National Unity Day - interesting facts. Day of Military Glory of Russia - Day of National Unity Fight with Khodkevich's troops


National Unity Day is a holiday that brings nations together. It belongs to the state holidays of Russia. It is both an old and a new Russian holiday. For Russia today, National Unity Day is a holiday on which we pay tribute to the true traditions of patriotism, the consent of the people, and faith in the Fatherland.

Quiz Maker: Iris Revue

... About four hundred years ago there was a troubled time in the Russian state. With the death of Tsarevich Dmitry, the royal family of Rurikovich ceased. Many hunters appeared on the Moscow royal throne. Holy Rus' bled for a long time and it seemed that there was no hope for salvation: Moscow was in the hands of the Poles, the Polish king Sigismund laid siege to Smolensk and demanded the Moscow crown for himself, and not for his son Vladislav. But the Lord did not allow the destruction of holy Rus'. There were fighters for our dear Fatherland. Patriarch Hermogenes refused to approve the letter of election of Vladislav with his signature, and died after a long torment in prison by starvation. Then came to the defense of Holy Rus' Trinity-Sergius Lavra. Her letters (about the friendly struggle of all truly Russian people who love their Motherland) were sent to all cities and villages of Russia. One of these letters arrived in Nizhny Novgorod and ignited the ardent heart of the merchant Kuzma Minin.

... The morning of the great day has come, on which the unforgettable and insignificant merchant Minin laid the foundation for the establishment and power of our now state. The hot, truthful speech of a simple merchant rallied our citizens into one invincible whole ...

November 4, 1612 is a great day in the history of Russia. The people's militia led by Kuzma Minin and Dmitry Pozharsky successfully stormed Kitay-gorod and liberated long-suffering Moscow from the Polish invaders...

1. In honor of what event is National Unity Day celebrated?
Answer: In 1612, the people's militia led by Minin and Pozharsky liberated Moscow from the Polish invaders.

2. What cathedral was built in Moscow in memory of the deliverance of Moscow from the Poles?
Answer: Kazan Cathedral

3. In front of which Moscow cathedral is the monument to Minin and Pozharsky erected?
Answer: The monument to Minin and Pozharsky is located in front of St. Basil's Cathedral on Red Square

4. In what year did Russia begin to celebrate National Unity Day?
Answer: in 2005

5. What were the two major tasks set by Minin and Pozharsky?
Answer: expel the invaders and prepare the conditions for the formation of a Russian government that enjoys the confidence of the population

6. Russia is a multinational state. How many peoples inhabit its territory?
Answer: more than 180 nations

8. What does the word "unity" mean?
Answer: commonality, similarity, cohesion, cohesion, cohesion

9. What proverbs with the word "one" do you know?
Answer:"When we are united, we are invincible"
"Man does not live by bread alone"
"Our strength is in unity"

10. The feast of which icon does the church celebrate on November 4?
Answer: Feast of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God

11. In what cities are monuments to Prince Pozharsky erected?
Answer: in Suzdal, Zaraysk, Borisoglebsk

12. Who is the author of the poem?
“And you can’t burn it with fire - it will endure fires;
And you won’t fill it with water - the steppe won’t give everything away;
And you won’t break through - you won’t miss a blow,
'Cause the earth is you, it's me
It's each of us"
Answer: poet Anatoly Sofronov

November 4th we celebrate National Unity Day. Perhaps everyone knows that it was on this day more than 400 years ago (more precisely, October 22, 1612 according to the Julian calendar) that militia fighters led by Kuzma Minin and Dmitry Pozharsky stormed Kitay-gorod. A few days later, the Polish interventionists surrendered - the Russian people defended their independence. In honor of these events, in 1818, a monument to Minin and Pozharsky, created by Ivan Martos, was erected in Moscow. But in Moscow - only a happy ending to this story, but the beginning of it - in Nizhny Novgorod ...

Autumn 1611. Wooden Church of the Nativity of John the Baptist. Sea of ​​people. In the center is Kuzma Minin. He calls on the people to stand up for the Motherland: “We want to help the Muscovite state, so we don’t spare our property, don’t spare anything, sell yards, pawn wives and children and beat with our foreheads - who would stand up for the true Orthodox faith and be our boss” ( S. M. Solovyov "History of Russia since ancient times", chapter 8, End of the interregnum).

Now in front of this temple, now stone, not wooden, stands the twin brother of the Moscow monument to Minin and Pozharsky. It was created by Zurab Tsereteli, and installed on November 4, 2005, at the same time when National Unity Day was recognized as a public holiday.

Monument to Minin and Pozharsky in Nizhny Novgorod, IvanychKot

If, from the monument in front of the Church of the Nativity of John the Baptist, walk along Minin Street, then in 10-15 minutes you will find yourself on Minin and Pozharsky Square. It occupies as much as 33 thousand square meters and stretches from Georgievskaya to the Kladovaya tower of the Nizhny Novgorod Kremlin. However, it is the Dmitrovskaya Tower that is considered the symbol of the square, since it used to be the main defensive point of Nizhny Novgorod.

There is another monument in the center of the square. On the pedestal - the head of the second people's militia Kuzma Minin. His gaze is directed into the distance. He himself raised one hand, as if urging people to stop, listen, think... Just like 400 years ago...

And in front of the "First House" (minin street, 1) you can see a bust of Kuzma Minin by the Nizhny Novgorod sculptor A. V. Kikin. It was installed in 1955.

But these are not all the sights that can be found on the square. In 1940, a monument to Valery Chkalov by the sculptor I. A. Mendelevich was erected here. Even the frozen figure of the pilot looks very proud. His gaze is directed, of course, to the sky. Behind him is an endless staircase...

This is the Chkalovskaya staircase leading to the Volga embankment. It has the shape of a figure eight or the shape of an infinity sign. People always come here, moving to a new stage of life: graduates say goodbye to school, newlyweds celebrate the creation of a family ...

Also on the square is the Palace of Labor, the Exhibition Complex, the A. S. Pushkin Museum, the Pantry Tower Museum, the museum in the Dmitrov Tower, the Art Museum in the Kremlin, the first and second buildings of the Pedagogical University (within the walls of which the Provincial Men's Gymnasium was located in the 19th century ), as well as many restaurants and cafes.

General view of Minin and Pozharsky Square. Dmitriovskaya Tower of the Kremlin, Alexey Trefilov

The history of the square is no less rich. Initially, it was called Verkhneposadskaya and Verkhnebazaarnaya, since it was here that overland trade routes led, trade was conducted here, and here was the center of the Upper Posad (upper part of the city). In 1697, the Annunciation Cathedral was erected, and the square was renamed Blagoveshchenskaya. Part of the territory from the descent to the Volga to the Theological Seminary since 1743 began to be called Seminarskaya. Annunciation Square had the shape of a semicircle, and Seminarskaya - a trapezoid. In 1917 they were merged, and the new square was named Sovetskaya. It was after the merger that the area acquired its current bucket shape. It received its modern name only in 1943, when the first monument to Kuzma Minin by the sculptor A. Kolobov was erected (in 1989 it was moved to Balakhna, Kuzma Minin's hometown).

Today, Minin and Pozharsky Square is not only a historical and tourist center, but also the main square of modern Nizhny Novgorod. Here are the main city events, holidays and concerts.

Night view of Minin and Pozharsky Square, Alexey Trefilov

On the screensaver is a fragment of the photo “Monument to Valery Chkalov”

Target. Contribute to the patriotic education of preschoolers; to activate the cognitive activity of children; create conditions for the formation in preschoolers of a sense of belonging to historical events that are significant for all Russians and to the holidays celebrated in connection with this.

Sound line.

1. Audio recording of the National Anthem of the Russian Federation, music by A. Aleksandrov, lyrics by S. Mikhalkov.

2. Phonogram of the choir "Glory!" from the opera by M. I. Glinka "Life for the Tsar".

3. Song "Flag of Russia", music by I. Smirnova, lyrics by V. Smirnov

4. Song "Our City", music by E. Tilicheeva, lyrics by V. Kravchuk

Preliminary work. An adult's story about the tradition of celebrating National Unity Day, an explanation of new words ( state, capital, coat of arms, anthem, symbol, emblem). Reading poems, singing patriotic songs.


The leader is the educator.

Vanya and Masha are pre-prepared children in Russian folk costumes.

Sequence of work

Organizing time

The hall is decorated with colorful flags and balloons. The flag of the Russian Federation and the state emblem are placed in a conspicuous place. Solemn marching music sounds. The children enter the room. The music stops. Slides with images illustrating the content of the discussion are projected on the screen during the holiday with the help of a multimedia projector.

Slide #1 - screensaver.

Leading. Soon all people in our country will celebrate a holiday - National Unity Day. Guys, what is the name of the country in which we live?

The children answer.

Leading. Our country, to put it briefly, is called Russia! But it would be more correct to say: the Russian Federation, because our country is a union or association of people from different states, different nationalities.

For all of us, Russia is the Motherland, the place where we were born and live, which we love and are proud of.

A prepared child performs a poem.


"What is the Motherland?" —

I asked mom.

Mom smiled

She waved her hand:

"This is our Motherland,

Dear Russia.

There is no other in the world

Such a motherland."

You are in everyone's heart

Homeland - Russia!

white birches,

The ear is poured.

There is no you more at ease

You are not more beautiful

There is no other in the world

Such a motherland.

I. Chernitskaya

Leading. Guys, we thought for a long time how to make this holiday memorable and enjoyable for you, and decided to invite all of you on an unusual bus tour.

Slide #2 -

Leading. Look at the screen, see the yellow bus? I invite you to sit in it and go on an excursion in honor of the upcoming holiday - National Unity Day! Go?

Children sit facing the screen on chairs standing to the side, arranged in pairs, like seats on a bus. Imitate a bus ride, swaying slightly and stamping their feet. During the trip, they perform the song "Our City" muses. E. Tilicheeva, lyrics by M. Kravchuk.

slide number 3. Image of Red Square.

Leading. Children, we drove up to a very beautiful place in Moscow - Red Square. Let's get off our bus and walk around a bit.

Children get up from their chairs, walk in a circle to the music of the march (at the choice of the music director). The facilitator invites the children to sit in a large semicircle near the screen.

Leading. Our tour starts in the heart of the Red Square. Here at this monument.

Slide number 4. Image of the monument to K. Minin and D. Pozharsky by sculptor I. Martos.

Leading. Look what a majestic monument! This is a monument to Kuzma Minin and Dmitry Pozharsky. We see sculptural figures cast from copper. The author of the monument is the sculptor Ivan Martos. Let's take a closer look at the image.

On the pedestal of the monument (the pedestal is a specially turned large stone - granite, on which the monument itself is placed) you can read the words: “Grateful Russia to Citizen Minin and Prince Pozharsky. Summer 1818".

Leading. This monument was erected in honor of the feat of Kuzma Minin and Prince Dmitry Pozharsky, who united people of different nationalities and different social status in the fight against a common enemy that seized our country many, many years ago.

The sculptor depicts the moment when Kuzma Minin, pointing to Moscow, which had to be liberated from enemies, hands an ancient sword to Prince Pozharsky, wounded in battle, and urges him to stand at the head of the Russian army. Leaning on a shield, the governor rises from his bed. Now he will lead the people's army to fight against the enemies.

With whom, then, was it necessary to engage in battle, from which enemies to defend Russia?

These events took place a long time ago - 400 years ago. Our country was constantly attacked by enemies. Moscow was half burned and looted by Polish troops. Enemy military detachments traveled all over the country. The invaders robbed and offended civilians, trampled on their crops, burned cities and villages, mocked the customs of the Russian people.

The country was on its knees before the enemy. She had no central government, no army capable of protecting civilians, no money to pay off the invaders. A state like Russia could perish.

And then in the fall of 1611 in Nizhny Novgorod, the city headman, a respected merchant Kuzma Minin, addressed the people. He called on all civilians of different nationalities, rich and poor, ordinary and very noble people, to give their savings (money, jewelry and jewelry) in order to buy weapons, military equipment, horses for the militia soldiers. Kuzma Minin himself was the first to give all his savings to equip the troops in order to protect the country from ruin.

Slide number 5. Image of the front high relief of the monument.

Leading. Let's take a closer look at the pedestal of the monument. It is decorated with high reliefs. High relief is a type of sculpture in which a convex image protrudes above the background plane by more than half of its volume.

The front high relief of the monument depicts civilians. We see women taking off their jewelry and men carrying chests of goods. Now these valuables could be exchanged for war horses and military equipment for the defenders of the country.

Leading. Kuzma Minin himself is depicted in the middle of the high relief. And on the left we see the sculptor Martos himself, giving two sons to the Fatherland (one of them died in the later war for the freedom of Russia, in 1813). And what is depicted on the back high relief?

Slide number 6. Image of the back high relief of the monument.

Leading. The rear high relief depicts the voivode Prince Pozharsky on horseback, at the head of the people's militia. It also depicts the soldiers of the Polish army, defeated, broken, throwing away their weapons and fleeing from Moscow. This is how the people's army won.

That's how much you can learn about the historical monument, erected in honor of the defenders of the Russian land, in memory of the heroic events of those years. You need to know the history of your native country, guys!

Minin and Pozharsky are the real heroes of the Russian land. They managed to unite the people in a moment of danger and together with them defeat the enemy. We are very proud of them. Let's listen now to the choir "Glory" from the opera "Life for the Tsar" by the great Russian composer M.I. Glinka. This is the music of the joy of victory, the music of pride in one's country.

Children listen to a fragment of the soundtrack of the recording of the choir "Glory!" from the opera by M. I. Glinka "Life for the Tsar".

Leading. Day of liberation of Moscow from the invaders is now celebrated as the Day of National Unity . This is not only a celebration of the expulsion of enemies, it is a celebration of friendship and unification of people of different nationalities, a celebration of the victory of good over evil. And we will love our Motherland as the defenders of the Russian land loved it! Did you guys enjoy the tour?

The children answer.

Leading. The tour is over and we need to return to the kindergarten. Our bus is already waiting for us! We're going back. But the holiday doesn't end there!

Slide number 7. Image of a bus for transporting children.

Children get up and go to the chairs, standing in pairs, as in the passenger compartment of the bus, taking their places "in the passenger compartment". The song "Our City" by E. Tilicheeva sounds.

Leading. The bus stopped. Here we are again in kindergarten!

I know that you love to play very much. Therefore, today I invited guests to our holiday, with whom we will play a very interesting game, where you can show the guests your knowledge about your native country and its symbols.

Children sit on chairs in front of the screen. There is a knock on the door.

Leading. Perhaps the guests have come?

Children enter, dressed in Russian folk costumes, playing the roles of Vanya and Masha.

Leading. Welcome dear guests!

Children greet.

Leading. What is your name?

Boy. My name is Vanya.

Girl. And I'm Masha.

Leading. So, Vanya and Masha will be my assistants. I know that the guys are well prepared for the holiday and the guys. Now Vanya and Masha and I will check whether you remember well everything that the adults told you about. Whoever answers the questions of Vanya and Masha faster than others will win.

Masha. Russia is an immense country,

It has villages, villages, cities.

I want to give you a riddle

I ask you to name our main city.

Leading. Have you guessed, guys, what is the main city of Russia in question?

The children answer.

Slide number 8. Image of the view from the Moskva River to the Moscow Kremlin

Masha. Right! The most important city in Russia is Moscow! Moscow is the capital of our Motherland, the capital of the Russian Federation.

Leading. Like other states of the world, the Russian Federation has its own state symbols or, in other words, distinctive signs. And now I ask Vanya to make a riddle for the guys about the first symbol of Russia.

Slide number 9. Flag outline image.

Vanya points to the children on the screen, where a slide with an outline image of the flag is shown.

Vania. Here is the flag drawn

So far there are no stripes.

What color, how many?

Answer my question.

Leading. Guys, how many stripes are on the Russian flag and in what order should they be placed?

Children guess the riddle by naming the sequence of the colors of the flag.

Slide number 10. Image of the flag of the Russian Federation.

Leading. Now we see on the screen the flag of the Russian Federation, one of the three symbols of our state. What do the three colors of the stripes on the flag mean? Tell guys!

Pre-prepared children perform poems about the flag of Russia.

Child 1. Our tricolor flag.

White is a big cloud

Blue - the sky is blue

Red - the sun is rising.

A new day awaits Russia.

Symbol of peace, purity -

This is the flag of my country.

I. Smirnova

child 2. On a fine, clear day

I carry the flag with me.

It's white, blue and red

Like a big country flag.

The country's great symbol,

Fatherland dear.

He's bright and handsome

My tricolor flag.

There is no more beautiful in the world

My native country.

And flies over Russia

The tricolor flag is large.

N. Orlova

Leading. White, blue and red colors from ancient times in Rus' meant the following: white color - nobility and frankness; blue color - loyalty, honesty; red color - courage, boldness, generosity and love.

Russians have a special love for red.

“Red means beautiful,” they used to say in the old days. Red Square, “red girls”, “red sun” - all these expressions are familiar to you from childhood.

The flag is one of the symbols of our state, which we must treat with respect and care.

Slide number 11. Image of the Russian flag over the Kremlin tower

Leading. The Russian flag proudly flies over the Kremlin towers, it is hung on government buildings on holidays.

slide number 12. Image of fans with flags in the stadium.

Leading. The flag of Russia can be seen at sports competitions, in the hands of Russian athletes and their fans.

Slide number 13, 14. Photo of a military parade with a flag in their hands.

Leading. With the flag of Russia, the military and sailors go to the parade.

Slide number 15. Image of various chevrons (sleeve patches) with Russian symbols.

Leading. Chevrons with the image of the flag of the Russian Federation can be seen on the uniform of the military, rescuers of the Ministry of Emergency Situations and uniforms of employees of the Russian Railways.

Slide number 16. Photo of pilot-cosmonaut S. Volkov with a chevron in the form of the Russian flag.

Leading. Chevrons with the image of the Russian flag are also sewn on the sleeves of space suits (suits) of our cosmonauts. Let's sing a song about the flag of Russia.

D children perform the song "Flag of Russia" music. I. Smirnova, sl. V. Smirnova.

Leading. Masha, I know that you have prepared a riddle about another state symbol of our country.

Slide number 16. Images of coats of arms of different states.

Masha. On the screen you see the coats of arms of three different states. Guys, which of the presented coats of arms belongs to Russia? How did you recognize the coat of arms of Russia?

The children answer.

slide number 17. Image of the State Emblem of the Russian Federation.

Leading. On the screen you see the State Emblem of the Russian Federation. This is also one of the symbols of our state. The coat of arms is a distinctive sign, the emblem of the state. On the quadrangular red shield is depicted a golden double-headed eagle, raising its outstretched wings. The heads of the eagle are decorated with two small crowns. And above the small crowns - one big one. All three crowns are connected by a ribbon.

The children answer that in the right paw of the eagle there is a scepter - a rod of power, decorated with beautiful carvings. In the left paw of the eagle is a power, a golden ball with a cross at the top.

Leading. Guys, what is depicted on the eagle's chest?

Child. On the chest of the eagle is the coat of arms of Moscow. The coat of arms depicts St. George the Victorious in a blue cloak on a silver horse. He strikes a black snake with a spear, and his horse tramples the snake with its hooves. The black snake is evil. George the Victorious conquers evil.

Leading. The guys also know the poems about the coat of arms of Russia, which I suggest they perform now.

Pre-prepared children perform the poem by V. Smirnov, I. Smirnova "Coat of arms of Russia".

Child 1. Coat of arms of the country - double-headed eagle

Proudly spread its wings

Holds scepter and orb,

He saved Russia.

Child 2. On the chest of the eagle is a red shield,

Dear to everyone: you and me.

A beautiful young man jumps

On a silver horse

Child 3. Fluttering blue cloak

And the spear in the hands shines.

The strong rider wins

An evil dragon lies at his feet.

Child 4. Confirms the old coat of arms

The independence of the country.

For the peoples of all Russia

Our symbols are important.

Leading. Let's remember where you can find the image of the coat of arms of the Russian Federation?

slide number 18. We can see the image of the coat of arms on the passport and banknotes of the country.

Leading. The emblem is depicted on the passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation and on the banknotes of our country.

slide number 19. Image of the coat of arms on the border post.

Leading. The image of the coat of arms of the Russian Federation is present on the border posts, which are installed on the border of our state.

Slide number 20, 21. The image of the coat of arms is on the cockade of the military caps and on the Certificates of Honor.

Leading. The State Emblem can be seen on a military cap and on a diploma, which is awarded for good work or study. Guys! There is also a third symbol for each state. If the flag and coat of arms can be seen, then this symbol can most often be heard.

Vania. Guys, what is the name of the most important song of our country?

The children answer.

Leading. That's right, guys, the name of this song is an anthem. The anthem is the most important, most solemn song of the country. The national anthem is one of the most important symbols of the country. During the singing of the anthem, all those present stand up, as a sign of respect, and the military salute or salute with weapons. I suggest everyone now also listen to our Anthem.

slide number 22. Screensaver - a poster for the Day of National Unity.

Everyone present and the children stand up. The anthem is performed by adults present at the celebration.

Leading. The anthem of the country can be heard at solemn holidays, at military parades, before the start of sports competitions. The anthem is always performed in honor of the winners of international sports competitions.

Now, I think you will firmly remember the three symbols of our country.

The presenter notes those guys who answered the questions correctly, thanks Vanya and Masha for helping her to hold an interesting meeting and congratulates all the guests on National Unity Day!

Vanya and Masha, together with the host of the holiday, give the children small flags - copies of the Russian flag. Children come out of evil to the music of the march.


1. M. B. Zatsepina. Days of military glory. Patriotic education of preschool children. Handbook for teachers. M., "Mosaic-Synthesis", 2008.

2. V. Klokov, V. Kruzhalov. State symbols of Russia. M., LLC "Publishing house" New textbook ", 2002.

4. Kolokolchik magazine No. 39, St. Petersburg, 2007.

Monument to Kuzma Minin and Dmitry Pozharsky - a bronze statue made by the famous Russian sculptor Ivan Petrovich Martos (1752 - 1835), installed on Red Square in front of St. Basil's Cathedral (Pokrovsky Cathedral). The monument is dedicated to the Russian patriots Prince Pozharsky and Nizhny Novgorod zemstvo head Minin, who in the Time of Troubles led the Second People's Militia in the fight against the Polish-Lithuanian invaders, which ended with the expulsion of the invaders from the Kremlin in 1612. This is the first memorial in Moscow erected in honor of the people's heroes.

The monument was planned to be erected in 1812, on the occasion of the 200th anniversary of the heroic events, but the plans were disrupted by the invasion of the Napoleonic troops. And only in February 1818, with funds raised from all over Russia, the monument was erected in front of the main entrance to the Upper Trading Rows (now the GUM building), facing the Kremlin.

On February 20 (March 4), 1818, the solemn opening of the monument took place with the participation of Emperor Alexander I and his family, and with the confluence of a huge number of people. A parade of the guards took place on Red Square.

This event was covered in all the newspapers and magazines that existed at that time. During the festive opening of the monument, music thundered, guards troops marched in a parade march. Not only the roofs of adjacent buildings, but even the Kremlin walls were strewn with people. The general enthusiasm and celebrations on the occasion of the opening of the monument are explained not only by the theme, consonant with the general patriotic mood, but also by the skill of the sculptor, who managed to express this mood in the images of his heroes.

"... The inscription to Citizen Minin, of course, is not satisfactory: for us, he is either the tradesman Kosma Minin, nicknamed Sukhorukoy, or the Duma nobleman Kosma Minich Sukhorukoy, or, finally, Kuzma Minin, an elected person from the entire Muscovite state, as he is called in the charter about the election of Mikhail Fedorovich Romanov. All this would not be bad to know, as well as the name and patronymic of Prince Pozharsky. "
A. S. Pushkin

For Nizhny Novgorod, Ivan Martos created a monument-stele (1826).

The author of the monument, Ivan Petrovich Martos, explained the idea of ​​his creation in this way: “The Greeks and Romans, as well as in the sciences and arts, as well as in the success of weapons, erected monuments to their husbands and, passing on to their offspring their exploits in majestic images, thereby immortalized their own glory . And our Fatherland erects many monuments to such rare men, such immortal heroes, whose love for the Fatherland would plunge Rome and Greece into amazement.

The proposal to start raising funds for the construction of the monument was made in 1803 by members of the Free Society of Lovers of Literature, Sciences and Arts. Initially, the monument was supposed to be erected in Nizhny Novgorod, the city where the Second People's Militia was assembled.
Sculptor Ivan MARTOS immediately set to work on the project of the monument. In 1807, he published an engraving from the first model of the monument, in which the folk heroes Minin and Pozharsky are presented to Russian society as the liberators of the country from foreign yoke.
In 1808, the inhabitants of Nizhny Novgorod applied for the highest permission to invite other compatriots to participate in the creation of the monument. The proposal was approved by Emperor Alexander I, who strongly supported the idea of ​​erecting a monument.
In November 1808, the sculptor Ivan Martos won the competition for the best design of the monument. An Imperial Decree was issued to subscribe to fundraising throughout Russia. The names of the subscribers were printed and made public.
In connection with the importance of the monument for Russian history, it was decided to install it in Moscow, and in Nizhny Novgorod to install a marble obelisk in honor of Minin and Prince Pozharsky. Interest in the creation of the monument was already great, but after World War II it increased even more. Citizens of Russia saw this sculpture as a symbol of victory.
Work on the creation of the monument began at the end of 1812 under the leadership of Ivan Martos. The small model of the monument was completed in the middle of 1812. In the same year, Martos began making a large model, and at the beginning of 1813 the model was opened to the public. The work was highly appreciated by Empress Maria Feodorovna (February 4) and members of the Academy of Arts.

The plot of the monument: Nizhny Novgorod citizen Zemstvo headman Minin points to Prince Pozharsky at the Kremlin and urges him to rise to fight the Poles. The prince at that moment near Nizhny Novgorod was resting and being treated for wounds received in Moscow battles during the First Home Guard. Kuzma Minin gives him an old sword as a future military commander, and he himself undertakes to find and raise funds and soldiers.

On the front of the pedestal, a high relief depicts citizens of Novgorod raising funds for the Second People's Militia.
On this bronze high relief, the author also placed his own image (the figure of a man sending his sons to the people's militia is on the far left). The son of Martos, Alexei, was a participant in the Patriotic War of 1812, fought in the army of Admiral Chichagov ... another son, Nikita, on whom he had hopes as a successor to his work, was killed during the war years in France in 1813, where he was as a pensioner Academy of Arts.

Ivan Petrovich Martos. Portrait by P.O. Russia

Ivan MARTOS is a great worker. He created (the list is not complete) - a bronze figure of John the Baptist on the portico of the Kazan Cathedral, monuments to royalty - Grand Duchess Alexandra Pavlovna, Empress Catherine the Great, Emperor Alexander I; a “cult for Odessa” monument to the Duke de Richelieu was also created, monuments to Potemkin in Kherson and Lomonosov in Kholmogory ...

It is also necessary to mention the two outstanding co-authors of Martos.

Vasily Petrovich EKIMOV (1758-1837) - foundry master. As a boy of 12 he was taken prisoner in Turkey. He studied at the Academy of Arts "in the class of copper and chased craftsmanship." His works are world famous: the fountain "Samson tearing the mouth of a lion" in Peterhof, the bronze "Paradise Gates" of the Kazan Cathedral, the statues of Kutuzov and Barclay de Tolly at the Kazan Cathedral and, of course, the monument to Minin and Pozharsky.

Casting was the finest technological operation. Copper - 1100 pounds (about 18 tons) - was boiled for 10 hours, pouring took 9 minutes at one time ... The work was accompanied by dangers. When pouring, there was a breakthrough in the form, 60 pounds flowed out. The breakthrough was stopped… Ekimov's student was P.K. Klodt, who cast a statue of St. Vladimir for Kyiv over the years. The casting of such a colossal monument at one time was performed for the first time in European history.

And the second outstanding person - Samson Ksenofontovich SUKHANOV (1768-1840s) - a stonemason, "column master". He made a pedestal out of red granite. Sukhanov comes from the laborers of the Arkhangelsk province. He embodied in reality the masterpieces of great architects: the colonnade of the Kazan Cathedral, the interior of the Kazan and St. Isaac's Cathedrals, the arrow of Vasilyevsky Island, Rostral columns and much more ...
Sukhanov made the pedestal of the monument, consisting of three solid pieces of granite.
Initially it was supposed to use Siberian marble. But due to the significant size of the monument, it was decided to use granite. Huge stones were brought to St. Petersburg from the shores of Finland, which was part of the Russian Empire.

On the shield of Prince Pozharsky, the face of the Savior Not Made by Hands is depicted

On the back of the pedestal, a high relief depicts Prince Pozharsky driving the Poles from Moscow. This is a military feat.

"The Miraculous Icon of the Kazan Mother of God, revealed in 1579."
This icon of the Mother of God appeared in the city of Kazan - hence its name - to a nine-year-old girl Matrona. The phenomenon was repeated three times, about which the girl told the Kazan bishop, who, at the direction of Matrona, found the icon in the ground and made a procession with it.

With the miraculous icon of the Kazan Mother of God, revealed in 1579, the Nizhny Novgorod Zemstvo militia managed on November 4, 1612 to storm Kitay-Gorod and drive the Poles out of Moscow. The icon became especially revered.
At the end of February 1613, the Zemsky Sobor, which included representatives of all the estates of the country - the nobility, boyars, clergy, Cossacks, archers, black-haired peasants and delegates from many Russian cities - elected Mikhail ROMANOV (son of Metropolitan Philaret) - the first Russian tsar from the Romanov dynasty. The Zemsky Sobor of 1613 was the final victory over the Time of Troubles, the triumph of Orthodoxy and national unity.
The confidence that it was thanks to the icon of the Kazan Mother of God that the victory was won was so deep that Prince Pozharsky, with his own money, specially built the Kazan Cathedral on the edge of Red Square, where the icon was installed. Since then, the Kazan icon began to be revered not only as the patroness of the Romanov dynasty, but by decree of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich, who ruled in 1645-1676, the obligatory celebration of November 4 was established as "The Day of Gratitude to the Most Holy Theotokos for her help in liberating Russia from the Poles" (celebrated until 1917).
This day entered the church calendar as "The celebration of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God in memory of the deliverance of Moscow and Russia from the Poles in 1612."

In 2005, a copy of the Moscow monument was installed in Nizhny Novgorod. Sculptor Zurab Tsereteli

Dmitry Pozharsky was buried in the family tomb in the Spaso-Evfimievskiy monastery in Suzdal. There, in 1974, a monument was erected by the sculptor N. A. Shcherbakov and the architect I. A. Gunst.

Monument to Kuzma Minin in Nizhny Novgorod

In the hometown of Kuzma Minin Balakhna, a monument was erected to him

Memorial plaque in front of the monument to Kuzma Minin in Balakhna

An extraordinary event was the transportation of the monument by water from St. Petersburg, where it was cast, to Moscow via Nizhny Novgorod, which lasted for four whole months. To reload the monument for several days, a stop was made in Nizhny Novgorod. On this occasion, the journal “Son of the Fatherland” wrote: “No pen can depict the admiration that both the inhabitants of Nizhny Novgorod and the entire local region were brought to by the appearance of such a famous monument on the local waters ... Nizhny Novgorod citizens of both sexes and all ages from morning until night, they came to the courts to see this monument, famous for its subject, art and size.

In the 30s of the XX century. the monument was moved to St. Basil's Cathedral, as it interfered with demonstrations and parades on Red Square.

Since 2005, the feast of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God on November 4, the day of the liberation of the Kremlin in 1612, has been officially celebrated in Russia as National Unity Day. The symbol of the Day of National Unity and the coming revival, of course, is the monument to Minin and Pozharsky.

What happened on this day?

On November 4 (October 22, old style), 1612, the people's militia, led by the zemstvo headman Kuzma Minin and Prince Dmitry Pozharsky, liberated Moscow from the Polish invaders.

Why is this date so important?

With the expulsion of the Poles from the Kremlin, the long period of the Time of Troubles in Russia ended. A few months after the liberation of Moscow, the Zemsky Sobor, which included representatives of all the estates of the country: the nobility, boyars, clergy, Cossacks, archers, peasants and delegates from Russian cities, elected a new tsar, a representative of the Romanov dynasty, Mikhail Fedorovich.

How did the Poles end up in Moscow?

After the death in 1598 of the last tsar from the Rurik dynasty, Fyodor Ioannovich and his younger brother Dmitry, the boyar Boris Godunov took the throne. However, for the nobility, his rights to supreme power were illegitimate. This was used by impostors who pretended to be the deceased Tsarevich Dmitry. A political crisis began in the country, called the Time of Troubles.

In 1609, the Polish king Sigismund III launched a military intervention against Russia. A significant part of the country was under the control of the Polish-Lithuanian detachments.

Power passed to the council of boyars (Seven Boyars), who swore allegiance to the Polish prince, the son of Sigismund. And Moscow was occupied by Polish troops.

In 1612, the people's militia, created in Nizhny Novgorod to liberate Russian lands from foreign invaders, stormed Kitai-Gorod and expelled the Polish troops.

Who are Minin and Pozharsky?

Nizhny Novgorod zemstvo headman Kuzma Minin played a big role in the creation of the people's militia, appealing to the townspeople to repulse the enemy. A huge army gathered for those times - more than 10 thousand serving local people, peasants, Cossacks, archers and nobles. Along with the Russians, the militia included the Mari, Chuvash, Komi and other peoples of the Volga region and the North. Prince Dmitry Pozharsky of Novgorod was elected governor, and Minin became his assistant and treasurer.

In 1818, by decree of Emperor Alexander I, a monument to “Citizen Minin and Prince Pozharsky” by sculptor Ivan Martos was erected on Red Square - the first monument in Russian history not to a tsar or commander, but to folk heroes.

In 1613, Tsar Mikhail Fedorovich established the Day of the Cleansing of Moscow from Polish invaders.

In 1649, by decree of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich, the date was declared a church and state holiday. The Russian Orthodox Church on this day honors the memory of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God "for the deliverance of Moscow and Russia from the invasion of the Poles in 1612."

How did the icon become connected with the history of the liberation of Moscow?

According to legend, the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God was sent from Kazan to Prince Dmitry Pozharsky and became the patroness of the people's militia. With her, the army entered Moscow.

Today on Red Square stands the Cathedral of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God, consecrated in 1637 in memory of the heroes who liberated the capital.

If the holiday existed, why was it reintroduced in 2005?

In Soviet times, November 4 was not celebrated and was not a day off. November 7, the Day of the Great October Socialist Revolution, was considered a holiday. In 1996, the holiday was renamed the Day of Reconciliation and Accord.

In September 2004, the Interreligious Council of Russia proposed making November 4 a holiday and celebrating it as National Unity Day. The State Duma supported the initiative. This day became a day off instead of November 7, which received the status of a memorable date - the Day of the October Revolution of 1917.

Why is the holiday called National Unity Day?

One of the explanations for why such a name was chosen can be an explanatory note to the draft law on the introduction of a new holiday: “On November 4, 1612, the militia soldiers ... demonstrated a model of heroism and solidarity of the whole people, regardless of origin, religion and position in society” .

The material was prepared with the participation of "TASS-Dossier"

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