Further into the forest more firewood value. “The farther into the forest, the more firewood”

The further into the forest, the more firewood (the further into the forest - more firewood) - everything that exists is infinite and interconnected. Knowledge gives rise to new questions, from the answer to which the following arise. On the way to a difficult goal, the obstacles multiply and multiply. The more money, the more difficult it is to part with it, save it, increase it, even attach it

Every solution breeds new problems (Murphy's Law)

Analogues of the expression "further into the forest, more firewood"

  • The further into the dispute, the more words
  • Life to live is not a field to go
  • If you don't know grief, you won't know joy either.
  • God gave a day, he will give food
  • If you don't catch a crucian, you'll catch a pike
  • How many days God has ahead, so many misfortunes
  • Live a century, hope a century
  • What will be, will be, it will not pass
  • Further out to sea - more grief
  • Where there is fire, there is smoke

Uses of the proverb in literature

« When you finally go upstairs,” continued Apollo, “it turns out that a duel with a giant spider awaits you — and the further into the forest, the thicker the spiders"(Viktor Pelevin "Batman Apollo")
« While there was still talk of tobacco, a bottle of vodka, until then, one way or another, they could help him, but the farther into the forest, the more firewood, and Kornev and Kartashev were lost, seeing that, in fact, there was no end to Konon's demands. will"(N. G. Garin-Mikhailovsky "Gymnasium students")
« The farther into the forest, the more firewood: all Arkovtsy owe, their debt grows with each new crop, with each extra head of livestock, and for some it already stretches to an unpaid figure - two or even three hundred rubles per capita."(A.P. Chekhov" Sakhalin Island ")
« Anninka was convinced that the farther into the forest, the more firewood, and began to finally say goodbye"(M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin" Gentlemen Golovlevs ")

Russian proverb, meaning: The deeper you dive into a problem, business, etc., the more subtleties and features that were hidden earlier, you discover.


(1860 - 1904)

"Vaudeville" (1884): "My wife is hysterical. The daughter declares that she is not able to live with such violent parents, and dresses to leave home. husband's head with lead lotions, and a private bailiff who draws up a protocol on the violation of public peace and tranquility.

"Sakhalin island"- "Cattle, as it is, is borrowed from the treasury and fed at the expense of the government. The further into the forest, the more firewood: all Arkovtsy owe, their debt grows with each new crop, with each extra head of cattle, and for some it already stretches to an unpaid figure - two or even three hundred rubles per capita.

(1809 - 1852)

(1831-1832), I - about Ivan Fedorovich Shponka:

“He was already almost fifteen years old when he moved to the second grade, where, instead of an abbreviated catechism and four rules of arithmetic, he set to work on a lengthy one, on a book on the positions of a person and on fractions. But, seeing that the further into the forest, the more firewood, and having received the news that the father ordered to live long, stayed for another two years and, with the consent of the mother, then joined the P *** infantry regiment.

Strange headlines have recently appeared in Nasha Niva.

I can't believe my eyes!

After all, Nasha Niva has not been ours for a long time. But to wrap it up is incomprehensible to the mind!

However, if we take into account who orders the music, and add the events of recent months to it, everything is drawn.

The West finally changed tactics. He no longer needed the destroyers of the last outpost of the Soviet era. Their mission is over.

Due to the inertia of the working strata of the population, the electoral resource of the new plan, of course, remained the same. These are the intelligentsia, students and high school students.

The opposition also invented the main culprit of "our troubles and our evils" - this is Putin's Russia. On it, which is under sanctions, you can hang all the dogs, starting from Ivan the Terrible. Endure.

Now - at the suggestion of Dubovets - strangely enough, an ardent Russophobe of the perestroika and post-Soviet times, Zenon Poznyak, was added to her company.

What is the novelty of the approaches of the West and its henchmen to the dismantling of calm in our society?

A new task now is the earthing up of the same intelligentsia and youth on the sly. But without the cultivation of radical nationalist sentiments, but by creating intellectual platforms where fraternization with Russian liberals would become the norm.

After all, Cicerons have died out in our country, and Navalny and others are in plain sight in Russia.

I think that for this reason the opposition was gradually converted to Russian.

It is precisely this goal that explains the strange appearance and replication of quotes from the newly minted literary diva Svetlana Aleksievich, who spoke quite definitely:

“It was impossible to do what I did in the Belarusian language.”

And finally, the point. Finally, the main thing is that the puppeteers have a passionate desire to create, on the basis of the TUT.by portal, which has drastically changed its rhetoric, an intellectual platform for those who like to scratch their tongues with the involvement of the promoted liberalism abroad (read - Russian renegades).

They are, like no one else, close to us in mentality.

I won't be surprised if Shenderovich or the taciturn Savik Shuster show up as the hosts of these gatherings.

After all, he never said anything impartial to Lukashenka. Others spoke, and he, without visible emotions on his face, listened and did not assent.

But let's get back to Poznyak.

I can honestly say that I, like many others, have sympathy for this very bright propagandist, who managed to become the central figure of the Belarusian Popular Front in the late 80s, and then with small forces to saddle the Belarusian parliament and solve the priority tasks of gaining independence by the country.

The main thing: he is an ideological opponent of everything Soviet, but not a traitor. He does not count “Jewish pieces of silver” in his pocket, but bends his line, because he believes, because he is convinced that he is right and defends his point of view.

The West did not like the straightforwardness and independence of Poznyak's judgments, and he was relegated to the backyard of Russophobic politics.

He is not their man. They don't want people with their own opinions. They need performers.

So what is Poznyak accused of on the pages of Nasha Niva and Svaboda by the revolutionary Sergey Dubovets, widely known in narrow circles?

Neither more nor less - in the most important: "History of the Muggle would be classed in the past, kali b People's Front of the 90s will start again".

You see, then "nathnyaў priklad" Popular Front microscopic and quiet Estonia.

It was there, and not in Lithuania and Latvia with a huge number of Russians living, in his opinion, that the most successful pies were baked.

Maybe it was so, because in Estonia people did not die in skirmishes with special forces, and there was no particular need to torment the Russians. But Dubovets's claim that he allegedly mastered the situation in the post-Soviet space at that time and could determine priorities is highly doubtful.

Dubovets, who was then in euphoria “It was assumed that Belarus would be the earliest ever - fallow and so non-Belarusian, like the BSSR”.

But in Belarus, at first, she reigned on the throne "the highest dzyarzhau asoba"- Shushkevich. Poznyak and his comrades raged in parliament, then Lukashenka.

What line Dubovets was pursuing at that time is not very clear, because he was not in sight and only now emerged - with arguments about Poznyak's mistakes.

Further, he asks why everything didn’t go the way it did in Estonia, why we are not where Estonia is, and not the same as Estonia with its higher standard of living than in the post-Soviet space.

Let's not argue with Dubovets. He either does not understand, or deliberately does not want to understand the difference in mentalities, the incompatibility of production capacities and the scale of production relationships that characterize the economies of our countries.

He does not think about the current information, how many people left for the West from the Baltic republics in comparison with Belarus.

He is not interested in the state of the real sector of the economy and what are the prospects for the economic development of Estonia, etc.

For him, Estonia is a paradise, because “Didn’t the people attack the common and non-familiar Estonians there? And then, what did the People's Front recognize the Democrats? I tamu, that the yans adrazu took a course for independence - NATO - Europe?

The question is, was it different with us in the early 90s?

Is it possible that the Belarusian Popular Front was headed by the Party Genosses? Didn't US President Clinton come to us and give us a bench in Kurapaty?

After all, can a sane politician really believe that the path to "independence" lies through NATO membership?

In his rantings, Dubovets, of course, could not pass by "monaga torture."

80 percent of the communists, Soviet generals, even Yankovsky from the Russian Theater voted for the MOV, but it’s to blame for the fact that not everyone spoke it "Theatrical Radicalism" - “He is a mind-blower of that tiny adzinstva of Belarus, which was the first time of the language. The parallel with Estonia was evil.”

It's hard to even call it stupidity. After all, the impulse of the Belarusians for change at that time was not due to an irrepressible thirst to use the Belarusian language, but to the mistrust sown among the people in the authorities, Chernobyl fears and the infantilism of those who stood at the helm of the young republic.

Further, Dubovets claims that the split into the connected and the unconnected did not happen immediately after the formation of the Belarusian Popular Front, but after the election of the Supreme Council of the XII convocation. And the reason for this is Poznyak.

He's writing: “Adnachasov paўstala “elita” - menavita pavodle getai prykmety - syadomyh, geta znachytsy, lepshih for іnshіh, matsyorіh, lychy tho “Estonians”, yakiya “towered above the astatnіmi Belarusians”.

We've arrived.

After all, everyone remembers that this so-called "elite" began to emerge when it ran from one room to another under the name "Talaka".

She, the "elite", gained a breath when the sons of party workers realized that in the changed conditions, the chance to rise to the level of power of their fathers is presented only on the wave of national radicalism, and not obedience.

After all, even then life put the question point-blank: either - or. Tacking was not welcomed, since everyone was tired of it in perestroika times.

Further, Dubovets confirms the inertia of his own thinking:

“I spat 25 bastards, and maybe more, if we know how to be adventurous Belarusians - different, but that’s because all the trees in the oak forest are different.”

It turns out that the situation is not the same as it was before. There was a click: livability reigned in society and "Pamyarkounasts". (“Facebook” doesn’t count).

But this semblance of reconciliation is given for a reason. This is a run to kick Poznyak and his entourage again:

“And the tsyaper say - like the people pagodzitsa on the getki padzel, that we are Belarusians, but are there more Belarusian Belarusians? It is clear that the “large Belarusian” side of the “simple Belarusian” will meet with the abstraction.”

D left and Lukashenka. He, it turns out, “Take the language out of the hramadskaga Uzhytka,” because she “became the sign of the saints”, and suckers are Belarusians “Adchuval satysfaktsyyu hell tago, cab show “great Belarusians” Kuzkina mother.

Sami schools pravodzіlі debelarusіzatsyyu.

Well, just like Emelyushka: "The sledges go, they go by themselves, they go by themselves without a horse."

And this nationwide revolt, born of the radicalization of the saints, led to the fall of the Belarusian Popular Front as a powerful mass movement and contributed to “The establishment of the autaritar madela lady, because the people are “uncommon” and avtamatychny are subject to the palette, and the “elite” is the subject of the subject, closing in on the saba.”

What does the subjectivity of the people in politics mean and who prevented the "elite" from losing it, Dubovets did not chew, each time remembering the Estonia he loved.

In rare moments of enlightenment, he speaks the absolute truth:

“... a skinny Estonian will tell you who Lukashenka is, but only adzinki in Belarus guessing who the president of Estonia is there.”

And then nostalgic:

“... some people think so myself - eight of us, the host of all Belarusians, are open and all Belarusians, we call them yes to ourselves, the host of the race and the Armenians, the whole people are themselves.”

Let's digress for a moment and imagine what the result would be if Lenin and his entourage "maryli" or "clicked yes to yourself" in 1917?

The Bolsheviks were not infantile intellectuals. They were armed with modern theory, strategy and tactics of thoughtful action. They persistently, competently and purposefully carried out everyday work among the working people and soldiers and were successful.

On some spells and humiliation of the current government, revolutions in the minds of people are not made. And the aggravation of national issues in multinational republics is always fraught with slaughter. You don't have to look far for examples.

Thank God, Zenon Poznyak and the revolutionaries of the first wave, willy-nilly, but were brought up in a decent society. At that time, their hands did not itch to unleash fratricidal conflicts on very unstable national and linguistic grounds.

There was a controversy, ballpoint pens broke, but not spears.

And here Dubovets is frankly disingenuous, stating that “Atrad musiў bazavatstsa on democratic padstavs. Never again on canservative and radical - ty, as a substitute for pashyrennya patrabavali, naadvarot, the sound of an elite atrada and nyaspynnaya pure joy. Why is it safe and hello.

After all, we remember very well: the entire opposition was not at all engaged in a detailed study of the strategy for returning the country's economy to a stable position, but hit in search of the future in the past on the basis of nationalistic sentiments alien to people.

Surely the same Dubovets tore his shirt for "moving and relaxing the hell of balshevism" instead of agitation for a national consensus and the translation of public controversy into the mainstream of economic problems and ways to solve them.

The excuse for our national humanitarians, who did not understand anything in the economy, was "the way to Europe". As if they were waiting for us with impatience and without us they would not have a life.

At the end of his story, Dubovets sincerely admits his thoughtlessness:

“On that, as the geta understands, a bunch of nasty things and pastupovy exodus of the “fellow Belarusians” were spat - in others, there are light in the other country, and in the other grooves.”

However, even today his reasoning has not received at least some kind of replenishment with new ideas and does not go further than “monoga torment”.

He states that "Znikla self-proclaimed"elite of large belarusian belarusians", svyadomyh ”, - but, like a woodpecker, remains true to the former standard, with which he associates timid hopes: “... can we know ourselves to be with the Estonians, why is this magic waste unstoppable?”

And Dubovets's confession, without admitting his own miscalculations, naturally caused a resonance in the opposition community.

It should be noted that many of the arguments of the participants in the discussion look quite sound.

For example, someone under the nickname "Svyatoma", talking about Poznyak, declares:

“I could not, in 1994, have a perekanaўchuyu podtrymka among the community ... I would have been the forest of Gamsakhurdy near Georgia ... I could have managed to do this, because I could farm a well-organized vertical and garyzantal, near Shushkevich’s hell.”

“... a bunch of people who acted Rukhaўtsаў have grown up “everything, it’s broken on the right, the political system of publicity is necessary and ab syabe think”, dzelavyya rushed to the work of the business, svyadomyya - praz syabroў z wide fractions of the apazіtsі was a parliamentary (total) , began to labiravatsya piles of ulasny іntaresy: some pasada, some kavalak lands near the adpachynka zone, some issued their creators for dzarzhany kosht, some uvogulle zehaў near Lithuania, kabzhytsi near the old Belarusian capital.

“Mae ratsiyu” and someone “Benedzikt”:

“Such for the abmerkavan and vymushany zaўvazhyts - not abmyarkoўvaetstsa adna overestimate an important problem (it looks like the menavita yana “incited” Dubaўets (and not only yago) to write the getaga aburalnaga article).

Prychyna plyagae ў offensive - agulnavyadoma, that the scandal is gamble - to the facts of not collected, falsified signatures of "Govpravda" and as a result of other "leaders" pahavaў utih these dzeyachos at vachas sheragovay apazitsi.

The fact that the Kazakh Z. Paznyak ab dzeynasts of pseudo-apocalytic structures was justified”.

What can you say? Everything is correct. The way it is.

We must pay tribute to Poznyak. Despite all his recent miscalculations, he is the only significant figure who does not compromise principles and does not wag his tail in front of those who call the music.

If his nervous system had not entered into resonance with the Ukrainian events, which in no way correspond to his own ideas of good and evil, he could have become not a hardened leader of alternative thinking, but a real Belarusian politician who has no need to fight the windmills of communism - they already in past.

In conclusion, I wanted to write something smart, but one expression of Dubovets caused a smile and threw off the desire to crush water in a mortar:

“... all tree trees and oak dachshunds are different, only the needles of yana hell getaga are not shy. The first sign of such a sign is an oak, dubeishy for other oaks is not the main thing for a primordial”.

It seems that Dubovets told the truth. But, as you know, in every process there are exceptions.

Today "Oakest for other oaks" is still there.

The traditional role of the family of small interfering RNAs (siRNAs) - small RNA molecules that do not code for proteins - is considered to be the repression of gene activity and, in particular, protein synthesis. However, a new study has shown (for the umpteenth time!) that the functions of one of the groups of these molecules - miRNAs - are much wider: in certain cases, they can stimulate translation, rather than block it.

In the last ten to fifteen years, the basic dogma of molecular biology (“DNA → RNA → protein”) has been significantly shaken and expanded due to the discovery of a great many molecular mechanisms that break out of this harmonious concept. Revolutionary discoveries have been made regarding short, non-protein-coding RNA molecules: these include the famous phenomenon of RNA interference (rewarded with a Nobel prize shortly after the discovery) and other mechanisms of RNA-dependent gene repression. One of the varieties of short RNAs - miRNA (miRNA) is actively involved in the processes of individual development of the body, including temporal control, death, cell proliferation and differentiation, embryonic laying of organs. They fine-tune gene expression at the post-transcriptional level, thereby adding yet another layer of complexity to the sophisticated mechanism of intracellular regulation. Originally discovered in a "laboratory" nematode C.elegans, miRNAs were then found in many plants and animals, and more recently in single-celled organisms.

It was previously believed that short RNAs are used by cells in the process of RNA interference for the specific degradation of unnecessary or harmful RNAs - in particular, this way a cell can destroy foreign genetic material of viruses, retrotransposons related to them and other mobile elements, as well as RNA resulting from transcription genomic repeat sequences. Therefore, it was logical to assume that short RNAs serve as a kind of prototype of the "immune system" inside the cell. With the development of our understanding of the participants and mechanisms of RNA-dependent gene repression, more and more interesting features were discovered, and a rich variety of pathways for implementing this repression that exist in nature was revealed.

The mechanism of action of most miRNAs is in many respects similar to RNA interference - a short (21–25 bases) single-stranded RNA as part of a protein complex (the key component of which is a protein of the family Argonaute) bind with high specificity to the complementary region in the 3'-untranslated region (3'-UTR) of the target mRNA. In plants whose siRNAs are fully complementary to a segment of the target mRNA, binding leads to cleavage of the mRNA by the protein Argonaute right in the middle of the miRNA–mRNA duplex, a situation closest to "classical" RNA interference. In animals, miRNAs are not completely complementary to their target, and the result of binding is different. For a long time, it was believed that binding leads to the suppression of translation (the mechanism of which is still a mystery) and does not cause any noticeable degradation of the target mRNA. However, later it was convincingly demonstrated that this is not the case for most miRNAs - proteins that form a complex with miRNAs stimulate the degradation of the target mRNA by attracting enzymes that remove the cap at the 5'-end and shorten the poly(A)-tail by 3'- end of mRNA. (The degradation of end-of-life mRNAs usually begins with this.) Surprisingly, it is still not entirely clear whether the suppression of translation is a cause or a consequence of the onset of mRNA degradation.

Meanwhile, life again demonstrates its unwillingness to fit into any unambiguous schemes: in the laboratory of Joan Steitz ( Joan Steitz) it was found that miRNAs can effectively suppress translation by binding not only to the 3'-untranslated region of the mRNA, but also to the 5'-UTR. And recently in a magazine Science another article of this successful laboratory appeared. It says that under certain conditions (reminiscent of cells falling into "hibernation", when they are cultivated in the absence of serum in a nutrient medium), the interaction of miRNA and target mRNA leads to a strictly opposite effect - increased synthesis target protein. This was shown for mRNA of one of the cytokines, tumor necrosis factor α (TNF-α), and miR369-3 siRNA, and then confirmed for let7-a and miRcxcr4 siRNA paired with artificially designed mRNA targets.

Figure 1. In an actively dividing cell, siRNA binds to a complementary sequence in the 3'-untranslated region of mRNA and inhibits protein synthesis (translation). However, in a resting cell, the same event leads to the exact opposite effect.

Interestingly, the action of the same miRNA depended on the state of the cells: in dividing cells, miRNA inhibited mRNA translation, while in resting cells (temporarily exiting the cell cycle), on the contrary, it stimulated (Fig. 1). It is also curious that miRNAs acted as part of a complex containing proteins. Argonaute 2 and FXR1(although the human genome encodes 4 related proteins of the family Argonaute, and all of them deal with miRNAs to one degree or another). It is these proteins that play the main role in the mechanism of the observed phenomenon, while miRNAs perform the function of a "replaceable adapter" through which proteins interact with various target mRNAs.

The question of the mechanism of action, as well as the avalanche of other, more specific questions raised by this publication, remain unanswered. But I remember the time when the phenomenon of RNA interference was just discovered - how then everything was clear to us and how logical it seemed! .. And now you can only shrug - the farther into the forest, the more firewood.


  1. MicroRNAs are first discovered in a unicellular organism;
  2. Grigorovich S. (2003). Small RNAs in big science. Part 1. The small RNA phenomenon. Scientific.ru;
  3. J. R. Lytle, T. A. Yario, J. A. Steitz. (2007). Target mRNAs are repressed as efficiently by microRNA-binding sites in the 5" UTR as in the 3" UTR . Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 104 , 9667-9672;
  4. S. Vasudevan, Y. Tong, J. A. Steitz. (2007). Switching from Repression to Activation: MicroRNAs Can Up-Regulate Translation. Science. 318 , 1931-1934;
  5. Nicole Rusk. (2008). When microRNAs activate translation . Nat Methods. 5 , 122-123.

It doesn't get any easier from time to time

“Hour by hour” - with every passing hour.
Meaning: with each new news, message, it becomes more disturbing, worse. It is said with annoyance at the news of a new, not the first, trouble or new difficulties.
An example from the literature:
- How could he get to the front? - I ran away to your detachment ... - It doesn’t get easier from hour to hour, - Bykov was indignant (V. Sayanov, “Heaven and Earth”).

What are rich, so happy

They say when they ask to treat with indulgence what they have and what they cordially share with others.
Examples from the literature:
1) Colonel Manukyants reached for a basket hanging on a hook near the window and began to get provisions from there. Sausage, cheese, fried chicken, eggs, pickles appeared on the table ... - Command the parade, women comrades! - said the colonel. - What are rich, so happy (V. Giller, "Quiet Tyrant");
2) They began to invite guests to visit themselves .. - You are welcome, comrade commissar: the rich you are, the glad you are (A. Neverov, “What came of it”).

Whatever the child amuses, if only she does not cry

"To amuse" - to have fun, to have fun.
Meaning: let him do what he wants, if he likes it and at the same time does not interfere with anyone, does not distract or annoy anyone. It is said when they are condescending to someone's unworthy and useless activities, to frivolous behavior, actions.
Examples from the literature:
1) The Lukovs did not restrict the old man in anything and gave him complete freedom. They, apparently, believed that no matter what the child was amused, if only he did not cry (V. Kurochkin, “Last Spring”);
2) - What are you writing there? - Tatyana Markovna asked, - a drama or is it all a novel, or what? - I don’t know, grandmother, I write life - life comes out. And what will be the end - I do not know. “Whatever the child amuses herself with, if only she doesn’t cry,” she remarked and almost correctly determined the meaning of the writings of Paradise with this proverb (I. Goncharov, “Cliff”);
3) The girl was a little over a year old when her parents began to leave her alone with a piece of paper. At first glance, the usual everyday reason: no matter what the child amuses himself, if only he does not cry (Change magazine, June 1, 1978).

They say when they see that the further events develop, the more difficulties, surprises, complications arise, from which it is not easy to find a way out.
Examples from the literature:
1) I saw that it was much easier for them to lie than to speak truthfully and express themselves accurately about the most ordinary things. But - the farther into the forest, the more firewood. Every day the talent for lying began to manifest itself not only in relation to children, but on an incomparably larger, grandiose scale (G. Uspensky, “Three Letters”);
2) My wife is hysterical. The daughter declares that she is unable to live with such exuberant parents and dresses to leave home. The further into the forest, the more firewood. It ends with the fact that an important guest finds a doctor on stage applying lead lotions to her husband's head (A. Chekhov, Vaudeville);
3) - As in every business, Misha: the farther into the forest, the more firewood. Nesterov laughed at the good comparison.. - At our excavations they said almost the same: the deeper into the ground, the more land (G. Markov, “Testament”).

Related pages:

1. The word is not a sparrow, it will fly out - you won’t catch it
2. From a black sheep, at least a tuft of wool
3. The fisherman sees the fisherman from afar
4. There is no harm without good
5. Will grind, the flour will be

To the main

Since ancient times, people have learned to notice some relationships between various phenomena and analyze them. And although then they still did not mean much, they found their expression in various proverbs, sayings and sayings.

Table of contents [Show]

What is the role of folk wisdom in people's lives

Wise thoughts and advice for all occasions, which are contained in proverbs, accompany us throughout our lives. And despite the fact that some proverbs are more than one hundred years old, they will always be relevant, because the basic laws of life will never change. There are a lot of wise sayings, for example: “The farther into the forest, the more firewood”, “It looks smooth, but it’s not sweet on the tooth”, “Praise is the good fellow’s ruin”, “Live - you will see, wait - you will hear”, etc. All of them briefly and clearly characterize certain actions, relationships, phenomena, give important life advice.

"The farther into the forest, the more firewood." The meaning of the proverb

Even in ancient times, not even knowing how to count, people noticed certain patterns. The more game they get on the hunt, the longer the tribe will not suffer from hunger, the brighter and longer the fire burns, the hotter it will be in the cave, etc. The further into the forest, the more firewood - this is also a fact. At the edge, as a rule, everything is already collected, and in the deep thicket, where no human foot has yet set foot, firewood is visibly invisible. However, this proverb has a much deeper meaning. Wood and firewood should not be taken literally, just by the relationship of these concepts, the people expressed certain patterns that occur in our lives.

In the proverb “the farther into the forest, the more firewood”, the meaning is as follows: the more you delve into any business or undertaking, the more “pitfalls” float to the surface. This expression can be applied to many concepts and situations. For example, the deeper you begin to study any issue, the more details you learn about it. Or the longer you communicate with a person, the better you understand the features of his character.

In what situations is the proverb most often used "The farther into the forest, the more firewood"

Despite the fact that the meaning of the proverb allows it to be used in many situations, most often it is used when it comes to the occurrence of unforeseen difficulties and complications in any business begun. No wonder the proverb refers specifically to firewood. Everyone knows that the expression "to break firewood" means "to make a mistake by acting hastily", that is, it is interpreted in a disapproving manner.

This proverb can be applied not only in relation to a particular business started. “The farther into the forest, the more firewood” - this can be said about a person who, for example, constantly deceives others, and a lie drags him into a vicious circle, giving rise to more and more lies. Or, for example, someone wants to climb the career ladder and is ready for anything for this. If, in order to achieve his goal, he is playing a dishonest game, then the higher he climbs the "steps", the more unseemly acts he has to commit.


Folk wisdom, embedded in proverbs and sayings, briefly and succinctly characterizes all aspects of life - relationships between people, attitudes towards nature, human weaknesses and other aspects. All proverbs and wise sayings are a real treasure that people have been collecting grain by grain for more than one century and passing it on to future generations. According to proverbs and sayings, one can judge the values ​​that are inherent in different cultures. It is in such statements that the vision of the world as a whole and in various particular life situations is contained. It is difficult to overestimate the importance and role of proverbs and sayings in the life of society. They are the spiritual heritage of our ancestors, which we must honor and protect.

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