Ancient city pencil drawing. How to draw a city with a pencil


Of course, you want to master the basic skills of the urban landscape, since you have already landed on this page. Well, you are just at the right place. It is here that the most detailed instruction on how to draw a city. Moreover, the first part of the master class is devoted to a two-dimensional drawing, and the second gives the basics of a three-dimensional image, as they say now, in a 3D format.

The Secret... in Geometry

Have you ever thought about why even the most inexperienced viewer is mesmerized by the sight of a painted city? There is no mysticism in this. The secret is that the human brain loves order, system, repetition of lines. It seems to him bewitchingly beautiful. This rule is fully consistent with symmetry and asymmetry, the severity of lines, the smoothness of circles and the accuracy of angles. Geometry, in a word. You will do the right thing if, in addition to a pencil, an eraser and a thick sheet of paper (for drawings), stock up on a ruler.

Lesson 1: "High-rise"

To understand how to draw a city, just follow the illustrations. Repeat the details of each step. Gray lines will "prompt" new shapes that should be drawn at the moment.

Only two rectangles of different heights (future skyscrapers) - and the picture begins:

Draw a couple more skyscrapers:

Add rectangular elements of the facades of the buildings in the background:

Draw the pictures of the house furthest from the foreground:

Pay attention to the most inconspicuous components of the architectonics of the picture:

Draw some small fragments, focus on the details:

Despite the fact that the windows in the figure are the tiniest details, they are far from being of secondary importance. Carefully, under the ruler, draw each of them, and you will not regret the time spent:

Remove all extra lines. Here is what you should end up with:

Like? It's only the beginning! Ahead - 3D-graphics!

Lesson 2: How to draw a city with perspective

To achieve a three-dimensional effect, you need to follow the simple rules of perspective. In order for the drawing to become dynamic, first of all, you need to determine the horizon line - the place where the sky meets the earth, and the convergence point - the area in which objects, decreasing, disappear.

Here, take a look at in which the perspective "runs away" into the distance:

And here is the drawing and the final version, where the perspective tends upward:

And the master class will show you how to draw a city with two convergence points:

Divide the sheet in half with a vertical line. Mark on the horizon points of convergence, equidistant from the vertical on both sides. Extend plumb work lines from them to the central part, as shown in the figure:

With light movements, mark barely noticeable auxiliary lines. Add three parallel lines, and the outline of the first, key building will appear before you:

Pay attention to how the buildings are located, moving away from the viewer to the horizon. Label each:

Now is the time to finish the doors, windows, signs and other significant details. Remember, the more elements (pillars, sidewalks, footpaths, even traffic lights), the more naturalistic the picture. At the end of the work, erase all unnecessary lines, draw the contours well. Add shadows and your drawing will come to life. Do not forget to take into account the direction of the sun's rays when hatching. The most illuminated places should be the least shaded.

This is how you learned how to draw a city in 3D. In fact, there can be not only two points of convergence, but also more. Five, for example. Then your drawing will look like the city was shot with a fisheye lens. In this case, the image takes on a convex appearance, as if the houses had the intention to jump out of the picture.


The more unexpected the angle and the artist when looking at the urban landscape, the more exciting and lively the picture is. No less interesting are the motives for the future. How to draw a city of the future? There can be no unequivocal answer to this. For the landscape being created is a figment of the artist's imagination. Who can know what pictures stand before his mind's eye? And the basis is one, and we just told you about it, and we showed it. Try, create! And who knows, maybe it will turn out not even fiction, but a prediction ...

"Winter evening in the city". Gouache drawing step by step for preschoolers 6-7 years old with a photo.

Painting a landscape with gouache "Winter evening in the city". Master class for children from 6 years old step by step with a photo

Yakovleva Natalya Anatolyevna, teacher of fine arts, MAOU secondary school 73 "Lira", Tyumen
Description: this master class will be useful for teachers who are engaged in drawing with preschoolers and younger students, educators, fine art teachers, primary school teachers, creative loving parents.
Purpose: use in drawing classes with children of preschool and primary school age, interior decoration or as a gift.
Target: execution of winter urban landscape in the evening
Tasks: improve skills in working with gouache paints
to acquaint with the stages of the execution of the winter urban landscape in the evening, with the ways of depicting houses and transport
consolidate knowledge about the proportionality of the elements of the composition
promote the development of creative abilities
develop a sense of composition
to cultivate interest in the image of the urban landscape and accuracy in work

Materials: sheet of watercolor paper, gouache, synthetic or squirrel brushes

Dear colleagues! I present to your attention another master class on drawing a winter landscape with children from 6 years old, which can be used when working with younger students. This time it will be a cityscape in the evening. In this regard, I suggest giving the children a task in advance: during evening walks or on the way home, so that they pay attention to the color of the sky, houses, the color and shape of cars.

Execution sequence:

The work is done without a preliminary pencil drawing. Place a sheet of paper horizontally.
We start by filling in the sky background. We recall from observations that it is dark in the evening in winter, so we will use dark blue, with the addition of black. We paint over to the middle of the sheet. Maybe a little lower.

Dark blue, with the addition of water, paint over the stripes of the so-called snow. We remind you that it is not white, especially in the dark.

The remaining strip is painted over with black, with the addition of water or white paint to make it gray. This is an asphalt road. It doesn't have to be black.

Preschoolers may have difficulty drawing houses. Therefore, I propose a very simple proven method.
We draw the full width of a large round or flat brush, the lines that define the contour of the future house, and the bottom line will be higher than the asphalt against the background of snow. Please note that the chosen color must be mixed with a drop of black or dark blue. We recall from observations that houses have a dark shade.
The number of houses can be different for everyone, depending on the composition.

We divide the rectangle of the house by horizontal and vertical lines, getting "window openings".
After that, we begin to carry out another house.

This is how it should turn out.
We leave to dry.

At this time, we outline the contour of the bus. Children can choose their own color. We draw the attention of children to the fact that it needs to be drawn right on the house. Thus it will be clear that he is in the foreground.

We paint over the contour, leaving window openings

In the same way we draw silhouettes of cars. It should be recalled that they size will be smaller compared to the bus. The color and quantity will depend on the desire of the children. Let's dry.

Meanwhile, in the windows, "turn on the lights." Carefully paint over with yellow, it is possible with the addition of red, color

We remember that the lights are on in the bus, but not in the cars. We paint over the windows in the bus yellow, in the cars dark. And black paint the wheels. If desired, you can draw headlights and dimensions and light from them.

We proceed to the image of the lanterns. It's very important to say children so that they draw the first circle of the lantern in the center of the sheet above the bus.

The rest we draw to the right and to the left on equal to distance from each other. Below them we put yellow spots, indicating the incident light.

Let's draw with thin black lines the pillars of lanterns.

Let's draw snow on the roofs of the houses, on the eaves (I say to the children "under each window") and add white highlights on the lanterns.

"Sprinkled with snow" using the "spray" technique. I do this for the children myself while they draw.

If desired, if there is time left in the lesson, we finish drawing the trees.

The finished work can be placed in a frame. Decorate her interior or give as a gift.

Another version of this work.

Below I bring to your attention the work of 6-year-olds

Hello dear friends! It's time to figure out how to draw a city in stages with a pencil.

If you live in a city, then the best thing you can do to draw it is to go outside (of course, before that you need to read this article), choose a colorful place and try to copy it. Working with nature will give you more emotions and experience than sketching. If you are too lazy to get outside or the weather is bad there, then you can always transfer your view from the window to paper :)

In general, we will talk about drawing from nature some other time, but for now we will proceed to the phased drawing of the city and analyze all the important points in this matter.

Learning to draw a city

Stage 1
Our drawing will consist of houses and a path between them, so in the first step we need to sketch out the buildings.

We draw six lines, the description is too abstract. In order for you to understand what these lines are and what they are for, we recommend scrolling this lesson a little higher or to the very bottom. When you see the finished drawing, you will immediately understand what these lines mean.

Stage 2
We continue to refine our pencil sketches made in the previous step. We draw corners of buildings and a door passage at the left house.

Stage 3
Now we are working on the roofs of our city.

By the way, when drawing a city, you actively develop a sense of perspective, because a city is a collection of rectangles receding into the distance, that is, buildings whose location is very easy to understand.

Stage 4
It's time to take care of the city road. With two lines drawn from the corner of the house to the end of the pencil drawing, we depict the sidewalk.

Since the sidewalk is a three-dimensional object, we must convey its three-dimensionality. Pay attention to the left side of the road. In some places, the sidewalk narrows into one line, which is what allows us to convey its volume.

Also, at this step we detail the roof, for beauty we add stripes on the houses and on the right building we depict a doorway with a large canopy.

Stage 5
What is a city without trees? On the left side of the road we depict a small tree. If you do not know how to draw trees, you can read our article about it. In the right house we insert the door :)

stage 6
We continue to work on our urban landscape. On the right side you need to draw tables and chairs of a street restaurant. It is best to draw them first with a pencil, so that in case of a mistake it can be corrected.

Also, in this step you need to draw the door and the roof of the restaurant and the door in the left house.

Stage 7
Detailing our metropolis. On the roofs we draw pipes, flowers in a pot on the road and suspended on the wall, we draw a pillar.

Small details are a very important thing in drawing, especially in drawing a city with a pencil. Therefore, you can draw some of your own, invented details. For example, a cat, people, cars and much more.

Stage 8
We draw windows in houses. Note that the windows in the left and right houses follow the laws of perspective. Namely, they are drawn at an angle, unlike the windows in the house, which is located in the center of the picture.

If you wish, you can draw curtains or people in the windows.

We left the most difficult task for you :) You need to take paints or felt-tip pens and paint our metropolis. Of course, you can also work on chiaroscuro, but this is for more experienced artists. So, if you feel the strength in yourself, go for it!

The school curriculum is not as simple as it may seem to adults who have forgotten their adolescence. The training includes the study of not only the basic subjects that are important for later life, but also physical activity, the development of mental memory, logical thinking and creativity. The last point is considered especially important, because thanks to him the child can choose a suitable profession or direction for further education. Among the options: landscape design, architecture, painting and much more. Not a lot, right? However, drawing lessons are not always simple ideas and storylines. One urban landscape pencil drawing Grade 6 step by step what is it worth! That is why in today's article we decided to demonstrate several master classes with step-by-step photo instructions that will help make even the most bewitching landscape in the urban district easy to draw or ideas for your own reproduction.

Below are several options with a step-by-step description and a photo example that will help girls and boys portray their homework as flawless and not like the work of a beginner.

How to draw a city landscape? Pencil drawing for grade 6 step by step + photo

  • Step #1

The first drawing is based on geometric shapes and lines, so at the beginning of the work it is necessary to make a sketch that resembles a graph. The lines seem to rise and fall sharply to the limit, repeating unfinished rectangles and intricate shapes consisting of triangles, squares and rhombuses. Here it is - the urban landscape at the very beginning of work.

  • Step #2

When the background is already drawn, the matter remains with the buildings in front. Depicting them is also not difficult. True, it is worth remembering that in the sketch some buildings may touch each other.

  • Step #3

Using colored pencils or paints, color the image in such a way that light shades predominate at first, and dark ones at the end. The sky can repeat the theme of the sunset, starting from a yellow-orange tone, turning into a slightly dirty pink, and only then into a gray-blue.

  • Step #4

The final touch will be the drawing of windows. They can be square, rectangular, triangular or even round.

City landscape pencil drawing Grade 6 in stages - other options in the photo

If the first solution did not appeal to you or seemed too easy, you can try to repeat one of the master classes below in the photo. Their technique includes a simple sketch, completed with shading and painted with watercolors.

1) When creating a drawing and applying strokes, do not press too hard on a simple pencil. This will erase the errors in the errors.

2) In addition to residential buildings, do not forget about the surrounding nature. Do not be too lazy to depict trees, the sun or the moon with stars.

3) The cityscape looks much more natural if the drawing includes highlights and a slight shadow.

4) Only one direction should be chosen as a coloring tool. For example, if the drawing is drawn with a pencil, a color palette of pencils and watercolor will help to get a beautiful combination of shades. They will not paint over the outlines of the drawing either.

The city is where you might live. The city has many streets, houses, trees and people. There are small towns on Earth, and there are large ones - megacities - with a population of several million people. City residents get used to the noise of the streets, to the horns of cars, to the bustle, the crowds on the streets. Perhaps you had to try to draw city streets, houses. Let's learn how to draw a quiet city street in stages with a pencil using the rules of perspective and proportions in the drawing.

Stage 1. We will draw a piece of the city street, moving away from us into the distance. That is, in the foreground we will have large objects, as we move away from our eyes, as it were, the size of all elements will decrease. Here the rules of perspective are used in the drawing. We draw two lines in the middle, they are parallel to each other. On the right we show two lines diverging in perspective. On the left, a line at the bottom and two lines forming an angle at the top.

Stage 2. Let's start drawing the walls of houses. In front of us we draw two straight lines running parallel to each other. One is higher, the other is lower. From the high line we take the line to the side. This will be the wall of the building in front of us. On the right we raise the wall and draw the door.

Stage 3. Now let's draw the roofs of the houses. On the left, we make them pointed, since this house is visible to us from the side. Right also. The front house has a different roof.

Stage 4. Now, under the roof of the left house, we will draw additional features. Below we show the line of the sidewalk. From it we build straight entry lines. On the right, we draw wavy lines of the sidewalk, going forward and turning to the side.

Stage 5. Let's continue drawing the door in the left house. And at the right house in a small ledge of the sidewalk we draw a sprawling tree that adorns this street.

Stage 6. The entrance to the left house is a door with a small canopy. Draw a window under the canopy. Next to the sidewalk near this house, we show the elements - dining tables and chairs. Draw a vase with flowers on the table. There is a cafe on the lower floor of the left house. And in the right house we will finish the elements on the front door.

Stage 7. We will show a wastebasket near the table. Above the entrance is a hanging lamp. Nearby is a street lamp. On the right house we draw pipes on the roof.

Stage 8. Now in all three houses we draw windows. Please note that everywhere they are of a different type. Rectangular, square, arched. There are many windows, especially in the house in the middle of the picture.

Stage 9. Now we erase all the sketches, leaving nothing unnecessary. This is what your drawing should look like in black and white. Of course, you can make it brighter and color it. You will get an urban landscape. Now you can also draw your city street while looking out the window of your apartment if you live in the city. Do not forget the rule that objects in the foreground are larger, those in the background are smaller, and all lines should go into perspective.

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