Quotes about the honor of a girl. Composition on the topic honor is more precious than life


Living life right is not an easy task. It is human nature to constantly make mistakes, to do wrong things. Some of these mistakes are minor and are quickly forgotten. In life, the main thing is not to make such a mistake that would change your whole life, turning it into a nightmare.

The greatest value of a person is his honor. Any shortcomings can be forgiven a person if he retained his honor, although he suffered because of it. In our time, the concept of honor is a little different than in the last century or in the time of our great-grandfathers and great-grandmothers. However, human values ​​always remain the same. Pure and unsullied honor has always adorned a person, making him worthy and highly respected. Keeping one's honor and one's name pure and innocent is the task of every person who has pride and understands the meaning of life. Modern youth does not live a very correct life. Very often violates prohibitions and rules of conduct that have been preserved for centuries.

A few decades ago, any girl was ready to commit suicide if her name and honor were in danger of being polluted, if any young man could prove to accuse her of indecent behavior. As for today's young girls, they care very little about their good name. Which of course is wrong. After all, everyone around until the end of their days will remember and know what moral qualities this or that person has. Nothing in the world can erase a wrong once committed. Young guys should watch their behavior no less than girls.

Such personal qualities as devotion to a friend and loved one, the struggle for justice, the protection of the weak and innocent. If a young man lives by this principle, he is not in danger of losing honor. He will always walk with his head held high and will not be afraid of anyone. What can not be said about a vile and deceitful person.

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The collection includes quotes about honor:

  • The honor of a man lies in the fact that, in relation to the satisfaction of his needs, he depends only on his diligence, on his behavior and on his mind. Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel
  • Equal disgrace drags behind him who betrays love and who leaves the battle. Pierre Corneille
  • Honor cannot be taken away, it can be lost. A. P. Chekhov
  • In matters of conscience, the law of the majority does not apply. M. Gandhi
  • The honor of a nation is a loaded gun. Alain (Emile Auguste Chartier)
  • Anything that soothes a bad conscience harms society. Buast
  • Honor is the cornerstone of human wisdom, V. G. Belinsky
  • Speaking of honor, of truth, are you really honest and truthful? If not, then you will deceive an adult with your words, but you will not deceive a child; he will not listen to your words, but your gaze, your spirit that possesses you. Vladimir Fyodorovich Odoevsky
  • The honor is the same for all. Laberius
  • For whom even honor is a trifle, for him everything else is. Aristotle
  • Honor is the poetry of duty. Alfred Victor de Vigny
  • Must keep the secrets of his friends. He who does not keep a secret dishonors his conscience and shames his confidence. John of Damascus
  • Honor is the desire to win honors; to keep one's honor means not to do anything that would be unworthy of honor. F. Voltaire
  • There is something as beautiful as a great man - a man of honor. A. Vigny
  • Honor is the diamond in the hand of virtue. Voltaire (Marie Francois Arouet)
  • To each his honor gives offspring. Publius Cornelius Tacitus
  • The better a person is, the more difficult it is for him to suspect others of dishonor. Cicero
  • A beautifully spoken speech about wonderful deeds remains in the memory of the listeners, to the honor and glory of those who performed these deeds. Plato
  • The human conscience prompts a person to look for the best and sometimes helps him to abandon the old, comfortable, sweet, but dying and decaying - in favor of the new, at first uncomfortable and unsweet, but promising a fresh life. A. Blok
  • People never feel remorse from fasting icons that have become their custom. F. Voltaire

  • Man must be the master of his will and the slave of his conscience. M. Ebner-Eschenbach
  • My clear conscience is more important to me than all the gossip. For me, my conscience means more than the opinions of everyone. Cicero
  • Remorse is an echo of lost virtue.
  • We have no right to live when honor has perished. Pierre Corneille
  • He who demands payment for his honesty most often sells his honor. L. Vauvenargues
  • Never leave the road of duty and honor - this is the only thing in which we draw happiness. Georges-Louis-Leclerc Buffon
  • Shame points to the inner limit of human sin; when a person blushes, his nobler self begins.
  • There is no doubt that people are naturally inclined to hatred and envy, and that education only strengthens these qualities. For parents usually maintain virtue in their children only by measures calculated for their honor or envy. Benedict (Baruch) Spinoza
  • Ridiculous things do more damage to honor than dishonor itself. François de La Rochefoucauld
  • Do not gain honor by vanity, or beauty of clothes or horses, or adornment, but by courage and wisdom. Theophrastus (Theophrastus) of Eres
  • The best decoration is a clear conscience. Cicero
  • Objectively, honor is the opinion of others about our value, and subjectively, our fear of this opinion. Arthur Schopenhauer
  • The opposite of honor is dishonor, or shame, which consists in the bad opinion and contempt of others. Bernard Mandeville
  • Under the influence of philistinism, everything changed. Knightly honor was replaced by accounting honesty, graceful manners - decorous manners, politeness - stiffness, pride - touchiness. Alexander Ivanovich Herzen
  • Dullness of conscience is recognized from the inability to be indignant against actions that are harmful to humanity. A. Amiel
  • I prefer death to dishonor. Unknown author
  • It is not fitting for a decent person to chase after universal respect: let it come to him by itself and, so to speak, against his will. V. Chamfort
  • It is pleasant to follow the promptings of conscience. O. Balzac
  • One of the main definitions of the principle of honor is that no one should by his actions give anyone an advantage over himself. Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel
  • Is it proper for a king, if he is slapped on the cheek, to turn the other? How can the king manage the kingdom if they allow dishonor over themselves? Ivan IV the Terrible
  • Nothing worries people more than a bad conscience. Erasmus of Rotterdam
  • The word of honor must be firm.
  • There is no one who does evil for its own sake, but everyone does it for profit, or pleasure, or honor, or the like. Francis Bacon
  • Shame and honor are like a dress: the more shabby, the more careless you treat them. Lucius Apuleius
  • An indispensable condition of friendship is not to make or fulfill demands against the spirit of honor. Mark Tullius Cicero
  • Bargaining honor does not enrich. Luc de Clapier Vauvenargues
  • Our conscience is an infallible judge until we have killed it. O. Balzac
  • It is difficult to intimidate a heart that is not stained by anything. W. Shakespeare
  • My honor is my life; both grow from the same root. Take away my honor and my life will be over. William Shakespeare
  • The worth and dignity of a man lie in his heart and in his will; it is here that the basis of his true honor lies. Michel de Montaigne
  • People are afraid of poverty and obscurity; if both cannot be avoided without loss of honor, they should be accepted. Confucius (Kung Tzu)
  • A person who behaves with dignity from the very beginning is freed from remorse. Abu'l-Faraj

  • Pious people abstain from unseemly acts out of fear; people of honor - out of contempt for such acts. Joseph Addison
  • The more a person is ashamed, the more he deserves respect. B. Show
  • When the guilty pleads guilty, he saves the only thing worth saving - his honor. Victor Marie Hugo
  • Honor is true beauty! Romain Rolland
  • Others exchange honor for honors. Jean-Alphonse Carr
  • Honor is an outward conscience, and conscience is an inward honor. Arthur Schopenhauer
  • If the crowd sometimes judges worthy people fairly, then this is more to the credit of the crowd itself than to happiness for such people. Mark Tullius Cicero
  • Honor is courageous modesty. Alfred Victor de Vigny
  • For a commander and a soldier, the same labors are difficult in different ways - they are easier for the commander, because he has higher honor for them. Mark Tullius Cicero
  • Honor is conscience, but conscience is painfully sensitive. It is respect for oneself and for the dignity of one's own life, brought to the utmost purity and to the greatest passion. Alfred Victor de Vigny
  • The voice of a pure conscience is sweeter than a hundred voices of glory. P. Buast
  • Honor is dearer than life. Johann Christoph Friedrich Schiller
  • Where can you find someone who would put the honor of a friend above his own? Mark Tullius Cicero
  • Honor is nothing but a good opinion of other people about us. Bernard Mandeville
  • Great is the power of conscience: it gives the same feeling, taking away all fear from the innocent and constantly drawing to the imagination of the culprit all the punishments he deserved. Cicero
  • Our honor is to follow the best and improve the worst, if it can still become more perfect. Plato
  • The wealth of other people should not be envied: they acquired it at a price that we cannot afford - they sacrificed peace, health, honor, conscience for it. It's too expensive - the deal would only bring us losses. Jean de La Bruyère
  • Honor is good from the honored. Lucius Shares (Akkiy)
  • Without a deep moral feeling, a person cannot have either love or honor - nothing by which a person is a person. Vissarion Grigorievich Belinsky

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“Honor is dearer than life” (F. Schiller)

“Honor is conscience, but conscience is painfully sensitive. It is respect for oneself and for the dignity of one's own life, brought to the utmost purity and to the greatest passion.

Alfred Victor de Vigny

Dictionary V.I. Dahl, defines honor and how "the inner moral dignity of a person, valor, honesty, nobility of soul and a clear conscience."Like dignity, the concept of honor reveals a person's attitude to himself and the attitude of society towards him. However, unlike the concept of dignity, the moral value of a person in the concept of honor is associated with a specific social position of a person, the type of his activity and the moral merits recognized for him.

But is honor a fundamental and vital property of a person, or is it something originally invested quality? There is the concept of "dishonest", which defines a person without principles, that is, not responsible for his actions and following contrary to the general rules. But, each person has his own moral norms and rules, which means that honor is inherent in all people without exception. As Anton Pavlovich Chekhov said: "We all know what a dishonorable act is, but we do not know what honor is."You can talk about honor, dignity and conscience based on your own worldviews and experiences, but the concept of honor remains unchanged. “Honor is the same for women and men, girls, married women, old men and women: “do not deceive”, “do not steal”, “do not drink”; only from such rules, which apply to all people, is a code of "honor" in the true sense of the word "-said Nikolai Gavrilovich Chernyshevsky. And if honor is inextricably linked with life, moreover, it is a component of existence, then can it be more precious than life? Is it possible to lose inner qualities only because of some “unworthy” act that will make life itself impossible? I think yes. Honor and life are two interrelated and inseparable concepts that complement each other. After all, the place of "habitation" of these properties is the individual. What confirm the words of Michel Montaigne : “The value and dignity of a man lie in his heart and in his will; it is here that the basis of his true honor lies.Honor is not dearer than life, but not cheaper either. It outlines the limits of what you can afford yourself, and what kind of attitude you can tolerate from others. A synonym for this quality is conscience - the inner judge of the spiritual essence, its guide and beacon. And only everything together makes up a personality, everything depends on the comprehensive development, because “... the principle of honor, although there is something that distinguishes a person from animals, but in itself it does not contain anything that could put a person above animals”- Arthur Schopenhauer. Another understanding of honor correlates with the current definition of reputation. This is how a person shows himself to other people in communication and deeds. In this case, it is important “not to drop dignity” precisely in the eyes of other people, because few people want to communicate with a rude person, do business with an unreliable person, or help a heartless miser in need. In general, the concepts of honor and conscience are very conditional, very subjective. They depend on the value system adopted in any country, in any circle. In different countries, in different people, conscience and honor have completely different interpretations and meanings. It is worth listening to the opinion of the famous British novelist George Bernard Shaw: “It is better to try to be clean and bright: you are the window through which you look at the world.”conscience is dignity reputation

Honor and conscience are one of the most important characteristics of the human soul. Compliance with the rules of honor gives a person peace of mind and live in harmony with his conscience. But no matter what, then, nothing should be more precious than life, because life is the most precious thing a person has. And to take a life just because of some prejudices or principles is terrible and irreparable. And not to make an irreversible mistake will help to cultivate moral principles in oneself. We must try to live in harmony with nature, society and ourselves.

Composition on the theme “Honor is dearer than life” (Var 1)

Can a person have anything more precious than honor? It seems that the answer is obvious and it is negative. But if you look at this issue from a special angle, it is more sublime. And what is the value of life, which throughout its entire length is overshadowed by dirty low deeds. After all, it overshadows not only the existence of others, but also the very figure, acting beyond the boundaries of nobility, is turned into a “comrade” without shaking hands, lonely and denied by society.

Honor is dearer than life, or what does it mean to live with dignity

Making mistakes in life situations is not only an inherent property of human nature, but also an inevitable part of any, at least somewhat rich life of an active person. But errors can be of varying severity. Some of them cause irreparable harm to the course of fate.

In any situation, the most important thing is to behave with dignity. Do not allow the manifestation of emotions, impulsiveness to aggravate the mistakes made and cast a shadow on the reputation. Much will be forgiven if a person does not stoop to complete dishonor.

You can lose everything, but at the same time not lose the respect of others while remaining within the generally accepted framework of nobility. This will always be appreciated by others.

Altered form of perception

Modern concepts of honor are fundamentally different from those that were generally recognized 100-150 years ago. Now, not every girl will even blink an eye when accused of dirty deeds. In the old days, even a hint of this could serve as a settlement of accounts with life. Similar examples and comparisons can be given a whole lot. Modern men have even more reason to worry about their honor if they are reconciled with the principles of the past. Perhaps a fairly large part of the world's population should not exist.

But there are more and more of us. Because generally accepted foundations are changing, and such lofty concepts as honor and nobility are simply devalued. not everyone even understands how to interpret them correctly.

So can a person have anything more precious than life?

In the modern interpretation of the concepts most likely not. but it is still very important to go through such a life path, for which one would not be ashamed and hurt after the time has passed. Exclude betrayal, disrespect for a loved one and other serious social misconduct.

Honor is dearer than life (Var 2)

Modern society resorts less and less to the concepts of honor. This is typical for the younger generation, which is brought up in different conditions. Now the world is ruled by self-interest and vanity. Those who manage to live according to high moral principles are considered strange. People only think about how to get more money faster.

What is honor

A good reputation takes a long time to build. It cannot be obtained in one day. It will take a long time to demonstrate good qualities. In the process, a person develops, a cumulative characteristic is formed in him. That's when the loss of honor for him is worse than death. It is better to give your life than to betray your views on life.

Crisis situations become a test of strength for people. So during the Great Patriotic War, many demonstrated their courage. Millions gave their lives because they were firm in their views and beliefs. People did not renounce their homeland, even in captivity of the enemy. No one has forgotten the exploits of these heroes. Contemporaries can be proud.

Literary examples

Writers and poets often described the main characters in their works as people of honor. Take The Captain's Daughter as an example. One can observe how a father sends his son to the service without resorting to his own connections. He wants Petrusha to know the officer's prowess himself. The father spoke the right words to his son, which confirmed his good intentions.

The young man will have to prove his morals. When the choice was to go over to the side of the enemy at the threat of life, the young guy did not. This is an act of a real highly moral person who surprised Pugachev.

Not only war shows people of honor. In any act, the character and views on human life are manifested. So even Pugachev helps save Masha, which demonstrates his positive qualities. His motive was not self-interest. He simply could not admit that an orphan girl would be offended.

Honor does not depend on the person's age, gender, or the amount of money in the account. This concept should be familiar to any highly moral person. We must protect our honor. Clearing a reputation is very difficult.

Essays on other topics

Finished essay in the second direction.

Did we really think about the meaning of the words "honestly", "honest" in childhood, adolescence? More likely no than yes. More often than not, we uttered the phrase “this is not fair” if one of our peers acted badly towards us. This is where our relationship with the meaning of the word ended. But life more and more often reminds us that there are people who "have the honor", and there are those who are ready to sell their homeland, saving their own skin. Where is the line that turns a person into a slave of his flesh and destroys a person in him? Why doesn't that bell ring, about which Anton Pavlovich Chekhov, an expert on all the black nooks and crannies of the human soul, wrote? These and other questions I ask myself, among which one is still the main one: is honor really more precious than life? To answer this question, I turn to literary works, because, according to Academician D.S. Likhachev, literature is the main textbook of life, it (literature) helps us understand the characters of people, reveals eras, and on its pages we will find a great many examples of the ups and downs of human life. There I can find the answer to my main question.

The fall and, even worse, betrayal, I associate with Rybak, the hero of V. Bykov's story "Sotnikov". Why did a strong man, who initially made only a positive impression, become a traitor? And Sotnikov ... I had a strange impression of this hero: for some reason he annoyed me, and the reason for this feeling was by no means his illness, but the fact that he constantly created problems during the performance of a responsible task. I frankly admired the fisherman: what a resourceful, resolute and courageous person! I don't think he was trying to impress. And who is Sotnikov for him to climb out of his skin for his sake ?! No. He was just a man and did human things until his life was in danger. But as soon as he tasted fear, it was as if he was replaced: the instinct of self-preservation killed a man in him, and he sold his soul, and with it his honor. The betrayal of the motherland, the murder of Sotnikov, animal existence for him turned out to be more precious than honor.

Analyzing Rybak's act, I cannot help but ask myself the question: does it always happen that a person does not act honorably if his life is in danger? Can he commit a dishonorable act for the benefit of another? And again, I turn to a literary work for an answer, this time to E. Zamyatin's story "The Cave" about besieged Leningrad, where in a grotesque form the author talks about the survival of people in an ice cave, gradually driven into its smallest corner, where the center of the universe is a rusty and red-haired god, a cast-iron stove that consumed firewood first, then furniture, then ... books. In one such corner, the heart of one person breaks with grief: Masha, the beloved wife of Martin Martinych, who has not gotten out of bed for a long time, is dying. It will happen tomorrow, and today she really wants it to be hot tomorrow, on her birthday, and then she might be able to get out of bed. Warmth, a piece of bread became a symbol of life for cavemen. But there is neither one nor the other. But the neighbors on the floor below, the Obertyshevs, have them. They have everything, having lost their conscience and turned into females, into wrappers.

…What won't you do for the sake of your beloved wife?! The intelligent Martin Martinych goes to bow to the non-humans: there is zhor and heat, but the soul does not live there. And Martin Martinych, having received (kindly, with sympathy) a refusal, decides on a desperate step: he steals firewood for Masha. Everything will be tomorrow! God will dance, Masha will get up, letters will be read - something that was impossible to burn. And the poison will be drunk, because Martin Martinych will not be able to live with this sin. Why does it happen? The strong and courageous Rybak, who killed Sotnikov and betrayed his homeland, remained to live and serve the policemen, and the intelligent Martin Martinych, who, living in someone else's apartment, did not dare to touch someone else's furniture in order to survive, but was able to step over himself in order to save a person dear to him , dies.

Everything comes from a person and closes on a person, and the main thing in him is the soul, pure, honest and open to compassion and help. I cannot help but turn to one more example, because this hero of the story “Bread for the Dog” by V. Tendryakov is still a child. A ten-year-old boy, Tenkov, secretly from his parents fed "kurkuli" - enemies. Did the child risk his life? Yes, because he fed the enemies of the people. But his conscience did not allow him to eat calmly and in plenty of what his mother put on the table. This is where the soul of the boy suffers. A little later, the hero will understand with his childish heart that a person can help a person, but who, in a terrible time of hunger, when people are dying on the road, will give bread for a dog. "No one", - the logic tells. "I" - understands the child soul. From such as this hero come the Sotnikovs, Vaskovs, Iskras and other heroes for whom honor is dearer than life.

I gave only a few examples from the world of literature, proving that always, at all times, conscience has been and will be in honor. It is this quality that will not allow a person to commit an act, the price of which is the loss of honor. Fortunately, there are many such heroes in whose hearts honesty and nobility live in works and in real life.

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