Daniel Craig - wallpapers. James bond phrases Agent 007 phrases


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Daniel Wroughton Craig was born March 2, 1968 in Chester, England. English actor. He starred in films - "Casino Royale", "Quantum of Solace", "Cowboys vs. Aliens", "House of Dreams", "The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo", "007: Skyfall", "007: Spectrum" and others.

Quotes, aphorisms, sayings, phrases - Daniel Craig

  • I am an actor, not a star.
  • I go through life with the thought that tomorrow everything can end.
  • To be honest, sometimes I get pissed off by what people say about me online.
  • I didn't want to copy Sean Connery. I was given the opportunity to find my Bond.
  • The only piece of advice I would give to a new BOND is: Don't screw it up, boy!
  • I love acting, I love doing my job and I will try to act as long as possible.
  • All I have is my life and I have to do something with it. Let's see what happens.
  • Fortunately, today Bond is no longer the sexist and misogynist he was in the early films. The world has changed.
  • Always dreamed of becoming an actor. And I even had the audacity to think that I could not have any other profession.
  • Being an actor is pretty hard. The fact is that everyone is trying, how to say it, to insure against an unsuccessfully chosen role.
  • I always penetrate deeply into the character of my hero and try to imagine how an ordinary person in this or that situation could behave in his place.
  • Hell, I'm playing James Bond! And that's not the worst thing that can happen to an actor. So why not relax and have fun?
  • My life does without it, otherwise my wife would have kicked me out of the house a long time ago. I'm not 007 at all, and I'm not trying to be. Unless in the bathroom I grimace in front of the mirror, when no one sees.
  • After Specter, I stopped worrying about being associated with Bond. I calmed down and said to myself: “Well, fuck you! Do you want me to be James Bond? I'll be James Bond!"
  • But I generally don’t like martinis, which is why I sometimes catch the disappointed looks of bartenders on myself. They are waiting for a famous phrase from me, and I’m like this: “Five shots of tequila!” That's a bummer for a man for life!
  • I have things to do at home. I read and take some pictures - though I take pictures very badly. It's so bad that I'm probably getting one photo in a thousand. But I'm trying to improve this ratio.
  • Sean Connery set the tone for the James Bond character. He did something extraordinary with this role. And that is why I am here now. Sean sent me a letter of approval in which he expressed his support, for which I am very grateful to him.
  • This role should be a big step for me. Do you understand what I'm talking about. Playing such an iconic character as James Bond is a huge responsibility. And I will try to do my best to respect the Bond fans.
  • If you're not interested in starring in a film of this magnitude, a behind-the-scenes crew, and a director like Sam Mendes, then why bother doing all this? In this situation, if you are a decent person, you should hang a designer jacket on a nail and go to a monastery.
  • I'm not very brave, I'm not very cold-blooded. Sometimes it seems to me that I could cleverly extricate myself from certain situations, and it is these fantasies that help me get used to the role of Bond. But still, Bond has moments when he doesn't know what the hell to do. And now this is very similar to the real me.
  • My Bond reference is rather Harrison Ford in Indiana Jones, especially Raiders of the Lost Ark. His secret is that he can make mistakes, and make mistakes in an absurd, comedic way. You look at him and understand that at any moment he can screw everything up. And this only adds to what is happening.
  • The film industry can be very deceitful, it is teeming with sharks and not the best people, but still it is an open book: you come to watch, and we make money from you. We are not bankers. We are the entertainment industry. I'm sure there are many other, much worse professions that you can connect your life with.
  • Firstly, you need to keep up with the times, even remaining within the framework of a completely traditional brand. Secondly, one should adhere to the theory that the most important thing in cinema is a quality story. Thirdly, you should never refuse good actors. Fourth, don't forget to blow everything to hell from time to time. This is how a James Bond movie is made.
  • The role of Bond made me a rich man. I can afford a very comfortable life. My family and my children are fine, which is a huge relief. I'm really incredibly rich. But everything else that comes with wealth... You know, I really look forward to the day when I can walk into a pub and someone says, "Oh, that looks like Daniel Craig," and immediately leaves me alone. This will be the best time of my life.

The article contains quotes and phrases from James Bond, agent 007:

  • Is it purely to kill him or so as to convey a thought to them? (Casino Royale 2006)
  • What's the matter, sailor? Have you ever seen the Major in the shower? (The spy who loved me)
  • And how could Bond be such an idiot? I gave him two zeros, and he marked this case by shooting the embassy. And where is he now? Previously, if an agent had slipped like that, he would have had the sense to desert ... I miss the Cold War. (Casino Royale 2006)
  • - How well do you know about diamonds?
    - This is the hardest substance, glass is cut with it. It involves marriage. For girls, it is sometimes better than a dog.
    I'm glad to hear that at least you don't understand something. Diamonds are forever
  • Hands on the steering wheel, Mr Jones! I am a very nervous passenger. (Dr. No)
  • You know, Zao, I even missed your radiant face. (Die but not now)
  • - What can I bring you from Holland, Moneypenny?
    - Ring. With a diamond.
    - Tulip suit? Diamonds are forever
  • Let's start with simple associations. I say - day, and you ...
    - Went in vain. Skyfall coordinates
  • - You're not my type.
    - Smart?
    - Unmarried. Casino Royale
  • - I read your obituary about me.
    - And How?
    - Terrible.
    - I knew you wouldn't like it. Skyfall coordinates
  • Agent 007's phrase - Dry martini. Stop. Three parts Gordon gin, one part vodka, half a part Kina Lillet. Shake it all well until it becomes ice cold and then add a thin slice of lemon zest. (Casino Royale 2006)
  • In poker, you do not count the cards, but the player sitting opposite. Casino Royale
  • East-West ... All this is in the compass, but in life one block is more stupid than the other. I offered my services to the Americans, they refused, and so did the Eastern bloc. Now they will all pay for me. (Dr. No)
  • - Today's meeting in the conference room. Something important. All 00 agents are there, as well as the first secretary of the government.
    - His wife must have lost her dog. Ball lightning (Thunderball)
  • So, you want to die, but not now! Yes, colonel? (Die but not now)
  • I'll start worrying only when tears of blood flow. (Casino Royale 2006)
  • - This gun is more suitable for a lady.
    - Are you interested in guns?
    - No, more ladies. Ball lightning (Thunderball)
  • I didn't have to go to school. We had an encyclopedia. I started reading it at the age of eight, starting with the letter "A". Now I have reached the letter "T". Bet I know more than you? (Dr. No)
  • I don't think the dead care about revenge. Quantum of Solace
  • Sorry, last buy almost killed me. (Casino Royale 2006)
  • Well, there is a type of woman who wears a dress with an open back and a Beretta 70 on the hip. (007: Skyfall coordinates)
  • - With all your charm, Mr. Bond, I will look after the money of the government, and not at your spotless ass.
    - Did you notice… Casino Royale
  • 007 quote: From rags to riches in record time. Die Another Day
  • - I knew it was too early to promote you.
    - Agents with two zeros have a very short lifespan. Your mistake will be corrected quickly. Casino Royale
  • I'll do anything for a woman with a knife. (License to kill)
  • These are sea tulips! They don't grow below 200 feet! - One million dollars. (Dr. No)
  • A man is judged by the greatness of his enemy. Quantum of Solace
  • Well, everyone has their own hobby.
    - And what is yours?
    - Resurrect. Skyfall coordinates
  • Vodka martini and plenty of ice if you can. (Die but not now)

In the selection: statements, phrases and quotes by James Bond, aka "Agent 007" - the main character of the novels by the British writer Ian Fleming about the fictional MI6 agent and more than 20 films.

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