Home delivery of bottled drinking water


Home delivery of drinking bottled water is a service that has long been appreciated by residents of cities and towns. If you live in a small town where there is not a single specialized water store, or in a densely populated metropolis where it is not so easy to find water in the right amount and quality, then you are probably familiar with the problem of water shortage. It is especially acute in the summer, when the water in the plumbing becomes cloudy, and sometimes with an unpleasant odor. In this situation, it is enough to sign an agreement with the company https://www.stmwater.ru/catalog/ and you will be able to receive daily delivery of clean drinking water.

Advantages of the delivery service

Bottled drinking water, like many other products, has its own price category. This means that the quality of the water received directly depends on the price of it. There is also a difference in price between water from natural sources and purified water. The price is affected not only by the degree of purification, but also by the location of the source.

If we talk about clean water, then it must be extracted from artesian wells, which are located at a depth of at least 100 meters, and always from a source that is not polluted by industrial waste and does not contain harmful substances.

  • Delivery of bottled water to your home or office helps to solve the problem with the delivery of drinking water to the office.
  • In order not to get into an unpleasant situation, you need to know what to look for when choosing water.
  • If you live in an apartment and need a lot of water, it is better to choose water from artesian wells. In such wells, the water is cleaner than in the water supply. It does not contain harmful impurities, as it does not pass through treatment facilities.

Today, bottled water in the city can be ordered by phone or via the Internet. Delivery of water is carried out in bottles of 19 liters.

Company products: drinking water, coolers and pumps, racks, coffee, tea, chocolate, dishes, sugar, cream.

Services: rent of coolers, service, cleaning, diagnostics, repair, departure of the master.

Clean drinking water

Water from natural sources, such as springs, differs in composition from water obtained by purification. To obtain clean water, specialists conduct laboratory tests for compliance with sanitary standards. After that, the water is bottled and delivered to you. When delivering water to an office or home, you get water that meets all standards and requirements. You can order water delivery by phone, which is listed on the site. Water extracted from natural reservoirs contains various minerals that can affect health as well as the taste of water.

Water "Senezhskaya"

Mineral table water "Senezhskaya" is produced in accordance with GOST R 54316-2011 "Natural mineral drinking water. General specifications". Water in sufficient quantities contains such useful elements as calcium and magnesium. The microbiological indicators of Senezhskaya meet safety requirements, the content of fluorine, as well as nitrates and nitrites, is within the normal range.

Water Holy Spring

Natural drinking water "Holy Spring" is perhaps one of the most famous in Russia. Water is extracted from artesian wells - environmentally friendly underground sources located in protected areas of Russian nature. Sources for extraction are carefully selected to be able to use modern sparing filtration methods that allow preserving all the benefits of water for humans - the natural structure of water and the optimal content of salts and trace elements in it.

Vittel water

Mineral drinking water Vittel natural filtration with calcium and magnesium. The passage of VITTEL water through the volcanic rock of the Vosges mountains lasts from 15 to 20 years. It slowly makes its way through three layers of red sandy clay, shell limestone and variegated sandstone. At the same time, the water undergoes natural filtration, during a long process, minerals such as calcium and magnesium are released from the volcanic rock.

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