Zhenya Belousov died twenty years ago. Zhenya Belousov: biography, personal life, family, wife, children - photo Andrey Belousov Zhenya


In early June, Zhenya Belousov died 20 years ago. The musician was only 32 years old when he passed away. But the songs with which he collected stadiums in the late 80s and early 90s are still remembered: “Girl-Girl”, “Alyoshka”, “My Blue-eyed Girl”, “Short Summer”, “Golden Domes” , "Evening-evening" is still remembered. Zhenya Belousov lived a short but bright life. Teleprogramma.pro tells unknown facts from the life of Belousov and his heirs.

1. The singer's daughter Kristina was 10 years old when her father died, now the young woman is 30 years old, she has a good job - she works as a translator in a large company. The red-haired beauty worked in a modeling agency, graduated from a music school, but did not want to engage in professional music. She graduated from the Faculty of Psychology of the Medical University, is fluent in English and Spanish. Christina never told her friends, colleagues, acquaintances whose daughter she was. The girl gives the impression of a modest, serious and purposeful person.
- The feeling that dad is still there, - said Christina Belousova in the program "Live". – What I know about dad is that he was always interested in philosophy, religion, psychology. And all this is interesting to me ... I try not to think about the death of my dad with pain, I try to think that he lived a fairly bright life, he gave a lot to the people who surrounded him, including me ... I don’t want to I was labeled the daughter of a famous person.

Christina lives in a three-room apartment in Moscow, which she inherited from her famous dad. Eugene divorced his daughter's mother when the girl was 7 years old, but always helped the family. And with the illegitimate son Roma Belousov talked, constantly helped them.
Belousov's son Roman is 24 years old. His mother is Oksana Shidlovskaya (former keyboard player in Zhenya Belousov's group). Evgeny Belousov's wife Elena Khudik (mother of the musician's daughter Christina) divorced him when she found out that her husband had an illegitimate son. Now women communicate, both arranged a personal life. Roman loves to ride a motorcycle, trained as a welder, and is going to open a car service. I know my sister, but they do not maintain a relationship. The boy grows purposeful, the soul of the company, like his father.

The singer's children were not carried away by music, but his nephew (the son of Alexander Belousov's twin brother) is a professional musician. By the way, his name is also Eugene.

2. The singer's mother Nonna Pavlovna died three years ago. In the last interview, she recalled what a caring son Zhenya was: her mother often came from Kursk to her son in Moscow, he took her to restaurants, bought gifts, even took her sometimes on tour, helped financially. Mother and son had a close relationship. “Zhenya had a craving for music in childhood, we immediately sent him to a music school,” Nonna Pavlovna recalled. “When Zhenya was ten years old, he was hit by a car, he hit his head very hard, he was on the verge of death for several days ... ”Grandchildren visited Belousov in Kursk, and after Zhenya’s death she herself visited Moscow visiting her son Sasha. “Roman came to me, he is very similar to Zhenya, only the features are smaller, with his studies he is not very good - like his father! Kristina is a psychologist, she teaches languages, she has an addiction to diets from Zhenya. He toiled with foolishness - arranged for himself to lose weight, until he ruined his health. I was surprised - I came and saw that Zhenya did not eat anything for ten days, only drinks tea. And then at the banquet they will pour him something - that's the pancreas and inflamed! The first time, when he became ill, he himself drove to Sklifa. But he has a tour, so a day later he ran away from the ward. The second time I went to the hospital, when it was already too late. They gave him so many drugs, and his intracranial pressure increased. For Zhenya, it was deadly."
Evgeny Belousov was admitted to the hospital with an attack of acute pancreatitis, after a while a head injury received in childhood made itself felt - a stroke occurred. Two months later, the popular performer died.

3. Evgeny Belousov was married to Natalya Vetlitskaya for nine days. “While he was on tour, Natalia started a romantic relationship. Such an amorous girl was - to match Zhenya. But she left him, and Zhenya was really very worried, ”recalled the producer of the singer Lyubov Voropaeva. After the divorce, Zhenya married Elena Khudik, who by that time had already given birth to a daughter, Christina. Lena is his first love from Kursk.

4. In recent years, Alexander Lyubimov was very close to Belousov, the TV presenter supported Yevgeny. The friendship of Belousov and Lyubimov was incomprehensible to some: Lyubimov is an intellectual, and Belousov grew up on the streets of Kursk, graduated from a vocational school.

5. A friend of Belousov, Igor Sandler, in the program “Live” said: “Zhenya is a great jazz musician and composer. But he was forced to sing "My blue-eyed girl." He was enormously dissatisfied with himself. He played me his new arrangements, CDs, they were records of progressive jazz-rock. And he said at the same time: “God forbid these discs will be heard by my fans! I'm done then!" He was tremendously worried in the depths of his soul that he could not realize himself as a musician.

6. Producer Lyubov Voropaeva recalled that Belousov sang to the soundtrack, since it was difficult with the equipment in those years, especially at stadiums, in open areas, where the performer often performed. After Eugene left show business, he went into business - he began to sell alcohol.

7. Voropaeva told the story of the creation of the main hit "My blue-eyed girl." She was unexpected. The poetess, producer Zhenya Belousova dedicated the song to the computer of her husband, composer Viktor Dorokhin. Dorokhin spent hours sitting at the computer, which he called "the blue-eyed girl."

8. Producer Belousova was the first in the country to use "black PR" to promote her ward. Voropaeva herself “leaked” “sensations” in the media, she herself carried cassettes with his recordings on radio and television, the producer was familiar with music editors. But in 1990, Voropaeva and Dorokhin stopped working with Belousov. In an interview, Voropaeva said that one of the reasons was Yevgeny's addiction to alcohol at that time. Shortly before the death of the singer, they resumed communication.

September 10, 2009, 11:47 am

Evgeny Belousov was born on September 10, 1964 in Kursk in a simple family. Zhenya grew up as a mobile boy, in any business he tried to be a leader.
At school, he studied well, but he was never a boring excellent student. In the yard company he was known as a hooligan and on this basis at one time he had troubles with the police.
However, in high school, Zhenya became interested in music - he began to play the guitar. His musical career proceeded in a standard way: at first he began to play the bass guitar in a school ensemble, then he began to improve his skills in an amateur VIA. While still a high school student, Zhenya was known as an inveterate heartthrob. And when he began to play in the school ensemble, the girls began to hang themselves around his neck, as they say, in packs. Moreover, he was successful not only with his peers, but also with girls much older than him. With one of them - a pioneer leader in the camp - it came to intimacy. Zhenya Belousov was only 14 years old at that time. After that, he “got a taste”: “At the age of sixteen, with my comrades, it almost became a proverb: if you didn’t spend time with a girl, the day didn’t go well.” The path to fame began with Evgeny Belousov in the mid-80s. He then played as part of a semi-professional ensemble in one of the Kursk restaurants, and he was accidentally noticed by the head of the popular Integral group, Bari Alibasov. He invited Belousov to his team.
One of Belousov's first appearances on stage as part of Integral almost ended in failure. Bari Alibasov says: “At the end of the composition “I am for peace”, Lyubov-Spring ran out onto the stage to Zhenya. He had to slowly, very chastely undress the girl. Then heavy smoke covers them... The first rock erotica on the Soviet stage! I'm sitting in the orchestra pit, I see: Spring is creeping out, Zhenya is shaking all over, he can't do anything with her. Gave smoke. Zhenya fell and lies. I'm yelling "Get out!" He lies. I command Vesna: "Drag him!" Behind the scenes, they laughed to tears. Surprisingly - he was shy to sing. He has the purest voice intonations ... " However, after a couple of performances, Evgeny Belousov coped with his shyness and became a completely self-confident artist. On January 1, 1989, Evgeny Belousov married Natalya Vetlitskaya. “And yet, despite his male chauvinism (in an interview, Belousov said that “the difference between girls and people is that girls are meaner”), Belousov still managed to get married several times - twice officially and a couple of times got by with a civil marriage. Belousov's first wife was singer Natalya Vetlitskaya. Their "marriage" lasted ... 9 days. And to be more precise - eight: on the first of January they got married, and already on the ninth the singer left home. In the early 90s, Belousov married a second time - to a girl from Simferopol, Elena Khudik. In this marriage, their daughter Christina was born. However, this union did not last long.
Soon Belousov became interested in the keyboardist from his group Oksana, who gave birth to his second child - this time the boy Roma.
“Together with his common-law wife, violinist Lena Savina, Belousov lived in a house on Mira Avenue. Elena Savina says: “We met Zhenya by chance, at a party. It was love at first sight. After five minutes of getting to know each other, he offered me to move in with him. Soon, Zhenya told everyone that he was leaving to get acquainted with his mother-in-law. We got into the car and went to St. Petersburg. He carefully prepared for this meeting. Having learned that my mother loves seafood, I bought a huge amount of live fish. Zhenya often told me: "You live in my family, and I'm in charge here." I got offended and went outside. While walking around the house, he peeped at me through the window, and then, in order to attract my attention, he began to throw perfume and shoes out the window. Of course, I came back screaming. Somehow we quarreled, and in order to pity him, I called an ambulance. And here I am lying in the ward, and no one comes for me. In the evening I could not stand it, I called. He cheerfully asks: “What, is it already ripe to go home?” In a word, we had a patriarchy in our family. I forgave him everything because I was happy. He was a real man and always supported the family himself. And he told me: “If you want to work, then only with me.” So I ended up in his backing vocals ...
I have never met such extraordinary people as my husband. It had all the best qualities. At the critical moment, friends called him, even in the middle of the night. When asked for a loan of money, he never refused, even if he himself did not have a lot in his pocket. Zhenya was very hospitable. In warm weather, up to fifty friends from all the surroundings came to the cozy courtyard of our house on Prospekt Mira. E. Belousov himself called everyone and invited everyone to pilaf ... " Evgeny Belousov died on June 2, 1997 at 0:05 am at the Sklifosovsky Institute after a 7-hour operation: craniotomy and removal of a brain aneurysm, which passed in March 1997 and followed by a coma, at the 31st year of life.
Singer and composer Yuri Loza says: “In one of the films, a song once sounded with the words “every master of his fate and share of his creator.” That's all that can be said about Belousov. He invented all this for himself. He could not drink, he was forbidden, on New Year's Eve he had a terrible attack, when his tongue was pulled out with his hand. The man was told: "Next time you will not survive." But he continued to live as he lived. I thought it was probably better to burn out young ... "
Belousov was admitted to the Sklifosovsky hospital with a diagnosis of pancreatitis at the end of May. However, then the doctors revealed that, in addition to this disease, he also had an aneurysm of the cerebral vessels (most likely this was the result of two car accidents in which the singer once got into). In the hospital, the vessel broke, blood flooded the area of ​​​​the brain. The doctors decided to operate. The trepanation of the skull lasted more than seven hours, after which Eugene fell into a coma. Sometimes he regained consciousness for a short while, but he could neither speak nor move. His wife Lena was always by his side. On June 2, shortly before midnight, Belousov again came to his senses and opened his eyes. Whether he recognized anyone, whether he realized that he had only a few hours left to live, is still unknown. He soon died. Yevgeny Belousov was buried at the Kuntsevo cemetery

Name: Zhenya Belousov

Age: 32 years

Place of Birth: Zhikhar, Kharkiv region

A place of death: Moscow

Family status: was married

Zhenya Belousov - biography

Belousov Evgeny Viktorovich is a famous pop performer who became popular in the nineties. Some of the songs that he performed, Zhenya Belousov himself wrote.

Childhood, family

Evgeny Belousov was born on September 10, 1964. His biography began in the Ukrainian city of Zhikhar, Kharkov region. On the same day, his twin brother was born, but Sasha Belousov was born a few minutes earlier. The family already had a daughter, Marina. When the kids were only a few months old, the whole family moved to Kursk. The Belousov family was the simplest, and the parents were workers. Both boys turned out to be creative, because, growing up, Sasha became interested in drawing, and Zhenya became interested in music.

It is known that back in his childhood, Zhenya got into a traffic accident, which greatly affected his health. The child was hit by a car, and Eugene was taken to the hospital with a head injury. After that, the future famous pop artist had big health problems and because of this he was not even taken into the army.


Evgeny Belousov in Kursk first studied from the first grade at school No. 44, but three years later he was transferred to school No. 6, since it had a mathematical bias, and Zhenya at that time showed good progress in this subject. But still, the dream of Zhenya Belousov from early childhood was to become an artist. He even attended a music school, playing the button accordion. After that, he will play in the school ensemble.

Despite the fact that Eugene showed outstanding mathematical abilities, he studied poorly at school and was a lot of hooligans. After leaving school, he entered vocational school No. 1, graduating from which he received the specialty of a mechanic-repairman, followed by studies at the Kursk Music College, where Zhenya Belousov studied bass guitar.

Zhenya Belousov - songs

The creative biography of Evgeny Belousov began in the bars and restaurants of the city of Kursk, where he performed with his musical compositions. So a well-known producer once saw him, who invited him to become first a bass player, and then the vocalist of the Integral group.

But still, the first producers of the famous pop artist were Viktor Dorokhov and Lyubov Voropaeva. To promote a new star, Zhenya Belousov's age and marital status were changed. During the collaboration with these producers, the famous singer was able to release two of his music albums.

In 1991, Zhenya Belousov became the producer of the famous pop singer. This helped the young performer to gain both popularity and fame. The first song, which for a young performer, immediately became popular and loved. This musical composition "Girl - Girl" is still listened to by young people. This song brought a stunning success to the performer. In 1991, Zhenya Belousov organized fourteen concerts at Luzhniki.

Eugene himself really liked the popularity and fame that came to him. But he tried to get rid of the role of the "sweet boy", which came to him with the first producers. But even a change in the repertoire and producer could not affect this. Zhenya, who sang about romantic love, was already an adult himself. He was thirty years old and had two children. And he had to sing songs about teenage love.

Evgeny Belousov, trying to prove to everyone that he is already an adult, decides to realize himself not only in creativity, but also in commerce. Unexpectedly for everyone, he bought a vodka distillery in Ryazan, albeit a small one. In addition, he, seeing how other artists with whom he spoke profitably invested the money they earned, he also decided to follow their example. He made several investments, but instead of the long-awaited profit, he turned out to be a real bankrupt.

Even his small vodka plant in Ryazan, on which he had high hopes, instead of profit, brought only problems to the famous pop singer Zhenya Belousov. First of all, the main problems were with the tax authorities, and soon this plant, which was supposed to be the main income for the singer, only ruined him.

At this time, the artist's popularity begins to subside a little, even the new album did not bring much success. In 1995, a new music collection was released, which brought Zhenya Belousov new success and popularity. But it was the last album that was released during the life of a famous star artist.

Zhenya Belousov - biography of personal life

Evgeny Belousov always liked girls, so he always had affairs with girls. Although it is known that the famous pop artist had several marriages. His first chosen one was Elena Khudik, whom he married while still a student. When Eugene began to build his musical career, his wife was still studying at the institute. And in 1987, a daughter, Christina, was born to this happy couple. But the growing popularity of Yevgeny Belousov helped this union break up.

An interesting fact in the biography of Zhenya Belousov is his second marriage, which lasted only ten days.

His second wife was a famous and charming singer. And after that Evgeny Belousov returns to the first family. They got married again, but the betrayal of the star singer did not stop. At this time, he also had a relationship with Oksana Shidlovskaya, who was married, but still gave birth to a popular performer, the son of Roman.

Before entering into a second marriage, Evgeny Belousov lived for about a year in a civil marriage with his producer Marta Mogilevskaya. But this novel lasted only a few months.

Evgeny Belousov met his last love in 1994. Elena Savina, who was only eighteen years old, immediately liked the star performer. They lived together for more than three years, until the death of a popular artist.

Zhenya Belousov - cause of death

At the end of March 1997, Zhenya Belousov was hospitalized with an acute attack of pancreatitis. Doctors literally pulled him out of the world, but not for long. Soon the 32-year-old singer had a stroke. Experts suggest that this was the cause of the singer's death. They say that the reason for this is a car accident that Zhenya got into as a child.

Author of the biography: Tati 18173

One of the most popular personalities in the world of Russian pop music of the late 80s and early 90s of the XX century is the singer Zhenya Belousov. The biography of this is not much.

The life of a singer

Zhenya Belousov comes from a simple family from Kharkov. But, despite his origin, the boy aspired to become the first in everything. He was not an excellent student at school. But not because he studied poorly, but rather because he liked to misbehave. His musical career began with participation in the school ensemble, where the boy played the bass guitar. Later, the singer began to engage in amateur performances, improved his skills, participated in a vocal and instrumental ensemble. And so the famous performer Zhenya Belousov appeared. His photo could often be seen on stands near concert halls. He was flattered by fame and female attention. Although he rarely took the weaker sex seriously.

Marriage of Zhenya Belousov

Despite the fact that the singer most often saw women as an object of entertainment, he was nevertheless married several times. Twice officially. And the last two times he lived with women in a civil marriage. This was the singer Zhenya Belousov, whose biography can hardly seem boring. The first marriage was rather short - only eight days. Belousov married singer Natalya Vetlitskaya on New Year's Day, January 1st.

But already on the ninth day he could no longer endure family life and left home. The second time Belousov married in the early 90s. His wife was a Simferopol girl named Elena Khudik, who gave birth to the singer of his first child - a daughter named Christina. But this marriage did not last long. Belousov was carried away by a girl from his group, who played the "keyboards". Her name was Oksana. The girl gave her husband a son, Roman. The singer's next wife was Elena Savina.

All his spouses were madly in love with our hero. And he always insisted that there should be patriarchy in the family, and the wife should unquestioningly obey her husband.

End of life

Our hero, Zhenya Belousov, was very popular. The death of this man was a blow to many. This happened at the beginning of June, in 1997. The singer underwent a complex operation to remove the aneurysm for 7 hours. But she wasn't successful enough. Belousov fell into a coma. He never woke up. At that time he was in his 32nd year. Doctors were sure that the aneurysm was the result of drinking too much alcohol and two car accidents experienced by the singer. This is how Zhenya Belousov died. The funeral took place on Tuda and today his fans wear flowers.

Admirers and Fans

It's no secret how popular Zhenya Belousov was. Photos from his concerts, excerpts from his presentations and even video clips are still being reviewed by his fans. Many fan sites of this great artist have been created. Probably, their merit is also in the fact that Zhenya Belousov is still popular. The biography of the singer is given as detailed as possible. For example, little known was the fact that our hero was taught music by his father. As a child, Zhenya was a very naughty boy. But dad loved him so much that he did not want to punish him. Therefore, in order to somehow occupy the tomboy, he sat him down to learn music. Music lessons attracted the attention of girls. That is why Zhenya began to attend the school ensemble. But all this does not mean that he had no talent. First of all, he said that music is his life. 9 years after the death of Belousov, a personalized museum was opened in his native vocational school.

The image of a "sweet" boy

Most admirers of Belousov's work are representatives of the weaker sex. Zhenya saw this as both a reward and a punishment. And all because he was afraid to be a hostage to his own appearance, he was afraid to become a doll. He was frightened by the life of an idol, as this could mean that people would not see him himself, admiring only the appearance of the singer. His image was created by numerous works about love. How can you not remember the hit "Girl-Girl"? A musical album with the same name was released in 1993 and became extremely popular, especially among young people. And in 1992, the singer gave 14 concerts at Luzhniki. It seemed that the performer could no longer rise higher.

A film about a cult performer

In memory of the hero of our article, the film "The Life and Death of Zhenya Belousov" was filmed. The main goal of the tape was to reveal the real "star boy", as he was then called. To do this, the director had long conversations with his mother, brother, sister, beloved women and friends of the singer. The footage from Belousov's last vacation, which he spent in Thailand, will be invaluable. They were made by an old friend of Zhenya and depicted the happy, almost carefree days that our hero spent. He went on safari, sailing on a yacht, fishing, but, most importantly, he fulfilled his old dream - he flew over the sea.

Just a few days after this paradise, a famous performer will end up in a hospital, from which he will never leave. So Zhenya Belousov left this world. The biography (date of death of the singer - June 2, 1997) ended there. Although he himself believed in recovery to the last and even promised Bari Alibasov a musical duel with the Na-Na group. But not fate. Although many colleagues envied Belousov, and some of them often scolded him, all participants in Russian show business were at Zhenya's funeral. They came to say goodbye to him and see him on his last journey.

Songs of Zhenya Belousov

As we have already mentioned, Belousov has been fond of music since childhood. His favorite band was The Beatles. He also listened to rock, jazz and disco. Later, in an interview, the singer often emphasized that with his songs he wants to distract listeners from their everyday worries and give them a holiday. His first real musical "baptism" took place on the "Morning Mail" program in 1988, where the singer performed the song "Alushta". The next hit was the song "My blue-eyed girl." He performed these two songs and "Night Taxi" not only as a vocalist, but also played the bass guitar. It was then that a new star rose to the starry Olympus - Zhenya Belousov, whose biography is full of concerts and tours.

Then there was a performance at Ogonyok with Pugacheva and participation in the Song of the Year music festival. It was there that he was awarded the prize. Then the tour began again, appearances on television and radio. 1990 was a valuable year for Belousov, as his hit "Golden Domes" topped the charts. Eugene's work in 1992 was marked by such hits as "Girl-Girl", "You Come" and "Alyoshka", as well as numerous concerts in Luzhniki.

His latest album is called "And again about love." And this is not surprising. After all, it is with love that the work of our hero is associated with most fans. That's who Zhenya Belousov really was, whose biography proves that the singer's life was not boring.

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Biography, life story of Belousov Evgeny Viktorovich

Belousov Evgeny Viktorovich (Zhenya Belousov) is a Soviet and Russian pop singer.

Childhood and youth

Evgeny Belousov was born in the small village of Zhikhar (Kharkiv region) on September 10, 1964 in a military family. On the same day, his twin brother Alexander was born. Their sister Marina was also brought up in the family. In November 1964, Nonna Pavlovna and Alexander Viktorovich, parents of three children, decided to move to Kursk.

In early childhood, Zhenya received a serious head injury. The boy was hit by a car. After the accident, he was diagnosed with a concussion. The consequences of the accident persisted for life. Due to poor health, Belousov was not even taken into the army.

After graduating from high school with a mathematical bias, Zhenya entered the Kursk vocational school No. 1. At the vocational school, the young man received the specialty of a repairman. Belousov also attended classes at the Kursk School of Music, where experienced teachers taught him to play the bass guitar.

creative way

In the mid-80s, Zhenya Belousov, still an inexperienced, "raw" musician, earned money by playing the guitar in one of the restaurants in Kursk. It was there, in a catering establishment, that he himself noticed. A well-known figure in the domestic show business invited a talented young man to his team. Belousov worked for several years as a bass player and vocalist of the rock band Integral.

In 1987, Zhenya began his solo career. In 1988, he released his debut album, My Blue-Eyed Girl. The track of the same name from this collection became a real hit. In 1990, Belousov presented the album Night Taxi. In 1993, Zhenya released the plastic "Girl-Girl", in 1994 the collection "Girl-Girl. The best songs". In 1995, the Golden Domes collection went on sale. In 1996, Belousov's album "And again about love" appeared. By that time, the singer's popularity had already waned, and this collection went almost unnoticed by the public.


In 2000, after the death of the artist, two of his albums were released - “Best Songs. My blue-eyed girl" and "Farewell".


In 1993, Evgeny Belousov went into the alcohol business, namely, he invested a large amount of personal money in the Ryazan Distillery. After some time, Belousov was accused of tax fraud. Because of this, Zhenya had to move away from entrepreneurship and return to the musical field.

Personal life

Zhenya Belousov's first great love was Marta (Marina) Mogilevskaya, a television producer and music editor. Zhenya and Marta lived together for about a year, after which they parted by mutual agreement.

In 1987 Zhenya became a father. His longtime girlfriend Elena Khudik, a pharmacist by profession, gave birth to a girl Christina from him.

On January 1, 1989, Zhenya married a singer. However, already on January 10 of the same year, the artists divorced. What it was - fraud with marriage documents, a New Year's drawing or the result of too much drinking at the festive table - no one understood.

After a short family life with Belousov, he tried to organize a joint life with Elena, the mother of his daughter. But nothing came of this venture. The couple filed for divorce a couple of years after the wedding.

In the early 1990s, Zhenya Belousov became friends with Oksana Shidlovskaya, the keyboardist of his musical group and part-time chief accountant of his company. In 1992, the couple had a son, Roman.

In 1994, Belousov had a new passion - Elena Savina. Subsequently, Elena became a singer and took the name Zhenya.


In the spring of 1997, Zhenya Belousov suffered an attack of acute pancreatitis. The artist was admitted in serious condition to the Institute of Emergency Medicine. Sklifosofsky. At the same time, a childhood head injury reminded of itself - a stroke occurred. In April of the same year, experienced doctors performed Belousov's brain surgery at the Sklifosovsky Institute. After the surgical procedure, Zhenya lived for about a month. On the night of June 2, 1997, Zhenya Belousov, a Russian pop star, died at the age of 32 in a hospital bed. The body of the singer was buried in Moscow at the Kuntsevo cemetery a few days later.

Nonna Pavlovna, Zhenya's mother, was sure that her son's addiction to diets was ruined. Belousov was obsessed with losing weight and constantly limited himself to food. He could not eat for several days in a row, filling his hunger with countless cigarettes. This, according to the inconsolable mother, provoked a sharp deterioration in Zhenya's health.

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