Dmitry Shepelev let them talk. Dmitry Shepelev in "Let them talk": the first interview on television Let them talk with Andrey Malakhov Shepelev


On June 15, Channel One aired the release "Let them talk", in which Dmitry Shepelev took part. Zhanna Friske's ex-husband was interrogated using a lie detector.

In the studio "Let them talk" Dmitry Shepelev agreed to be tested on a lie detector. First, Andrey Malakhov asked his colleague where the 20 million rubles that Channel One viewers had transferred to help Zhanna Friske in her fight against cancer disappeared.

Dmitry Shepelev admitted that he was tired of scandals. The TV presenter came to Andrey Malakhov's show “Let them talk” to dot the “i” and answer questions that have long worried Friske fans. Dmitry agreed to be tested on a lie detector. First of all, Shepelev touched on the topic of the missing millions. According to a court decision, the singer's heirs - parents and son - must return the money.

The TV presenter presented statements from the accounts of Rosbank, where donations were kept, as well as Jeanne's personal funds. Dmitry said that the artist's mother took off the same missing money. “This is a written confirmation that was used in court, confirmation that all the funds were withdrawn by her mother 10 days before her death,” Dmitry said.

Shepelev was also asked about the country house, which was bought at a time when Friske was sick. It was rumored that the TV presenter bought the mansion with the singer's money. Dmitry said that he and his wife bought the house for two. “Half the house and half the land belongs to me. The purchase was made jointly. The repair was carried out with my money, ”Shepelev explained.

According to the showman, it’s hard for his child to meet with Zhanna Friske’s parents. "It was very difficult. After the meeting, Plato had a fever. I called the doctor. He told me that this was an emotional reaction to this meeting. That is why I insist that a psychologist be present at the meetings," Shepelev said.

The studio showed a conversation between Shepelev and the singer's father, during which the TV presenter was threatened with murder. The journalist even turned to the police with a statement against the man, but he was denied a criminal case. Also in an interview with the television program "Let them talk" "Zhanna's father Vladimir Kopylov accused his grandson Plato of the death of the performer.

June 15 in the program Let Shepelev and Friske really talk on June 15, 2017 watch online Zhanna Friske passed away exactly two years ago, we all loved her so much, millions were raised for treatment, but the money that was supposed to save her became the subject of a lawsuit proceedings between Jeanne's parents and her husband Dmitry Shepelev. They also cannot share the son of the singer Plato. In the press, the conflict was dubbed the history of all-Russian deception, and so far it has not become clear who is telling the truth and who is lying. Zhanna's father accuses Shepelev of embezzling twenty million rubles collected for the singer's treatment.

“Let them talk about the last issue of today” - a talk show by Andrei Malakhov - the leading figure of the bright and enchanting evening air. The guests of the “Let them talk” program are interesting and famous, the topics discussed are relevant and original. The show participants leave boring phrases outside the set and engage in heated debates. The program claims to be information-analytical, therefore the discussions are no less meaningful than emotional. “Let them talk” is a place where real metamorphoses take place - politicians turn into ordinary people, and ordinary people into politicians. No matter what the conversation is, everyone has the right to vote.

Released: Russia, Channel One
Leading: Andrei Malakhov

Dmitry Shepelev in the program "Let them talk" // Photo: Program frame

Shepelev's work will go on sale on November 24. The presenter is sure that his book will help many people who suffer from the disease from which his common-law wife passed away. To tell on television about what their love story was like, how he manages to live after Jeanne left, and also about how their little son grows up, Shepelev decided for the first time. In a studio Andrey Malakhov's programs "Let them talk" the man spoke of a personal tragedy that he had to endure.

Once in the guest's chair, Dmitry Shepelev warmly greeted Andrey Malakhov and prepared to answer questions that have been worrying the public for a year and a half.

“These were really very difficult years in my life,” the TV presenter began his story, recalling the times when Jeanne was still alive, but sick. - Especially the last year and a half after Jeanne passed away. Now, of course, I feel much better. Everything seems to start very slowly, but fall into place.”

Reflecting on the trials that befell his family, Shepelev stressed that he asked himself many questions, the answers to which no one could find. The man is sure that he and Zhanna could only accept the situation and start a fight.

“You know, of course, I ask myself the question “for what” and “why,” Dmitry admitted. - Exactly the same questions that all cancer patients ask themselves when trouble comes to them. And it is clear that these questions never have answers. Can't answer why. Can't answer why. Why is your beautiful wife terminally ill. Why did this happen exactly when you had just had a baby. There is no answer to this question, unfortunately. And maybe luckily."

Malakhov clarified who currently supports Dmitry and is constantly next to him and Plato. Shepelev is convinced that if he had not continued to work, everything could have gone completely differently.

“Who really supported me all this time is, of course, my job. My job is first and foremost,” he said. - Because only the work allowed me to somehow escape from the thoughts that are spinning in my head. You wake up with them at night, you fall asleep with them and you live with them every day. And only work can distract. Only work is a lifeline. But most importantly, of course, the son. Of course, Plato. This is the most important person to me right now.”

Thanks to Plato, according to the civil husband of the artist, he managed to stay afloat and "straighten his shoulders."

“You understand, when a baby is near you, and by and large you are one on one with him, you have no reason to pour yourself an extra glass of wine, you have no right to cry, you have no right to be depressed, you cannot go anywhere. Allow yourself to relax, give up on everything. Go on a trip... Because you have a child. Because you are a father. And you can not do anything that would lower your authority in the eyes of this child. Therefore, of course, Plato saved me, ”said the man.

The young father decided to show how an ordinary day goes with Plato. Shepelev allowed the “Let them talk” film crew to spend several hours with the baby. So, early in the morning, father and son left the house and went to the car. Sitting in the car, little Plato fastened his seat belt. On the way, Dmitry asked the boy what he would like to eat for breakfast. He replied that he would not refuse an omelette and pizza with ham, to which his dad replied: “You won’t eat that much. Give me one thing - either pizza or scrambled eggs. Pizza for breakfast is not very good.” “I will make an omelet,” said the little one.

“Plato has an amazing sense of humor. He knows how to make me laugh. And I can make him laugh. That is, we know how to cheer each other up. For me it is very valuable. Therefore, we have a very easy trusting relationship.”

Earlier, the TV presenter said that Plato is growing very developed, active and quick-witted. By the way, the baby already counts perfectly and knows all the letters of the alphabet. When a waiter brought a dish with the boy's name written on the plate at the place where father and son were having breakfast, he managed to read Plato the first time.

“He has a pretty busy schedule, I think. It was definitely different in my childhood. I limited myself to the tennis section and that's it. Plato has been going to an English school for a year and a half now. It is very important for me that he gets used to English from a young age. This year he has additional classes. Plato does gymnastics. And all the more valuable and filled are our weekends, when we can slowly go to the pool together, have breakfast in our favorite cafe, spend time alone. These are the happiest, warmest days for me.”

According to Shepelev, their son and Zhanna Friske are making great strides in gymnastics. The TV presenter said that the boy is growing very strong, and, compared to his peers, he is well prepared physically.

“He just needs to overcome shyness, and everything will be fine,” says Dmitry. - He is cool. I think he will even be able to play sports professionally. In six months it will be time to think about it.”

Shepelev believes that Plato really likes everything that is happening at the moment. If the father sees that he is tired, he allows him to skip classes. “I let him play pranks and play pranks with him with great pleasure,” the host admitted.

- We just saw Zhanna in the body of a child ... - Andrey Malakhov noted.

It's true. I must say that I am extremely proud of him, - said Dmitry. “I never thought I would feel like this as a father. This is such a calm, so polite, so balanced and such a smart, understanding child, which one can probably only dream of. This is an absolutely outstanding child, in my opinion. All parents praise their children... But I'm still convinced that this is another reminder of Jeanne... Because I see her in him. I see it in his fingers, in his eyes, in the way he talks...

Andrey Malakhov remembered the episode that stuck in his memory, and now, at the mere thought of him, tears well up in his eyes - this is a chance meeting of the host of the “Let them talk” program with Dmitry and little Plato at the airport when the father took the child to the sea.

“You were completely dried up, only a skeleton remained of you,” Malakhov recalls. - And the happy Plato, who, it is clear that he still does not suspect anything, is on your lap, and a day later information comes that Jeanne is gone. This scene is always in front of my eyes. I have a question… Sorry for asking. But those last moments when you were left alone with Zhanna ... How did you feel that you should disappear?

It was evident with what difficulty Shepelev is given an answer to this question. Thinking, the man paused for a while to gain strength to remember how it all happened and try to pronounce it.

“It’s very hard to talk about it,” Dmitry began. - The day came when ... The doctors did not give up hope. Of course, none of them said that this would happen in a week or two, tomorrow or in a month. This is the unknown. All disease, when it is fatal, is always an unknown. You never know what will happen tomorrow. You have to live a single day, and that's how we lived."

Shepelev recalled that when he and Zhanna returned from the USA in February 2015, the singer literally gave up before our eyes. According to the TV presenter, she changed every day, and even then the doctors were convinced that a miracle would not happen.

“Plato lived in the house with her, and I spent every morning and every evening with her. During the day I went to work, - Dmitry continued. - And one evening, when we managed to stay alone with her, suddenly Zhanna, who had been unconscious almost all the time, brightened up. We were always very comfortable together, and we could not talk. We have always felt each other very subtly. Frankly, she no longer had the strength to speak at all ... She said: "I'm dying." And that was our goodbye. Four months before her death."

Shepelev stressed that he lived with this for the rest of the time and did not tell anyone about it. For a long time, the host was reproached for taking his son to the sea, while his beloved woman and the mother of his child was dying. Many then considered the outrageous act of Shepelev, who did not want to stay with Jeanne in the last days of her life. Remembering this, the man emphasizes that his goal was, first of all, to protect the child from the strongest emotional shock.

“It’s not his fault that mom got sick. Should he see his mother die? Should he see the tragedy in the eyes of Jeanne's parents, in mine? Should he see my tears? Who can answer this question? We didn't plan for the future. I knew the main thing: a child should have a childhood, a child should have a summer. No one knew when the last farewell day would come. We have been talking for a long time, planning for a long time, and a month before that, tickets were bought so that the boy could go to the sea.”

The TV presenter's narration is interrupted every now and then, because, apparently, it is difficult for him to speak. The man recalls how the day before Jeanne left, he and his son went into her room to say goodbye. “He loved to crawl on her bed so much, Dmitry said without hiding tenderness. - He crawled along her, kissed her leg, in her hand and ran away somewhere. We were left alone. Zhanna had such a device on her finger that monitors her pulse, breathing, these are some numbers. And when these numbers move, it seems as if she is talking to you, reacting to your words. I told her that I had to take my son to the sea and that I would be back in a few days. I look at these numbers, I want to hear her answer ... But they did not move. We flew away."

The very next day Zhanna Friske's heart stopped. This happened at her parents' house, outside the city, where the family has been for the past few months. Upon learning of the death of his beloved woman, Shepelev tried to fly back, but he did not manage to do it right away, since it was difficult to get tickets during the high season. The little son of Zhanna and Dmitry then stayed with Shepelev's father, who urgently flew to Bulgaria.

Andrey Malakhov also remembered a fragment of Shepelev's book, in which he talks about how he learned about Jeanne's death. This news, according to the man, was told to him by Natasha Friske, the sister of the singer. In his work "Jeanne", Dmitry told how he received an SMS with the words "Dana is gone." The sister of the artist, being in a state of shock, made a mistake with the letter when sending the message. This episode, according to the host of the program "Property of the Republic", he dreamed again and again. Answering the question whether Zhanna herself comes to him in a dream, Dmitry said that this does not happen. “The only way for me to see Zhanna again is to hug my son,” he said.

In the studio of the “Let them talk” program, they also talked about the missing millions that remained on the account of Zhanna Friske. These funds were collected throughout the country in a matter of days, when the public became aware of her illness. Andrey Malakhov read an excerpt from the work of Dmitry Shepelev, in which it was said that a few days before the death of the singer, the money disappeared from the account. According to Dmitry, only Jeanne and her mother could manage them.

The host of “Let them talk” in a conversation with Shepelev could not ignore the topic of little Plato’s communication with his grandparents. To the general surprise of those who for a year and a half empathized with the family of the artist, who did not have the opportunity to meet her grandson, Dmitry stated the following: “There have never been any prohibitions on communication between grandparents and grandson. I understand perfectly well that Jeanne's parents have a part of her, and they are close to Plato. Of course, I will be very happy if, after our conversation, the bell rings and Zhanna's parents want to see their grandson. So far, this desire has not been.

The TV presenter stressed that he respects the family of his beloved woman, but cannot allow them to desecrate Jeanne's memory, which, in his opinion, they do. At the same time, Shepelev stressed that he sympathizes with them in his own way.

“I would very much like to say that none of us was in the place of Jeanne's parents. I can only guess what monstrous pain these people endured. Therefore, neither I nor anyone else can condemn them. Everyone experiences pain in their own way. I can only guess what pain Jeanne's parents went through. I can only guess, I sympathize with them,” said Shepelev.

In a conversation with Andrei Malakhov, Shepelev recalled the period when Zhanna became much better. After the treatment in the USA, the family went to Jurmala, where the singer was recovering. Now Dmitry recalls this period with a smile. He says that it was a wonderful time when there was still hope for the best.

“This is a very happy and touching and very painful episode. First of all, of course, he is happy. We talked a lot about how we want to get married, but always in jest. We never planned anything. It was that bright summer when Jeanne arose. She gave up her wheelchair. She began to take care of herself again, blossomed and began to become the Jeanne that everyone knew and that I love so much.

According to Shepelev, he and his common-law wife only joked about the wedding. But when photos of wedding dresses and rings began to randomly appear on the presenter's tablet, since his device was synchronized with Jeanne's phone, he realized that he should not hesitate. Having previously ordered rings in America, Dmitry was determined to take this step.

“It was Jeanne's birthday. I thought this was the best day and the best opportunity to propose to her. I went into her bedroom, knelt down, said a few words and stumbled ... We laughed and I asked: “can I start over?” I repeated the same thing, and she replied: "I have to think." Then she texted me "Yes".

Leafing through the pages of Dmitry Shepelev's book, Andrey Malakhov stops at an episode that was very symbolic for them and Jeanne. It was about the night they found out about her illness.

Leafing through the pages of Dmitry Shepelev's book, Andrey Malakhov stops at an episode that was very symbolic for them and Zhanna. It was about the night they learned about Jeanne's illness. “I went outside and saw a lizard. The hospital was in the suburbs. There were a lot of them on a huge wasteland filled with asphalt. One of these lizards, it seemed to me, froze and fixed its gaze on me. It may seem silly, but Jeanne had such a small tattoo, with this animal. I came in and told her that while she was having the procedure, I almost fell in love with a lizard. Jeanne replied: "She's not your type." We laughed a lot."

Exactly two years ago Zhanna Friske passed away. Millions were collected for her treatment, but this money, which was supposed to save her, became the subject of a lawsuit between Jeanne's parents, her husband Dmitry Shepelev and Rusfond. All this time, relatives cannot share the son of the singer Plato. Until now, it has not been possible to find out which of the singer's relatives is telling the truth and who is lying. The singer's father accuses the former son-in-law of embezzling 20 million rubles collected for Zhanna's treatment - Vladimir Friske claims that Dmitry Shepelev built a luxurious mansion with this money. The “Let them talk” program offered Vladimir Friska and Dmitry Shepelev to pass a lie detector test. Who of them is telling the truth, and who has been deceiving the whole country for two years now?

Let them talk - Friske and Shepelev: actually watch online

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