Children's rhymes about spring for the most. And


Great about verses:

Poetry is like painting: one work will captivate you more if you look at it closely, and another if you move further away.

Little cutesy poems irritate the nerves more than the creak of unoiled wheels.

The most valuable thing in life and in poetry is that which has broken.

Marina Tsvetaeva

Of all the arts, poetry is most tempted to replace its own idiosyncratic beauty with stolen glitter.

Humboldt W.

Poems succeed if they are created with spiritual clarity.

The writing of poetry is closer to worship than is commonly believed.

If only you knew from what rubbish Poems grow without shame... Like a dandelion near a fence, Like burdocks and quinoa.

A. A. Akhmatova

Poetry is not in verses alone: ​​it is spilled everywhere, it is around us. Take a look at these trees, at this sky - beauty and life breathe from everywhere, and where there is beauty and life, there is poetry.

I. S. Turgenev

For many people, writing poetry is a growing pain of the mind.

G. Lichtenberg

A beautiful verse is like a bow drawn through the sonorous fibers of our being. Not our own - our thoughts make the poet sing inside us. Telling us about the woman he loves, he delightfully awakens in our souls our love and our sorrow. He is a wizard. Understanding him, we become poets like him.

Where graceful verses flow, there is no place for vainglory.

Murasaki Shikibu

I turn to Russian versification. I think that over time we will turn to blank verse. There are too few rhymes in Russian. One calls the other. The flame inevitably drags the stone behind it. Because of the feeling, art certainly peeps out. Who is not tired of love and blood, difficult and wonderful, faithful and hypocritical, and so on.

Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin

- ... Are your poems good, tell yourself?
- Monstrous! Ivan suddenly said boldly and frankly.
- Do not write anymore! the visitor asked pleadingly.
I promise and I swear! - solemnly said Ivan ...

Mikhail Afanasyevich Bulgakov. "The Master and Margarita"

We all write poetry; poets differ from the rest only in that they write them with words.

John Fowles. "The French Lieutenant's Mistress"

Every poem is a veil stretched out on the points of a few words. These words shine like stars, because of them the poem exists.

Alexander Alexandrovich Blok

The poets of antiquity, unlike modern ones, rarely wrote more than a dozen poems during their long lives. It is understandable: they were all excellent magicians and did not like to waste themselves on trifles. Therefore, behind every poetic work of those times, a whole Universe is certainly hidden, filled with miracles - often dangerous for someone who inadvertently wakes dormant lines.

Max Fry. "The Talking Dead"

To one of my clumsy hippos-poems, I attached such a heavenly tail: ...

Mayakovsky! Your poems do not warm, do not excite, do not infect!
- My poems are not a stove, not a sea and not a plague!

Vladimir Vladimirovich Mayakovsky

Poems are our inner music, clothed in words, permeated with thin strings of meanings and dreams, and therefore drive away critics. They are but miserable drinkers of poetry. What can a critic say about the depths of your soul? Don't let his vulgar groping hands in there. Let the verses seem to him an absurd lowing, a chaotic jumble of words. For us, this is a song of freedom from tedious reason, a glorious song that sounds on the snow-white slopes of our amazing soul.

Boris Krieger. "A Thousand Lives"

Poems are the thrill of the heart, the excitement of the soul and tears. And tears are nothing but pure poetry that has rejected the word.

Hello to all dear readers and friends of my blog! Winter will soon end, and the time of warmth and sun, beloved by many, will begin. Just the time to teach children poems about spring. Today I will publish the most beautiful of them. Short, suitable for kids, and long for schoolchildren. We are approaching the spring mood, and get inspired by poetry!

I remember how at school we together read and memorized poems about the spring of Russian poets. The mood immediately rose, anticipating the onset of a very pleasant time of the year. I adore spring and summer, and for me each time it is a period as a symbol of the beginning of something new and joyful in life. Maybe because I was born in April. And it doesn’t matter that there may be winter temperatures outside at this time, it still doesn’t spoil the inner enjoyment of what is happening.

For young children 3, 4, 5 and 6 years old, you can pick up short and beautiful poems that they can easily learn and tell, for example, in kindergarten. Choose for them those in which most of the words they can pronounce, and do not forget to explain to them the meaning of unfamiliar words.

Snow melts and ice melts
Spring is coming guys!
Drops are ringing outside the window,
Birds joyful trill.

Buds swell in spring
And the leaves have hatched.
Look at the branches of the maple -
How many green spouts! (T. Dmitriev)

The swallow flew away
For distant lands ...
Come back, Swallow!
April is outside.
Come back, Swallow!
Just not alone:
Let with you, Swallow,
Spring is coming! (B. Zakhoder)

Spring came!
Spring is red.
With green grass by the window
hung out earrings
Birch - white leg. (E. Trutneva)

Spring, spring outside
Spring days!
Like birds are flooding
Tram calls.

Rooks roar on a tree.
Trucks rumble.
Spring, spring outside
Spring days. (A. Barto)

Finally, spring has come!
White snows are melting.
appeared tender,
Snowdrops here and there.

Under a small fir
The snowdrop has grown.
The blizzards have fled
And the frost has gone!

In the meadow, on the path
Weeds break through.
A stream runs from the hillock.
And there is snow under the tree. (V. Lunin)

Blue, blue
Sky and streams.
splashing in blue puddles
A flock of sparrows.
transparent in the snow
The first thawed patches
First grass. (E. Trutneva)

Spring comes gradually:
In the fields the snow melts inaudibly,
Escape from ice captivity
The waters of the rivers are secretly prepared.

Already at night not those frosts,
And now the starling is flying
To your house on a birch trunk ...
Spring came. Winter is over! (S. Marshak)

Spring came!
The birds are singing
Spring is carried on wings.
The sun is shining,
Warms the earth.
He kicks the kids out of the house.
Everyone welcomes spring today! (Y. Mamin)

Whatever the day
By the minute
The day is longer
Short night.
Chasing away the winter
Away! (V. Berestov)

Spring, spring.
streams flow,
Spring, spring.
The rooks are flying
Spring, spring.
flowers bloom,
Spring came,
How glad we are!

On the trees -
You look -
Where the kidneys were
Like green lights
Leaves flared up.

cherry blossoms -
Sweet aroma.
Like an embroidered shirt
Our spring garden.

“Ding-ding-ding,” the drops sing.
“La-la-la,” the starling sings.
Jing-la-la! In fact:
Winter has come to an end! ( V. Stepanov)

Again, spring has come to the country.
The sun rejoices.
The day has grown.
And only icicles cry
Pitying winter and frost.

If the wind gets warmer
If the birds are not up to sleep,
If the sun shines brighter
So spring has come to us.

It is so pleasant -
Wake up
And get up
And blue skies
See in the window
And find out again
That spring is everywhere
That the morning and the sun
Better than sleep! (I. Maznin)

If the snow melts everywhere
The day is getting longer
If everything is green
And in the fields the stream is ringing,
If the wind gets warmer
If the birds are not up to sleep,
If the sun shines brighter
So spring has come to us. (E. Karganova)

crying bitterly
Who offended him?
Something like revushek
I had not seen before.
Well, it's completely gone.
Tears are pouring down.
I told him: "Stop,
Well, don't cry, don't!
You are probably from a dream
Not at ease?"
And heard:
“That is spring.
All her tricks! ( N. Knushevitskaya)

If the wind gets warmer
If the birds are not up to sleep,
If the sun shines brighter
So spring has come to us.
Another week will fly by
And March will ring a drop.
April will come for him in flowers,
And the sun will flood the earth.
Through the groves, nightingale parks
Concerts will start again. (V. Kudlachev)

Finally spring has come.
Spruce, birch and pine,
Throwing off white pajamas
Awakened from sleep. (I. Shandra )

I was told:
White color
This color
For seven colors
May be
Here now
Why spring
The snow will melt
And the meadow grows
Color. ( H. Gainutdinov )

Admire: spring is coming,
Cranes fly in a caravan
The day is drowning in bright gold,
And streams on ravines rustle.

Soon you will have guests
How many nests will be built - look!
What kind of sounds, for songs will pour
Day-to-day from dawn to dusk! (I. S. Nikitin )

Poems about the spring months for children

In my selection of beautiful spring poems, there are works for each month of this season. Mostly they are short, so they are perfect for preschoolers. In order for the child to better remember the months, you can draw pictures with him in the wake of the verses.

If it is still difficult for a child to remember them, then read them yourself, and transfer the brightest image from the work to paper (you can draw it yourself or print the finished picture). Then for the baby, March, April and May will not be abstract words, but filled with images and associations.

About March

The streams run faster
The sun shines warmer.
Sparrow is happy with the weather
The month of March came to us.

The snow is no longer the same
It darkened in the field.
Ice cracked on the lakes
It's like they split.
Clouds run faster.
The sky got higher.
Sparrow chirped
Have fun on the roof.
It's getting blacker every day
Stitches and paths
And on willows with silver
Earrings glow.

sparrow ruffled
Alive, healthy
And unharmed.
Catches March
With every feather.

Loose snow darkens in March,
Ice is melting on the window.
Bunny runs around the desk
And the map on the wall.

About April

The colors are bright in April -
After all, nature took the brush,
So that green watercolor,
Paint grass, branches, leaves!

We hear with joy in April,
Behind our window glass,
The sound of an awakened drop,
The chirping of cute birds.

Good in the forest in April:
Smells like leafy rot
Different birds sing
Nests are made on trees;
In the glades of the lungwort,
Strives to get out into the sun.

Cheerful April smiled,
Sang, roared, played,
From the noise the snowdrop woke up
And he stood on the thaw.
It smelled, it blew a prelude,
A little audible snowdrop repeated:
Thank you April, thank you
For waking me up." (I. Belyakov)

April walked through the forests,
The drops are already over
The snow has melted, it's warm
And it became light in the evening.

About May

Lily of the valley blossomed in May
On the very holiday - on the first day.
May with flowers,
The lilac is blooming. ( S. Marshak)

leaves unfold,
The kidneys rejoice in the sun.
May has come, merry May -
Take your coat off quickly!

First day, month of May!
Get up and get up!
And don't sweat it, wake up
Meet the sun with a song!

May has come.
forest people
He went out into the garden together.
The black mole is digging the beds,
The hedgehog carries water from the tub.

The month of May blooms and warms,
The wind blows over the fields
White lily of the valley blooms
The moth flies over it.

Poems about spring for school children

And now let's turn to works about spring, which are suitable for children 7, 8, 9 and beyond. Some of them are in the school curriculum, while others you may hear for the first time.

It was sunny in the morning
And quite warm.
The lake is wide
Flowed through the yard.

Freezing at noon
Winter has come again
The lake dragged on
Glass crust.

I split the thin
sound glass,
The lake is wide
It leaked again.

Passersby say:
- Spring is coming! -
And this is me working
Breaking ice. (A. Barto)

The grass is green
The sun shines;
Swallow with spring
It flies to us in the canopy. With it, the sun is more beautiful.
And spring is sweeter ...
Chirp out of the way
Hello to us soon!

I will give you grains;
And you sing a song
What from distant countries
I brought it with me. (A. Pleshcheev)

I wanted to sleep a little
But I saw a light in the window.
Luchik - a warm palm
The sun extended to me.

And whispered in my ear:
- Throw off the blanket.
Are you tired of sleep?
Get up -
So many things!

That frost
Those puddles are blue
That blizzard
Those are sunny days.
On the hills
Snow spots
Hiding from the sun
In the shadow.
Over the ground-
goose chain,
On the ground -
Brook woke up
And winter shows
Naughty, green
(V. Orlov)

To the sound of a babbling stream
Under the songs of the larks marvelous
Spring has come in all its glory
The child is beautiful, innocent.
It won't be cold for long
It remains to rule over the spring,
'Cause every day and here and there
She is full of her beauty.
And warming the day with warmth,
Spring revived nature.
And under the drops the chime
Snowdrop gave the first.
Spreading a bunch of emeralds,
Spring will dress all the trees
And the delicate scent of flowers
Will merge with the nightingale trill.
I remember winter again
Seeing snow in early May
Trees in white silver
But the silver of flowers does not melt! (E. Savchenko)

The rains have passed, April is getting warmer,
All night - fog, and in the morning
The spring air is definitely dying
And turns blue with a soft haze
In the distant clearings in the forest.
And the green forest slumbers quietly,
And in the silver of forest lakes
Even slimmer than his columns,
More fresh pine crowns
And delicate larches pattern! (I. Bunin )

An evil blizzard has died down;
The night has become shorter than the day;
A warm wind blows from the south;
Drops fall, ringing.
The sun warms the earth
Drives ice from our hill.
Snow woman is melting
And tears flow in streams.
If the snow melts everywhere
The day is getting longer
If everything is green
And in the fields the stream is ringing,
If the wind gets warmer
If the birds are not up to sleep,
If the sun shines brighter
So spring has come to us.

From the midday rays
A stream ran down from the mountain
And a small snowdrop
Grew up on a thaw.
Starlings return -
Workers and singers
Sparrows at the puddle
They circle in a noisy flock.
And the robin and the thrush
Engaged in the device of nests:
Wear, wear in houses
Birds at straws.
(G. Ladonshchikov)

Winter is getting angry
Her time has passed
Spring is knocking on the window
And drives from the yard.
And everything got busy
Everything forces Winter out -
And larks in the sky
The alarm has already been raised.
Winter is still busy
And grumbles at Spring.
She laughs in her eyes
And it only makes more noise...
Wicked witch pissed off
And, capturing the snow,
Let go, run away
To a beautiful child...
Spring and grief is not enough:
Washed up in the snow
And only became blush (F. I. Tyutchev)

Spring has come in the snow
On the wet carpet
Scattered snowdrops,
She sowed grass.
Badger families by the deadline
Raised from the minks
birch sap
I gave it to the guys.
I looked into the den:
- Well, get up, bear! -
Breathed on the branches -
Time to get green!
Now spring is beautiful
Calling from all over
Geese, swifts and storks,
Cuckoos and starlings.
(K. Kubilinskas)

Again the blue clouds frowned all around,
A foggy veil of rain falls in the distance,
Warmth blew from the forest and fields, -
And now the first spring thunder is thundering,
And the rainbow sparkles from behind the forest!
Then from the south May goes through the groves
and fields,
Like a young bright god, laughs
and rejoices
And awakens life, and proclaims to us,
What has come the end of the last
dark days,
That he triumphs in the spring! (A. Bunin)

I love the storm in early May,
When spring, the first thunder,
As if frolicking and playing,
Rumbles in the blue sky.
The young peals are thundering,
Here the rain splashed, the dust flies,
Rain pearls hung,
And the sun gilds the threads.
An agile stream runs from the mountain,
In the forest, the din of birds does not stop,
And the noise of the forest, and the noise of the mountains -
Everything echoes cheerfully with thunder.
You say: windy Hebe,
Feeding Zeus' eagle
A thundering cup from the sky
Laughing, she spilled it on the ground. (I. Tyutchev)

my bells,
Steppe flowers!
What are you looking at me
Dark blue?
And what are you talking about
On a happy May day,
Among the uncut grass
Shaking your head?
The horse carries me with an arrow
On the open field;
He tramples you under him
Beats with his hoof.
my bells,
Steppe flowers!
Don't curse me
Dark blue!
I would be glad not to trample you,
Glad to pass by
But the bridle can not hold
Running invincible!
I'm flying, I'm flying with an arrow,
I only kick up the dust;
The horse carries me dashing, -
And where to? don't know! (A. Tolstoy)

Fragrant bird cherry
Bloomed with spring
And golden branches
What curls, curled.
Honey dew all around
Slips down the bark
Spicy greens underneath
Shines in silver.
And next to the thawed patch,
In the grass, between the roots,
Runs, flows small
Silver stream.
Cherry fragrant,
Hanging out, standing
And the green is golden
Burning in the sun.
Brook with a thundering wave
All branches are covered
And insinuatingly under the steep
She sings songs. (S. Yesenin)

This morning, this joy
This power of both day and light,
This blue vault
This cry and strings
These flocks, these birds,
This dialect of waters.
These willows and birches
These drops are these tears
This fluff is not a leaf,
These mountains, these valleys,
These midges, these bees,
This tongue and whistle.
These dawns without eclipse,
This sigh of the night village,
This night without sleep
This haze and the heat of the bed,
This fraction and these trills,
It's all spring. (A. Fet)

I came to you with greetings
Say that the sun has risen
What is hot light
The sheets fluttered;
Tell that the forest woke up
All woke up, each branch,
Startled by every bird
And full of spring thirst;
Tell that with the same passion
Like yesterday, I came again
That the soul is still happy
And ready to serve you;
Tell that from everywhere
Joy blows over me
I don't know what I will
Sing - but only the song matures. (A. Fet)

dilapidated hut
All covered in snow
old grandmother
And he looks at the windows.
For the naughty grandchildren
Knee-deep snow.
Cheerful for the kids
Fast sled run...
running, laughing,
Making a snow house
ringing loudly
Voices all around...
In the snow house
Razor game…
Fingers get cold
It's time to go home!
Drink tea tomorrow
Looking out the window -
And the house melted
It's spring outside! (A. Blok)

The Green Noise is coming,
Green Noise, spring noise!
Playfully divergent
Suddenly the wind is riding:
Shakes alder bushes,
Raise flower dust
Like a cloud, everything is green
Both air and water!
The Green Noise is coming,
Green Noise, spring noise!
Like drenched in milk
There are cherry orchards,
Quietly noisy;
Warmed by the warm sun
Noisy merry
Pine forests;
And next to the new greenery
Babbling a new song
And the pale-leaved linden,
And a white birch
With a green braid!
A small reed makes noise,
Noisy high maple ...
They make new noise
In a new way, spring ...
The Green Noise is coming,
Green Noise, spring noise! (N. Nekrasov)

Spring has come, icicles
Decorating cornices.
The streams gurgle fervently,
Washing snowdrifts.
Forgetting the frosts of the past,
Fell sideways without strength
Tearful snowy
A melted woman.
Winter is completely unwell -
It's time for her to go...
And the sun in every puddle
Ready to swim!
And between the wet snows
Breaking through windows
Snowdrops are brave
They are already on their feet! ( Stuart E.)

Go away, gray winter!
Beauties of Spring
The golden chariot
Rushing from the mountain heights!
Is it old to argue, frail,
With her - the queen of flowers,
With a whole army of air
Sweet breezes!
And what about noise, what buzz,
Warm showers and rays
And chilikane, and singing! ..
Leave yourself quickly!
She has no bow, no arrows,
Smiled only - and you,
Picking up your white shroud,
She crawled into the ravine, into the bushes! ..
Yes, they will find it in the ravines!
Look - swarms of bees are noisy,
And flies the flag of victory
Motley butterflies squad! (A. Maykov)

I hope that among the presented 63 poems about spring for children, you have found those that did not leave you indifferent. I wish you spring mood and soon warm weather and bright sun!

See you soon, Anastasia Smolinets


Spring, spring! How clean the air is!
How clear is the sky!
His azure alive
He blinds my eyes.
Spring, spring! How high
On the wings of the wind
caressing the sunbeams,
Clouds are flying!
Noisy streams! Glittering streams!
Roaring, the river carries
On the triumphant ridge
The ice she lifted!
More trees are bare
But in the grove there is a decrepit leaf,
As before under my foot
Noisy and fragrant.
Under the sun most soared
And in the bright sky
The invisible lark sings
Congratulatory hymn to spring.
What's wrong with her? What's wrong with my soul?
With a stream she is a stream
And with a bird, a bird!
murmurs with him,
Flying in the sky with her!

(Evgeny Baratynsky)


Cold winds still blow
And bring the morning frost
Just on the thawed spring
Early flowers appeared
As from a wonderful kingdom of wax,
From a fragrant honey cell
The first bee flew out

Flew through the early flowers
Tell about the red spring,
Will there be a guest soon, dear,
Soon the meadows will turn green
Soon at the curly birch
Sticky leaves will unravel
Fragrant bird cherry blossoms.

(Alexander Pushkin)


(Sergey Gorodetsky)


Go away, gray winter!
Beauties of Spring
The golden chariot
Rushing from the mountain heights!
With her - the queen of flowers,
With a whole army of air
Is it old to argue, frail,
Sweet breezes!
And what about noise, what buzz,
Warm showers and rays
And chilikane, and singing! ..
Leave yourself soon!
She has no bow, no arrows,
Smiled only - and you,
Picking up your white shroud,
She crawled into the ravine, into the bushes! ..
Yes, they will find it in the ravines!
Look - swarms of bees are noisy,
And flies the flag of victory
Motley butterflies squad!

(Apollon Maikov)


Ding! Don!
Ding! Don!
What is that gentle sound?
This is a snowdrop
Smiling through sleep!

This is whose fluffy beam
So it tickles because of the clouds,
Forcing the little ones
Smile from ear to ear?

Whose warmth is this?
Whose kindness
Makes you smile
Hare, chicken, cat?
And for what reason?
Spring is coming
In the city!

And y poodle - ylybka!
And in the aquarium there is a fish
Smiled out of the water
Smiling bird!

Here it turns out
What does not fit
On one page
Smile boundless, -
How pleasant!
This is the length
That's the width!
And for what reason?
Spring is coming
Around the city!

(Yunna Moritz)


D enki are fine,
Similar to holidays
And in the sky - the sun is warm,
Cheerful and kind.
All the rivers overflow
All buds open
The winter has gone with cold,
The snowdrifts became puddles.
Leaving the countries of the south,
The birds have returned.
On each branch of the starling
They sit and clean their feathers.
Spring time has come
It's time for flowering.
And so the mood
All people have spring!

(Mikhail Plyatskovsky)


Everything dried up. And there are already kidneys.
Lilies of the valley will bloom soon, cereals.
Here clouds float like lambs.
Louder, louder spring news.

I am disturbed by the importunate squeak:
Tucked up, grouchy Fekla,
hanging over the street with risk,
wipes window panes.

Here the lime is scraped off with a knife ...
There are cups of poison... Here is cotton wool...
The chest is embraced with April delight.
The wind blows dust outside the window.

The windows are wide open - and screaming, talking,
and the flower stalk sways,
and polishers go out into the yard
kicking furniture barefoot.

The cat crawled out and sits at the trough,
washed with a velvet paw.

Here is a boy in a cotton shirt,
having run, he launched a grandmother at him.

In the sky, the light of evening lights.
Feelings again, as before, fires.
The skies are blue and blue
Clouds, like lambs, wavy.

In the blue distances my gaze wanders.
All earthly aspirations are so pathetic...
A little man in props in the yard
with thunder imports heavy beams.

(Mikhail Plyatskovsky)


Winter is getting angry
Her time has passed
Spring is knocking on the window
And drives from the yard.
And everything fussed
Everything forces Winter out -
And larks in the sky
The alarm has already been raised.
Winter is still busy
And grumbles at Spring.
She laughs in her eyes
And it only makes more noise...
Wicked witch pissed off
And, capturing the snow,
Let go, run away
To a beautiful child.
Spring and grief is not enough:
Washed in the snow
And only became blush,
Against the enemy.

(Fyodor Tyutchev)


The grass is green
The sun shines;
Swallow with spring
It flies to us in the canopy.
With her the sun is more beautiful
And spring is sweeter ...
Chirp out of the way
Hello to us soon!
I will give you grains
And you sing a song
What from distant countries
Brought along...

(Alexey Pleshcheev)


April! April!
Drops are ringing in the yard.
Streams run through the fields
Puddles on the roads.
Ants coming soon
After the winter cold.
Bear sneaks
Through thick deadwood.
The birds began to sing songs
And the snowdrop blossomed.

(Samuel Marshak)


The swallow flew away
For distant lands...
Come back, Swallow!
April is outside.
Come back, Swallow!
Just not alone:
Let with you, Swallow,
Spring is coming!

(Boris Zakhoder)


Fragrant bird cherry
Bloomed with spring
And golden branches
What curls, curled.
Honey dew all around
Slips down the bark
Spicy greens underneath
Shines in silver.
And next to the thawed patch,
In the grass, between the roots,
Runs, flows small
Silver stream.
Cherry fragrant,
Hanging out, standing
And the green is golden
Burning in the sun.
Brook with a thundering wave
All branches are covered
And insinuatingly under the steep
She sings songs.

(Sergey Yesenin)


Hello, spring first grass!
How did it dissolve? Are you happy with the warmth?
I know you have fun and crush there,
They work together in every corner.
Stick out a leaf or a blue flower
Everyone hurry young root
Earlier than willow from tender buds
The first one will show a green leaf.

(Sergei Gorodetsky)


The stoves are still burning in the houses
And the sun rises late
We also have on our river
Calmly walk through the ice;
Back to the wood shed
Won't go straight
And in the garden under the trees
A snowman is napping with a broom;
We are all warmly dressed
In sweatshirts, in cotton pants ...
And yet signs of spring
In everything, everything is already visible.
And how the roofs got warmer
And like the sun in sight
Drops, falling, sang,
They bustled like crazy.
And suddenly the road got wet
And the boots are full of water...
And the wind is gentle and lingering
Winded from the south side.
And the sparrows cry to each other
About the sun, about its beauty.
And all the funny freckles
Sit on one nose...

(Elena Blagina)


Waking up from a dream
With a soft spring brush
Draws buds on the branches
In the fields - rook chains,
Over the revived foliage
- The first stroke of a thunderstorm,
And in the shade of a transparent garden
- A lilac bush near the fence.

(Victor Lunin)


A. Maykov

The swallow rushed
Because of the blue of the sea
She sat down and sang:
"No matter how angry February is,
How are you, March, don't frown,
Be at least snow, at least rain -
Everything smells like spring!

(A. Maykov)

After the flood

The rains have passed, April is getting warmer,
All night - fog, and in the morning
The spring air is definitely dying
And turns blue with a soft haze
In the distant clearings in the forest.
And the green forest slumbers quietly,
And in the silver of forest lakes
Even slimmer than his columns,
More fresh pine crowns
And delicate larches pattern!

(I. Bunin)


Warmth in the sun. Spring
Takes his rights.
In some places the depth is clear in the river,
Grass is visible at the bottom.

(A. Fet)

I wait

I'm waiting for the snow to melt
And flies fly everywhere
And they will announce the overgrown shore
Discordant croaking of a frog,
When the lilac blossoms
Fragrant lily of the valley will glance,
And the hot day will be refreshed
Thunderstorm unexpected, blessed.
I'm waiting for the flute in the fields
Suddenly sings unpretentiously,
And her sullen corncrake
He will answer with a shy twitch.
I'm waiting, and the snow is falling harder,
Severe frosts are cracking ...
Oh summer, where are you? Where are the dragonflies?
Where is the vociferous nightingale?

(M. P. Chekhov)

Green Noise

The Green Noise is coming,
Green Noise, spring noise!
Playfully divergent
Suddenly the wind is riding:
Shakes alder bushes,

Raise flower dust
Like a cloud: everything is green -
Both air and water!
The Green Noise is coming,
Green Noise, spring noise!
Like drenched in milk
There are cherry orchards,
Quietly noisy;
Warmed by the warm sun
The merry ones make noise
pine forests,
And next to the new greenery
Babbling a new song
And the pale-leaved linden,
And a white birch
With a green braid!
A small reed makes noise,
Noisy cheerful maple ...
They make new noise
In a new way, spring ...
Goes-buzzes, Green Noise,
Green Noise, spring noise!

(Nikolai Nekrasov)


Spring passed
Along the edge
Through the spring
blue dreams,
And quietly shone
On the girl's face
There was a girl
In a green skirt
Ringing blue dew.
And jealous
redhead girl,
The earth breathed.
And not in vain
On this spring morning
Where light legs
dandelions blossomed,
As if
golden freckles

(V. Orlov)

Raging hollow water

Raging hollow water
Noisy and muffled, and drawn out.
Migratory herds of rooks
They shout both cheerfully and importantly.

Black mounds are smoking,
And in the morning in the warm air...
thick white couples
Filled with warmth and light.

And at noon puddles under the window
So spill and shine...
With the bright warmth of the sun
Bunnies flutter around the hall.

(I.A. Bunin)

All darker and curly birch forest...

The birch forest is getting greener and darker and curly;
Lily-of-the-valley bells bloom in the thicket of green;
At dawn in the valleys it blows warm and bird cherry,
Nightingales sing until dawn.

Trinity Day is coming soon, songs, wreaths and mowing soon...
Everything blooms and sings, young hopes are melting ...
O spring dawns and warm May dews!
O my distant youth!

(I.A. Bunin)

spring thunderstorm

I love the storm in early May,
When spring, the first thunder,
As if frolicking and playing,
Rumbles in the blue sky.

The young peals are thundering,
Here the rain splashed, the dust flies,
Rain pearls hung,
And the sun gilds the threads.

An agile stream runs from the mountain,
In the forest, the din of birds does not stop,
And the noise of the forest, and the noise of the mountains -
Everything echoes cheerfully to the thunders.

You say: windy Hebe,
Feeding Zeus' eagle
A thundering cup from the sky
Laughing, she spilled it on the ground.

(F.I. Tyutchev)

The last snow in the field is melting...

And the blue jar is blooming,
And the cranes call each other.
Warm thunderstorms impatiently waiting;
All springs are warmed by breath,
Everything around loves and sings;
In the morning the sky is clear and transparent,
At night the stars shine so bright;
Why is it so dark in your soul
And why is the heart heavy?
It's sad for you to live, oh friend, I know
And I understand your sadness
Would you fly away to your native land
And you do not feel sorry for the earthly spring ...

(A.K. Tolstoy)


Again in the spring my window smelled,
And breathe more joyfully and freely ...
In the chest, the oppressive longing fell asleep,
A swarm of bright thoughts comes to replace her.

The snows have come down... The fetters of ice
Do not weigh the sparkling waves ...
And the plow is waiting for the distant, dumb
The fields of my native side.

Oh, how would I from these stuffy rooms
Rather, I wanted to go there - to the open space,
Where there are no crackling and soulless phrases,
Where the vitiy of the corrupt choir does not thunder.

To the fields! into the fields! familiar nature
Bashful beauty beckons to itself ...
To the fields! there is the song of the risen people
Free and powerful sounds.

(A.N. Pleshcheev)

Spring (The snow is already melting...)

The snow is already melting, streams are running,
Spring blew through the window ...
The nightingales will soon whistle,
And the forest will be dressed in foliage!

clear blue sky,
The sun became warmer and brighter,
It's time for evil blizzards and storms
Again a long time passed.

And the heart is so strong in the chest
Knocking like it's waiting for something
As if happiness is ahead
And winter took care of!

All faces look merry.
"Spring!" - you read in every glance;
And he, like a holiday, is happy with her,
Whose life is only hard work and sorrow.

But frisky children ringing laughter
And carefree birds singing
They tell me who is the most
Nature loves renewal!

A.N. Pleshcheev)

Requiem for an icicle

Spring came. Streams run.
They murmur, they laugh, they are cheerful ...
And their sharp noses
Icicles hung from the roof.

But here they hang and very
They suffer, they suffer.
They only have evening and night
The runny nose stops.

And in the afternoon again trouble noses.
Merging with the noise of the street,
Not just dripping water
The life of an icicle is leaving.

(T. Gusarova)

About the bug and the spider

He warmed a barrel in the sun,
Soon the worm came out
And behind him is a spider.

The sun hid behind the mountain
And went home
And a bug, and a worm,
And, of course, a spider.

On the thaw again
Tomorrow will be sunbathing
Beetle, worm and spider ...
Will heat another barrel.

(T. Gusarova)


February snowdrifts settled a little,
For a long time there is no December whiteness in them ...
Winter is unlikely to overturn
Their snows, on the eve of spring ...

March will come, under the bright rays
The snow will melt, the trees will come to life...
Snowdrifts will become ringing streams
And the hymn to spring, rejoicing, will be sung ...

(N. Onishchenko)

Winter is leaving

Winter is leaving, away from sorrow.
Spring's messenger, the sun's ray,
Pale, meeting white snow,
What is powerful in refraction.
The arms of the rays are still weak.
March timidly sends messengers,
Pine forest in a prickly dress,
And lace flows from the branches.
Why rush. Squirrel neighbors
Having searched the forest, they run to housing.
The dog Strelka is chasing them
For your territory.
They take off their hats of spruce snow,
But the beast is still hungry.

(L. Volynets)


Spring has more strength every day
It's getting harder and harder for winter to fight it,
And more often in February dreams
The golden sun is woven

Echo ringing fly through the yards
Crazy bird trills,
And to replace the snow and winds
Slowly the drops are coming.

The world awakens from sleep
Lifting heavy weights...
Spring returns to people -
Return to the heart of hope...

(M. Winter)


Spring has come - red and now
He distributes his gifts:
Forest trees and animals
Fluffy white clouds.
Someone leaves and grass
Someone blue sky
I call someone drops,
To someone the cheerful trill of birds,
Someone will change their coats
Someone is caressed by the wind
And warm sunshine
And the first gentle flower.

(M. Piudunen)


There is still snow in the shade
But soon, very soon
It will turn into a stream
By our fence.
And it will be fun to murmur
And wind along the road
And will jump side by side
Happy tit!

(E. Dolgikh)


Spring! And there is so much light in the world
At least play blindfold with the sun ...
Winter in the morning, summer in the afternoon,
Choose the season to your liking!

Like a child's ball under the palm,
The barometer jumps easily...
March gives a coffee spoon
Warm fresh milk.

Spring is a funny girl
And the calendar is not a decree for her,
Frost pinches, spoiled,
Squinting the Sun's bright eye!


The snow got wet and the ice wept -
Winter will end soon.
From dawn to dusk
The miracle tower is melting.

Nature wakes up
How the birch blossomed.
Only with Santa Claus
Things do not go in the spring

(B. Elshansky)


The cat does not hide its face.
March breeds watercolor.
The snow on the roofs is gray crying...
Silently listening to the drops
The sun knits with a thin thread
Openwork under the trees.
The cat lay down like on the beach,

(A. Kalinina)

The starlings have arrived

Updated your outfit again
In the green shoots of the forest,
And we were awakened at dawn
Merry starling voices.
Familiar ringing trills -
We immediately recognized them.
Guys guys
They brought spring on wings!
Birdhouse in the school yard
I fixed it with a friend.
Fly to us in a cheerful flock,
Winged friends!
And we sang this song
And the birds echo us in the distance,
Guys guys
The starlings have arrived, the starlings have arrived,
They brought spring on wings!

(M. Matusovsky)


fragrant acacia blossom,
Trills of birds, spring heat,
Gossamer silver
The musical staff is thick, lively.

The wind gently plays
Silver of the most delicate strings,
It will soar, then it will quietly rise,
It will whisper like a sorcerer.

And the winged herd flies
Notes ringing above the earth,
Above the grass still uncompressed,
Over the enchanting spring!

(K. Josan)

On the wings of spring

Birds sang about spring
about the shine of thawed patches in a clean field,
about willow velvet, about pine
in a golden boyar dress;

About the fact that the snow, running down,
gnawed a window in the ice,
and looks at the bright stalk,
straightening out the sticky fluff.

We do not understand the delight of the rook,
that I haven't seen spring yet,
when on the wings of the song is ringing
I fly holiday dreams.

(Tatiana Maslova-Sherwood)


Bird cherry sprinkles with snow,
Greenery in bloom and dew.
In the field, leaning towards shoots,
Rooks are walking in the band.

The silk grasses will vanish,
Smells like resinous pine.
Oh you, meadows and oak forests -
I'm besotted with spring.

Rainbow secret news
Glow in my soul.
I think about the bride
I only sing about her.

Rash you, bird cherry, with snow,
Sing, you birds, in the forest.
Unsteady run across the field
I will spread the color with foam.

(S. Yesenin)


Us Arctic envious breath,
Again in May it brought coolness and rain.
Fog of bird cherry, their fragrance,
They covered the curve of the earth's chest with lace.

Earth-bride, as in a flower crinoline,
Bloomed in a tulip wreath before the sky.
Lake-eyes smile in the valley.
The coquette kindled the sun in the sky with a glance!

(S. Moskovsky)

Spring came

Willows cry with happiness
Dropping tears to the ground
Spring has come, welcome!
And a branch of birch

She knocks on the windows.
Winter is over!
And a kidney, like a palm,
Everyone wakes up from sleep.

(N. Samoniy)

spring snow

He was beautiful in winter, and in spring
He lost his greatness.
And the sky turned blue
Over its gray expanses.

Snow slides into deep ravines,
Hurrying under the dazzling sun.
So suddenly an unnecessary layer of paper comes off
From a baby decal...

(K. Vanshenkin)

spring motif

Oaks and birches are getting younger,
Green leaves on the branches.
Roses will bloom soon
And grass will cover the lawns.

The gardener paints benches in the park.
The kids, having played out, are naughty.
And the little girl, climbing the hillock,
Somersaulting, it flies in a lump.

Anxious mother's cry.
Mothers of others reproachful sigh.
There are no more beautiful days of flowering in spring!
And games played out crumbs!

Spring in the forest

Desperate cold
Delay melting.
Spring later than usual
But even more unexpected.

In the morning the rooster is amur,
And there is no passage for the chicken.
Turning your face to the south
The pine squints in the sun.

Although it soars and bakes,
Another whole week
Roads are covered with ice
Blackened bark.

In the forest, spruce debris, trash,
And everything is covered in snow.
Water with the sun in half
The thawed patches are flooded.

And the sky is in clouds like fluff
Over the dirty spring slurry
Stuck in the boughs above
And the heat does not move.

(B. Pasternak)


After a winter deep slumber
Disorder on the globe.
So much work before the holiday -
It is necessary to remember spring about everything!
And spring in an emerald scarf
Walks, wanders in gardens and forests
And as a keepsake, knots
Leaves on bare branches.
Day and night she needs to work -
Repaint forests and fields.
It is necessary for the earth to dress up by May,
To make the land beautiful.
It is necessary to clean the sun to shine -
It faded in the wind.
Need to remove the winter curtain
And wash the blue window
To spend the cold outside the gate,
Imperceptibly turn on the streams ...
And this work will end -
And all the knots will be untied.

(To Orlov)


Now the last snow in the field is melting,
Warm steam rises from the earth
And the pure jug blooms,
And the cranes call each other.

Young forest, dressed in green smoke,
Warm thunderstorms are impatiently waiting,
All springs are warmed by breath,
All around and loves and sings ...

(A. Tolstoy)


Spring is a wonderful time.
Earth, shaking off the remnants of sleep,
Trees-hands to the sun pulls,
Afraid: suddenly winter will deceive,
Will return again, and then
The cold will come again.

In a cold shroud will cover everything
And it will cover everything with snow.
So she's in a hurry
Hearing chirping in the distance
Break the chains on the river
Open arms for the birds of the oak forest
And in the white boiling gardens.
And among them, the eyes are flowers.

(L. Ponomareva)

frosty morning

On a frosty morning, the snow sparkles,
Trees look like silver
And lie down with a gentle hoarfrost
Patterns on my window.
Snowflakes in a stormy carousel
They will invite me along
They are like the ashes of heaven
They lay down on the ground and fall asleep.
Everything shines in azure brilliance,
Bullfinches inflated withers
They are like drops of hope.
On the white shroud of the earth.
Frosts and blizzards will pass,
The sun will warm the earth,
And the exciting trills of birds
Flocks of clouds will drive away from the soul.
Everything will bloom, sparkle with life,
The old love will wake up
Drops ringing, ringing trill
Will flow into my heart again.
And life will shine with happiness
And there will be songs in my soul
And all bad weather will dissolve
In blooming, joyful spring.

Merry stream

Rain from the sky
Autumn is pouring
From dawn to dawn.
And the stream runs, laughs
And blows bubbles.

(V. Orlov)


Winter is not without reason angry -
Her time has passed.
Spring is knocking on the window
And drives from the yard.

And everything fussed
Everything forces the winter out,
And larks in the sky
The alarm has already been raised.

Winter is still busy
And growls for the spring.
She laughs in her eyes
And it just makes more noise.

Wicked witch pissed off
And, capturing the snow,
Let go, run away
To a beautiful child.

Spring and grief are few
Washed in the snow
And only became blush
Against the enemy.


Another fragrant bliss of spring
We did not have time to descend,
Still ravines are full of snow,
Still dawn the cart rumbles
On a frozen path

As soon as the sun warms at noon,
The linden blushes in height,
Through, the birch tree turns a little yellow,

And the nightingale does not yet dare
Sing in a currant bush.

But the news of rebirth is alive
There are already in the flying cranes,
And, following their eyes,
There is a beauty of the steppe
With blush bluish cheeks.

(A. Fet)


The willow is all fluffy
Spread around;
Spring is fragrant again
She waved her wings.

The clouds are rushing about,
warmly illuminated,
And again they ask to the soul
Captivating dreams.

Everywhere diverse
The eye is busy with the picture,
Noisy crowd idle
The people are happy about something ...

Some secret longing
The dream is inflamed -
And over every soul
Spring is passing by.

(A. Fet)


Wonderful white cloud
Cherry blossoms under the window.
All fragrant in flowers,
Spring is coming to Moscow.

Blooming white apple tree
Subtle delicate fragrance
spring dandelions
Yellow holiday dress.

Buds filled with juice
And on a fine clear day,
Like the queen of May
The lilac is blooming.

Birds in the gardens cheerful hubbub,
The first butterflies flight
Soon after clear May
The red summer will come.

(I. Butrimova)

spring forest

Oh, how beautiful the forest is in spring
And the fresh scent of leaves
And on the pine trunk like tears
Glittering drops of resin.

Us poplar earrings
They get drunk with a resinous smell.
Forest first flowers
Everywhere our eyes are caressed.

And now the woodpeckers in the thicket of the forest
A merry knock is heard,
And flying over the trees
The May beetle is hurrying somewhere.

Shaggy bumblebee buzzes while filming
Spring gifts from flowers.
Crown trees are blooming
Like marvelous tents.

The fog has melted over the clearing,
Playing with sparks grew up.
Spring is coming, announcing
The whole world is a peal of spring thunderstorms.

(I. Butrimova)

Smell the air in spring

Behind the mountain, at the edge of the forest,
Where last year's snow melted
The sun came out, giving freckles,
The ringing of drops and spring laughter.

Joy flashed prankster ray
And jumped to the forest thawed patches,
Rolled down a melodious stream
To the river, giving her the juice of Spring itself.

The river shook, laughed,
Spilled wide water
And rushed to the awakened fields,
To bring joy with you.

Everything around changed in an instant.
Played with a rainbow of colors.
Life has returned to earth
And the smell of spring in the air.

(T. Lavrova)

Bright May

May rain knocks on the wet roof,
Drumming loudly on the glass.
Sparrows frolic in a dirty puddle,
Rejoicing in the warmth of spring.

The sky in gloomy clouds of dark gray,
And the rain is cleaner than a tear.
And rumbles, gets confused in the willows,
First spring thunderstorm.

Everything is green and colorful.
The air is fragrant and intoxicating.
The rain will pass and the sky is blue
The sun's ray will cut through the gold.

How diamonds shine on branches
Droplets of past rain.
Bright May will color all the dawns,
Bringing joy to our souls

(T. Lavrova)


Spring softly knocked
timidly at first, and then
The strongest thunderstorm broke out,
Washing away the trail of Winter completely.

Washed all the houses, roads,
On the river, the ice floes drove away.
The trees are colorful and strict
Handed out the green outfit.

All filled with fragrance
Giving surprises without end.
And gave joy to people
The warming of the heart.

(T. Lavrova)

Salute to spring

Thunder struck twelve times
And stood aside.
Nature has given orders
Salute the spring.

Order - bird cherry blossom,
Nettles should not be evil
Sweep the paths for the rain
Silver broom.

So that every bush is melodious,
All birds sing louder
And the sun - to come out from behind the clouds
And more fun to warm up!

(Z. Aleksandrova)

May studies

Here the acacia blossoms
Summer is not far off.
Another nightingale sings
From dusk to dawn.
And it's still fresh at night
By morning, dew on the grasses.
This is a sign for us that it has come
Time for haymaking.
And the tart aroma of grass
Invigorates and awakens
The movement is stormy in the blood.
That force-power plays.
If with kindness to the native land,
If we take care of nature
She will reward you and me
To the whole human race.
Pure water and a riot of herbs,
Cheerful song of birds.
Dew born in the morning
Breath of the earth...
How generously poured into the air
And floats above the earth
Slightly intoxicating and intoxicating
Acacia honey...

Spring has come to us

Spring has come and spring waters
Washed the earth, brought freshness.
The snow has melted, over our edges
Ringing in the skies: Spring has come to us!

And the sun in the sky suddenly began to fuss,
Having washed its rays through the cloud-rain,
Crystal scattered, sparkling cute
Rainbow colors, on all streams.

The earth blossomed with flowers as a gift,
The birds are chirping and the beast has woken up
And the clouds do not hang over the mountains,
Winter is gone, the door is closed behind it.


Late spring

Illuminated roof tiles
And warming the pine wood,
Rising higher and higher
Late spring sun.
In pinkish brown smoke
branches not covered with leaves,
The whole is permeated with oblique rays,
The nightingale beats with its wings and sings.
How naturally repeated here;
Laconically slow phrases
Just a small creation
They are sung especially for us!
O beloved deceptions of the heart,
Delusions of infancy!
On the day when the glades turn green,
I have no deliverance from you.
I, like the ancient Copernicus, destroyed
Pythagorean singing of the luminaries
And found it at the core
Only babble and music wings.

(Nikolai Zabolotsky)

After the first days of March, nature begins to come to life, and the time of blossoming leaves is exactly the time when poems about spring for children will help you convey the spring mood to your baby. Kids enjoy reading colorful, simple rhymes about the first drop or tender snowdrops in the forest.

We provide a large selection of spring poems for children that reflect in an interesting way all the events that take place during the long-awaited three months. By memorizing quatrains, children not only develop their memory, but also learn a lot of interesting things about each month of the most beautiful season.

    April! April!

    April! April!
    Drops are ringing in the yard.
    Streams run through the fields
    Puddles on the roads.
    Ants coming soon
    After the winter cold.
    Bear sneaks
    Through thick deadwood.
    The birds began to sing songs
    And the snowdrop blossomed.

    funny ice cubes

    Under the very cornice,
    Above the window
    Climbed into icicles
    Spring sun.
    Sparkling, teardrops run along the icicles ...
    And icicles are melting - funny ice floes.

    spring thunderstorm

    I love the storm in early May,
    When spring, the first thunder,
    As if frolicking and playing,
    Rumbles in the blue sky.

    The young peals are thundering,
    Here the rain splashed, the dust flies,
    Rain pearls hung,
    And the sun gilds the threads.

    An agile stream runs from the mountain,
    In the forest, the din of birds does not stop,
    And the noise of the forest, and the noise of the mountains -
    Everything echoes cheerfully to the thunders.

    You say: windy Hebe,
    Feeding Zeus' eagle
    A thundering cup from the sky
    Laughing, she spilled it on the ground.

    Another week will fly by
    And March will ring a drop.
    April will come for him in flowers,
    And the sun will flood the earth.
    Through the groves, nightingale parks
    Concerts will start again.

    Spring has come in the snow
    On the wet carpet
    Scattered snowdrops,
    She sowed grass.
    Badger families by the deadline
    Raised from the minks
    birch sap
    I gave it to the guys.
    I looked into the den:
    - Well, get up, bear! -
    Breathed on the branches -
    Time to get green!
    Now spring is beautiful
    Calling from all over
    Geese, swifts and storks,
    Cuckoos and starlings.

    Spring is coming

    It was sunny in the morning
    And quite warm.
    The lake is wide
    flowed through the yard.
    Freezing at noon
    Winter has come again
    The lake dragged on
    Glass crust.

    I split the thin
    sound glass,
    The lake is wide
    It leaked again.
    Passersby say:
    - Spring is coming!
    And this is me working
    Breaking ice.

    Spring came

    Buds swell in spring
    And the leaves have hatched.
    Look at the branches of the maple -
    How many green spouts!

    Spring came

    Willows cry with happiness
    Dropping tears to the ground
    Spring has come, welcome!
    And a branch of birch
    She knocks on the windows.
    Winter is over!
    And a kidney, like a palm,
    Everyone wakes up from sleep.

    Spring came

    Spring has come, icicles
    Decorating cornices.
    The streams gurgle fervently,
    Washing snowdrifts.
    Forgetting the frosts of the past,
    Fell sideways without strength
    Tearful snowy
    A melted woman.
    Winter is completely unwell -
    It's time for her to go...
    And the sun in every puddle
    Ready to swim!
    And between the wet snows
    Breaking through windows
    Snowdrops are brave
    They are already on their feet!

    two starlings

    Two starlings flew
    Sat on a birch
    Sat down and sang -
    How they flew, how they hurried
    From overseas shores
    In the land of the native, dear
    To the white birch!

    Spring is coming to us

    Spring is coming to us
    With quick steps
    And the snowdrifts melt under her feet.
    Black thawed patches
    visible in the fields.
    You can see very warm feet in spring.

    Spring has come to us

    If the snow melts everywhere
    The day is getting longer
    If everything is green
    And in the fields the stream is ringing,
    If the sun shines brighter
    If the birds are not up to sleep,
    If the wind gets warmer
    So spring has come to us.

    Spring colors

    Again there are no streams of rest -
    Day and night murmur in the bushes.
    The golden sun is walking
    In pure, pure skies.
    Pours rays on the forest and meadow
    And all the flowers around:
    pink, blue,
    blue, red,
    As one - beautiful,
    Albeit very different.


    The swallow flew away
    For distant lands...
    Come back, swallow!
    April is outside.
    Come back, swallow!
    Just not alone:
    Let with you, swallow,
    Spring is coming!

    spring color

    Spring is in the yard!
    After the bitter cold of winter
    Wakes up from sleep
    All nature. Even puddles
    Will not cover the ice overnight
    Drives the sun away winter!

    Buds swell with juice
    And green leaves
    Soon in the breeze
    They will play! In the meantime
    The colors of the sun by the river
    The lights have appeared!

    All! Frosts are over!
    Mimosas are blooming!

It gets warm in spring.
And the snow is melting everywhere.
And above the green grass
The snowdrop is blooming.
In spring the days are getting longer
And the nights are getting shorter.
And new leaves grow
From sticky sticky buds.
Leaves me in the spring
Bad mood,
And I give spring days
Your poem.

T. Varlamova

Look! On the street Spring!
And everything woke up from a dream!
Cheerful rooks roar,
Streams murmur with ditties!
Look! It's spring outside!
Nature is full of freshness!
In the rays of the azure sky,
Thick ice cracks on the river!
Look! It's spring outside!
Wherever you look, she is everywhere!
Snowdrop hiding in the forest
Shiny freckles on the nose.
Hooray! It's spring outside!
The time has come!
And the puddles are very deep!
And all the boots got wet ...

N. Zhelezkova

The snow has grown old, blackened, but not grief -
He will soon be a noisy stream!
The sun will generously spread its rays,
And the streams will ring, flooding ...
Suddenly forgetting about notebooks and books,
A flock of boys will rush after them ...
And, akimbo, sedately and importantly
My paper boat will sail into the distance ...
I wrote the name myself
The word "Spring" in red letters.

N. Martidi

The blizzards are over.
Dried deadwood in the forest.
The birds have arrived!
A snowdrop bloomed in the grass!
Now it's dawning earlier
And the call of the day, like a tambourine.
The birches have turned white
And there are no scratches on them.
And soon the juice on the branches
Rush, reviving them.
Spring came! Spring came!
Nature is alive again!

E. Arutyunova

Sunshine, solstice!
The sun is calling spring to us.
Warms up, bakes.
He lets his bunnies in.
They jump everywhere.
I rejoice in them like a miracle.
Cap-cap-cap! drops sings.
The whole day - ding-ding!
Brook. The ship is here
A sliver floats in a puddle.
Sparrow chirped:
“Chick-chirp! Already warmer!
“Mur-mur-mur,” the cat sang,
sitting under my window.
And the snowdrop blooms.
Soon the snow will melt completely.

M. Piudunen

Came Spring- red and here
He distributes his gifts:
Forest trees and animals
Fluffy white clouds.
Someone leaves and grass
Someone blue sky
I call someone drops,
To someone the cheerful trill of birds,
Someone will change their coats
Someone is caressed by the wind
And warm sunshine
And the first gentle flower.

A. Ensh

It hasn't been winding for a long time,
All the ice melted into puddles.
And the rays of the sun draw on the face
Perky freckles.
And the birds and animals
We rejoiced together
Beauty Spring.
Green fields.
Oh, how many tulips are in them,
daffodils, dandelions
And little bugs!
Nature wakes up
Washes with dew.
And so easy and joyful
From bird voices!

G. Kruzhkov

Spring came
At the tip of the tail
Who immediately yelled
Loud cat
Spring has come,
Starling rushed
And immediately moved in
To your old palace.
In the bushes on the edge
The nightingale sings
He sings: - Rope
Woe wind!
On the warm slope
Ants are crawling
Warming up in the sun
The backs of their heads.
dragonflies fly
And the flies are buzzing
Taste lettuce
The mice are in a hurry
And they gallop
Stallions in the fields
To know what
The world has ends.

N. Radchenko

By spring on the river
Ice drift, ice drift:
On the water reflection
The sky is floating.
So it seems
Like our river
It doesn’t carry ice floes to the sea at all -
Float away from us
For the forests, for the hills
blue wreckage
Last winter.

O. Oglanova

The sun gently warmed
Snow flows into streams.
Zimushka is so important white
Just a little bit to prolong the days,
But don't get angry Spring,
She understands everything.
Let the snowflakes fly
Still they grow
Let it freeze in the morning
I'll take over everything!
I'll call the birds back
I'll spread the grass.
Everything will be green soon.
Poplars, oaks and maples.
The river will gurgle again
The thunder of spring will thunder.
And great mood
I will share with everyone
So that even for a moment
Sadness did not creep into my heart.
Comes alive in spring
So why be sad with me?!

T. Tarasova

Trills, chimes, chimes, trills, -
So Spring sounds in April.
The sun shines with needles,
at five in the morning the tit sings.
Sparrow's chirping is heard,
here the bee-eater sings in viburnum.
And on the apple branch -
Two magpies restless,
looking in all directions
and rumble, rumble, rumble.
The bright woodpecker was indignant:
- So much noise, like five of them.
Flew to the pine
Looks like it's spring there!

R. Aldonina

funny freckles,
blinding rays,
They play on the edge
transparent keys.
Already curly grass
Soft fluff on branches
And pours from the oak forest
Dense spring spirit.

N. Klyuchkina

Everything has awakened from sleep:
Walks around the world SPRING.
It's like we're blooming
Feeling the arrival of SPRING.
And I wanted to get out
Towards the young SPRING.
I'll drown in the green leaves
And I blame VESNA for this.
Nature breathes only one
Unique SPRING.
A starling perched on a pine tree
Bawling songs ABOUT SPRING.
Tell others about it
And you repeat the cases.

T. Lilo

It snowed and it snowed and it snowed.
Tired. Fell.
And he became a couch potato.
Let him rest!
will come Spring
And he will say to the Snow:
- Here are those on! ..
He immediately gets ashamed
And run with water!

G. Klyuchnikova

They sang under my window
In the morning ringing drops.
This sun smiled
Immediately everything around woke up.
Sparrows on the branches -
I hear the chirping of small birds.
Like snakes, streams
Curl towards the river.
Drip-drip-drip - ringing drops
I like this trill.
The voice is trying Spring,
Waking up from sleep.

L. Likbeza

Spring lingered, all sewing clothes.
Plants waited for gifts with hope.
Acacia is ashamed to stand naked,
It's time to try on a green sarafan.
Lime-delicate dress for linden,
Emerald shirts Spring sewed piles.
Turquoise tunic, earrings - birch,
A brooch of dewdrops - a brilliant rose.
Kustam gave capes and beads,
Flowers offered all the hats to taste.
Throwing a silk handkerchief over his shoulders,
I wove two burgundy ribbons into my braids.

E. Osipova

We all know the season
When it's like freedom
Everything in the neighborhood gets:
Birds come from the south
Streams run, laugh,
And icicles drip-drop pour.
The sun shines brighter in the sky
It's getting hotter every day!
Let's change our coats for coats,
Let's get into light pants.
Soon all the buds will swell,
And flowers will bloom.
She will make everyone happy
long-awaited Spring.

N. Volkova

Animals and birds are excited joyfully,
No one sits still in the spring.
What's the matter?
Where does such excitement come from?
In birds and animals spring replenishment!
Happy cow, pig and laying hen.
But only a passenger car is sad in the garage:
- Everyone has chickens, kittens, lambs,
But where, but where are my machines?
But suddenly she had an idea:
- Now I will create
excellent children I:
After all, there are spare parts in the garage -
Motor, carburetor, belt and pedals...
Here is a proud mother nods to friends,
In single file, the kids leave the house,
Hurry, crushing the green grass.
Their mother leads for the first time
To the gas station!

L. Generalova

I will draw spring rain -
He's like a mischievous wizard
Will arrange a song from a drop,
And the snow will be water.
Wake up the buds on the trees
Flowers, leaves, grass.
And by the most urgent telegram
Let all kids know:
- Guys, I'm a spring rain,
I am the younger brother Springs.
My water washed the sun,
Snowdrops have risen in the forest.
And most importantly - I drove the cold,
The cold winter is gone.
For you I have prepared - l uh and!
Meet! Spring is coming to you!

A. Teslenko

Hello hello,
Coming to us Spring,
Draw it to the bottom
Winter winds.
winter blizzards,
Chase away the frost
For the birds to sing
On the branches of birches
To blossom
delicate foliage,
And dressed up
Grass in the meadows.
For tulips to bloom
And lilacs in the gardens
rainbow fountains
Would make us happy!

Where are you from, Sunshine, looking out suddenly,
Spring snow melted around.
Winter, without giving up, dictates the rights,
But still saying goodbye, she leaves.
March leaves victoriously, capturing,
He laughs maliciously, chilling the spring.
Spring, try! Spring, get busy!
Hide wake up and dress in greenery.
Let the birds chirp and build their nests
And they will sing a ringing song to Spring!

The sun is shining, streams are ringing,
Put on yours soon Spring outfit.
Dissolve the leaves of greenery thick,
Cover the trees in white flowers.
The blue of the sky is higher, the yard is warmer,
And a sparrow soared above the roof itself.
He waited for spring, did not freeze in winter,
Gathered strength, meeting with spring!

O. Karelin

Waking up nature
Raindrops run from the rooftops
The ice was broken in the river of water,
And hurries like a governor
April through the forests and fields.
Hill, smiling at the sun,
Mother-and-stepmother is full.
Making my way through the snowdrifts,
Laughing at winter
Light brings warmth Spring.

T. Vtorova

The sun jumps home
Through the trees, through the bushes,
Catches glare on a lure,
It leads spring!
Earrings bloom on the alder,
And at Sveta and Antoshka,
Katya, Toms and Vanyushki
Cannabis are blooming!

V. Gvozdev

Paths in thawed patches
And in the puddles - clouds.
My cat is on the edge
Licked the sides...
And two steps away titmouse,
Reprisals without fear
Drink melted water
From the puddle, frolicking.
The dog looks good-naturedly
For birds and cats
He barked if needed
But in the heart - kindness.
She flooded
Himself all around.
Everything is happy and sweet
And everyone you meet is a friend.
The sun smiles at them
Waking up from sleep.
It tries its best
On the street - Spring!

A. Golovin

In the sun in spring
The forest world has woken up.
Water flows from green paws,
Drops sing: “drip-drip-drip!”
Under the tree and pine.
Wet snow in a snowdrift!
I can make a lump
I can dump a huge lump,
I want to make a snowman
I will build a tower.
I don't sleep at all at night
I'm still waiting for the arrival of the rooks.
Around from the sun and heat
Water flowed like a river
A stream sang in the snow!
The bear woke up: "oh!" yes "oh!"
Wet moss in his lair.
The bear got free
Let's walk, let's look
And it's a pretty good day!
Sparrow: "chirp-chirp!"
Already he got used to the heat,
He pushes feathers with his beak,
Spring is in a hurry to please
On a wet branch, jump and jump.

N. Stolyarova

Spring conjured,
scurrying everywhere -
drowned, drowned snow,
filled the streams
and dispersed the ice
then green meadows.
From each kidney
cutting leaves,
dressed bird cherry in color,
and then in the woods
fell asleep under the rug
and slept there for a whole year.

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