Stone near Pereslavl Zalessky on Lake Pleshcheyevo. he was on the altar at the Slavic temple on the top of the mountain). Crawls ITSELF, no one helps to reach the goal, and so for hundreds of years. Neither Christian prayers nor curses helped to KILL him. its purpose. Here the altar was buried in the ground for a long time (the stone monoliths were BURIED) and the cross looms at the top, and all the monasteries in the area are ringing bells: REFUSE, SLEEP CALMED IN THE WORLD.
And Yarilin's mountain is calling! And the stone is crawling. As long as our faith is alive (OUR GODS AND POKONS), it will CALL your Spirit THE CONSCIENCE OF THE ALARM! commit suicide or sit in the darkness, celebrate Christian slavery, etc.). But the WAY is chosen by the Spirit, and the person realizes!
Remember, other people's roads will always lead to someone else's threshold and to someone else's goals. There is only one Way to your Spirit - YOUR OWN, and we, magicians, know what it's called:
REQUEST from us to you, reader: DO NOT HURRY, sit down and think. Write the answer in the comments if you want. Write as FREE: what do you think, and not what was ordered by whom.

FREE WILL (SAVED PARADISE>. It is said to that (or about) who acts in his own way, not listening to the advice, whose arguments. - Eh, gentlemen! a cup of tea, and a robertic... Well, what to do, free will, they say, he! he! he! Grigorovich, Country roads. The inspector turned to Kartashev and, pointing to Borisov, said: - With this gentleman, I will I advise you to go away ... - He thanks you for your advice, - answered Borisov, - and asks you to allow him to be guided by his own considerations. Inspector., answered: - Free will. Garin-Mikhailovsky, Engineers. - Well, father Andronik, free will You can't force him to collect Peter's stuff by force. Mamin-Sibiryak, Abba. Do you want unity? Recognize an unconditional renunciation of liquidationism, of the "struggle for an open existence," recognize loyal submission to the majority. Don't you want? - free will, but then don't cry if in a few months you will be completely without workers if you do You are no longer chocolatist, but "near-Cadet" intellectuals. Lenin, vol. 24, p. 312.- Free will. I'm not going to stop you! Dymov left. Karpukhin gloomily looked after him until Dymov disappeared behind the "candle", near which Vadim's brigade was bustling. E. Vorobyov, Height. - Have you already left? - Larisa asked distressed. - You promised ... - A smoke break, - Matvey announced shortly. - Well, look, - she continued quietly. - If you call today, I won’t go out. It was in Penkovo. Lebedev threw a savings bank on the table. "The savings bank will open in the morning, you can get it. If you want to leave, you are free, but I would advise you to stay. N. Leonov, There are no free cakes. Moreover, in all disputes on your face and in your spontaneity such a back thought was expressed very clearly: “You may not believe me, you may not agree with me - free will, saved paradise, but in this case you are a vulgar one” - Belinsky, Letter to M.A. Bakunin, October 12-24, 1838. Nadezhda Nikolaevna looked at me attentively. "That's it!" she said. Well, free will, paradise saved. If you don't want to [drink], you don't need to. I'll be alone. Garshin, Nadezhda Nikolaevna .- Leave me, please!- As you know! even if you want ten rubles, you won’t find a drowned nickname. Chekhov, the Drowned Man. - There is nothing for me to ask, we are simple people, but I will not drink with you. And Barchuk realized that he could not be persuaded. - Well, free will, saved paradise. Stelmakh, Big relatives.
[Varlaam:] Why don't you pull up, and don't you sip? [Grigory:] I don't want to. [Misail:] Free will ... [Varlaam:] A drunken paradise, Father Misail! Pushkin, Boris Godunov.
- Initially, about the right of free people (not slaves) to enjoy complete freedom. See Michelson, vol. 1, p. 118; Maksimov, p. 151.
- Simonyi: Wave will, walking path; Dal: Free will, paradise saved, wild field, swamp to hell.

Regret that a person acts unwisely, not listening to the advice of others.

  • ⚜ White light is given free
  • ⚜ Free will, walking path
  • ⚜ Own will, own and share (share depends on will)
  • ⚜ You can't overcome God's will (you can't overcome it)
  • ⚜ Do you want as you want; if you don't want it, it's up to you

In expression from the time when serfdom in Rus' was just being formed. At that time, the peasants were divided into free and slaves (serfs).

Free peasants could change their place of residence, land, and so on. Thus, the expression emphasized that a person has the right to choose, freedom of action.

That is, a free will (can do as he wants), a saved paradise (who lives not according to his own will, but as God commands, will be saved). You can also find this version of the proverb:

  • ⚜ Free will, paradise saved, wild field, damn the swamp

The inspector turned to Kartashev and, pointing to Borisov, said:
- With this gentleman, I advise you to stay away ...
“He thanks you for your advice,” replied Borisov, “and asks you to let him be guided by his own considerations.
Inspector... replied:
- Free will.

Nikolai Georgievich Garin-Mikhailovsky. "Engineers"

Free will (saved paradise)

Regret that a person acts unwisely, not listening to the advice of others.

❀ ❀ ❀

Material from ENE

Free - will, also is an old Russian proverb.

Free servants

  • "Boyars and children of boyars and servants between us free will" (No. 61)
  • “And the boyars and servants, who will not be under the noble, the waves will” (No. 27)
  • “And the boyars and servants between us free will; and they know their houses, but they didn’t enter them for us. And pull the court and tribute on land and water, and whom the boyars and servants of the village, and have to live in your fatherland, you take tribute and judgment on them, as well as on your own ”(No. 23)

It can be assumed that the saying "Free - will" comes to us from the time of Rurik. And why paradise for the rescued it becomes clear when we find out what this will often cost the free.

In Michelson's large explanatory phraseological dictionary there is an expression:

free will, saved paradise

That is free will(can do as he pleases) saved paradise(who lives not according to his own will, but as God commands - will be saved) Own will, own and share(the share depends on the will) Cf. (Are you in a hurry) to the settlement? Do you feel like going to the gallows? Free will, paradise saved!.. (Gr. B. Tolstoy. Book. Silver. 27.) Free will in the literal sense - the right of free people (not slaves) to enjoy complete freedom of action and transition from one place to another. Wed Des Menschen Wille ist sein Himmelreich- Man sees his bliss in free will. Wed Sebastian Frank. Sprichwörtersammlung. No. 16. 1832. See. free will, walking path. Cm. hunting more than bondage. See live not the way you want.

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