Composition “A tree as a symbolic detail in the novel “Fathers and Sons”. Who and whom calls "a retired person" and "ladybug" See what "Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov" is in other dictionaries

  1. What was the intention of Fathers and Sons? How did it reflect the socio-political struggle of the 60s of the XIX century? Did the intentions of the writer and the objective meaning of his work coincide in this case?
  2. “My whole story is directed against the nobility as an advanced class,” I. S. Turgenev argued. In Bazarov, he was drawn to an outstanding, titanic figure, grown out of the people's soil, but lonely and therefore doomed to death. The author conceived the main conflict of the novel as a conflict of ideologies: the moderate-liberal position of the "fathers" and the extreme left views of the nihilists (read, revolutionaries, the author notes). The writer wanted to show the triumph of democracy over the aristocracy, but he was sure of the defeat of the revolutionaries. Therefore, he categorically objected to the revolutionary conclusions made by Dobrolyubov after reading Fathers and Sons, and because of this he broke with his dear Sovremennik. The writer, who served “the revolution as the heartfelt meaning of his works” (from the proclamation of the Narodnaya Volya), turned out to be wrong: the objective meaning of his novel outgrew the plan, turned out to be wider and more convincing than Turgenev had supposed.

  3. What is the main conflict in Fathers and Sons? Is the struggle of two generations or two ideologies shown in the novel?
  4. Which of the characters in the novel immediately attracts attention, evokes sympathy? Who can be called a hero of his time? Why do you think so?
  5. What does the generation of “fathers” look like in Turgenev’s image (the Kirsanov brothers, Vasily Ivanovich Bazarov)? What do you think about their attitude towards the younger generation? Does the author sympathize with them or despises them?
  6. What is the essence of ideological disputes between "fathers" and "children"? Whose side is Turgenev on?
  7. Why do you think it was Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov who became Bazarov's main opponent? What does the duel scene give to characterize each of them?
  8. What are the views of Bazarov? What attracts (or repels) you? Why does Turgenev show him lonely not only in the camp of "fathers", but also among "children"?
  9. Prove that Bazarov is a fighter and a thinker. What is the essence of Bazar's nihilism? Does he have the moral right to call himself self-broken?
  10. Bazarov has the character of a fighter. He never retreats in disputes with ideological opponents, does not change his convictions, most often developed by experience. His aphorisms, often controversial, are the result of a great deal of mental work. Bazarov’s nihilism is not a denial for the sake of denial, but a firm conviction that “science “in general” does not exist at all”, that everything must be looked at critically, the results of one’s research in the laboratory must be checked, etc. Bazarov is sure that “everyone a person must educate himself, ”and cites himself as an example. He has the right to call himself "self-broken", because he never gives in to his weaknesses, fearlessly defends what he considers true.

  11. How does Bazarov feel about his parents? Why can't there be spiritual intimacy between them?
  12. It is known that the test of love is a difficult test for Turgenev's heroes. How does Bazarov reveal himself in love? How does Turgenev show the sincerity and strength of his hero's feelings? Is Anna Sergeevna Odintsova worthy of his love?
  13. "To die the way Bazarov died is the same as doing a great feat." Do you agree with this opinion of D. I. Pisarev? Why do you think the novel ends with the picture of Bazarov's death? How does D. I. Pisarev answer this question? Why did Turgenev call Bazarov a "tragic face"?
  14. What is the role of landscape in Fathers and Sons?
  15. Why does Arkady belong to the camp of "fathers"?
  16. Arkady in the epilogue "became a zealous owner", his "farm brings a significant income." This means that the influence

  17. How are the ideological views of the characters revealed in the novel “Fathers and Sons” by I.S. Turgenev?
  18. Bazarov quickly disappeared - after all, Arkady, despite the search for a social ideal outside the noble ideology, remained a "liberal gentleman." He is the guardian of the traditions of the "fathers" not only in relation to culture. The ideological views of the heroes of I.S. Turgenev are most fully revealed in disputes between the Kirsanovs and Bazarov.

  19. Describe the portrait of Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov.
  20. Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov is an aristocrat, which is emphasized by his beautiful white hands “with long pink nails”, “English suite, fashionable low ties”, “amazing collars”. He speaks with accentuated refined courtesy, tilting his head slightly.

  21. What principles of Bazarov do not stand up to dispute with life?
  22. Bazarov's nihilistic attitude towards love is broken by his own feeling for Odintsova. For the first time, he realizes that he is powerless to give up love for the sake of reason, that he becomes dependent on a woman whose words, look, manners cause a storm of irresistible passions in him. After losing a love duel, Bazarov loses optimism, comes to gloomy arguments about the insignificance of man in the face of eternity.

  23. How do you understand the meaning of the word "nihilist"?
  24. The concept of "nihilism" I.S. Turgenev introduced into the Russian language as a designation of the system of views of the "new people" who entered Russian public life from the end of the 50s of the XIX century. Nihilism is a simplified, grossly materialistic understanding of life, in which rational, experimental knowledge through the natural sciences comes to the fore, religion, art, beauty, morality are denied as useless in society. “We act by virtue of what we recognize as useful. At the present time, denial is most useful - we deny.

  25. What is the weakness of Bazarov's position?material from the site

    The weakness of Bazarov's position is in the total denial of everything that goes beyond empirical knowledge: art, the beauty of nature, love, religion. Life itself breaks his rejection of love. His materialism is superficial and crude, identifying physiology and morality (“each of us has a brain, spleen, heart, and lungs are the same”, which means that everyone has the same “moral qualities”). Bazarov has no faithful supporters, he is lonely, therefore, doomed.

  26. Why does I. S. Turgenev end Bazarov's line with the death of the hero?
  27. I. S. Turgenev believed that the “Russian Insarovs” had come, but their time had not come. Bazarov is a premature person who does not have a close social perspective, which is why he had to die.

  28. What is the meaning of the title of the novel "Fathers and Sons" by I.S. Tour geneva?
  29. The name has a double meaning: the confrontation between two social forces, liberal nobles ("fathers") and democrats-raznochintsy ("children"); eternal contradiction of generations.

  30. What details of the portrait emphasize Bazarov's democracy?
  31. I.S. Turgenev emphasized the democratism of Bazarov in outward appearance. His face was “long and thin, with a broad forehead, a flat top, a pointed nose, large greenish eyes and drooping sandy sideburns, animated by a calm smile and expressing self-confidence and intelligence.” He dresses simply and emphatically casually - in a "long robe with tassels", and his hands are "red and naked", never wearing gloves.

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On this page, material on the topics:

  • questions and answers to the work of fathers and sons
  • fathers and children is Odintsova worthy of Bazarov's love
  • Bazarov's character in the novel Fathers and Sons quotes
  • fathers and sons crossword
  • why Turgenev did not give Bazarov the right to life

In the novel, the main opponent in his ideological disputes.

Life story

Pavel Petrovich was brought up in the page corps. Having become an officer, he enjoyed great success in society: Kirsanov was self-confident, mocking and "amusingly bilious." He was liked by women, easily started novels, aroused envy in men. At twenty-seven he was already a captain, a brilliant career awaited him. And suddenly everything changed. A woman appeared in the light of St. Petersburg, which became fatal for Kirsanov.

Pavel Petrovich fell passionately in love with Princess R., who was known in the world as a frivolous coquette. However, love did not bring happiness to Kirsanov: having initially reciprocated his feelings, Princess R. soon lost interest in him. However, this obstacle did not stop the hero. For many years he tried to keep this relationship, for many years this withering, debilitating passion haunted him.

Painfully attached to Princess R., Kirsanov could never understand her, he was struck by her strangeness, imbalance, something cherished and inaccessible "in her soul, where no one could penetrate. After tender dates, he felt in his heart only "tearing and bitter annoyance." After parting with Princess R., Kirsanov tried to live an old, familiar life, but he could no longer get back on track. He grew old, turned gray, he no longer thought about novels. Soon Pavel Petrovich and his brother settled in Maryino. At the end of his life, he moved to Dresden, where he lived out his life in solitude.

Kirsanov has a number of advantages: he is intellectual, insightful, noble, has a strong-willed character (Pavel Petrovich does not have a truly strong-willed character - his high liberal principles of freedom and equality remain in words (although who said that a person with a strong-willed character must be a liberal?), but by the strength of his character he is really a worthy rival of Bazarov).


E.V. Amelina Getting ready for the exam in literature -: Onyx 21st century, 2005. - 0s. ISBN 5-329-01102-7

see also

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See what "Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov" is in other dictionaries:

    Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov Evgeny Pavlovich Velikhov as Pavel Kirsanov Creator: I. S. Turgenev Works: “Fathers and Sons” Gender: male Nationality: Russian Role performed by: Evgeny Pavlov ... Wikipedia

    The central character of the novel by I.S. Turgenev "Fathers and Sons" (1862). P.P.Kirsanov, along with his brother Nikolai Petrovich, is a representative of centuries-old noble culture. The personality of P.P. no less contradictory than the personality of the person personifying the "new ... ... literary heroes

    Kirsanov, Pavel Petrovich ("Fathers and Sons")- See also 2) According to Antonovich, K. is still not as empty and limited as Pavel Petrovich; all the same, her thoughts are turned to objects more serious than fezzes, ties, collars, drugs and baths; and she seems to ignore it. She is… … Dictionary of literary types

    Kirsanov, Pavel Petrovich ("Fathers and Sons")- See also... Dictionary of literary types

    Latin Prod. forms: Pavlik, Pashka, Pasha, Pavlusha, Pashenka, Groin, Pashok, Pavlyan, Pashulya Foreign analogues: English. Paul arm. Պողոս Belarusian Paval, Pauluk Bolg ... Wikipedia

    Nikolai Petrovich Kirsanov Creator: I. S. Turgenev Works: “Fathers and Sons” Gender: male Nationality: Russian Family: brother ... Wikipedia Winners of the Stalin Prize for outstanding inventions and fundamental improvements in production methods - Stalin Prize for outstanding inventions and fundamental improvements in methods production work is a form of encouragement for citizens of the USSR for significant achievements in the technical development of Soviet industry, the development of new technologies, modernization ... ... Wikipedia

On this page you will find a description of any hero of the novel.
"Fathers and Sons"

Evgeny Vasilyevich Bazarov

Evgeny Vasilyevich Bazarov, the main character of the novel "Fathers and Sons" by I.S. Turgenev, is one of the most striking characters in Russian literature of the 19th century.
Bazarov is a raznochinets, a medical student, a "nihilist". This is a daring, cynical, strong, intelligent, ironic and mocking person. People around him are afraid of his sharp mind and directness. He does not recognize art and romance (“Raphael is not worth a penny”, “I find that speaking beautifully is obscene”), does not admire nature (“nature is not a temple, but a workshop, and man is a worker in it”), does not believe in love and marriage.

Arkady Nikolaevich Kirsanov

Arkady Nikolaevich Kirsanov - a young nobleman, son of N.P. Kirsanova and friend E.V. Bazarov, whom he considers his spiritual mentor. Unlike his friend, he treats “nihilism”, that is, the rejection of everything, superficially, without going into details. He is attracted by the feeling of freedom in this teaching and independence from authorities. This is very typical for young people entering adult independent life. And at the same time, all these nihilistic views are perfectly combined in his soul with other properties that are very far from nihilism.
By nature, Arkady Kirsanov is a very kind person.
He sees only the good in people, does not feel hatred for anyone, pities Evgeny's parents. For a convinced nihilist, this is a sign of weakness.

Nikolai Petrovich Kirsanov

Nikolai Petrovich Kirsanov - nobleman, father of Arkady Kirsanov, widower. Nikolai Petrovich is a weak man, but kind, sensitive, delicate and noble. This hero strives to fulfill his romantic ideal in life - to work and seek happiness in love and art. Nikolai Kirsanov is trying to keep up with the times. He, to the best of his ability, transforms the estate, establishes new relations with the peasantry. He loves nature, poetry, music. Evgeny Bazarov calls Kirsanov "ladybug" for his kindness and gentleness. He has a wife - a young girl Fenechka and a small child.

Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov

Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov - Arkady Kirsanov's uncle, an aristocrat, adheres to liberal views. He is 45 years old, "the whole appearance ..., elegant and thoroughbred, retained youthful harmony and ... aspiration upwards, away from the earth ..."
In his youth, the hero experienced a personal drama. The brilliant career and successes in the society of Pavel Kirsanov were interrupted by the tragic love of the hero, which ended in the death of his beloved, Princess R. After this shock, P.P. Kirsanov gives up hope for happiness, moves to the village to his brother, where he tries to help him in housekeeping. He stands up for the idea of ​​dignity and human rights, for self-respect, honor and freedom of every person. This hero confidently defends his ideas: he challenges Bazarov to a duel. P.Kirsanov's ideas. Undoubtedly good, but very far from real life. His life ideals are not able to make even the hero himself happy: he remains unhappy and lonely. Pavel Petrovich is a man of unfulfilled dreams and an unfulfilled destiny.

Anna Sergeevna Odintsova

Anna Sergeevna Odintsova is an aristocrat, in whom the features characteristic of the new generation of nobles are manifested: the absence of snobbery and arrogance, freedom of opinion and democracy. She is smart and proud. Her deceased old husband left a huge legacy. This allows the heroine to live independently and do what she pleases. Only Anna Sergeyevna hasn’t wanted anything for a long time: “I’m very tired, I’m old, it seems to me that I have been living for a very long time ... There are many memories, but there is nothing to remember, and ahead, in front of me is a long, long road, but there is no goal ... I don’t even have want to go." Behind the serene calmness and measured existence of the heroine lies her spiritual coldness, inability to hobbies, indifference, selfishness. Bazarov himself says A.S. Odintsova that she wants to fall in love, but is not capable of it. And in this spiritual coldness lies her misfortune.

Fenechka is one of the brightest images in the novel. She is a peasant woman whom the master allowed to live in the house, and he himself was ashamed of this. Nikolai Petrovich committed an act that seemed noble. He settled a woman who gave birth to a child from him, that is, he recognized certain rights of her and did not hide the fact that Mitya was his son. But at the same time he behaved in such a way that Fenechka could not feel free and coped with her position only thanks to her natural naturalness and dignity. Bazarov, living with the Kirsanovs, enjoyed talking with Fenechka: “Even his face changed when he talked to her: it took on a clear, almost kind expression, and some playful attentiveness was mixed with his usual carelessness.” The image of Fenechka is like a delicate flower, having, however, unusually strong roots.

Ekaterina Sergeevna Lokteva

Ekaterina Sergeevna Lokteva is the younger sister of Anna Sergeevna Odintsova. Katerina Sergeevna is timid, silent, "constantly blushes and quickly takes a breath," she loves to read, think about life, about books, about people more than dancing at balls and flirting with men. Katerina was natural, kind, gentle, simple. It was easy and pleasant to communicate with her "She smiled a lot, shyly and frankly, and looked somehow funny-sternly, from the bottom up. Everything in her was still young-green: both her voice, and the fluff all over her face, and her pink hands with whitish circles on the palms, and slightly compressed shoulders ... ".

Princess Nelly R.

Princess Nelly R. is the beloved of Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov. They don't have a relationship. After the break, Pavel Petrovich loses the meaning of life. Many years later, Pavel Petrovich still remembers her.

Kukshina Avdotya Nikitishna is an emancipated landowner and a pseudo-nihilist. She is very harsh in her assessments and irreconcilable in her views. Kukshina is interested in the status of women all over the world ("women's issue"), is fond of the natural sciences. This heroine is cheeky, vulgar, stupid. In addition, sloppy and untidy. Kukshina has an unfortunate female fate: she is ugly, not popular with men, abandoned by her husband. In "nihilism" she finds rest, a sense of being busy with "important business". In the novel, this image is given in satirical tones.

Test based on the novel by I.S. Turgenev "Fathers and Sons".

Option 1.

1. "Accurately and strongly reproduce the truth, the reality of life is the highest happiness for a writer, even if this truth does not coincide with his own sympathies." Who sympathizes with I. S. Turgenev:

1) Revolutionary democrats. 2) Raznochintsam. 3) Liberals. 4) Monarchists.

2 What is the future specialty of Bazarov.1) engineer, 2) doctor 3) teacher 4) military

3. Whose portrait is this: "... a tall man, in a long robe with tassels ... a naked red hand ... a lazy but courageous voice", a face "long and thin, with a wide forehead ..."?

4. Whose portrait is this: “... a man of medium height, dressed in a dark English suit, a fashionable low tie and patent leather ankle boots ... He looked about forty-five years old: his short-cropped gray hair shone with a dark sheen, like new silver ...”?

1) Father of Nikolai Petrovich Kirsanov. 2) Nikolai Petrovich Kirsanov.

3) Evgeny Vasilyevich Bazarov. 4) Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov.

5. Whose portrait is this: “... It was a young woman of about twenty-three, all white and soft, with dark hair and eyes, with red, childlike plump lips and delicate hands. She was wearing a neat cotton dress; her new blue kerchief lay lightly on her round shoulders.

1) Fenichka. 2) Avdotya Nikitishna Kukshina, "an emancipated woman." 3) The landowner Anna Sergeevna Odintsova. 4) Katya, Odintsova's sister.

6. The disputes of the heroes of the novel "Fathers and Sons" were conducted around various issues that agitated the social thought of Russia. Find extra:

1) On the attitude to the noble cultural heritage. 2) About art, science.

3) About the system of human behavior, about moral principles.

4) About the position of the working class. 5) About public duty, about education.

7. Giving a general assessment of the political content of "Fathers and Sons", I. S. Turgenev wrote: "My whole story is directed against ..." (choose the correct one).

1) The proletariat as the advanced class. 2) The nobility as an advanced class.

3) The peasantry as an advanced class. 4) Revolutionary democrats as an advanced class.

8. Which of the heroes of the novel "Fathers and Sons" can be called a "little man":

1) Vasily Ivanovich Bazarov. 2) Nikolai Petrovich Kirsanov. 3) Arkady Nikolaevich Kirsanov.

4) Baubles.

9. On what circles of Russian society does E. Bazarov place his hopes: 1) Peasantry.2) Noble aristocracy.3) Russian patriarchal nobility. 4) Intelligentsia.

10. Which of the heroes of the novel "Fathers and Sons" corresponds to the following characteristics:

1) A representative of the young noble generation, quickly turning into an ordinary landowner, spiritual narrow-mindedness and weak will, superficial democratic hobbies, a tendency to rhetoric, lordly manners and laziness.

2) An opponent of everything truly democratic, an aristocrat admiring himself, whose life has been reduced to love and, unfortunately, about the passing past, an aesthete.

3) Uselessness and inability to live, to its new conditions, the type of "leaving nobility."

4) An independent nature, not bowing to any authorities, a nihilist.

a) O Evgeny Bazarov b) Arkady Kirsanov c) Pavel Petrovich d) Nikolai Petrovich

11. Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev wrote: "It did not have to share, as did Onegin and Pechorin, the era of idealization, sympathetic exaltation." Why Bazarov was negatively received by both the progressive Sovremennik magazine and liberal and democratic circles:

1) Because of its extremes, unacceptable for some and futility for others.

2) Because of the atypical character and time.

3) Because of the hero's attitude towards the people and his role in the democratic movement.

4) Due to differences in the question of the paths of the liberation movement.

12. What E. Bazarov was especially far from the author of the novel:

1) Misunderstanding of the role of the people in the liberation movement.

2) Nihilistic attitude towards the cultural heritage of Russia.

3) An exaggeration of the role of the intelligentsia in the liberation movement.

4) Separation from any practical activity.

13. Which of the heroes of the novel “Fathers and Sons”: “... dreamed that in the biography of his son there was a phrase: “the son of a simple staff doctor, who, however, managed to figure it out early and spared nothing for his upbringing "? 1) Governor of the city***. 2) Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov. 3) Nikolai Petrovich Kirsanov. 4) Bazarov's father.

14. Which of the heroes of the novel "Fathers and Sons" "... called Bazarov predatory, and Arkady Kirsanov tame"? 1) Fenichka. 2) Katya, Odintsova's sister. 3) Avdotya Nikitishna Kukshina. 4) Landowner A. S. Odintsova.

15. Which of the heroes of the novel "Fathers and Sons" ... "stands up for the peasants", but "speaking to them ... frowns and sniffs cologne"? 1) Governor of the city***. 2) The son of the farmer Sitnikov. 3) Evgeny Bazarov. 4) Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov.

16. Which of the heroes of the novel “Fathers and Sons” ... gives another such characteristic: “Your brother, nobleman, cannot go further than noble humility or noble boiling, but this is nothing ... You are a nice fellow; but you're still a soft, liberal barich...”?

1) P.P. Kirsanov - Bazarov. 2) Kukshin - Sitnikov. 3) Peasants - to Bazarov. 4) Bazarov - Arcadia.

17. Find the correspondence of the heroes of the novel to the social position:

1) Emancipe. 2) Russian aristocrat. 3) Regimental doctor. 4) Baric student. 5) Democrat student

A) Evgeny Bazarov B) Kukshina C) V.I. Bazarov D) Arkady Kirsanov D) Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov

18. What moment in the biography of Yevgeny Bazarov became a turning point in his awareness of his personality:

1) Love for Odintsova. 2) Break with Arkady. 3) Argument with P.P. Kirsanov. 4) Visiting parents.

Answers to the test based on the novel by I.S. Turgenev "Fathers and Sons"

Answers to the test option 1

1 - 1 2 - 2 3 - 3 4 - 4 5 - 1 6 - 4 7 - 2 8 - 1 9 - 4

10 - 1b, 2c, 3d, 4a 11 - 1 12 - 2 13 - 4 14 - 4 15 - 4 16 -4 17 - 1b, 2e, 3c, 4d, 5a 18 - 1

Test on the creativity of I.S. Turgenev. The novel "Fathers and Sons".

Option 2.

1. To whom is the dedication of the novel "Fathers and Sons" addressed:

1) A. I. Herzen. 2) V. G. Belinsky. 3) N. A. Nekrasov. 4) Pauline Viardot.

2. Which hero of the novel is essentially the spokesman for the author's point of view?

1) P.P. Kirsanov 2) E. Bazarov 3) N.P. Kirsanov 4) A.S. Odintsova

3. The basis of the conflict of the novel "Fathers and Sons" is:

1) Quarrel between P.P. Kirsanov and E.V. Bazarov. 2) The conflict that arose between E. V. Bazarov and N. P. Kirsanov. 3) The struggle between bourgeois-gentry liberalism and revolutionary democrats. 4) The struggle between the liberal monarchists and the people.

4. Whose portrait is this: “... a gentleman of about forty years old, in a dusty coat and checkered trousers ... we see him in the month of May 1859, already completely gray-haired, plump and slightly hunched, he is waiting for his son, who received, as he once did, the title candidate"?

1) Father of Nikolai Petrovich Kirsanov. 2) Nikolai Petrovich Kirsanov.

3) Evgeny Vasilyevich Bazarov. 4) Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov.

5. Whose portrait is this:“He was always fussing and in a hurry; in the morning he put on a tight uniform and an extremely tight tie, ate and did not drink enough, ordered everything ”?

1) Evgeny Vasilyevich Bazarov. 2) Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov. 3) Governor of the city***. 4) The son of the farmer Sitnikov.

6. Whose portrait is this: "... a man of small stature, in a Slavophile Hungarian ... An anxious and stupid expression was reflected in the small, however pleasant features of his sleek face ..."? 1) Evgeny Vasilyevich Bazarov. 2) Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov. 3) Governor of the city***. 4) The son of the farmer Sitnikov.

7. Whose portrait is this: “A lady was reclining on a leather sofa, still young, blond, somewhat disheveled, in a silk, not quite neat dress, with large bracelets on her short arms, with a lace scarf on her head ...”?

1) Fenichka. 2) Avdotya Nikitishna Kukshina, "an emancipated woman."

3) The landowner Anna Sergeevna Odintsova. 4) Katya, Odintsova's sister.

8. Which of the heroes of the novel owns the words: “We know approximately why bodily ailments occur, and moral illnesses come from bad education ... from the ugly state of society, in a word, correct society, and there will be no diseases.”

1) Arkady Kirsanov. 2) N. P. Kirsanov. 3) E. V. Bazarov. 4) P. P. Kirsanov

9. Bazarov wrote a critical article:

1) I. S. Turgenev. 2) V. G. Belinsky. 3) A. I. Herzen. 4) D. I. Pisarev.

10. Typing is:

1) The image of the general through the singular, i.e., the combination of the characteristic and the individual in a single artistic image.

2) A frequently recurring character or a situation that is widespread.

3) Literary experience in creating the artistic world, accumulated by many generations of authors.

11. Which of the heroes of the novel “Fathers and Sons” “... lived very well and quietly: they almost never parted, read together, played four hands on the piano, sang duets; she planted flowers and watched the poultry yard, he occasionally went hunting and did housework”?

1) Nikolai Petrovich Kirsanov and his first wife. 2) Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov and Princess R..

3) Nikolai Petrovich Kirsanov and Fenechka. 4) Bazarov and Odintsova.

12. Which of the heroes of the novel "Fathers and Sons" "... fell in love with a woman with a mysterious look, lived for ten years" colorless, fruitless and quickly ", gradually grew old, remained single and began to live in the village," arranged his whole life on English taste?

1) Nikolai Petrovich Kirsanov. 2) Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov.

3) Chairman of the City Treasury***. 4) Viktor Sitnikov, son of a farmer.

13. Which of the heroes of the novel “Fathers and Sons” “... extremely loved nature, especially on a summer day, when, according to him, “every bee takes a bribe from every flower”?

1) Father of Nikolai Petrovich Kirsanov. 2) Governor of the city***.

3) Evgeny Vasilyevich Bazarov. 4) Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov.

14. Which of the heroes of the novel "Fathers and Sons": "... kowtowed before his wife only because she was nee Princess Durdolesova"?

1) Father of Nikolai Petrovich Kirsanov. 2) Nikolai Petrovich Kirsanov.

3) Evgeny Vasilyevich Bazarov. 4) The son of the farmer Sitnikov.

15. Which of the heroes of the novel “Fathers and Sons”: “... claimed that “all people are similar to each other both in body and soul ... small changes mean nothing”?

1) Fenichka. 2) Governor of the city***.

3) The son of the farmer Sitnikov. 4) Evgeny Vasilyevich Bazarov.

16. People close to Evgeny Bazarov in spirit are called:

17. Determine which of the heroes of the novel "Fathers and Sons" owns the following "words and phrases":

1) “The local scientists”, “others will say the matter, I agree”, Latin words, “you, tea, have heard ...”.

2) “... Without self-respect”, “there is no solid foundation for the public”, “principles” and French words, “I want to prove eftim”.

A) Pavel Petrovich. B) Evgeny Bazarov

18. Creating a novel, I. S. Turgenev widely uses the antithesis technique. What does this term mean:

1) Confrontation of the characters of a literary work.

2) A doctrine that puts man at the center of the universe, considering man "the crown of nature."

3) Artistic opposition of characters, circumstances, concepts, phenomena, compositional elements.

Answers to the test based on the novel by I.S. Turgenev "Fathers and Sons"

Answers to the test option 2

The description of the landscape, the characteristics of the characters through their relationship to nature - all this occupies a large place in Turgenev's works. Love for nature and frequent references to it in his works made the author an expert in landscape characterization. Speaking about nature in the novel "Fathers and Sons", first of all, the reader will remember the forest, or, more specifically, the tree. And this makes sense, because some of the heroes of the novel are directly related to the forest and the tree.

There is no doubt that many of the characters in "Fathers and Sons" are zoomorphic. For example, Nikolai Petrovich Bazarov directly calls a ladybug, and Fenechka is a cat in Bazarov's dream. But what about Bazarov himself? It is already more difficult to compare it with any animal. Perhaps he himself compares himself with a frog, believing that all people are the same as a frog. Speaking of Bazarov, it must be said that he is probably the only hero who has talismans. And here nature shows its influence, to which Bazarov is indifferent, even with cynicism: "Nature is not a temple, but a workshop, and man is a worker in it." But it was nature that gave him one of his talismans - aspen. But the aspen tree is very unusual, it takes energy, and criminals were even hanged on it. Why did the aspen become Bazarov's talisman? Perhaps because Bazarov himself looks like an aspen. In a conversation with him, many were lost, embarrassed, not knowing how to behave, he seemed to take energy from the people who communicated with him. Probably, this was the reason that Arkady Kirsanov followed Bazarov, although he was not a nihilist at heart. But at the same time, there is a version that the cross of Christ was made of aspen, that is, there is a positive beginning in aspen. And, of course, one cannot deny the positive qualities of Bazarov as an intelligent and sufficiently educated person. Bazarov is a frog, and only she can turn to God.

Bazarov's words became an aphorism that not a single botanist would consider each birch separately. And Bazarov said this, comparing birch trees with people. His own life convinced him otherwise. He met such an unusual, somewhat mysterious woman as Odintsova, and fell in love with her, although before meeting Odintsova he spoke contemptuously about women, saying that only a freak thinks freely between women. But the birch, with which he compared people, is a tree that gives off energy, unlike aspen.

Another bright character in "Fathers and Sons" is Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov. And if we compare Bazarov with an aspen, then Pavel Petrovich is a forest. The forest is made up of human trees, which is partly in its favor, partly not. Pavel Petrovich is a strong enough man, but still he could not overcome himself when he met Princess R. It is in the forest that ladybugs live, and you can find a cat there, and a frog. Therefore, perhaps, Pavel Petrovich, as a result, begins to understand Bazarov, because the frog is Bazarov's talisman. Bazarov and Pavel Petrovich have more similarities than differences, and this is confirmed by the fact that the frog lives in the forest. And yet Bazarov is both a worm and an eagle, and Pavel Petrovich is both the Apostle Paul and the "little one".

We also see the motif of the tree during the meeting between Arkady Kirsanov and Katya Odintsova. They sat under an ash tree, which contributed to their love, protected. They probably felt it and that's why they met there.

In the scene under the stack, when Bazarov and Arkady were resting there, there is a motif of a tree. Falling maple leaf. And the maple leaf resembles a cross and takes on the meaning of the key to life, turning to God.

And at the turning point of the novel - the duel - there is also a tree motif: the duel took place behind a grove, this grove hid the duelists, and no one guessed what actually happened between Bazarov and Pavel Petrovich.

Bazarov, who had mocked the beautiful all his life, at the end of his life thought about why he lived, did Russia need him? Love and nature overcame his coldness and indifference, and over his grave we see two beautiful Christmas trees planted by caring hands! his parents.

The motif of the forest and the tree can be traced throughout almost the entire novel and is of no small importance. This is both a means of characterization and a means of expressing the author's position. It takes great skill to make seemingly small details meaningful. And Turgenev, possessing this gift, put an undeniable importance and necessity into the descriptions and references to the forest and the tree.

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