Friendship brings people together. Pure Heart St.


Question. Who is "pure in heart"?

Answer. Who does not know behind him contempt for the commandment of God, or insufficient or careless fulfillment of it.

Rules summarized in questions and answers.

St. John Chrysostom

Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God

Here again is a spiritual reward! He calls pure here those who have acquired complete virtue and are not aware of any craftiness behind them, or those who spend their lives in chastity, because in order to see God, we do not need anything as much as this virtue. . That is why Paul said: "try to have peace with everyone and holiness, without which no one will see the Lord"(Heb. 12:14) . Seeing here means such as is possible for a person. Since many are merciful, do not steal someone else's, are not greedy, but, meanwhile, commit adultery and indulge in lust, Christ, showing that the first is not enough, adds this commandment. Paul, in writing to the Corinthians, confirmed the same thing by the example of the Macedonians, who were rich not only in charity, but also in other virtues: pointing out there their generosity in distributing property, he says that they "surrendered to the Lord and to us"(2 Cor. 8:5) .

Conversations on the Gospel of Matthew.

St. Athanasius the Great

because he who has cleansed his heart of every passionate disposition sees in his own beauty the image of God's nature. And spiritual purity is sufficient to depict God in oneself, as in a mirror.

And if it says: no one is pure from filth, even if his life is one day(Job 14:4-5) ; then the heretics do not know what is meant by the natural filth that the baby brings with him, coming out of the mother's womb. That is why the law writer Moses said that a woman who gives birth is unclean; and having given birth to a male, she is unclean for forty days, and having given birth to a female, because of the greater mobility of nature, unclean eighty days(Lev. 12:2-5) . And if it were not for what is contained in the law of Moses, then the natural order would give evidence from the other side. What sin can a baby commit with only one day of life? Adultery? Of course not; for he is not yet strong in sensual lust. Fornication? also not, for he is alien to such a desire. Murder? but he is unable to lift the deadly weapon. Perjury? but he is not yet capable of articulate sounds. Covetousness? but he has no idea either of other people's property or of his own. On the contrary, infants are full of unmemorable malice; for until they are mature, they plead when they are beaten, and do not defend themselves when they are persecuted. Why did the Lord say to those who believe in Him: unless you are converted and become like children, do not enter into the kingdom of heaven(Matthew 18:3) . And since infants are not subject to such sins, then what sin does a child have on the first day after birth, except for bodily, as we said, filth? Therefore, it is not said: no one is pure “from sin” (ἀπὸ ἁμαρτίας), but it is said - from filth (ἀπὸ ῥύπου).

From the Conversations on the Gospel of Matthew.

St. Gregory the Theologian

Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God

“The promise has been given to us that we will know one day as we ourselves are known (1 Cor. 13:12). If it is impossible for me to have a perfect knowledge of beings, here; what else is left? What can I hope? No doubt you will say the Kingdom of Heaven. But I think that it is nothing but the comprehension of the purest and most perfect. And the most perfect of all things is the knowledge of God.”


St. Gregory of Nyssa

Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God

What is natural to feel when looking from some lofty peak onto some vast sea; My understanding suffered the same thing, as if from the top of some mountain, from this lofty utterance of the Lord, stretching its gaze into the inexplicable depth of thought. In many seaside places one can see a semi-truncated mountain from the coastal side, cut off in a straight line from top to bottom, while its upper edge, leaning from a height, hangs over the abyss. What naturally happens to one who, standing on such a watch, from a great height looks at the sea in the depths; so now my soul is spinning, perplexed by this great saying of the Lord.

Blessed are the pure in heart: for they shall see God. God is offered to the eyes of those who have cleansed their hearts. But, as the great John says, no one has seen God anywhere (John 1:18). Confirm this also the high-minded Paul, saying: It's the same no one saw there from the person below see the place(1 Tim. 6:16) . It is a smooth and insectless stone, showing no trace of the ascent of thoughts; about Him, and Moses also affirmed that He is not available to those who intend to teach the doctrine of God; because our understanding can in no way approach Him, because of the resolute denial of any possibility of comprehending Him. For Moses says: it is impossible for anyone to see the face of the Lord and live(Ex. 33:20) . But to see God is eternal life, and these pillars of faith: John, Paul and Moses admit this is impossible! Do you see the whirling by which the soul is drawn into the depths of what is seen in the word? If God is life; whoever does not see Him does not see life. And that it is impossible to see God, the God-bearing Prophets and Apostles testify. On what can human hope rest? But the Lord reinforces the falling hope, as He did with Peter, who was in danger of drowning, again placing him on firm and unyielding water. Therefore, if the hand of the Word also stretches out to us, and puts speculations that are not firmly standing in the depths on a firm thought; then let us be beyond fear, holding fast to the Word that guides us. For it is said: blessed are the pure in heart: for they shall see God.

Therefore this promise is such that it exceeds every limit of blessedness. For after such a blessing, will anyone desire anything else, in what he has seen, having everything? Because to see, according to the usual word usage in Scripture, means the same as to have: for example, in words: see good Jerusalem(Ps. 127:6) Scripture means: you will find. And in what was said: let the wicked take it, lest you see the glory of God(Ps. 26:10), in a word: does not see, the Prophet expresses that he will not partake of it. Therefore, whoever sees God, in this vision already has everything that is in the list of blessings, unending life, eternal incorruption, immortal bliss, unending kingdom, unceasing joy, true light, spiritual and sweet food, unapproachable glory, unceasing joy and every good. Wherefore it is so important and abundant that the promise of this blessedness is offered to hope.

But since, in order to see the Lord, a way is shown in advance, it is precisely to have purity of heart for this; then at this again my understanding fails; And this purity of heart is not something impossible for us, and does it not exceed our nature? For if God is seen in this way, but Moses and Paul did not see God, and assert that neither they themselves nor anyone else can see; what is now proposed by the word about blessedness seems to be something impossible. Therefore, what good is it for us to know how to see God, if there is no possibility at the same time with understanding? This is just as if someone called it blessed to be in heaven; because there a person will see what is not seen in this life. If some instrument for ascending to heaven were indicated in advance in the word; it would be useful for the hearers to know also that it is blessed to be in heaven. But since ascent is impossible, what benefit will the knowledge of heavenly bliss bring, upsetting only those who know what we are deprived of, due to the impossibility of ascent?

Therefore, does the Lord command what is outside our nature, and exceeds the measure of human strength by the greatness of the commandment? No. For he does not command to become birds to those whom he did not fledge, and to live under water to those whom he gave life on dry land. Therefore, if for all others the law is in conformity with the powers of those who receive it, and nothing is subject to the supernatural; then, of course, as a result of this, we will understand this in such a way that it is not hopelessly foreseeable in blessedness. Yes, and John, and Paul, and Moses, and who else, if like them, are not deprived of this high bliss - consisting in the sight of God, are not deprived of the one who said: the crown of righteousness is kept for me, but the righteous Judge will reward it ( 2 Tim. 4:8), and the one who bowed down to the Persians of Jesus, and the one who heard the Divine voice: vem cha, more than all(Ex. 33:17) . Therefore, if about those who proclaim that the comprehension of God is beyond strength, there is no doubt that they are blessed, and blessedness consists in seeing God, sight is given to the pure in heart; it means that purity of heart is not impossible, in which one can become blessed.

Therefore, how can it be said that those who say that the comprehension of God is beyond our strength speak the truth in accordance with Paul, and the Lord’s word does not contradict them, promising that with purity of heart God will be seen? It seems to me that in order for the review of what has been proposed to take place with us in order, it would be good to first offer a brief discussion about this. The nature of God, in itself, in its essence, is higher than any comprehending thinking, as it is inaccessible to divinatory thoughts and does not come close to them; and in people no power has yet been discovered to comprehend the incomprehensible, and no means have been devised to comprehend the inexplicable. Therefore, the great Apostle calls the paths of God unexplored (Rom. 11:33), meaning by this word that human thoughts cannot ascend on this path, which leads to the knowledge of God's essence, so that almost none of those who have passed this life before us can ascend on it. no trace is left by perceiving thinking, which would be signified by the knowledge of that which is higher than knowledge. But being such by nature, He Who is above all nature, This invisible and indescribable, is in another respect visible and comprehended. There are many ways to understand this. For, even according to the wisdom seen in the universe, one can divinely see the One who made everything in wisdom. Just as in human works, in a certain way, the creator of the exhibited creation is seen by the understanding, having invested art in his work; so we, looking at the beauty in creation, imprint in ourselves the concept not of essence, but of the wisdom of Him who wisely created everything. If we talk about the reason for our life, namely, that not out of necessity, but out of good will, God set about creating man, we again say that in this way, we saw God, comprehending goodness, and not essence. Likewise, everything else that leads us to the concept of a better and more sublime one, likewise, we call the understanding of God, because every sublime thought represents God to our vision. For both power, and purity, and immutability, and incompatibility with the opposite! “, and all this imprints in the souls the idea of ​​some divine and sublime concept. From what has been said, then, it appears that the Lord is true in His promise. saying that those who have a pure heart will see God; and Paul does not lie, asserting in his own words that no one has seen, and cannot see God; for the Invisible by nature becomes visible in actions, seen in something of that which is around Him.

But the meaning of what has been said about bliss is not limited to the fact that from any action one can draw such conclusions about the acting one. For it is also possible for the wise of this age, perhaps according to the structure of the world, to comprehend the highest wisdom and power. But the greatness of bliss, it seems to me, teaches something else in advice to those who are able to accept this, in order to see what they want. The thought which has presented itself to me will be explained by examples. In human bodily life, health is a blessing, but it is blessed not only to know what health is, but to live in health. For if someone, adding up praise to health, takes into himself food that delivers bad juices and unhealthy, then, oppressed by ailments, what benefit will he receive from praise of health? Therefore, let us also understand the proposed word in this way, namely, that the Lord, not knowing anything about God, but having God in himself, calls blessedness, for blessed are the pure in heart: for they shall see God. But not as a spectacle, it seems to me. before the face of the one who has cleansed the eye of the soul, God is offered; on the other hand, the height of this saying, perhaps, also represents to us what the Word has more openly stated, saying to others: the kingdom of God is within you(Luke 17:12), so that we may learn from this that having cleansed your heart from every creature and from a passionate disposition, you see in your own prettiness the image of God's nature. And it seems to me that in the little that has spoken, such advice is contained in the Word: all of you, O people, in whom there is only any desire to look at what is truly good, when you hear that God's magnificence is above heaven and the glory of God is inexplicable, and nonsense is inexpressible. , and nature is incapable, do not fall into hopelessness, as if it is impossible to see what you want. For in you is the measure of comprehension of God, who created you in this way, immediately realizing such good in nature; because in your composition he imprinted the likeness of the blessings of his own nature, as if on some wax he imprinted carved images. But vice, having washed away god-like features, rendered useless good, covered with vile veils. Therefore, if by a zealous life you again wash away the impurity that has fallen on your heart, then God-like beauty will shine in you. As is the case with iron, when the rust has been removed from it with a whetstone; having recently been black, in the presence of the sun it casts some rays from itself and emits a brilliance: so also the inner man, whom the Lord calls the heart, when the rust of impurity, which appeared on his image from bad love, is cleansed, will again take on himself the likeness of the prototype, and be kind; because what is like good is undoubtedly good. Therefore, whoever sees himself sees in himself what is desired; and thus the pure in heart becomes blessed, because, looking at his own purity, he sees in this image the archetype. For just as those who see the sun in a mirror, though they do not fix their eyes on the sky itself, nevertheless see the suns in the radiance of the mirror no less than those who look at the very circle of the sun; so you, says the Lord, although you do not have the strength to see the light, but if you return to that grace of the image, which was communicated to you at the beginning, then you have in yourself what you are looking for. For purity, dispassion, estrangement from all evil is Divinity. Therefore, if you have this in you, then, without a doubt, God is in you, when your thought is pure from all vice, free from passions and far from any defilement, you are blessed in your sharpness; because, having been cleansed, he saw the invisible for those who were not cleansed, and having removed the material darkness from the eyes of the soul, in the pure sky of the heart you clearly see a blissful sight. What exactly? Purity, holiness, simplicity and all similar luminous reflections of God's nature in which we see God.

And that this is really so, we do not doubt on the basis of what has been said. But what made our word difficult even at the beginning, it remains with the same inconvenience. If everyone agrees that he who is in heaven participates in heavenly miracles, then, since the method of ascent there is also impossible, agreement in this does not benefit us in any way: it is also certain that, after the purification of the heart, a person becomes blessed; but how to cleanse it from the defiler, it is almost exactly the same as ascending to heaven. Therefore, is there any Jacob's ladder, any fiery chariot, similar to the one that lifted the Prophet Elijah to heaven. on which our heart, having risen to heavenly miracles, would lay down this earthly burden? If anyone imagine in the mind the necessary mental suffering; then he considers it difficult and impossible to move away from the evils associated with it. Our very birth begins immediately with suffering, growth occurs with suffering, life ends with suffering, and evil in some way merges with nature through those who initially allowed suffering into themselves, through disobedience, instilled disease in themselves. But just as the nature of living beings continues by the succession of what belongs to each generation, so that, according to the law of nature, what is born is also with the one who gave birth: so is a man born from a passionate passionate, from a sinner a sinner. Therefore, in those who are born in a certain way, sin is formed, which is both born and increases, and ends with the limit of life. On the contrary, virtue is indigestible for us to acquire, that with so many sweats and labors with diligence and exhaustion we hardly succeed in it, this we learn from many places of divine Scripture hearing that the way to the kingdom is strait and narrow; but the one who leads a vicious life into destruction is wide, sloping and trampled down. However, that an exalted life is not completely impossible, the Scripture confirmed this by presenting to us in the sacred books the miraculous deeds of so many men. But since there is a double meaning in the promise to see God, one is to know the nature that surpasses everything, and the other is to enter into unity with Him through purity of heart: then the first kind of understanding, according to the word of the saints, is recognized as impossible, while the Lord promises the other to human nature in the present teaching, saying, Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God.

And how to become pure, you can find out the methods for this from almost every gospel teaching. For, passing to the following commandments, you will find a clear teaching about the purification of the heart. The Lord, dividing vice into two types, one that is visible in deeds and one that is formed in thoughts, the first type, that is, untruth found in deeds, punished according to the old law, but now drew the attention of the law to another type of sin, punishing not a bad deed, but foraging, so that he should not even begin. For to remove vice from arbitrariness itself is much more important than to make life alien to evil deeds. Since the vice is many-part and diverse; then the Lord in His commandments opposed each of the forbidden deeds with a special medicine. And how the disease of anger over the course of a lifetime most often and more clearly comprehends a person; then he begins by healing the prevailing, legitimizing, first of all, non-anger. You were taught, he says, by the old law: don't kill; and now learn to remove from the soul and anger at a fellow tribesman (Matt. 5:21-22); for the Lord did not forbid anger at all, because sometimes such a striving of the soul can be used for good, but ever to be angry at a brother without any good purpose - he quenched such ignition with a commandment, saying: everyone be angry with your brother in vain. For the addition of the word: in vain shows that the manifestation of irritation is often well-timed when this passion boils up during the punishment of sin. This kind of wrath was in Phinehas, as the word of Scripture testifies, when by the defeat of the lawless it propitiated the indignation of God moved against the whole people. Then the Lord proceeds to healing the sins of voluptuousness, and by His commandment casts out from the heart the inappropriate lust of adultery. So you will find that in the future the Lord corrects everything in order, enacting laws against each type of vice. It forbids unrighteous hands to dispose of themselves, not allowing them to take revenge. It banishes the passion of covetousness, ordering the one who is deprived of clothing to add to what is taken away, to add the rest. He heals fear, commanding to neglect death. And in general you will find that in every commandment, like a plow, the word pulls out bad roots from the depths of the heart, and thereby cleanses the thorns from growing. Therefore, to both, it is a benefit to nature, both in that what is good is commanded, and in that the doctrine of the present subject is offered to us. If, in your opinion, striving for good is difficult, then compare it with the opposite life; and you will find how much more difficult vice is, if you take into account not the present, but what will happen after. For whoever hears about Gehenna will no longer with any difficulty and effort move away from sinful pleasures; but on the contrary, that fear alone, which has taken possession of his thoughts, is enough for him to expel passions from himself. Rather, it is better to say that those who have comprehended what is implied in the silence also benefit from what they receive from this strongest wish. For if those who are pure in heart are blessed, then certainly those who are defiled in mind are pathetic, because they see the face of the enemy. And if in a virtuous life the features of the Divine itself are imprinted, then it is obvious that a vicious life becomes the image and face of the enemy. But if God, according to various ideas, is called everything that we imagine to be good, light, life, incorruption, and that only exists of this kind; then, of course, and on the contrary, the inventor of vice will be called the opposite of all this, and darkness, and death, and corruption, and everything that is homogeneous and related to this.

So, having found out from what both vice and a virtuous life are formed in us, inasmuch as, according to the freedom of will. We have been given power over both of these, let us escape the image of the devil, let us reject this evil personification, let us take on ourselves the image of God, let us become pure in heart in order to become blessed, as soon as God’s image is imagined in us with pure life, O Christ Jesus, our Lord . To Him be glory and power forever and ever! Amen.

About the Bliss. Word 6.

St. Chromatius of Aquileia

Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God

He calls pure in heart those who, having rejected the defilement of sin, cleansed themselves of all the impurity of the flesh and became pleasing to God by deeds of faith and righteousness, as David says in a psalm: Who will ascend the mountain of the Lord, or who will stand in His holy place? He whose hands are innocent and whose heart is pure, who has not received his soul in vain(Ps. 23:3-4) . With full justification, David, knowing that God can only be seen with a pure heart, prays like this in a psalm, saying: (Ps. 50:12) . So God shows the blessed pure in heart who, with a pure mind and an impeccable conscience, live in faith in God and in the future Kingdom of Heaven will be worthy to see God of glory no longer , but face to face(1 Cor. 13:12) as the apostle said.

Treatise on the Gospel of Matthew.

St. Dmitry Rostovsky

Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God

The pure in heart are those who are straightforward and simple-hearted Christians, and who carefully keep within themselves the love of God and neighbor. This includes bodily and spiritual virginity, observed according to the power given by God, for the better pleasing of God. Here there is no place for that virginity, which, although it does not have bodily confusion, but inside it fornicates by pleasure.

Mirror of the Orthodox confession. About hope.

St. Theophan the Recluse

Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God

A pure heart is one that, having renounced all self-indulgence, directs everything to the glory of God, even if it eats and drinks; so everything is clean. But the heart that is full of self-pleasing is impure, and by this self-pleasing it makes all its action and movement impure, because everything is done in it for self-pleasing, even that which seems self-sacrificing and directed towards God.

Commentary on the Epistle to Titus.

The spirit of grace, having come and perceived by the heart, renounces it from addiction to everything sensual and beats off the taste for it. If this takes root in the heart, then what place will carnal desire find in it? Those who have received the Spirit are pure in heart.

Commentary on the Epistle to Timothy.

St. Luka Krymsky

Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God

Himself God will be seen those who have no dirt in their hearts, vile vile lies, fornication, slander, hatred, whose hearts are always calm, meek, pure.

Conversations during Great Lent and Holy Week. About blessings.

Shmch. Peter of Damascus

Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God

Bless the pure in heart, that is, those who have done every virtue, with holy thoughts, and have achieved to see things according to their nature (them); and thus reaches the world of thoughts.

Creations. Book one.

Rev. Simeon the New Theologian

Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God

What do you say to that? But I know in advance what you will say. You will say: yes, the pure in heart will surely see God, but not here, but in the next age. Since you do not believe in the blessings that God gives us in the present life and do not have a zealous desire to receive them for yourself, then you resort to thinking about the future age. But tell me, beloved, who hopes to see God in the next age, how is it possible for what you speak of to be? If Christ said that with a pure heart we will see God, then it certainly follows that at any time, as soon as someone cleanses his heart, he will see God. You yourself, if you ever cleanse your heart, will, of course, see God and know the truth of my words. But since you never thought in your mind to do this (purify the heart) and did not believe that it truly happens (that the pure in heart see God), then you neglected the purification of your heart and were not able to see God. Tell me, is it possible in real life for a heart to become pure? If possible, then it follows that everyone who is pure in heart in the present life still sees God. But if you say that God is seen only after death, then I must say that purity of heart comes only after death. Thus, it may happen to you that you will not see God either in the present or in the next age. For after death you will no longer be able to do charitable deeds, so that through them you can make your heart pure.

Words (Word 63rd).

Our Lord, following the pleasing of mercy, said: blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God. For, as our God and Lawmaker, He knows that if the soul does not come into such a mood, that is, does not become merciful, as we said, will not always weep, will not become completely meek, will not thirst for God, then it cannot get rid of from passions and become pure, like a pure mirror. But if it does not become like this, then it will by no means see the face of our Lord and our God purely within itself. The same soul, which becomes pure, always sees God and makes friends with Him, and then there is peace between our Creator God and that soul, while before it was hostile to Him. Why, after this, she is pleased by God, like a peacemaker.

Words (Word 70s).

A pure heart, I believe, is in someone who not only is not disturbed and weighed down by any passion, but also does not even think about anything bad or worldly, even though he wanted to, and keeps the only memory of God in himself with irresistible love. For the eye of the soul, the mind, when nothing interferes with its contemplation, sees God purely in pure light.

Active and theological chapters. § 164.

The heart is pure and is called that which does not find in itself any thought or thought of the world, but everything is attached to God and combined with Him in such a way that it does not remember anything worldly, neither sad nor joyful, but grows in contemplation, ascending to the third heaven. rapturing in paradise and seeing the inheritance of the blessings promised to the saints, in relation to which he then represents, as much as possible for human weakness, and eternal blessings. This is what serves as a sign of purity of heart and a sure sign by which anyone can determine the measure of his purity and see himself as in a mirror.

Active and theological chapters. Section 167.

Blessed, says God, the pure in heart, for they shall see God (Matthew 5:8). A pure ... heart is made not by one, not two, not ten virtues, but all together, merging, so to speak, into a single virtue that has reached the last degrees of perfection. However, even in this case, the virtues - alone - cannot make the heart pure, without the influence and presence of the Holy Spirit. For just as a blacksmith, no matter how skillfully he knows how to use tools, nothing can work without the help of fire, so let a man do everything on his own (to purify the heart), using virtues as tools for this purpose, but without the presence of the fire of the Spirit. everything he does will remain inactive and useless for his purpose, since this one thing does not have the power to purify the impurity and filthiness of the soul.

Active and theological chapters. § 82.

Question six: And as Christ says: “Do not despise any of these little ones; for I tell you that their angels in heaven always see the face of my Father in heaven.”(Matthew 18:10) ? And again: "Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God" (Matthew 5:8)- And you say that even the angels do not know Who is God and where is He? Answer: Just as at noon we clearly see the shining and sent by the sun light, but we cannot see and know the sun itself, what it is, but we say that we truly see it, so the angels and saints contemplating the glory of the Spirit shining like lightning, in they see both the Son and the Father. But not so are the sinners and the unclean, for they are like the blind and insensible. Just as the blind do not see the radiant light of the sensual sun, so they do not see the divine and ever-shining light and do not feel its warmth. Question Seven: What do the pure in mind and heart see? Answer: Since God is light (1 John 1:5), and the brightest light, those who see Him see nothing but light. This is confirmed by those who saw the face of Christ, shining like the sun, and His clothes became like light (Matt. 17: 2), and the apostle Paul, who saw God as light and turned into the knowledge of Him (2 Cor. 4: 6), and myriads of others saints. Question eight: Why is God not visible to everyone, because He is an eternal and ever-shining light? Answer: Because God arranged it this way from the beginning, so that the darkness would have no communion with the light, and the impure and filthy with the holy and pure. For our sins, like a great chasm (Luke 16:26) and a wall, separate us from God (Isaiah 59:2). Most of all, crafty memories and vain thoughts become a high wall and separate us from the true light of life. For God is light (1 John 1:5) and life. This means that those deprived of this are dead in soul, they are co-heirs and accomplices of eternal fire and eternal darkness.

Dialogue with a scholastic.

Rev. Hesychius of Jerusalem

Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God

Humility and suffering (ascetic bodily deprivation) free a person from any sin - cutting off spiritual passions, and these are bodily. Therefore the Lord says: blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God(Matthew 5:8)- they will see both Himself and the treasures that are in Him, when they purify themselves by love and abstinence - and this is all the more the more they increase their purification.

Rev. Hesychius, Presbyter of Jerusalem, to Theodulus a soul-beneficial and saving word on sobriety and prayer.

Rev. Maxim the Confessor

Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God

80. He who has made [his] heart pure will not only recognize the logoi of [everything] that is below and after God, but will also see in himself after passing through everything the highest goal of blessings. In such a heart God is born, and on this heart, as if on some tablets of Moses, He deigns to draw by means of the [Holy] Spirit his own writings to the extent that it has grown itself according to the commandment, mysteriously commanding: multiply(Gen. 35:11) . 81. That heart is called pure, in which there is no natural movement towards anything [carnal]. Thanks to the highest simplicity, God is born in such a heart and draws on it, as if on a smooth board, His laws. 82. A pure heart is that heart that presents [its] memory to God as completely formless and formless, and it is ready to be imprinted only with those images of Him through which it is proper for [God] to appear.

Chapters on theology. Second hundredth.

The heart is pure when it presents its memory to God completely formless, without the interference of visions, ready to imprint only His patterns. This is how the saints receive God's things, or, as the apostle said, we have the mind of Christ(1 Cor. 2:16) , which does not deprive us of our own mental capacity, does not become an addition to our mind and is not essentially connected with our mind by hypostasis, but by its own quality enlightens the ability of our mind, encouraging it to its own activity.


He who has made his heart pure will not only know the meaning and significance of things that are secondary and exist after God, but, having gone through all of them, he somehow sees God himself: in this is the ultimate limit of blessings. Having visited such a heart, God deigns to inscribe His writings on it with the Spirit, as on the tablets of Moses, to the extent that it has increased itself by good activity and contemplation, according to the commandment, mysteriously commanding: grow and multiply(Gen. 35:11) .

Speculative and active chapters selected from the seven hundred chapters of the Greek Philokalia.

If, according to the words of the Divine Apostle, Jesus Christ lives in our hearts by faith (Eph. 3:17), and in him all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge are hidden: then in our hearts are all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge. They are revealed to the heart as each one is cleansed by the commandments. Behold the treasure hidden in the countryside(Matthew 13:44) of your heart, which you have not yet found through idleness. For if he had found it, he would have sold everything and bought this village. But you, leaving this village, work near it, where there is nothing but thorns and thistles. That is why the Savior says: Blessed are pure in heart, for they will see God (Matthew 5:8). And the treasures that are in Him will see Him when they purify themselves with love and temperance, and the more so, the more they are purified. Therefore, he says, sell your possessions and give alms (Luke 12:33), and all will be pure to you(Luke 11:41), as no longer dealing with things that touch the body, but trying to cleanse their mind from hatred and intemperance, which the Lord calls the heart (Matt. 15:19). For all this, which defiles the mind, does not allow it to see Christ living in it by the grace of holy baptism.

The fourth centurion is about love.

Rev. Seraphim of Sarov

Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God

We must vigilantly guard our hearts from obscene thoughts and impressions, according to the word of the Source: watch over your heart with all preservation from these for the issue of the belly(Prov. 4:23) .

From the vigilant guarding of the heart, purity is born in it, for which the vision of the Lord is available, according to the assurance of the eternal Truth: Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God.


Right. John of Kronstadt

Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God

Those who are pure in heart will see God. God is the All-Seeing Eye, like the intelligent Sun, standing above the world, penetrating with its intelligent eyes into the thoughts and hearts of people, illuminating every creature. Our soul is an eye from the Eye, sight from Sight, light from Light. But now, after the fall, on our eye - soul - diseases - sins. Take off the thorn, and you will see the mental Sun, the Infinite Eye, the darkness of which is the brightest of the material sun.

My life in Christ.

In this commandment, the Lord, pleasing the pure in heart, inspires all of us to take care of acquiring the purity of the heart, which is the container of life, as the scripture says: watch over your heart with all guardianship: from these for the issue of the belly(Prov. 4:23), and on which our joys and sorrows, contentment and discontent depend.

Are there those who live on earth who are pure in heart? In the New Testament, in the kingdom of grace, of course, there are people pure in heart, led by the Lord, as it is said: the Lord knows his being(2 Tim. 2:19), and sometimes appearing to people, what are the holy saints of God, who even during their lifetime are glorified by God with the gifts of clairvoyance and miracles, and all are gentle and humble in heart. If the Lord blesses the pure in heart, then there are certainly some; but purity of heart in people is very, very rare, as pure gold is rare, as precious stones are rare; they are rare now, but even rarer in the Old Testament, when the people of Israel lived under the law, and not under grace, and when the greatest part of the people was mired in idolatry. All people are conceived and born in iniquities; only the grace of God takes away these iniquities and makes some worthy ones chosen vessels, purifying their hearts and souls. Behold, I will touch this with your mouth, and your iniquities will be taken away, your sins will be cleansed(Is. 6:7), the fiery Seraphim said to Isaiah, the chosen one as a prophet, touching his lips with a burning coal, - and through this touch the sinful impurity of the man of God was taken away. Oh, if the pure came from the unclean, Job the Long-suffering exclaims, and continues: no one(Job 14:4) .

Where does this universal sinful impurity in people come from, when they are created in the image and likeness of God, and God is pure and holy? From the devil, my brethren, from the devil, who is most often called in writing an unclean spirit, and in church prayers, namely, when the evil spirit is conjured, an alien, filthy and disgusting spirit. It is he, this unclean spirit, having become, after his falling away from God, a foul vessel of all the impurity of sin, from the beginning he defiled the hearts of the first people with his impure breath, and deeply infecting their whole being, soul and body with the impurity of sin, transfers this impurity as hereditary damage. , to all their offspring, even before us, and will defile, especially the careless and unbelievers until the end of the world, as St. Angel of St. Apostle John in the Apocalypse: the time is near. Let him who is unrighteous still do iniquity; let the unclean be still defiled; let the righteous still do righteousness, and let the saint still be sanctified. Behold, I am coming quickly, and My reward is with Me, to render to each according to his deeds.(Rev. 22:10-12) .

So, the impurity of the heart comes from the devil, or from the first fall of man, after which all people became, as it were, his captives and slaves. And this sinful impurity is so great, so deeply ingrained in human hearts, it is so difficult to get rid of it, that even the holy saints of God, who have been vigilant over all the movements and thoughts of their hearts all their lives, felt in themselves at times, as it were, an influx or a storm of the evil ones, bad and blasphemous thoughts, and prayed to the Lord and the Most Pure Mother of God to tame these fierce and impure waves, to quench this demonic storm; - so great that some men, who had already ascended to the top of purity and holiness, rapidly fell into the sin of impurity; - so great that despite our frequent prayers, the grace of the sacraments and our teaching in the word of God and all the punishments with which God visits us for our sinful impurity, she still remains in us and will live with us to the grave, and in others, to the shame of mankind, it is revealed before the very grave with particular impudence and shamelessness. The unclean often sees everything in an unclean form, because his mind and conscience are defiled. Lord the Knower of Hearts says that from within, from the human heart, proceed evil thoughts, adulteries, fornications, murders, thefts, covetousness, malice, deceit, lasciviousness, an envious eye, blasphemy, pride, foolishness. All this evil comes from within and defiles a person.(Mark 7:21-23) . That is the impurity of the heart! This is a prickly thorn that wrestles a person internally, giving him no peace; the goads, against which it is cruel for a man to go, and yet he often goes to them himself willingly; this is a dark cloud and darkness in the soul, hiding from man the true and saving path of God, along which a person must go to the goal intended for him; finally, these are the sinful scabs that cover and corrode our heart.

For the purification of the heart, great labors and sorrows, frequent tears, unceasing inner prayer are needed; abstinence, reading the word of God, the writings and lives of the holy saints of God, but most importantly, frequent repentance and communion of the most pure Mysteries and daily self-examination; reflection on how pure man was created at the beginning, and how the filth of sin entered the world; about the likeness and image of God in us, and about our obligation to become like the Archetype - the Most Pure God; about our redemption by the priceless blood of the Son of God, about our son-laying in Christ Jesus, about the commandment to us - to be holy in all life (1 Pet. 1:15;; reflection on death, judgment and hellfire. We need, we say, great sorrow because they heal the disease of sin, burn the thorns of passions. Through many tribulations it is fitting for us to enter into the kingdom of God(Acts 14:22), says St. the Apostle Paul, and all the saints endured great tribulations in order to acquire purity of heart, and no one was crowned without tribulations: some endured various torments from persecutors; others voluntarily tormented and dejected themselves with fasting, vigils, bodily labors, lying on the bare ground; they were unceasingly vigilant in prayer, and with its fragrance they repelled every foul attack of sin; often took communion at St. Mystery, as the most powerful means of purification, sanctification and renewal of the soul and body; they learned unceasingly in the word of God, they were engaged in contemplation of God. Others, with all this, incessantly flowed tears from their eyes, such as St. Ephrem the Syrian. We especially need sincere, deep tears, for they purify the defilement of the heart. Give me tears, Christ, drops, the filth of my heart that cleanses, the saints of God pray to the Lord [Post. to St. communion canto 3, art. one].

From the eyes of tears, unceasingly flowing, inexhaustibly currents, give me, washing me all over, from the top to the foot, - we pray in the canon to the Guardian Angel, as if more than snow I have clothed a whitened robe with repentance in the chamber of God inside [Can. Eng. storage canto 8, art. four]. Drops of teardrops exude grace to give me the Lord, begged, St. Angels, as by those, my heart will be cleansed and see God [Can. Eng. p. 6, art. 3]. All those who have wept over their sins know from experience that tears contribute greatly to purification, tranquility, and bliss of the heart, for along with them, so to speak, sin flows out of our souls; after them comes silence and tranquility of conscience and some kind of spiritual fragrance and joy: a person with intelligent eyes sees God in himself, purifying all his iniquity and unspeakably merciful to him. Then a person will experience by experience how blessed, calm and contented the pure in heart are, for their conscience does not torment them, they are not tormented by the sins that are forgiven them through the infinite mercy of God, and they feel inwardly that they rest in God, the source of bliss, and God rests in them. Bless the pure in heart. So, a pure heart is an abundant source of peace and everlasting joy; when looking at all that is good, at every creation of God, the pure in heart both rejoices and rejoices inwardly, because in all creatures he sees the imprint of the goodness, wisdom and omnipotence of the Creator; - he is blessed in himself, for both the purity of the heart, and the real mercy of God felt in general, gladdens him, and even more comforts him in the future, the promised blessings, their eye does not see, and their ear does not hear(1 Cor. 2:9), and the pledge of which he has in his heart. On the contrary, those who have an unclean heart are pitiful: for them it is a source of unceasing sorrow, although apparently they are having fun; - a source of misfortunes and fears, because sins and passions, like worms, suck their hearts, their conscience convicts them, giving them no rest, and a secret foreboding of God's judgment frightens them. Blessed are the pure in heart: for they shall see God; blessed, a hundred fold blessed are the pure in heart, especially because they will see God face to face in the age to come; for it is natural for the pure to see the Pure, as it is for the pure eye to see the light.

If we still feel very blessed in this life, when, having left everything earthly, we indulge completely in prayer and converse with God, like children with their father, although we do not see Him with our eyes, but only, as in a mirror, guessingly, - if in of this still life, we often seem to melt spiritually from tenderness, because of the living feeling of the presence of God - what to say about the righteous or the pure in heart, when they see God in that age face to face, when they see Him, this is the Source of the eternal light and blessedness for all ranks of angels, for all forefathers, prophets, apostles, hierarchs, martyrs, reverends and all saints, Who lives and rejoices every creature in heaven and on earth? Oh, in truth it will be unspeakable bliss, infinite sweetness, where (in heaven) there is an unceasing voice celebrating, and the infinite sweetness of those who see Your face is inexpressible kindness. [Mol. morning 5]

And so, my brethren, let us all take care to acquire a pure heart - with tears of repentance, vigil, prayer, abstinence, frequent teaching in the word of God, and let us hasten to reject from our hearts the blindness of passions - that we may see Christ God, the Savior of our souls.

“Christ, true Light, enlighten and sanctify every person coming into the world, let the light of Your face be marked on us, let us see the unapproachable light in it, and correct our steps to do Your commandments, with the prayers of Your most pure Mother and all Your saints” [Like . morning 5; Prayer at the end of Matins before Chosen. Governor]. Amen.

Conversations about the Beatitudes of the Gospel.

Blzh. Augustine

Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God

Hear what follows next: Blessed are the pure in heart that is, those who are pure in heart, for they will see God. This is the limit of our love. The limit at which we achieve perfection, and not annihilate. Food has a limit, clothing has a limit: food because it is destroyed while eating, and clothes because it is improved when it is woven. Both have a limit: but one leads to destruction, and the other to perfection. No matter what we do, no matter how well we act, no matter what we strive for, no matter how laudable we kindle, no matter what the impeccable we crave, after we have come to the contemplation of God, we do not need more. For what else should one look for in whom God is present? Or what will be sufficient for those who lack God? We desire to see God, we long to see God, we are eager to see God. And who is not? But notice what it says: Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God. Prepare what you will see [Him]. Or, referring to bodily images, how do you want to [see] the sunrise with inflamed eyes? If the eyes are healthy, this light will be pleasure, and if they are unhealthy, then this light will be torment. For you are not allowed to contemplate with an impure heart that which is contemplated only by a pure heart.


Blzh. Hieronymus Stridonsky

Blzh. Theophylact of Bulgaria

Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God

Many do not rob, but rather are merciful, but they commit fornication and are thus in other respects unclean. So, Christ commands, along with other virtues, to preserve purity, or chastity, not only in body, but also in heart, for apart from holiness or purity, no one will see the Lord. Just as a mirror, if it is pure, only then reflects images, so the contemplation of God and the understanding of Scripture is accessible only to a pure soul.

Commentary on the Gospel of Matthew.

Apollinaris of Laodicea

Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God

For they will see God. How then is it said that God has never been seen(John 1:18) ? To this we answer that He is contemplated and comprehended by reason. In fact, in Holy Scripture we see God with the eyes of knowledge, and from the rationality manifested in the universe it is possible to see the Creator through inference, just as in the works of human hands the creator of the object lying before us is in some way contemplated by reason. In this case, we do not see the nature of the inventor, but only skillful craftsmanship. In the same way, one who sees God in the creation imagines not the essence, but the wisdom of the Creator of all things. The Lord also confirms this by promising that God will be seen by the pure in heart. Holy Scripture does not contradict this, [when it says] that no one has seen God and cannot see.


Evfimy Zigaben

Blessed are the pure in heart: for they shall see God

Under pure in heart understands those who are not aware of any deceit behind them or keep their hearts unstained from voluptuousness, which is ap. Paul calls holiness when he says: have peace and sanctuary with all, but none of them will see the Lord(Heb. 12:14) . Will see God as far as possible for human nature. He placed this beatitude after the beatitude of almsgiving, because many, while reaching the truth and doing almsgiving, are overcome by passions. Therefore, it shows that these virtues alone are not enough. Pure in heart- the essence of the chaste: holiness, i.e. chastity, except no one will see the Lord(Heb. 12:14) . As a mirror then reflects images when it is pure, so only a pure soul perceives the image of God.

Interpretation of the Gospel of Matthew.

Ep. Mikhail (Luzin)

Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God

Pure in heart. Those whose actions, thoughts, intentions and moral rules of activity are pure, disinterested, truthful - in general, people who observe spiritual purity, “who have acquired complete virtue and are not aware of any craftiness behind them, or those who spend their lives in chastity, because for In order to see God, we do not need anything as much as this virtue” (Chrysostom).

God will be seen. Not only in spiritual contemplation, but also with bodily eyes in His manifestations (John 14:21-23), and not only in the future age, when they, together with all the saints, will enjoy the sight of God, but also in the present, when they are pure of their hearts more than others are able “in their own beauty” (Athanasius the Great) to see God and enter into communion with Him. “As a mirror then reflects images when it is pure, so only a pure soul can contemplate God and understand the Scriptures” (Theophylact; cf.: Athanasius the Great). This promise does not contradict those passages of Scripture that speak of the impossibility for man to see God (Ex. 33:20; John 1:18; John 6:46; 1 Tim. 6:16, etc.), for in these The last places speak of the full vision or cognition of God in His essence, which is really impossible, but the vision of God by a person, “as far as possible” (Chrysostom) for this latter, is often said in Scripture, for God is revealed to a person in images accessible to him, although The purest Spirit in Himself.

Explanatory Gospel.

Anonymous comment

Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God

There are two ways to contemplate God: in this age and in the next. In this age, according to Scripture: He who has seen me has seen the Father(John 14:9) . Pure in heart those who not only do no evil and do not think [about it], but who still always do all good and think [about it]. For sometimes it is possible to do good, but not to think, as happens with those who do good not for the sake of God, and God does not reward such good, because God rewards not only for the good that is done, but for what is done with good disposition. Those who do good for the sake of God, no doubt, and think good. Therefore, he contemplates God who creates all truth and thinks about it in his heart, since truth is the image of God. For God is truth. Therefore, according to what [aspirations] one will get rid of evil and do good, according to that he will see God: either in confusion, or purely, or moderately, or with greater fullness, or in part, or completely, or sometimes, or always, or according to human ability. In exactly the same way, the one who does evil and thinks will see the devil, since every evil is the image of the devil. Thus, in that century the pure in heart will see God face to face, and no longer through the dull glass, guessingly(1 Cor. 13:12) like here.

Prot. Alexander (Schmemann)

Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God

The word "purity" has an exceptional meaning in Christianity, meaning much more than just the antithesis of moral (especially sexual) licentiousness, and goes far beyond just morality. Purity is an inner quality, best defined as wholeness. Purity, according to Christian teaching, leads to chastity, i.e. to holistic wisdom, which gives a person a constant feeling of himself before God. Purity and chastity are opposed in a person not so much by dirt, licentiousness, sin, but by his inner confusion and fragmentation. The Christian experiences sin as a loss of equality with himself, as a blindness that hinders the faithful, i.e. holistic self-esteem. And the main task, the main calling of a person in Christianity is to regain his inner integrity, to restore his former purity, and with it that fullness of vision that disappears in a state of internal splitting. To a person of our time, all this may seem incomprehensible, excessively complex, and, most importantly, unnecessary, while it is an essential matter, something that the modern world for some reason forgot about.

Personality is not just individuality, but that depth of each person, which the Bible and Christianity call his “heart”. Individuality can be understood as the totality of certain features of a given person: appearance, character, tastes, talents and abilities, but all this is not yet a person. Christianity teaches that in every person there is a deep and indecomposable core - that which makes up his real self, incomparable to anything else, not reducible to anything else. This "I" is unique and unique, and the true life of any of us is rooted in it. And we lose this very “I” all the time in the rumbling bustle and worries of life, which is lived in the fragmentation of passions, hobbies, etc.

Christianity, on the other hand, begins with a call to a person to find and restore in himself the lost integrity - in other words, that purity of his “I”, which was so muddied by the sinful vanity of life. This is what the sixth commandment of beatitude calls us to, in essence: to return to a holistic vision, to see what we do not see in our superficial life - the invisible beauty and strength, light and love in which God reveals Himself.

Conversations on Radio Liberty. Bliss commandments.

Lopukhin A.P.

Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God

One of the deepest truths The condition for seeing God is purity of heart. But the term used to designate this vision (ὄψονται - they will see, behold) refers to the eye, means optical vision. Since it is clear from other passages of Scripture that a person cannot see God, one must think that the speech here is figurative, that ordinary vision serves as an image of the spiritual. This is evident from the combination of terms: the pure in heart “will see”. Seeing God requires purity of heart. What is purity of heart? This is the state of a person when his heart, the source of feelings, is not overshadowed by any darkening influences of vicious passions or sinful deeds. Between the absolute, or complete, and relative purity of the heart, there are many gaps in people, where semi-sickness, semi-perfection are observed, as in the eye. A person's ability to see (spiritually) God increases as his heart, his conscience is purified. A pure heart = a pure conscience. Although the idea of ​​the possibility of seeing God existed in antiquity (cf. Ps. 23:4-6), it occurs, for example, several times in Philo, but we did not find examples where the vision of God, as in the New Testament, was made dependent from purity of heart (cf. Heb. 10:22).

Trinity leaflets

Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God

Every virtue brings us closer to God; but the highest blessedness is to see God, to make your heart a habitation of the grace of the Holy Spirit, the abode of God, as Christ said: we will come to him and make our abode with him(John 14:23) . And for this it is necessary to cleanse the heart of passions. “Like a mirror,” says the blessed Theophylact, “then it only reflects images when it is pure, so only a pure soul can contemplate God and understand Scripture.” There are those who are merciful, but they themselves live uncleanly, and therefore they will not see God. Our hearts are already very clogged with all kinds of sinful impurity, and do we see everything that is sinful in our hearts? ... That is why King David prayed: cleanse me from my secrets(Ps. 18:13) ; This is why the righteous Job said: Who is born pure from the impure? No one(Job 14:4) . From the heart, - says the Heart Seeker, - evil thoughts come out, murders, adulteries, fornications, thefts, false witness, blasphemy - this defiles a person(Matthew 15:19) . You did not kill a man, but in your heart you wished him death; know that the Lord already calls this evil thought murder. Think the same about every sinful desire. Man looks at the face, but God looks at the heart. Man judges deeds, but God judges the thoughts of the heart. My son! give your heart to me(Prov. 23:26) - says the Lord. And how will you give your heart to God if your heart is impure, defiled by sinful thoughts and desires? Tell me, is it possible to completely cleanse the heart? If Christ the Savior requires this of us, it means that it is possible. Do you hear? Christ says: Blessed are the pure in heart. What is impossible for men is possible for God(Luke 18:27) . Everything is possible to the believer(Mark 9:23) . True, the work and feat is great for those who want to purify their hearts, but the reward is great: for they will see God. Just think: “If, as St. Elijah Minyatiy says, the most holy face of God was hidden from the eyes of the righteous for just one minute, then paradise itself would become hell for them; and if for one moment it seemed to be tormented in hell, then hell itself would become paradise. You ask how it is said: man cannot see me(Ex. 33:20) ? These words mean that it is impossible for man to know the very Being of God: but pure in heart also here, on earth, in their own heart, they can see God, that is, they can feel the invisible grace-filled presence of God; they can also see with bodily eyes some signs of the manifestation of God to them: thus, Adam in Paradise was pure in heart, and God appeared to him and how the Father spoke to him. God also appeared to Abraham - in the person of three strangers, Moses - in the bush, Elijah - in the quiet wind and waters. But all these visions, in comparison with what the righteous will see in the future life, are only shadows and images: Now we see says the Apostle Paul, as if through a dull glass, guessingly, at the same time face to face(1 Cor. 13:12) then see him as he is, - says the Apostle John the Theologian (1 John 3:2). How great this beatitude can be judged by what the apostles experienced on Tabor: God! good for us to be here(Matt. 17:4), - the apostle Peter spoke for everyone. And if this bliss is so desirable, then how to achieve it? How to cleanse the heart of passions? God has given us His gracious means for this: these are the sacraments of baptism, repentance and communion of the Life-Giving Mysteries of Christ; use these saving means, but also work yourself: fulfill the commandments of God in humility, read the word of God with reverence, drive away every sinful thought from yourself in every possible way: beat this adversary with an invincible weapon - invoking the saving name of the Lord Jesus Christ, you will not find anything stronger than this weapon in heaven, not on earth, as the holy fathers say, and - endure the sorrows that God sends, accept them with thanksgiving to God, as a healing balm for your sinful wounds. Work hard and remember that Kingdom of Heaven by force, with self-compulsion, is taken(Matthew 11:12) what it is will not come ... in a noticeable way(Luke 17:20) .

Trinity sheets. No. 801-1050.

Metropolitan Hilarion (Alfeev)

Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God

The sixth commandment again speaks not of the manner of behavior, but of the inner quality of a person: Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God. phrase pure in heart(καθαροι τη καρδια) borrowed from the Psalter: How good God is to Israel, to the pure in heart!(Ps. 72:1) ; Who will ascend the mountain of the Lord, or who will stand in His holy place? One whose hands are innocent and whose heart is pure...(Ps. 23:3-4) . Again we see Jesus using an expression that was on everyone's lips. To understand its meaning, it is necessary to consider two key concepts of which it consists: "purity" and "heart".

In the language of the Old Testament, the concept of purity is associated primarily with a shrine, worship, sacrifice, an altar, a tabernacle, a temple: nothing unclean should touch a shrine. At the same time, uncleanness can be both physical, associated with illnesses, injuries, bodily defects (Lev. 21:17-23), and spiritual (Is. 1:10-17). The source of purity and cleansing is God, to whom David prays in a penitential psalm: Wash me many times from my iniquity, and cleanse me from my sin ... Sprinkle me with hyssop, and I will be clean; wash me and I will be whiter than snow(Ps. 50:4,9) .

The heart in the Old Testament tradition is perceived not only as a physical organ and not only as a center of human emotional activity. It is also a spiritual center that determines his actions, life choices, attitude towards God and the people around him. Thoughts and decisions ripen in the heart, in the heart a person conducts a dialogue with himself and with God. The heart is that spiritual depth in a person that God peers into (1 Sam. 16:17; Jer. 17:10). Not only man has a heart, but also God (Gen. 6:6; 8:21; Ps. 32:11).

Purity of heart cannot be acquired by one's own efforts alone; God's help is needed Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me.(Ps. 50:12) . Repentance is expected from a person: Sacrifice to God is a broken spirit; a contrite and humble heart You will not despise, O God(Ps. 50:19) . As a modern researcher notes, the renewal of the heart is the main theme of the Sermon on the Mount. However, Jesus not only requires a new heart from His disciples: He Himself gives them one.

Purity of heart is a condition for communion with God: Who will ascend the mountain of the Lord, or who will stand in His holy place? The one whose hands are innocent and whose heart is pure ... Such is the generation of those who seek Him, who seek Your face, God of Jacob!(Ps. 23:3-4, 6) . Without purity of heart it is impossible to touch the shrine, meet God and see the face of God.

promise for they will see God first of all, it makes us recall a whole series of biblical texts that talk about vision of God.

On the one hand, in both the Old and New Testaments we find persistent statements that the vision of God is impossible for man. When Moses ascends Mount Sinai, God promises to hold all His glory before him, but at the same time declares: You cannot see My face, because a person cannot see Me and stay alive.(Ex. 33:20-21) . According to the apostle Paul, No man has seen God and cannot see God.(1 Tim. 6:16) . The assertion that God has never been seen, occurs twice in the corpus of John's writings (John 1:18; 1 John 4:12).

On the other hand, some texts speak of the possibility of seeing God. Jacob wrestling with God exclaims: I saw God face to face, and my soul was saved(Gen. 32:30) . Job expresses hope that he will see God with his own eyes: But I know that my Redeemer lives, and on the last day He will raise my decaying skin from the dust, and I will see God in my flesh. I will see Him myself; my eyes, not the eyes of another, will see Him(Job 19:25-27) . The apostles John and Paul speak of seeing God in the future life (1 John 3:2; 1 Cor. 13:12).

In patristic literature, there are various approaches to the paradox "visible - invisible".

The first explanation is that God is invisible by His nature, but He can be seen in His energies (actions), His glory, His goodness, His revelations, His condescension. In the words of Gregory of Nyssa, "God is invisible by nature, but becomes visible in His energies." John Chrysostom, recalling the appearance of God to Moses, Isaiah and other prophets, speaks of God's "condescension" (οικονομια) revealed by him: "All these cases were manifestations of God's condescension, and not a vision of the Pure Being, for if the prophets really saw the very nature of God , they would not contemplate it under various forms ... God in essence He was not seen not only by the prophets, but even by angels or archangels. Many have seen Him in the form that was available to them, but no one has ever contemplated His essence.

The second way to resolve the "visible - invisible" problem involves the Christological dimension: God is invisible in His essence, but revealed Himself in the human flesh of the Son of God. Ignatius the God-bearer says that God is “invisible, but made visible to us” in the Person of His Son. Irenaeus of Lyons states that "the Father is the invisible of the Son, and the Son is the visible of the Father." According to John Chrysostom, the Son of God, being in the Divine nature as invisible as the Father, became visible when he took on human flesh. Theodore the Studite writes: “Before, when Christ was not in the flesh, He was invisible, for, as it is said, God has never been seen(1 John 4:12) . But when He took upon Himself coarse human flesh… He voluntarily became tangible.”

The third possible approach to the problem is the desire to solve it in an eschatological perspective: God is not visible in the present life, but after death the righteous will see Him. No matter how much a person improves before God, says Isaac the Syrian, in real life he sees God from behind, as in a mirror, he sees only His image; in the age to come, God will show him His face. Theodore the Studite considers the vision of God to be a reward bestowed in the future life: one should strive and suffer here in order to see “the immeasurable beauty, the inexpressible glory of the face of Christ” in the next century.

Finally, the fourth possibility to explain the "visible-invisible" contradiction is to place it in the context of the notion of the purification of the soul: God is invisible to man in his fallen state, but becomes visible to those who have achieved purification of the heart. We meet such an idea in Theophilus of Antioch, who believes that one must be cleansed of sin in order to see God. When a person's heart is cleansed, says Gregory of Nyssa, "he will see the image of the Divine nature in his own beauty."

Which of these four approaches is closest to the original meaning of Jesus' saying about the blessedness of the pure in heart? I think the fourth, in which the vision of God is directly linked to the purity of the heart, but it does not say when a person can see God: in earthly or afterlife. Unlike the Sermon on the Plain in Luke, where all the promises are related to the future, as opposed to what is happening "now", there is no such opposition in the Sermon on the Mount from the Gospel of Matthew. There is no time gap between purity of heart and the vision of God, just as there is no gap between other beatitudes and the promises that flow from them. This gives Simeon the New Theologian the right to dispute the eschatological interpretation of the sixth Beatitude commandment and to say that the vision of God comes simultaneously with the attainment of purity of heart: “... They will say: “Yes, indeed, the pure in heart will see God, only this will happen in the next century, and not in the present." Why and how will it be, beloved? If Christ said that God is seen through a pure heart, then, of course, when purity comes, then vision follows it ... For if purity is here, then vision will be here. But if you say that vision happens after death, then, of course, you place purity after death, and in this way it will happen to you that you will never see God, because after the exodus you will have no work by which you would gain purity. ".

At the same time, we must point out that the second of the above patristic interpretations has a direct parallel in the Gospel, in particular in the dialogue between Philip and Jesus at the Last Supper. In response to Jesus' words to the disciples that they knew and had seen the Father, Philip says: God! show us the Father, and it is enough for us. Jesus answers: How long have I been with you and you don't know Me, Philip? He who has seen Me has seen the Father; how do you say, show us the Father?(John 14:7-9) . Jesus identifies the vision of God the Father with the appearance of the Son of God: through the human face of Jesus, people open the way to the vision of the Divine face of the invisible Father. Thus, like the other Beatitudes, the sixth commandment has a pronounced Christological dimension.

Jesus Christ. Life and teaching. Book II.

Elena Churilova
Scenario of the final event for the long-term project "Holidays and traditions of the peoples of the world"

Our guests have come

Musical director: Hello, invited guests, long awaited!

Miracles are coming.

It will be interesting here!

Indeed, it will be interesting!

You probably don't know -

In an open field, in a wide expanse,

Behind the dark forests, behind the green meadows,

Behind fast rivers, behind steep banks...

Under the bright moon, under the white clouds,

There is a small village on the edge of the forest...

And in the village - a red hut,

And in the hut - the hostess is nice and friendly.

Invites everyone to visit!

Mistress. Hello dear guests! In the old days there was such a custom among the Russian people; how the field work ended, and the harvest was harvested, they whiled away the autumn evenings, arranged together gatherings: they sang their favorite songs, danced round dances, did needlework. Some are sitting at the spinning wheel, some are embroidering patterns, some are sculpting dishes from clay, others are turning spoons and bowls from wood. As the Russian proverb says, "Out of boredom, take matters into your own hands". It was fun! Either they will drag out the song, then they will throw a joke, so their work was arguing. So we have all the garden chores behind us - the last vegetable was removed. Like in the old days used to say: Cause time - fun hour! Finished the job - walk boldly! It's damp, windy, and cold outside, but in our hut it's fun and warm. You are welcome, dear guests! We invite everyone to our hut for gatherings, sincerely welcome! Don't be embarrassed, don't be shy, make yourself comfortable!

Girl: Mother, something is sad for us. Something is not fun, not amused!

hostess: Why don't you have fun?


1. Autumn-aunt!

hard worker,

How in the Autumn I broke

Red Kalinushka,

I cleaned the gardens

Broke her back.

All work, nivushka,

My back hurts.

2. I sting from morning to night

Wheat and oats

Just a pity for white bread

Couldn't eat.

Sting, shrugged, pressed three strands.

The first strand - for food,

The second strand - for seeds,

The third strand is in reserve.

hostess: Oh, you are mine, kids,

little wives,

Oh, and thank God

What a living reaped!

What a living shook

And they put the cops:

On the threshing floor with haystacks,

In the cage bins,

And in the oven with pies!

They used to say so

Who plowed - that snare.

And who sowed - two.

And who complained - that's all.

The earth is painted by the sun, and man - by work! There will be bread - there will be a song. And autumn is not always sad and rainy. Autumn is generous with beauty, rich with a miracle harvest! Come on, smile! (girls smile). And here it is nice!

hostess: Interestingly, people used to say in the old days, so much so that everyone remembered. Well, who is the master of proverbs and sayings to tell?

Children say proverbs:

- With the sun - warm, with the mother - good!

- There will be no boredom when your hands are busy!

- A good fairy tale is a warehouse, and a song is a harmony!

- Boring day until evening - if there is nothing to do.

hostess: Well done, you know good proverbs. Well, so that, as the proverb says, the day is not boring until the evening, I will show you a funny, outlandish doll. It's called Matryoshka. She also has a beautiful sundress, a bright scarf, red cheeks. This matryoshka has a secret. She loves to joke and have fun. Each Matryoshka has its own song. And her voice is clear and thin. Here listen!

Song "Russian nesting doll"

hostess: (Knock on the door.) Come in, dear guests!

Enter Danilovna and Gavrilovna

hostess: Hello, good people! Welcome.

If you magnify - so meet on the threshold.

Danilovna: Are there many of you, don't you need us?

hostess: Come in, come in, you will be guests!

Gavrilovna: We heard that you have gatherings, so they looked at the light.

hostess: Please go to the hut! Red guest - red place. Welcome! (Children sit down). An unexpected guest is better than two expected ones. Who will you be?

Gavrilovna and Danilovna: We are funny old women, inseparable girlfriends.

Danilovna: Really, Gavrilovna?

Gavrilovna: True, Danilovna! We came to your hot hut with gifts. Here are printed gingerbread, sugar candies (gives food).

Danilovna: Live, hut, great, live richly! God bless you, that we too!

Gavrilovna: Live, live and make good! Without evil, without a whirlwind, without a great dash.

hostess: (bows) Thank you, dear guests, for your kind words. Come in, the hut is big, there is enough space for everyone. (D. and G. Sit on the benches with the children).

Danilovna: We gathered to have fun and have fun,

Play, joke, laugh...

Chorus: Laughter and fun!

Gavrilovna: It's good in your hut, hostess: the stove is heated, the matter is arguing for a cheerful conversation. And I'll tell you a fairy tale (thinks). Tell you a story about a goose?

Children: Yes!

Gavrilovna: And she is already all! And here's another story: once upon a time there was a king, the king had a yard, there was a stake in the yard, on that stake there was a bast, why not start the fairy tale again? Do you want another fairy tale?

Children: Yes!

Gavrilovna: Once upon a time there was an old man, the old man had a well, a dace lived in that well - this is the end of the fairy tale.

Danilovna: And I have a passion for guessing riddles. Now I will tell you. (Children guess riddles)

Now for you guys

I will guess riddles.

Sit down, take a rest

Move your mind.

I know, I know in advance -

You are savvy people.

1. Crooked horse climbs into the fire (poker).

2. Four legs, two ears, one nose, yes belly (samovar).

3. Four brothers live under one roof (table)

4. New vessel, but all in holes (sieve, sieve).

5. The bull is horned, clutched in his hands. There is enough food, but he is starving (grip).

6. In the belly - a bath,

In the nose - a sieve,

On the head is a button

One hand and that one on the back. (Kettle.)

7. She doesn’t eat herself, but feeds everyone (a spoon).

In Rus', the spoon not only fed, but also made fun! And here are our guests!

So that the children do not get bored

From dawn to dawn.

Ready to sing songs for you

Our miracles are spoons.


1. Hello, hostess,

Let's play, have fun

And you will be happy to fall.

2. If there are flowers in the forest -

There will also be a meadow.

If there are girls in the hut -

There will be a party too!

3. And although we were in a hurry to you,

Spoons still captured!

Russian spoon - a miracle of miracles!

The Russian forest gave us this miracle.

4. Rustic, carved,

painted for show,

Go around all of Russia

And those are just us.

5. Performing in front of you

Oh, dashing spoons.

Our spoons are playing

From dawn and yes dawn.

6. Play, Spoon Miracle

Painted, Russians!

Orchestra "Lozhkari" (d / s No. 25)

Danilovna: Well done, and play and dance masters! Hey guys, hey, darlings.

Gavrilovna: That's how they played with spoons,

The mood was lifted.

Once you lift your spirits

There will be a dance without a doubt.

Wow, I'm so arranged, sing, dance set.

One day I won't dance, the next I'll go crazy!

Play my harmonica - do, re, mi, fa, salt, la, si!

Look, admire how they dance in Rus'!

round dance "Vologda lace" (d.c. No. 31)

hostess: At parties like ours, games were often played. Let's play too.

Danilovna: I know a good game - in rhymes. Gavrilovna, what was your grandfather's name?

Gavrilovna: Kuzma!

Danilovna: Here I will take your Kuzma by the beard!

Gavrilovna: Why are you my grandfather and for a beard?

Danilovna: So this is such a game! And what was your brother's name?

Gavrilovna: Well, Ivan.

Danilovna: Your little brother Ivan

I put the cat in my pocket.

The cat is crying and crying

Oh, how he scolds his brother!

Gavrilovna: Why are you talking such nonsense about my own brother!

Danilovna: Yes, this is such a game, I explained it to you - for rhyme!

Gavrilovna: Now I'll tell you a rhyme too. What was your brother's name?

Danilovna: Fedya.

Gavrilovna: And if the name was Fedya,

Then catch a bear in the forest

Get on the bear

Get off my bench!

hostess: Yes, it's enough for you to quarrel! Let's go to the table! We must see, probably, the bread is ripe.

Gavrilovna: Glad to see you at the stove,

Without her, the house is empty.

In it and fry, in it and soar,

And in winter with her as in spring.

Danilovna: In the old days spoke:

“Bake us mother dear to all,

On the stove all red summer,

I sleep and eat by the stove.”

(The guests bow low to the stove. The hostess takes out the bread and puts it on the table).

hostess: Here it is - fragrant bread,

Here it is - warm, golden.

With a crunch, twisted crust.

Like sun-drenched.

Bread grows with love.

Eat for health.

Guests: Thank you, hostess.

hostess: (turns to D. and G.)

I invite everyone to tea.

I carry the samovar in my hands, I sing a joke.

Oh, tea, tea, tea...

Meet you, gossip!

Meet you, gossip,

Hire a joke!

He puts the samovar on the table.

The hostess, Danilovna and Gavrilovna sit down at the table, pour tea.

Mistress. Amuse the hostess, eat a pie!

Danilovna: The hut is not red with corners, but with pies!

Gavrilovna: Drinking tea is not chopping wood!

Danilovna: Your bread is good, hostess! Delicious, fragrant! The most delicious - Russian bread!

Gavrilovna: Of course, Russian. What else! Are there others?

Danilovna: Of course there are! Everyone has it the people their bread, and every people praise their bread.

Gavrilovna: What are peoples?

Danilovna: But how, Gavrilovna? Various peoples are. Each country has its own, and each people praise their bread

Gavrilovna: Here, at least with one eye, to see those peoples.

hostess: In our house, the doors are open for all guests. You are all welcome peoples to us.

Tatar melody sounds. Children enter. "Why"


Tatarka Kyzym: Heerle irte! Hello hosts.

Gavrilovna: Where are you from, dear guests? From what region? From which side?

Tatarka Kyzym: From Tatarstan.

Gavrilovna: Or maybe you respect us? Tell us about your region?

Tatar children: Do you know such a country,

Ancient and forever young

Where in the forest black grouse lek

Like a song will bewitch the heart ...

Where, if holiday - rejoice from the heart,

Where is the work - give me any mountain

Do you know such people,

who has a hundred thousand words,

Who has a hundred thousand songs

And a hundred embroideries bloom!

The brave boys are dancing

Heels crush the floor

The girls surrounded them

Song, jokes invigorate.

Let's tell everyone a secret -

There is no better Tatarstan!

hostess: With a pure heart we meet

Dear guests.

Welcome with bread and salt

We feed them generously!

Tatarka Kyzym: And we come to you with bread, hosts. imac (Tatar bread) has always been a symbol of prosperity and prosperity. It was baked for the future, 2-3 times a week. The oath taken on bread was considered the strongest and most indestructible. As usual, the oldest member of the family cuts the bread at the meal. Ashparytyz temle bulsyn or bon appetit!

hostess: Sit at the table. In Rus', guests are always invited to the table!

Tatarka Kyzym: And how dear guests are met in Tatarstan, you will learn from folk dance.

Tatar dance (d.c. No. 57)

hostess: Thank you guys for the beautiful dance!


And with them we will become friends and dance!


Children enter. "Droplet" - "Kazakhs"

hostess: Welcome, dear guests! Bread and salt for you!

Kazakh woman Aigul: Kaiyrly tan! S!zd! kergen! me kuanyshtymyn! Good morning! Glad to see you!

Gavrilovna: Where are you from, dear guests? From what country? What state?

Kazakh woman Aigul: From Kazakhstan.


Kazakh children:

Kazakhstan is native land

We love you very much.

Sea, mountains, steppe distance

This is my homeland!

How big is my land

How wide are its expanses -

Lakes, rivers and fields

Forests, and steppe, and mountains.

I love my motherland:

Green trees, herbs.

Like climbing up

I don't forget my manners.

hostess: Well, come in, guests, bread and salt to you!

Kazakh woman Aigul: Thank you, hostess for Russian bread and salt, and Kazakh baursaks for you.

Gavrilovna: What are "Baursaks"?

Kazakh woman Aigul: Baursaki - Kazakh version of Russian "bread and salt". These are pieces of sour dough fried in lard, the main dish of the Kazakh dastarkhan. They are loved from young to old, they are served with tea, before meals, with koumiss, with snacks.


We are happy to feast with you

And we want to know soon

Like Kazakh girls

Dancing not to be bored!

Kazakh woman Aigul: There are many dances that are funny,

many old,

Our ancestors danced

These dances are amazing.

Hey girls, don't be bored!

Get up for the dance!

Kazakh dance (d.c. No. 57)

hostess: Thank you, guests, for a kind, beautiful dance!

Danilovna: We will call dear friends again,

And with them we are friends and dance!

Together: One two Three! Good friend come to us!

Georgian melody sounds. The children enter the hall. "Chamomile"

hostess: Welcome, dear guests!

Georgian Sofiko: Gamarjobat! Dila mshvidobisa! Good morning! Hello!

Gavrilovna: Where are you from, dear guests? From what country? What state?

Georgian Sofiko: We are from Georgia

Gavrilovna: Or maybe you respect us? Tell us about your country?

Georgian children: You were in the region where the flowers are beautiful,

Where mountains crash into the expanse of clouds

And the sky keeps the secrets of ancient ages?

You were in the region where the flowers are beautiful,

Where are fast rivers, like tears are pure,

There are so deep and bright skies

And the bright sun tickles your eyes.

There is a marvelous grape vine

In the valleys and on the slopes of the mountains

Draws his picture pattern.

And the sun gilds space.

hostess: Welcome to the table, dear guests!

We welcome you with a pure heart

Welcome with bread and salt.

Georgians: Gmadlobt! Thanks for the Russian bread. You are Russian to us, and we are Georgian to you.

Gavrilovna: What kind of bread do you have outlandish? Never seen such a thing! And it smells like! And delicious, I guess!

Georgians: What could be tastier than real, hot, piping hot Georgian bread. This lush flatbread is called Tonispuri!

hostess: Thank you, guests for the treat!

I invite you to have fun together!

We are happy to feast with you

And we want to know soon

Like Georgian guys

Dancing not to be bored!

Georgian Sofiko: There are many dances that are funny,

many old,

Our ancestors danced

These dances are amazing.

Hey guys, don't be bored!

Get up for the dance!

Georgian dance (d.c. No. 57)

hostess: Thank you, guests, for a beautiful dance!

hostess: I'm glad to meet you

How many of my guests are here - of all nationalities!

Outwardly, although they are not similar, for me, you are not more expensive,

Everyone is beautiful and smart, everyone is talented, modest.

I am our cheerful I invite people to a round dance!”

Round dance is music, dance and game at the same time.

Do you want to play dance games?

There is a good game "Golden Gate".

Teterka walked through them,

Led small children

She left one.

The game "Tetera"

hostess: Once upon a time there was a cat Kolobrod.

He planted a garden.

A cucumber was born.

Games, songs are not over!

Danilovna: Break out, people,

Me "Lady" beret!

I'll go, I'll dance

And invite guests!

Gavrilovna: And yes you, oh yes I,

Oh my lady!

lady, lady,

Shall we dance, ladies?

final song (Feedback)

To the tune of a song "Saturday"

1. We met guests today.

Bread and salt served

Ladies, madams, our dear ones,

2. If you like, then clap (clap clap)

If you don't like it, then stomp (top top)

For the idea - to do so (show "In!" thumb)

In the mood to do so (snap fingers)

Chorus (recitative): And now all together, yes to the music

verse 3: guests clap, stomp, snap their fingers.

Musical director: We promised you at the beginning

What will be interesting here.

Are you satisfied? (Audience response.)

Didn't you get bored? (Audience response).

Fun, dancing and gifts

You are always welcome in our house!

Distribution of souvenirs to guests

hostess: The fun is over

BUT the holiday never ends.

Guests are greeted with food

The drinking continues!

Danilovna: Thank you all for your attention.

We invite all guests for tea.

We treat fragrant

Delicious tea and cake.

Gavrilovna: We had a lot of fun together.

Need to refresh now.

Please don't leave

Enjoy delicious tea.

For fragrant tea

A noble treat.

And here is the treat - everyone will be surprised!

Educators in national costumes bring refreshments into the hall (baranki, gingerbread, pancakes, baursaki, khachapuri, chak-chak).

Musical director: We set the table for tea -

We are expecting guests today!

We put you all at the table,

We serve pies.

All in chorus. The richer, the more happy.

There is no native land
Music by P. Aedonitsky, lyrics by I. Shaferan

The sky dipped into the blue rivers,
Spread the fields wide
The most beautiful and strong
Affectionate land.

Chorus: You will say: "Love even more!"
I will love even more!
I call you my motherland,
Because there is no native land.

Let me not get around even mentally
These boundless edges -
Each dewdrop is silver,
Every blade of grass here is mine.

It's easy for me to breathe under this sky,
I am happy that there is such space.
Let my quiet voice be heard
Before joining the general choir.

My army
Music by A. Abramov, lyrics by R. Plaksin

If trouble comes to the Fatherland, -
The trumpet will call the soldier.
My army, you are always on guard
You are my love and destiny.

Chorus: Ordinary
The fate is not easy military,
Love is harsh but true.
We are ready for military work!
We all,
We are all tested
Not once, not twice
Fights, marches;
We - from a soldier to a marshal -
One family, one family!

Our October is with us in marching order,
With us - the songs of the red fighters,
The first day of the war and the victory salute,
And the fate of dead fathers.

Our years are rushing, and you are young,
And the trumpet sings, as before.
My army, you are always on guard
You are my love and destiny.

We will remain in songs
Music by A. Pakhmutova, lyrics by N. Dobronravov

Farewell, dear!
The buglers sing.
me at the doorstep
Comrades are waiting.
Forgotten sorrows,
Bridges are burned.
The roads swirl
Civil War.

Chorus: The stars will stay young
Songs stay young
Young sonorous strings
We will remain in songs!

Locomotive whistle.
Dear, goodbye!
Calls my heart.
To an unseen land.
There are golden eagles with the wind
They are having a conversation.
virgin steppes,
Epic space.

I am a song in flight.
Beloved, believe
Amur secret
I know now.
The wind kisses us
On dry lips.
By rail steel
Trains will pass.

Music by Y. Evgrafov, lyrics by M. Vladimov

There is such a word - Komsomol.
It sounds the attacks of the past roar,
The rumble of cars going virgin,
Billions of kilowatts glow.

The Komsomol is the Party's son!

There is such a force - the Komsomol -
Youth fusion and beauty, -
Friendly, like a flood in spring,
Pure as the light of a big dream.
There is such a tribe - Komsomol -
A tribe of hard workers and fidgets.
Tribe behind which above ground
Buildings go up.

Chorus: Komsomol is the time ahead!
The Komsomol is a campaign to the stars!
Conqueror of barriers and peaks,
The Komsomol is the Party's son!
The Komsomol is a faithful son of the Party!

Bow to Russian bread
Music by B. Ivanov, lyrics by E. Verigo

With a pure heart we meet
Dear guests,
Welcome with bread and salt
We feed them generously.
Golden ears of blond
The sun is ripe in the distance.
Bow to Russian bread,
Bow to Russian bread,
Bow to the ground
To the ground, to the ground!

He is at the head of the sun
Hard grown by people
On the ground washed in blood
Those who saved our bright world.
narrow golden path
A new day is coming.
Bow to Russian bread,
Bow to the ground
To the ground, to the ground!

Blue window in the morning
Opens up the sky
Loaf of ruddy sun
Floats over Russia.
Fair-haired birches rustle,
New shoots have sprouted.
Bow to Russian bread,
Bow to Russian bread,
Bow to the ground
To the ground, to the ground!

MBUK "CBS Arzamas region"

Kazakovskaya Rural Library No. 22

The festival

"Friendship brings nations together"

Target : development of the reader's outlook, the formation of a civic position

Reader demand: from 7 years old

Kazakovo, 2015


  1. Peoples have lived for a long time.
  2. One - the taiga to their liking,
  3. Others - the steppe expanse.
  4. Each nation has its own language and attire.
  5. One wears a Circassian
  6. The other put on a robe.
  7. One is a fisherman from birth,
  8. The other is a reindeer herder.
  9. One - cooks koumiss,
  10. Another prepares honey.
  11. One sweeter autumn
  12. Another mile is spring.

Chorus: And each of us has one Motherland.

Vedas. ( in Russian national costume with bread and salt)

With a pure heart we meet

Dear guests.

Welcome with bread and salt

We feed them generously!

Golden ears of blond

The sun is ripe in the distance

Bow to Russian bread,

Bow to the ground.

1. You are different and different

Fair-haired and brown-eyed

All bright in face and glorious in heart

Everyone is friendly and that's the main thing.

Vedas 2 : I love you, Russia!

I want you to bloom!

Vedas. one: Like a bird in the blue sky

Opening two wings

You warmed half the planet -

One hundred nations! One hundred tribes!

Vedas 2: We are your own children

Vedas. one. Let the sky turn blue!

Germans, Russians, Bashkirs,

and Kazakhs and Mordovians,

We live in a good world

Like leaves on a tree.

Veda 2. And dozens of other

Nations, villages and cities!

Vedas. one. This day is our common holiday!

Vedas. 2. This region is our common home!

Ved.1 . “No man can be an island so that he has enough of himself,” the English poet John Donne wisely remarked at one time. Throughout our lives, we are surrounded by other people, we establish, maintain or break relationships with them, being in constant interaction.

Ved.2 Hello dear guys!Do you know, dear friends, that the scientists of the world have calculated that there are about 3 thousand languages ​​on our planet. If you say only one greeting word in all languages ​​of the world, it will take an hour and a half.

Ved.1: Russia is an international country, a huge number of nationalities live on its territory. But what do we know about them? How to build relationships with other nationalities if you know nothing about them?

Vedas 2: Well, of course, you need to get acquainted with their culture, traditions, history. After all, friendship between individuals and entire nations is tied, first of all, on interest. And how can people be interesting if nothing is known about them.

Ved1: Today we will take the first step towards friendship and go on a "correspondence expedition". We will get acquainted with the customs, traditions, culture of those peoples of the world who live side by side with us.

Ved.2. Let's just support each other today and invite the first participants to the stage.

(in turn, the floor is given to representatives of different nations)

Ved1. My motherland. I could sing of your wealth

What are the diamonds, oil, ore...

But the main wealth is brotherhood. Forever and ever.

Ved2. Only here I thirst for life, where they are proud of their work!

Where I enter into each heart, as to a friend in the house.

Only there happiness is valued, where it is with friends.

Where the village sparkles and foams with strong friendship!

Ved1 .1 Russia! Rus! My home country!

I share pure love with you

You are my one and only saint.

I will bow low to you.

Ved2. You have brought up many generations

You always led the people

You believed with all your heart without a doubt

She did good deeds with people.

Ved1: You learned a lot of interesting things today about the life, culture, traditions of those

nationalities that have been living in the territory for many decades

our small homeland side by side with us. And I probably will not be mistaken if I say that now, choosing your friends, you will try and try to understand how your friend lives, where his roots are, what traditions he honors.

Vedas 2: And they say that when children are friends, friendship lives. Be friends no matter what. Be friends, defeating ethnic strife and racial intolerance. Indeed, in friendship there are situations when someone must be the first to say the right word, to take the first step. And remember: there can be no friendship between peoples, between states, without the friendship of specific people. And best of all - when the children are friends.

Ved1: You are the generation that determines how relations between our state and other states will develop. You choose friends, reliable, loyal, both for yourself and for your country. After all, childhood friendship is a thread that will pull friendship for a lifetime, forever.

During the last words, a line of readers comes out.

1st: Severe mountains stand like a wall. Forests, turning green, rustle with coolness.
In the north, blizzards are angry, sweeping. In the south apricots have been blooming for a long time,
How many flowers will bloom in the spring. How many people live on the planet.
2nd: And they all love their native land.
And they are all children of the planet earth.
3rd: Bashkiria gives us linden honey.
4th: And cotton paradise calls in Uzbek.
5th: Armenian sweets melt in your mouth.
6th: Take Tajik fruits to the table.
7th: We carry watermelons from the fields of Kazakhstan.
8th: We dance Lezginka, we sing Kalinka.
We take a drop from each people.
And we call all this our favorite.
9th: Let's be friends, let's love.
Let's give each other smiles
Do not hesitate to pay good for good,
And visit each other more often.
10th: Let's laugh, let's play
Let's trust each other in everything.
11th: We'll be friends like a big family
And the planet Earth will be happy!
12th: Russian people, Belarusian people.
The people of Ukraine get up in a round dance.
13th: Let's hug each other and shake hands
Let's sing this song about friendship!

SONG "The world is like a colored meadow"

The wind is calling
Clouds behind you
Far, far, far.
If you are a friend
Haven't met yet
Sorry, sorry, sorry!

The world is like a colored meadow
If a friend is next to you.
Do not forget to take a friend on the road,
Always be faithful to a friend!
The world is like a colored meadow
If a friend is next to you.
Do not forget to take a friend on the road,
Always be faithful to a friend!

The song is not in vain
Gathers friends
In a circle, in a circle, in a circle.
Makes a gloomy day
more fun
Friend, friend, friend!

The world is like a colored meadow
If a friend is next to you.
Do not forget to take a friend on the road,
Always be faithful to a friend!
The world is like a colored meadow
If a friend is next to you.
Do not forget to take a friend on the road,
Always be faithful to a friend!

friend for you
Overcome a hundred obstacles
Glad, glad, glad.
Any trouble with a friend -
No problem,
Yes Yes Yes!

The world is like a colored meadow
If a friend is next to you.
Do not forget to take a friend on the road,
Always be faithful to a friend!
The world is like a colored meadow
If a friend is next to you.
Do not forget to take a friend on the road,
Always be faithful to a friend!


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  2. Emelyanov I.S. The role of holidays in raising children//Class teacher. - 2008. - No. 5. - S. 23 - 26
  3. Rakhimov A. Z. The role of moral education in the formation of personality // Class teacher. - 2001. - No. 6. - P. 11 - 18.

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