Denis Klyaver has been married many times. Denis Klyaver - biography, information, personal life


The famous performer Denis Klyaver and his third wife Irina have been happy together for more than ten years, almost seven of which are married. The couple has a son, Daniel, who is three and a half years old.

In the Secret for a Million program, whose hero was Denis Klyaver, his wife Irina remembered what emotions she experienced when her future husband confessed to her that he had an illegitimate daughter from a relationship with singer Eva Polna. It happened at the very beginning of the novel by Irina and Denis.

“It was a real shock for me to find out that Denis has a child from a famous vocalist,” admitted Irina Klyaver. - I needed time to realize it and come to my senses. I do not have high self-esteem and understood perfectly well that Eva Polna is a star, and I am an ordinary girl. And meeting with Denis, I thought that we had an affair for a maximum of a couple of months. Let's play and go."

However, everything worked out for them, and the marriage of Irina and Denis Klyaver is considered one of the strongest in Russian show business. The third wife of the ex-soloist of the "Tea for Two" group knows everything about her husband's former passions, she is familiar with his second wife Julia, maintains friendly relations with Eva Polna, women even wish each other a happy birthday.

Recall that the passionate and short romance of Denis Klyaver and Eva Polna ended with the birth of their daughter Evelyn in 2005. The musicians kept their relationship secret from the public for a long time, publicizing the fact that they had a joint child only in 2012. Then the girl went to first grade, and her parents visited the school line together.

By the way, Irina Klyaver has an adult daughter from her first marriage. Anastasia is over twenty years old, and she has a great relationship with her stepfather. The girl admits that when she found out about her mother's affair with Denis Klyaver, she was really delighted. Anastasia was a fan of the group "Tea for Two" and even in her wildest dreams she could not imagine that she would drink tea with the soloist of the group and discuss the most important problems with him.

“Denis is a wonderful father and husband. Very caring. True, there have been punctures for eleven years, - Irina Klyaver said, laughing. - Last year, for example, I sawed him because he did not give me flowers for a decade of marriage. But on the other hand, I’m not jealous, and I’m one hundred percent sure that he is faithful to me. ”

The former lead singer of the Tea Together group was officially married three times, and all his wives were as creative as he was. First wife of Denis Klyaver Elena was a dancer in the show of Mikhail Shufutinsky, and the second - Julia danced in Laima Vaikule's ballet. Acquaintance with Yulia took place at the moment when Denis finally decided to formalize his relationship with Elena. Despite the fact that a new feeling covered Klyaver with his head, he married Elena, who, two weeks after the wedding, admitted that he loved another.

In the photo - Denis Klyaver with his second wife Yulia

If he lived with his first wife for a very short time, then the marriage with Julia lasted for eight years. They had a son, Timothy. When relations in their family finally deteriorated, and Denis filed for divorce, Yulia did not give her consent to this for three years, seeking to be deducted part of the fees from her ex-husband's concerts. Parting with his second wife, Denis Klyaver left her a house, located next to his parents' house in the village of Poroshkino.

In the photo - Denis Klyaver and Irina Fedotova

The third wife of Denis Klyaver became Irina Fedotova with whom he lived in a civil marriage for several years. At the time of meeting Denis, Irina worked in a bank, and then, together with her husband, they organized their own business - they opened a company for tailoring clothes for dogs. Last year, Irina gave birth to a boy named Daniel.

Denis Klyaver, most likely, will also try to introduce his son to creativity. He himself began to study music at an early age, and at the age of twelve he already tried to write his own. After school, Denis graduated from the Leningrad Musical College. Mussorgsky with a degree in wind and percussion instruments. While serving in the army, he played in a military band, and later graduated from the Conservatory. Rimsky-Korsakov.

In the photo - the wife of Denis Klyaver

In 1994, together with Stas Kostyushkin, Denis Klyaver organized the Tea for Two group, in which he was not only a soloist, but also a lyricist. Denis started his solo career in 2011, combining his concerts with duet performances with Stas Kostyushkin. In addition to performances, Denis Klyaver takes part in some television projects and acts in films. He participated in the sixth season of the show "Two Stars", in the project "Circus with the Stars", in the game "Ford Boyard". Together with his father Ilya Oleinikov, the artist starred in the films Stepanych's Thai Voyage and Stepanych's Spanish Voyage.
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Musician and businessman, soloist of the "Tea for Two" band. The son of the People's Artist of the Russian Federation Ilya Oleinikov, known to us from the humorous TV show "Gorodok" and one of its creators.

The thought involuntarily arises that "Klyaver" is probably a fictitious surname, but this is not so. Ilya Klyaver decided to use the maiden name of his wife Irina Oleinikova as a stage name, and she, in turn, took his last name after the wedding.

Denis was born on April 6, 1975 in Leningrad. The Klyaver family loved songs and humor. Irina, although she worked as a chemist-technologist, was seriously engaged in vocals in her youth, so the boy was in love with music from childhood. The career of the future singer does not seem to be a random choice or spontaneity, because it began at a music school, but continued at the music school. Mussorgsky and the Conservatory. N. A. Rimsky-Korsakov (1996). Even while serving in the army, he did not part with music and played in a military band.

Despite the fact that the future soloists "" met by chance, they nevertheless immediately understood the need for their further cooperation, and in 1994 Denis Klyaver and Stas Kostyushkin decided to create a stellar duet. Glory did not come to the guys for a long time. Their path to its top began with performances on tour by Mikhail Shufutinsky, where they performed as an opening act. It was then that “Tea for Two” first earned their first fee, which they soon spent on shooting their debut video clip.

However, the real luck smiled at the duet only when Laima Vaikule noticed them and invited them to cooperate. Working with her lasted about 2 years, and gave young performers invaluable experience and understanding of how to make a real show out of their performance. Over the entire existence of the duet "Tea for Two" Denis Klyaver and Stas Kostyushkin became the authors of more than 100 songs, shot 7 video clips, released 9 albums and won the love of millions of fans.

They have a large number of awards, such as the Golden Gramophone, Stopud hit, etc., and the songs have become hits.

Denis Klyaver is married to Irina Fedotova. This is the singer's third marriage, as the first two were not happy. Denis has two children: son Timothy (from his second marriage) and daughter Evelyn (the girl's mother is singer Eva Polna). Eve hid Denis' paternity for a long time, until he himself announced it.

Denis is not only a musician, but also a businessman. Together with his wife Irina, he went into business, developing the brand "Desperadoes Dogs" (accessories and clothes for small dogs). The singer also tried himself as an actor, starring in the comedy films Stepanych's Thai Voyage and Stepanych's Spanish Voyage, as well as in cameos in the series My Fair Nanny and Happy Together. On television, Denis Klyaver participated in the projects "Circus with Stars", "Fort Boyard" and "Two Stars".

At this time, Denis Klyaver began work on a solo project and in 2013 he released his first album, “Not Like Everyone Else”. There is also a joint work with Eva Polna (“Light Out”).

It is interesting that there is no evidence that the “Tea Together” project broke up, therefore, despite his solo career, Denis Klyaver continues to be a member of this duet, continuing to win the love of the public and increasing the multi-million army of his fans.

In the work of Denis Klyaver, almost all songs are about love and real feelings that connect two people. The singer himself is the author and composer of many of his tracks, which his fans are always looking forward to. He is confident that his creations will be able to help all listeners seeking to deal with their love problems. In Klyaver's personal life, there is also attention, care and respect from his wife, but for the performer himself, the family comes first. He is very kind to his children, trying to give everyone more attention.

Denis was born in 1975 in Leningrad. His father, Ilya Oleinikov, was an actor and one of the creators of the Gorodok program, and his mother was a singer. Therefore, it is not surprising that even in his childhood, the future performer studied music and played the piano. After leaving school, he was educated at the Mussorgsky School, and then served in the army, where he played in a military band. In 1994, Klyaver and Stas Kostyushkin created the Tea Together group, but they gave their first solo concert only five years later in St. Petersburg. Very soon the team became popular and recognizable. In 2012, the group broke up, and its members took up solo careers. During this time, Denis released two albums, and also took part in various television projects. The artist is engaged not only in creative activities: he is fond of acrobatics, bodybuilding, skiing and roller skating.

In the photo Denis Klyaver with his wife Irina

In his personal life, Klyaver was looking for his soul mate for a long time, and only in his third marriage did he find true love. His first wife was the dancer Elena Shestakova, but two weeks after the wedding, this union broke up. As it turned out, the reason for this was the new beloved singer-dancer Julia. He met her before the wedding with his first wife and no longer wanted to leave. The lovers got married, and in 2001 their son Timothy was born. For several years everything was fine in the family, but over time, love began to leave. Being married, Denis had an affair with, who gave birth to his daughter Evelina. However, the singer acknowledged his paternity only six years after the birth of the girl.

The photo shows the children of Denis Klyaver: son Timothy and daughter Evelyn Polna

At a time when Klyaver's relationship with his second wife was on the verge of a divorce, an important event took place in his personal life: he met Irina Fedotova, who worked in a bank. The girl issued him a currency credit card, and even then the singer liked it. They did not see each other for a whole year, but even during this time Denis did not forget the beauty. The lovers met for four years before becoming a family. Denis could not leave his son, and he felt sorry for his wife, but soon everything settled down, and the couple divorced. The wedding with Irina took place in 2010, and three years later, the son Daniel was born. Anastasia, Irina's daughter from a previous marriage, is also growing up in the family. The singer did not show the fans a photo of his heir for a long time, but even now the boy’s face is not visible in the pictures that he began to upload. Klyaver takes care of all his children, who have already become friends with each other. The third wife of the performer is engaged in a family business: the couple opened an atelier for tailoring clothes for dogs.

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Published on 06/17/2016

In our article today, you can get acquainted with the creative path of a rather famous musician Denis Klyaver. First of all, he gained his popularity thanks to the Tea Together group. Having existed for many years, this duet has generated many hits. Soon, many compositions settled in the minds of listeners for a long time.

In addition, he has a sufficient number of awards, which we will introduce you to a little later. Let's look at the secret of the success of our singer, because the group managed to capture the hearts of fans, almost from the first song.

As a person who constantly performs on stage, any singer should keep his figure, at least in a minimal way. Therefore, it is not surprising that many are interested in some indicators of a musician, such as height, weight, age. How old is Denis Klyaver? - this question can be heard from those who started listening to “Tea for Two” at the dawn of their work. Everything is extremely transparent here - the singer's approximate height is 186 centimeters, and his weight is 82 kilograms.

Denis Klyaver, photos in his youth and now will help to make sure that he has not changed much over so many years, he has only acquired more masculine features - at the moment, he is 42 years old.

Biography of Denis Klyaver

The biography of Denis Klyaver originates in Leningrad, which is now called St. Petersburg, in 1975. Father - Ilya Oleinikov and mother - Irina Viktorovna were creative people, you are definitely familiar with the activities of one of them. The head of the family was engaged in music, and also hosted a humorous program on television.

Already at a young age, Denis showed interest in music, and a little later he decided to attend classes at a music school. As a twelve-year-old youth, he composes melodies - thus, the question of further education is decided by itself. After graduating from school, the future singer enters the Leningrad Music. School and learns to play the wind instruments. When he is taken into the army, he immediately assigns him to the military brass band. The novice musician completed his studies in 1996.

In the winter of 1994, a duet called “Tea for Two” “strategizes”, where Stas Kostyushkin was involved together with Denis. The first performance was organized in the Leningrad Palace, when a new station was opened on the Russian radio Europe +. After a little time, the first album is released, in which Klyaver not only performs, but also writes music. Immediately after that, the duet participates in many competitions, such as the Big Apple, where they receive worthy awards.

In 1996, the first tour was organized throughout the country - Mikhail Shufutinsky helps in this matter. With the money raised, Denis decides to shoot a video, which, as it seemed, would help the promotion. However, the video clip did not find much popularity.

The first and main popularity, "Tea Together" received, thanks to Laima Vaikula, who noticed young and talented guys and invited them on tour. It lasted almost two years, but thanks to such cooperation, Denis and Stas learned how to make a show, regardless of the budget. Already in 1999, the duo organized their own performance, for which Denis himself wrote all the arrangements.

From 1998 to 2000, the duo released three full-length albums. Many songs from there have become very famous among the people, to say nothing of the charts on the radio. A year later, they come up with their own program, with which they begin a new tour of the Russian Federation. In the summer of 2001, perhaps their most famous song, My Tender, was released, which received a large number of awards, and in particular, the Golden Gramophone.

In the future, many popular hits and albums were released. Moreover, the idea has always remained unchanged - Denis writes songs, and Stas writes lyrics. Already in 2008, the duo decided to start producing, and began to collaborate with Zara, Jasmine, Tatyana Bulanova, etc.

Real disagreements in the team began in 2011, and even repeated rumors about the breakup began to appear. And, due to different views on future work, "Tea for Two" announces the end of his career. Each musician went on a solo path.

Denis, since that time, has released several video clips, and two years later the first solo album is released. It is noteworthy that the material is very similar to what he wrote for the duet. In addition, the singer begins to appear on television, and participates in several television shows. Also, he has several short roles in films.

Personal life of Denis Klyaver

The personal life of Denis Klyaver is not full of various rumors and conjectures, however, fans of creativity will have something to learn. So, the musician was married three times, the third marriage is still going on. If you carefully read the dates of weddings, it does not always become clear where one marriage ends and another begins.

The thing is that the divorce process is not always easy, especially for media people. Therefore, in fact, the marriage can continue, but in fact the union has not existed for a long time. We will analyze this in more detail a little later.

Family of Denis Klyaver

As you already know, the family of Denis Klyaver was creative and very famous in the post-Soviet territory. The singer's father, Ilya Oleinikov, was a co-author and host of the humorous program "Gorodok", and his mother had good vocal abilities, although she worked at a chemical plant.

Thanks to such an environment, even as a child, Denis began to get involved in the art of music. Not without the help of his parents, he was placed in a music school, thanks to which, at the age of 12, he could already write his own melody.

Children of Denis Klyaver

At one time, the topic “children of Denis Klyaver” was very much discussed among fans and admirers. The thing is that in 2010, the singer officially confirmed that he has an illegitimate daughter, Evelina, whose mother is Eva Polna, a famous singer. Apart from this, the musician has two more sons who still live with him and are brought up in a family with Denis's last wife.

Also, he takes part in raising the daughter of his real wife, Anastasia, and in her second marriage, Alice, the daughter of Yulia Klyaver, "took" her place.

The son of Denis Klyaver - Timofey

The son of Denis Klyaver, Timofey, was born in the second marriage of the singer, in 2001, and according to simple calculations, it is clear that now he is already 17 years old. He has already graduated from high school and is in the process of choosing a future profession. It is not known whether he will follow in the footsteps of his star dad - neither he nor Denis himself comment on this.

It is noteworthy that many fans note the similarity of their son with his grandfather - Ilya Oleinikov. Denis himself does not deny this, but rather adds that they even have similar characters and mentalities, despite the young age of his son.

The son of Denis Klyaver - Daniel

The son of Dmitry Klyaver - Daniel was born relatively recently, in 2013, in the third, and so far the last marriage of the singer. In recent interviews, the musician also notes the son's resemblance to his grandfather, and explains the origin of the name. At first, they baptized him under the name Ilya, in honor of Oleinikov, but after a while, Daniel was entered into the certificate, by decision of the star family.

It is noteworthy that Denis often shares with reporters about his personal life, but for a long time he hid the fact of his wife's pregnancy from outsiders. In connection with this, he does not generalize.

The ex-wife of Denis Klyaver - Elena Klyaver

The ex-wife of Denis Klyaver - Elena Klyaver was the second vocalist with Shufutinsky. After, she was the duo's administrator for a while.

Before the wedding, Denis and Elena lived together for several years, and after talking with their parents, they decided to get married. Then they went on a trip, and upon their return, their marriage broke up. Both of them note that they noticed the difference in their outlook on life late - if they paid attention to this earlier, they could have avoided unnecessary problems. Although they have not lived together since the end of 1998, their union officially broke up in 2001.

The ex-wife of Denis Klyaver - Yulia Klyaver

The ex-wife of Denis Klyaver, Yulia Klyaver, studied ballet before meeting the singer, and performed with Laima Vaikule. Before her marriage to Denis, she already had a daughter, Alice, who was born in 1992.

Again, the marriage with Julia lasted almost eight years, but the couple began to notice something was wrong in advance, as often happens. Again, they could not dissolve the marriage for three years, due to the fact that Yulia did not give consent. By the way, from this marriage, the musician had a son, Timothy, and for some time he was brought up with his stepdaughter.

Denis Klyaver's wife - Irina Klyaver

Denis Klyaver's wife, Irina Klyaver, was born in 1980. Prior to her marriage to the singer, she worked in a banking institution, has a law degree. According to Denis, they lived in a civil marriage already in 2006, and in 2010 they decided to legalize their relationship. Three years later, a child is born.

Now, the couple is developing their own business. A few years ago, they decided to start a company that would make clothes for four-legged friends - at the moment, things are going well. Among other things, Anastasia, Irina's daughter from a previous marriage, is brought up in the family.

Instagram and Wikipedia Denis Klyaver

As is often the case with popular personalities, their pages on the Internet do not go unnoticed by fans. Our case also keeps up with the trends and is registered in the leading social networks.

In addition, Denis Klyaver's Instagram and Wikipedia are especially popular. It briefly describes all the important events in the life of the singer, and photographs tell about his personal life, outside the stage and studio. In addition, this is a very convenient way to communicate with fans and inform them about Denis' new creative and musical works.

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