Children's drawings on the theme of patterns on the window. Drawing lesson for elementary school


Teaching children to beauty from childhood is a very important task. One way is to draw.

Today we will try to answer the question:

"How can you teach a child to draw frosty drawings on paper?"

In order to start drawing we need:

  • a sheet of paper of at least A4 size;
  • simple pencil;
  • eraser;
  • gouache paints and brushes.


  1. We give a shade of cold blue, for this we dilute the blue paint with water. We pass the entire sheet with paint, creating a background. It is important to correctly shade the background, the top of the sheet should be lighter than the bottom.
  2. After the sheet dries, we make a sketch of the drawing with a pencil over the entire sheet. We draw a chaotic pattern, with thin, needle-like petals. We use imagination, we try to make various patterns.
  3. We take blue paint and draw our pattern with a thin brush.
  4. Next, add a contrast of bright white paint here and there. It is very important to "whiten" the drawing in the central part and on the left.
  5. When the drawing dries in places, add neat to orange and pale blue buds. This will allow you to overflow and play with colors in the picture.

As you can see, drawing a frosty pattern is not so difficult.

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    You don't have to be a great artist to draw a frosty pattern on glass. This is possible even for a child. The main thing, if you draw on paper, is to first make a background, and then draw on it with white pencils.

    If you are painting on a window, then you can use materials such as acrylic paint, toothpaste. Here are some examples of work:

    With small children, you can make a simple frosty pattern on the window.

    To do this, take cardboard. Use masking tape to make it look like a window frame. Then paint over the surface with blue gouache.

    When our base dries, then dilute the white gouache with water, take a straw and blow it on the window

    And you can paint on glass with white gouache with a thin brush.

    Draw frosty patterns similar to those that draws frost on the windows

    Berm paper, brushes and paints (gouache) - blue and white, and water.

    You can first draw windows, a window frame - let them be blue, larger in area and thicker paint, so that later the white patterns are better visible on it.

    Now it's interesting - take an old, unnecessary toothbrush, type in white paint, and draw patterns that you like with the entire area of ​​​​the bristly side of the brush. You can use any other suitable tool with bristles - they can draw in such a way that strokes are obtained, consisting of thin lines. Don't take on too much paint.

    This is the easiest way to draw patterns that are vaguely reminiscent of frost patterns on glass. So it would be possible to draw with children.

    There are more advanced ways to paint these frosty patterns with wood glue and real glass. The fact is that it has the property, when it dries, to decrease in volume.

    To do this, you can take real glass, and first make it matte (for example, using sand, sandpaper, sandblasting).

    Now carpentry glue is applied to the frosted glass (the solution must be strong and still hot), a couple of millimeters thick. Wood glue is made from tile adhesive, which is soaked in water, after which the excess water must be drained and the solution heated in a steam bath.

    In order for the glue to dry faster, you can put the glass in a dryer and dry it at a temperature of about 50 degrees, after which, when the glue is dry, it comes off along with a thin film of glass, and patterns will be visible on the matte surface.

    It is better to use glass thick enough so that the glue does not bend the glass when it dries, instead of tearing off the film.

    The glue torn off the glass can be used further, just add new glue to it and boil it again.

    And you can draw a semblance of frosty patterns in watercolor, as in this video, just with a brush and paints.

    Drawing is an art. What drawing technique you want to depict a frosty pattern is known only to you. In my opinion, the easiest way to draw is this: we type in the search engine frosty pattern and get it, then choose the one you like and copy or save. They say that in nature there were no two identical snowflakes ...

    To draw frosty patterns on the window glass, very similar to the real creations of Santa Claus, we need beer and magnesia (or urea). They are most likely to be found in pharmacies. It is necessary to dissolve 50 grams of magnesia in half a glass of light beer. The resulting liquid on dry glass with the help of cotton wool draws patterns: various curls and pimples. After the solution dries, patterns of crystals will appear on the glass, very similar to real frost patterns.

    First you need to make a stencil, thick cardboard is suitable, you need to draw the desired pattern with a pencil and then cut out this pattern to get the stencil itself. Then we apply the stencil to the surface and paint over with a suitable tool, as an option, you can use toothpaste. There are toothpastes with a bluish tinge, this remedy is convenient because it is easily washed off afterwards.

    There are quite a few ways to draw a frosty pattern on glass. In my opinion, the simplest thing is to stand in front of the window pane and, so to speak, simply, gradually moving, breathequot ;, pattern.

    Before drawing a frosty pattern on paper, let's see what different patterns there are on winter windows.

    Frost does not know how to draw the same patterns, so each drawing is unique and inimitable there are shaggy twigs or thin openwork lace, individual stars or the entire window is covered with a light mesh - gossamer.


    Now you can start drawing.

    I - Take a sheet of paper, a simple pencil, an eraser (we will sometimes correct an unsuccessful sketch), paints (you will need white and blue to mix and get all shades of pale blue), brushes and some water in a glass.

    II - Let's make a sketch with thin pencil lines, placing the pattern as you like, curls, waves in one direction, or you can draw a frame, like an openwork frame on paper, with a clean center in the middle.

    III - Correct the drawing, add twigs and curls, erase the excess, and prepare for coloring.

    IV - Now you can make light blue paint by mixing blue with white, or by adding a lot of water to blue to make the color transparent.

    We cover the entire sheet (background) with blue paint, with a thick brush. Let dry.

    V - Take a thin brush and paint our sketch with white paint (thin pencil lines that show through the blue background).

    On the contrary, you can draw blue frosty patterns on a light background.

    Three winter patterns.

    Frosty patterns in nature are unique patterns that will never be repeated again, they are diverse and new all the time, like snowflakes. But you can draw such a frosty pattern on paper like this.

    The New Year is a wonderful holiday that both adults and children are waiting for. Of course, we all know that decorating your home for the New Year is already a century-old tradition. And you can do this in various ways, and one of them is to paint the windows.

    And it is not necessary to be an artist, everything should work out for you. Because this technique of patterned glass is available to everyone. You can also draw on paper, but other authors have already written about this in their answers.

    In order for you to have beautiful frosty patterns on the window glass, you can use wood glue, it will give patterns when it starts to dry and decrease in volume.

    And here are the step by step steps on how to make a pattern on the glass of your window.

    Frosty patterns can be depicted in various ways.

    1. You can apply the drawing itself with a candle (paraffin), and on top with wide strokes go over with a wide brush with bluish watercolor.
    2. You can prime the sheet with blue (or even better blue) gouache and scratch the drawings with a circular needle (or some other).
    3. You can make a stencil out of paper, and then proceed in two possible ways:

    a) spray light blue gouache over the stencil;

    b) make a crumb from a blue pencil lead (or blue, and even better - from both and mix), and then with a cotton swab on a stick (it is better to twist the cotton around a large tweezers) rub the crumb over the surface without lifting the stencil. It is possible to replace the tampon with a dry and very hard wide brush.

    I realize that the downside of my answer is the lack of pictures. I am not describing the methods found somewhere on the Internet, I am just remembering what exactly I did myself as a child. The main thing is not to be afraid that it will be Ice crystals on glass can be so diverse that in principle there can be no similarity or dissimilarity.

    Even more photos of real frosty patterns - here.

Goals and objectives of the lesson:

  • To continue to form knowledge about folk arts and crafts, about decorating a given form with a pattern using natural motifs, the ability to combine traditional and non-traditional drawing techniques;
  • Develop the ability to compose a picture composition, figurative representation and fantasy; To consolidate the skill of a graphic image;
  • Cultivate aesthetic taste and accuracy.

Materials and equipment: watercolor paper, gouache or watercolour, a candle, Vologda lace, a disk with works by Russian and foreign composers, samples of frosty patterns, “Procedure for doing work” cards, a letter from Santa Claus and an A4 envelope decorated with an appliqué with New Year symbols.

During the classes:

I. Organizational moment.

II. Goal setting.

Teacher: Dear Guys! We received a message from Santa Claus! Reading the letter:

“Dear children! The best in the world! I have become quite old, I cannot think of new patterns for the windows.
Help! Submit your patterns! I'm sending you an envelope! I hope for your imagination and fiction.
Your Santa Claus."

Let's help Santa Claus, draw patterns?

A poem about Frost the artist will help you tune in to fantasy:

Frost is the best artist,
Walks through the city.
That blushes the cheeks,
Pinch everyone's nose
And at night, while I was sleeping,
Came with a magic brush
And painted on the window
Glittering leaves.

III. Conversation:

- These products will help us to draw frosty patterns. (The teacher shows Vologda lace. They can be pinned onto blue or black fabric.)

Who knows what they are called? (Lace.)

Yes, it's lace. They are woven with a special hook and various threads. This weaving is practiced in many Russian lands. Especially in the North, in the Vologda region. The fate of this art form is happy. We still use lace to decorate our homes and clothing.

- Tell me, what natural forms do we see in them? (Leaves, flowers, curls.)

- Correctly. Folk craftswomen have always looked at plants for forms for making their products!

- What else can we depict in the form of a frosty pattern? (Children's answers.)

- Now I will give you riddles, and the riddles will be the answers to my question.

1. Only a white pattern that lace makers weave,

With the twinkling of these stars it will be compared (snowflakes).

- There is not a single similar snowflake in the world, but they all appear according to the same rule. Their rays are located as if in a mirror image.

(Draw a snowflake on the board.)

Turned white all over the night
And we have a miracle in the apartment
Outside the window the house disappeared
There magical grew ... (forest)

We can correctly depict the forest.

3. Children, what else can be depicted as a frosty pattern on the window, dream up. (5-6 answers.)


IV. Explanation of work steps.

  • What do you have on the table? (Artist's tools.)
  • Do you all know how to work? (We don't know how to use a candle.)
  • I will teach you, but first of all, you need to determine the procedure.
  • How to arrange a sheet of paper? Horizontally or vertically? Remember where and how Frost draws his patterns? (On glass, vertically.) Position the sheet the same way.
  • And in what parts of the window are patterns most often located? (On the bottom of the glass and on the sides.)
  • What time of day is best to look at patterns on glass? (Early morning and evening) What color paints do we need? (Blue and white.)
  • No, guys, we won’t need white paint today, because a candle will perform its function. Candle wax does not let water through and does not stain paper. The stripes drawn by the candle will remain white.
  • Listen carefully to the order of work:
    1) Consider the composition of the picture.
    2) Draw the drawing on paper with light strokes and lines.
    3) Circle the pencil drawing with a candle with strong pressure on a dry sheet
    4) Cover the sheet with water without paint.
    5) Without letting the sheet dry, evenly apply blue paint.
    (Cards with a phased image of the work are placed on the board: a pencil, a candle, a glass with a brush, a jar of blue paint.)

V. Getting to work.

The teacher puts the drawings on the board.

Rice. one

Rice. 2

Rice. 3

1. A selection of classical pieces is played (quietly).
2. The teacher points out the mistakes of the children.

The guys who do the work take it and attach it to the board with a magnet. This is our exhibition.

At the end of the lesson, we will admire our drawings.

VI. Summarizing. Exhibition. Work analysis.

1. What works did you like the most? Why? Explain.

(Analysis of work.)

2. Did you enjoy the work in the lesson?

– What did you learn about the work of the artist?
- What kind of folk art did you get acquainted with?
- What tools of the artist do you know?
- Which one is new to you?

What was the most interesting thing in the lesson?

House assignment: draw at home with parents with a candle

And now we will take our drawings, write our wishes to Grandfather Frost on the reverse side and send them in this fabulously beautiful envelope.

Svetlana Borisova

i] Objectives: to teach children to draw frosty patterns in the style of lace. Create conditions for the free, creative use of various decorative elements: a dot, a circle, a curl, a leaf, a petal, a shamrock, a wavy line, a straight line. Improve the technique of drawing with the end of the brush. Develop a sense of form and composition.

Materials: pictures of patterns on winter windows, pictures of Vologda lace, samples of decorative elements: a dot, a circle, a curl, a leaf, a shamrock, a wavy line, a straight line, sheets of white paper, blue paint, thin brushes, jars of water, napkins.

Lesson progress:

The teacher asks the children about the time of year.

Guys, what time of year is it. (Winter)

And what happens in winter? (Snow, cold, frost)

Have any of you seen what frost draws on the windows? (Patterns)

The teacher shows a picture of the pattern on the window and at the same time offers to listen to the fairy tale "Spindle Grandmother" as presented by L. L. Yakhnin. (see below)

After reading the tale, he shows pictures of Vologda lace.

Look at the pictures of patterns and Vologda lace. What can you say about them? Are these pictures similar? How are they similar? (The patterns on the windows are fabulous, intricately intertwined, like threads in lace)

Today you will decorate your "windows" with frosty patterns. Look at the pictures of frosty patterns carefully. To make the drawings fabulous, beautiful, various decorative elements are used for drawing. This is a point, a circle, a curl, a leaf, a petal, a shamrock, a wavy line, a straight line.

The teacher shows the decor elements.

Let's warm up a little before we get to work.

Physical education "Snow"

Like snow on a hill, snow, (get up on your toes, hands up)

And under the hill snow, snow, (squat)

And on the Christmas tree snow, snow, (get up, hands to the sides)

And under the tree snow, snow. (we wrap our arms around ourselves)

And under the snow a bear sleeps (swayed from side to side, hands

bent at the elbows, in front of the chest, palms away from you)

Hush, hush, don't make noise! (finger to lips, whisper)

Now take your pieces of paper, think about what pattern you would like to draw on your “window” and get to work. To make the patterns airy, draw with the end of the brush, do not draw on a lot of water.

Independent activity of children

Children do the work

Summary of the lesson

The teacher evaluates the children's work. Exhibition is being arranged

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Master class on drawing "Winter patterns".

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Work description: This paper examines the attentive attitude of people to the world around them, describes the beauty of nature, the ability to depict the beauty of nature on paper with a simple pencil and gouache on tinted paper. This work is intended for teachers, leaders of circles, students in grades 1-6 of schools in the preparation and conduct of extracurricular activities dedicated to the outside world, the season is winter.
Target: to develop in children a sense of beauty, the ability to comprehend the life around them, to depict the beauty of winter nature on paper.
Tasks: develop respect for the environment.
develop the ability to build a composition and sketch a drawing on a sheet of format (A3);
to form the ability to create new colors by mixing paints.
Tools and materials: A sheet of drawing paper in A3 format.
Simple pencil, eraser.
Gouache paints.
Paint brushes.
Glass for water.

And the window glass seems to be kissing,
From Winter-maiden, every day a gift,
Silver pattern, like a ray of sun is bright.
O. Esin

The world around us is full of amazing wonders, but we often do not pay attention to them. Admiring the clear blue of the spring sky or the bright colors of the sunset, we do not even think about why the sky changes color with the change of time of day.
Outside the window - blue sky, white clouds ...
Clouds are accumulations of tiny water droplets and ice crystals.
Light, meeting with a micro-droplet of water, is reflected from its surface.
This allows the sunbeam to remain in its original color palette, i.e. white, while coloring the cloud molecules white.
The microscopic dimensions of cloud elements - drops or ice floes - make it possible for them to stay in the air for a long time.
In order for sunlight to reach the earth, it needs to break through a huge layer of air. During the passage of light through the air, the rays begin to scatter, and this process occurs more intensively with blue, since the wavelength of blue light is the shortest.

In order to paint a picture, we first need to place the image correctly in the center. With a simple pencil, sketch the future image.

Who applied the complex ornament
On the window of any apartment?
It's all the same artist.
These are all his paintings.

Next, we start working in color. For this image, I used paints such as gouache and dark-colored tinted paper, it can still be replaced with cardboard. On such darker paper, the image seems to be more contrasting, brighter. Colors: brown, green, white, blue. Usually we start with darker tones and gradually introduce lighter ones. For window frames and the landscape in the background, medium-sized brushes are suitable, but for patterns, we need a thin brush.

Winter patterns for me Winter draws,
And the window glass seems to be kissing,
From Winter-maiden, every day a gift,
Silver pattern, like a ray of sun is bright.

We begin to draw a landscape outside the window. In order to achieve the color of the sky, by mixing colors blue + white in unequal amounts, white should be slightly more than blue. After drying, we introduce white color in order to depict clouds, snowdrifts, snow on the Christmas trees, as well as glare on window frames.

All drawings are different, the craftsmanship of creation,
And with a strong frost, more inspiration,
The girl will not get tired of creating pictures,
Until Spring it will cover with a snow feather bed!
Here comes the winter
Covered with white snow
the field is clean.
Happy ice skating with kids
everything is rolling
At night in the snowy lights
Writes a pattern in the windows
ice needle
And knocking on our yard
with a fresh Christmas tree.

After we have summarized our drawing, we can move on to detailing. We start with a clearer drawing of patterns on the window. With the help of a thin brush and white gouache, we try to convey intricate patterns with smooth lines.

Spinning lightly and clumsily,
The snowflake sat on the glass.
It was snowing thick and white at night -
The room is light from the snow.
A little powdery fluff flying,
And the winter sun rises.
Like every day, fuller and better,
A fuller and better new year...
winter pictures
Aunt walks the puppy.
The puppy is off the leash.
And here at low level flight
Crows fly for a puppy.
Sparkling snow...
What a small thing!
Sadness, where did you go?

Frost crackles. The rivers are frozen.
Birch trees tremble by the river.
It is warm here. In a hot oven
Fires crackle.
They will burn, and soon, soon
In cozy room warmth
Fine patterns melt
On painted glass.

Who draws so skillfully
What kind of miracle dreamers
Ice drawing is sad:
Rivers, groves and lakes?
Who applied the complex ornament
On the window of any apartment?
It's all the same artist.
These are all his paintings.
frolicking in a wide field
And tired of wandering in the forest,
Santa Claus out of boredom, or something,
I decided to climb into a warm house.
But scared people
The door was locked
And Morozko - come what may -
Through the window climbed to them soon.
But there was also a barrier.
Glass windows were everywhere
And Morozko from vexation
Decided to hurt people.
He estimated with a cunning eye,
I took brushes, whitened, enamels -
And in the morning all the glass windows
There was no light in the house.

It is doubly interesting to observe the phenomena of nature, knowing the reason for the appearance and development of certain phenomena. Thanks to such a wonderful science as physics. It is very informative to find answers to the mysteries of nature.
Winter. Magical time of the year. When can you observe changes in the environment
One of the beautiful phenomena: the patterns on the windows. How fabulous these patterns look, like an artist, frost draws these wonderful pictures.
Since childhood, I liked to admire the frosty patterns. I tried to depict this phenomenon of winter on paper. But like any child, it didn't quite work out. Today, looking at the window inspired me to try to draw it on paper. In addition to patterns, I depicted a landscape that can be seen from the window. But I focused on the frosty patterns, which I was able to repeat, remembering my childhood drawings.
Frosty patterns on the windows...
As the air cools, its moisture content decreases. Frosty patterns on glass are formed if moist air is cooled to the freezing point of water, that is, to 0 ° C. At this temperature, excess moisture contained in humid air condenses on cold surfaces. In this case, the water crystallizes, that is, it turns into the smallest ice crystals. Water contained in humid air at 0°C passes from a gaseous state to a crystalline state.
Why do ice crystals form strange patterns?
There are bumps and scratches on the glass surface that are invisible to us. They form ice crystals. Crystals are deposited one after another, on top of each other, and amazing unique patterns are obtained.
In addition to glass irregularities, dust particles on the glass surface and air currents are involved in drawing patterns.
Patterns are formed if the air humidity is increased, and the cooling of the glass began at a positive temperature and continued with a further decrease in temperature. In this case, a water film forms on the glass, which crystallizes when it freezes. Most often, this process begins at the bottom of the glass, because there, under the influence of gravity, more water accumulates. That is why the patterns in the lower part of the window are larger, and the higher, the thinner and smaller the ice branches.
If the glass is evenly moistened during cooling, that is, it is covered with an even film of water, then the patterns are approximately the same in size over the entire surface of the glass.

Now apply the colors with a thick, slightly damp brush, as if we were spraying the color. To achieve this result, we can replace the brush with a sponge.

Snow and snow patterns
In the field - blizzards talk,
Cold, dark.
Day - skates, mountain, sleigh,
Evening - grandmother's tales.
Here it is - winter!

Winter brightened up:
Fringe on the dress
From transparent ice
Snowflake stars.
All in diamonds, pearls,
In colorful lights
Radiance pours around
Whispers a spell:
-Lie down, soft snows,
To forests and meadows,
Cover the paths
Leave the branches down!
On the windows, Santa Claus,
Scatter crystal roses
light visions,
Tricky weaves.
You, blizzard, weirdo,
Round dance backwaters,
Fly up like a whirlwind of white
Gray in the field!
Sleep, my land, sleep,
Save magical dreams:
Wait, dressed in brocade,
New dawn!

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