Dima Bilan: biography, personal life, family, wife, children - photo. Dima Bilan: what happened to him lately? Fiction or truth that he is dying? When Dima Bilan will continue to perform


Recently, disturbing news about the death of Dima Bilan has increasingly begun to appear in the media. The state of health of the singer, indeed, causes concern among his fans. Dmitry has recently lost a lot of weight. In this regard, reports began to appear regularly that he had a fatal illness. What really happened to Dima Bilan, what is the latest news about his health and is there news about his death and funeral?

Health problems

The latest news about the health of Dima Bilan seriously worries fans of show business. The young film actor and singer lost a lot of weight, his cheeks sagged, in addition, Dmitry went bald. Because of this, rumors spread that Bilan had cancer. In March 2018, the latest news about the death of Dima Bilan began to appear in the media. Several causes of death were named ... Some publications wrote that the actor and singer died in a terrible accident, others relied on the fact that Dmitry still could not cope with his fatal illness.

After the appearance of such information, journalists from reputable publishing houses began to look for access to the official representatives of the singer. Their surprise knew no bounds. It turned out that not only is everything in perfect order with Dmitry, but he is also on vacation in Spain. He regularly posts photos of this on Instagram.

The concert director of the singer assured the press that all planned trips would go according to plan. But this did not stop some members of the press. A trip to Iceland was given as a departure for treatment from a deadly disease. Fans are very worried about the health of their idol. They actively try to support him on social networks, they send him various gifts from all over the world.

Bilan himself says about his appearance that the changes that have taken place are in no way connected with his state of health. It's just that fashion does not stand still, long hair and a beard are a thing of the past. And he strives to keep up with fashion trends.

The singer himself explains the weight loss by changing the diet. Doctors diagnosed Dmitry with gastritis. This disease requires adherence to a diet, restriction in the use of certain foods. As a result, compliance with all the recommendations of doctors led to the fact that Bilan's weight began to decrease.

Termination of tour

The latest news about the death of Dima Bilan in 2018 was also connected with the fact that the singer stopped going on tour. The changed appearance, the lack of concerts led to a large number of rumors. The reason turned out to be simple.

Dmitry deliberately took a short vacation. Due to stomach problems, he had to leave for treatment. As you know, gastritis is a rather serious disease that requires a whole complex of treatment. This is not only proper nutrition, but also peace, good rest. This is in no way compatible with tours to different cities. Therefore, Dmitry was forced to temporarily stop giving concerts.

After a thorough treatment, Bilan decided to rest. Full of strength and energy, the singer is now ready for new creative successes. A plan of touring concerts for the entire autumn of 2018 has already been drawn up. In addition, Dima is working on the release of a new album, three songs have already been released. During the rest, Dmitry had a lot of time to reflect on his life, to rethink it. The new philosophy helped him inspire new compositions.

According to the singer himself, today he has no serious health problems. Bilan Dima himself perceives the latest news in his death and cancer with irritation. Nobody cares to hear rumors about funerals and fatal illnesses.

chronic insomnia

In order to dispel rumors of his impending death, the singer organized a tour called "Healthy, and thank God, alive." The only thing Dmitry complains about during the interview is chronic fatigue, which is associated with sleep disturbance. Bilan has been suffering from insomnia for many years now. He often writes about this in his microblog.

The singer's sleep disturbance is caused by the fact that he does not know how to relax. Dmitry always thinks about unfinished business. As Dima himself writes, for the first time in many years he was able to fall asleep soundly on tour near Cheboksary. As Bilan says, on the eve of that night, he managed to finish all his affairs. Apparently, a complete sense of freedom from everyday problems made it possible for the singer to relax.

Bilan has cancer

The latest news about the funeral of Dima Bilan is primarily associated with rumors about his cancer. Dmitry personally aggravated the situation itself, completely changing his image and getting rid of his beard and hair. Bilan left participation in the television project "Voice" for health reasons.

As it turned out, Dmitry was diagnosed with intervertebral hernia. The singer needs an operation, in connection with this he was forced to temporarily suspend participation in the body of the project. But it has nothing to do with cancer. The pain was really terrible. Dmitry found five hernias. He admitted this in September 2018.

But despite this, on September 1, Dmitry released a new video to refute all rumors about his death. The frames of the clip show that the singer not only feels great, but also manages to devote time to traveling. Due to a hernia, Bilan's arm often hurts, but the disease itself does not pose a mortal danger. The latest news about Dima Bilan suggests that he still has an operation to remove a hernia. But you need to be prepared for it. So far, because of this, I had to leave participation in the Voice project. But Bilan plans to return as soon as the health problems are resolved.

What Bilan himself says about his health

Dmitry Bilan is very tired of the latest news about his death and funeral. On this occasion, he gave an interview in Sochi at the New Wave contest. At this time, Bilan looked no longer as thin as he is rumored to be. Dmitry comments on his state of health in this way. In recent years, he had to deal with a huge number of people in his work. Dima gets tired of such communication both morally and physically. Bilan says that he is a very receptive person. He takes over all emotions, especially negative ones.

Dmitry believes that he had problems with his back precisely because of the Voice project. On the program, the jury sits with its back to the performers, and each of them sends his impulses. So they sang a hernia to Bilan. Television, according to Bilan, is a very difficult thing. All the people who work here quickly become mentally and physically exhausted.

Hernias began to disturb Dmitry very much. They counted as many as five pieces. The pain was so severe that the singer could no longer sleep normally. I had to constantly look for a comfortable position. My arm was in severe pain due to back problems. During sleep, she had to be constantly laid in such a way as to reduce pain. Dmitry could not bend over, could not even close his wallet on his own.

Dmitry perceives his health problems positively. During the two and a half months that he spent in treatment, he had such a huge amount of free time that he had never had before. Dmitry spent it in complete immersion in himself. He was able to understand a lot for himself, to rethink. This was followed by a midlife crisis. At this time, Dima was 35 years old. Dmitry himself says that he felt the crisis very clearly. Maybe at 40 he will speak in a completely different way, but at the moment he feels exactly a complete rethinking of his whole life.

These two and a half months seemed to give Bilan the opportunity to be born again. He rethought his behavior from all sides. And in the end, after all these reflections, a very interesting album comes out. It contains all the new emotions that the singer felt. This is very good for music. Each album should have its own mood, its own spirit. He tried and he succeeded.

Bilan plans to devote most of his time to filming movies. He has already starred in several films. According to Bilan, this is such an addictive activity that it is simply impossible to get out of. He wants to devote the next year to filming, as he has already received a lot of decent offers. The death of Dima Bilan is a duck, he is full of plans for the future ...

But rumors about death also have their positive sides. Dmitry is very pleased with how his fans and admirers react to this news. How much experience is visible from their side. The singer is bombarded with letters, messages, gifts. Yes, and black PR is doing its job. Whatever the rumor, it's an opportunity for a star to be in the public eye.

Rumors about Dima Bilan

The identity of the sex symbol of show business has always been covered in secrets and rumors. The yellow press loves to invent all sorts of implausible stories about him. And every year this piggy bank is replenished:

  1. Bilan and drugs. In 2009, Dmitry Bilan was named Ksenia Sobchak a drug addict. On the same topic, there was a sharp statement by Timati, who said that Bilan was the reason why drugs are so popular among teenagers. In refutation of this, Dmitry takes part in the action with the support of the Federal Drug Control Service. Bilan says that he is not indifferent to what and how young people live now. This arose for him after he became the host of the Voice program. The singer believes that all the problems of young people are due to ignorance, inexperience.
  2. Orientation - a lot of ridiculous rumors always revolve around the singer's orientation. There was information in the media that the singer had a same-sex marriage in Riga, he was seen in the company of artists from the Bolshoi Theater, who are famous for being gay. In the fight against rumors, Dmitry had to refuse to participate in Dolce & Gabbana advertising shoots. This is due to the fact that all models of the brand are homosexuals.
  3. The most popular latest news in 2018 was - is Dima Bilan alive? The press managed not only to come up with a fatal diagnosis for the young singer, but also arrange a funeral for him.

Did the funeral of Dima Bilan really take place? Is the information about them true or not? And what happened to the musician in reality? Let's find out the latest news for today.

  • Causes of death of the performer
  • Termination of tour

Causes of death of the performer

I must say that there are even two versions of the death of the performer. Let's look at them in detail:

1. According to the first version, Dima was a victim of a car accident. They even say that experts fought for Bilan's life, but everything turned out to be useless. This information first appeared in March 2017.

2. The second and more common version says that the singer died of cancer, which he fought for a long time. According to numerous resources of the global network, he was never able to recover from oncology.

Some time ago, the musician's fans were shocked by the appearance of the singer - in the last photo he has lost a lot of weight and looks very tired. Moreover, Bilan shaved his head - all this could not but excite the fans of the performer.

According to information from articles on the Web and in the press, a tumor was found on the musician's spine. They say that for a long time Dima Bilan did not want to tell anything to the public about his illness. However, he tried to cope with the disease and secretly received medical treatment abroad. It is because of this, according to some media outlets, that the artist has lost so much weight and even lost his hair.

In fact, Bilan suffered from a spinal hernia for a long time. This disease prevented him from performing, and in general, from living. Therefore, Dima spent some time in the clinic, hoping to cope with the disease. But the treatment did him good, and Dima soon recovered.

What Bilan himself says about the current situation

Rumors about Bilan's death were commented on by the artist's producer, Yana Rudkovskaya, and Dima himself. Naturally, he is alive. And the musician lost weight as a result of the fact that his diet changed. The fact is that due to the wrong lifestyle, the singer fell ill with gastritis. Because of this, he had to go on a diet. In addition, the musician complains of lack of sleep. But for a person of his profession, this is a natural phenomenon - after all, he works so hard that there is not always time for proper sleep and nutrition.

The singer also explains the changes in the hairstyle quite simply: he wanted something new, and he decided to completely change his image. Long hair and a beard terribly bothered him. Therefore, the singer decided to change his image, in accordance with the new fashion trends.

Termination of tour

For a long time, the artist willingly traveled with concerts in various cities of Russia and abroad. And some time ago, he put the tour on pause and did not release fresh videos for a long time. Loyal fans missed the singer and began to put forward their own versions of what was happening.

Bilan told fans why he did not go on tour for a long time. In the summer of 2017, he, just the same, was undergoing treatment for gastritis. In addition, he, like any normal person, really wanted to relax. Therefore, the musician left Moscow.

It is interesting!
Now the artist is completely ready to resume concert activities, not so long ago he released a new video for the song "Hold!". In addition, the recording of several songs for his new album, which will soon be on sale, is ready.

When Dima Bilan will continue to perform

The singer says that now he feels completely ready to return to his usual work schedule. He had a good rest and gained new strength and impressions. In addition, while the artist was on vacation, he completely rethought his outlook on his life. And this circumstance should also help him in his work - now his songs will become even deeper, filled with new meaning. Namely, his compositions will tell about the relationship between people and a person's search for his place in the world.

In addition, the musician claims that he is glad that he got rid of a few kilograms and, in general, changed his image. He considers this a good change.

According to one version, the musician himself could start a wave of rumors about himself in order to draw attention to his own person. The singer, on the other hand, responds to such accusations that he is very tired of the rumors that the yellow press spreads about his health problems, and even more so about death. It is unpleasant for him to read such sad news about himself.

For the past few months, online publications have been full of headlines about the sudden death of the popular Russian artist Dima Bilan. We decided to find out what is really happening with the singer.


Dima Bilan alive

Admirers of Dima Bilan's work have no cause for concern. Their pet is alive and well. Dima Bilan in his interviews has repeatedly repeated that the information about his death is an invention of the haters. The man is extremely outraged by the fact that almost every month rumors about his imminent death appear on the Internet.

Most often, a man is “buried” because of the alleged cancer found in him. Dima Bilan refutes such information. Fortunately, this disease bypassed the musical artist.

For the first time, the press spoke about the death of the singer at the end of March of this year. Media representatives managed to bury the idol of millions on the pages of their publications. Some media wrote that Dima Bilan died due to cancer. Other sources indicated that the singer died as a result of a terrible accident.

Of course, the performer's fans could not remain silent in response to the terrible news. Internet communities dedicated to the work of Dima Bilan literally "filled with tears." Fans really believed in the death of a pet and mourned him on pages on social networks. Most of the fans were ready to come say goodbye to Dima Bilan. It remains to wait for the announcement of the date and place.

The concert director of the performer put an end to this madness. He stated that Dima Bilan is alive and is not going to die. The concert director of the Russian performer also said that he plans to find those who spread the rumor about the death of his ward. The man advised Dima Bilan's fans to read the yellow press less often and check the veracity of the information found on the artist's personal website or on pages on social networks.

What provoked rumors about the death of the artist?

In what happened to Dima Bilan, he himself is partly to blame. The man radically changed his image - he cut his hair bald. Concerned journalists decided that the new haircut was not another attempt to transform, but an urgent need. Usually, cancer patients who are undergoing a course of therapy are shaved bald.

At that time, Dima was incredibly thin. His appearance played a cruel joke with the performer. If not for these changes in appearance, the latest news about the artist in the media would not be full of headlines that the singer had cancer.

The producer of Dima Bilan - Yana Rudkovskaya - commented on the changes in the image of the ward. The woman said that the artist was just preparing for a new project.

That is why he had to drastically cut his hair. Now Dima's hair has long grown back. Fans no longer remember the last time they saw the singer almost bald.

What health problems did the singer actually have?

In the latest news about the Russian music artist Dima Bilan, it is often said that the man has cancer, and that Dima is on the verge of death. In fact, the singer is practically healthy. Previously, he was worried about a vertebral hernia. Due to health problems, Dima lost weight to 69 kilograms, which is very small for a man. In an interview with the press, Dima said that the disease was accompanied by severe pain. He literally couldn't move, let alone say something else.

From unverified sources, it is known that Dima Bilan went to Israel for an examination, where he talked with doctors who at one time helped Evgeni Plushenko get rid of problems with his spine. The performer managed to defeat the disease.

Soon he appeared on the "New Wave" in the Crimea, already refreshed. Fans of the artist noticed that the man gained weight. Dima himself boasted that now he weighs not 69 kilograms, but 83 kilograms. In the comments to the photos that the singer posted on the pages on social networks, fans noted that Dima looks “like new”. The singer himself admitted that his health is no longer in danger.

What else is known about the health of a music artist?

Since March, the query “Is Dima Bilan alive” has become one of the most popular on the Russian Internet. Despite the fact that the singer has repeatedly appeared in public, the news about his illness has not subsided lately.

Dima himself does not get tired of refuting data on deteriorating health. The performer believes that someone from his entourage deliberately disseminates false information in order to put his fans into a stupor. The artist is very interested to know who is behind the mask of his "hater".

In addition to a hernia in the vertebrae, doctors discovered gastritis in Dima Bilan. Due to the intense concert activity, the artist cannot fully eat. Now he has to stick to a strict diet. Gastritis is not a fatal disease with which thousands of Russians live. Burying Bilan because of the outbreak of gastritis is not the best idea of ​​the representatives of the yellow press.

After Dima Bilan was diagnosed with gastritis, the man began to actively engage in sports. He noticeably lost weight, there were circles under his eyes. The appearance of the artist left much to be desired. Now Dima Bilan looks great. He managed to cope with minor health problems.

What did the artist do in Iceland?

The latest news about Dima Bilan, who managed to relax in Iceland, says that the artist went there to improve his health. His trip became another reason for rumors. Journalists suggested that in another country the singer is being treated for cancer, and not just resting.

Dima Bilan was in Iceland for more than 2 months. Here he gained vitality and inspiration. The artist himself says that the trip was very memorable for him. It turns out that in Iceland he was resting from filming another video. The artist was struck by the beauty of the mountains. He is still very impressed. Dima Bilan boasted that he underwent several therapeutic water procedures here, including in the open air.

The singer hoped to get rid of chronic insomnia. She tortured him for several years in a row. Dima cannot fall asleep due to the fact that he constantly thinks about the things that he did not have time to do during the day. Now he tries to do things in advance so as not to torment himself at night. It is not known whether the man managed to overcome his illness on vacation.

Fans believe that the trip went to the idol exclusively for the benefit. Dima Bilan returned noticeably refreshed and rested.

How to find out if Dima Bilana is alive?

The latest news about the artist, his fans will be able to find out if they subscribe to the singer's pages on social networks. For example, on the popular Instagram network, Dmitry Bilan is registered under the nickname bilanofficial. To date, he has posted over 4,900 photos and videos. In 2017, the number of singer's subscribers is more than 2,000,000 people. Dima himself is signed by a little more than 500 users.

Every day Dima Bilan publishes photos and videos from his personal archive. As a rule, publications are devoted to the artist's work and filming. Dima also often publishes photos showing how he spends his free time.

At will, subscribers can leave comments under bilanofficial's publications. By the way, Dima Bilan's account is confirmed by the administration of the social network. If the artist’s page is active, it means that the man is alive and well, and the “loud statements” about his death are just rumors spread by the yellow press.

Following Dima Bilan on Instagram is a great way to follow the singer's concert activities. The artist often publishes the dates of upcoming concerts and the names of the cities where they will be held.

So, for example, only 17 days are left before Dima Bilan's solo concert in Moscow. Fans of his work still have time to buy tickets to make sure that their favorite musical artist is viable. Since Dima plans to hold a solo concert, it means that his health is really all right, and he is definitely not going to die. Information about his sudden death is just a pathetic attempt by the yellow press to draw the attention of potential readers to their media.

Where else can you follow Dima Bilan?

For those fans of Dima Bilan who do not use Instagram, the best option on how to follow your pet is to use the social network Vkontakte. The artist's page is easy to find at bilandima_official. Dima's account is confirmed by the administration of the resource.

Vkontakte in 2017 also reported the death of Dima Bilan. To dispel all rumors about himself, the performer invites fans to follow the latest news from his life here.

Unfortunately, only a select few can write messages to the singer. To chat with an idol, it is necessary that he add a fan as a friend.

But the comments on the page of the music artist are open. Fans can comment on photos and videos posted by their favorite and hope that Dima will answer them anyway.

The performer often duplicates publications on Vkontakte and Instagram. It is enough to subscribe to one of the singer's profiles to know what is happening in his life today.

You can follow the work and personal life of Dima Bilan in his official Vkontakte group. Here, fans will be able to find new friends of interest, with whom they could attend the next concert of their favorite artist together.

If something really happens to the singer, a statement by the concert director or producer of the artist will be published on the band's page or in the personal profile. Dima Bilan recommends that fans not panic, but check the veracity of information about his illness or death before writing tearful comments on Vkontakte or Instagram. The official pages of the artist and his website are the only reliable sources where you can find the latest information about the status of the artist.

How does the artist comment on the rumors about his death?

Dmitry Bilan knows everything that is written in the latest news about his person. The man is extremely dissatisfied with the current situation with rumors about his death. Repeatedly on pages on social networks, he made loud statements for fans, in which he harshly criticized those who spread false rumors. The singer calls to ignore such resources that disseminate information about his death.

The artist believes that small publications in this way are "PR" at his expense no more. If possible, the concert director of the performer will try to find those who spread rumors. The "deadly PR campaign" of the singer will not pass without a trace for those who committed it.

Are the rumors about the funeral of Dmitry Bilan true, is it true or not? There are two versions, according to which Bilan allegedly left the crowds of his fans. According to the first of them, he recently got into a car accident. Doctors tried to save the life of a celebrity, but they never managed to do it.

According to the second version, Bilan had been treated for cancer for a long time, and his illness, nevertheless, overcame him. To confirm this information, the press representatives provide the latest photos of Bilan, in which he looks thinner and emaciated. In addition, in some photos, fans can even see the singer shaved on his bald head. Here, a storm of regret arose about the loss of a great performer who once conquered the entire Eurovision audience.

  • Why Bilan looks bad

Rumors about cancer

Whether the rumors about the funeral of Dima Bilan are true or false can be judged by completely different reasons for his death, which can be obtained from the press and social networks. Some of the sources claim that the singer has been suffering from oncology for a long time. It's a tumor in the spine. Allegedly, the celebrity hid the sad news from her fans and was treated secretly from the general public. It is for this reason that Dima lost a lot of weight, and even became bald.

But what happened to Bilan really? He actually had a vertebral hernia. But the singer was helped by conservative methods of therapy, and surgery was never required, which the performer is incredibly happy about.

At the moment, the artist has completely got rid of the disease, which prevented him from leading a full-fledged concert life and just weigh a comfortable existence. It is true that he is being treated in the clinic for some time due to a hernia, but soon he came out completely healthy.

Why Bilan looks bad

Fans of Dima Bilan, who wondered if his funeral was true or false, can breathe a sigh of relief: today the singer claims that he is completely healthy. But for what reason, he began to look somewhat exhausted, and even shaved his head.

Regarding his hairstyle, Bilan answers numerous questions that he simply decided to change his image. He, and his fans, are rather tired of somewhat long hair combined with a beard, and fashion does not stand still.

The singer's weight loss caused a change in lifestyle and diet. Not so long ago, doctors stated a not too dangerous, but unpleasant diagnosis - gastritis. In this regard, Bilan switched to diet food, because he lost a lot of weight since he began treatment for stomach problems. In addition, the singer himself associates weight loss with constant lack of sleep. He had trouble sleeping a few months ago.

What is the reason for the temporary cessation of tours

It is known that Bilan took a short vacation, and for several months he released new videos, and he did not have a tour at that time. This fact has confused fans of the Russian singer.

Bilan himself comments on the temporary inactivity as follows: in the summer he was undergoing treatment for gastritis, moreover, he needed to take a break from the daily bustle of the big city.

It is known that at the moment Dmitry is ready to continue his creative activity. Over the past week, he has learned and recorded three songs for a new album, which he plans to release in the near future.

Today Dima says that he feels rested and full of energy and new strength. In addition, during the time he was resting, he was able to rethink many moments in life. This will greatly help the performer to convey the whole philosophy of the compositions that will sound in the new album. The meaning of the songs is aimed at diving into the depth of relationships between people and searching for oneself in this world. Bilan claims that recently he has become closer to such topics.

Today, the singer does not hide the fact that he had some health problems, but now he has completely got rid of them. He is even glad that he has significantly lost weight. He believes that such changes only helped him to change his image somewhat.

The star of Russian show business is seriously ill and is preparing for a complex operation. The artist said that doctors are now taking care of him, because of which he had to miss the ZD AWARDS-2016 music award ceremony, which took place on the evening of March 4 at Crocus City Hall, MK reports.


Dima Bilan was nominated for the title of "Singer of the Year" at the "MK Soundtrack" ceremony, but did not come for the award, which alarmed his fans. As it turned out, the other day the artist went to the hospital - he is preparing for a serious operation.

"I've been delaying for a long time, but the time has come when I still need to take care of my health," Dima Bilan explained during a video conference session with the Crocus City Hall, where the ZD AWARDS-2016 ceremony was held.

At the same time, Dima Bilan hastened to reassure the worried fans that "everything will be fine" with him. He also sincerely thanked the readers of ZD and Moskovsky Komsomolets for their support, assuring him how important such a high rating from the audience was to him.

Bilan's fans believe that Dima's illness is associated with gastritis, which he was diagnosed with in early 2016. Fans are convinced that the artist went to the hospital to prevent the severe consequences of a stomach illness that turned into an ulcer.


Bilan also promised to return to work no later than March 20. He does not intend to disrupt the live broadcasts of the show "", where he is involved in the role of a mentor, as well as his own planned tour.

"ZD AWARDS-2016" - Nargiz | MK

As for the music award "ZD AWARDS-2016", Dima Bilan was not the only owner of the honorary nomination "Singer of the Year". Received a special nomination "For Contribution to Pop Art", became "Singer of the Year".

Also, the Ukrainian pop romantic was noted at the ZD AWARDS-2016 award - he received the title of "Artist of the Year". The rap star of the “new generation” L`One took the “Album of the Year” for his “Gravity”, and the group “Vintage” became the “Group of the Year”.

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