Dan Balan: biography, marital status. Personal life of Dan Balan and his biography Dan Balan is his girlfriend


Popularity does not prevent Dan Balan from being a simple and open person, devoid of stellar manners. The songs of the former lead singer of the O-Zone group are still being listened to now, and there are many fan groups dedicated to the artist on the Web. In recent years, Dan has settled in the capital of Great Britain, with whom he fell in love many years ago. He spends a lot of time in the recording studio, collaborates with the choir and various musical groups. Balan does not like to discuss his personal life, which is why there are many unsolved secrets in it. The singer has not yet created a family, however, he dreams of a house with a garden, where he will live with a beautiful wife and several kids.

Dan was born in 1979 in Chisinau, Moldavian SSR. His father was a diplomat, and his mother was a TV presenter. His younger sister Sanda also grew up in the family. In early childhood, he visited television with his mother and heard songs that he then sang. At the age of 10, the boy wrote texts and mastered musical instruments. During his school years, the young man created his first group, where he performed his songs. However, the parents, seeing the hobbies of the future artist, were sure that music would not become his profession.

After leaving school, Balan entered the university, choosing the Faculty of Law, but even during his studies he did not give up his favorite music. The young man left the university and began to pursue a creative career. In 1999, Dan created the group O-zone, which quickly became popular. After the collapse of the team, he pursues a solo career, also acting as the author and composer of many hits.

Balan never talks about his personal life, which is probably why the press attributes non-existent novels to him. Fans are still interested in learning about the singer's marital status if he has a wife and children. According to the artist himself, he had a serious relationship with three women who were of great importance to him. According to media reports, in 2004, Dan married a girl named Ella, who bore him a son, Alan. However, the wife was constantly jealous of the singer for the fans, as a result of which the union broke up in the summer of 2009. After the divorce, relations between the former spouses remained tense, however, the artist did not lose touch with his son.

Pictured is Dan Balan with his son Alan

Journalists also talk about another passion of Balan - Christina Russu, who is a friend of her younger sister. It was rumored that the lovers were going to get married, however, the wedding never took place. The singer never made special demands on the girl of his dreams, since the most important thing for him is that he likes her on her own. He leads an active lifestyle, spending more time on the road than at home. The ex-soloist of the O-Zone group does not forget about his relatives, sometimes visiting Chisinau.

At the beginning of 2013, an important event took place in his family: his sister Sanda got married, whose chosen one was Dana's friend Dmitry. The festive celebration took place in one of the chic establishments in Chisinau, where noble guests gathered not only from Moldova, but also from Israel, Turkey, Romania, Italy, and America.

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Published on 20.08.2016

Dan Balan is a popular Moldovan singer, successful musician and poet. Did you know that the talented Dan graduated from school in the accordion class, and his parents were preparing the fate of a lawyer for the future singer? And that is not all! Read the full biography of the famous artist, see photos and learn more.

Name: Dan Balan

Zodiac sign: Aquarius

Place of Birth: Kishinev, Moldova

Growth: 190

Profession: singer, producer, composer,

Family status: not married

Dan Balan had a long way from an unknown Moldovan singer to a world-famous celebrity. The talented performer has worked with many famous stars: Rihanna, Jesse Dylan, Missy Elliott and others. However, he might not have been realized as an artist, since his parents sent him to law at a young age.

However, Dan turned out to be persistent and nevertheless followed the call of his heart - he became a musician!

A handsome man with Moldovan roots, Dan Balan has long gone beyond the boundaries of his own homeland and began to move towards his goal with leaps and bounds. The sensational hits of the sexy brunette sounded in all corners of the world. And the musical creations "Love", "Only until the morning", "Chica Bomb" won many world awards. What is known about Dan Balan? What was his childhood and path to success like? Let's talk!


The future artist was born on February 6, 1979 in Chisinau. Dan's parents were famous and successful people: his father was engaged in political activities, and his mother was a popular TV presenter.

Little Dan has been familiar with the world of show business since childhood, and over time he became interested in music.

At the age of 4, the boy spoke to the public on an entertainment TV show. And at the age of 11 he was presented with a musical instrument - an accordion and sent to study at a music school so that he could develop his talent. Later, Dan performed waltzes of his own composition on this instrument. As a teenager, he played in the band Pantheon and Inferialis and they played gothic-doom metal music. But after a while, these groups ceased to exist. This period of music lessons was at an amateur level, but professionally Dan Balan began to study at the age of 20.

“My parents, of course, saw that I was interested in music (I started writing it at the age of 10), but they could not even think that it would become my profession. Especially since I told them about my choice in 1997, when there was not a single pop star in Moldova yet and one could be a musician, either playing in a symphony orchestra for $10 a week, or at weddings.

Both options meant in the end begging and starvation. And then I inform them that for the sake of music I leave the prestigious law university, which I just entered. Of course they were shocked!”

Starting point in stellar life

Dan Balan realized that he would gain real popularity only through commercial music. And 1999 became a fateful year. Together with the ex-member of "Inferialis" Petr Zhelikhovsky, he creates a new group called "O-Zone".

Members of the group created pop music and rapped. A couple of months later, the band recorded their first album. In one of the interviews, the singer admitted that he had to use a trick to get his way:

“I knew that major record companies receive tons of demo tapes every day and the chances that my CD will be selected and listened to from this pile are negligible. And I went to the trick: I asked my mother, an incredibly spectacular woman, to give the disc to the manager. I had no doubt that he would definitely be interested in what kind of music such a beauty writes. And so it happened. The deception, of course, was quickly revealed, but the material was so good that it no longer mattered: we started working with this company.

A song called "Dragostea din Tei", which is also known as "Numa Numa song", topped the charts in dozens of countries around the world, and even reached number three in the UK and sold 12 million copies. The disc of the DiscO-Zone team became the best-selling!

But, despite the immodest success, in 2005, the members of this group decided to stop working together. The team broke up, and each member took up a solo career.

solo swimming

Exactly one year after the end of the sensational group "O-Zone", Dan Balan went to conquer America. He took the pseudonym Crazy Loop and recorded his album called "The Power of Shower". The difference from Dan Balan in the new image was the performance of falsetto songs and incendiary songs.

The disc "The Power of Shower" was quite positively received in Europe, and the performer himself was awarded the "MTV Europe Music Awards" in the "Best Romanian Act" category.

Now Dan Balan has gained worldwide fame, and this opened the door for him to collaborate with many foreign celebrities. So, a little later, he wrote the song "Live your life" for the singer Rihanna, which brought him a Grammy nomination in 2009.

In 2010 everything changed. The musician decided to re-release the Crazy Loop mix album and got rid of the pseudonym in favor of his real name. Then he presented to the public the song "Chica Bomb", the video clip for which was directed by Heim Williams, who worked with Jay-Z, Missy Elliot and many others.

One by one there were premieres of songs and all became hits. In 2010, Dan released the track "Justify Sex", as well as the track "Rose Petals" recorded with the popular singer Vera Brezhneva in a duet, which immediately reached the top of the Russian charts.

In 2011, the songs “Freedom”, which for a long time was the leader of many charts, and “Only until the morning” were played on the radio for a long time and often. The singer is still working on creating new songs, lives in New York and often comes to Russia and Ukraine.

A year later, in May, he releases video clips for the songs “Not Loving” and “Love”.

In March, singer Dan Balan, together with the Romanian artist Matteo, presented a new video for the song "Allegro Ventigo".

Hot dances around the campfire at night, beautiful girls, and the artist himself sings in Spanish and plays the guitar.

On February 7, 2018, a three-month all-Ukrainian tour of the popular artist Dan Balan started. Now the artist travels to many cities of Ukraine with a concert.

"Eat or die!"

1. Something that Dan Balan cannot do without:

“Well, you all know Maslow's pyramid. about human needs. We all need the physical first. It's food and sleep. Is always. And no matter how much we want to answer romantically, it is still the way it is. We are always waiting until we get rich and buy ourselves everything we dream of. Therefore, the artist lives under the motto "Eat or die!".

2. Dan Balan had his first kiss at the age of 13, and at 15 he had his first sex.

3. When an artist is relaxing or taking a bath, he thinks about girls and music.

4. If he had not chosen creativity in life, he would have chosen sports.

5. Dan Balan is a Metallica fan.

4. In 2015, the media wrote that Dan did not have his own car.

love affairs

Unfortunately, the Moldovan artist is reluctant to share the details of his personal life - he has it under seven locks. Quite often, he was previously credited with an affair with Vera Brezhneva, but later the pepper explained that there could be nothing between them, since she was married and this was taboo for both.

“I am a free bird, an artist, and so far everything remains so”

The artist said in a long interview.

However, in 2015, he stated in one program that he had a relationship, but would not tell anything more.

In 2016, in the program "Secular Life with Katya Osadchaya", he admitted which girls he likes:

“The main thing is magic. It doesn't matter if you're brunette or blonde. The main thing is that there is that same magic between us. ”

An insinuating voice, sweetly singing about love, plus a sexy and masculine appearance has long led the Moldavian singer Dan Balan to the top of the musical Olympus. Millions are heard with his songs, clips are often broadcast on music channels, and he himself is a frequent guest of girlish sweet dreams. Unfortunately for fans, Dan Balan's personal life is carefully hidden behind the doors of his house, since he himself considers this topic taboo in communicating with journalists. For a very long time, curious female fans remained in the dark about wife of Dan Balan or at least his girlfriends, drawing their own conclusions often from fragmentary information taken from the media.

To date, the sultry Moldovan singer is still not married. Although he prefers to bypass the topic of his personal life and novels, he himself shared information that only three women played a big role in his fate. And all of them were in no way distinguished by either celebrity, or a strong social position, or special wealth, which will undoubtedly pleasantly surprise the singer's fans, since it makes the chances of each of them very real. Moreover, Dan Balan, by his own admission, does not put forward any increased requirements for his future life partner. The only quality that must necessarily be present in her is external beauty, and he will accept all the rest unconditionally if he feels his soul mate in the girl.

In the photo - Dan Balan with his son

By the way, according to publications in the media, Dan Balan, it turns out, has already managed to learn firsthand what family life is. Even before the start of his solo career, he was married to a girl named Ella Krupenina. True, this marriage was short-lived - about five years - and in 2009 the couple broke up due to uncontrollable jealousy on the part of the wife. Although it is easy to understand. It's hard to keep calm when your husband is constantly in the center of attention of numerous fans. In this marriage, an heir appeared - the son of Alan. Just a couple of years ago, the press again remembered the singer's ex-wife in connection with a suicide attempt, again on the basis of jealousy for her husband, whom she did not stop loving even after the divorce. It is difficult to judge how true this information is.

In the photo - the alleged girlfriend of Dan Balan Christina Russu

In the same period of time, it was also said that Dan Balan had already given his heart. Christina Russa, a close friend of the singer's sister, was presented as his beloved girl. However, he himself, again, did not comment on this information anywhere and in any way, limiting himself only to the recognition that he was really not free at the moment. What is happening in Dan Balan's personal life is now unknown, since he usually attends all social events attended by journalists alone.

Dan Mihai Balan is a bright star of the stage and show business. Born in a full-fledged family in 1979, February 6. At the moment, the singer is already 36 years old, but it is quite difficult for him to give such an age. The singer keeps himself in shape and looks fit.

The hometown of the famous singer is Chisinau (Moldova). Dan's father Mihai Balan and mother Lyudmila Balan tried from childhood to accustom their son to something wonderful, and thanks to their upbringing, the first public performance of a young talented boy took place at the age of 4, when he first got on an entertainment TV show. It was the parents who made a huge contribution to education and upbringing, for which the singer is infinitely grateful to them, talking about this in many interviews with journalists and TV presenters.

First performances and music

The biography of Dan Balan is full of various significant events. Some of them happened already in childhood. Parents noticed the craving for singing and contributed to the acquisition of an accordion, on which Dan already composed his own works for waltzes and dances at the age of 11.

Over the years, the young singer gained experience, more and more appeared on the stages of theaters and school halls. At the age of 14, he was actively playing in the bands Pantheon and Inferialis and performed music in the style of gothic doom metal. These trial breakthroughs into the world of show business turned out to be very productive, and at the age of 20 Dan Balan's biography was replenished with serious events - performances on the big stage.

O-Zone - the formation of the group and the beginning of serious success

In 1999, the singer took another step towards success and, together with his faithful friend Petr Zhelikhovsky, created a group. In his group O-Zone (that's what it was called), the singer was both a producer, a musician, and a singer. The most famous and popular single in many European countries is Numa Numa Song. Many more albums of the group were able to glorify performers throughout Europe, and O-Zone achieved a really wild success. But in 2005, due to some disagreements, the group broke up and ceased creative activity.

But the biography of Dan Balan is replenished with new events. Dan goes to Los Angeles, where he meets with the famous producer Jack Joseph Puig. He creates all the conditions for promoting the solo career of his ward.

The first album and unprecedented success: where does the solo star journey begin

At first, Dan Balan did not act on his own behalf, but had the pseudonym Crazy Loop. So he released his first solo album, The Power of Shower. But soon this pseudonym disappeared - the singer began to perform under his own name. Dan Balan began to film the songs, and the famous director Haim Williams worked on his first video for the single Chica Bomb. The hits that occupied the first lines of the charts from Dan Balan went one after another. A duet song with Vera Brezhneva called "Rose Petals" and the compositions Freedom, "Only Until the Morning" made the singer a leader in the music show business. His songs stayed on the first lines of the charts for an unusually long time.

For fruitful work, the singer goes to New York, where he records new singles and shoots videos. But the biography of Dan Balan is not only creative activity, but also personal life.

The special attractiveness of Dan Balan is the reason for great interest from fans who love their idol not only for his beautiful songs, but also for his external features.

Dan Balan: personal life. What is the singer hiding?

No matter how hard the reporters tried to find out who his beloved was, nothing came of it. The singer always speaks of his heart secrets briefly and clearly: "I am a free bird, and so far everything remains so." Joint work with Vera Brezhneva was interpreted differently by journalists, and the yellow press gave Dan Balan many statuses, including it was believed that they and Vera were a couple. But no matter what the newspapers write, Dan Balan still remains an enviable bachelor, and there was no connection between the stars of show business, except for creative activity.

If you still don’t know how old Dan Balan is, you can easily calculate. From early childhood, the boy showed interest in music and arranged concerts from the age of 3. It was at the age of three that he sang the very first song. Being the host, the mother helped her son, once deciding to organize a kind of audition for him. On Moldovan television, the future star sang the song of Nadezhda Chepragi, a famous singer in Chisinau, but the cameras were turned off and the debut failed. However, it was the very first performance on the TV screen that gave the boy faith in himself!

The boy went to elementary school "Mihai Eminescu" in 1986, where he began to write his first poems. A year later, one of his poems takes first place in the competition and is published in the most popular magazine NOI.

The first real performance of the future star took place when the boy was 9 years old,

on the TV show "Semaforul". In 1988, Dan entered the music school in the accordion class, which he graduated in 1994. In 1992, parents buy their first guitar for their son, on which he tries to play rock, which becomes an interesting young man. Around this time, Balan begins to dance and get involved in martial arts. His idols were Jackie Chan, MC Hammer, as well as the musicians of the cult band Metallica.

The beginning of the career of the singer Dan Balan

With age, the boy continued to arrange concerts for his sister and acquaintances. Seeing such love for creativity, the parents gave their son an accordion for his eleventh birthday. On it, Dan began to perform waltzes of his own composition. His talent could not be overlooked, and at the age of 14, the young talent was already playing in bands performing music in the style of gothic doom metal Pantheon and Inferialis. Since these timid steps to get on the big stage did not bring tangible results, the musician decided to act differently.

In 1994, he decides to perform a song of his own composition at a school festival, where he breaks the first loud applause. At the same time, the young man writes a song for a show hosted by his mother on television and receives national recognition. Dan Balan, whose family moves to Israel in connection with the new appointment of his father, continues to actively engage in music. It was in Tel Aviv that the performer first recorded at the studio, and entered the Scottish School. But a year later, the young man returns to his native Moldova and finishes the lyceum “Gh. Asachi.

Since Dan Balan's parents wanted their son to study law, the young man fulfills their will and enters the Faculty of Law.

The path to success in the biography of Dan Balan

Dan Balan, whose photo you see on this page, decided together with Petru Zhelikhovsky to create the O-Zone group in 1999. For this group, the musician composed all the compositions, and also produced. As a result, the single “Dragostea din Tei”, popular at the beginning of the new millennium (known in Russia as “Numa Numa song”), topped the charts in 32 countries of the world! Having won the third place in Great Britain, it has sold over 12 million copies, thus becoming the best-selling and popular in Europe. And even after the collapse of "O-Zone", this particular composition is considered Dan's "calling card". After the breakup of the band in 2005, the musician went to Los Angeles to work on his own career.

Singer Dan Balan's biography, which can be read here, was helped by producer Jack Joseph Puig in his search for himself.

Under the pseudonym "Crazy Loop", the singer releases his first solo album, recorded in the studio - "The Power of Shower". However, this did not bring world fame and Balan refuses a pseudonym, preferring to perform under his own name. First, the audience warmly accepts the song "Chica Bomb", then begins to sing the songs "Justify Sex" and "Rose Petals", which was recorded in a duet with Vera Brezhneva in 2010.

The year 2011 opens for Dan Balan, whose marital status worries millions of fans, with the composition "Freedom", as well as the song "Only until the morning", which do not leave the leaders of the music charts.

Dan Balan biography, whose photo is presented on our website, currently lives in New York and is working on new hits. From time to time he comes to Russia and performs at various concerts.

Personal life and marital status of Dan Balan

Since Dan is not only a talented performer, but also an attractive man, fans are interested not only in Dan Balan himself, his biography, whether he is married or not, but also who the artist’s heart is occupied with. Unfortunately, the young man is in no hurry to talk about his heart affairs.

He was credited with an affair with Vera Brezhneva, but the singer denied this, explaining that the bonds of marriage are sacred to him and Vera, being a married lady, is inviolable to him. If you are interested in the performer Dan Balan, his biography, how old he is and other facts, then we will tell you the most interesting: in 2019, the performer was seen next to a participant in the show “I Want to VIA Gru” - Vardanush Martirosyan, a well-known dancer in narrow circles under the pseudonym "Varda". The girl was predicted to win the show, and the idol of millions actively supported her on the project.

Currently, the celebrity lives in the center of New York and is working on new hits. There are all conditions for creating and recording songs. And, despite the numerous novels attributed to the performer, he hinted more than once that his heart was free. Balan considers himself a complete romantic who has a negative attitude towards one-night stands and fleeting romances. He agrees only to serious relationships and real feelings, emphasizing that he values ​​in ladies not external data, but spiritual connection and naturalness in everything.

In one of his last interviews, the artist said that he managed to conquer America, which tirelessly dances to his songs, and found his girlfriend. But who she is, where she lives and what she works for, he did not tell.

Hobbies of the singer Dan Balan

In addition to music, the man loves dancing and sports, good red wine, in particular, Cabernet Sauvignon and natural juices. He does not like meat and seafood, but prefers vegetables and fruits. From time to time he rereads The Tao of Love and dreams of a house inhabited by small children. Of the performers, he respects Lady Gaga and will never forgive betrayal to a friend or loved one. Friends also believe that Dana is a very calm and balanced person who likes to take risks and travel.

In this article, we talked about Dan Balan, biography and other interesting facts about the most popular Moldovan performer.

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