Didactic games for physical education. Card file of games for preschoolers


Card file of didactic games about sports

"Guess the sport."

Target: Strengthen children's knowledge about sports and sports equipment.

Children use sports equipment to name a sport.

"Sports summer and winter"

Target: To consolidate children's knowledge about winter and summer sports.

2 teams. The first group chooses among the cards winter sports, the other - summer sports, and name the sport.

"Olympic Sports"

Target: To form children's knowledge about sports, develop attention, speech, memory, quick wit

Rules of the game :

Children take one playing field, leading all the cards with Olympic sports. The facilitator shuffles the cards and reads the descriptions of the sport in turn. A child who recognizes a sport and finds it in himself raises his hand. The child who closes his field the fastest wins.

"Olympic Sports"

Target: To form children's knowledge about sports, athletes and sports equipment.

On a signal (whistle), children pick up the necessary items for the picture with the image of the sport, and name the sport,sports equipment, athletes.

"Olympic Flag"

Target: Strengthen children's knowledge about b Olympic flag.

Rules of the game : Pick up and assemble the Olympic flag.


Children are given small pictures-fragments and they must find a plot picture from them.

"Sports and Athletes"

Target: To consolidate children's knowledge about sports, athletes.

Of the three sports pictures, you need to choose the appropriate athlete.

"Winter and summer sports"

Target: Strengthen children's knowledge about sports.
There are five pictures on the table, one of them is superfluous, you need to find it.

"Sport games"

Target: Match the sport with the pictogram.Strengthen children's knowledge about sports.
Children remember the sport and the pictogram. Distribute cards to children, read the riddle. A child whose guess shows a pictogram and names the sport.

"Sports Equipment" 3-4 years.


Material: cards with a black and white image of sports equipment and colored parts of these pictures (from 3 to 8 parts).

Rules: The child chooses a black and white picture and overlays the colored parts of this picture on it. After the child collects the picture, he must name the sports equipment that is depicted on it. Complication: Assemble a picture without relying on a black and white image. Explain how the inventory can be used.

Choose according to meaning 3-5 years

Target: To form in children an interest in physical education and sports; introduce children to sports equipment; to teach children to recognize and name sports equipment, determine its purpose; develop thinking, attention, memory, logic.

Material: Playing fields (6 pieces), divided by lines into four cells with the image of sports equipment; small cards with drawings (24 pieces) depicting people involved in various sports.

Rules: An adult distributes large game cards to children, and after mixing small cards, he lays them out on the table with the picture up. Children choose four of the cards that match his sports equipment. You can invite children to name sports equipment and then offer to choose pictures. Cancomplicate the rules, introduce the leader (adult) who, having mixed the cards, shows them to the children one at a time and the child from whom the corresponding field takes the picture. The one who fills the field first wins.

"Show movement" 3-4 years

Target: To form in children an interest in physical culture. To teach children to perform exercises on cards, name the exercise and the position of body parts during the exercises.

Material : Cards with the image of the exercises performed.

Rules: Option 1. The teacher shows the cards to the players, and the players must perform the movement depicted on them.

Option 2. Each player receives a card. Then the players stand in a circle and alternately show the received task, while others repeat.

Complication: Players must name the position of the body parts (arms to the sides, legs apart, hands on the belt, etc.)

"Cut pictures" 4-5 years

Target: repetition and consolidation of children's knowledge about sports; develop thinking, attention, memory, logic.

Material: Pictures cut into 4-6 parts depicting sports.

Rules: Players receive cut pictures and start collecting them. The first person to collect the picture wins. After that, the players name the sports that are depicted in their pictures.

Complication: For children 5-7 years old, cut the pictures into different geometric shapes.

"Sports equipment" 3-6 years

Target: to form in children an interest in physical education and sports; to teach children to recognize and name sports equipment for winter and summer sports; develop attention, memory. Material: Game cards depicting sports equipment (4 types of equipment on one card) and cards for them.

Rules: 1-4 people play. Each player takes 1 game card, which depicts various sports equipment. The driver takes out a card with the image of some inventory from the pile, names it and shows it to the players. The one who has the same picture on the game card closes it with this card. The player who closes his game card faster wins. The one who closed the entire map should name all the equipment and say it belongs to winter or summer sports.

"Sports Lotto" 3-5 years

Target: To form in children an interest in physical culture and sports. Strengthen knowledge about sports. Develop thinking, attention, memory, logic.

Material: box, 4 A4 size cards with 6 sports on each. 24 pictures 10x10 cm.

Rules: 5 people can play the game at the same time (four fill out the cards, and one is the leader). The host (at first it may be an adult) takes one picture, shows it to the children, and says: “This is basketball. Here you need to throw the ball into the ring. Which one of you has the same picture? Children look for a similar picture on their cards. The child who has the same sport takes the picture and puts it on his card.

Complication: the child names the sport, what the athlete does, what he wears, what equipment he uses.

"Which color?" 3-5 years.

Target: To form in children an interest in physical culture. To consolidate with children the knowledge of the primary colors: red, yellow, blue and green.

Material: 4 flying saucers, 8 cubes, 8 small balls (two primary colors). Rules: 4 children can play the game at once. Plates are placed in a row on one side of the group. On the other side - put cubes and balls.

The child takes two objects of different colors (a red ball and a blue cube). He runs to the plates, names the color and puts the objects in the plates of the corresponding color: a red ball in a red plate, blue in a blue one. Then the second player runs, and so on. The winner is the one who correctly and quickly names the colors and arranges the objects. The items are transferred to the other side of the group and the game is repeated.

Complication : children take objects on the instructions of an adult.

Game option: children take objects of the same color and carry them in one plate (one child - all blue objects, the other - yellow, etc.)

"Fashion designer sportswear" 4-7 years old

Target: To form in children an interest in sports. Continue to acquaint children with sports, sportswear and sports equipment. Expand children's horizons, imagination.

Material: planar images of dolls - a boy and a girl, blank sheets of paper, pencils, felt-tip pens, scissors, pictures depicting people in sportswear. Rules: to offer children, on carved figures of a girl and a boy, to create a designer collection of sportswear. This game contributes to the development of perseverance, the development of imagination, the preparation of a hand for writing, the development of interest in various sports.

"What an athlete needs" 4-7 years.

Target: To form in children an interest in physical culture and sports. Introduce children to various sports. Develop thinking, attention, memory, logic.

Material : 36 cards for 12 sports (horse riding, cross-country skiing, running, hockey, golf, chess, tennis, gymnastics, basketball, water polo, mountain climbing, cycling).

Rules: 2 - 4 people participate in the game. All cards are laid out in the middle of the table. The host shows any card with the image of an athlete (for example, a hockey player). Players must guess what sport this athlete is engaged in and pick up two cards with sports equipment. So, for a hockey player, it will be a stick with a puck and skates. The first players to find the right cards attach them to the leader's card. If the castles matched, the choice was made correctly and the players take the cards for themselves. Then the facilitator shows a new athlete card, etc. The player with the most cards wins.

Complication: The facilitator does not show the card, but only describes it. And when all the cards have been found, the players can test themselves by connecting them to the leader's card.

Game option: "WHICH ITEMS?" - the presenter shows a card with the image of the subject. For example, a ball. Players must guess who owns this thing and find a card with a picture of a basketball player. The one who first finds the right card takes it for himself. Players then look for the second ring card. The one who finds it first also takes the card for himself. When summing up, two points are awarded for a card with the image of a person, one point for things. The player with the most points wins.

"Would you like to be an athlete and why?" (word game) 4-7 years.

Target: To form in children an interest in sports. To teach children to answer the question posed, to develop the skills of the correct grammatical structure of speech, to develop coherent speech.

Rules: This is a game, the didactic content of which lies in the fact that a task is set before the children and a situation is created that requires comprehension of the subsequent action. “Would you like to be an athlete and why?”, “What would it be?..”.

"Find a place" 4-7 years.

Target: to form in children an interest in physical education and sports; learn to build and rebuild according to a schematic image, exercise orientation in space, as well as in relation to oneself.

Material: cards with a schematic representation of construction types.

Rules: 4-8 people play. The teacher or, chosen by the counting rhyme, the leader of the children shows the cards. Children should line up according to the construction schemes shown. Complication: increase the number of cards, complicate the construction methods (use colors in the schemes: blue - boys, red - girls).

"Sports domino" 4-5 years.

Target: to form in children an interest in physical education and sports; teach children to recognize and name sports; develop memory, logic, thinking.

Material: playing cards (24 pieces) with the image of sports (two pictures on each card).

Rules: Play 2 - 6 people. First, the cards are placed face down on the table. Each player chooses any cards for himself, so that everyone has an equal number. The player with the double picture card goes first. He places the card in the middle of the table. If several players have a card with a double picture, then the first player is chosen by the rhyme. Next, the players move in turn, placing cards to the right and left of the first, putting the same picture of the other card to the picture of one card. If the player (whose turn) does not have a card with the desired picture, then he skips the move. The winner is the one who does not have a single card left (or there will be the least of them).

"Name the Athlete"(with a ball).

Target: Strengthen children's knowledge about sports and athletes. Develop children's speech.

The teacher alternately, throwing the ball to the children, asks to continue the phrase:

Football is engaged in ... a football player.
Gymnastics is engaged in ... a gymnast.
Biathlon is engaged in ... a biathlete.
Basketball is played by ... a basketball player.
Tennis is engaged ... a tennis player.
Golf is engaged ... golfer
Volleyball is engaged in ... a volleyball player.
Swimming is engaged in ... a swimmer.
Boxing is engaged in ... a boxer.
Athletics is engaged in ... an athlete.
Chess is played by ... a chess player.
Fencing is engaged in ... a fencer
Hockey is engaged in ... a hockey player.
Wrestling is engaged in ... wrestler.
Cycling is engaged in ... a cyclist


1 - what transport can you use to go to the Olympic Games?

2 - Guess the riddle. This horse does not eat oats

Instead of legs - two wheels.

Sit on horseback and ride it

Just better drive. (Bike)

3 - is cycling a winter or summer sport? Picture.

4 - the game "4 extra": fruits - tea - porridge - lemonade

kefir - milk - yogurt - pepsi-cola

apple - pear - plum - ice cream

5 - come up with your own dance.

6 - Charging. complete the drawing task.

7 - Guess the riddle: I have two horses, Two horses.

They carry me on the water.

And the water is hard

Like a stone (Skates). Are they needed for the Summer Olympics?

8 - What is the name of the game in which athletes score a ball into the opponent's goal?

9 - bounce like a ball 5 times.

10 - what is the name of the athlete who defends the goal? (goalkeeper)

11 - what sports games can you play in summer?

12 - Guess the riddle. When April takes over

And the streams run, ringing,

I jump over it

And she - through me (jump rope). -

measure the length of the rope (put it on the floor and walk in “Lilliputian” steps, how many are there?)

13 - what equipment do you need for diving? (swimsuit, swimming trunks, mask, breathing tube).

14 - How many rings are on the Olympic flag? (5).

Congratulations! You're a winner!

"Physical equipment" 3-5 years

Target: to form in children an interest in physical education and sports; to teach children to recognize and name equipment for physical education, to determine its purpose; develop thinking, attention, memory, logic.

Material: the set includes cards with the image of sports equipment (8 pieces) and large cards with the image of all sports equipment in a different order.

Rules: The child lays out the cards according to the model proposed on the large card in the same order. After the child collects the picture, he must name the inventory that is depicted on it.

Complication: Tell and show how you can use this inventory.

Multi-colored exercises "Show movement" 5-6 years.

Target: to form in children an interest in motor activity; to consolidate and improve the ability to perform physical exercises and basic types of movements. Material: Playing dice with colored sides (faces of the dice: red, blue, yellow, green, white and multi-colored). Playing field: the playing cells are painted in four colors, each cell represents a movement exercise. Chips by number of players. Rules: Adventure game. Play from 2 to 8 people. Players take it in turns to roll the die and make a move forward by the color that fell out. White color - skipping a move, multi-colored face - choose any color from those ahead (but no more than 4 counts ahead). Then the players perform the exercises that 18 are shown in the picture where their chip stopped. The one who passes the playing field first wins.

"Physical culture chamomile" 5-6 years.

Target: to form in children an interest in physical education and sports; teach children to recognize movements according to the scheme, name and perform them; collect chamomile according to the types of movements and depending on the physical education equipment used. Develop attention, logic, speech, ingenuity.

Material: 4 cut daisies: the middle with a schematic representation of a person and an object, and petals (6 pcs.) with an image of the use of this object. Types of exercises: exercises with the ball one person; exercises with the ball 2 or more people; hoop exercises; jump rope exercises.

Rules: 1 option: the child collects daisies on his own. Option 2: children for distillation collect daisies. 3 option: each child has a center, an adult shows a petal with a movement, a child whose corresponding center performs a movement and, if correct, receives a petal. The winner is the one who, without errors, was the first to collect a chamomile ball on the bench, jump over the rope (rope, line), toss and catch the ball.

"Who needs what?" 5-6 years

Target: to form in children an interest in physical education and sports; introduce children to sports; to teach children to recognize and name athletes and sports facilities, to develop the ability to analyze and generalize; develop creative thinking and imagination.

Material: cards with the image of sports facilities (11 pcs.): hockey rink; tennis court; football field; basketball playground; rink; sector for jumping; Volleyball Court; gymnastic platform; Treadmill; swimming pool; cycle track. Cards with the image of athletes (11 pcs.)

Rules: 1 option: one player independently lays out the athletes to the appropriate sports facilities and correctly names them. Complication: you can do it for a while.

Option 2: played by 2 or more players. The leader sorts the cards into pairs and divides them equally among the players. On command, the players must arrange the athletes to the appropriate sports facilities, the winner is the one who did faster and correctly named.

"Sports memorial" 5-7 years

Target: continue to introduce children to various sports. To consolidate knowledge: winter, summer sports. Activate speech, attention, memory, speed of reaction, logic.

Material: paired cards with the image of sports.

Rules: 2-5 people play. Cards are laid out on the table (face down), which depict sports. Children take turns flipping over 2 cards, name which sport is depicted. If the images of the cards match, then the child takes them for himself and makes another move. If the cards do not match, then the cards are turned face down and the move goes to the next player. The one with the most pairs of cards wins. Complication: increase the number of cards, say the name of the athlete who is involved in a particular sport, name the necessary equipment.

Can be done on different topics: sports, equipment, sports facilities, exercise, healthy lifestyle and so on

"Sports cube" 4-7 years

Target: to form in children an interest in physical education; to consolidate the ability to perform movements according to a schematic image, to exercise orientation in relation to oneself, to promote creativity. Activate speech. Material: a cube with interchangeable cards depicting physical exercises (familiar to children). Rules: 1-6 people play. The child throws a cube with the image of exercises, names the movement that has fallen out and its execution. All players repeat the movement. The cube then passes to the next player. Complication: change cards with exercises for more difficult tasks.

"Olympic flag" 5-7 years.

Target: to form in children an interest in physical education and sports; to consolidate children's knowledge of the Olympic flag; develop attention, memory and fine motor skills.

Material: a split mosaic and a picture - a sample of the Olympic flag, a stopwatch.

Rules: children are told about the Olympic emblem - these are five multi-colored rings intertwined, symbolizing the friendship of the five continents of the Earth, that is, all the peoples of our planet. After all, when the Olympic Games began, wars stopped and everyone could measure their strength in peaceful sports. The blue ring is Europe, the black one is Africa, the red one is America, the yellow one is Asia, the green one is Australia. When this emblem is depicted on a white cloth, it is called the Olympic flag. It is raised during the opening of the Olympic Games. Children take turns (or at will), using a picture - a sample, collect the Olympic flag and tell everything that they remember about it. Complication: children collect the flag from memory.

1 option "Who quickly?" - children collect the Olympic flag in turn, and an adult marks the time with a stopwatch. Whoever uses the least time wins.

"Name and tell" 5-7 years.

Target: to form in children an interest in physical education and sports; introduce children to sports in which the ball is used; develop children's attention, memory and general outlook.

Material: cards 10 x 15 cm with the image of sports: volleyball, basketball, handball, football, water polo, horse polo, rugby, baseball, tennis, table tennis, bandy, golf, bowling, billiards, rhythmic gymnastics, shot put .Preliminary work:children are asked to name the sports in which the ball is used. There are team, pair and individual sports, winter and summer. They use balls of different sizes, shapes and weights. Only a ball or other equipment may be used. For example, a gate, a ring, a club, a racket, a bat, skittles, horses, a pool, a net (volleyball, table tennis) and more. In team games, there are two teams that compete against each other. For example, basketball, football, volleyball, handball, water and horse polo, rugby, bandy, baseball. In individual - athletes fight one at a time. For example, performance with a ball in rhythmic gymnastics, shot put. In pairs: golf, tennis, table tennis, billiards. Each game has its own rules, its own level. Some are played just for fun, others even at the Olympic Games.

Rules: Place the cards face down in the middle of the table. Children choose one of them and take turns telling everything they know about this sport. Then other children are allowed to add something. The winner is the one who spoke more fully about his sport. Complication: Children are offered to show (imitation) movements characteristic of this sport. Draw the equipment needed for this sport. Come up with a new sport, name it.

"Charging by pictures" 5-6 years.

Target: to form in children an interest in physical education and sports; teach children to independently perform general developmental exercises, based on the image. Material: cards depicting general developmental exercises that are laid out in the complex of morning exercises.

Rules: This game is best played with a group of children. Numbered cards with the image of general developmental exercises are laid out in front of the players. The first player chooses a card with number 1, carefully looks at the image and performs an exercise for a score of 1-2 (1-4). Then the second player chooses the card with number 2, and so on. (The number of repetitions of one exercise is regulated by an adult)

"More movement" 5-7 years.

Target: to form in children an interest in motor activity; to consolidate children's knowledge about how to perform the main types of movements and their names.

Material: 5 cards, each of which depicts a type of movement (walking, running, jumping, throwing, climbing). A variety of physical education equipment and equipment that will help in performing a variety of movements.

Rules: Players are divided into two or more teams. The player of the first team draws one card, and the game begins with the movement that is shown on the card. For example, if the card shows walking, then the players of the first team agree on what type of walk they will show and perform this type of walk, and the players of other teams must determine the name of this movement. Then the next type of walk is performed by the second team, and so on. The game continues until all types and ways of walking are named and shown. The second team then draws the next card with a different move and the game continues. For each correctly shown, correctly named movement, the team receives a point; the team that fails to show movement loses one point. At the end of the game, points are counted and the winning team is determined.

"Gaming laptop" 4-7 years.

Target: to form in children an interest in physical education and sports; familiarize with sports equipment; develop logical thinking, visual attention, coherent speech, memory. Material: cards with the image of sports equipment and "Gaming laptop". "Gaming laptop": a cardboard box with a hinged lid. On the cover-screen there is a transparent pocket for interchangeable cards with the image of sports equipment. Holes for ping-pong balls are made in the horizontal part of the box - this is the “keyboard”. The balls rotate freely in the holes. On each ball is the designation of the sign of the object: the top row is the color, the bottom row is the shape. The number of balls in a row and the rows themselves may be greater. Possible options for the rows: color, shape, number of equipment shown, what kind of sport (summer, winter, team, single, winner determination).

Rules: Children are invited to talk about sports equipment. The child composes his story using the symbols that are depicted on the "keyboard buttons". Sample story: The picture shows ..., ... colors, in quantity ..., resembles in shape ... This is equipment for ... (sport). This is a (winter, summer) sport, (single, team) sport, the winner is determined by ... (points, time, distance).

"Guess the description of sports games" (word game) 6-7 years old.

Target: to form in children an interest in physical education and sports; consolidate knowledge about sports games. Rules: The children are partially told the rules of any sports game, the child must guess from the description what kind of game they are talking about. For example, “To conduct this game, you need a field sown with grass, if the children find it difficult, we continue the description yes until they say the correct answer, gates are placed on opposite sides of the field, etc.” (football). The one who gives the correct answer the fastest wins. You can give a description not only of sports games, but also of any other sports.

"Assemble the pyramid" 5-7 years.

Target: to form in children an interest in physical education, sports; to give children an understanding of what leads to athletic success. Material: pyramid cut into 6 horizontal stripes. Each strip is cut into several parts. On these parts there are images of the daily routine (1st row), diet (2nd row), physical education (3rd row), a child training independently on a walk (4th row), athletes in training (5th row), a pedestal (top).

Rules: invite children to fold the pyramid and see the path to high achievements, which begins with the implementation of the daily routine, proper nutrition, and training. This is what is essential for achieving victories in sports.

"Relay races" 6-7 years.

Target : Maintain children's interest in physical culture; develop the ability to organize games, use the role of a leader; develop thinking, attention, memory, logic, speech. Cultivate initiative. Develop in the game ingenuity, the ability to independently solve the problem.

Material: Playing fields (3 pieces), divided by lines into nine cells depicting various relay races; small cards with drawings of identical relay races (27 pcs.).

Rules: Number of players: 1 or 3.

1 option: one player independently chooses and lays out small cards with drawings of identical relay races, tells how the relay race goes. Complication: you can do it for a while.

Option 2: 3 players play. The facilitator gives the children one playing field each, then shows small cards with relay race drawings and the children, who first learned correctly, put them on their field, the one who quickly collects all the cards in his field and correctly explains the relay wins. Relay races can then be performed at a physical education lesson.

"Come up with a relay race" 6-7 years.

Target: Maintain interest in physical culture; develop the ability to organize games, use the role of a leader; develop thinking, attention, memory, logic, speech. Cultivate initiative, creativity, imagination. Develop in the game ingenuity, the ability to independently solve the problem.

Material: cards depicting different stages of the relay race: “start” (8 pcs.), “completion of the task” (there) (17 pcs.), “landmark” (8 pcs.), “completion of the task” (back) (12 pcs..).

Rules: Number of players from 1 to 8.

1 option: one player independently invents and lays out the relay cards from the cards, tells how they are passed.

Option 2: several players play, children independently invent and lay out relay race cards from cards, tell how they go. The received relay races can then be tried to be performed in a physical education lesson.

"Charbol" 5-7 years.

Target: to form in children an interest in motor activity; develop the ability to navigate in specially created conditions.

Material: A box with holes in the bottom. Below, to the holes, meshes are attached. Each hole has its own numerical value - points. ping pong ball.

Rules: 1 option.The player leads the ball, tilting the lid, towards the hole. For each hit, the player receives points, which determines the numerical value of the hole.

Option 2. You can use cards with mathematical examples. The player must count the example, and then bring the ball to the hole with the corresponding numerical value.

3 option. The game uses cards with images of different sports, on the back of the cards are written the numerical designations of the holes. Several cards with the image of sports are laid out in front of the player. The facilitator defines one of these sports without pronouncing its name. The player must guess the name of the sport. If he guessed right, then he takes a card, looks at the numerical designation, and tries to drive the ball into the hole with the same number. The game can be played as a competition between individual players or teams. For each correct answer, the player (team) gets 1 point, and if the player hit the ball in the right hole, he gets an additional one more point.

"At the stadium" 6-7 years.

Target : to form children's interest in physical education and sports; repeat and consolidate children's knowledge of athletics.

Material: The playing field (the image is an athletics stadium with athletes), dice, chips by the number of players.

Rules: Number of players: 2-4 people. Players take turns rolling the die and moving the token forward as many moves as the die shows. The task of the players is to reach the "finish". The one who does it first wins. Once on the circle with a blue dot, the player must describe and name the sport. Tell us what sports equipment is needed. If the player cannot give the correct answer, then he skips the next move.

"Light the Olympic Flame" 6-7 years old.

Target : to form children's interest in physical education and sports; coding of practical actions by numbers; introduce children to the Olympic movement.

Material: The playing field, presented in the form of a ladder to the Olympic flame. Chips, spinning top with four sides (number 1, number 2, red, black). Pre-Work: Talk to the children about the Ancient Olympics.

Rules : 2 athletes participate in the game. They take turns spinning the top. A roll of 1 means going up one step; drop 2 - climb two steps; falling out of the red edge - climbing three steps, falling out of the black one - lowering down two steps (the athlete dropped the torch or stumbled). First, the athletes are located on the main site and rotate the top in turn. If the athlete was standing on the launch pad and the black line falls out to him, then he remains in place. Six steps lead from the main platform to the first rest area, 23 more steps lead from the first rest area to the second rest area; from the second recreation area to the Olympic cauldron, you need to score 16 points. When an athlete reaches the Olympic cauldron. Then he needs to score four more points to light the Olympic flame. The first person to light the Olympic flame wins.

Complication: Questions can be asked at every stop. 1. Name your favorite sports. 2. Where were the first Olympic Games held? (in Greece at Olympia) 3. What was the name of the only type of competition? (running) 4. What sports have been added? (wrestling, fisticuffs, chariot racing, long jump, javelin and discus throwing). 5. What were the winners awarded with? (wreaths of olive branches cut from a tree with a golden knife). For each correct answer, the player gets the right not to go down. If he gets black.

"Guess what they guessed" 6-7 years.

Target: to form in children an interest in physical education and sports; continue to acquaint children with various sports, sports equipment. Activate speech, attention, memory, speed of reaction, logic. Encourage motor creativity.

Material: a playing field divided into 16 cells (4 in each row). Each cell has an image of sports equipment.

Rules: 1-4 people play. The host thinks of some kind of sports equipment depicted on the playing field (example: there are pins to the right of this item, a scooter to the left, a ball to the bottom). The players look at the card and guess the object. The one who guessed must name this item, say in what sport it is used.Complication: 1 option- make the child lead 24.

Option 2 - after the item is guessed, you should name this inventory with the numerals 2 and 5 (for example: 2 balls, 5 balls)

3 option - at the end of the game, the children take the available sports equipment and show movements with it.

"Repeat!" (word game) 5-7 years.

Target : to form children's interest in physical education and sports; consolidate children's knowledge about different sports; develop memory, ingenuity, attention.

Rules: Children sit in a circle and the first one names a sport, for example, swimming. The next one repeats: “Swimming” and from himself adds the name of another sport, for example, “Gymnastics”. The third player repeats: "Swimming", "Gymnastics" and adds his sport. And so every next player. If someone fails to repeat the names of sports or mixes up their order (the educator monitors this), he is eliminated from the game. The list of sports is growing. It's getting harder and harder to remember. One by one, the guys drop out of the game. The one with the best memory wins.

"We are athletes" 5-7 years.

Target: to form in children an interest in physical education and sports; develop static balance in children; consolidate knowledge of sports; to promote the formation of creative imagination and motor experience in children.

Preliminary work:repeat sports with children.

Rules: on a signal: “Athletes, run march!” children scatter around the hall in loose. On a signal: “One, two, three, athletes, freeze!” - everyone stops and freezes in a position by which it is possible to determine what kind of sport the athlete is engaged in. An adult (or leader) quickly passes through the hall, and the children name which athlete they portrayed. When repeating the game, the children pretend to be another athlete.

Complication: name the sport first, and then the athlete who practices it. For example, high jump - jumper, volleyball - volleyball player.

"Answer Quickly" 5-7 years.

Target : to form children's interest in physical education and sports; to consolidate and improve in children the ability to catch the ball with both hands, without pressing it to themselves; develop a general outlook, memory, speed and flexibility of thinking; test children's knowledge of sports.

Material: ball.

Rules: children are built in a semicircle. The driver is in the center with the ball in his hands. He throws the ball to each child in turn. The child catches the ball, names the sport and throws the ball to the driver. If the player could not name the sport, he takes a step back or leaves the game.Question options:- Name any sport. - Name winter (Olympic) sports. - Name summer (Olympic) sports. - Name team sports. - Name sports where an object similar to a ball is used.

"Football for kids" 3-7 years.

Target : develop the respiratory system of the body; teach children to breathe correctly: inhale through the nose, exhale through the mouth.

Material: a field for the game - a box of sweets, a gate made of cardboard 10x10, a lid from yogurt or from Kinder Surprise. A circle is drawn in the center of the field, a cap in the center.

Rules: one or two children can participate in this game. In turn, the children, exhaling air through their mouths, blow the lid into the opposite gate from the center of the field. The complication in this game is to install the cover at different points of the playing field

Olga Shkrebko

I study at the Pedagogical College at the correspondence department. This semester we are going through a new subject "Theoretical and methodological foundations of physical education and development of children of early and preschool age." For homework on this subject, the teacher gave the task to come up with didactic game. Suggested several topics choice: "Olympics 2014", « Sports» , "Healthy lifestyle". I chose a topic « Sports» .

Didactic game- an active type of learning activity, the game aimed at the education and development of children.

The purpose of my game is to introduce children to some types of sports, sports equipment to replenish the child's vocabulary with new words. The game includes methodological support, pictures with views sports, pictures with objects. The game designed for older preschoolers

All game materials are best laminated. Hope my the game will be pleasant and useful for working with children

Didactic game

« Sports»

Age from 5 years

Target: to introduce children to the types sports; sports equipment; replenish the child's vocabulary with new words; creating motivation in children to engage in physical education and sports;


Introducing children to different sports;

Development of positive motivation for classes sports and introduction to a healthy lifestyle;

Expansion of the motor abilities of the child, due to the development of new movements;

Enrichment with knowledge in the field of physical culture and sports;

Formation of interest in a particular species sports.

Enrich and systematize children's knowledge about species sports;

Develop logical thinking;

Develop the speech of preschoolers;

Form the need for a healthy lifestyle.

Estimated result:

Learn to navigate in different ways sports;

Development of positive motivation for classes sports;

Expansion of motor abilities of children due to the development of new available movements;

Formation of interest in certain species sports;

Develop confidence in your abilities.

Game progress.

Choose the right pictures for each type sports. Name what is on it. Explain why this picture.

Football - team view sports in which the goal is to kick the ball into the opponent's goal with the feet or other parts of the body (except hands) more times than the opposing team.

History of football

Games similar to modern football have existed for a long time among different peoples. The birth date of football is considered to be 1863, when the first Football Association was organized and rules similar to modern ones were drawn up.

Rules of the game

Separate football the game is called a match, which in turn consists of two halves of 45 minutes. The pause between the first and second halves is 15 minutes, during which the teams rest, and at the end of it they change goals.

in football play on grass or synthetic turf. The game is played by two teams: in each from 7 to 11 people. One person per team (goalkeeper) maybe play hands in the penalty area at his goal, his main task is to protect the goal. The rest of the players also have their own tasks and positions on the field. Defenders are located mainly in their own half of the field, their task is to counteract the attacking players of the opposite team. Midfielders operate in the middle of the field, their role is to help defenders or attackers, depending on the game situation. Forwards are located mainly in the opponent's half of the field, the main task is to score goals.

The goal of the game is to score the ball into the opponent's goal, do it as many times as possible and try not to allow a goal into your own goal. The match is won by the team that scores more goals.

If during two halves the teams scored the same number of goals, then either a draw is recorded, or the winner is revealed according to the established rules of the match. In this case, additional time may be assigned - two more halves of 15 minutes each.

Hockey is a very exciting, spectacular view. sports. Hockey is a game sports.

Hockey sports team game with clubs and a puck on a special ice platform. The goal of the game is to score the puck into the opponent's goal. The team that scores more goals wins the match.


It is a rectangle with a flat ice surface.


Much attention is paid to hockey equipment. Athletes take care, in order to protect yourself as much as possible from painful blows of the puck and stick, from blows in a collision with another player, from falling on board. The player's equipment is from: hockey stick, skates, helmet and visor, shields (knee and elbow pads, bib (shell, shoulder pad, gloves (gaiters, mouth guard) (device for preventing tooth injury, throat protection (collar).


Usually 20-25 players from one team come to the match. The minimum and maximum number of players is determined by the tournament regulations. Six teams must be on the field at the same time. players: five field and one goalkeeper.

Game duration.

An ice hockey match consists of three periods of 20 minutes of pure time. Breaks between periods last 15 minutes.

Judges. A hockey match is officiated by a referee team consisting of three or four referees. One or two umpires are called head umpires, the other two are called assistant umpires, or linesmen.

Skis - a device for moving a person through the snow. They are two long wooden or plastic planks with pointed and curved toes. Skis are attached to the legs with the help of bindings, at present, special ski boots are required for the use of skis in most cases. On skis, they move using their ability to glide on snow.

Ski sport, includes cross-country skiing, ski jumping, biathlon, alpine skiing sport, freestyle.

Skiing technique.

1. Simultaneous stepless move.

Movement with this move is carried out only due to the simultaneous repulsion by the hands. The stroke is applied on gentle slopes, as well as on the plain under good sliding conditions.

2. Variable two-step stroke.

The cycle of movements in the alternating two-step course consists of two sliding steps and alternate repulsions with sticks for each step.

3. Simultaneous two-step move.

This move is used on flat terrain with good to excellent glide conditions. The cycle of simultaneous two-step movement consists of two gliding steps, simultaneous repulsion by hands and free sliding on two skis. Currently, this move is rarely used by qualified skiers.

The benefits of skiing sports:

Proper formation of breathing;


Development of the vestibular apparatus;

Strengthening the cardiovascular system;

Increased endurance performance and body tone;

Development of leg muscles and strengthening of the press.


Volleyball is one of the most popular sports sports. It is distinguished by its special entertainment and dynamism.

Game history.

The priority in the creation of volleyball belongs to William Morgan, a physical education teacher at one of the US colleges. One day, he suggested to his pets that they throw a rubber bladder over a fishing net. Morgan noticed that they exchanged passes with great passion. This forced him to take his place on the site. After the lesson, Morgan developed the first rules of the game. He named her "mintonet". This is where the history of volleyball began. Godfather of a new kind sports Alfred Halsted became professor at Springfield College. He called this game volleyball.

Volleyball - collective game. It is played between two teams on a 9x18m area divided in half by a net. Each team has six players on the court, substitutions are allowed.

The purpose of the game.

Use hand strokes to direct the ball to the side of the opponents and land there.

Rules of the game.

A match can go on for a maximum of five games, and the team that wins three games wins. Each game consists of episodes, in each of which one point is played. The point is won by the team whose opponents either let the ball fall into their own court, or during the attack sent the ball out of the opponent's court, or made more than three touches or committed another violation of the rules, such as tackling the ball or touching the net. The team that won a point in an episode, serves in the next episode. The game is won by the team with 25 points.


Gymnastics (exercise, exercise)- one of the most popular types sports and physical culture.

To sports types of gymnastics relate: sports, artistic, acrobatic, aesthetic, team.

wellness types of gymnastics.

Hygienic gymnastics is used to maintain and promote health, maintain a high level of physical and mental performance, and social activity.

Rhythmic gymnastics is a kind of recreational gymnastics. An important element of rhythmic gymnastics is musical accompaniment.


Sports gymnastics is one of the oldest sports, which includes competitions on various gymnastic apparatus, as well as in floor exercises and vaults. Gymnastics is the technical basis of many sports. sports, the corresponding exercises are included in the training program for representatives of various sports disciplines. Gymnastics not only gives certain technical skills, but also develops strength, flexibility, endurance, a sense of balance, and coordination of movements.


Rhythmic gymnastics - view sports, performing various gymnastic and dance exercises to the music without an object, as well as with an object (rope, hoop, ball, maces, ribbon).

Sports acrobatics.

Sports acrobatics includes three groups exercises: acrobatic jumps, pair and group exercises.

Gymnastic equipment: rings, bars, gymnastic horse, crossbar (horizontal bar, gymnastic ball, hopper (ball).

Boxing - contact view sports, a martial art in which athletes strike each other with fists in special gloves. The referee controls the fight, which lasts from 3 to 12 rounds. Victory is awarded if the opponent is knocked down and cannot get up for ten seconds. (knockout) or if he has received an injury that prevents him from continuing to fight (TKO). If after the set number of rounds the fight was not terminated, then the winner is determined by the judges' scores.

Rules of the game.

As a rule, rounds have a duration of 3 minutes. Each boxer enters the ring from a corner assigned to him, and after each round he goes here to rest, get advice from a trainer and the necessary medical attention. Referee controls the battle: while in the ring, he monitors the behavior of the fighters, counts knockdowns and fines for breaking the rules.

A participant in a fight can become a winner by knocking out his opponent. If a boxer is knocked to the ground by a punch and touches the floor with any part of the body other than the leg, the referee starts the count. If within 10 seconds he rises - the fight continues, if not - then he is considered knocked out, and his opponent becomes the winner.


Since the main part of boxing is strong blows, measures are taken to avoid injury to the hands. Most coaches do not allow their athletes to participate in sparring without bandages and boxing gloves. Before the start of the fight, boxers agree on the weight of the gloves, as a lighter option allows you to inflict more severe damage. To protect the teeth, gums and jaw, fighters wear a mouth guard.

Boxers improve their skills on two main types of pears. To work out the speed of impact, a pneumatic pear is used, and in order to increase the impact force, a heavy bag is used. The boxing bag can be hanging or floor. Boxer training includes a large number of general exercises: work on a skipping rope, running, strength exercises. The helmet is used in amateur boxing, as well as by professionals during sparring in order to avoid cuts and bruises.


Swimming - view sport or sports discipline, which consists in overcoming the swim in the shortest time of various distances. Swimming is one of the most popular activities sports. This is the rare case when sports at the same time bring both pleasure and a wonderful healing effect.

Drawings on archaeological finds show that people in ancient Egypt, Assyria, Phoenicia and many other countries knew how to swim several millennia BC, and the swimming methods known to them resembled modern front crawl and breaststroke. At that time, swimming was purely applied in nature - in fishing, hunting for waterfowl, underwater fishing, in military affairs. In ancient Greece, swimming began to be used as an important means of physical education.

Types of swimming:

Freestyle is a swimming discipline in which a swimmer is allowed to swim in any way, arbitrarily changing them along the course of the distance.

The start in swimming on the back is made from water: sportsman, facing the bedside table, holds both hands on the starting rails, legs resting on the side of the pool. Excluding the moment of the turn, sportsman should swim on your back.

Complex swimming is a discipline in which a swimmer overcomes equal parts of the distance with butterfly, backstroke, breaststroke and freestyle.

Swimming styles:

Breaststroke - swimming on the chest, during which symmetrical movements of the limbs are made in a horizontal plane. At the same time, the shoulders should be parallel to the water, the hands should be brought to the body under water, the movements of the limbs should be coordinated.

Butterfly - swimming on the chest, a distinctive feature of which is the simultaneous stroke of the hands with their subsequent removal from the water, while the legs move in the same way as during the breaststroke. Butterfly requires some preliminary preparation, hand strength.

Swimming on the back - lying on his back, the swimmer makes strokes with his hands and pushes with his legs.

Crawl is the fastest way sports swimming; alternating strokes with half-bent arms, accompanied by continuous movements (up down) outstretched legs.

Tennis allows both individual and team rivalry. In the first case, there are two players on the field, in the second - four (two by two or steam room the game» ).

The player's task is to use the racket to hit the ball to the area of ​​the field, which is defended by the opponent. (or rivals). The ball must not leave the field of play.

in tennis men and women play.

The playing field is called a court. In the middle is a grid that crosses the court along its width and divides it into two identical zones.

Courts are covered with different surfaces. It can be grass, soil or synthetic material. Different surfaces have different ball rebound properties and athletes adjust their game on different courts.

Tennis racket - is a handle with a round rim at the end. Inside the rim, strings of nylon or bull strands are stretched. With the help of a racket, a tennis player hits the ball to the side of the opponent's court.

The tennis ball is made of rubber. Outside, a layer of felt is applied to the rubber of the ball.

According to the rules of the game, the server sends the ball to the side of the opponent's court. The task of the opponent is to hit the ball served.

Tennis points are scored by game. One game equals four balls and counts as 15-30-40-games. The difference must be at least two balls. After winning in six games, with the condition that the opponent won in less than four games, the player wins the set.

The condition for winning a match is winning 2 out of 3 or 3 out of 5 sets.

The observance of the rules in tennis is observed by the referee, who is at some elevation above the field ( "referee"). They help him line judges.

Tennis competitions are called tournaments. Tournaments are usually divided by gender for women and men.

Uliana Chernova

Didactic game"Couples"

Targets and goals: to form children's interest in physical education and sports; learn to correlate the picture of a sport with the corresponding pictogram, develop memory, logical thinking.

Age: 5-7 years

Rules: 2 or more people participate in the game. Children are given pictures of sports. The leader takes out one pictogram. Players compare it with their picture and name this sport.

Didactic game"Fold and Name"

Targets and goals: to form children's interest in physical education and sports; introduce children to sports; learn to recognize and name sports; develop imagination,

thinking and logic.

Age: 5-7 years

Rules: The player assembles a picture from parts. Having collected, the child tells what is shown in the picture (name the sport)

Didactic game"Sports Guessing Game"

Targets and goals: to form children's interest in physical education and sports; to teach children to recognize sports by signs and definitions; develop memory, thinking, logic.

Age: 6-7 years old

Rules: 2 or more people can play.

Driver (adult or child, with the help of cards - "definitions and features", guesses the sport.

Players try to guess the sport. The one who guessed becomes the driver

Didactic game"Get on the charger"

Targets and goals: to form children's interest in physical education and sports; to teach children to recognize the starting positions for morning exercises and perform movement, develop attention, memory.

Age: 5-7 years

Rules: 2-6 people play.

The player rolls the die, what number will fall out, how many steps he moves with his chip. Then he must take the starting position and perform the corresponding movement indicated by his counter. The players take turns making moves and showing exercises.

"D U Y B O L"

Age:5-7 years.

Rules: Players (two, or a team of five children, blow on the ball through a thin tube, Target: Formation of correct breathing skills.

thereby trying to score a goal in the opponent's goal

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Didactic games

Theme: "Sport"

"Who needs these things"


To consolidate children's knowledge about different sports, athletes, sports attributes. Develop visual attention, logical thinking.

Material. Subject pictures from the series "Sport".

Game progress

Children determine which athlete needs these items.

Skis are needed ... (skier).

Skates are needed (skater, hockey player).

The ball is needed (football player, volleyball player, basketball player).

Stick and puck needed (hockey player).

A racket is needed (tennis player).

“Who will name more words about the ball?”


Expand and activate vocabulary.

Material. Ball.

Game progress

The teacher throws the ball to the child and asks a question. The child, returning the ball, calls the word-sign or word-action.

(Ball, what?. (Round, rubber, elastic, beautiful, large, light, children's, sports, football))

(What can a ball do?. (He can jump, jump, ride, swim, fly))

"Fold the picture"


To form in children an interest in sports; introduce children to sports, teach them to recognize and name sports; develop imagination, thinking, logic.

Material: sport picture

Game progress

The teacher offers the child to assemble a picture from parts, and when he assembles, he must tell what is shown in the picture.

"Memo, sport"


To form children's interest in sports and physical education, introduce children to sports, teach them to recognize and name sports equipment and equipment, determine what kind of sport it belongs to, develop the ability to analyze and generalize, develop attention, memory.

Material: two sports cards for each type (the same)

Game progress

The cards are laid out in front of the children with pictures down, the children open one card at a time and must find a pair for each picture. If the child guessed correctly, he has the right to one more move.

"What is what"


to form children's interest in sports, to teach to name and recognize the sport; to teach to identify and name the necessary inventory, equipment, equipment for this sport; develop thinking, memory, logic

Game progress

Players choose a card with a sport. And everyone who is faster must pick up everything that is needed for this sport (symbol, inventory, equipment, uniform)



to form in children an interest in physical education and sports; teach children to recognize and name sports; develop attention, memory.

Game progress

Each player takes 2-3 playing cards, on which symbols of sports are depicted instead of numbers. The driver takes out a chip with a symbol from the bag, names the sport and shows it to the players. The one who has such a symbol on the game card covers it with a token. The player who quickly covers all the symbols with tokens wins.

"Try to guess"


to form in children an interest in physical education and sports; teach children to recognize and name sports; develop logic, memory, thinking, the ability to classify and sort sports.

Game progress

There are different sports pictures on the table, the driver chooses a picture and without showing it to anyone, he must use the scheme to tell about this sport, and guess the rest.

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