The documentary has such a letter. Documentary film There is such a letter


For the first time in printed form, the letter "ё" appeared only 12 years later in Ivan Dmitriev's book "And my trinkets" (1795). The first words imprinted with the letter "e" were "everything", "light" and "stump".

But the letter "ё" has already become famous thanks to our Nikolai Karamzin. In 1796, in the first book of the poetic almanac "Aonides" published by Karamzin, with the letter "e" the words "dawn", "eagle", "moth", "tears", as well as the first verb "drip" were printed. However, it is not known for sure whether it was the idea of ​​Karamzin himself or the initiative of one of the employees of the publishing house, because, for example, in the famous "History of the Russian State" our great countryman did not use the letter "e".

The first known misprint with "ё" happened already in 1797 - the word "garnished" instead of "faceted".

The letter "ё" (together with "й", by the way) entered the official alphabet only in Soviet times (except for the "New ABC" by Leo Tolstoy (1875), in which the letter "ё" was in 31st place, between yatem and "e").

There is a legend that the popularization of the letter "e" was influenced by Joseph Stalin. According to her, on December 6, 1942, an order was brought to Stalin for signature, in which the names of several generals were printed with the letter "e", and not "e". Stalin was furious, and the next day the letter "e" suddenly appeared in all the articles of the Pravda newspaper. Rumor has it that the oral order of the Generalissimo began with our favorite letter :)

It is curious that there is still no clear definition of the element located above the letter, which is very reminiscent of the letter "e". According to traditional linguistics, the word "colon" was used earlier, but in the last hundred years, the less formal expression "two dots" is most often dispensed with, or they generally try to avoid a separate mention of this element.

Later recognition of the main Ulyanovsk letter led to an amazing situation, some proper names have come down to us with an incorrect vowel. For example, the famous inventor Wilhelm Roentgen is actually Roentgen, and Winston Churchill is Churchill, Afanasy Fet is Fet .. and there are dozens of such revelations, from Frekin Bock to Goebbels. Gerard Depardieu, although our contemporary, but in reality Depardieu, like the notorious Cardinal Resolvelier ..

But this is nothing compared to the realization that Count Tolstoy had the name Lyov and not Lev, as evidenced, for example, by his lifetime foreign editions with the name Lyof or Lyoff on the cover 8))

An interesting fact concerns another of our fellow countrymen - Lenin. In the Soviet period, patronymic V.I. Ulyanov in the instrumental case it was customary to write Ilyich (while for all other Ilyichs after 1956 it was used only by Ilyich).

As for the monuments to the 7th letter of the modern alphabet, not everyone remembers, but the current monument "yo" is already the second version of the monument. The first one was completely unsympathetic.

Now the monument looks much better :)

But, as it turned out, the monument to the letter "ё" in Ulyanovsk is not the only one.
In the Yadrinsky district of the Republic of Chuvashia, in August 2003, on the site of the former village of Yolkino, a monument to the letter "yo" was erected, a monument to the lost village.
"The image of the Russian letter itself is mounted on an oak column 3.5 meters high."

"About the village of Yolkino.
A story has been preserved about the cruelty of the master, who did what he wanted with the peasants. If a young guy wanted to get married, and he was handsome, then the master would find him a slanting bride. If the girl was beautiful, then she found a pockmarked groom. And who did not obey the master, he was beaten with rods. The peasants hated the master and conceived reprisals against him. There were two brave people, one was called Yashin, the name of the other is unknown. Once the master went to the county of the Kazan province. When the Little Dudes were passing through the territory, the driver stopped the horse, saying that the tugs were loose. At this time, Yashin and his friend ran out of the forest and killed the master. The coachman arrived in the county, they began to flog him with rods for the master. Unable to bear it, he spoke about Yashin and his friend. The murderers were caught, flogged with rods and sent to hard labor. Before the revolution, the relatives of the master sold the house and left for the city.
They say that part of the village was played at cards and moved to another place."

Transfer "Field of Miracles" along with KVN and "What? Where? When?" remains on the air of the federal first button since Soviet times. It is customary to ostracize this program, but meanwhile it turned out to be so tenacious that for 27 years in a row an impressive queue has been built not only to participate in the game, but also just to sit on the set. The format of the show gradually shifted from capitalistically greedy to winning the competition to a weekly concert where the game itself fades into the background. Turning on the first channel on Friday evening, you can no longer see the drawing of apartments and the coolest foreign cars, the prizes are mostly conditional. For example, in the main game, the most expensive prize that can be chosen for the points scored in the game is a set of household appliances for the kitchen. And the super game goes on for no reason at all, before at least the drum was spun, but now you have to guess the words right away. "Mercedes" and convertibles were replaced by "Lada". Each participant must bring gifts, and some bring entire vocal and instrumental song and dance ensembles. An hour-long broadcast is recorded in three or four hours, mercilessly cutting off everything that is possible and impossible. And all this is ruled by the permanent Leonid Yakubovich, as it is customary for the progressive public to define the genre of programs beloved by the people, by “madness”.

Of course, the unprepared viewer may be shocked by the current format of the Field of Miracles. But for me this is one of the few chances to look at ordinary people. Our compatriots. Those who keep the country. Simple, uncomplicated, direct, happy just by the fact of getting into the transfer. Even if it's not their turn to spin the drum, they still get the experience of a lifetime. Just think, there are more than 12 thousand people who have passed through the “Field of Miracles” alone. And how many viewers there were, how many sudden wins and offensive losses. How many emotions, memories, surprises. Today, among the public that considers itself smarter than others, it is customary to watch “What? Where? When?" and compete with experts. And I am pleased to watch, albeit in the background, a simple game of words. Listen to songs, send greetings, rustic poems and wait for bidding for the "black box". In which, unlike an intellectual club, there may be keys to a car or apartment.

In 2015, a soulful documentary film “There is such a letter” was shot on the “First”. It tells not so much the history of the program, but the stories of the participants and creators of the most popular program, which has been on the screens every Friday for so long. Among the interviewees was Makarevich, who had already fallen into disgrace during the filming, but managed to find the right words. He said that when asked how Leonid Yakubovich manages to remain relatively original from year to year and not even give a hint of his own fatigue from the narrowness of the format, the old man with a thick gray mustache replied that he was pleased to know that anywhere in Russia, any person, when he sees him, he smiles. And indeed it is. I do not know anyone, and I cannot imagine such a person who would treat Yakubovich personally badly. They may not like “First”, “Field of Miracles”, TV, but Yakubovich does not cause a single negative emotion. Perhaps this is professional happiness. And a victim. A third of life within the rigid framework of the format. Yes, it's more of a sacrifice.

Watch the documentary "There is such a letter." I am sure you yourself will remember some of the games, heroes, participants in the first broadcasts. Because as a child you watched “Field of Wonders”. Everyone was watching. Even you.

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Field of Miracles (TV program)

Field of Dreams- "Field of Wonders" redirects here. See also other meanings. Field of Miracles Shot from the screen saver (since 2000) Genre TV game (“Capital Show”) Author Vladislav Listyev Alexei Lysenkov Director ... Wikipedia

Field of Miracles (capital show)- "Field of Wonders" redirects here. See also other meanings. Field of Miracles Shot from the screen saver (since 2000) Genre TV game (“Capital Show”) Author Vladislav Listyev Alexei Lysenkov Director ... Wikipedia


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"Field of Miracles" is a special, unique program. One of the few long-lived programs that have crossed the line of 25 broadcast years!

While dozens of programs appear and go into oblivion on Russian television every year, Field of Miracles steadily holds the audience's interest. At the same time, almost nothing has changed in the capital show for a quarter of a century: the same drum, the same rules, the same lottery. Why do viewers continue to watch "Field of Miracles" for many years? What is the secret of success? The task of our film is to comprehend the essence of this unique television phenomenon.

Permanent presenter of the program Leonid Yakubovich, breaking away from his usual on-screen image, is trying to understand the mechanisms of the emergence of human emotions, the birth of "frame magic". To do this, being in the same space as usual (in the studio of the "Field of Miracles" program, only without scenery, light, spectators and participants), Leonid Yakubovich goes on a virtual journey through time, plunging into his memories, in 1991 when, at this very place, Vlad Listyev handed over a microphone to Yakubovich, who was not yet known to anyone. From that moment on, Leonid Arkadievich became part of the "Field of Miracles" ...

Exploring the phenomenon of the capital show, Yakubovich meets with friends, colleagues, participants of the program, each of whom also once visited the gravity of the "Field of Miracles". To organize the material in the film, the principle of short stories will be used: short completed stories with various characters. Each short story in its own way will answer the question about the driving force of the "Field of Miracles" phenomenon. And in each story, the memories of the heroes will echo with the "same" archival video.

Here we are going to visit Irina Chubukova, who won an apartment in 1996. We talk to her and her family. We show the same issue when she received her prize. We ride on Alexander Sazonov's Moskvich, who won this car 23 years ago. We communicate with Igor Vinogradov (he played at the age of 7): we intersperse a modern interview with archival footage. The boy was very impressed with the participation in the program, connected his future life with cinema, and he also teaches acting to children.

We learned that there is a secret room in the Field of Miracles, in which Yakubovich communicates with the heroes before the start of each program, all these years. No Field of Wonders staff (not even the editor-in-chief and director) have ever been allowed into this room. And only for our film crew, Leonid Arkadyevich makes an exception: for the first time we will show viewers footage that no one has seen before ... Yakubovich himself believes that thanks to this secret communication with the players, they (simple, unprepared people) can be liberated during the game. The Chamber of Secrets is one of the reasons for the success of Field of Wonders.

The film was attended by:

Leonid Yakubovich, Zapashny brothers, Andrey Makarevich, Leonid Yarmolnik, Anatoly Lysenko, Alexander Gurnov, Alexander Lyubimov, Gennady Khazanov, Vladimir Vinokur, Alexei Buldakov, Alla Surikova, Elena Malysheva, Valdis Pelsh, Dmitry Kharatyan, Alexander Zhukov, Andrey Makarov, Julius Gusman , Evgeny Petrosyan, Alexander Maslyakov, Yuri Nikolaev, Vladimir Pozner.

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