Rural beauty of nature. Oil paintings on canvas rural landscape


I want to bring to your attention a somewhat unusual post. There was such a very popular photo project "15 villages in which you want to live."

I guess you couldn't miss it, since the gallery of village photos was copied by almost all Runet sites. Indeed, beautiful villages: streets lined with stone or rolled up in asphalt, perfectly mowed lawns, well-groomed front flower beds, endless walls of decorated houses in stone tunnels of clean streets.

Soundly done, everything is in order, the "collective farmers" in ties and bow ties are decorously drinking beer under the bright signs of the cafe.

I would like to walk around such villages, see, drink "their" beer ...

What about living there?

No burdocks for you, no smell of wormwood, no apples on the grass...

So I decided to find a photo of a village in which I would like to live. Wanted and did not find. Photographers do not shoot such a village, but artists paint it well and with soul. Which is especially nice. It will be pleasantly supported not so much by authoritative opinions as by authoritative brushes. So, I'm not defective, if I like it. And I'm not the only one who likes it. Such is the confused philosophy for the soul.

And what you like - you decide for yourself.

Soulful rural landscapes

Elena and Mikhail Ivanenko

Vladimir Zhdanov

Yuri Zhurka

Valery Artamonov

Tatiana Chernykh

Mikhail Satarov

Stepan Nesterchuk

Nikolai Sergeev

Viktor Tormosov

Marek Szczepaniak

Nadezhda Poluyan-Vnukova

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About the countryside!

Pictures of a rural landscape painting remind us of life in the vastness of our vast country, where there are no factory pipes and sewer covers, there is no endless stream of iron monsters - cars and soot of asphalt pavers, there is no chime of trams and police sirens. There, in the expanses of our homeland - mother's land, life goes on at its leisurely pace. Day - night, week - month, spring - summer, autumn - winter. Four Seasons. You can't argue with nature. There, at the source of our natural wisdom and strength, there is a life of its own. We love this life. This is our cradle - a village, distant and forgotten, but so dear and beloved. Our wonderful hearth is a rustic uncomplicated life. The rural landscape calms, brings spiritual harmony into our lives. Pictures of a rural landscape. Almost all artists paint pictures of a rural landscape and fill these pictures with warm feelings of love for nature and the village itself.
How else? Where, if not in the village, you can drink warm fresh milk. Pet the horse and cow. Run through the early dew and get into a real hayfield!

Village. Rural life. Rural landscape. Endless fields and meadows. This is our wonderful home. Pictures of a rural landscape are pictures of our homeland and its beauty!
The rapid growth of progress gathers us into huge cities, but we will never forget the beauty of our nature and the beauty of our rural landscape. Artists paint pictures of a rural landscape. We buy paintings with a rural landscape. We want at least a small piece of our homeland to be next to us. Paintings rural landscape painting make us kinder.

Pictures of a rural landscape make us stronger. Paintings with a rural landscape can transform our harsh life. Paintings rural landscape painting perfectly relieve the tension arising from the frantic race for illusory happiness. It is worth looking at the beautiful pictures of the rural landscape for a longer time and the stresses experienced during the day will recede into the background. Wonderful paintings with a rural landscape restore our spiritual balance.

Paintings rustic landscape painting. In our gallery there are many beautiful and interesting paintings of a rural landscape. Buy pictures of a rural landscape! Paintings of a rural landscape bring warmth and comfort to the house!

Village. Nature. Clean air and bright stars. The smell of hay and the taste of fresh milk. Fresh warm delicious smelling rustic bread. Cucumbers in the garden and wild meadow flowers. What is it? This is happiness!
A grasshopper is chirping somewhere. Bumblebee and clover kissed. Summer blind rain and a rainbow over the forest. What is it? This is happiness! This is our village! This is our home!

Now our Russian Russian village is not having the best of times. The times are like that. Many of them are forgotten and abandoned. Others are left with old people. The times are like that. Bad times for the village. But do not break our homeland. She won't let herself be destroyed. After a temporary decline, a new rise will surely begin. And the landscape will change. There will be more goodness, hope, love and beauty in it.

Haymaking. The bumblebee buzzed and took off. There might be a bumblebee nest somewhere nearby! A dragonfly flew by, buzzed. The grasshopper crackled again. Clean intoxicating air fascinated again.
Rural landscape. Pictures of a rural landscape. Village life in summer, autumn, winter and spring. All this in the pictures of a rural landscape. Modern artists write and paint beautiful pictures of rural landscapes. In our gallery there are many paintings with a rural landscape.
Choose a rural landscape. Buy pictures of a rural landscape. Pictures of a rural landscape are pictures of our beautiful homeland!

Many poems have been written about our village. Poets believe, and we believe, in the bright future of our country. In the revival of our native village. Wonderful pictures of the rural landscape. Pictures of a rural landscape are pictures of our homeland, pictures of beautiful reserved places, pictures of the life of people living in the village, pictures of our love for the Russian village!

Pictures of a rural landscape painting are pictures of our favorite region!

"My land of God-forsaken villages,
Chamomile expanses and forests,
Where is Gorbachev's wind of change
Didn't destroy the foundations of life."

"Here wide open soul and home
There will always be bread and milk
Bins will be opened for the traveler
It doesn't matter that people don't know him."

Wonderful pictures of the rural landscape. Paintings of a rural landscape painting are pictures of our homeland, pictures of beautiful reserved places, pictures of the life of people living in the village, pictures of our love for the Russian village!

Pictures of a rural landscape are pictures of our favorite region!

“I will look into an abandoned well,
Where the log cabin is mossy hiding in the mist.
The chain rumbles, descending into the depths,
I'll scoop up a bucket of water for myself."

And I drink this water over the edge,
Shots knock out teeth on a bucket,
The reserved land gives me strength
With water, pouring into the sinful inside.

Wonderful pictures of the rural landscape. Paintings of a rural landscape painting are pictures of our homeland, pictures of beautiful reserved places, pictures of the life of people living in the village, pictures of our love for the Russian village! Pictures of a rural landscape painting are pictures of our favorite region!

“The gray poplars rustle with leaves,
A choir of grasshoppers chirps in the grass.
To me it is the sun, heaven and earth
Dearer than life and all relatives.

Wonderful pictures of the rural landscape. Paintings of a rural landscape painting are pictures of our homeland, pictures of beautiful reserved places, pictures of the life of people living in the village, pictures of our love for the Russian village! Pictures of a rural landscape painting are pictures of our favorite region!

We believe in the future of our country! We believe in the revival of the village!

"Our village is still sick,
We give her little attention.
Is it not the city dwellers of wine,
Why do we sometimes not know this? (Alexander Gavryushkin)

“And so that the village comes to life faster,
She desperately needs infrastructure:
Houses, roads, gas to run
To the village of Rus, chickens know about it ... "

We believe in ourselves and our country! We love our village! We love pictures of the rural landscape!
“Taxes need to be removed from farmers,
Give loans at low interest rates.
Our village needs help
And not to pay a penny - alimony.

We believe in ourselves and our country! We love pictures rustic landscape painting!
“Inaction is fatal to us.
You can not depend on someone for food.
Russia cannot drink only kvass,
So that the enemy laughed up to a sweat.

We believe in ourselves and our country! We love pictures of the rural landscape!
“Let the deputy know and the minister,
How important is it for the people
Let the tractor driver plow the field,
And Rus' is growing stronger with the village from year to year! (Alexander Gavryushkin)

Our contemporary is a Russian peasant. You accomplish every day a feat. You don't let our country die. You are getting stronger! You are the hope and future of our country! We believe in you! But you don't care! You are the strongest of all! You're right and you can laugh at all this urban nonsense!

Rural landscape. Village labor. And most importantly, a villager. He is a real Russian hero!

Remember people big and small! The rural landscape and the Russian peasant are our friends and our heroes! Poet and artist! Praise the labor of the grain growers! Honor and glory to the heroes of the village and the village!

Buy pictures of a rural landscape! Pictures about our country!

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