Bastille Day is a milestone in French history and a national holiday. National holiday of the French Republic - Bastille Day


Paris is a dream city that all lovers and adventurers aspire to. Paris is a mystery that attracts adventurers and travelers. Paris is a historical and scientific center that begs to be admired and explored. Paris is romance and love, mysterious and mysterious stories, fun and, of course, original holidays.

And if you are lucky enough to visit Paris, you should see and participate in the Day of Music, in the New Wine Festival or in the famous fairs. But the most important and significant holiday for the French can be safely called Bastille Day. The celebration of July 14 has been celebrated every year for more than 200 years. But the holiday is appreciated not only by the French. The whole world on this day remembers the feat of the French fighters for freedom and independence.

The Bastille for a long time in Paris had not just a nominal meaning. The fortress, which was built back in 1381, for several centuries terrified both ordinary and eminent residents of France. A huge number of historical and artistic facts are connected with the Bastille.

Within the walls of the fortress intended for political prisoners, thousands of dangerous criminals and innocent people disappeared without a trace.

The despotism of the monarchical system did not distinguish between estates and regalia.

The famous prison became the last refuge for kings and beggars, writers and politicians, free-thinking citizens and folk bards.

Lawlessness continued until 1789, when the patience of the common people was broken by increasing despotism and restriction of rights, which served as a pretext for the start of the Great French Revolution.

The beginning of the popular uprising was marked by the armed capture of the hated fortress-prison. After releasing some prisoners, the revolutionaries ruthlessly cracked down on the manager and guards of the prison.

The further fate of the Bastille was sealed. The fortress was razed to the ground, and the building stone went to the construction of the Concord Bridge.

Smaller fragments were useful for making miniature souvenirs in the form of copies of the Bastille.

On the site of the prison, which the people razed to the ground, the Parisian Pierre Paloy put up a sign. There was an inscription on it, which said that they were now dancing at this place.

The Bastille Day holiday was established in 1880. Since that time, the date of July 14 has become for the French a symbol of freedom. Therefore, the date is celebrated annually on a grand scale.

The festivities did not take place only during the Second World War due to the prohibition of the invaders.

And even for those who do not remember the historical background of the holiday and do not support patriotic motives, Bastille Day is a good occasion to relax and meet with friends. After all, the day in the country is declared a public holiday.

When and how is Bastille Day celebrated?

And let the scenario of the celebration remain unchanged - the spectacle never ceases to amaze with its grandeur and splendor.

Folk festivals are concentrated around organized discos, which take place in each district.

Firefighters draw special attention during the holiday. On this day, healthy men flaunt their dress uniforms, dancing at the Firemen's Ball. The action gathers a lot of spectators. And there is something to see. Dancing men in full gear cannot be ignored.

But if you want to see a real stunning ball, you will have to visit the Tuileries Garden. The Grand Ball is held here, in which all the dancing couples of France try to participate, who come to Paris in honor of the holiday, even from distant villages. But the atmosphere at the Big Ball is far from official. Here, the price is lightness and ease.

The culmination of Bastille Day on July 14, of course, is the military parade. Columns of infantry, naval army, gendarmerie, cavalry units, policemen, military musicians and even air force and artillery pass through the streets of the festive city.

The beginning of the parade is always the same and falls at 10 o'clock. The beginning of the march starts from the Place de l'Etoile and, moving through the streets and squares, approaches the Louvre.

On Vosstaniya Square itself, the parade is hosted by the President and the military leadership of the country. But to see the spectacle, you have to take a seat early.

Since the Parisians try to look at their military, both from the street and from the Champs Elysees, where a beautiful view opens from multi-storey coffee houses.

You can also watch the military parade from the stands, which are purposefully equipped on Concorde Square.

The love of Parisians for picnics remains unchanged on Bastille Day.

But on this day you can get to the largest picnic, which is held in the Palace of Versailles.

A prerequisite and a ticket for a general picnic are white clothes, which must be worn by all visitors without exception.

The original action on July 14 is held at the Louvre and the Opera. On this day, the doors of famous establishments are open to all visitors, and admission is absolutely free.

But there are not so many places in the same Opera. Therefore, guests and residents of the capital try to take their seats before the start of the performance, which always takes place at 19.30.

Salute is the final touch of the holiday. Its start time is 22:00. The action takes place right next to the Eiffel Tower.

The best view is from the Champ de Mars because the shots are fired from the Trocadero pool. During the fireworks, the French national anthem is played.

But the real entertainment events begin at the end of the solemn program. You can take part in dance evenings and watch concerts that take place in almost all squares. Or visit cafes, nightclubs, where thematic programs are prepared in honor of Bastille Day.

Where July 14th is Bastille Day

But if you didn’t manage to get to Paris for the solemn and entertainment events organized in honor of Bastille Day, it doesn’t matter. All cities and towns, large and small towns in France are trying to keep up with the capital and come up with their own original ways to celebrate the holiday.

In addition to France, since 2000, Germany has also joined the festivities. Here in Düsseldorf they organize an exhibition of rare cars that come to the city in advance.

The exhibition is accompanied by sales at fairs, concerts and, of course, treats from French cuisine.

Necessarily, in the representations and embassies of France located in other countries, solemn receptions will be organized in honor of the holiday, where official representatives of the countries can exchange congratulations and words of solidarity.

Officially fr. Fête Nationale Otherwise fr. Quatorze Juillet Meaning in memory of the Feast of the Federation - the first anniversary of the storming of the Bastille during the French Revolution, as well as the assault itself as a symbol of the overthrow of absolutism Installed July 6, 1880 noted France France the date the 14 th of July celebration holiday sale, parade, concerts, festivities Associated with Great French Revolution Bastille Day at Wikimedia Commons


Then for many decades there were no special celebrations on July 14 in France. The main public holiday was celebrated on September 22 (declaration of France as a republic, 1793-1803), August 15 (Saint Napoleon's Day, 1806-1813), June 30 (closing of the Paris World Exhibition, 1878). The situation changed towards the end of the 19th century. Following parliamentary elections on January 5, 1879, the unpopular, pro-monarchist President McMahon was forced to resign on January 30. The president who replaced him, Jules Grevy, along with the majority of the National Assembly, began to take steps to unite the country around republican values- in particular, was adopted as the national anthem "La Marseillaise". But the choice of date for the main holiday of the country dragged on for more than a year. Only in May 1880, the deputy Benjamin Raspail - the son of the famous scientist and revolutionary Francois-Vincent Raspail - proposed the date of July 14, 1789. The anniversary of the storming of the Bastille immediately aroused ardent support from some deputies, who considered it a glorious page in history, and an equally ardent rejection from others, who considered it a senselessly bloody episode. In the end, the parties managed to reach a compromise, as a result of which, in the law adopted on July 6, 1880, there was no reference to any historical event. Accordingly, the history of the National Day can be counted from the storming of the Bastille or from the Feast of the Federation. Thus, the naming of the holiday adopted in some foreign languages ​​(Rus. Bastille Day, English Bastille Day, dated Bastilledagen, tour. Bastille Günü, etc.) is, strictly speaking, incorrect.

One of the main events dedicated to the National Holiday is the military parade currently held on the Champs Elysées. But the location of the parade has changed many times throughout history. In the first years after the establishment of the holiday and until 1914, the parade was called the "review" and was held on Hippodrome "Longchamp". At the end of the First World War, the parade moved to the Champs Elysees with the passage of three victorious marshals (Joffre, Pétain and Foch) at the head of the troops under the Arc de Triomphe. But since 1921, the ceremony has changed due to the arrangement next to the arch of the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. At the end of the Second World War in 1945, the parade was held on Place de la Bastille. Then the venue (and direction) of the parade also changed many times: Place de la Bastille, Place de la République, Avenue Vincennes, Champs Elysees. It was not until 1980 that the modern ceremony was adopted.


The July 14 celebration program includes various events in almost all French settlements and even abroad. Often, especially in small towns and villages, they begin the evening before, so that their residents can participate in the festivities twice - on July 13 at their place of residence, and the next day go to a large city. The program often includes musical events of various styles and directions - from local amateur performances to world stars; Thus, about half a million people took part in the classical music festival held on July 14, 2014 on the Champ de Mars. In many communes people's festivities - balls are organized indoors or outdoors. Among the balls, a purely French firemen's ball stands out, the tradition of which goes back a hundred years - shows organized by local fire brigades with music, dance and all kinds of entertainment.

The main state ceremony of the National Day are military parades, the main one being held in Paris. The parade is held with the participation of the President of the French Republic, the Prime Minister, members of the government, the chairmen of the Senate and the National Assembly, the diplomatic corps. Often, top officials of foreign states are also present at the parade - for example, the 2017 parade was attended by US President Donald Trump and First Lady Melania Trump. Since 1980, the parade has taken place on the Champs Elysees. At 9:10 am, columns of troops begin their movement along the main avenue of the French capital from Charles de Gaulle Square and the triumphal arch towards Concorde, the Champs Elysees and the Louvre. Active military personnel, cadets of military schools and civilians (policemen) take part in the parade. About 4,000 foot participants, 240 horsemen, 80 motorcyclists, 460 pieces of other equipment pass along the Champs Elysees, and 60 aircraft fly over the city. Often, foreign military personnel also take part in the parades: for example, in 1994, soldiers marched along the Champs Elysees Eurocorps, that is, for the first time since the end of World War II, German soldiers marched through Paris, which caused a heated controversy. Not all soldiers march at the same pace during the parade: for most military units, a rhythm of 120 steps per minute is set - the pace of marches such as Marseillaise and Sambre-and-Meuse Regiment, but alpine shooters and rangers march faster - at a pace 130 steps per minute (the rhythm of the song "Sidi Brahim"), and the Foreign Legion, completing the parade, moves at a pace of 88 steps per minute (the rhythm of the Legion's anthem "Le Boudin"). The parade ends around noon.

External video files
Fireworks on July 14, 2014 in Paris. "War and Peace (1914-2014)"
Fireworks July 14, 2017 in Paris

On the evening of July 14 (and in small towns sometimes the day before) fireworks are held, the main one of which starts at 23:00 on the Champ de Mars near the Eiffel Tower and lasts up to half an hour. Unlike fireworks and salutes held in some other countries, French fireworks is a real light and music show. Characteristically, fireworks are one of the few symbols of the Old Order that republican France has preserved: it first took place on November 21, 1615 on the wedding day of Louis XIII and after that remained a symbol of absolute monarchy.


  1. France: Large Linguistic Dictionary / Under the general editorship of Doctor of Philology L. G. Vedenina. - 2nd edition, corrected and enlarged. - AST-Press, 2008. - S. 381. - 976 p. - 4000 copies. - ISBN 978-5-462-00894-8.
  2. Details de la fête Nationale, du 14 Juillet 1790, arrêtes par le Roi . - imp. Garnery, 1790. - 8 p. Archived from the original on August 24, 2017.
  3. Pierrick Herve. La fête nationale du 14 juillet(fr.). Presidency de la Republique française. Retrieved July 14, 2017. Archived from the original on May 27, 2017.
  4. 22 September 1792: Avenement de la Republique française(fr.). Retrieved July 14, 2017. Archived from the original on March 18, 2016.

This event of 1789 is the beginning of the French Revolution and is valued by posterity as a symbol of the political liberation of the common people from the despotism of power.

The revolution itself took place under the motto of the equality of citizens, universal brotherhood. Although it dragged on for a decade, the bourgeoisie, the peasantry and the urban lower class were able to defeat the old order, which led to a crisis in the country.

Not the last role was played by the uncertain reign of the monarch Louis XVI. The previous rulers greatly devastated the treasury, and all attempts to revive the economic condition were shattered by the opposition of the aristocratic elite. The nobility did not want to pay taxes, help the country, actively opposed the third, lower class to participate in making any decisions related to governance.

By the summer of 1789, the economic crisis had practically ruined French production, and political disagreements reached the limit, including over the endless change of finance ministers. A series of circumstances, such as natural disasters, also led to a sad ending, the overthrow of the monarchy. The associated crop failure caused a surge in famine and mortality, and the pre-revolutionary winter was especially harsh.

A combination of factors has created an urgent need to reform the system. But the upper class was not ready to give up either money or power. The organized National Assembly was under threat of dispersal, and the government troops, which were converging on Paris, did not contribute to the adoption of peaceful decisions.

FROM 12 June the people began active opposition, under the influence and direct leadership of the leaders of the ideas of liberation. The French army switched sides Paris Commune and nothing could stop the masses. And on July 14, a decision was made to storm the famous prison fortress.

Completed by 1382 as a fortification, it soon became a haven for prisoners. Many horrifying stories have been seen on those walls, and many of them are real legends, such as the "Iron Mask", whose identity has not yet been unraveled. In the 16th century, being in the Bastille as a prisoner was even honorable and popular among philosophers, publicists and other free-thinking bright minds of that time: Voltaire, Cagliostro, Fouquet, Beaumarchais.

At the time of the attack, there were only 7 prisoners, but it was the bloody history of the Bastille that associated it with the power of the monarchy. At the same time, the attackers expected to replenish their arsenal at the expense of the ammunition depot. The active resistance of the prison garrison led to casualties: the losses on the part of the liberators amounted to almost 100 people. The commandant himself paid with his head for refusing to surrender.

Subsequently, a similar fate befell the representative of the Bourbons - Louis XVI. But the dynasty still exists, unlike the Bastille: after 2 months, the townspeople did not leave a single stone. At this place, decades later, the July Column was erected. By coincidence, it has nothing to do with 1789: it is in honor of other revolutionary events of July 1830 already.

The overthrow of the old government, the construction of a democratic society cost France a huge number of victims, but inspired other countries under the yoke of the ruling elite with their ideological example. Bastille Day, albeit with a slightly different, original-sounding name ("Le Quatorze Juillet" - "Fourteenth of July") was officially established as a national holiday in 1880. And now for the French, July 14 is a patriotic and joyful day with its own traditions. The Bastille is long gone, but it remains an unshakable symbol of France.

Celebrations in honor of distant events are wide-ranging, some starting the day before, such as the Ball at the Tuileries. The main part of the holiday is a military parade on the Champs Elysees. And to get to the Palace of Versailles, you should wear white. Paris Opera, many museums are free. In the evening, after the performance of the orchestra, fireworks begin on the Champ de Mars near another symbol - the Eiffel Tower.

Not only the French celebrate this holiday today. For example, in Germany over the past few years, a run of French cars has been organized, they are introduced to national cuisine. And in Russia, despite the events of 1812, they love French culture and remember this date. The special project "Bastille", which is implemented annually in St. Petersburg, will acquaint those who wish with the history and culture of France.

Bastille Day is a national holiday in France. This day is also called "National Holiday" or simply " the 14 th of July» by the date of the event. The holiday became official in 1880 and since then every year has been celebrated in France on a large scale. On this day, there is a traditional military parade on the Champs Elysees, the Grand Ball, the adoption of the holiday by the President of France, mass festivities, widespread parties and festive events, as well as a big salute and fireworks. On July 14, France celebrates a day that is a symbol of freedom.

Bastille Day celebrates one of the most important events in French history. In 1789, at the very beginning of the Great French, the rebellious inhabitants of the city stormed the Bastille prison, which was considered a real fortress. The fortress, which later became a prison, was founded on April 22, 1370. "Bastille" (fortification) was designed to protect the capital of France from the British, who regularly raided Paris. The construction of the fortress lasted almost two hundred years. The Bastille building was a quadrangular building, consisting of eight thirty-meter towers connected to each other by a wall. A moat 25 meters wide and 8 meters deep was laid around the fortress. An additional wall was also built around the fortress and the moat. In terms of its power, the fortress was practically impregnable and was considered one of the most formidable in the whole world.

In the 16th century, the fortress lost its original purpose and became a prison for those who were objectionable to the authorities, as they would say now - for political prisoners. Since that time, the fortress began to symbolize the defense of Paris, as tyranny, despotism and absolutism of power. For the inhabitants of Paris, the Bastille was truly hated, because often not real criminals were kept here, but only those who did not like the king and his entourage. During the uprising, the fortress was taken by storm, and the prisoners were released. It happened on July 14, 1789. After the capture, more than 800 workers dismantled the fortress-prison for three years, until there was absolutely nothing left of it. On the site of the Bastille, a sign was placed "From now on, they dance here." Today, Place de la Bastille is located here, and in the center stands the July Column, which was erected in honor of the victims of the events of the French Revolution.

12:55 After the end of the parade on the Champs-Elysées, President Macron traveled to Nice, where he will take part in the afternoon commemoration of the July 14th terrorist attack on the Promenade des Anglais, which killed 86 people a year ago.

12:20 For the first time, at the end of the military parade, the President of the Republic delivered a solemn speech. He congratulated fellow citizens on the Bastille Day holiday, symbolizing the main values ​​of France - freedom, equality and fraternity. First of all, he thanked the allies, in particular the United States of America, who had come to the aid of France for exactly one hundred years. Further, on behalf of the whole nation, he thanked all those who serve for the good of France, and honored the memory of all those who died for France: "The motherland will always be with you and will never forget your feat." "Long live the Republic! Long live France!” concluded President Emmanuel Macron.

REUTERS/Charles Platiau

At the same time, Emmanuel Macron refused the annual traditional interview that French presidents give on July 14.

12:09 The anthems of France and the United States are played. The military stretched the flags of the two countries.

Flags of France and the United States at the military parade in Paris, July 14, 2017 screenshot france2

12:07 A military band played Duft Punk songs in front of the parade guests.

12:05 The combined band of different branches of the military completed the military parade on the Champs Elysees. Their musical performance began with the memory of the victims of the terrorist attack in Nice, which took place exactly one year ago. The musicians sang the anthem of Nice Nissa la Bella and lined up so that the name of the city could be read from above.


11:52 Cavalry on the Champs Elysees. 241 horses participate in the Bastille Day parade.

11:35 The parade of military equipment began. A total of 211 units of infantry combat equipment, including armored vehicles and tanks, will pass through the Champs Elysees.

Tanks drive along the Champs Elysées, Paris, July 14, 2017. REUTERS/Gonzalo Fuentes

11:29 The parade was continued by an air show with the participation of helicopters. A total of 29 French military helicopters of the Tigre, Caiman, Gougar, Gazelle, Puma models are participating in the parade. The weather conditions in Paris for the July 14th airshow are perfect.

11:25 The parade on the ground was traditionally completed by the French Foreign Legion. The Legion has more than 7800 military from different countries. Military men with traditional beards and aprons and buffalo leather.

11:22 This year, the parade is attended by employees of the French Penitentiary Department, who ensure security in prisons.

11:19 Emmanuel Macron and Donald Trump, accompanied by their wives, Brigitte and Melania, watch an air show from Place de la Concorde in Paris.

Emmanuel Macron and Donald Trump with their wives, Brigitte and Melania watch an air show from Place de la Concorde in Paris. REUTERS/Yves Herman

11:14 The parade is attended by the military, taking part in the special operation "Sentry", ensuring security in France under the state of emergency.

11:07 The French Naval High School trains naval officers.

11:05 French aerobatic team "Patrol de France" on light aircraft "Alpha Jet"

French aerobatic team "Patrol de France" on light aircraft "Alpha Jet" REUTERS/Philippe Wojazer

11:00 A division of the Higher School of the French Air Force, which trains pilot officers for the July 14 parade on the Champs-Elysées.

10:57 Security during the parade on the Champs Elysees is provided by 3.5 thousand police and gendarmes, as well as 2.5 thousand rescuers. About three thousand more law enforcement officers patrol the rest of Paris and the surrounding area.

REUTERS/Gonzalo Fuentes

All streets leading to the Champs-Elysées are closed on this day and access is granted only after the inspection of personal belongings. Central metro stations are closed. Also on this day, it is forbidden to use any kind of drones in the French capital.

REUTERS/Charles Platiau

11:22 The parade was opened by the US military in the form of the First World War.

US soldiers wearing World War I helmets parade in Paris, July 14, 2017. REUTERS/Charles Platiau

10:53 On the ground, the parade was opened by the American military from units of different branches of the armed forces. In front are five soldiers in World War I uniforms, nicknamed the Sammies.

The military of the famous 1st US Infantry Division, which has existed since 1917, when the United States entered the First World War, takes part in the parade. It is the oldest manpower division in the United States today. The unofficial name of the 1st Infantry Division is Big Red One. This badge is worn on the left sleeves of members of the 1st Division. In 1917, the soldiers of this division took part in the fighting in France.

145 US military opened the parade, which is attended by US President Donald Trump.

10:41 The parade began with an air show featuring French and American military aircraft.

The air show was opened by the French Rafal and Mirage aircraft participating in the anti-terrorist operation in Syria and Iraq.

In addition to French aircraft, the Thunderbirds aerobatic team (“Petrels”), a demonstration squadron of the US Air Force, as well as two American F-22 Raptor fighters, took off into the air over the Champs Elysees. The French aerobatic team "Patrol de France" on light aircraft "Alpha Jet" has already participated in various parades in the United States in honor of the centenary of the country's entry into the First World War.

Patrol de France on Alpha Jets in the sky over Paris, July 14, 2017 REUTERS/Gonzalo Fuentes

10:25 A World War I French Schneider infantry tank at the Bastille Day parade in Paris.

At the beginning of the parade, the first production Renault FT-17 light tank, which had a circular turret, was driven along the Champs Elysees. It entered service with the French army in 1917 and became one of the most successful tanks of its era. In total, about 3.5 thousand copies were produced.

Renault FT-17 parade in Paris REUTERS/Charles Platiau

10:23 The theme of the parade is "1917-2017: 100 years of technology". It involves military equipment from the First World War. In the photo - the French tank Saint-Chamon from the First World War.

REUTERS/Stephane Mahe

10:15 Emmanuel Macron arrived at the Place de la Concorde in a military vehicle

The last time a U.S. president attended a Bastille Day military parade was in 1989. George W. Bush then arrived in Paris on the occasion of the 200th anniversary of the French Revolution. At that parade, at the invitation of French President Francois Mitterrand, were also German Chancellor Helmut Kohl and British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher.

Trump and Macron at the military parade - 2017 printscrn/

In total, more than 3,700 military personnel, 211 units of military equipment of the ground forces, 63 aircraft (eight of which are US Air Force aircraft), as well as 29 helicopters and 241 horses of the Republican Guard participate in the parade.

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