Children's programs in the Moscow planetarium. Moscow Planetarium - the starry sky of the capital Russian State Children's Library


Evgenia Minabutdinova
"Excursion to the Planetarium". Outline of the GCD on the topic "Space"

Excursion to the planetarium

Target: development of cognitive activity of children.


1. Introduce children to the scientific and educational institution « Planetarium»

2. Consolidate and systematize knowledge about space(stars, constellations, solar system, planets). Clarify knowledge about research space, about astronauts.

3. Develop attention, memory, observation. Teamwork skills.

4. Cultivate a sense of pride in our Motherland.

5. Activate dictionary children: space, solar system astronaut, constellations, satellite, names planets.

preliminary work: GCD cycle "What space»

materials: audio recording of a song "Bibika"; a poster of the starry sky with drawn constellations Ursa Major and Ursa Minor, a polar star; sheets of blue paper with constellations and a simple pencil for each child. Images planets, solar system, moon. flanelleraf, planets and sun for flannelgraph. Sputnik and rocket models, photographs of the dogs Belka and Strelka, astronauts. rocket launch video Baikonur Cosmodrome, laptop, TV. tangram "Rocket" for 3 teams; asterisks in blue, yellow and red (for dividing into

Children, today we will visit one very interesting place. It's called « Planetarium» . Planetarium this is a scientific and educational institution in which the celestial sphere with stars is demonstrated, planets and satellites, comets and meteors; also solar and lunar eclipses, panoramas of the Moon, Mars, Venus and climatic zones of the globe. By simple museum space.

Music "Bibika", children depict the movement of the car and move around the room.

1 room "Starry sky"

At what time of the day can you see the starry sky? (night, evening)

What can be seen in the starry sky? (moon, stars, constellations)

What is the moon? (Earth satellite)

What are stars? (these are huge gas balls)

Why do we see them small? (far away)

What are constellations? (these are figures formed by bright stars)

Look at the starry sky planetarium: here is the polar star, which sailors used to navigate, in which direction the polar star is - there is north.

Here is the big dipper and the little dipper, what do they look like? (ladle)


Here is a big bear

Starry porridge interferes

big bucket

In a large cauldron.

And next to it dimly glows

Ursa Minor

small bucket

Collects crumbs.

Children in my opinion with a starry sky planetarium something is wrong? (few stars and constellations)

I propose to supplement the sky with constellations. On the tables are "pieces" starry sky with stars, you need to connect the stars with a line to make constellations.

The teacher sticks "pieces" to the starry sky, naming the constellations.

2 hall. « Space»

What space? (interplanetary, interstellar, intergalactic space with all the bodies in it)

What bodies are in outer space? (planets, stars, comets, asteroids, black holes, satellites)

Our space system is called"Solar system", why? (planets moving around the sun).

How planets in the solar system and what planets do you know?

We will now lay out the solar system on the flannelgraph.

Children go out one by one cosmic body. Naming the main characteristics: this is the sun, a huge hot ball of gas. moving around him planets; Mercury is the smallest planet, hot and closest to the sun, Venus - it also has an atmosphere, but it is not suitable for life; Earth - there is life on it, Mars - red planet, Jupiter is the largest planet, Saturn - she has rings, Uranus - green planet Neptune is the coldest and farthest from the sun planet.

How did people know about planets, about the fact that they are round and about others space bodies?

3 hall « astronautics»

People did not immediately fly to space, first in space sent a satellite invented by Korolev.

(demonstration of the layout of the satellite)

Then the dogs flew.

Name these dogs. (Belka and Strelka).

Which of the people first went to space? (Yu. Gagarin)

On April 12, 1961, for the first time in the world, Yuri Gagarin made a successful flight around the Earth at spaceship. Our country is proud of this feat.

Here are more portraits of Soviet astronauts who repeated the feat Gagarin: G. Titov, V. Tereshkova, S. Savitskaya.

What do they do astronauts during the flight? (They conduct medical, technical observations, study the surface of the Earth, the Moon, and other planets. They report on approaching hurricanes, typhoons, natural disasters, clarify the weather forecast, provide satellite television and radio communications.)

View video "Rocket launch from Baikonur Cosmodrome» .

I suggest you play the game "Pick up the rocket" (tangram).

Children using yellow stars. Red and blue colors are divided into teams. At the signal, each team collects their rocket on the floor.

This is where ours ended. excursion, it's time to go back.

Music "Bibika". Children depict the movement of the car.


Moscow Planetarium
metro station Krasnopresnenskaya
From 6 years old

The structure of the Universe and the nature of cosmic phenomena in the Planetarium are clarified in a playful way. Here you can create a small black hole yourself or go by starship to the site of the Big Bang. The expanses of the Universe are viewed on the largest star dome in Europe. On the territory of the Planetarium, there are the Large and Small Star Halls, the Sky Park and the observatory, the Lunarium interactive museum and the Urania Museum, as well as a state-of-the-art 4D cinema. Several circles and studios have been opened for children in the Planetarium, where you can learn more about astronomy and space.

Museum of Cosmonautics at VDNKh
From 4 years old

One of the largest scientific and technical museums in the world, whose history began in 1964 with the monument to the Conquerors of Space. Today, the museum has 8 exhibition halls and more than 93,000 exhibits: samples of rocket and space technology, unique simulators for astronauts, a mini Mission Control Center, a Buran cockpit with a mobility system and a panoramic stereo image. There are many educational programs and excursions for children. For example, you can go on a virtual 5D journey to the era of the Paleozoic era or play the virtual quiz "Cosmotrek"; or even become a member of the Space Squad club and attend lectures on the latest technologies in the space industry.

Star City (Cosmonaut Training Center and Museum of Cosmonautics of Yuri Gagarin)
Moscow region, Shchelkovo
From 12 years old (independently), with parents - children of any age

Zvezdny Gorodok appeared in 1961 as a military settlement where Soviet cosmonauts settled. Since then, the village has been growing, it has been called "Star", and it will replace it not only with its inhabitants, but also with very important locations: the world-famous Yuri Gagarin Cosmonaut Training Center, where to this day they train for space flights . Now you can get to the town as part of a tour. Children are introduced to special simulators used by cosmonauts, they are told a lot of interesting things about Russian cosmonautics. How to control the spaceship? What is included in the arsenal of things needed by an astronaut? Is space food delicious? In Star City there is a hydro laboratory - a huge pool that allows you to simulate weightless conditions in order to work out spacewalks; and an 18-meter centrifuge - a simulator for simulating overloads in different stages of space flight.

People's Observatory in Gorky Park
m. Park Kultury
From 5 years

In the late 50s - early 60s of the last century, several astronomical pavilions were opened in Moscow parks, which worked in the summer. Now there are only two such observatories left - in Sokolniki Park and in Gorky Park. The Gorky Park Observatory is open from spring to autumn. Here you can observe the Sun, Moon and Venus in a large mirror-lens telescope. The dome of the observatory is fully automated, rotates 360 degrees, which allows you to "catch" the desired section of the sky at any time. The telescope weighs 110 kg and allows you to see celestial objects 841 times closer.

The Starry Sky Public Observatory and the Garden of Astronomers in Sokolniki Park
m. Sokolniki
From 5 years

Interactorium "Mars-Trefo"
From 5 years

A full-size interactive model of the space station of the future on Mars has been built in the Space pavilion at the All-Russian Exhibition Center in the Mars-Trefo interactive museum. And here you can learn how to control the rover model right on the Martian surface, view the Martian landscapes and generally feel like a real discoverer of the Cosmos. "Mars-Trefo" invites you to excursions and expeditions, which take place in the format of a game, master class or excursion. Martian games are played here in the space station scenery. Games are different, for children from 5 years old, for teenagers and adults.
In the Space Academy of the center you can learn everything about the most modern professions.

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