Human aura color. Blue aura - the meaning of heavenly tones in the human biofield


The pink aura is the color of your energy-mental body, which reflects the essence of its owner, his dreams, thoughts and aspirations. Combining the colors of red and white, it is a kind of golden mean between the rage and brightness of the first and the neutrality, purity of the second. Let us consider this phenomenon in more detail.

In the article:

Pink aura and its meaning

A similar color of energy indicates a person who is rather dreamy, thoughtful, who loves to make plans and castles in the air. The owner of such an aura sets himself a high standard of achievement, demands a lot from himself, but is often condescending to others and their weaknesses. For himself, at the same time, being the strictest judge, closely considering his own achievements and not allowing concessions.

Often such people are gentle, attentive and caring, but do not forgive betrayal, lies and simple human dishonesty. Everyone has their own point of view, adhering to their convictions with amazing persistence, defending the right to a personal opinion to the bitter end. The flip side of these personalities are stubbornness, pride and not too high flexibility. Being firm in character, they admit their mistakes with great creak, hard and awkwardly ask for forgiveness. However, in life, such a person can be surprisingly soft and fluffy - until someone starts to put pressure on him. Then hidden features make themselves felt, helping the owner of these to remain himself in the most severe troubles of life.

This type of aura somehow has one dominant color. It can be any shade, from blue to gold, there are no clear boundaries and divisions. But, most often, red or white prevails, which determines what the owner is more inclined to, what features are most pronounced in him and influence his character and actions.

Red aura, meaning and reflection of character

To begin with, let's figure out what the red type of energy field is and what it is eaten with. As we know, the very word "red" comes from the words "beautiful", "beautiful", which already says a lot. For example, that this color is one of the most popular. It symbolizes vitality, violent temperament, passions overwhelming a person, lust, determination, physical strength, pronounced emotionality, sexual energy.

The red aura is often dominant in strong-willed people, leaders, those who never and nowhere recede into the background and are always "on horseback", always ahead. They, more than anyone, have the desire to achieve their goal at any cost, in any way. These are not only big bosses, successful managers, athletes and the military, but also gamblers who lose to smithereens, killers and just cruel, dangerous people with whom it is more expensive to mess with.

Long remorse is alien to them, control over oneself is difficult, it is not easy to humble pride, admit their shortcomings, accept someone else's help. They are difficult to calculate, unpredictable in their actions, able to expose themselves to a blow and involuntarily set up their loved ones. The most negative is dirty shade of similar color- he talks about bad control, aggression and fear.

Red Aura Combination

Those who describe it as a kind of color cloud that surrounds everyone. The densest concentration of color in the center is also a kind of reference point, a place that can be called an indicator of the personality core, individuality.

In people with a dominant red, it is described as a bright, rich and dense spot that emits certain waves of energy. All secondary colors are tied to it, to this center.

As mentioned earlier, color combinations can be anything - nature does not know pure characters, which means that there are no restrictions. However, nature also tends to balance one another, attracting opposites, thereby maintaining the balance and balance of forces. The fury of red is perfectly balanced by the calmness of white.

White, red and their derivative - the pink color of the aura

White color, as already mentioned, means purity of aspirations and thoughts, a highly developed imagination, free-thinking. Also - aspiration to religion, spiritual development, strong faith. Congenital or acquired predisposition to learning magical and mystical practices. For example, such people easily comprehend the essence of meditation and enter into a trance, comprehend the basics of yoga and other complex teachings. Often have paranormal abilities such as psychics. But the main feature, perhaps, can be considered a disposition to peace, harmony and peace, both for the owner of the white aura and for people dear to him.

All these qualities, of course, should not make one think that such people are inveterate pacifists and are not capable of decisive, tough actions. Certainly they are capable of it. As they say, with a desire for peace, we are ready for war. They can be jealous and selfless, sympathetic and indifferent, powerful and modest, wise and imprudent. Any. The pink aura, whose meaning is mainly peace and tranquility, also speaks of the ability of its owner to experience strong passions. This delicate color does not mean at all that its owner is an innocent sheep.

As already mentioned, people with a pink aura combine two opposite characters - militancy and peacefulness, the desire for leadership and the ability to step back into the background. This confrontation of polar forces leads to the opposite effect - the owner of such an aura will rather prefer a comfortable chair, rest, home comfort to active actions and achievements. “Looks at the world through rose-colored glasses” - it’s not for nothing that there is a similar expression among the people, which well reflects the love of escapism and escape from reality inherent in many people with a pink aura. This is especially true for those whose white color dominates red. They lack the purity and integrity of pure whites, but they also lack the materialistic earthiness of reds.

Pink aura, the meaning of the location of color on the energy plane

AT mental plane the combination of white and red leads to a curious effect: it is described as a partial mixture of colors. In some areas of the aura, one color dominates, and in some other. The shade that dominates on the left side of the etheric body is inert, passive, deep internal, associated with internal changes and the energy of the Anima, the female part of the soul.

The right side is the area of ​​the Animus, the male half. This is activity, interaction with other people, in a word - extraversion. What color dominates on the right - such a manner of behavior with people is characteristic of the person himself.

As we have already said, next to or opposite the heart is the center of the aura, in which the dominant color is expressed. This is true, but the expanded meaning of color and its interpretation indicate how capable a person is of deep feelings, love, expression of emotions and affections. Can he accept love and give something in return.

The colors around the head are thoughts, beliefs. As well as intellectual activity, demonstrating how developed a person is. The purer the color, the smarter the owner of such an aura. Although the purity of color can also indicate a whole person, not tormented by internal storms and turmoil.

So, we figured out what a red aura is, the meaning of which was described in detail in the second part of the article; found out what is found, as well as pink. The meaning of these colors has also been explained. The main character traits of the owners of such auras are also indicated, how they are characterized and what should be expected from them. However, despite all the possible similarities of a person’s character with a description of a particular type of personality, one should not be biased: accurately describe


Violet color in the aura

Purple combines a fiery dynamic red with a cold and calm blue. So it is in a person: the seething power inside is combined with external coldness. Bright purple indicates a high level of intellectual development, coupled with spiritual knowledge and intuition. Clean and brightviolet and purple speak of a strong self-sacrificing love for humanity. Darkviolet indicates deep inner feelings and tendencies to exactingness. Here and love for secrets, mysteries, non-traditional knowledge, secret teachings and mystical abilities. All this supports the "purple" personalities on the spiritual path.

dirty purple most often found in people with mental disorders. Purple is the color of the seventh (crown) chakra. Corresponding organs and parts of the body: nervous system and pineal brain.

Mind and body

Violet type people are dynamic, charismatic and powerful individuals. Their mission in life is to inspire and lead humanity into the new age. Most Violets have the intention of doing something important in their life.

People with a purple aura have both wisdom and powerful intuition. They also contain physical strength and qualities that allow you to radically change your own life. The violet type combines the features of the blue and red types, creating a new level of essence and new vibrations.

"Purple" people are visionaries, futurists. They have high ideals and hopes for the future. In any situation, a holistic picture of what is happening opens up to them, and they, without delving into the facts, obviously know everything. They themselves are always interested in this holistic picture and the driving force of events. They can often see the future.

Violet people perceive life through the Third Eye or inner vision because they have the ability to visualize future events. They do not need to go into details to achieve the goal.

Their unorthodox inventive ideas and strange perceptions often seem unrealistic and impractical to others.

On the other hand, violets are theorists. It is important for them to know that their ideas and projects work and are of great value. Their psychic abilities allow them to see the reason or structure of a technology, situation or event. Violets easily find the underlying laws and causes of events and intuitively know what the next step is to take.

Their motivation is self-expression, as well as the desire to live the way they see it best, realizing their creative potential. The closer their life is to the inner vision, the more satisfied and happy they are. These flexible individuals perceive life as magic and feel like a fish in water in the flow of change and transformation. They perfectly adapt to any conditions.

Since violets combine the qualities of the blue and red types, it is important for them to take the direction of the behavior of both. At this dynamic new level, sensitivity, caring, intuition, all-encompassing love and compassion, qualities of the blue type, are mixed with physical activity and the power of red. Violet type people often have a strong body and inexhaustible energy. They need to realize their physical strength, for example, in sports. But since mental energies are also strong in them, active relaxation is necessary to renew energies at all levels.

Violet radiate charisma and magnetism. Their emotional depth has an extraordinary impact on others. They know how to make dreams come true. Their mind is a magical space where dreams come alive. Some violets seem to live in the future.

They intuitively know and feel what the future will bring or what success can bring. The life of violets is consonant with the flow of energy and a sense of intuition. But that's not all. They are even able to create and manage positive visions that can really help humanity in its transition into a more enlightened era of being and self-knowledge.

Purples love music. They feel the power and vibration of sounds, preferring energizing, quiet and harmonious melodies. Music that is destructive to them (for example, hard rock) can be annoying and uncomfortable. For this type, music is a universal language that connects people to each other and the universe together.

People with a purple aura are very independent and need a lot of space to live. We are talking about huge houses with a lot of open space. Sometimes even the castle is too small for the expansive area of ​​violet energy. Just like physical space, they need emotional and mental space. They feel bad if they find themselves in a small town or community, while in fact their personal space extends to the aisles of the whole world.

Often these people appear to others as cold and aloof, unapproachable, but this is only outwardly. All their strength, passion and energy are hidden inside. They are careful in expressing feelings, because they simultaneously operate with sensitivity and passion. They are easily offended, so their cold appearance is used as a shield. Putting on pride and arrogance does not necessarily mean that they experience the same thing inside. They are often just insecure or feel threatened.

The biggest challenge for people of this type is to trust intuition and inner vision. The tendency to self-criticism and improvement often leaves them alone with feelings of guilt and resentment. Some part of such a person may think that he is able to do something better, faster and more efficiently. Even after completing a successful project, they may find small errors or details they should have noticed. This can lead to feelings of regret.

When in a state of disharmony, people with a purple aura often ask themselves why they have a strong desire to do something important in life. Sometimes they even wonder why they can't be like everyone else and just get rid of the obsession. Sometimes they feel unworthy or not qualified enough for such a high mission. Successful and famous personalities often face this uncertainty along the way.

In a state of disharmony, violets can also be arrogant, pompous, and narcissistic. They think they are better than other people. Their selfishness comes to the point that dictatorial qualities are manifested in their behavior, nurtured on self-adoration and glory. During such a period, violets often do not trust their own visions and ideas. Eyes run up from the number of ways to resolve the issue. At the same time, violets become distracted, amazed and confused. They often work on a large number of projects that simply cannot be brought to their logical conclusion. Renouncing reality and going "too far", the violets turn everything upside down and lose their strength.

If violets have lost touch with their visions and intuition, they often use their charismatic abilities to achieve material wealth or high social status. They seem to be trying to compensate for the missing spiritual connection with their own strength, success and wealth.

Spirituality is an essential aspect for violets. They see God in everything, including themselves. Their point of view on the nature of spirituality is as follows: spirituality is a universal or cosmic consciousness that is directly related to us, within ourselves. Violets believe that God lives in each of us, because people are co-authors of their own reality. We are God's creatures.

Following destiny for these people means - to live a spiritual life. They enjoy being in this magical state of mind when the Universe itself takes care of them.

Social sphere

Sometimes purples are presented as antisocial. They are much more interested in meaningful conversations and big ideas than they are in idle chatter with friends about trivial things. Social interaction is boring for them and is a necessity, if not for good reasons.

Purples are primarily focused on their own visions. This sets them apart from partners and close friends. But still, they need to leave their cave in order to taste the delights of everyday life and not turn into ascetics. Their task is not to let their visions take over.

Violet believe that they must support society and humanity as a whole. They feel that they are in the service of society, changing life and improving it. They need a lot of patience to realize that the changes introduced, which require effort and time, will eventually play a role.

Violet inspire society to find new ways of a harmonious future, where there will be no wars, and the entire planet functions as a single organism; where all people are the creators of their own destiny. Violet teaches humanity that the universe will take care of us no matter what religion, faith or society we belong to or where we were born.

If we merge into a universal unity, catch the flow of life energy and define the "material" from which we are woven, and if we join the Universe, there will be no limit to the possibilities.

Relationships and intimacy

Relationships do not occupy a very important place in the violet value system. They need partners who can understand their visions, travel together in similar directions, and provide inspiration.

People with a violet aura prefer mystical sex, where intercourse and orgasm are the path to enlightenment, the unity of the feminine and masculine principles, where duality ceases to exist. Sexual union represents a cosmic experience in which the energies of two beings merge into one.

In relationships with loved ones, excitement and excitement are important for them. They are also sensitive to their partners and understand them perfectly.

When violets focus on their partners, they become very demanding and possessive. Since they merge with partners so easily, it is important not to lose their own individuality. People with a purple aura are sometimes so absorbed in their partners that they forget about everything in the world, including friends. In the absence of harmony, they can "suffocate" in their relationship.

If the partners of people of this type do not respond to them with the same strong passion and tenderness, violets have problems with sex and even sexual disorders. Therefore, it is important for them to create a balanced intimate life that brings satisfaction. They usually look for a soul mate in a partner.


Violet life is great with passionate and strong red. A fire burns between them. If violets can accept and appreciate dark green, this will be a great start to a successful relationship. Violet people need to understand that orange freedom and independence are also needed.

orange yellow make a good match for them. They are very different, but they can be a single team, complementing each other with the missing qualities. The mystique of purple attracts contact yellow. Personalities blue type love the society of violets and are able to become caring and supportive partners for them.

Since violets are dominant in relationships, their task is to pay enough attention to the partner. In general, violets need partners who will support them, provide a life filled with feelings.

Career and finance

Violets need creativity and are willing to proclaim their visionary and innovative ideas. No matter what area they work in, they will always find a new effective solution that will work.

People with a purple aura do not need a lot of money for personal purposes. They love the luxury that they acquire with the money they earn. Consider this substance as a means of influence and separation from the mass. Most importantly, money provides the power to bring about global change on a planetary scale. People with a purple aura are well aware that in today's society we must have money in order to have some influence. They are careful with money, and therefore from the outside it seems that they are selfish and stingy.

Purple people are natural born leaders. If they use their charismatic abilities for the good of humanity and in humanitarian projects, and not for the amusement of the ego, then others will take their direction. It is difficult to resist the charm and mystical power of purple.

When they are in harmony, as it seems, the Universe opens all doors and supports them. They possess knowledge of the natural laws of life and wisdom. They teach us to trust our inner feeling. If we are connected with the Universal Energy of life, all boundaries collapse.

Violets are very intelligent and sensitive. With the ability to study situations in depth, they often see what is hidden between the lines. They are always looking for laws, or patterns, and with the help of analytical thinking, they find the cause of things. With the ability to explore most situations mentally and emotionally, intuitively and creatively, they are extraordinary innovative problem solvers.

Violets tend to choose activities that allow them to be independent and creatively free. They blindly believe in the higher purpose of any activity in which they participate. These people often work in the entertainment, media, or communications industries. The reason for this is the magnetic charm and individual style. They know how to use the tools at hand to make important changes on this planet.

Some other areas where purple people find their place are: philosophy, religion, ecology, music, literature, art, humanitarian organizations, and futuristic technologies, projects and events.

Occupation: Actor, musician, artist, writer, lecturer, designer, industrialist, director, photographer, psychologist, social worker, spiritual teacher, politician, businessman, and inventor.

Health and personal growth

People with a purple aura will be able to achieve something worthwhile if they learn to concentrate energy, believe and trust their own vision. The excitement that arises from visions and the passion in the heart will lead in the search to the goal.

Violets cannot stop their own visions. However, it is important for them to concentrate on several projects at the same time. Making clear plans, organizing your every day, will help you achieve your goal and realize your vision. They will not be happy if they resist the inner urge to live out the mission and dreams.

The task of the violets is to fight any self-doubt and feelings of worthlessness. If they can understand their own visions and reconnect with the universe, they will be able to focus on a promising future. It is important for them to give themselves enough time to be able to reflect.

Deep meditation to connect with the universe, tantric yoga and listening to harmonious music are ways to focus. Wearing clothes of the color of their aura, surrounding themselves with people of the same type, they become more powerful energetically. In a loving relationship, it is extremely important to be with a supportive partner.

Violets have a great passion for life. If the flow of life energy remains intact, they will wield power. Their mission is to remember that the universe is made of energy and once they reconnect with that energy, they are literally blessed.

When violets find their place in the universe, accept the role they have to play in this great cosmic production, and feel an inner connection to the universal force, they find an infinite source of energy. Their success is a manifestation of harmony with the Universe. For the violet type, life is magical, mystical and always a great adventure on the road to self-discovery.

A shade of purity, divinity and perfection is precisely this color of the biofield of a person with incredible spirituality.

The white aura refers to those rare energies that are not bestowed on anyone from birth, they can only be earned by their constant development, growth, knowledge of the truth. This biofield speaks of a high level of consciousness of the individual, his truthful inner voice, stable principles of life and views of the world.

White aura: meaning

The owners of such energy are remembered for their modesty, concern for other people, mercy. These individuals want to serve the Divine, and they know how to do it with real dedication.

An immaculate soul, independence, wisdom and the endless development of the intellect are constant signs of happy carriers of such a biofield.

The white background of the aura is considered ideal, because such an energy surrounded Jesus. Therefore, people with such an ethereal shell have a strong faith, they are truly religious. But even if such a person does not begin to immerse himself in the powers of the Creator, he will find himself in the development of extrasensory skills, abilities in parapsychology. These people direct all their features in a peaceful direction, in the service of higher ideals, among which they especially distinguish peace on the whole planet.

It is common for people in white energy to fluctuate from extreme to extreme, when they go from the stage of sympathy to indifference, and a healthy lifestyle turns into the use of drugs. Therefore, it is so important to stop them in time, to call for the true path of enlightenment and awareness of the environment.

In connection with such a uniqueness of the biofield, the question often arises, who is the white color of the aura typical for? A uniform and pure snow-white glow appears in those who have left worldly worries and troubles. These are hermits, monks, saints.

The white biofield becomes the result of spiritual achievements and cleansing practices.

Such people are very friendly and even lucky, because strong heavenly protectors and angels stand behind them. The owners of such energy are not afraid of magical interventions and ordinary life hardships. Numerous studies show that the white shell is formed after constant practice of transcendental meditation.

In general, a white aura becomes after the opening of all chakras in a person. A person with a snow-white biofield is holistic and powerful. She has the strongest connection with the cosmos, the energy of the Universe, which also patronizes her and gives spiritual insights.

There is an opinion that a light aura is present in newly born babies, because they did not commit a single sin and came straight from heaven. The angels themselves and the Creator have the same aura, because they have all the colors of the rainbow mixed into one, forming a pure white hue. Such rainbow light is actually healing, and it heals not only the body, but also the soul.

"White" people are often considered ideals. They are absolutely harmonious with the world and themselves, balanced and able to determine where is false and where is truth. There is no negativity in them, their consciousness is trusting and unclouded by the chaos of everyday life. These individuals are capable of self-sacrifice, they are carriers of unconditional love, higher knowledge and will. In some cases, during the transition to another life, astral and spiritual, a white border also appears around the biofield.

Silence, calmness and the ability not to get into other people's lives are the undoubted virtues that the white aura bestows.

How does this energy affect others? People listen with pleasure to the wisdom of bright personalities, they are surprised at their delicacy in distributing the necessary advice and determination. Such individuals are distinguished by sensitivity in everything, an open and honest look that looks directly into the soul. Fear is unknown to these subjects, they prefer a wide personal space, where there is no external control, but only solitude is preserved.

White light consists of virtually all basic shades. Therefore, it cannot be achieved with bad thoughts, constant conflicts and depressions. They strive for this aura, balancing all spheres of life. The high energy level of the chakras should be raised for many years, only then the biofield will become crystal.

If a person suddenly has the ability to heal himself or treat loved ones, most likely, a white aura helps him. What does such a sudden change of life mean? This is always surprise and even fear, which must be quickly pacified by continuing to work on your improvement. Closeness to God is the highest reward for such people for their work, although they are always in close contact with people. In fact, each person in a white halo of energy is a channel of spiritual energy that has passed into physical reality.

The thinking of such people is very fast, but the mind is not of an analytical warehouse, but of an intuitive one. And all because cause-and-effect relationships and meanings do not matter to the transcendental consciousness, from where these individuals draw information. Nevertheless, the learning process for such individuals is easy, the data is absorbed into the head quickly.

Favorite activities of the owners of white energy are reading literature, watching movies, theatrical performances, exhibitions.

All these manifestations of art allow people to understand the meaning of life, without interfering with diving deep into their souls.

"White" people are able to transform the energy around them, transferring it to a higher level. They are also able to tune in to the wave of their interlocutor, showing maximum empathy. What does a white aura mean in a person in this sense? It becomes the color of a chameleon, which, if necessary, tries on some style of behavior, thoughts, emotions, etc.

In the process of communication, such individuals do not like only assertiveness, they are also alien to mass gatherings of people. This is due, on the one hand, to the difficult process of interacting with reality, and on the other hand, to a fragile physique. Most of all, such people like a pleasant environment with an abundance of free space. When such an individual is deprived of his strength, he begins to adapt to the environment, falls into dependence on them.

In order to become a friend to such a person, one must approach him in spirit, show oneself as a peaceful individual who does not create danger. Among such personalities, however, there are still many self-sufficient bachelors, because there can be no competition in relation to intimacy with the Almighty.

The romantic sphere is also important for these subjects, they want to be loved enthusiastically, even through sex, passing on the divine experience. In the team, these people take a place in the relationship of small groups, find themselves in duets. So they can separately tune in to the characteristics of each friend.

Earning a livelihood and taking care of basic needs is definitely not the goal for which a white aura is created, which means in fact the need for a person who can take responsibility for the financial component of life. True, “white” money is still valued, considering it as a guarantor of security. At the same time, such people spend a minimum of banknotes on themselves, trying to be ascetics. Ideal professions for such individuals can be considered a doctor, guru, librarian, novice, psychologist, artist.

It is believed that the aura can turn white for a while. This occurs after healing from a fatal illness or direct avoidance of death. Only after the next following the temptations of life, the biofield returns to its usual color. This happens about six months later.

When spiritual qualities go against the way of life, the energy begins to shrink, become covered with spots and holes. Attention to others and awareness of the frailty of the material world are the features that distinguish people who have recently acquired the white color of the biofield after a serious shock. Sometimes such a person is simply used, and he gradually changes the color of the aura to the one that is more attractive to him on a subconscious level.

Not only great luck, but also a danger to socialization - all this is a white aura. What does such a position mean? People with such a biofield have two problems.

  • The first is self-centeredness associated with excessive concentration on one's own spiritual growth.
  • The second difficulty grows as a consequence, and that is loneliness, isolation from the world.

Such individuals need to make friends as equal communication partners who do not pretend to capture someone else's individuality. It is useful for them to divide leisure into two parts: contemplation in solitude and going out into the world, parallel to caring for their environment, attention to the needs of society.

White is associated with the highest human chakra, the crown. Therefore, the appearance of a snow-white ethereal shell stimulates the pituitary gland and the pineal gland, activating the abilities of the third eye.

White Aura: Location Meaning and Features

  • If you saw white shade in the head area, your thinking is probably directed towards the expansion of consciousness. You may have recently transformed your state of mind through meditation, art forms, healing. Such people are really interested in high types of energy, in the mysteries of life, in the Creator.
  • Glow on the left side of the body means the high frequency of the biofield due to the activity of divine energy after spiritual practices. On this side, dense white clots appear, which indicate a blockage of energy due to emotional difficulties.
  • White aura on the right shows an excess of energy, and this is good, because a positive flow can be directed to any area, to every part of the body. White color is a sign of connection with God after enlightenment. If a bright spot appears on this side, the pain of a person is blocked, and in order to remove it, one must turn to a healer.
  • White energy in the heart is also an indicator of stored energy. Your heart is open to everyone, it is wide, so you need to install additional protection from evil people and dark spells. It is important that the white shade of the aura near the heart harmonizes with the general color background of the biofield, because this opens up opportunities for the spiritual side of life.
  • Sometimes people get gray-white aura. She says that the spiritual principle has been transformed into qualities that are useful for real life: a strong will, idealism, steadfastness in decision-making and in views.
  • Gray blotches in a white aura sometimes they show astral flights, because the silver thread on a snow-white background is the connection of the physical shell with the ethereal one. If gray blotches come across only in the head area, a person often suffers from a headache.
  • White flame against the background of the familiar aura is the fire of spiritual love. It is not very passionate, but absorbs all the best higher feelings, is based on disinterestedness, rejection of primitive selfish interests.

If you are not engaged in spiritual practices and think that you cannot classify yourself as an ideal person, you are probably mistaken with the vision of a white aura. Maybe the true biofield was covered by an object or a magical wall.

It is also worth noting that beginners in esotericism see the aura only in black and white, perceiving any bright shade as light. To understand that you are a worthy bearer of a snow-white aura, answer yourself a series of questions:

  • Can you forget about the physical shell and its sensitivity for a while?
  • Do you enjoy contact with friends and family?
  • Do you feel in touch with nature?
  • How do you know how to dive into a transcendental state?
  • How long does it take you to mentally focus your attention?
  • How is your spirituality expressed?
  • Can you stop being part of the physical world?

The white aura is the purity of the soul, independence of action, active intellect and wisdom.

People with this energy have been studying spiritual disciplines for many years, they are in a state of balance and know what is beyond the control of the majority.

It has been noticed that people who prefer white to all colors have, in the overwhelming majority, a highly developed imagination. Such people are very often religious and distinguished by the strength of their faith. In addition, those who prefer white easily enter a trance (cult, mystical, meditation). One of the main distinguishing features of character is the desire for peace and tranquility. But in general character can be very contradictory, combining such different qualities as sympathy for people and indifference to the outside world, selflessness and jealousy. They are generally characterized by a certain polarity: those who prefer white are dreamy, but this quality can push them equally to heaven, to God, and to drugs. Lovers of white very often have parapsychological and psychic abilities. In addition, according to the eastern horoscope, most often they are born in the year of the Lion (which gives them inner strength) or the Snake (foresight and wisdom).

Aura red

It has long been generally accepted that those people who prefer red to all colors are passionate, quick-tempered, always captivated by their passions. They are highly inherent in the desire for leadership, sometimes at almost any cost. All this is due to the fact that red is the color of animal passion. However, one should never look at things in the same plane, and therefore such features can also be noted fans of red like vitality, vigor, perseverance and efficiency, the ability to put your whole soul into your business. Again, on the other hand, these people are rarely characterized by remorse, and in achieving their goals they are often hindered by the same emotionality. All this puts before a choice - learn to control yourself, or fail. Apparently, this partly explains the fact that red lovers are often internally contradictory and rather poorly predictable even for the days of people close to them. They like to spend their leisure time hunting or doing some kind of tough sport - from boxing to car racing.

pink aura color

People who prefer pink to all tones and shades are mostly different soft, calm nature, daydreaming, up to some detachment from the outside world, expressed by faith in everything wonderful - from one's own dreams to fairy tales and mystical revelations. They, as a rule, are quite relaxed, dream of sublime love, and in everyday life they prefer coziness and comfort in every possible way - they cannot be classified as travelers, adventurers or even just outdoor activities. No wonder there is an expression “to look at the world through rose-colored glasses - it undoubtedly was born from a subtly noticed feature of people of this warehouse with pleasure replacing reality with their own vision of the world.

This position is convenient in the sense that in many cases it allows protect yourself from unpleasant emotions and maintain peace of mind - but only as long as it does not conflict with the manifestations of real life. For people with a pink preference, such a collision with reality almost always becomes a rather difficult test - however, no shocks can change the foundation of their life and habits of dreamy contemplation. Another of the typological character traits of those who prefer pink can be considered the absence of clear criteria, including when assessing their own capabilities and strengths. This quality also often fails this category of people when they let others down by promising to do more than they actually can. Nevertheless, due to all the same features of their character, such people calm down very quickly after any shocks and, as a rule, live to a ripe old age.

blue aura color

Light blue or sky blue aura color almost always characterizes those who prefer these colors as active people, constantly striving for knowledge, discovering something new. For this reason, there are many travel enthusiasts among them. Another category of people who are very often distinguished by their love for light tones of blue and blue are poets and artists. As a rule, such people are distinguished by religiosity and are firm in their convictions. Dark blue is the color of artists. Fans of dark blue, as a rule, are cheerful, optimistic, energetic, adore children. They often quite easily achieve both their goals and success, including in purely material terms. However, this type of character - precisely because of artistry - is characterized by love for recognition from others and a constant passionate desire to achieve this state of affairs. In addition, these individuals are quite refined, which can also often create certain problems: if they like their work, it gives them pleasure, they succeed, but otherwise they have a very hard time until they find their place in life .

Aura brown

Preferring this color - people are very balanced, thorough. Their characteristic feature is orderliness in all affairs and actions, along with a love for order in general (say, at home or in the workplace). Often preferring brown - people are quite harsh, very resistant to any outside influences. Such a rather characteristic feature as a tendency to thrift was also noticed. Also quite often these people strive for power over others, but even when such a tendency is absent, they invariably stand very firmly on their feet. Another typological tendency is the constant craving for knowledge. But in terms of social, such people are not sociable - they much prefer loneliness, love for peace and quiet.

In connection with the foregoing, this type of character does not make any strong, especially “brilliant” impression on others, however, having got to know them better, everyone will understand that you can rely on such a person in a difficult moment. Despite the love of loneliness and peace, they are very active in the sexual sphere and attach great importance to it in the general hierarchy of life values. Reflections on world problems are in the background for people of this type of color preferences, it is much more important for them to maintain control over everyday life problems and achieve their goals, in which they usually show incomparable perseverance and perseverance. In the esoteric tradition, brown symbolizes maturity- not so much in terms of age, but spiritually and decisions made.

gray aura

Dark gray tones are preferred by those people who are characterized in the first place. logical thinking. This feature can manifest itself in a variety of forms, say, in the pursuit of science and technology or medicine, or simply the ability to quickly resolve the most complex life problems. In the esoteric sense, dark shades of gray have the property of purification. There is a lot of evidence that if these tones appear in a person’s dreams, this is a sure sign of successfully overcoming an illness, or solving a very acute life problem, or getting out of a seemingly hopeless situation at work, in love, in the family. People who prefer dark shades of gray to other colors are almost always characterized by a pronounced love of order, and everything should be placed in its designated place - as well as objects on the desktop, and thoughts, and even emotions, feelings.

In addition, such people have the ability to analyze. Very often others turn to them for advice - that is why and for the same reason those who prefer dark gray often achieve real heights in his professional field regardless of whether it is humanitarian or technical. But with all the propensity for analysis, such people are mostly creative personalities. The greatest discomfort for them is any restriction, stiffness, tension, although they are not distinguished by a tendency to rebel, as, say, those who prefer black. At the same time, in sexual terms, they are very similar to those who prefer black. Finally, a characteristic feature is the ability to quickly cope with any disappointments that life brings. But those who prefer light gray tones have some differences. They are also smart and rational, but often restless or even restless. But this type is more open, there are no problems in communication, there are usually a lot of friends - they are distinguished by intelligence and sociability. All this is due to the fact that light gray is the color of youth, rapid pace, the desire to avoid any difficulties.

Aura green

People who prefer green but dark tones tend to be assertive - if not stubborn. They know how to achieve all earthly blessings and acquire material stability. Their mindset allows them to achieve both spiritual and material wealth under any favorable set of circumstances - they will not miss their chance. People of this color are for the most part distinguished by solidity and respectability, in terms of their mindset they often become architects, architects, and, moreover, are very talented in this field. The general characterizing moments include love for nature, as well as a constant desire for peace - both in the physical sense of the word and in the spiritual. People who prefer dark green are very often secretive, but very persistent in achieving their goal, and this combination can in many cases bring real success, since suppresses gradually the energy of those around, those who are included in the social circle, unless it is "black" or "red".

At the same time, having dark green aura almost always highly aesthetic. On the one hand, such a person could be somewhat softer, on the other hand, they are fully aware of the fact that each of the people has the right to their own opinion. This quality invariably helps dark greens avoid many troubles, in addition, in combination with the already mentioned aesthetics, it allows them to acquire a significant number of good friends. Here it should be noted that people generally strive for them - individuals with a dark green preference invariably evoke a sense of security and a strange sense of security among those around them, even little or completely unfamiliar people. The well-established sexual life is of great importance: with failures in this area of ​​​​relationships, people of green preference suffer very deeply. In all other respects, these are people with enough strong will to overcome any life difficulties; in order to make them change their minds and turn off the chosen path, one needs not only great patience, but also very serious arguments. People who also choose green, but the light tones of it, are quite different from those who choose dark green.

These are most often people who are no less aesthetic, but at the same time soft, able to appreciate cooperation and caring for the feelings of others. Of course, all this makes them attractive in communication, they always have a lot of friends. And if, moreover, we take into account that people of a light green warehouse are inherent in the initial benevolence, and to a large extent a sense of justice, it becomes clear that these people live, in comparison with their darker brothers in color, incomparably easier. However, there are also quite characteristic shortcomings. So, often people with a light green choice suffer from the fact that they do not know how to listen to others at all. In addition, they are characterized by some frivolity - it is not for nothing that in the esoteric tradition, light green is considered to symbolize youth, spring, fleeting happiness.

Aura yellow

Aura yellow From time immemorial it has been considered a color that gives warmth, life, energy, since it is the color of the divine Sun, the source of all life. Those who prefer yellow to all colors are almost always people who are not only strong in body and spirit (since the life force is in full swing in them), but also creative. Another typological feature is the desire for leadership; while people with a yellow color preference, as a rule, are well able to concentrate strength and will in order to direct where it will be most effective. At the same time, those who prefer yellow can not only work productively, but also to fully relax, forgetting for a while about all matters. These are people who can succeed equally in science and creativity, in a research laboratory and on the stage. Yellow color can contribute to the acquisition of both material and spiritual values. Such people are for the most part open, intelligent and highly sensitive - this latter is the reason that their lives very often truly abound in bright moments and impressions. Those who prefer yellow have enough perseverance, coupled with patience, in order to achieve their goal in most cases. Quite often, such a quality as generosity is also noted, which, in combination with other features of nature, attracts others.

Aura orange color

This is, in fact, concentrated yellow, and therefore those who prefer orange have all the features of yellow. In addition, they are almost always lucky in love and skilled in sex.

purple aura color

Violet color, i.e. the color of the parietal chakra, "crown" is a special color. And those who prefer it, people are overwhelmingly very unusual In any case, extraordinary. They are extremely desire for freedom, complete independence and unlimited space. They strive for spiritual awakening, flight, dream of wings. But for an outside observer, such a person can often look phlegmatic, even sleepy, hiding inner tension and readiness, which is almost always realized unexpectedly. That is why often the whole life of such people is full of surprises and completely unexpected turns. As a rule, people who prefer purple are sociable, and especially value intellectual and spiritual communication, which they very often experience not only a constant need, but also a shortage.

They are generally characterized by high innate intelligence, which can even sometimes cause some embarrassment and even discomfort among others. Therefore, these people always strive to find an equal or worthy (in intelligence) interlocutor and carefully select their social circle. Under normal conditions, they usually cannot find this. An addiction to purple tones almost certainly means interest "and a craving for everything mysterious, inexplicable, along with a constant desire to find a clue to all such phenomena. Such people are not afraid of dangers, they love speed - both while driving and in all other cases, although in the eyes It may not be thrown to outsiders.With high intelligence, they are often not so strong in terms of physical - they are prone to various diseases (especially autonomic neuroses and disorders of the thyroid gland).

Aura black color

Black color is also liked by quite a few people. As a rule, these are individuals who are always ready to fight, purposeful, stubborn; the dark flame of passion boils in them. encouraging action. Accordingly, the feelings and emotions of such people almost always differ in strength and severity; often they even become extreme, turning into an all-consuming passion and capturing the whole person. Not without reason, according to the most ancient sources that have come down to us, black has always been considered the color of rebellion, the elements, and all this is taken to extremes and sometimes pushes a person into the abyss. On the other hand, black is not only a symbol of the night, it is rather a symbol of darkness, and therefore, not only destruction, but also resurrection, "not only rebellion, but also freedom. The sexual sphere is extremely important in their lives; as a rule, they know how to love and they themselves are loved.The only bad thing is that such people are not always able to assess the situation realistically because of their stormy nature, in these cases they lose, from which they suffer extremely painfully.

This shade of energy is associated with the feminine and the magical properties of the moon, being a rarity for the human biofield.

The silvery color of the aura, in its unusualness and royal significance, makes a worthy pair with the golden tones of the ether, and its semantic layers are pure and positive in interpretations. Surrounded by energy with shades of silver, a person lives an amazing life filled with supernatural possibilities and creative success.

The main characteristics of this biofield

A large amount of silver in the energy indicates the mental characteristics of the individual. Since childhood, carriers of such an aura have the ability to telekinesis or levitation. By developing their skills, these people can achieve large-scale astral travel, since it is the silver shell of the subtle body that indicates a strong and safe connection between the mental and physical.

This energy personifies people who are strong-willed, strong-willed and persistent. Such individuals are unshakable in high ideals, and fate helps them, endowing them with an abundance of both spiritual qualities and material resources. The man in the silver shell of the biofield loves to dream, he has many talents and a pure soul.

Like the carriers of white energy, the owners of the silver aura live with a very developed intuition, and they use it quite often. The downside is that even the inner voice does not help these individuals to understand people, and they constantly place false hopes even on those traitors and ill-wishers in whom they have already been mistaken.

People with such a biofield like to build large-scale plans in their heads, they are very ideological in their spirit and their imagination is rich and creative.

The spiritual part of life is extremely important for these individuals, therefore, even in their relations with the world, they show honesty, nobility, and gullibility.

Despite their love of fantasy, such individuals are happy to make changes in real life. The highest energy and their multitasking, humanism and idealism help them to reorient themselves. A rich inner world requires a certain way of life, and if they stop following it, the silver aura turns into gray, loses energy. In this case, you will have to restore the biofield with faith in your own abilities, extraordinary actions, worthy assessments of your intuition.

When choosing friends, these people are guided by a creative type of perception. The carriers of such an aura do not like to engage in the practical implementation of their ideas and plans. Sometimes this creates problems for them, so these individuals need to learn how to make goals constructive, carefully considered for further implementation. Success in any project has a positive effect on the silver aura. Nevertheless, among the close people of the carrier of such a biofield, there must be a person who will pull the dreamer out of the imaginary world of dreams and call him to real actions in life.

If this person begins to look at values ​​with a more sober look, he will become practically his own ideal and an example of envy for others. But if the owner of the silver aura is completely immersed in himself, he will begin to reject the world and society, and without proper communication, not a single bright energy can exist for a long time.

Interestingly, the silver color of the biofield often becomes a temporary phenomenon for those who share interesting information with other people, for example, read their favorite lecture in front of a large audience. At the same time, the aura begins to expand, because there is an exchange of energies with the listeners, and for the same reason, vibrations are felt in the mental body.

Like the golden hue, the silver color of a person's aura can often mean healing skills, exceptional qualities of spiritual purity. But most often, the peculiarity of such a person is precisely in paranormal abilities: reading thoughts at a distance or communicating with dead spirits.

Shades of silvery aura

In the color spectrum of the aura, silver shades appear often, but a solid color of this type is a great success.

  • For example, the silver-metallic tone of the biofield speaks of the importance of care and love in a person's life, his openness to fresh ideas and unexpected proposals. Such a bright metallic aura is bestowed on those who are not indifferent to the problems of strangers, but are always tuned in to empathy.
  • If the purple background of the aura began to acquire silver reflections, the highest form of experience and knowledge became available to a person.
  • In turn, the white-silver biofield is found only in completely happy and talented people. But the dark silver energy, close to gray, speaks of health problems.

Carriers of the silvery aura often face emotional overload and nervous tension. In this state, they dominate the environment, creating a feeling of constraint to other people. This problem can be solved by self-hypnosis, meditation practices, yoga classes. And you can also reveal yourself and relax by studying literature, art, psychology. The main thing is to just learn to relax.

The silvery color of the aura is an indicator of the steadfastness of high values ​​and priorities, strong will, spiritual wealth, and financial solvency.

The carriers of this energy are very refined natures and at the same time very flexible for any life difficulties. They need to gain faith in their exclusivity and uniqueness, the confidence that they can turn any situation around if they put in the right effort. If such individuals stop dropping things in the middle of doing them, they will constantly stimulate themselves to new achievements and strengthen their spirit.

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