Birthday of Maslyakov Jr. Alexander Alexandrovich Maslyakov: daughter Taisiya, latest news (photo)


The other day, the head of the Satyricon Theater, People's Artist of Russia, Professor Konstantin Raikin told the general public about the complete censorship lawlessness in the country and that we all “slander, inform. And again we want to be in a cage.

However, as it soon became clear that this whole revolution rested on the money issue, which was soon successfully resolved in negotiations with the Minister of Culture Vladimir Medinsky, who is also no less a professor than Raikin. It would seem that three people met peacefully - two professors and one Russian budget - quietly frayed and closed the topic, forgetting about censorship and the cage. However, colleagues from Life, attracted by the performance of Konstantin Raikin, discovered an amazing fact in the course of the play - it turns out that since 2015, 86.5 million rubles received by the Satirikon Theater from the Russian budget have smoothly flowed into the disposal of the Planet KVN center ", owned by the Maslyakov family. Moreover, as it turned out, the director of the unbending Raikin, Anatoly Polyankin, is associated with a joint business with Angelina Maslyakova, the daughter-in-law of Alexander Vasilyevich Maslyakov, and other structures belonging to the Maslyakov family.

Everything seems to have fallen into place - the budget money through the "Satyricon" and the personal connections of the director Polyankin with the Maslyakovs quite legally (for rent and other services) sailed to the Planet KVN center they own and there are no complaints about the same Raikin. But a question arises, which for some reason the participants in the story prefer not to remember. And how did Planet KVN, a gigantic building with a multimedia concert hall and other premises with a total area of ​​8.7 thousand square meters, located at the very Third Ring of Moscow, become the property of the family of Alexander Vasilyevich Maslyakov, the “chief military officer of the country”? And not only this building.

And the answer turned out to be simple and uncomplicated - all this golden real estate, which was previously the property of the city of Moscow, passed to the Maslyakov family, in my opinion, not without a pre-planned weaning scheme, better known in the criminal code as fraudulent taking of other people's property through deception and abuse of trust , and, as the documents show further, as part of a group of people. But let's start from the beginning. With all the details and completely unexpected facts.

Episode one: “I came up with KVN” or where 25 years have disappeared.

Here is an amazing and unique document dated 1996. This is a certificate of the Russian Authors' Society under the number 1519 "On the registration of a work - an object of intellectual property." Let's quote:

“I hereby certify that an object of intellectual property is registered in the Russian Open Society - a script for a humorous game called “KVN (Club of the cheerful and resourceful), the author of which, according to his own statement, is Maslyakov Alexander Vasilievich.

Maslyakov A.V. testifies that when creating the above object, he did not violate the intellectual property rights of other persons.

So that's it! That is, KVN is only 30 years old? And what then is the 55th anniversary Maslyakov invites us all to?

Episode two. How to steal 35 million dollars from the budget. Step-by-step instruction.

At the beginning of this investigation, it was already mentioned the existence of the Planet KVN cultural center - a giant building with a multimedia concert hall and other premises with a total area of ​​​​8.7 thousand square meters, located at the address: Moscow, Sheremetyevskaya street, 2. So, until the fall of 2014, this golden real estate, worth billions of rubles, belonged to the State Unitary Enterprise "MMC" Planet KVN ", the only founder of which was the Department of Property of the City of Moscow. That is, the Planet KVN center, with its almost nine thousand square meters, was the municipal property of the capital.

Yes, by the way, pay attention to the fact that the General Director of the state unitary enterprise "MMC" Planet KVN "in some mysterious way turned out to be none other than Maslyakov Alexander Vasilievich himself:

Further. At the same time, there was also a limited liability company “Television creative association “AMIK” (abbreviated as “TTO AMIK” LLC). And this office was completely private, that is, it had nothing to do with state structures. And the founders of LLC "TTO AMIK" were (attention!) Maslyakov Alexander Vasilievich, his wife - Maslyakova Svetlana Anatolyevna, and their son Maslyakov Alexander Alexandrovich works as the general director. And it was to TTO AMIK LLC that the so-called intellectual property objects were transferred, which began their journey with that very first trademark registered in 1996 for a company owned by the "author of the KVN game."

And in the fall of 2014, real witchcraft was learned. On October 28, 2014, according to the protocol of some newly-minted Dom KVN LLC, two Maslyakovs met, two general directors - a son and a father. Namely, the general director of TTO AMIK LLC Maslyakov Alexander Alexandrovich (son) and the general director of the State Unitary Enterprise "MMTS Planeta KVN" Maslyakov Alexander Vasilyevich (father) made the fateful decision enshrined in this protocol. They, that is, the father, who is the director of the State Unitary Enterprise, and the son, the director of a private LLC, where among the founders are the same father and mother, "decided to establish a limited liability company" House of KVN "at Moscow, Sheremetyevskaya, 2 ".

And now attention! Quotes from protocol No. 1 “On the establishment of LLC Dom KVN”:

“GUP “MMTS “Planeta KVN” contributes to the authorized capital of the Company real estate in the form of a separate building with a total area of ​​8,707.1 sq.m. located at Moscow, st. Sheremetyevskaya, house 2, estimated at 1,113,561,000 rubles (one billion 113 million 561 thousand rubles). As well as equipment inside the building, estimated by an independent appraiser at 277,509,476 rubles (277 million 509 thousand 476 rubles).” And the State Unitary Enterprise "MMTS" Planet KVN "receives for this as much as ... 49 percent of the authorized capital of LLC Dom KVN."

And what does the private TTO AMIK LLC, owned by the Maslyakov family, contribute to the authorized capital? I am quoting the protocol: “LLC TTO AMIK transfers in full as a contribution to the authorized capital of the Company the exclusive right to the Trademark “International Union of KVN” (certificate No. 345643), evaluated by an independent appraiser ... (attention! Auth.) at 1,447,848 863 rubles (one billion 447 million 863 rubles). TTO AMIK LLC receives 51 percent (fifty one!!! Auth.) of the authorized capital of Dom KVN LLC.

And this happiness is signed by the state (State Unitary Enterprise "MMTS Planeta KVN"), the general director Alexander Maslyakov-dad, and from the private LLC "TTO AMIK" - the general director Alexander Maslyakov-son. Don't believe? See for yourself:

Now let's take care of our hands. So, on the part of the state, golden Moscow real estate and internal equipment are contributed to the authorized capital of Dom KVN LLC, with a total value of 1,391,070,476 rubles, which at the exchange rate for October 2014 was about 35 million US dollars. And for this, only 49 percent of the authorized capital is due to the budgetary State Enterprise. And the private structure of the Maslyakovs (father-mother-son) contributes the useless Trademark "International Union of KVN", estimating it at 1,447,848,863 rubles (at the exchange rate for October 2014 - more than 36 million dollars) and receives a controlling stake in at a rate of 51 percent. Here is an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities:

Here is what the very property transferred to the Maslyakov family enterprise looks like:

And here is how this sign No. 345643, unknown to anyone, looks like on the website of Rospatent, estimated, judging by the protocol of the meeting between father and son, by mysterious "independent appraisers" in October 2014 at $ 35 million, and brought state property to the Maslyakov family almost in the center of Moscow, which later everything was also reconstructed for the same budgetary funds:

Well, has anyone seen this supposedly famous design marvel anywhere? My attempts to understand where this miracle sign worth 35 million greenery is used turned out to be futile. Fortunately, Yandex is now searching by pictures, but the search engine has not found anything, except for the picture already shown above from the Rospatent website and some modified versions of the sign.

Let me remind you once again: the protocol states that a hitherto unknown picture owes 1.5 billion rubles, with reference to some independent appraisers. Only here is the annoyance: this product of intellect was introduced into the family enterprise much later than the registration of Planet KVN, which in itself is not a violation, but its assessment in the same amount recorded according to Maslyakov-son in the protocol was carried out only after registration of the society itself! That is, an outright scam - at first they called the exact price down to kopecks, and then only estimated it.

Let's choose options: either Maslyakov, the son, is a real visionary and a genius in the field of valuation, having named the exact cost of the picture in advance, or their price "51% per picture" was completely corny adjusted to the valuation of real state property so as to be exactly 2 control percent more. Well, the appraisers simply hardened "what kind" tsiferku.

And pay attention to the fact that this whole amazing story took place in the form of a cabal between dad and son. And another important factor - the wife of Maslyakov Jr. and, accordingly, the daughter-in-law of Maslyakov Sr., Angelina Viktorovna Maslyakova, became the general director of the newly-minted Dom KVN LLC, the very one who owned the building of Planet KVN.

And here is the agreement on the transfer of that very “KVN trademark”, valued at as much as 36 million dollars, from TTO AMIK LLC to the newly-minted Dom KVN LLC, signed in a family way by husband and wife - CEO Alexander Maslyakov and CEO Angelina Maslyakova :
And now back to the story of the theater "Satyricon". As it became known, the theater is financed from the federal budget and for several years rents halls and other premises from the same Dom KVN LLC. And as colleagues found out, for the period from 2015 to the present, 86.5 million rubles received by the Satirikon Theater from the Russian budget have smoothly flowed into Dom KVN LLC. And nothing in this would be terrible if it were not for the above facts that the Maslyakov family business received state property leased to Satyricon, to put it mildly, with obvious signs of fraud.

That is, having become the full owner of the former state property that belonged to the subject of the Federation - Moscow, the Maslyakov family safely leases these premises, receiving tens of millions of rubles now from the federal budget allocated to the Satyricon Theater. Truly a sweet child...

And, perhaps, it makes sense for Konstantin Raikin, who is forced to talk about slander, denunciations and a cage, knocking out additional state funding for the theater, just to be more careful when choosing partners?

Presenter, showman Alexander Aleksandrovich Maslyakov was born on April 28, 1980 in Moscow. The guy was lucky to be born in a very intelligent and creative family. Both parents were associated with television work. My father is a permanent host of the KVN humorous program known throughout the country, and my mother was the director of the same program.

Alexander Alexandrovich Maslyakov (junior): wife, children, biography

Alexander Jr. was more fortunate than other children. In his youth, he had the opportunity not to watch KVN on TV, as the rest did, but to observe the whole process from the inside. Parents often took the boy with them to work. Thus, from early childhood, the young man was predetermined by professional inclinations. However, the desire to continue the work of his father did not appear immediately. Initially, the interests of Maslyakov Jr. switched to politics and economics.

After graduating from school, Alexander decided to enter one of the most prestigious universities in Moscow, choosing the direction of international relations. He even defended his dissertation in this direction, but did not want to make further progress. Apparently, the chosen direction of activity seemed too boring for a creative young man.

In the photo: Alexander Maslyakov Jr. with his father

From the age of twenty, the young man began to come closer and closer to KVN. He was often noticed not only in the auditorium, but also as the host of the Planet KVN program. Fans began to express the opinion that the father was preparing a worthy replacement for himself and at some point Maslyakov Jr. would replace the elder as president of the club. Soon this opinion began to be confirmed by the facts. Currently, a talented and creative guy acts as the host of the KVN Premier League and helps to train new personnel for the club. Thanks to him, more than one new star was lit.

Alexander does not like being compared to his father. Also, the guy avoids talking about the succession of father and son. But he does not hesitate to try himself in a new role and has already acted as a guest artist of the STEM competition. It should be noted that the team players then got an excellent result and did not regret their cooperation with Alexander Alexandrovich at all.

Angelina Maslyakova - wife of Maslyakov Alexander Alexandrovich (junior)

Alexander's personal life is of interest to KVN fans as well as the artist's creative achievements. It is known that he met his beloved while studying at the university. She studied at the same course, but she took her studies more responsibly and even helped the young man prepare for exams. Who is the wife of Alexander Maslyakov Jr.? The girl's name is Angelina Marmeladova. The couple dated for five years. The guys felt comfortable and cozy next to each other. However, by their own statement, they are different people, one might even say opposite.

In the photo: Alexander and Angelina Maslyakov

Fans are interested in the question, how old is Maslyakov's wife? She is the same age as her husband and was born in the same 1980. Perhaps this fact will surprise many, since the guys look a little younger than their years, especially Angelina. The Maslyakovs celebrated the wedding according to all traditions, but 10 years later they decided to replay the celebration in Italy.

What does Maslyakov's wife do? Yes, she did not devote herself to the family business, but her occupation is also connected with creativity. Angelina works in the field of literature and journalism, has achieved considerable success in this area. The novels published by her have found great success with readers.

In the photo: Alexander Maslyakov Jr. with his wife

Do the Maslyakovs have children? In 2006, Alexander and Angelina had a daughter, whom they decided to name Taisiya. A wave of jokes among KVNshchikov was caused by the fact that the day after the birth of Tai, the granddaughter of the famous comedian Yevgeny Petrosyan was born. But the Maslyakovs' daughter from an early age began to demonstrate extraordinary creative abilities. Parents gave her to the popular theater studio "Fidgets". But grandparents insist that young parents do not stop at one child and certainly give them more grandchildren. The elder and younger Maslyakovs are expecting a boy as the next replenishment.

In the photo: Alexander Maslyakov Jr. with his wife and daughter

Alexander does not maintain accounts on social networks and does not put photos of his family on display. But such photos often appear in the media. In addition, in connection with the political conflict between Russia and Ukraine, the elder and younger Maslyakovs were listed in the Ukrainian base of criminals "Peacemaker". As it turned out, they were blacklisted for allowing a team from the DPR to take part in KiViN, and also created the Crimean KVN League. Now the father and son are forbidden to visit the territory of Ukraine. So far, they have not officially commented on this fact. The wife of Alexander Maslyakov is not yet on this list.

KVN is a positive TV show known to the entire population of our country. Everyone is also familiar with the non-replaceable TV presenter Alexander Vasilyevich Maslyakov - a strong-willed person, the head of KVN and the founder of the AMiK company. And many people know his successor, Alexander Maslyakov Jr. As the audience often notices, if one Maslyakov leads the program, then the second one is always present in the hall. San Sanych is always accompanied by a beautiful girl with a charming smile. It turns out that this is the wife of Maslyakov Jr., a reliable support and support for her husband.

I wonder how old Maslyakov is the eldest and the youngest, because Alexander Vasilyevich has been leading KVN for many years. At the moment, the father is 76 years old, the son is 37. Yes, the main master of KVN has already reached a very old age and, most likely, will soon leave the stage forever, but he raised a worthy and responsible successor who can continue his father's work.

Alexander Vasilievich and his wife Svetlana devoted their whole lives to one common cause. Maslyakov was a TV presenter, and his wife was a production director and worked on every episode of the program.

Thanks to their creative activity and hard work, the simple KVN program gained immense popularity and grew into a huge empire that brings considerable income to the Maslyakov family.

April 24, 1980 happy spouses Svetlana and Alexander became the parents of a wonderful boy Sashenka. Since the whole family was passionate about KVN, the son spent a lot of time behind the scenes of the TV show from early childhood. Therefore, it is not surprising that San Sanych followed in the footsteps of his father.

At first, young Alexander became seriously interested in politics and economics. He entered a prestigious institute at the Faculty of International Relations. But by the age of 20, Sasha realized that politics was not his path. Since that time, he has increasingly appeared in the auditorium of a humorous program.

Later, Maslyakov Jr., whose biography is closely connected with KVN, participates in the creation of such projects, how:

  • "Planet KVN";
  • "Out of the game";
  • "The First League of KVN".

Here the young man appears before the audience as a leader. Today, Alexander continues to broadcast these programs, and his famous parent proudly watches the activities of his successor.

By himself, Alexander Alexandrovich is a kind and sympathetic person. He does not hide the fact that his father plays a big role in his life, but he does not like it very much when the elder and younger Maslyakovs are compared with each other.

In fact, the wife of Alexander Alexandrovich Maslyakov is a fairly well-known person. The biography of Maslyakov Jr.'s wife Angelina begins in 1980, when she was born in the Marmeladov family. The daughter made her parents very happy: she studied diligently, entered MGIMO, where she also successfully mastered all subjects.

The young people met in the first year of the institute. At the first meeting, the young man did not like the girl: according to him, Angelina was very arrogant. Later, their relationship smoothly flowed first into friendship, and then into romance.

The couple admit that they did not notice when they were embraced by love. Being completely different people, they managed to find something attractive in each other. Of course, their relationship is not complete without quarrels, but nevertheless, mutual understanding necessarily comes.

After graduation, the guys decided to get married. The wedding was played magnificent and luxurious, which did not quite correspond to the desire of the young. Therefore, after 10 years, the couple decided to replay the holiday and staged a modest celebration with close friends in Italy.

In 2006 Alexander and Angelina became parents wonderful daughter Taisiya. Currently, the girl is growing smart and talented, is engaged in in the group "Neposedi", dancing, interested in mathematics. Tasya herself admits that most of all she wants to become an architect or a ballerina. The star grandfather simply does not have a soul in his granddaughter, because she grows up as a very sweet and kind child.

Angelina is currently famous journalist, publicist, candidate of economic sciences and writer. Maslyakova is the author of three women's novels:

  • "Amore Mio".
  • "He dolce vita!"
  • “Women and men in friendship and in love. Madrid Triangle.

But according to the woman, her work remains in the status of a hobby. Previously, Angelina worked in the Federation Council, but a busy schedule and constant business trips interfered with family life. Therefore, Maslyakova quit such a job and, at the invitation of her father-in-law, moved to AMiK.

At the moment, Angelina Maslyakova is the general director of the IMC Planet KVN.

Maslyakov Jr. and his wife are very loyal to public life. Angelina Maslyakova does not have a page on Instagram, as her husband is against demonstrating his personal life on social networks. Their family pictures very often flash in various printed publications. Alexander and Angelina always valiantly defend the honor of the family: no “naked” photos, drunken scandals and other disgusting scenes that the world of show business is now full of have never happened in the Maslyakov family, which speaks of the upbringing and intelligence of this talented family.

Attention, only TODAY!

The life and family of Alexander Maslyakov Jr.

The life of Alexander Maslyakov Jr. and KVN cannot be separated from each other - he grew up, achieved success and became famous thanks to the "Club of Cheerful and Resourceful". In the following material, we will talk about the main milestones in the biography of the artist and presenter, his family and wife.

Biography of a famous TV presenter

Alexander Alexandrovich, originally from the capital of the Russian Federation, was born on 04/28/1980. Both of his parents worked in the field of Soviet television. Father - the permanent host of the KVN program Alexander Maslyakov Sr. Mother - Svetlana was engaged in television directing, helped in filming and broadcasting KVN.

It was a creative family united by one thing. The father devoted his son to all the subtleties of the show, Maslyakov Jr. from childhood appeared at the rehearsals of the teams, saw and remembered what was being done. Naturally, the atmosphere of laughter and friendliness attracted the boy. And life in such a mood influenced the choice of the future. Of course, not immediately: at first he wanted to work in the traffic police, having matured a little, he wished to go into politics.

After receiving a school certificate, Alexander tried to find his own way: he entered MGIMO, studied at the Faculty of International Relations.

In 1999, he managed to be a host on the Planet KVN project - then the general public met Maslyakov Jr. The public immediately considered the son of the eminent TV presenter to be the future successor.

Gradually, the young man realized that he was really attracted to the life of KVN. He successfully graduated from the university in 2002, and a year later became the head of the Premier League "Club of Cheerful and Resourceful". Participating in this project, Alexander not only gained a lot of experience, but also contributed to the emergence of a new generation of comedians. Under his leadership, bright stars of humor appeared on the stage, known throughout the country and beyond.

In parallel with this, a man in 2006 became a candidate of economic sciences, having defended his dissertation at the State University of Management.

With the participation of Alexander and his father, new projects were launched: “The First League of KVN”, “Outside the Game”, etc. Maslyakov Jr. was the host in all these shows. From time to time, he appeared at regional games.

Alexander Maslyakov with his wife

Sometimes KVN participants joke about him, calling him Alexander II, although the man himself does not like being compared to his father. He also prefers not to talk about the time when he will be forced to completely replace Maslyakov Sr. in his work.

In 2013, a man tried himself as a member of KVN in 2013, when he surprised everyone by appearing on stage. It was the STEM contest, where Alexander was a guest star. An interesting performance only increased his reputation among colleagues and love - in the eyes of the public. KVN-schiki call Maslyakov Jr. omnipresent for his mobility and ability to appear in competitions in different guises.

Now he continues to work in the "Club of the Cheerful and Resourceful", continuing the family tradition. Friends believe that soon he will completely replace his father in work, giving him the opportunity to relax and enjoy the spectacle from the stands.

Who is the wife of Maslyakov Jr.?

Maslyakov Jr. is a happy father

MGIMO, even though it did not lead Alexander to work in politics, helped him find his love and future wife. Angelina Marmeladova, a diligent student, helped him prepare for the exams. After some time, a spark of feeling slipped between them, and an affair began.

The relationship lasted about 5 years, young people found in each other what they had been looking for for a long time: the ability to be themselves, to feel free in each other's presence. Although, according to the statements of Alexander and Angelina, they are completely different people, and these differences strengthen the marriage even more. A truly complementary pair formed.

Now, when they have been together for a long time, the spouses continue to be spiritually close, do business and achieve success. Wife Angelina is a successful writer, author of 3 novels.

In 2006, there was a replenishment - a daughter, Taisiya, was born. Now she is growing up and is already showing her creative abilities, studying at the theater studio in Moscow.

Alexander Maslyakov, Jr., although he tried to find himself in something of his own, realized that the connection with the family and the common cause gives much more. He was able to realize himself, find recognition in work, love in the family and happiness in life. We wish him the continuation of this harmony and new achievements in life.

And who is leading this crazy game of all times and peoples? And so who is he - the host of KVN:

Maslyakov Alexander Vasilievich, Major League

Full name: Alexander Vasilyevich Maslyakov
Date of Birth: November 24, 1941
Place of Birth: USSR, Sverdlovsk

The main direction in life: organizer of KVN games

Short biography:
- in 1964 he graduated from the Moscow Institute of Transport Engineers
- since 1968 the higher courses of television workers
- on television he led the programs Cheerful guys, Come on girls (and guys too), Addresses of the young, Hello, we are looking for talents
- in 1974 he spent several months in colony YUN 83/2 for illegal currency transactions (whether it's true or not - ask Maslyakov, taken from here
- in 1975 he was the first host of the TV show What? Where? When?
- founder of the game KVN (Club of Cheerful and Resourceful), and the television creative association AMIK
- Since 2006, the chairman of the jury of the scary TV show with even more scary sounds Minute of Glory (which was ridiculed more than once by teams in games)
- 1994 Ovation Award
- 2002 TEFI award
- 2006 Order from Putin "For Merit to the Fatherland" 4th degree - for his contribution to domestic television and creative activity (he said at the dedicated game)
- 2006 medal "For services to the Chechen people"
- 2007 Order of Dostyk 2nd class from Kazakhstan
- 2007 Order "For Merit" 3rd class from the President of Ukraine Yushchenko
- 2017, December, Maslyakov A.A. resigned from the post of president of KVN AMIK, tk. Ernst threatened to stop showing KVN on the first channel, the redistribution of Amik began

Wife Svetlana Anatolyevna. Maiden name - Kazakova. Married since 1971. In 1980, the son Alexander Maslyakov ml was born, which you can learn about below.
Fun fact: In 1980, a very famous Mongolian composer sat on the jury. The presenter, introducing him, each time mangled his last name. The composer was terribly offended. Maslyakov apologized. But the next day it happened again. Alexander Vasilievich could not pronounce this name correctly from the stage. The Mongol's name was Ayak Khuyak.

Maslyakov Alexander Alexandrovich, Premier League

Full name: Alexander Alexandrovich Maslyakov Jr.
Date of Birth: April 28, 1980
Place of Birth: USSR, Moscow

The main direction in life: leading premier league KVN

Short biography:
- Graduated from MGIMO in 2002 - specialist in regional studies with in-depth knowledge of foreign languages ​​(Italy)
- since 2000, he was also the host of the programs Planet KVN, Outside the game, and the first league of KVN

Likes to laugh with head tilted and hand to forehead, eyes closed and mouth wide open for long periods of time

Wife Angelina Evgenievna. Maiden name Marmeladova

According to unofficial data, Nabatnikov's maiden name, mother is Tatar, Nabatnikov Viktor Nikolaevich, for a long time under Luzhkov was the head of the department of land and property relations in the city of Moscow and was involved in the raider seizure of the printing house.
I met her in my first year at MGIMO.
Always attends all KVN games. Almost every broadcast has a frame of the game. Several times "participated" in the scenes of some teams. His feature is in his laughter, when he neighs, tilts his head down and touches his nose with his hand.
Daughter Taisiya (born in August 2006). She sang along with a group of "fidgets" in the team of the Misis national team.

Taisiya Maslyakova, KVN Children's League

various latest news from the leading Maslyakov family

« When 6 years ago I first stepped on the stage as the host of the Premier League, I was terribly worried. I understood perfectly well that they would compare me with my father, examine me under a microscope.", - says the younger Maslyakov. Over time, the intelligent, charming presenter fell in love with the audience. And behind his back, the KVN officers respectfully call him San Sanych. And even AVM, mean to praise, in an interview with "7 days" said that he was pleased with how his son works.

The game of KVN is a family affair of the Maslyakovs: Alexander Vasilyevich has been the permanent head of the Club of the cheerful and resourceful for more than forty years, and his wife Svetlana Anatolyevna is the director of the KVN program. And, of course, their only son Sasha could not be "overboard" in this game. “In general, they could call me Kaveen,” Alexander laughs. - When I was born, one friend threw this idea to my parents. Luckily, they didn't listen to her. My mother chose the name for me, and my father, of course, did not mind. Already from the age of six, the parents began to take the boy with them to work - he was sitting in the hall among the audience, in a place of honor in the front row. Moreover, being at KVN for the first time, Sasha showed himself to be a fierce fan - he liked the team of the Moscow Institute of Chemical Technology, and he clapped their jokes tirelessly, constantly jumping up from his seat in delight. For such support, the guys from MKhTI even gave Sasha several badges with the symbols of the institute ... “When I was a boy, KVN was an absolutely extraordinary event,” the TV presenter recalls. - Now people have a choice where to go: to a Pugacheva concert, to an evening of Galkin or Zhvanetsky. And in the years of perestroika, it was dreary in this regard - there were not enough spectacles for the people. So KVN has become a great holiday for people, an occasion for going out. I've always liked the Kaween atmosphere. I tried to attend every game, in my whole life I missed maybe five games in total.

Papa, who "ruled" the whole holiday, Sasha rarely saw at home. To provide for his family, Alexander Vasilyevich always worked very hard, often went to work - he led all sorts of concerts in other cities. But at the same time, he also managed to engage in the upbringing of a single child. “My parents didn’t let me take a step calmly, constantly controlled, even suppressed in some way,” says Maslyakov Jr. - In the lexicon of my mother, the words prevailed: “no”, “you won’t go”, “you can’t”, “you won’t”, “I don’t allow it”. I was a conscious young man and tried to listen to my elders, but as I grew older I began to resist their pressure more and more, even at school I insisted that they not interfere in my affairs, they say, I want to solve my problems myself. For this "himself", which I apparently used often, my father and mother called me Sam Sanych. However, the parents became convinced that they had a boy with character when Sasha was only 6 years old. He watched a "terrible" cartoon about the dangers of smoking and decided to save his father and mother from this addiction. He built a poster with the words “A cigarette is poison” and began to persistently beg his parents: “Mom, dad! Please don't smoke!" “At first they hid from me in the corners with cigarettes, but my tears still broke through them. And I achieved my goal - they quit smoking, ”Alexander smiles.

In the 10th grade, the guy set himself a specific goal - to finish the 11th grade as an external student and enter MGIMO, the Faculty of International Relations. Since he studied somehow at school, not straining too much, he had to urgently take up his mind and work hard to the fullest: “I prepared very seriously for a whole year, studied with tutors. The burden of a famous family, of course, pressed - I could not lose my face, let my father down. I did it hard. I still remember the numbers of my tickets and the dates of the entrance exams, which I still sometimes have nightmares about.” And although, as a result, Alexander became a student of one of the most prestigious universities in the capital, even during his studies he had to constantly prove that he got into MGIMO thanks to his knowledge, and not through blasphemy. “Some teachers were biased towards me, and it happened that they just fell down on exams,” recalls Maslyakov Jr. “It was really embarrassing because I took my studies very seriously.”

Already in the third year of the institute, Alexander began working under the guidance of his father - he became the host of the television programs Planet KVN and Outside the Game. It was then that a beautiful brunette took a place next to him in the auditorium at KVN ... Sasha met Angelina on the very first day of his studies at MGIMO - September 1. During a break between lectures, they stood side by side in line at the institute cafe and, word for word, started talking. Well, we chatted and parted ways. And two months later, Angelina moved to Sasha's group, and they began to communicate every day. At first, the guys agreed on the basis of study. The girl helped Sasha with homework, for which he did not have enough time, and he, in gratitude for this, drove her home after class. “We were constantly together and quickly found out that we had a lot in common, and became so good friends that we started dating,” Alexander recalls. And soon Sasha invited Angelina to a restaurant to celebrate his birthday and introduced him to his parents. They are
son's choice was approved. Angelina grew up in an intelligent family: her father is a professor, doctor of economic sciences, and her mother was engaged in the publishing business.

It so happened that the candy-bouquet period for lovers lasted for five whole years. Maslyakov Jr. waited for the moment when he and Angelina received their diplomas and only after that did he propose to her. The wedding was celebrated on a grand scale: more than a hundred guests gathered in one of the capital's restaurants. The parents of the newlyweds gave them a truly chic gift - a new large apartment. “When Lina and I began to live separately, I finally felt free from parental care and control,” says Alexander. - My wife was having a hard time breaking away from her parents, she missed them a lot, she was worried. And I realized that now I have taken place as a man, becoming the head of our family with Lina.

“Sasha is really that strong shoulder for me, on which I can always lean,” says Angelina. - He is very reliable, caring, sensitive. And what else is important for me - he is a person with a subtle sense of humor, it is always fun with him, it never gets boring at all. “Yes, we definitely don’t let each other get bored,” Alexander picks up. - We are very similar in character: both are emotional, quick-tempered, stubborn. And when we start to quarrel or argue, we will fight to the last, no one wants to give in. I think that I am 100 percent right, and Lina is sure that she is 500 percent right. And neither I nor she has the patience to give in somewhere, to remain silent. So until we torment each other in full, we will not calm down. But we can’t be angry for a long time, we put up quickly. And every time we understand that we were cursing because of some nonsense, but we wasted so much time, effort, nerves on this! “Besides, we are both terribly jealous,” adds Angelina. “It’s good that we don’t give each other reasons for jealousy, otherwise it could end badly ...” Sasha and Lina almost never part: they like to go to visits, to the theater and to social events together. By the way, they also graduated from graduate school together (both defended dissertations for the degree of "candidate of economic sciences"). And they gave birth together. The wife really wanted a child, they planned, but Alexander was not eager to attend the birth. Everything happened spontaneously. Sasha brought his wife with contractions to the hospital, escorted her to the ward. And since no one kicked him out of there, he stayed. “I held Lina’s hand, tried to make her laugh, to distract her from the pain a little. It was so surprising that I also participate in this sacrament, I am needed here. And when they gave me my child, it was as if wings had grown behind my back, I experienced some kind of absolute boundless happiness that cannot be compared with anything. Everything has changed! I will never forget how we returned with our daughter from the hospital. This event was celebrated, grandparents and the nanny went home. And Lina and I were left alone with Tasya. I was seized with a feeling of chilling horror: what are we to do with her now? They didn’t sleep all night, they jumped at every rustle, listened to see if the child was breathing ... Then, of course, I learned everything: I could feed Tasya, bathe, put her to bed. At one time she fell asleep very hard, and I rocked her in my arms. I did six hundred strokes, and only then did it turn off. Then I trained my hands well, pumped up my muscles, ”the TV presenter laughs.

Now Taisiya is already two and a half years old (in 2010). More than anything, the baby loves children's performances and performances, she can sit in one breath, not looking up at the stage, for two hours. Almost every morning he asks: “Mom, are we going to the theater today?” Adults take Tasya to the theaters in turn, whoever has a day off goes. Grandfathers and grandmothers do not have a soul in their only granddaughter: they pamper, give gifts. “We spoiled her a little, and, in my opinion, she already believes that she is the main one in the family,” Alexander smiles. - However, I still try to stop hooliganism and whims in the bud. Tasya is a reasonable girl, you can negotiate with her. ” Recently, the yellow press wrote that the Maslyakovs are waiting for an addition to the family. “Friends called us, congratulated us, but we didn’t sleep or spirit,” Angelina laughs. - While the three of us are very good, and we have not yet seriously thought about the second child. Why hurry? Let Tasia grow up a little. But, what can I say, one child is not enough. I want a big friendly family to gather at the table on holidays. And while her daughter is growing up, Angelina is seriously interested in writing - in September her first book will be published - the love story of a modern young woman called "Amore Mio".

If we talk about the future, then Maslyakov Jr. no longer thinks of it without KVN. And although everyone unofficially considers him the successor of his father, Alexander himself diligently avoids this topic: “I don’t even want to think about it, God grant dad more strength and health! My status in KVN suits me 100 percent. I do an interesting job that brings me a lot of positive emotions, and even allows me to earn a living. And I have a minimum of responsibility, all of it lies with my father. So it's a sin to complain ... Now, by the way, a surge in the popularity of KVN. The crisis has not touched our game. In the new season, many new promising teams have come to KVN. And in general, it seems to me that KVN can never get bored, because it is a living organism. Life changes, and KVN changes with it. I think it will be interesting and relevant for a long time!”

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