Girls who attract men. The force that attracts a man and a woman How a man attracts a woman to him



The next step is to develop self-confidence. This is the basic quality necessary for male attractiveness from the point of view of women. You should not behave feignedly - insincerity is easily recognized. You can start with a simple exercise: when talking with, you should not look away. Gradually, shyness and embarrassment will fade into the background.

As women indicate in numerous surveys, the second and extremely important quality is a sense of humor. A man who has achieved an unfeigned girl can be sure of her sympathy. In addition, she will surely share a pleasant experience with her friends.

Masculinity. You may not be as strong as a kettlebell lifter, but you must let your woman know that she has the ability to be weak and fragile.

Women still value good manners, so show off your good manners with ease. Do not use obscene language if you are surrounded by girls. Follow the culture of food and do not forget to give a hand when leaving the transport.

A real man is always responsible for his words, so one of his main qualities is reliability. Do not make empty promises and show women that you are responsible for yourself and your family. A man you can rely on will win the heart of a woman of any age.

Beautiful ladies are oppressed by everyday life and routine. Men who compare favorably with the gray mass undoubtedly attract. Find a quality in yourself that none of the men around you have. Reading, erudition and romance are perfect. Be neat - most women strive for cleanliness and order.

Don't forget generosity. Pettiness is repulsive, especially if it concerns a woman directly. Generosity is akin to generosity, so girls appreciate this wonderful quality in the men of their dreams.
After reading this manual, you will have knowledge not only about what attracts men in women, but also about how to attract these mysterious creatures to you.

Relations between a man and a woman are born thanks to. Nature has a desire for intimacy, which is regulated by physiological and psychological factors. The strong attraction of a woman to a man has its own differences and features. This is very interesting from the point of view of manifestations of female attention to the opposite sex.

What is sex drive

Physical attraction to a person is a whole complex of experiences and emotions based on the biological instincts to reproduce offspring. It is expressed in the desires and aspirations of sexual intimacy with a partner you like. In professional literature, it is denoted by the concepts of "sexual desire" or "".

The direction of attraction depends on two fundamental factors - genetic (set of chromosomes) and psychological. It is based mainly on the instincts that are inherent in man by nature. To them are added individual preferences of the individual and emotional characteristics. Together, these components are the basis for building a love relationship.

ATTRACTION is an instinctive sexual desire directed towards a person of the opposite sex.

Strong physical attraction between a man and a woman is manifested by:

  • the desire to continue the family;
  • get physical and psychological relaxation;
  • achieve pleasure;
  • assert oneself;
  • compensate for the missing areas of life.

The intensity of sensations can be different - from a rarely occurring desire for intimacy to a willingness to have sex for days. What does physical attraction to a person depend on? It all depends on the individual characteristics of the individual, age, the work of the brain and endocrine glands, hormonal levels, upbringing and living conditions.

Features of sexual desire in women

Sexual attraction in women is different from men. In the stronger sex, it is usually more pronounced and depends little on external factors.

Sexual attraction is essential for a relationship

There are other features of the female libido:

  • sexual attraction to a man appears after the formation of affection and love;
  • the level of sensuality depends on the sensitivity and tenderness of the partner;
  • sexual arousal occurs in the process of intimacy, after intimate caresses and stimulation of erogenous zones;
  • attraction increases gradually, weakens slowly after the onset of orgasm;
  • it is more difficult for a woman to start sexual intercourse, a long period of awakening of desire is needed;
  • attraction is regulated by the sex hormone estrogen, and not testosterone, as in men;
  • libido is largely dependent on mood, health status and the menstrual cycle;
  • the increased content of the hormone prolaktika during pregnancy and lactation significantly reduces attraction;
  • hormonal contraceptives and some drugs (antidiabetic, antihypertensive, tranquilizers, diuretics, antipsychotics) can reduce libido;
  • the psychological state plays an important role, the weaker sex is sensitive to stress, tension, conflicts.

The features described are for the average woman. Much depends on the individual.

It is possible to return the extinguished passion, but this already requires conscious efforts from the couple.

Signs of attraction to a man

A strong sexual attraction on the part of a woman usually manifests itself in a number of non-verbal external signs. Some of them appear unconsciously, as a natural reaction to the object of attention, others are used consciously to attract attention.

If a woman is attracted to a man, then she automatically:

  • makes a head movement, raises his face for a better view of the object of interest;
  • straightens hair, revealing most of the face and neck.

To draw attention to yourself and stand out from the crowd:

  • smiling - a man is more likely to approach a less beautiful woman with a smile than to the rest of the fair sex with a neutral face;
  • laughs loudly and loudly;
  • demonstrates a beautiful and slow gait, wagging her hips;
  • takes a beautiful pose - straightens his back, bends in the lower back, crosses his legs;
  • throws a coquettish fleeting glance, with a bashful aversion of the eyes;
  • slightly exposes the shoulder, wrists, knees, neck;
  • plays with hair, braids a braid, twists it on a finger.

Love is, first of all, spiritual intimacy, emotional attraction.

Sexual attraction is fixed by reducing the distance, taking the initiative in getting to know each other, copying the partner's gestures, licking the lips, playing with the chain and rocking the shoe on the toe. If a man is interested, you can talk about mutual sexual attraction, followed by a pleasant end to the meeting.

Attraction to a man: reasons for absence and ways to increase

Loss of sexual desire can be persistent (angedogia - inability to experience pleasure) and temporary under the influence of various factors.

There may be several reasons for this:

  • frigidity - lack of excitability;
  • psychogenic factors - fear of pregnancy, sexual diseases, penetration, injury, bleeding;
  • gynecological diseases, exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • dyspareunia - pain during intercourse;
  • physiological aversion to a partner;
  • pregnancy, breastfeeding;
  • emotional state - fears, depression, nervous tension, fatigue.

Lack of libido for a long time suggests psychological help or treatment from specialists.

The fact that men and women are creatures from different galaxies has been known for many centuries. This is evidenced by thousands of books written, in the storylines of which passions do not subside for a minute - the struggle of calmness and impulsiveness, logic and intuition, restraint and emotionality.

Not a single psychologist can say for sure how such opposite sides can coexist side by side - male and female, yin and yang! But one thing is clear for sure - a man and a woman are made for each other. True, in order to understand this, some representatives of one sex or another need time, and a kind of test of a partner with time, behavior, and a certain strategy.

Women's indifference to a man as a test

It's no secret that women's logic, if it exists, of course, is something supernatural. Sometimes, the woman herself cannot explain to herself the purpose of this or that act, or intention. The fact is that a cruel joke, both with men and women, can be played by their subconscious.

This can be explained as follows - if we can control the consciousness very confidently, and sort all our beliefs according to certain principles, then this business will not work with the subconscious. It periodically reminds of itself by the manifestation of certain unconscious actions.

This fact is directly related to relationships with men. It happens that a woman feels mutual attraction to a male representative, notices mutual interest, but then a number of barriers appear on guard, expressed in doubt:

  • is it reliable enough;
  • How focused is he?
  • whether he is brave or cowardly;
  • whether he can take responsibility.

It would seem, why is this psychological analysis needed and what does it give if the relationship does not promise to be long ?! The fact is that every person is naturally programmed to create a couple.

To continue offspring, as it may sound paradoxical, a woman needs a self-confident male who is able to make responsible decisions and take care of his loved ones. Based on this, a woman resorts to this kind of tricks in order to make sure that her choice is correct.

Women's indifference to a man as a lack of feelings

Often, the meeting of opposite sexes does not contribute to the emergence of the desired spark, which should subsequently develop into a flame of passion. There can be many reasons for this:

  • external unattractiveness;
  • woman's fear of a new relationship;
  • disappointment in men;
  • Well, just a lack of interest.

It is possible to make attempts to win a woman in such cases, but one should not hope for a favorable outcome. In some cases, this will simply anger and disappoint the woman even more.

Perhaps a woman will allow to come down for an insignificant period of courtship in order to amuse her pride, but subsequently it is unlikely that anything will come of it. As they say: “If there is a spark, you can’t hide it, and if not, you can’t imagine it.” Sometimes, men go against the nature of feelings, conquer a woman who experiences absolutely nothing. And in the end they get a wife who does not love in marriage, which will turn his family life into a nightmare.

Why men are attracted to women's indifference

Men, as ingenuous creatures, often do not distinguish between in which cases a woman plays, and in which it is really not worth trying to start a relationship. By nature, a real man is a male, in the subconscious of which purposefulness occupies one of the first places.

And it doesn't matter what the goal is before him. As they say: "I see the goal, I see no obstacles." This is one of a number of reasons why women's indifference attracts men. In such cases, the representatives of the weaker sex are simply a goal for them, to which they must come sooner or later. And often, it does not matter what a woman feels in such cases. This type of men is not particularly interested in what a lady has in her soul - hidden love, indifference or disgust.

Falling in love is another important reason why a man will be drawn to a woman who ignores him. If these are really high feelings, the force of attraction in this case doubles.

Male interest increases, he becomes more determined - “How so, I fell in love, but she ignores me ?!” Male curiosity in such cases knows no bounds, and can be embodied in the most unexpected actions. And all just so that the lady of the heart descends from her throne and pays attention to him.

Wedding or Runaway Groom

And now, at one fine moment, a woman opens the veil of her mystery and feigned indifference, and allows a traveler who has been hanging around her royal palace to look into her heart. And what happens?!

In the first case, the so-called prince will come to visit, see what and how, take advantage of hospitality, and come to the conclusion - oh, why do I need it ?! And so carefully, in reverse and imperceptibly retire from the royal chambers, leaving the chosen bride in bewilderment and sadness.

She will not understand at first what it was - a breath of wind or really someone came into her mansions. And only persistent courtship and fiery speeches of a gentleman from the past will cause a sad smile on her face, and the thought will creep into her subconscious: “I knew it so” ...

The second option is more optimistic. True, here it is worth considering the restrained behavior of a woman who is going to let the “knight on a white horse” approach her. Restraint, accuracy and self-control can play into the hands of both a man and a woman in such cases.

Often, people rush into the pool of passions, not controlling the further flow of events and letting everything take its course. This is where a lot of problems happen that do not lead the couple to anything good. And you just need to learn to control yourself and your emotions. And then, even after many years of living together, a woman will remain a mystery for a man, which he will not get tired of solving.

The opinion of psychologists

According to psychologists, the female tactics of behavior, which manifests itself in an indifferent attitude, is quite justified, since at the genetic level she chooses the most powerful partner for herself, able to achieve what she wants and not deviate from the planned goals.

In such cases, the main thing is to observe the measure so that the man does not give up all his efforts and go home, waving his hand at a promising but inaccessible relationship.

This well-thought-out tactic of conquering the opposite sex fully justifies itself - the prize at the finish line goes to the most persistent and purposeful. And the fans who have left the race will remain with nothing.

Why is this tactic so useful for both sexes?! It's simple, women are given the opportunity to determine the best of the best. Despite the fact that she does not make any special efforts, she simply observes, and, of course, she ignores ...

But a man will have to work hard if he intends to get a lady of the heart. Develop the qualities inherent in nature, acquire the necessary skills to achieve what you want, overcome obstacles, and, in the end, enjoy an obsessive victory!

It is very sad, but today women are increasingly taking the reins of the conqueror into their own hands, thereby keeping a man close to the managerial levers. In this way, they doom themselves to the eternal search for a “real” man, whose role they themselves play, performing the functions of a breadwinner and a conqueror.

In such cases, indifference can be quite justified and real. The woman is simply disappointed and tired of the excessive responsibilities that she has taken on herself. It's not because she wants to, but because she has to.

In such cases, a man at a meeting with a strong woman is simply lost, and cannot choose the direction in which he should move in order to win an independent and self-sufficient woman. And often, they just give up.

All men should remember - no matter how strong a woman is, and no matter how she ignores the male gender, a weak and defenseless girl always lives in her soul, who is waiting for them to come and console her. Indifference is just an imaginary fence from the outside world, behind which a defenseless woman is hiding, waiting for her strong and brave knight.

Artificially created obstacles in the form of a cold attitude are just steps along which you have to climb to the top of the iceberg. For many reasons, few dare to overcome this difficult obstacle. Some are afraid of responsibility, others are afraid of the unknown, and others, at the first difficulties, are simply too lazy to move on.

Winning an indifferent woman is not a task for the weak. And the more a woman is cold to her chosen one, the more she excites his imagination. And so it was, is and always will be. In such cases, hope remains only for endurance, patience, gallantry and perseverance of a man on the way to the intended victory.

What do women want? Why do they like some men at first sight, while others remain unnoticed, as if they merge with the surrounding landscape? But, according to scientists, this happens instantly and on an absolutely intuitive, unconscious level: either a man is recognized by a lady as a potential sexual partner suitable for her, or not. And to change this later can be very difficult, often almost impossible.

What does it depend on and how to increase your attractiveness for the weaker sex? Mir 24 dealt with this issue with the help of psychologists, coaches and personal growth trainers who work with successful men.

Self-confidence is half the battle

Nothing attracts women more than a man's self-confidence: "I know who I am and what I want from life," is read in his eyes. He feels like a master in his world, soberly assesses his strengths and capabilities, consistently achieves what he wants. Only with such a man does a woman feel safe and reach out to him on a subconscious level. “In a woman’s life, as in bed, a man creates an atmosphere, he sets the direction in a relationship,” says psychologist, gestalt therapist Elena Shpundra. - Attraction arises for a man who is confident and unambiguous. He knows what kind of woman he is looking for, he knows what kind of relationship he wants and is not afraid to show a woman that she occupies a significant place in his life.

Want to be sexually attractive to women - pump your confidence! Here's what he advises leader of personal growth trainings Irina Yergina: “Exercise every day: motivate yourself, praise, tell yourself how strong, smart, beautiful, charismatic, athletic, attractive, courageous you are. Can't praise yourself? Hire a specialist! There are a lot of them in this topic, and they will help with pleasure. In the end, just find a person you trust, let him praise you. It can be a friend, mom, dad, sister, bartender, trainer at the gym. Good deeds also help build confidence. He did a good deed - he fixed it for himself. Or just note for yourself mentally that right now you are doing great! It's like in childhood - to collect colored candy wrappers!

Mind and sense of humor

There is a lot of truth in the popular belief that the brain is the sexiest part of a man, psychologists say. It's amazing how much a man's mind is attractive to a woman. Moreover, it is not the IQ of a man that is important to women, not his encyclopedic knowledge, not even higher education. Rather, it attracts a passion for knowledge, a masculine desire to discover new things, to understand the essence of things and events. The mind, as a tool for mastering the world, is what excites the female imagination and delights the ladies. It is important that she be interested in talking to him, arguing, listening to his opinion. If he charms her with his intellect, sexual desire will not keep you waiting, it has been tested many times!

As for the sense of humor, it is an important component of sexuality, closely related to intelligence.

Only self-confident people are capable of joking and feeling relaxed, this is an indicator of inner strength. Weak, insecure people are most often afraid to seem ridiculous.

“What could be more asexual than a man who takes everything literally, does not smile and does not take your jokes? And a completely different thing is a man who can amaze and make a woman laugh. It brings you closer, removes barriers, makes you friends. The coincidence of "cultural codes" is very important here. If the same things confuse you, the path to mutual understanding is open!” Elena Shpundra says.

Vulnerability and sensitivity

In most cultures, men traditionally suppress their sensitivity, try not to show vulnerability. But it is not "reinforced concrete" men that turn out to be sexually attractive to a woman, but those who are capable of dosed manifestations of these seemingly completely non-male qualities. For women, this is a signal that a man is open to her, that she is significant to him. And also confirms his ability to sympathy and understanding, tenderness and care. As if under the outer layer, she sees its depth, connection with the earth, the country, the change of seasons, real naturalness and naturalness. It is truly impressive, captivating, this is something you can fall in love with! It is important that sensitivity in no case should mean helplessness, weakness. This is a very subtle point.

Vulnerability is attractive only if it is combined with the reliability of a man, his ability to master any situation.

Warmth and tenderness

“Male warmth is in caring, and also in some kind of indulgence for women's weaknesses,” says psychologist, trainer Elena Shpundra. – But in condescension, not arrogant, but in understanding the difference between our natures. The ability to hear a woman and give her the necessary emotional response makes a man very sexy.”

And here's what he says Los Angeles-based blogger and journalist, The Huffington Post columnist Erica Jagger:.

“Tenderness is a light kiss on the neck when I wash the dishes, and he passes by. It's when he strokes my knee under the table or cheers me up when we talk to his friends at dinner. When he puts his head on my chest just because it's more comfortable for him to sit next to me and watch a movie. A man who loves touch for its own sake, and not for the sake of sex - that's sexy.

Figure? No style!

A common misconception among men is the misconception that women are sexually attracted to jocks. For the vast majority of women, this is not the case at all. Although appearance is still an important factor influencing the sexual attraction of women. It is here that a purely biological mechanism works: ladies unconsciously choose the most healthy and genetically prosperous father for their potential offspring. A handsome partner with a good classical figure and broad shoulders - this is the ideal basic type, written in the archaic depths of the female unconscious.

The good news is that the boundaries in which a real man can be perceived by a real woman as quite fitting into her standards are very wide. Moreover, for many women, those men who look like her father are more sexually attractive.

Therefore, it is not necessary to strive for ideal proportions. But to keep yourself in relative sports shape and take care of your grooming is necessary. These are the mechanisms that civilization has given to the modern man so that he can look sexy, even if he does not have athletic proportions. The same opportunities include the formation of your own unique style, which is worth working on.

Grooming and own style are the mechanisms of influence that civilization has given to the modern man so that he can look sexy, even if he does not have athletic proportions.

How exactly? That's what it says coach Irina Yergina: “Choose your clothes: your style, your color, your styles. The one that decorates, corrects, emphasizes the best features of appearance. In such clothes, you will like yourself, and therefore most of the women who see you. How to choose your style? Contact specialists, read literature on style, look for advice on the Internet. Now there is so much information that it is quite possible to find the answer to the question in terms of your colors, styles and other things!

High energy level

A high level of sexual energy in men is what attracts women in the first place. That's what the fair sex's brakes fail, their knees tremble and their body gets goosebumps. Psychologists and poets write about it, women themselves admit it. And no one undertakes to clearly explain what this term means, originally from Eastern philosophy. They only clarify that these are not at all special opportunities in bed, and in general "not about that."

This is how they describe it at the everyday level: if there is energy, you are “rushing” through life. I want to do something, achieve something, strive for something. And there are forces to implement it. The person is positive and "charged". In addition, a high level of energy outwardly manifests itself as dignity, self-confidence, self-esteem, charisma, and also as a passionate involvement in some business.

It turns out that material well-being also depends on sexual energy. And this relationship is direct. Even if we do not consider any esoteric theories on the topic of energy attraction of money, sexual energy gives us connections, support in society, success with superiors. And this, in turn, is a trap for money. So the attractiveness of wealthy men in the eyes of women is not a myth. But the secret lies not at all in the commercialism of women, but in the fact that wealthy men, as a rule, have a very high level of sexual energy! It is thanks to this energy that a man, even without being handsome, can attract representatives of the opposite sex to himself.

While others spend time, money and nerves on seducing a girl, other men get everything at once. And if earlier these secrets were hidden from the eyes of mere mortals, now they are available to you.

As you understand, it is really possible to attract a girl without effort. You may find it strange that this is possible. So it's time to talk about...

Why shouldn't you try

90% of men adhere to the standard courtship model, in which they show signs of attention to a girl for a long time, give gifts, endure rejections, go through a bunch of obstacles and, after a few months, finally have long-awaited sex with her. Moreover, it is not a fact that their relationship will be strong: such men usually expect frequent betrayals (of which they are unaware), scandals, misunderstandings and constant attempts by the girl to drive them under an even bigger and fat heel.

And all this happens because the female sex does not experience true sexual attraction to such men.

On the other hand, there are 10% of men who know the most effective seduction model, in which you do not need to spend any money, no effort, no time.

They just confidently approach the girl, do not adapt to her rules of the game (more on that later) and make her begin to feel sexual attraction to them. And girls can easily cheat on their boyfriends (thus 90%) with these 10%, because the first ones do not cause them any attraction or respect.

What to do: stay among the 90% of men and whine about injustice or go to the "golden ten" - you decide.

You see, we were indoctrinated with a completely ineffective courtship model, which leads to the fact that you only become attached to a girl, invest a lot of effort, and in return receive too little.

You must once and for all understand for yourself that trying is not only not worth it, but is strictly prohibited.

Because the if from the very beginning you failed to attract a girl, it means that you just did something wrong. And your extra efforts in the form of courtship, gifts and dinners can only make you lose time, money and nerves. Besides, there is nothing worse than unjustified expectations.

A little later, we will tell you about how to prevent your hopes from coming true.

Don't try to please her!

The main barrier that separates 90% of men from success is the desire to please. In part, those 10% of men also want to be liked. Only the first hope that they will be able to do this due to the fact that they adapt to the ideals of the girl.

However, in practice, it happens that if a guy adapts to a girl, then he never succeeds. Do not try to unravel this phenomenon. Just remember that the main thing - on an instinctive level, a woman is able to feel attraction only to an uncontrollable man. Uncontrollable, not in the sense of a psycho. :) Uncontrollable means one who does not change his beliefs and desires under the influence of her will.

And the more you act right, the worse it will be for you. Because she will feel your desire to adapt to it, and perceive it as a weakness.

On the contrary, try to be ready to lose right away. This will relieve you of emotional stress, and you will begin to communicate with her more relaxed.

Start enjoying the process. Watch how the bad guys behave. Try to do the same. Read some of the articles on our website where we give tips on seduction strategies and try them out.

When you learn to enjoy the process and remove dependence on the result, a lot in your personal life will change.

Believe me, many people on earth are able to risk huge amounts of money, their lives. Therefore, taking a chance on a girl who may not “give” you is a very simple task.

Risk will turn your seduction into an exciting adventure.

Moreover, often you need not just to take risks, but to behave in the exact opposite way. At a time when she will try to subdue you (you will not notice this if you have never been engaged in seduction), you will force her to play by your rules.

Therefore, do not be afraid to do what she would like the least.

Do not fulfill her requests if she asks you for anything. As soon as you help her at least in some way in the initial stages of seduction, you will immediately turn into a convenient friend. And then you can forget about the real sexual attraction on her part.

And most importantly - do not conform to her conditions. For example, if you offer a meeting at a certain place and at a certain time, she may offer her option. In the case when she is really busy (with work), you can agree to her conditions (although even in this case it is quite dangerous). But if she definitely won’t work at the time you suggested and will explain this by another “busy”, then in no case do not agree to her option.

A little later, when you manage to really interest her, you can begin to agree to her terms more often. But not always. And if we are talking about the first stages of communication, then this is definitely not worth doing.

If you can persuade her to your terms, then the seduction will accelerate several times. Checked!

"Syndrome of one woman"

If you have a girlfriend and you consider her special, one and only, then do not rush to conclusions.

When there are too few girls in a guy's life (which is the norm for 80% of men), he begins to value each of them too much. Any even just a pretty young lady becomes a goddess for him.

And it starts to show in his behavior.

It would seem that there is nothing wrong when a man treats a woman like a goddess?

But not everything is so simple: if a man treats a woman this way, then his value (as a sexual partner) automatically falls. She feels that he has few girls (men who do not experience "hunger" will not treat a girl this way), and concludes that this is no accident.

Yes, and the man himself begins to make stupid mistakes caused by the "syndrome of one woman."

How to solve this problem?

The only way: start seducing several girls at the same time.

Each of these girls will think that you are not obsessed with her, and will feel the presence of rivals (which will only warm up her interest in you).

Yes, and you yourself will be more sober about each of them. You will not depend on them emotionally. And the seduction itself will happen quickly.

Mystery romantic model

There is one good way to attract a girl through romance. And we will not talk about ordinary romance (which almost does not contribute to seduction), but about something else.

This method is perfect for those who are used to communicating too well with a girl and caring for them.

Its essence lies in the fact that you arrange an amazing date for a girl, where you talk to her about romantic topics, care for her, give her the brightest emotions and, perhaps, even give a small gift.

And then you disappear for at least 2 weeks.. You should not receive any calls or text messages. You should not be led to her provocative SMS in the style of “If you don’t want to communicate, just say so.” In general, turn on the "Silent" mode. :)

During these 2 weeks, her emotions will eat her from the inside. On the one hand, you arranged for her an amazing date with elements of romance, and she has already prepared for the fact that you will now start running after her. On the other hand, you disappeared altogether. Curiosity will take over, and she herself will begin to write and call you.. You don't answer her first texts and calls. And only then you get in touch again, again you give her bright romantic emotions, again you arrange a grand date and, attention (!) Do not answer her questions about where you were and why you didn’t write anything.

Already on the second date, you can easily have sex with her. However, if the pleasure of the game is more important for you, you can disappear again for 1-2 weeks so that she is waiting to meet you again.

Intrigue combined with romance will allow her to seduce almost effortlessly.

True, at some moments you will want to write to her so much that there is a high probability of “breaking loose” and getting in touch. Of course it's not fatal. But it will be better if you really disappear from her field of vision for a few days.

As you can see, you can really attract a girl without effort. While other guys will spend money, time and nerves, you will put a minimum of effort and get the maximum result.

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