Achievements of the rural library. The Role of the Rural Library in Local Self-Government


The report was prepared for presentation at the seminar "The Rural Library as a Center for the Socio-Cultural Life of the Village"

Currently, rural libraries are an integral and most significant part of the social structure of rural settlements, the social life of local communities, contributing to the social and spiritual revival of villages, the preservation of the historical and cultural heritage of Russia.

Being as close as possible to the population and its needs, being the only source of information and knowledge for the villagers, rural libraries largely perform the functions of social communication, remain the most stable and most accessible cultural institutions.

Our institution - the Municipal Budgetary Inter-Settlement Cultural Institution of the Muromtsevsky Municipal District of the Omsk Region "Centralized Library System" - operates in accordance with:

1) Charter

2) and the subject and goals of the activities defined by the legislation in the field of culture and librarianship.

Let us dwell on some positions of federal, regional and local regulatory legal acts.

Federal target program "Culture of Russia (2012 - 2018)"

In the Concept of the long-term socio-economic development of the Russian Federation until 2020, approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 17, 2008 No. 1662-r, culture is assigned a leading role in the formation of human capital.

The priority of the state policy in the field of culture is the solution of the following tasks:

¾ education of the younger generation in the spirit of legal democracy, citizenship and patriotism, participation in an innovative culture and freedom of creativity;

¾ development of the creative potential of the nation, ensuring wide access of all social strata to the values ​​of national and world culture;

¾ preservation of cultural values ​​and traditions of the peoples of the Russian Federation, material and intangible cultural heritage of Russia and its use as a resource for spiritual and economic development;

¾ maintaining the high prestige of Russian culture abroad and expanding international cultural cooperation

The library is one of the oldest cultural institutions. Over a long period of human history, itssocial functions have undergone significant changes. The library has become a social institution that includes information and cultural components and ensures the stability of ties and relationships within society.

Some theorists and practitioners consider the library to be an intermediary that transmits information from producers to consumers. It is difficult to say to what extent the majority of libraries in our country have already mastered this role. But it is important to note that the majority of libraries, both municipal and departmental (not to mention federal or national) claim precisely this role in the modern world.

However, there is another opinion. For example, Soviet and Russian librarian, librarian and publicist, Honored Worker of Culture of the RSFSRGeorgy Polikarpovich Fonotov thinksthat the demand for libraries today is determined not by the fact that they have turned or are turning into information centers, but by the fact that they are humanitarian institutions, “whose social function is to actively participate in the education and upbringing of a person, his intellectual and practical activities, ... ensuring the rights of the individual to use spiritual values, strengthening her physical and spiritual health.

The same point of view is shared by the Deputy Director of the OGONBP them. Pushkin (Omsk) O. V. Moskovtseva. In her speech “Assessing the effectiveness of cultural and educational activities of the library” at the methodological seminar “Sociocultural and educational activities of public libraries: space for creativity” (September 25, 2018), she said that “our task is to form a high-quality personality”, therefore libraries carry out not cultural and leisure, not socio-cultural activities, but CULTURAL AND EDUCATIONAL.

The same point of view is reflected, respectively, in Regional Standard for the Activities of the Municipal Public Library of the Omsk Region"(2016):

Cultural and educational activities - exhibition activities, organization and holding of educational, educational events, implementation of cultural and educational programs.

Ibid information service is interpreted as providing consumers with the necessary information, carried out by information bodies and services through the provision of information services;

Functions of the modern library are memorial, communication, information, educational, socializing and cultural.

Memorialfunction is a generic library function. By collecting and preserving documentary sources, the library is the embodiment of the "memory of mankind", serves as a guarantor of the emergence of new qualities of social memory, and ensures the sustainability of social life. (systematization, storage and dissemination of cultural heritage)

As part of communication function the library organizes the interaction of a person with the social memory of all mankind, transferring to him for use all the public cultural heritage accumulated by civilization.

The desire of the modern library to provide equal and free access to socially significant information and knowledge lies in informational functions.

The modern library destroys its physical boundaries, moves from the real space to the virtual one. On the one hand, it offers access to information resources belonging to other subjects of the information space, including those presented on the Internet. On the other hand, it creates electronic information resources available outside its physical walls, provides virtual services for finding information and necessary knowledge.

educational the function can manifest itself both in a broad sense (transmission of cultural norms and values ​​to current and future generations) and in a narrow sense (providing information support for the education of an individual). Thus, the library contributes to the formation of a socially competent, informationally literate person, becomes the main base for continuous education and self-education.

Being an integral and organic part of culture, acting as the greatest value of human culture, the library is one of the most important factors in cultural development, dissemination, renewal and increment of the cultural heritage of countries and peoples, ensuring the continuity of the world cultural heritage. This manifests itself in ultra function modern library.

Realizing socializing function, the library ensures the inclusion of a particular person in culture, contributes to his socio-cultural identification, helps the individual to reveal his creative potential.

Many colleagues point out the function of social support and consolidation of residents(assistance in preparing documents for obtaining social benefits for the elderly and low-income families, promoting the social adaptation of migrants, etc.)

The objectives of the activities of the Institution are (from the Charter of the CBS):

Preservation of accumulated knowledge, memory of mankind in the form of documents and other information carriers;

Dissemination of knowledge and information in society, information and bibliographic services to the population;

Cultural and educational activities aimed at meeting the spiritual and cultural needs of each member of society.

The main tasks of the library are (Regional standard):

-providing opportunities for education and intellectual leisure of citizens of the Omsk region;

-preservation and transmission of cultural heritage recorded in textual, visual and other forms;

-organization of the opportunity to get acquainted with samples of literature, the results of research and creative activities;

-ensuring free (free, comfortable, legal) access of citizens to the national library fund through the information and communication network "Internet" and mobile applications.

In order to achieve the goals provided for by our Charter, the Institution (that is, you and I) carries out ( activities - spelled out in the Charter)…

Today, libraries perform not only an informational function, but become the soul and heart of the local community. The scheme of social partnership of libraries in this region is not much different from ours, librarians:

¾ cooperate with almost all institutions available in settlements,

¾ take part in the celebrations of the village, hold weeks of children's books, organize events for the International Day of the Family, Mother's Day, etc.

¾ cooperate with temples and their abbots

¾ implement creative programs and projects, conduct local history workand create corners of Russian life

¾ release multimedia albums about the defenders of the Fatherland of all times

¾ become venues for interest clubs

¾ assist students in the preparation of reports and abstracts, and much more.

As for the current state of rural libraries, I am impressed by the point of view of Tikunova Irina Petrovna (RSL, Head of the Department of Scientific and Methodological Activities - Head of the Center for Research on the Development of Libraries in the Information Society):

At present, serious changes are taking place in rural libraries related to increasing their role in the life of local communities, expanding the functions and range of services provided. Their functions have become much more complicated.

- One of the new functions is the preservation and transmission of cultural traditions in time and space, ensuring continuity, personifying the memory of generations. Even the smallest rural library collects and preserves local history, accumulates local intellectual and information potential over the years, creating the most important resource of the local community. If the village is considered to be the creator of the culture of the people, its spiritual national roots and traditions, then the library becomes a collector, custodian and conductor of cultural traditions

- Another function is participation in the cultural rehabilitation of socially unprotected people. Remaining the guarantor of the right of Russian citizens to free access to information, to free basic library services, the rural library continues the traditions of enlightenment, promotes the social and cultural adaptation of such groups as children, youth, the unemployed, pensioners.

- Promoting the development of local self-government and the formation of a local community . As part of this function, the rural librarian is not only a real assistant to the rural leader, but sometimes the initiator and organizer of the participation of the local population in solving the social problems of the territory.

- Indirect participation in raising cultural needs and in the assimilation of life values. The implementation of this function involves the development of the library as an important social resource in the implementation of state and regional programs aimed at improving the information, legal, environmental culture of the population.

- A socially important function of libraries is the creation of a special cultural and intellectual environment in society. Continuing to be a place for intellectual communication, the rural library contributes to the growth of the cultural level of the local population, contributes to the development and realization of the intellectual potential of its readers, organizes activities to promote reading and books in society, and attracts local creative intelligentsia to this movement.

… And here, she says, one should think about the possibilities of a rural library to adequately fulfill its role, since a library in a rural area feels very strongly the severity of economic and social problems that impede modernization. (Outdated library collections, lagging behind in the field of computerization and modernization, irregular acquisition of professional knowledge, rare professional communication between rural library staff, non-participation in professional events at the regional and interregional levels, etc.)

Strengthening the legal framework for the activities of libraries at the regional and municipal levels, the development of regional social programs that involve the inclusion of rural libraries in their implementation;

Actualization of the professional knowledge of library specialists in the village, organization of a system for their professional adaptation by combining local educational resources, implementation of individual educational projects;

Modernization and informatization of rural libraries at the expense of the founders, sponsors, grant givers or funding from other sources;

Strengthening networking in the creation and use of regional and network resources (provided you have access toInternet? ) ,

- development of social partnership by including libraries in the implementation of regional social programs and projects, establishing partnerships with various information, cultural and educational institutions and organizations;

The use of modern management technologies in library practice (project management, marketing, PR activities), which help to build their activities in such a way as to be understandable, open to the local community, attract more resources and effectively satisfy their information, educational and cultural needs.

BUT Margarita Mikhailovna Kulikova, leading methodologist of the national library of the Republic of Korea, highlightsgeneral lines of action for successful rural libraries: The library is a platform for the realization of the creative, professional, educational, cultural potential of the user. The librarian is the organizer, helping to find resources for this, showing visitors the unlimited possibilities of the library to organize an event that is meaningful for every reader.

On Friday, March 21, a round table was held at the Maksatikha inter-settlement central library on the theme “The rural library as a factor in the preservation of culture”.

The round table was attended by Deputy Head of the Department for Culture, Youth Policy, Sports and Tourism of the Maksatikha District Administration S. Vinogradov, employees of the inter-settlement central library, librarians of rural libraries and heads of rural settlements of the district.

Rural libraries are an integral part of the social structure of rural settlements, play an important role in the public life of local communities, and contribute to the preservation of the historical and cultural heritage of their region. They perform the functions of social communication to a greater extent than other institutions and remain the most accessible cultural institutions. Being sometimes the only social institutions that meet the cultural, educational and information needs of residents of hard-to-reach remote areas. The librarian of the Kamensk library T. Boikova and the head of the Kamensk rural settlement T. Sokolova spoke about this in their speeches.

Libraries are centers of historical and spiritual memory, cultural, local lore and educational centers, the main task of which is the acquisition, preservation and use of documentary, printed and material sources of information. In order to preserve and develop cultural and historical traditions, events are held in libraries that acquaint readers with the history, cultural features of their native land, folk art, literature and works of art. This is the creation of albums about the history and culture of the native land, about the enterprises of the native village and the people living in it, these are the annals of the gone and leaving villages, created on the basis of memories, archival documents, letters from people, the creation of local history corners. The librarians of Z. Lebedev's Hotel Library, T. Arseniev's Rybinsk Library, V. Gordeev's Kostretska Library, M. Buzmakov's Klyuchevskoy Library, and M. Glafirov's Rivzavodsk Library shared their experience of this work with the audience.

The issue: the population, the library, the power: the experience of cooperation in the formation of a cultural space, - were devoted to the speeches of the librarian of the Kistutovskaya library L. Ivanova and the head of the Zarechensky rural settlement A. Miskin. In an informal, interested discussion of this topic, the heads of rural settlements noted the importance of libraries in the life of the village, the demand for them by the local community. The library at all times was the conductor of the culture of society and the policy of the state, sensitively reacted to the changes taking place in the socio-economic and political life of the region, an information bridge between the population and the authorities. The library actively participates in actions and events held by local authorities: civic-patriotic, environmental education, legal education, promotion of a healthy lifestyle. The local government, the school, the rural House of Culture and the library in the village are like a single family, where everyone helps and complements each other.

In recent years, the status of a social, educational, information and cultural institution has been increasingly assigned to the rural library. Providing rural residents with free access to information, education, culture, libraries provide services and assistance to all citizens, regardless of gender, age, nationality, education, social status, political beliefs, attitude to religion.

Due to their accessibility, libraries have a strategic opportunity to improve the quality and democratic life of the rural population. M. Seliverstova, a librarian of the Malyshevsk Library, shared her experience of working with the Malyshevsk boarding school. And T. Kudryavtseva, librarian of the Ruchkov Library, spoke about the provision of services to people with disabilities and the elderly. Its oldest reader is 88 years old.

The librarian of the Seletska library L. Ershova shared her experience of interaction between the library and the school in educating and familiarizing the younger generation with the culture.

The work of the Business Information Centers of Rural Libraries was also discussed at the round table. By improving the quality of the services provided, changing the forms of work in accordance with the needs of users, libraries strive to become universally recognized information centers for the inhabitants of our region.

Press service of the Maksatikhinsky district administration.

The Significance of the Library: A Modern Perspective. Functions and tasks of a modern rural library. Practical aspects of the rural library on the example of the library in the village. Characteristics of the features of the rural library.

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Coursework in the discipline "Library Science"

on the topic: "Rural library in modern conditions"



Chapter 1

  1. The Significance of the Library: a Modern Perspective...……………………..5
    1. Functions and tasks of a modern rural library……………...13

Chapter 2

2.1. Characteristics of the features of the rural library…………………19

2.2. Implementation of the functions and tasks of the rural library………………….23




One of the most important sections of general library science is the doctrine of the library. This is explained by the fact that the library is the main, central institution, the totality of which forms a more complex system called librarianship. Its study allows one to feel the understanding not only of the library itself as a key production unit of the system of library services to the population, but also of librarianship, a developed system set formed by libraries of various types and types.

Regular library services for the rural population of Russia began to be carried out from the middle of the 19th century, although the need for a book and familiarization with it through the bookselling network, subscription to magazines and newspapers, secular schools and Sunday schools, which were organized, for example, by the "Society for Promoting the Spread of Public Education" noted by researchers much earlier.

The emergence of rural libraries was, first of all, a consequence of the development of school education in the countryside, because, as a rule, the first libraries were created either at schools, or by educated people (often teachers), or at the expense of educated people. The Russian Ministry of Public Education of that time played a huge role in creating a network of rural libraries.

In addition, the creation of libraries in the countryside was a logical continuation of the processes of development of librarianship that were unfolding at that time in cities.

Relevance. The ongoing social transformations affect libraries so decisively that they not only change the entire system of library work and library resources, but also for the first time raise the question of the “boundaries” of the library space and the very foundations of the existence of traditional libraries and their functions.

The change in the role and purpose of libraries is reflected in the relationship of the library with society and individual social institutions, leading to the transformation of professional values ​​of library ethics, professional consciousness of the library community.

Thus, the theme of the implementation by the rural library of its functions and tasks is undoubtedly relevant.

Object of study: the functioning of libraries in modern conditions.

Subject of study:rural library.

The purpose of the course work:analysis of the activities of a rural library in modern conditions on the example of a library in the village. XXXXXXXXXX.

To achieve this goal, it is necessary to solve a number of tasks :

  1. Study of literature, scientific publications and methodological materials on the research topic;
  2. Determining the importance of libraries in the modern space;
  3. Consideration of the functions and tasks of the library;
  4. Analysis of the practical aspects of a modern rural library;
  5. Identification of the functions and tasks of the library in s.ХХХХХХ;
  6. Conclusions on the research topic.

Research methods:theoretical, general scientific, sociological.

The degree of study of the topic.Yu.P. Melentieva, N.P. Lysikova, I. Gladkova, N. Ivanova. Methodological material and practical aspects are presented in the professional publications "Library", "Biblio-field", "School Library", etc.

Work structure:course work consists of introduction, two chapters, conclusion and bibliography.


  1. The Significance of the Library: A Modern Perspective

Librarianship is an area of ​​professional work, the purpose of which is to meet the information needs of society with the help of information resources concentrated in the library, as well as the totality of libraries operating in a particular territory.

In the legal sense, librarianship is understood as the branch of information, cultural, educational and educational activities of citizens and their associations, the tasks of which are to create and develop a network of libraries, form and process their funds, organize library, information and reference and bibliographic services for library users, train personnel , scientific and methodological support for the development of libraries. The main social goals of librarianship are the preservation and transfer of the abilities or achievements of mankind, reflected in the documented information flow.

According to the federal law on librarianship (dated December 29, 1994 No. 78-FZ):

  1. Any legal or natural person has the right to create a library on the territory of the Russian Federation in accordance with the current legislation.
  2. Citizens have the right to take part in the activities of boards of trustees, readers' councils or other associations of readers created in agreement with the heads of libraries or their founders.
  3. Library workers have the right to create public associations to promote the development of library services, professional consolidation, and protection of their social and professional rights.

Librarianship is one of the typical forms of human activity, so it can be divided into three fundamental components:

  1. Subject of work publication;
  2. Subject of labor reader and consumer;
  3. Labor intermediary librarian.

Library activity is determined by the movement, development of library resources, i.e., a set of parameters that characterize the ability of librarianship to solve modern and future problems of providing public and individual needs for documentary information. The following main characteristics of library resources can be distinguished:

  1. provision with libraries of various types and types, the level of their functioning as an integral library system;
  2. availability of library funds (volume, sectoral, thematic, typical, specific, linguistic, and other composition of literature, its compliance with the information needs of society);
  3. availability of personnel (their total number, educational and qualification composition, length of service, etc.);
  4. material and technical equipment (buildings, equipment, mechanization, automation of library processes).

Library resources define the relationship libraries have with each other in creating services and products that meet information needs. Only within the framework of certain intra- and inter-library relations and connections is it possible for the functioning of librarianship. Thus, librarianship is nothing but the interaction of library resources and library relations.

The library is one of the oldest cultural institutions. Over a long period of human history, its social functions have undergone significant changes. The purpose of the first libraries was to store documents. From the time of its inception to the present day, the library has passed the first stage of the evolution of the public mission: from serving the needs of the ruling elite to meeting public needs. The library has become a social institution that includes information and cultural components and ensures the stability of ties and relationships within society.

Information today is considered by many as a special value. There is even such a point of view that it is turning into a real productive force. A new term has appeared, denoting the current level of development of society - an information civilization or an information society. An active supporter of this approach to understanding modern society is, in particular, Ya.L. Schreiber. He believes that information technologies begin to dominate in society and in its economy, it becomes basic, the level of their development determines the level of development of the country as a whole.

The role of libraries in this process is the role of an intermediary that transmits information from producers to consumers. It is difficult to say to what extent the majority of libraries in our country have already mastered this role. But it is important to note that the majority of libraries, both municipal and departmental (not to mention federal or national) claim precisely this role in the modern world.

However, there is another opinion. So, G.P. Fonotov believes that the demand for libraries today is determined not by the fact that they have turned or are turning into information centers, but by the fact that they are humanitarian institutions, “whose social function is to actively participate in the education and upbringing of a person, his intellectual and practical activities, the development of science and arts, their mutual enrichment, ensuring the rights of the individual to use spiritual values, strengthening her physical and spiritual health. The program of library activities proposed by Fonotov is quite extensive, but he does not reject information activity proper, but he does not consider it as the main function of libraries either. In his opinion, the library collects and stores sources of knowledge, not information, so information is not a goal, but a means of transmitting knowledge.

A.I. Ostapov and A.L. Goncharov identifies three paradigms of librarianship presented by different authors:

  • structural-functional: the library is a "documentary resource", not an information one;
  • cognitive: the subject of work of librarians "knowledge";
  • informational.

Thus, the spread of opinions about the role of libraries in the modern world is quite wide. Interest in this problem is very great, as evidenced by the huge number of articles and other publications on this topic. Most authors talk about the information function of libraries as the most modern and in demand. But this point of view cannot be said to be undeniable.

Today, a paradoxical situation has developed in the relationship between the library, its employees and readers: libraries, primarily due to their financial insolvency, were unable to keep up with the release of new books and adapt to the changing interests and needs of readers.

This was revealed not only in the acquisition of funds, not only in the quality of services provided by libraries, but also in the stereotypes of thinking and behavior of library workers. Private (personal) libraries, most likely, if they have grown, then only slightly, but now they have begun to be selected by the owners more purposefully, with better quality; people no longer buy everything, which is a shortage, but prefer to buy only what really interests them. Moreover, books have become quite expensive. Thus, specialized personal and departmental (for example, institute) libraries have become a real competitor to public libraries.

Due to these and some other reasons (which should be revealed in the course of a special sociological study), the opposition "librarian reader" has acquired the character of a hidden conflict.

This conflict is expressed in the following points:

  • “the reader is always wrong” in relations with the library: it is the library that sets the rules for using library services, without taking into account the interests of the reader;
  • readers "in revenge" try not to notice the librarian as a person - they see in them only a function of a blind force called the "library system";
  • the library itself is viewed explicitly or implicitly by readers as a strictly functional system, and not a place for normal operation, i.e. the main, if not the only, duty of the library is to provide books (or, if you like, information) for solving some problems, nothing more; everything else is seen as an appendage, not very necessary, to this main function;
  • on the part of librarians, the content of their attitude towards readers is distrust; in turn, the reader's attitude towards librarians is characterized by contempt or neglect; both that, and another in everyday life results in irritation;
  • a fundamental misunderstanding between librarians and readers of each other: each of them does his own thing, but they are forced to do it for reasons incomprehensible to the parties in the same territory. But these two cases differ in content - librarians see their main task in collecting and storing books, and readers - in obtaining and processing information (books as carriers of this information turn out to be only a random form).

The time has come for a fundamentally new approach to the work of libraries. What today we have begun to call the new concept of "open access" is a long-forgotten old one. Another classic of library science, Sh. Ranganathan, said that the first law of library activity is the principle of “Books for use”. Those. library collections should not become huge repositories of book archives, access to which is very limited, but should turn into a tool of society, capable of promptly providing users with all the necessary information in the form of books and other documents.

Hence the different role of the librarian: from a custodian of books, he must turn into a specialist who is able to assess the psychology of each reader, understand his interests, be able to maintain dialogical communication with him about books and their search, i.e. he should become something like an office manager, focused on the reader, and not on the routine inside the library. Moreover, this work has an individualized focus.

The focus of libraries on the individual consumption of the information services they provide should be expressed not only in the psychological restructuring of librarians, but also in the very organization of the work of libraries. Some objective factors make the profession of a librarian a caste one, as if cut off from the rest of the world (which, by the way, has long been characteristic of library activities, since it was mainly the lot of monasteries, churches and, accordingly, their servants - keepers of books).

The transition to information services for the library involves a fundamental change in a number of its functions; completely different relations arise between the user and the library, which, in essence, consist in a sale and purchase relationship, i.e. those that did not exist before.

Indeed, any printout by the library of texts is a paid service of the library. Therefore, it can turn into a kind of bookstore or archive, which significantly changes the psychology of the librarian. And although these services are now in high demand among different categories of reader-users, one of the components of the library's activity as a cultural center is being lost - the share of communication between readers and librarians is decreasing.

Various cultural events, previously held by libraries on a fairly large scale, are becoming difficult to implement. In the near future, the practice of remote access to libraries via the Net may become widespread, as some major libraries already do.

Therefore, many librarians say that libraries should strive to avoid over-commercialization, not focusing only on profit. They must ensure that their services are accessible to all, i.e. they must fulfill their function as a social institution that promotes social justice and equal opportunities for users.

Translating information, libraries are increasingly faced with the need to analyze the content of the sources available in the library. For example, the Internet, whose services are now offered by libraries, contains a lot of information, poorly selected and almost not systematized. Its use requires high qualifications from the consumer, which he does not always possess. Therefore, librarians themselves require appropriate training and skills in selecting and preliminary systematizing information from the Internet.

To a large extent, this also applies to information on paper: its volume and speed of updating have also grown significantly and will apparently continue to grow. Thus, taking on the role of an information center, libraries are forced to take on the responsibility of preliminary filtering, systematization and comprehension of the transmitted information. What librarians have now come to call "knowledge organization."

The current situation in connection with the change in the role (more precisely, different roles) of libraries indicates that they are at a crossroads - there is a clear contradiction between the need to provide traditional services and the need to fit into the information flows of modern society.

Without its core functions, a library can simply cease to be a library; that specific social institution, whose role in society cannot be replaced by anything. It should be taken into account that the passion for computerization and information technology leads to a lag in the development of traditional library services - to be the custodian and translator of knowledge captured on paper and other media.

It seems that it is the knowledge strategy that should underlie the activities of libraries today, because it is the transfer of knowledge, and not information as such, that has always made the library the spiritual center of any civilization. After all, information differs from knowledge in that it is what knowledge turns into as a result of formalization with the help of various technical means and intellectual procedures. Figuratively, we can say that if beef is knowledge, then information is stew, canned food from this beef. The difference between the one and the other, probably, does not need to be explained to anyone.

The main motive for turning to library resources, as follows from a number of sociological studies, is today the need for education. Therefore, information in its “pure” form is rarely in demand.

So, the role of libraries today is twofold - on the one hand, they retain their mission as a custodian and translator of knowledge, a spiritual center; on the other hand, they are partly turning into providers of information. In the first case, they perform their functions free of charge, in accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation “On librarianship”, in the second case, they seek to earn money by providing information services to consumers, but they lose their image as a special social institution that works for culture, not profit .

Today librarianship has lost those lofty slogans under the shadow of which it developed during the struggle for communism. The market ideology was alien to the consciousness of librarians, so it remained unaccepted by it. This is quite natural, because, as it was said, librarians are accustomed to seeing the highest value in their work, to consider it as a cultural mission, as a service to an idea, and not as a means of earning money.

And the mission is what it is, nothing in principle can be changed in it, and even the difficulties associated with it (in particular, lack of finances, authoritarian leadership) are perceived as inevitable and even necessary: ​​they only emphasize the significance of the mission itself.

  1. Functions and tasks of the rural library

A modern library can rightfully be defined as an integrative social institution that includes informational and cultural components. Its mission is dictated by the strengthening of the importance of information and knowledge as a catalyst for social development. It has several aspects:

  • promoting the circulation and development of the knowledge accumulated by mankind by providing free access to it;
  • preservation of documented knowledge as a public domain.

The functions of a modern library are memorial, communication, information, educational, socializing and cultural.

The memorial function is a generic library function. By collecting and preserving documentary sources, the library is the embodiment of the "memory of mankind", serves as a guarantor of the emergence of new qualities of social memory, and ensures the sustainability of social life. It preserves knowledge and culture in the most convenient form for perception, dissemination and use. By storing electronic documents, the library becomes the basic structural component of the virtual environment, which has stability, unambiguous identification, and provides legal regulation regarding the access to information resources provided. Carrying out the systematization, storage and dissemination of cultural heritage, the library organizes navigation in the world of culture, in the world of information and knowledge.

The modern library not only takes care of the safety of documents, but also provides access to them by creating metadata, exposing its collections, transferring the stored documented knowledge to other formats and other media.

As part of the communication function, the library organizes the interaction of a person with the social memory of all mankind, transferring to him for use all the public cultural heritage accumulated by civilization. The library is included in a complex system of social communication, creates opportunities for members of society to satisfy their needs for information and knowledge.

The desire of a modern library to provide equal and free access to socially significant information and knowledge lies in the information function and contributes to the establishment of social justice, reducing social tension in society. Expanding the availability of information enhances the role of libraries as a stabilizing social factor that ensures social security, social sustainability of social development, equalizes the possibilities for the production and consumption of information by different categories of the population.

Technical and technological modernization ensured the strengthening of the information function of the modern library. It becomes a full-fledged subject of the information space, creates the basis for many modern information and knowledge processes. The peculiarity of the information function of a modern library is that it is implemented in close cooperation with other subjects of the information process, using various channels for disseminating information.

The modern library destroys its physical boundaries, moves from the real space to the virtual one. On the one hand, it offers access to information resources belonging to other subjects of the information space, including those presented on the Internet. On the other hand, it creates electronic information resources available outside its physical walls, provides virtual services for finding information and necessary knowledge.

By developing cognitive activity, the library turns into one of the most productive and massive knowledge management systems. It provides ample opportunities for accessing the collective memory, removing the opposition of external and internal knowledge, creates special "meta-tools" with the help of which it manages knowledge arrays. By systematizing knowledge, highlighting its fragmentary and global levels, the library provides objectivity and depth of knowledge of the surrounding world.

The modern library participates in the process of education both in a broad sense (transmitting cultural norms and values ​​to current and future generations) and in a narrow sense (providing information support for an individual's education). Ensuring the unity of general (general cultural) and special (professional) education, the library contributes to the formation of a socially competent, informationally literate person, becomes the main base for continuous education and self-education. Performing an educational function, the library remains one of the universal ways of learning.

Being an integral and organic part of culture, acting as the greatest value of human culture, it is one of the most important factors in cultural development, distribution, renewal and increment of the cultural heritage of countries and peoples, ensuring the continuity of the world cultural heritage. The cultural function of the modern library is enhanced by the desire of each person and each community to self-identify and promote their own culture.

Realizing the socializing function, the library ensures the inclusion of a particular person in culture, contributes to his socio-cultural identification, helps the individual to reveal his creative potential.

Its cognitive function reflects participation in the processes of knowledge management and the production of new knowledge. It involves the activity of a modern library in structuring and systematizing integrated knowledge (especially in a networked electronic environment), as well as its processing and synthesis.

The most important tasks of libraries in the modern world are increasingly formulated as providing free and unlimited access to information and the preservation of its sources, and the librarian is increasingly called not the custodian and propagandist of the book, but an information specialist, a navigator in an ocean of information that doubles quantitatively every five years.

The tasks of a modern library can be expressed as follows:

“Information and documentary support of the educational process of the institution and self-education of children, teachers and other categories of readers.

Formation of the information and bibliographic culture of schoolchildren through teaching the use of a book and other information carriers, search, selection and critical evaluation of information.

Improvement of traditional and non-traditional forms of individual and mass work.

Raising the level of library and information-bibliographic services for schoolchildren and teachers;

Achievement of the “reading standard”, i.e., that level of reading competence and reading development of children and adolescents, which is necessary for the health of the nation, ensuring its intellectual, moral and aesthetic development;

Ensuring the openness of the library for all children and adolescents, observing equal rights and opportunities for children and adolescents of all social strata of society with different intellectual and physical abilities;

Creation of conditions conducive to teaching children and adolescents the basics of information, information and communication literacy;

Ensuring access of users children and adolescents to objective and comprehensive information about the world in an accessible and safe form for them”;

“Mutual enrichment of traditional book culture and new “electronic”;

Ensuring information security and humanistic orientation of electronic products available to children and adolescents;

Development of communication between users, education of a culture of communication;

Development of the recreational and rehabilitation potential of the library, the possibilities of library and art therapy, creative therapy;

Formation, organization, ensuring the safety and efficiency of the use of the library fund of universal content.

Thus, the following conclusions can be drawn from the first chapter.

A library service (in its tangible and intangible forms) can be considered as a commodity that has a value, and at the same time as an intermediary for the exchange of social experience between readers and library specialists, and the second aspect prevails over the first due to the social orientation of library activities. It is the social orientation that forms the criteria for the quality and efficiency of library services, services, and also determines the features of distribution relations in the field of library services - they are manifested in paid, privileged and free of charge consumption.

The problems of libraries and library services is the problem of awareness of the population, accessibility of new ideas and knowledge, especially necessary today in order to adapt to new social conditions, find oneself and one's place in life again, and be competitive.

A characteristic feature of the modern library system is the ever-increasing gap between information-poor and information-rich libraries. There is a direct relationship between the number of people served by the library and the general level of socio-economic, cultural and spiritual development of the region and its resource capabilities. The greater the resource (information) potential of the library, the more in demand it is, the higher the cultural, educational, intellectual level of the population.


2.1. Characteristics of the features of the rural library

A significant part of the villagers today live in an environment of lack of information. At the same time, there is an increase in the reader activity of rural residents, associated primarily with the emergence of new professions, new technologies, inevitable in rural areas. Information requests of the villagers to a certain extent equaled the needs of urban residents. Their novelty and diversity are noted: problems of land legislation, taxation, lending, issues of pricing and investment policy, the introduction of new efficient technologies, the sale of agricultural products, and personal subsidiary farming.

At present, more than ever, the need for reliable, complete and timely legal information is increasing. People need it in order to make an optimal decision that does not contradict the law in a certain life situation, to fully exercise or protect their rights. In connection with the letter of the President "On organizing the collection, storage and provision of information on local self-government issues in municipal libraries" (1997), library centers of municipal and legal information have become widespread in various regions of the country.

Despite different opportunities, the task of every rural library is to become a reliable source of municipal legal information. Independently resolving issues of the life of the municipality, the local government issues management acts that are binding on all institutions, organizations, enterprises, officials and citizens located on its territory. Based on the Law, all official documents (charters of municipalities, resolutions, orders, decisions) must be transferred by both district and rural administrations to the district library. Providing the population with legal information at the federal and regional levels is achieved through the obligatory subscription of rural libraries to national and regional full-length newspapers (Rossiyskaya Gazeta, Trud, etc.).

Information support of entrepreneurship in the countryside is one of the important activities of rural libraries, allowing them to actively promote the economic development of their territory. It is farmers and private entrepreneurs who often need information that is ready to use, containing specific recommendations and advice, factual data of a business, commercial and financial nature.

Many farm managers are interested in collective information, therefore, by concluding contracts for information services, rural libraries work with agricultural production cooperatives, farms, veterinary stations and other agricultural enterprises. In a number of regions, the system of individual information services for agricultural specialists remains in demand: an agronomist, livestock specialist, head of machine and tractor workshops, an economist.

Rural business is not only production, domestic services and trade, taxes from which should become the basis of the village economy, but also personal subsidiary farms, which today produce 98.6% of potatoes, 88.9% of vegetables and more than half of livestock products in the region. For villagers, part-time farming is a good and sometimes the only way to earn money. Libraries can help them with this by providing information services on the economics of homestead and household economy, homestead life. The library clubs "Owner", "Income", operating in many districts, have proved their viability.

In the context of the rapid process of updating knowledge, the library becomes the center of knowledge in the broadest sense of the word. Many public figures, scientists, and writers in Russia talk about the emergence of secondary illiteracy in the country and a decline in interest in reading. Libraries are more responsible for promoting reading, developing the imagination and creativity of children and young people. Considering that the network of preschool institutions, especially kindergartens, has been greatly reduced in the countryside, libraries are called upon to provide even the youngest readers who comprehend the letters with everything necessary for their spiritual development.

Rural libraries have accumulated considerable experience in this traditional direction. The role of libraries in the information support of education has increased, the demand for literature to help master the educational process has increased, and there have been serious changes in the school curriculum.

In recent years, at the initiative of local authorities, a merger of rural and school libraries has taken place in a number of districts. However, despite the common work, these libraries have fundamental differences. If the school library, first of all, should provide the educational process of the school, then the rural library is designed to develop the desire for self-education, self-education, and the organization of full-fledged leisure. In addition, rural libraries provide an educational process not only for young people and schoolchildren, but also for the adult population, since there is a constant need to improve skills or learn a new profession due to the threat of unemployment. Not only the functions differ, but also the resources and mode of operation of these libraries.

The fulfillment of the memorial function is one of the important tasks of rural libraries. Most of all, it manifests itself in the creation of chronicles of villages, biographical descriptions of local attractions, the history of individual families, famous figures and enlighteners, and the most striking events. Local history corners, mini-museums created in libraries allow to arouse a deep interest among residents and readers in the history of the village, respect for fellow villagers who glorified it with military and labor achievements, preserve and increase cultural traditions.

Such important social functions as promoting the creative self-realization of people, expanding the range of interests and cultural needs of rural residents, improving the moral climate, rural libraries perform by directly participating in the life of the local community. In connection with the decline in agricultural production in the last decade, social problems have sharply worsened: unemployment, low living standards due to low wages (in agriculture, it is 60% of the subsistence level). Libraries have become centers of psychological support and social rehabilitation for various groups of the population: the disabled, the unemployed, participants in local wars, the elderly and semi-literate people, difficult-to-educate teenagers, members of large, single-parent and dysfunctional families, children in orphanages and boarding schools. They work on socially significant programs: “Mercy”, “Family. Women. Children”, “Healthy lifestyle”. In order to revive the traditions of family reading in the regions, specialized family reading libraries are being created on the basis of rural libraries.

In recent years, there has been a development of cooperation between libraries and employment services. Providing assistance to a person who has found himself in a difficult life situation, libraries thereby reduce social tension in the area. This role of the library is especially growing in remote villages, where there is no opportunity to create specialized social support services for the population.

The possibilities of high-quality performance of information and educational functions largely depend on the main resource - library funds. The word "fund" in Latin means "essence", so it is quite understandable that without a quality fund, the library loses its essence.

The library can qualitatively provide information support for the development of its territory only in close cooperation with local governments.

Rural libraries are tackling the problem of building collections and improving customer service by seeking additional funding. One of the solutions is to participate in programs and competitions for grants announced by Russian and international foundations and centers. An effective way to attract extrabudgetary funds is to conduct charity events. Today, in many villages, the campaigns “New books for children!” are being held.

Thus, only the understanding of its role in the new socio-economic conditions and the tactics of creative interaction with local governments, with local organizations and enterprises, with representatives of the local community will allow the rural library to actively carry out information support for the development of its territory, play the role of an intellectual center of the village, take care of about the next generation.

2.2 Implementation of functions and tasks by the rural library

The products and services provided by the library are characterized not only by themselves, but also in interaction with other institutions, such as the central library, district administration, employment center, social protection authorities, etc.

Since 2009, the library in the village. XXXXXXX started to work on the program of interaction with rural institutions. The program was developed by the central library and is aimed at cooperation of rural and settlement libraries of the region with the committee for social protection of the population, the women's council of the village, the department for social protection of the population for the prevention of neglect of minors, the state inspection of road safety, educational institutions, feldsher-obstetric centers and the employment center district xxxxxxxxxx.

When drawing up a plan for the year, librarians included program items in their work plan, during the year they analyzed successful and failed activities, difficulties and achievements in working with partners, and made adjustments.

Libraries of XXXXXXXX district choose the work within the framework of the program “Family. Women. Children”, cooperating with the women's council, the committee for social protection of the population.

The survey "A book in your home: yesterday, today, tomorrow" showed the following results:

Most of the questionnaires were filled out by mothers (15 people), only 2 grandmothers took part in the survey and not one father. Consequently, women visit the library more often, and the activities of librarians to attract fathers to the library are not developed.

The average age of children of parents who participated in the survey is 10-12 years old, the so-called "transitional" age, when the problem of "fathers and children" is most acute. And three mothers did not indicate the age of their child. This can be caused either by the inattention of parents, or the respondents did not quite responsibly approached filling out the questionnaire.

Respondents' children are registered in both rural (6 pers.) and school (10 pers.) libraries. This suggests that children need information and enjoy visiting libraries. Two mothers did not indicate whether their child was enrolled in libraries or not, which shows that parents do not pay enough attention to the interests of their children.

The average age of parents when they started reading was 7 years. It follows that they were introduced to the book at school, after they learned to read. This is the merit of their teacher.

The average age of children when they started reading is 6 years. Moreover, girls are 5-6 years old, and boys are 6-7 years old. From this we can conclude that girls at an earlier age strive to learn about the world around them and that parents have been involved with children since preschool age and prepared them for school. Only two respondents do not know at what age they and their children started reading, which also indicates the lack of attention of parents to the development of the child.

To the question “Which book aroused your interest in reading?” parents called fairy tales (4 people), the textbook "Native speech", "The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish" by A. S. Pushkin, "Dreamers" by N. Nosov, "Chuk and Huck" by A. Gaidar, "Scarlet Sails" by A. Green. and etc.

To the question “Which book aroused interest in reading in your child?”, The answers were as follows: “Primer” (3 people), fairy tales (6 people), textbook “Native speech” (4 people). In this regard, it can be assumed that parents awakened children's interest in reading with the same books that left positive emotions in them from childhood. Two respondents were unable to answer these questions, one answered "I don't remember".

The most popular books in the childhood of parents were "Timur and his team" by A. Gaidar (3 people), "Dinka" by V. Oseev, "Scarlet Sails" by A. Green, "White Bim Black Ear" by G. Troepolsky, "The Fourth Height » Ilyin, “The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish” by A. S. Pushkin. Books named by parents are devoted to the theme of kindness, morality, diligence. Two people could not remember the popular books of their childhood.

To the question “Whose advice did you listen to when choosing books as a child?” the most popular was the answer “librarian” (9 people), the second place was the advice of friends (5 people), the advice of other people was listened to by 3 people. and one took books that were made into films. The first place given by the respondents to the librarian gives the right to speak about the professionalism of the librarian, who for the respondents was not an authoritarian keeper of books, but a benevolent “owner” of the book house, a friend, an assistant in choosing books, who introduced them to goodness and justice.

For their child, parents would like to order a book: educational; bright, colorful about animals; moral themes; about peer relationships, that is, books on the topic that they themselves read about and which is so relevant now. And only one mother named the specific name "Vasen Trubachev and his comrades."

14 respondents read their favorite books aloud with their children, one does not read, and one without fail, that is, all parents try to find common interests with their children through joint reading and discussion of books.

All respondents have books at home, many books for children and adults (7 people), mostly books for adults (2 people), mostly children's books (3 people), only encyclopedias (1 person), one person subscribes to children's magazines. Despite financial difficulties, parents try to allocate funds from the family budget for the purchase of books for children.

9 people out of the number of respondents are interested in what their child reads, “sometimes” 1 person, not at all interested in reading a child 1 person, the rest found it difficult to answer. These figures indicate the desire of parents to know what literature their child is reading, what he is interested in.

Most of the respondents consider reading a necessary part of life, 4 pers. consider reading a necessary part of learning, “reading is entertainment”, this opinion was expressed by 4 people. and 3 pers. considers this a way to obtain the necessary information. It is gratifying that none of the respondents considers reading to be a waste of time, although such an answer was proposed.

To the question “What 5 books would you take to a desert island?” the following answers were received: M. Mitchell "Gone with the Wind" (2 people); Dumas "The Count of Montecristo", "The Three Musketeers" (2 people); Guntekin "Singing Bird"; Mokkalots "Singing in the Blackthorn"; Cherkasov "Hop"; Egorov "You are salty, earth"; Sholokhov "Quiet Flows the Don"; G. Troepolsky "White Bim black ear"; London "White Fang", "Stories"; different (3 pers.). The presented works, different at first glance, are united by the fact that their subject matter is not much different from childhood books. These works are about morality, love, devotion, the harsh truth of life.

An analysis of the results of the survey showed that parents are trying to involve their children in family reading, with the exception of two, but they experience difficulties due to a lack of knowledge in pedagogy and psychology of the child, as well as ways to influence children's reading. Therefore, librarians need to develop a program to work with both parents and children on family reading, using various forms and methods of library activities. In addition, it is necessary to coordinate the work with teachers, a psychologist and a school librarian.

With parents who show a passive interest in reading and hobbies of children, it is necessary to carry out purposeful work.

The main directions of the work of rural libraries with the Committee for the Protection of the Population within the framework of the program "Library in Village Life".

Recently, mass libraries are increasingly perceived as social centers. This is due to the fact that most of the population feels their insecurity in the social sense, many live in conditions of not only material, but also moral, ideological, spiritual, cultural deficit. The task of humanizing library services becomes extremely relevant, especially when it comes to the use of the library by readers of a special category.

The interaction of the library with social institutions contributes to the expansion of functions.

In close cooperation, the libraries of the XXXXXX district work with the committee on social protection of the population of the administration of the XXXXXX district. The department for social protection of the administration of the XXXXX district was established in 1993, and in 2001 the department was transformed into the committee for social protection of the administration.

The committee consists of three departments:

Department of Subsidies;

department of allowances and other social payments;

Department for social work with the population.

The Committee of the Administration of the XXXXXX District for Social Protection of the Population is a structural subdivision of the administration of the district, which, within its competence, implements the state policy in the field of protection of the population. It provides state support to low-income sections of the population of the region, the elderly and the disabled, the development of a system of social institutions and services, and the implementation of state policy in the field of social protection.

The Committee carries out its activities in cooperation with the committees of the district administration and the district Council of People's Deputies, administrations of village councils, entrepreneurs, institutions and organizations, public associations, including non-state ones.

Thanks to cooperation with the department for social protection of the population, the libraries update the lists of families at social risk in their village, organize campaigns to support families in difficult situations, including the campaign "Get the children to school", implement social projects, organize educational recreation for children in vacation period.

The library actively cooperates with schools. The importance of this direction can hardly be overestimated. The library is the foundation of culture. On this basis, the culture of both society as a whole and each person is based. Many researchers argue that the book forms a spiritual, educational and socially valuable personality. The attention of libraries to children and teenagers determines the future of the region, city, district.

For children and adolescents, the library is considered as a source of obtaining the knowledge necessary for education and mastering the profession, as a place for communication with peers, as an opportunity to receive from a benevolent librarian when solving life problems.

The work of the library should be closely related to the activities of the school. For several years, libraries have been working to help the educational process within the framework of the program “Library and School: Ways for Further Cooperation”.

Literature to help the school curriculum is separated into separate shelves and arranged by subject.

Information work is being carried out to help the school curriculum. Information lists of literature and reviews of new books "New Literature to Help the Pedagogical Process" are issued for teachers.

It makes it easier for the teacher to write essays, reports, etc. which children can write from the books of rural libraries, including books received under the mega projects “Pushkin Library”, “Yeltsin Library”. Exhibitions-views, thematic collections, exhibitions of industry and reference literature were organized in the branches for children and teachers. After the new receipt of books under the mega project, the lending in the library of the village increased by 150 units. The new books that came in were all read repeatedly.

To help the school curriculum, book exhibitions were arranged: “On the Planet of Knowledge”, “The World of Wildlife”, “At the Turn of the Century”, “I Know the World”.

A variety of forms were used in working with exhibitions: reviews, conversations, holidays of knowledge, literary and educational games, etc.

Together with primary school teachers, teachers of literature, the librarian organizes activities for the creativity of writers, within the framework of the program "Writers for Children". This allows children in a playful way to get acquainted with the work of the writer, his works, learn a lot of interesting things and get a prize for their knowledge.

With primary school children, the librarian conducts such events during the Week of Children's and Youth Books.

During the book week, the following exhibitions "The World of I. Tokmakova" were designed; "Dreamland"; "Books-anniversaries: V. Suteev" Who said "Meow?" and S. Mikhalkov "Uncle Styopa"; "Creativity T. Alexandrova" and others.

It has also become traditional to conduct methodological associations of teachers of Russian language and literature, history, where the library introduces teachers to the latest literature to help work, with methodological recommendations, and holds presentations of its own publications.

The transition to market relations in the field of labor and employment in the conditions of economic restructuring has led to the emergence of a fundamentally new situation in social and labor relations. This situation turned out to be especially difficult and painful for young people, who, due to the specifics of their socio-psychological characteristics, are not sufficiently prepared for the modern realities of the labor market.

The conscious formation of material incentives for work is observed in 16-17 year old young people. This is due to the expansion of their material and spiritual needs, as well as the ongoing process of socialization. At the same age, there is an active search and choice of the type of future professional activity. The success of this choice depends on how widely a teenager can get acquainted with the world of professions and specialties, how realistic his ideas about his future work activity are. In relation to this group of young people, work on vocational guidance and counseling comes to the fore, and the result is the choice of a profession.

The employment service and the library perform the function of socialization of the individual, which is necessary for society, and one of its areas is professional orientation.

In order to identify the interests and inclinations of her high school readers, the head of the library first of all conducted a survey “Who would you like to be?”, “Do you like ...”

Based on the results of the questionnaire, thematic shelves were designed, and then the permanent exhibition “The World and We Are in It”, consisting of sections: “Where to go to study”, “In the world of professions”, where the literature changed depending on the profession that was presented: “Teacher - sounds proud”, “Mechanic is the main profession in the countryside”, “Technology around us” and others.

This exhibition was an integral part of the author's program "Man in the World of Professions".

In the course of work on the program, the exhibition was complemented by selections of books from the unified fund of the Central Library Library, information leaflets issued by the methodological department and the service department of the central regional library in the series “Your roads, graduate”. A reference manual "Where to go to study" was purchased for the library fund.

Literature reviews were systematically conducted in sections of the exhibition: “For those who love to make things”, “We sew”, “We cook very tasty”; conversations “These are not male male professions”, “To those who choose the military profession” and others.

To help you choose a profession, the library has a card index “On professions, production and working people” with sections “Where to go to study”, “In the world of professions”, “Creative affairs”: about people and their professions. In working with the card file, the interests of users, the needs of the economy in personnel were taken into account, and information about the professions that are currently in demand was selected. A recommendatory list of literature "Where to go to study" has also been drawn up.

The Rural Library is the only information center for pupils, teachers, farm workers, pensioners and local authorities.

The functions of the rural library include the creation of a fund of documents of local governments and the organization of free access to them.

Not all villages and settlements of the region have an agreement on the transfer of all published and "unpublished" documents approved by the heads of local administrations. This presents one of the challenges of providing complete information on local government issues.

Free access to regulatory documents increases the awareness of readers, promotes the establishment of contacts between villagers and their authorities.

The library has established cooperation with the department for social protection of the population on the prevention of neglect of minors, with the state inspection of road safety. In addition to individual work with children at risk, the librarian conducts preventive talks of delinquency with children and parents on a series of information sheets issued by a methodologist for working with children and an outreach inspector.

As part of the legal education of children in the library, a club "Young Law Experts" was organized, during which children learn their rights and responsibility for any actions.

Thus, the following conclusions can be drawn from the second chapter.

The main tasks of rural libraries at the present stage are to provide access to all types of municipal information: providing information to enterprises, associations, representatives of households; assistance to users in literacy; promotion of systematic education and self-education of the villagers, especially the younger generation.

The village library works in close cooperation with other institutions, such as the central district library, district and village administrations, the employment center, social protection agencies, etc.


The modern model library leads the development of effective strategies and methods for searching, structuring and providing knowledge.

The social functions of a modern library are memorial, communication, information, educational, socializing and cultural.

The most important tasks of libraries in the modern world are increasingly formulated as providing free and unlimited access to information and the preservation of its sources, and the librarian is increasingly called not the custodian and propagandist of the book, but an information specialist, a navigator in a world of information doubling every five years.

Being not only the organizer of knowledge, but also its creator, the modern library participates in the formation of the main resource of the new knowledge society, and therefore becomes the builder of this new society.

Libraries can and should become a key link in creating a single information and cultural space of the country, establishing direct information links between Russian regions and foreign countries, and integrating Russian information resources into international information networks and data banks. The solution of this problem should be facilitated by the formation of a modern, scientifically substantiated, with a pronounced modernization character of the state library policy.

Problems of libraries and library services is the problem of awareness of the population, accessibility of new ideas and knowledge, especially necessary today in order to adapt to new social conditions, to re-find oneself and one's place in life, to be competitive.

A characteristic feature of the modern library system is the ever-increasing gap between information-poor and information-rich libraries. There is a direct relationship between the number of people served by the library and the general level of socio-economic, cultural and spiritual development of the region and its resource capabilities. The greater the resource (information) potential of the library, the more in demand it is, the higher the cultural, educational, intellectual level of the population.

The main tasks of rural libraries at the present stage are to provide access to all types of municipal information: providing information to enterprises, associations, representatives of households; assistance to users in literacy; promotion of systematic education and self-education of the villagers, especially the younger generation. The village library works in close cooperation with other institutions, such as the central district library, district and village administrations, the employment center, social protection agencies, etc.


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  20. Novikova M. District weekdays and holidays. Mobile complex of information and library services for the population // Bibl. a business. - 2010. - No. 19. - S. 13-15 .; The same [Electronic resource]. URL: (10.09.2015).
  21. On librarianship: Federal Law of 29 Dec. 1994 No. 78-FZ (as amended and supplemented on August 22, 2004): [Electronic resource] // Garant
  22. General library science: reader / comp. R.A. Trofimov. M.: Liberia Bibinform, 2007. Part 1.: Theoretical foundations of LBC
  23. The main activities of the library in the countryside // Melentyeva, Yulia Petrovna. Rural library and its reader in the modern socio-cultural space of the village / Yu. P. Melent'eva. - Moscow: Litera, 2009. - S. 55-66. - (Series "Modern Library"; issue 63).
  24. Polyanov V.P. On the place of library science among related sciences // Library Science. 2008. No. 1. P.64-71.
  25. Popova G.I. Library Information Resources and Services for the Village (BIRIUS): Perm version // Inform. bul. Ros. bibl. assoc. - 2012. - No. 64. - S. 141-143.
  26. Pronina L. A. Marketing in a rural library? Yes! // World of bibliography. - 2003. - No. 2. - S. 58-61.
  27. Expanding the information capabilities of the rural library in the electronic era: a bibliographic list of books and articles / comp. A.Yu. Rogachev // Arkhangelsk Regional Scientific Library named after N.A. Dobrolyubova: site. Arkhangelsk, 2012. URL: (11.09.2015).
  28. Rural library: the view of librarians and practitioners: Sat. Art. / ed. S.A. Davydov. St. Petersburg: RNB, 2005. 200 p.
  29. Skvortsov V.V. On the methodology of modern library science // Library Science. 2004. № 1. P.39-42.
  30. Stepanyan G.
  31. Surnina V. Mission and functions of a modern rural library: a view from the outside [Electronic resource] // Public Library of the Novouralsk urban district: [website]. Novouralsk, 2012. - URL: (11.09.2015).
  32. Surnina V. We need to know: why are we? Mission and functions of the modern rural library // Bibliopole. - 2009. - No. 1. - S. 7-10.
  33. Tikunova I.P. Rural library - the center of life of the local community // Ecology of culture: inf. bul. - 2003. - No. 3 (31). − S. 112-116; The same [Electronic resource]. - URL: (09/10/2015).
  34. Works on library science. Guide for Public Libraries.: Prakt. allowance. M.: Liberia, 2010. 546 p.
  35. Hamer G.W. Modernization of the municipal rural library into a public access center / G.V. Hamer, R.V. Korneeva // In the world of scientific. discoveries. 2014. - No. 7.3 (55). S. 11761192.
  36. Shchirikova, Lyudmila Dmitrievna Socially-oriented design activity in the library: a scientific and practical guide / L. D. Shchirikova, N. V. Yatsenko. - Moscow: Litera, 2010. - 96 p. - ("Modern Library"; issue 89).

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Students, graduate students, young scientists who use the knowledge base in their studies and work will be very grateful to you.

The employment service and the library perform the function of socialization of the individual, which is necessary for society, and one of its areas is professional orientation.

In order to identify the interests and inclinations of her high school readers, the head of the library first of all conducted a survey “Who would you like to be?”, “Do you like ...”

Based on the results of the questionnaire, thematic shelves were designed, and then the permanent exhibition “The World and We Are in It”, consisting of sections: “Where to go to study”, “In the world of professions”, where the literature changed depending on the profession that was presented: “Teacher - sounds proud”, “Mechanic is the main profession in the countryside”, “Technology around us” and others.

In the course of work on the program, the exhibition was complemented by selections of books from the unified fund of the Central Library Library, information leaflets issued by the methodological department and the service department of the central regional library in the series “Your roads, graduate”. A reference manual "Where to go to study" was purchased for the library fund.

Literature reviews were systematically conducted in sections of the exhibition: “For those who love to make things”, “We sew”, “We cook very tasty”; conversations “These are not male - male professions”, “To those who choose the profession of a military man” and others.

To help you choose a profession, the library has a card index “On professions, production and working people” with sections “Where to go to study”, “In the world of professions”, “Creative affairs”: about people and their professions. In working with the card file, the interests of users, the needs of the economy in personnel were taken into account, and information about the professions that are currently in demand was selected. A recommendatory list of literature "Where to go to study" has also been drawn up.

The rural library is the only information center for students, teachers, farm workers, pensioners and local authorities.

The functions of the rural library include the creation of a fund of documents of local governments and the organization of free access to them.

Not all villages and settlements of the region have an agreement on the transfer of all published and "unpublished" documents approved by the heads of local administrations. This presents one of the challenges of providing complete information on local government issues.

Free access to regulatory documents increases the awareness of readers, promotes the establishment of contacts between villagers and their authorities.

The library has established cooperation with the department for social protection of the population on the prevention of neglect of minors, with the state inspection of road safety. In addition to individual work with children at risk, the librarian conducts preventive talks of delinquency with children and parents on a series of information sheets issued by a methodologist for working with children and an outreach inspector.

As part of the legal education of children in the library, a club "Young Law Experts" was organized, in the classroom of which children learn their rights and responsibility for any actions.

Thus, the following conclusions can be drawn from the second chapter.

The main tasks of rural libraries at the present stage are to provide access to all types of municipal information: providing information to enterprises, associations, representatives of households; assistance to users in literacy; promotion of systematic education and self-education of the villagers, especially the younger generation.

The village library works in close cooperation with other institutions, such as the central district library, district and village administrations, the employment center, social protection agencies, etc.


The modern model library leads the development of effective strategies and methods for searching, structuring and providing knowledge.

The social functions of a modern library are memorial, communication, information, educational, socializing and cultural.

The most important tasks of libraries in the modern world are increasingly formulated as providing free and unlimited access to information and the preservation of its sources, and the librarian is increasingly called not the custodian and propagandist of the book, but an information specialist, a navigator in a world of information doubling every five years.

Being not only the organizer of knowledge, but also its creator, the modern library participates in the formation of the main resource of the new knowledge society, and therefore becomes the builder of this new society.

Libraries can and should become a key link in creating a single information and cultural space of the country, establishing direct information links between Russian regions and foreign countries, and integrating Russian information resources into international information networks and data banks. The solution of this problem should be facilitated by the formation of a modern, scientifically substantiated, with a pronounced modernization character of the state library policy.

The problems of libraries and library services are the problem of public awareness, access to new ideas and knowledge, especially necessary today in order to adapt to new social conditions, find oneself and one's place in life again, and be competitive.

A characteristic feature of the modern library system is the ever-increasing gap between information-poor and information-rich libraries. There is a direct relationship between the number of people served by the library and the general level of socio-economic, cultural and spiritual development of the region and its resource capabilities. The greater the resource (information) potential of the library, the more in demand it is, the higher the cultural, educational, intellectual level of the population.

The main tasks of rural libraries at the present stage are to provide access to all types of municipal information: providing information to enterprises, associations, representatives of households; assistance to users in literacy; promotion of systematic education and self-education of the villagers, especially the younger generation. The village library works in close cooperation with other institutions, such as the central district library, district and village administrations, the employment center, social protection agencies, etc.


1. Antonenko S.A. Social functions of the rural library // Bibliotekovedenie. - 2010. - No. 5. - S. 26-29. - Bibliography: 16 titles. ; The same [Electronic resource]. - URL: (10.09.2015).

2. Barsukova, N. Rural libraries today and tomorrow / N. Barsukova // Rural library and its role in the preservation and development of the cultural and historical heritage of Kuzbass: materials of scientific and practical. conf. to the 100th anniversary of the Mariinsky Public Library / Department of Culture of the Administration of the Kemerovo Region; CONB. - Kemerovo, 2005. - S. 59-60.

3. Library in the modern cultural and educational space // Lysikova N.P. Modern library and education: socio-cultural aspect: [scientific and practical guide] / N. P. Lysikova, O. I. Alimaeva, N. R. Vakulich. - Moscow: Litera, 2009. - S. 4 -14. - ("Modern Library"; issue 53).

4. Libraries and local governments: ways of cooperation: materials of the regions. scientific-practical. conf. / AKUNB im. V.Ya. Shishkov; ed. L. I. Lukyanova. - Barnaul, 2003. - 100 p.

5. Librarianship: terminological dictionary / RSL. - 3rd ed. - M., 1997. - 168 p.

6. Brazhnikova S. My multifunctional profession: [agricultural activities. b-to modern. stage] // Bibliopole. - 2008. - No. 1. - S. 15-17.

7. Vysotskaya E. Different models, but the same goal - the preservation of culture in the countryside: the functioning of libraries in the conditions of Federal Law No. 131 // Bibliopole - 2006. - No. 5. - P. 2-6.

8. Daranova O. Model library as a typical model of development: interregional festival of libraries of the Volga Federal District / O. Daranova, I. Myakushina // Bibl. a business. - 2011. - No. 22. - S. 33-37: photo. - (Rural libraries); [Electronic resource]: - URL: (11.09.2015)

9. Soul of rural society. Both old and young come here // Bibl. a business. - 2009. - No. 3. - S. 25-26.

10. Zhadko N.V. Status and functions of library science // Scientific. and tech. b-ki. - 2004. - No. 3. - P.3-12.

11. Ivanova, Natalia. The changing world of youth and adaptation in society / N. Ivanova // Library. - 2011. - No. 4. - S. 53-55.

12. Kartashov, N. Library management: organizational mechanism / N. Kartashov // Bibliotekovedenie. - 2001. - No. 4. - S.17-25.

13. Lysanova L. Model - a special sign in the village // Bibliopole. - 2011. - No. 9. - S. 21-22.

14. Matlina S.G. But you have to be a citizen. Rural library and the formation of society // Bibliopole. - 2003. - No. 4. - S. 9-11. Abstract: The role of the rural library in modern society.

15. Matlina S.G. Rural library and the formation of civil society in Russia // Rural library on the way out of the crisis: coll. abstract report and speeches to Mezhregion. scientific-practical. conf. (November 12-14, 2002, St. Petersburg) / [comp. L.N. Mikheeva and others]. - St. Petersburg. : Publishing house Ros. nat. b-ki, 2002. - S. 14-17. Annot.: The role of the rural library in the development of civil society.

16. Melent'eva Yu.P. Rural library and its reader in the modern socio-cultural space of the village: [scientific-practical. allowance]. - M.: [Litera], 2009. - 142 p.

17. Melent'eva Yu.P. Rural library: problems of development and prospects: scientific method. allowance / Yu.P. Melentiev. - M.: Liberea, 2003. - 91 p.; The same [Electronic resource]. - URL: (09/10/2015).

18. Mobile libraries and non-stationary services to the population // University book. - 2015. - No. 6. - S. 30-33.

19. Mozelova Ya.I. Rural library in the era of reforms // Bibl. a business. - 2009. - No. 3; The same [Electronic resource]. - URL: (09/10/2015).

20. Novikova M. Regional weekdays and holidays. Mobile complex of information and library services for the population // Bibl. a business. - 2010. - No. 19. - S. 13-15 .; The same [Electronic resource]. - URL: (10.09.2015).

21. On librarianship: Federal Law of 29 Dec. 1994 No. 78-FZ (as amended and supplemented on August 22, 2004): [Electronic resource] // Garant

22. General library science: reader / comp. R.A. Trofimov. - M .: Liberia - Bibinform, 2007. - Part 1 .: Theoretical foundations of the LBC

23. The main activities of the library in the countryside // Melentyeva, Yulia Petrovna. Rural library and its reader in the modern socio-cultural space of the village / Yu. P. Melent'eva. - Moscow: Litera, 2009. - S. 55-66. - (Series "Modern Library"; issue 63).

24. Polyanov V.P. On the place of library science among related sciences // Library Science. -2008. - No. 1. - S.64-71.

25. Popova G.I. Library Information Resources and Services for the Village (BIRIUS): Perm version // Inform. bul. Ros. bibl. assoc. - 2012. - No. 64. - S. 141-143.

26. Pronina L. A. Marketing in the rural library? Yes! // World of bibliography. - 2003. - No. 2. - S. 58-61.

27. Expanding the information capabilities of the rural library in the electronic era: a bibliographic list of books and articles / comp. A.Yu. Rogachev // Arkhangelsk Regional Scientific Library named after N.A. Dobrolyubova: site. - Arkhangelsk, 2012. - URL: (11.09.2015).

28. Rural library: the view of librarians and practitioners: Sat. Art. / ed. S.A. Davydov. - St. Petersburg: RNB, 2005. - 200 p.

29. Skvortsov V.V. On the methodology of modern library science // Library Science. - 2004. - No. 1. - P. 39-42.

30. Stepanyan G.

31. Surnina V. The mission and functions of a modern rural library: a view from the outside [Electronic resource] // Public Library of the Novouralsky urban district: [website]. - Novouralsk, 2012. - URL: (11.09.2015).

32. Surnina V. We need to know: why are we? Mission and functions of the modern rural library // Bibliopole. - 2009. - No. 1. - S. 7-10.

33. Tikunova I.P. Country library? center of life of the local community // Ecology of culture: inf. bul. ? 2003.? No. 3 (31). ? pp. 112-116; The same [Electronic resource]. - URL: (09/10/2015).

34. Works on library science. Guide for Public Libraries.: Prakt. allowance. - M.: Liberia, 2010. - 546 p.

35. Hamer G.V. Modernization of the municipal rural library into a public access center / G.V. Hamer, R.V. Korneeva // In the world of scientific. discoveries. - 2014. - No. 7.3 (55). - S. 1176-1192.

36. Shchirikova, Lyudmila Dmitrievna. Socially-oriented design activity in the library: a scientific and practical guide / L. D. Shchirikova, N. V. Yatsenko. - Moscow: Litera, 2010. - 96 p. - ("Modern Library"; issue 89).

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During 2015, the Alexander Rural Library fulfilled the main mission of its institution - it developed as an information and cultural center, providing quality information and services to library users using the available catalogs (alphabetical, systematic).

During 2015, the library fulfilled the main goal of its work - the maximum satisfaction of the needs and requirements of the villagers and library readers using printed publications. Assisted in improving education, self-education. In general, the cultural and educational activities of the library were carried out in the following areas:

  • - a series of events "Kaleidoscope of Anniversaries", dedicated to the life and work of writers (throughout the year);
  • - week "World of Professions" (February);
  • - regional review competition (March);
  • - week of children's and youth books (March);
  • - days of ecological culture (April);
  • - family day in the library (May);
  • - summer reading for children (June-August);
  • - knowledge day (September);
  • - excursion around the library (October);
  • - a cycle of events for the New Year (December);
  • - days of information (throughout the year).

Most often and with particular pleasure children and teenagers visit the library (36%). The largest number of mass events is held for this category of users. Trying to keep the interest and attention of children, library specialists prepare various events with elements of theatricalization, games, competitions, and creative tasks.

Children and teenagers choose books, read magazines, do puzzles, play board games, draw, and also communicate with each other. Magazines such as "The World of Princesses" and "Playing with Barbie" are in demand by girls of preschool and primary school age, and older girls choose the magazines "Magic", "My Secrets" and "Girls". Boys are attracted by the magazines Toshka and His Company, Tom and Jerry, Star Wars magazine, which, unfortunately, has not been published since 2014, is in special demand. And teenagers are interested in Moto and Rybolov magazines. Fairy tales, children's detective stories, novels for girls, and adventures are invariably popular with young readers.

Together with the kindergarten for children of preschool age, familiarization excursions "Knizhkin House" are held. Children for the first time get acquainted with such concepts as a book, a rack, a magazine, a reader's form. There are funny lessons for children. On the eve of September 1, a large matinee was held in the library “How Buka and Byaka became first-graders”. Children received prizes and a positive mood.

The main group of library readers are adults (50%), who were offered book exhibitions and public events on topics such as maintaining health, housekeeping, autumn preparations, rituals and traditions, as well as literary evenings, evenings of rest, and remembrance evenings. All these events are designed to create conditions for communication, manifestation of the creative abilities of participants. It should be noted that among this group the most active users are people of pre-retirement and retirement age. This is due to the fact that they have the most free time. They read books not only by contemporary authors, but also literature of the Soviet period (Made in the USSR and Siberiada series), and historical books. Of the magazines, Homestead Farming, Selskaya Nov, 1000 Tips, Everything for a Woman, and others are in constant demand.

The smallest and most difficult category of readers in terms of attracting to the library is youth (14%). High school students are loaded with school assignments, students live outside the village and come only on weekends and holidays, and working youth have little free time. But, despite all this, they try to attract as many users of this category as possible, for which they go to school for mass events, arrange book exhibitions and information booklets on topics that are relevant to them (bad habits, character and fate), subscribe to magazines , which are most in demand among young people (“Your best friend”, “OOPS”, “I'm 15”), help in the selection of literature by modern fashion authors.

Library specialists pay special attention and care to people with disabilities, advising and selecting books for them, as well as inviting them to all mass events and book exhibitions.

The introduction of new information technologies has opened up new opportunities for the library to create more comfortable and modern conditions for our users, to improve the quality of services provided. Thus, it became possible to issue publishing products, for example, such publications as the booklet “Our land in verse and prose”, “Let's get to know each other” (about I.A. Krylov), the Bibliographic guide - an annotated list of references “Peculiarities of the culture of the Krasnoyarsk Territory " and etc.

In recent years, the role and importance of leisure activities in the work of the library has especially increased. The most demanded among library cultural and leisure programs are reading evenings and interest clubs. So, the library has clubs: for the elderly; female communication and family leisure. In addition, a literary reading club has been set up for readers of all ages; for teenagers - an ecological club and a local history club. Cognitive and developmental programs are used for children: quizzes; olympiads; contests; games; hobby groups, etc.

A creative report on the cultural and leisure activities of the library is presented in detail in Appendix A.

Thus, the analysis of the activities shows that the Alexandrovskaya rural library can be called the socio-cultural center of the local community: a full-fledged service is organized, providing users with access to obtaining operational and relevant information, various categories of users (children, schoolchildren, youth, disabled people, the elderly, entrepreneurs, etc.). while using all available resources and capabilities of libraries in the interests of readers. Recently, the level of information service for readers has improved qualitatively.

In addition, the library is trying to take a fresh look at its role in modern conditions, constantly improving mass work. Thus, in order to improve the quality and comfort of library services in 2015, the non-stationary book lending point in the village of Novaya Pryluka continued its work. The issue point is located in the village club, the exchange of books takes place once a month and serves all categories of the population.

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