Effective management of a preschool educational institution in modern conditions. Scientific foundations of management of modern preschool


Now, from the essence of management as a process, we move on to the essence of management activities in a preschool educational institution. Let us consider in detail the activities of management.

As S.A. Ezopova notes, more and more often management is seen as a non-linear interactive multifunctional activity of participants in the social process who are equally interested both in obtaining a high result of the organization’s work and in preserving and developing the people participating in this process, their relationships and unique subjectivity. Modern researchers define management as follows:

specialized activity aimed at streamlining relations between people in the process of their joint work and achievement of goals (A.V. Tikhonov);

activities to coordinate complex hierarchical relations between the manager and the governed (V.Yu.Tikhonov);

active interaction of the heads of the educational institution and other participants in the educational process to streamline it and transfer it to a new qualitative state, more in line with the fulfillment of the tasks set (T.I. Shamova).

What is common in various definitions is that management is an activity to achieve certain goals, which is based on the interaction of people, the coordination of their actions.

Activity is a specific human form of relations to the surrounding world, the content of which is its expedient change and transformation in the interests of people. It has its own structure: motive - goal - subject - action - result.

A.F. Pelenev gives the following definition of activity:

Activity- this is an active interaction with the realities of the world, during which a person acts as a subject, purposefully interacting with an object and satisfying his needs in this way.

The subject here is the leader, the object, as mentioned above, is the entire system of life of a preschool educational institution (educational and educational process, interpersonal relations of all its participants, advanced training of teachers, creation of the necessary material and technical conditions). The "realities of the world", apparently, will be the state of affairs in the functioning of a preschool educational institution, knowledge of which was obtained by the head in the course of collecting information (observation, control, analysis). As for the satisfaction of their needs, the manager really satisfies his material, social, professional needs. How significant the professional needs are depends on the educational and professional level of the manager. L.V. Pozdnyak and L.M. Volobueva note that the current state of preschool education makes it necessary to transfer the management of a preschool educational institution to a new paradigm that constitutes a "management philosophy", which is based on a motivational-system approach and personality-oriented goals for its implementation. The priority in it is the focus on the person and his needs, the creation of conditions that ensure the comprehensive development of the personality of each child and teacher, the motivation of the collective and individual activities of all participants in the educational process in a preschool educational institution.

The main areas of work of the head (manager) of a preschool educational institution are defined by four components of managerial activity (according to Kuzmin):


constructive and design;



The organizational component is both administrative and organizational activity.

The administrative activities of the modern head of the preschool educational institution should provide material, organizational, legal and socio-psychological conditions for the functioning of the kindergarten, moreover, in accordance with the current regulations and the Charter of the preschool educational institution.

To implement this component of the activity, using his authority, the head:

develops and implements personnel policy together with employees, i.е. completes the staff, selects, arranges, moves personnel, prepares their certification;

establishes, in accordance with the labor law of the Russian Federation, internal regulations and qualification requirements, the scope of duties of employees;

ensures the implementation of the labor law, internal labor regulations, job descriptions, sanitary and hygienic regime, instructions for protecting the life and health of children, labor protection and safety;

organizes the promotion of pedagogical knowledge among parents, manages the work of the parent committee;

acts on behalf of the preschool educational institution, representing it in all organizations and institutions, is the manager of loans and property of the preschool educational institution, decides on the creation and liquidation of divisions and various services under it;

issues orders within the competence of the preschool educational institution, gives instructions that are binding on all employees of its preschool educational institution;

reports on the work of the kindergarten to the team and authorities (RUO).

All this work of the manager in this direction should ensure the creation of the conditions necessary for joint activities, for purposeful and coordinated actions of subordinates to establish a normal upbringing and educational process, establish normal relations in the team, a favorable moral and psychological climate, proper labor discipline, creative atmosphere. The head is the spokesman for the interests of the team of employees, the defender of the rights of each child, i.e. all organizational, administrative activities are directly aimed at ensuring the comprehensive development of the personality of each child.

The actual organizational activity of the head is the ability to find various types of interaction between the employees of a preschool educational institution among themselves so that the results of their joint activities correspond to the goals and objectives of the preschool institution, notes L.V. Late. The head, focusing on the social order and on the implementation of the functions of a preschool educational institution, together with the teaching staff, selects programs for working with children, controls the work of educators and medical staff in their implementation, and organizes advanced training for teachers.

The design and design component in the work of the head of the preschool educational institution includes an analysis of the state of functioning of the kindergarten, which is preceded by the collection of information, planning the organizational and pedagogical activities of the entire team, planning the leader’s own activities, drawing up estimates, billing lists and other planning and financial documents, distributing work during time and between team members, taking into account the experience, skill level and interpersonal relationships of employees. This includes the work of the head of self-education, the development of a leadership style and the planning of educational influences on the team.

The communicative component in the activities of the head of a preschool educational institution provides for the establishment of the correct relationship between employees in a team, taking into account their individual and age characteristics (character, type of temperament, work experience, style of pedagogical activity, communication). It is worth noting that the manager herself must correlate her activities with the requirements that apply to the leader (reflection is a very necessary quality for the leader).

The gnostic component includes the study of the content and ways of influencing other people, taking into account their and individual characteristics, various styles of managerial activity, communication, features of the educational process and the results of one's own activity, its advantages and disadvantages, the study of literature on management, on management theory. Based on this, work on adjusting and improving the individual style of activity.

So, the modern head of a preschool educational institution:

defines goals;

forms the organizational structure;

performs a distributive function;

manages financial resources;

makes management decisions;

selects personnel;

controls the execution of management decisions, orders, instructions.

Like any activity, the activity of management in a preschool educational institution has its own purpose, methods, means and end result.

V.Yu. Krichevsky emphasizes that management goal consists in coordinating the subject-subject relations and actions of the participants in the management process, ensuring the achievement of the results of the organization's activities.

With this definition of the goal, the manager's managerial activity consists in establishing agreement in the institution, creating an atmosphere of cooperation as a guarantee of successful activity and achieving high-quality results.

The goal of management activities in a preschool educational institution is to ensure the optimal functioning of all systems, the high efficiency of the educational process with the least amount of time and effort.

This is a complex process, consisting of the correct choice of goals and objectives, the study and in-depth analysis of the available level of educational work, a rational planning system; identifying and disseminating advanced pedagogical experience and using the achievements of pedagogical science in preparing teachers for working with children; the implementation of the organic unity of the upbringing and education of children in the classroom and in everyday life; effective control and verification of the execution of decisions.

When the goal of management is indicated, it is necessary to clarify its subject. In various approaches to management, the subject is a person, or a management process, or information, or the relationship of management subjects. According to V.Yu. Krichevsky, the subject of management is a complex hierarchical relationship between the subjects of management. Such an understanding of the subject, on the one hand, removes a certain impersonality from management (which happens when information is considered as an object), and on the other hand, management activity does not turn into manipulating people (when a person is singled out as the subject of management). Thus, this subject allows you to build an algorithm for management activities in the following form: "person - information - relations - person".

The next component of management activities in the preschool educational institution is the content, i.e. actions, operations, due to which the object of control and a certain result are transformed.

In modern theory, there are still no unified approaches to determining the content of the leader's activity, but three approaches can be traced - functional, meaningful, integrative.

The functional approach assumes that the management process is the performance of a series of sequential operations by the subject of activity.

Proponents of this approach (V.G. Afanasiev, A.I. Kitov, B.F. Lomov, M. Meskon, G.Kh. Popov, A.M. Omarov, P.I. Tretyakov, etc.) emphasize the interdependence of functions management and the direction of their consistent implementation to achieve management goals.

More details about the management functions as an activity will be described below. It should also be noted here that when determining the content of management from the standpoint of a functional approach, one may encounter a number of difficulties.

These difficulties lie in the fact that the infinite fragmentation of the management process (in some classifications, up to 15-20 management functions are allocated) does not give a holistic perception of the management process, and an exaggeration of the importance of a particular function for achieving management results leads to a distorted perception.

A meaningful approach is based on the classification of the main activities of the head (management objects). The content of the manager's activity can be structured in the following areas: technical (production management), personnel (institutional personnel management), financial (financial resource management), legal (legal support management), etc., depending on the specifics of the institution's activities. M.I. Kondakov in the activities of the head of the school from the position of a meaningful approach identified the following areas: political, pedagogical, administrative and economic. This approach has also been implemented in structuring the management process in a preschool educational institution. So, S.V. Savinova in her research defines the main activities of the head of the preschool educational institution as: protecting and strengthening the health of children, staffing, methodological support of the pedagogical process of the preschool educational institution, information and logistics support.

The advantage of this approach is the ability to clearly define the specifics of the institution.

An integrative approach is a combination of functional and content approaches. This approach allows us to consider the activities of the leader in many dimensions, revealing its diversity and complexity. For the first time, A. Fapol tried to apply this method at the beginning of the 20th century. He outlined the main substantive areas (operations) of the manager's activities and management functions that ensure their implementation.

The integrative approach is revealed in the description of the managerial activity of the head in the education system E.P. Tonkonogova, V.Yu. Krichevsky (1977), A.K. Bondarenko, L.V. Pozdnyak, V.I. Shkatulla (1980), V.I. Bondarem (1987), Yu.V. Vasiliev (1990), T.I. Shamova (1991), M.M. Potashnik (1991).

Considering the activities of the head of the preschool educational institution, A.K. Bondarenko with co-authors identifies the areas of activity of the head of the preschool educational institution (ideological and political, methodological, administrative and economic, work with parents and the public) and designates the procedural functions (stages) of management: decision-making and planning, organization, regulation and control.

Method (from the Greek methodos - the path of research, theory, teaching) - a way to achieve the goal; a set of rules and practices.

Each leader in a preschool educational institution uses certain methods in his managerial activities.

Management methods are ways to implement goals and principles in the process of interaction between the managing and managed systems. Methods perform different functions, for example, stimulating. The leader must be able to create such a working attitude that would contribute to the work of each member of the team with full dedication.

In studies (by V.I. Zvereva, K.A. Nefyodova, V.S. Pikelnaya, T.I. Shamova), methods of managing an educational institution are divided depending on the nature of the relationship that determines the nature and level of interconnection of the managed and managing systems. There are five groups of methods: administrative, organizational, legal regulation, economic, psychological.

In the group of organizational methods, three independent groups are distinguished: organizational and stabilizing methods, methods of administrative influence, methods of disciplinary influence.

A system of various methods, their various combinations, their complex application is one of the elements of the control mechanism.

Management methods organize, mobilize, coordinate and coordinate the actions of the team. The task of the leader is to include each teacher in active work.

Having considered the principles, purpose, subject and content of the managerial activity of the head of the preschool educational institution, it is necessary to determine its result.

As a result of the management of any organization or institution, it is legitimate to consider profit, the desire of employees to work, their loyalty, the quality of managerial decisions, customer satisfaction with the results of work (organizations or institutions).

However, as S.A. Ezopov, defining the subject of management activity - the relations of participants in the management process, it is advisable to designate as its key result - the consistency of these relations. It is this result that will lead to the creation of a favorable socio-psychological microclimate in the preschool educational institution; to the development of the team, its cohesion, organization; to the effective implementation of communication both within the preschool educational institution and with its environment; to the successful coordination of the activities of teachers and other employees in achieving goals.

Management activity in a preschool educational institution must be considered as an activity of communication, as a purposeful interaction of the leader and all participants in the educational process to streamline it and transfer it to a new qualitative state.

Democratization of management in a preschool educational institution, as a method, involves:

pedagogical cooperation at all levels of management in kindergarten;

creation of a team of like-minded people;

delegation of authority by the head to subordinates, reserving the functions of the main coordinator;

issuing a task in the form of an idea (without excessive detail);

giving subordinates the opportunity to prove themselves, etc.

The effectiveness of management activities in a preschool educational institution is largely determined by the correspondence of the leader's individual traits to the social roles and functions that he is called upon to perform. It is also necessary to rank such important means of successful managerial activity as professional ethics and style of management activities (communication style).

Ethics is, as you know, a set of principles of behavior. Extending this definition to the activities of the head of a preschool educational institution, it can be argued that professional ethics is a set of principles of behavior in the process of communicating with colleagues and subordinates, or, to be more precise, in the process of managing a preschool educational institution.

One of the indicators that determine the degree of professionalism of the head of a preschool educational institution is the style of his managerial activity.

Some researchers believe that the style of management activity includes the features of methods and techniques of working with the entire team and its individual members, the behavior of the leader himself, and the organization of his activities. At the same time, R.Kh. Shakurov emphasizes that the qualities of a leader's personality should be considered in their unity with style, although there are significant differences between them. The main thing is that “qualities are only separate facets of a personality, while style, which is a characteristic of an activity, acts as a synthetic expression of the whole personality, its qualities, knowledge, skills. Thus, the style of management activity is manifested through a system of the most characteristic and stable features (qualities) of the behavior of the head of a preschool educational institution.

The style of activity of the management of the head in a preschool educational institution largely influences the creation of a psychological microclimate in the team. You can endlessly enumerate the qualities that distinguish a good leader from a "just" leader. Performing his functions (organizational, planning, expert, arbitration, innovative, controlling, buffer, etc.), the head of a preschool educational institution realizes his personal qualities through the style of managerial activity, and it is in it (style) that his relationship with employees and subordinates.

We can talk about several styles of management activity.

K. Levin identifies three management styles:



Blake, Mouton a few more:

task orientation,

human orientation;

people and task orientation;

protege of the administration;

conformist style;


As R.Kh. Shakurov, in domestic and foreign social psychology, there are various options for multi-parameter classifications of the style of management activity. Shakurov identifies five groups of personality traits necessary for such a classification.

The democratic style of management activity is most consistent with the performance of the functions of the head of a preschool educational institution. The leader provides an atmosphere in which each member of the team feels his involvement in solving the main problems. The main business qualities of the leader of this style of activity (conditionally the first group) “consults with teachers, relying on their experience and knowledge”, listens to critical comments and suggestions”, “makes sure that his requirements find support in the team”, “may admit his mistake , apologize." Business traits are complemented by the personality traits of the manager, which determine relations in the team: objectivity, fairness towards subordinates, the ability to notice their achievements. Practice shows: where the head of the preschool educational institution properly evaluates the work of teachers, the kindergarten team is more active in discussing topical problems of preschool education, kindergarten life, and rather finds mutual understanding with the administration.

The second group of properties that determine the relationship in the team include: “a sensitive human attitude of the leader to teachers, i.e. what is called "respect for the person."

The third group of features of a humane and democratic leader combines those business qualities that characterize his personal pedagogical skills. This is the ability to understand the strengths and weaknesses of the pedagogical activity of the educator, to advise, suggest, show; the ability to clearly set the task for each teacher and the whole team.

The fourth group of qualities also characterizes the business orientation and pedagogical skills of the leader. This includes creativity (a creative attitude to work), interest in the achievements of pedagogical science and advanced pedagogical experience, the ability to evaluate and adopt something new from someone else's experience for implementation in your preschool institution. It is this group of traits that determines the degree of innovation. A leader with such qualities is able to organize innovative activities in a preschool institution, create an atmosphere of cooperation, co-creation in a team, which is almost impossible with an authoritarian style of management.

The fifth group of qualities or the emotional-volitional aspect of communication between a leader and subordinates is exactingness, the ability to control the implementation of tasks and managerial decisions, confidence, determination when necessary.

All these groups of qualities are interconnected, but in the management activities of each leader they are refracted through the properties of his temperament, individual character traits.

Authoritarian style management activities. Its features: the leader himself makes decisions, sets tasks and controls their implementation; for instructions and tasks, mainly uses the directive form. Orders and prohibitions are laconic and sometimes threatening. He shows disrespect for people, indifference to their needs and interests. Moreover, these are not episodic signs of the leader's activity, but permanent ones.

rigid nature, which are used constantly. This style of management activity is incompatible with the principles of humanism, although the directive method of instruction is not unique to the authoritarian style. Sometimes such a method can be an expedient, disciplinary tool within the framework of a democratic style, occasionally and under certain circumstances.

A.F. Pelenev, as a result of his research, revealed the main signs of influence on subordinates of an authoritarian and democratic head of educational institutions.

Table. The main signs of influence on subordinates of authoritarian and democratic heads of educational institutions


Leadership Orientation

Maintaining discipline and order, understood as strict adherence to the requirements of management

Creation of favorable conditions for the productive activity of the staff of the institution and each teacher

Separation of powers in the organization

Autocracy, concentration of all power in the hands of the director, subordinates only fulfill his requirements

Possession by all employees and collegiate bodies of power sufficient for the independent performance of their functions

Use of administrative power

Monitoring the fulfillment by subordinates of the requirements. Imposition of penalties for non-performance

Organization of joint activities of teachers. Delegation of power to subordinates for the development of self-government

Leading methods of influencing subordinates

Orders, instructions. Criticism at teachers' councils, meetings, weekly planning meetings

Belief in the business need to meet requirements. Encouragement of success, support for the initiative and independence of the teacher

Preferred forms of business interaction with subordinates

Official, general collective: weekly planning meetings, teachers' councils, meetings with the director

Individual and group: discussion of issues and coordination of actions in working order and informally

The nature of interpersonal relationships with subordinates

Demonstration of the superiority of the position of the leader in all positions, suppression of attempts to discuss their actions

Cooperation in solving complex problems of managing the activities of the team and individual teachers. Respect for the dignity of people

Style Advantages

Efficiency of decision making. Quickly put things in order, strengthening performance discipline

Ensuring the development of a system of interpersonal relations in a team, the formation of conscious discipline and cooperation

Style flaws

Blocking the development of the team. Unsolved strategic tasks of management. Manager overload

Low efficiency of decision-making, remoteness of results. Contradiction with the established "traditional" management system

Necessary personality traits of a leader

Developed will and strength of character, high performance and self-esteem

High pedagogical and managerial qualifications, moral and communicative culture

liberal style and close to him hands-off style management activity is that the leader tries to interfere as little as possible in the socio-psychological processes in the team of the preschool educational institution. He allegedly thus creates conditions for employees to exercise independence. Studies show that a leader with a liberal style of activity does not require subordinates to be responsible for failure to complete tasks and lets work take its course. He tries to avoid the execution of the organizational, expert, buffer function of management activities, prefers to work in the office. Under such conditions, the psychological climate and the level of the educational process depend on the culture, professionalism and responsibility of the team members.

Thus, three traditional styles of management activity are characterized, but in practice, most often we are dealing with the so-called mixed leadership style. And this is understandable. After all, becoming a leader is a rather complicated process.

What influences the formation of the management style of the head of a preschool educational institution? What determines his leadership style?

Studies have shown that the formation of the style of managerial activity of the head is influenced by:

Properties of the nervous system and temperament. If we take the components of management activity according to Kuzmin (gnostic, communicative, organizational, constructive-orientational), then an organizational component is inherent in a pronounced choleric person, an enthusiast-leader is obtained from him, and this affects the style of his management activity. The melancholic has a constructive-communicative component; phlegmatic constructive and organizational, but somewhat inert; sanguine - organizational and communicative.

character accentuation.

Dominant motives of behavior, worldview, value orientation (to oneself, to the task, to other people, etc.). the motives of a positive attitude towards a person, acceptance of you by a group, the need for self-realization positively influence the formation of the management style of the head of a preschool educational institution.

Intelligence. If the manager is dominated by creative thinking, he gives out a fountain of ideas, approaches the solution of many issues creatively.

situational component. Situations are different. This is an emotional state, and well-being, and much more.

The effectiveness of management activities in a preschool educational institution is largely determined by the correspondence of the leader's individual traits to the social roles and functions that he is called upon to perform.

L.V. Pozdnyak, L.M. Volobuev give an overview of publications on management theory, which highlight the social roles and functions inherent in the head of a preschool educational institution.

I. Ansoff, G. Kunz, S. O "Donnell and others distinguish four social roles of a leader: leader, administrator, planner, entrepreneur.

The role of a leader is seen as the ability to be an informal leader with high authority and the ability to influence other people. The head of a preschool educational institution in his management activities should be not only a manager who is able to basically optimize the already existing situation, but also a leader who is able to make decisions about significant changes, be a strategist, a person with ideas. According to the classification of other authors, the roles of a thinker, a staff worker, and an organizer are similar to the role of a leader.

Administrator role. In this role, the head of the preschool educational institution ensures the functioning of the preschool institution in accordance with the current regulations, develops and implements personnel policy, the Charter, controls the educational process, the implementation of the educational program, unites the team and much more. (According to another classification: personnel officer, organizer, diplomat, controller).

The role of the scheduler. In this role, the activities of the management of the head of a preschool educational institution are aimed at the development strategy of the preschool institution, at developing a concept and development program, at creating plans for organizing the activities of the team for the near and long term (improving the educational process, advanced training, etc.). the planner has an analytical mindset, is methodical in work, and is future-oriented (innovator, educator).

The leader plays the role of an entrepreneur in his activities as an experimenter who finds new activities, non-standard solutions. He is ready to take risks, he is able to carry out decisive changes in the preschool educational institution. The reformer, in fact, is aimed at success, stubborn, persistent.

The social roles of the manager are detailed and manifested in his specific functions.

In the literature, there are various classifications of managerial functions. V. Pugachev, based on the developments of E.P. Hollander, P. Shetgen, I. Heintze and others highlights the functions of a leader that are inherent in the head of a preschool educational institution. These include:

assessment of the situation, development, justification (finding out how real, understandable and controllable the goals are) and goal setting;

definition and preparation of measures to achieve the goals;

coordinating the activities of employees in accordance with common goals;

control of personnel and compliance of the results of its activities with common tasks;

organization of employees' activities, i.e. use of existing and creation of new organizational structures to manage personnel and its activities;

informing employees;

interactive, contact interaction (communication) - business communication for information, advice, assistance, etc.;

formation of a system of incentives for employees and their motivation;

delegation of tasks, competence, responsibility;

conflict prevention and resolution;

distribution of values ​​and norms specific to a preschool educational institution;

caring for subordinates and ensuring their loyalty;

formation of a cohesive team and maintaining its capacity;

reducing the feeling of insecurity in the actions of staff and ensuring organizational stability.

The head of a modern preschool educational institution in his management activities must not only put forward ideas, but also constantly strive to implement them, believe in success and achieve results, leaving the focus of his activity on a person (child or adult), focusing on respect and trust in people.

Thus, the essence of the activity of managing a preschool educational institution is expressed through its functions, its content, types (styles), purpose and role. It is characterized by such essential features as purposefulness, plannedness, and systematicity. Like any activity, the management of a preschool educational institution has all the components. It has motives, purpose, object, action (content) and result.

Collection output:


Sakharnikova Larisa Eduardovna

postgraduate student, GGPI them. V.G.Korolenko, Glazov

Organization management problems have been the object of research at all times. In the 21st century, the "science of management" began to develop even more actively. (A. Fayol, F. Taylor, A.K. Gastev, M.P. Kerzhentsev, O.A. Yermansky and others).

Today there is a circle of professionally trained managers who have accumulated significant scientific managerial knowledge. However, according to scientists (T.P. Afanasiev, V.S. Lazarev, S.I. Samygin and others), the problem is not in the lack of managerial knowledge, not in the content, but in its focus, organization and technologies for its implementation. .

In relation to a preschool educational institution (hereinafter DOE), both concepts are used. The head of the preschool educational institution manages the educational process, manages the functioning and development of the preschool educational institution. In our study, we will use the concept of "management".

Many scientists M. Meskon, M. Albert, F. Hedouri in their scientific research defined management as a stimulating element of social change, planning, organization, motivation and control, necessary to achieve the organization's goal.

A. Fayol considered management as the activity of the leader to achieve the goals of the organization.

According to L. Bertalanffy, management is a set of interrelated elements: people, tasks, technologies, focused on achieving goals in a changing environment.

V. Vesin, characterizing management, indicates that the term “impact” is the most adequate for the concept of management, i.e. the real impact of management on the consciousness, behavior and activities of people. According to the author, management takes place when a certain subject of management influences something, changes something, transforms, transfers from one state to another, gives something a new direction of movement and development. Impact is the result of activity, interaction, relationship. Similar ideas can be found in the works of L. Basovsky, V. Glushchenko, A. Ignatieva, N. Shaidenko and others.

In a preschool educational institution, interactions can be subject-subjective in nature.

We analyzed the concepts of "management" in relation to organizations of various types. Preschool education is an open, social, pedagogical system, which has its own characteristics, its own organizational structure. Under the control of DOW L.A. Pozdnyak understands - purposeful activity that ensures the consistency of the joint work of employees in solving the goals and objectives of education at the level of modern requirements.

It should be noted that all the above concepts are united by a common element - this is "management is aimed at achieving the goals of the organization."

However, all concepts are different, because they were formulated within the framework of different approaches to management: process, system, situational, activity.

The process approach views management as a continuous series of interrelated functions. A supporter of this approach A. Fayol identifies five initial management functions: planning, organization, motivation and control.

Yu. Belaya, F. Tretyakov in the management of preschool educational institutions suggest using the following functions: motivational-target, planned-prognostic, diagnostic, organizational-executive, corrective-regulatory, control-diagnostic. Undoubtedly, all functions are interconnected and the rating is the same. However, in our opinion, priority should be given to planning, prognostic, control and diagnostic functions, since the head of the preschool educational institution must plan and predict the prospects for the development of the team, and the control function allows you to keep the organization (DOE) at a given level.

The systematic approach is reflected in the works of foreign and domestic scientists C. Bernard, G. Simon, V. Afanasyeva, A. Averyanov, E. Yudin and others, which emphasizes that managers should consider the organization as a set of interrelated elements - such as people , structure, tasks and technologies. These elements are focused on achieving different goals in a changing environment.

C. Bernard argued that a manager can achieve excellent results of his activities by fulfilling three important conditions:

Providing a communication system;

application of the efforts necessary for the operation of the system;

· formulation and definition of the purpose of the system .

According to R. Fatkhutdinov, in a systematic approach to management, it is possible to use the following work algorithm:

The decision-making process begins with a clear formulation of goals;

the whole problem is considered as a whole, all the consequences of each particular decision are revealed;

Identification and analysis of possible alternative ways to achieve goals.

The opinion of the scientist complements the research of L.E. Basovsky, who argues that the approach to effective management consists in the ability of a leader to:

timely highlight the problems that need to be overcome in the management of the organization. It is necessary to imagine what is happening within the organization itself, between the organization and the external environment;

determine the general characteristics inherent in the entire organization - this will help reduce difficulties in solving complex problems in managing the organization;

take into account the characteristics of the organization and its position, which are divided into two main categories: internal and external in relation to the institution.

Internal variables are characteristics of the organization. They are controllable and arise as a result of management decisions that determine what the organization should give and who should give the necessary work.

External variables are environmental factors that are outside the organization and have a serious impact on it (social factors, government regulation). Their influence must always be taken into account, i.e. important situational approach in relation to the organization.

According to G. Kunz, S. Donnel, theorists of the situational approach, the management process is an art, the essence of which is the application of science to the realities of any situation.

The situational approach, which focuses on the fact that the suitability of different methods of management, leadership style, and the use of management principles is determined by the situation, since there are an abundance of factors (both in the institution itself and in the environment). Effective management is management according to circumstances or situation. All situational changes and all functions of the management process are so interrelated that they must be considered as a whole.

An activity approach is a special type of professional activity that has a special goal, means, process and results.

It should be noted that modern approaches to management, which have developed as a result of mastering foreign experience and accumulating our own, allow them to be used in relation to any organization, but taking into account its features. Therefore, all of the listed approaches to management can be used in preschool educational institutions.

The effectiveness of the approaches used, according to scientists (A. Fayol, F. Taylor, M. Stogdill, E.V. Clipper, G. Parkinson, K.Yu. Belaya, L. Pozdnyak, A.N. Troyan, etc.) depends from the business and moral and ethical qualities of the leader. From how enterprising the leader is, competent in the field of management theory, objective in relation to employees.

Competent management of a preschool educational institution involves studying the needs of social customers in various educational groups, the contingent of pupils, teachers, and as a result - the quality of the service provided - the quality of preschool education.

S.E. Shishov and V.A. Kalney defines the quality of education as a social category that determines the state and effectiveness of the educational process in society, its compliance with the needs and expectations of society in the development and formation of civil, everyday and professional competencies of the individual.

According to M.A. Potashnik, the quality of education as a phenomenon and attribute of the educational process has a design nature, that is, it can and should be the subject of design work of any subject of management (from a student to the head of a regional government body.).

Therefore, the preschool quality management process is a means of assessing the success of an institution. The quality of preschool education, in our opinion, depends on the competence of the leader, on the ability to establish feedback with all subjects in the preschool educational institution.


1. Afanasiev V.G. Society: consistency, knowledge, management [Text] / V.G. Afanasiev - M., 2005. - 68 p.

2.Vesnin V.R. Personnel management [Text] / V.R. Vesnin. – M., 2002.–137 p.

3.Basovsky L.E. Management [Text] / L.E. Basovsky. – M.: Infra, 2003 – 154 p.

4. Kalney V.A. Technology for monitoring the quality of education in the teacher-student system: a manual for the teacher [Text] / V.A. Kalney, S.E. Shishov. - M .: Pedagogical Society of Russia, 1999. - 89 p.

5. Korotkov E.M. "Management of the quality of education" [Text] / E.M. Korotkov. - M.: TC Sphere, 2009. - 139 p.

6. Potashnik M.M. Modern school management (in questions and answers): a manual for heads of educational institutions and educational authorities [Text] / M.M. Potashnik, A.M. Moiseev. - M.: New School, 1997. - 113 p.

7. Pozdnyak L.V. The specifics of the managerial activity of the modern head of the preschool educational institution [Text] / L.V. Pozdnyak, L.M. Volobueva // Management of the preschool educational institution. - No. 5. - 2006. - S. 8.

8.Taylor F. Principles of scientific management [Text] / F. Taylor. – M.: Respublika, 1992.-146s.

9. Tretyakov P.I. Preschool educational institution: management by results [Text] / P.I. Tretyakov, K.Yu. White. - M.: TC Sphere, 2001. - 78 p.

10. Tretyakov P.I. School management by results: The practice of pedagogical management [Text] / P.I. Tretyakov. - M., 1997. - 164p.



Preschool Educational Institution - Results Based Management

The purpose of this course is to assist students in understanding their own management experience and the system of methodical work with personnel, as well as the introduction into practice of the latest achievements in the field of management. At the heart of the preschool education management technology developed by P.I. Tretyakov and K.Yu. Belaya, lies the concept of results-based management proposed by Finnish authors (T. Santalainen et al.). This course will help the leader to draw up a development program for his preschool institution, taking into account the social order.
When managing by results, each participant in the pedagogical process should be able to link his participation in the common cause with the activities of other members of the team - this will be discussed in the lecture "Organizational Foundations of Effective Methodological Work".
The control function is an integral part of management activities. The author considers the features of building a system of intragarden control. Mastering the course of management allows you to move from a vertical command-administrative management system to a horizontal system of professional cooperation. The proposed course reveals the main management mechanisms that ensure the transition of a preschool institution from a functioning to a developing mode.

Curriculum of the course "Preschool educational institution - management by results"

Lecture #1

Theoretical foundations of managing a preschool educational institution based on results


1. Management as a science and practice.
2. Features of managing a preschool educational institution based on results.
3. Levels of management of preschool educational institutions.
4. Formation of the organizational structure of the management of the preschool educational institution.
5. Basic principles for updating the activities of the preschool educational institution.
6. Key results of the activities of the preschool educational institution.


1. Omarov A. Supervisor. M., 1987.

2. Tretyakov P.I., Belaya K.Yu. Preschool educational institution: management by results. Moscow: New school, 2001; 2003.

3. Ezopova S.A. Management in preschool education.

4. Tretyakov P.I. School performance management. Moscow: New School, 1997.

1. Management as a science and practice of human activity

If you look into the dictionary of V.I. Dahl, you will find that the word "management" comes from the verbs "to rule", "to manage" and means "to give a move, direction, to force to go the right way, to manage, to manage, to do something good, properly, okay."

The science of management arose as soon as the conditions for organizing a group of people to solve a common problem appeared. Like any science, it develops and improves over time. Studying modern literature, you can find many different definitions of management.

For many years, management has been defined as a continuous and purposeful process of influencing a group of people to organize and coordinate their activities in the production process, in order to achieve the best results at the lowest cost.

However, modern researchers define management as follows:

Special activity aimed at streamlining relations between people in the process of their joint work and achievement of goals (A.V. Tikhonov);

Activities to coordinate complex hierarchical relationships between the manager and the governed (V.Yu. Krachevsky).

The main feature of the modern world is rapid change. The course of our country towards transformations in the economy, political and public life entails changes in all other institutions of society.

Under these conditions, it is necessary to pay special attention to management - the managerial experience of the developed countries of the world. But the transfer of management models from one socio-cultural environment to another is practically impossible, since management is determined by a combination of factors: the form of government, type of ownership, and the degree of market development. Therefore, the gradual introduction of management in our country can be carried out in a systemic interaction with the noted factors.

Professional knowledge in management involves awareness three fundamentally different management tools. The first is the organization, the hierarchy of management, where the main means is the impact on a person from above (using the main functions of motivation, planning, organization and control of activities, as well as the distribution of material wealth, etc.). The second is the culture of management, those. values, social norms, attitudes, behaviors developed and recognized by society, organization, group of people. The third is the market, market relations, those. based on the sale and purchase of products and services, on the balance of interests of the seller and the buyer.

Based on the fact that management in general can be understood as the ability of a leader to achieve goals using the work, intelligence and motives of the behavior of other people, in other words, it is a fusion of the science and art of managing people and social processes, we can give the following definition:

Pedagogical management is a set of principles, methods, organizational forms and technological methods for managing the educational process, aimed at increasing its efficiency.

The management of educational institutions is quite fully and clearly defined and characterized in the pedagogical literature. As for preschool education, we consider it as part of the general education system in Russia, and, therefore, all the main provisions of the science of management, pedagogical management are applicable to the management of a preschool educational institution. At the same time, it is important to take into account to the maximum extent the features and multidimensionality, internal qualities and features of the history of the development of the system of preschool education in Russia.

2. Features of managing a preschool educational institution based on the results

Under the leadership of P.I. Tretyakov, professor, doctor of pedagogical sciences, a group of his students, devotees, practitioners developed and implemented the technology of education management based on results, which is based on the concept of Finnish authors*.

The main idea of ​​results-based management is the realization that no organization in itself is of any value, but at the same time it is an orderly form that brings people together to achieve certain results.

The very concept of "results-based management" can be defined as a management and development system that achieves results that are defined and agreed upon by all members of the organization.

Determining the main goals of the development of his preschool educational institution, each leader, together with the teaching staff, organizes the entire pedagogical process, which means that he constantly compares the results obtained with the planned ones. This requires making prompt decisions on the situation, i.e. for specific results.

Results-based management assumes that initially the team is given real, provided with all the resources to achieve the goal. Such resources include people, time, finances, material and technical base, technologies, methods, etc. When managing by results, each participant in the pedagogical process must be able to link his participation in the common cause with other members of the team. Effective thinking assumes that the leader and subordinate determine the result, and then the performer himself chooses the ways to achieve it, i.e. time, technology and other resources.

In the context of results-based management, an initiative and creative team is a valuable resource. The leader creates an atmosphere of respect, trust, success for each participant in the educational process.

However, the task of the manager is to provide information, analysis, goal setting, planning, execution, control and correction.

The leader must clearly own the situation and be a conductor of the new.

Working with children requires a lot of effort and energy from the educator, so goodwill, tact and respectful exactingness among all participants in the pedagogical process are especially important in the team. A leader who shows respect for the personality of each teacher, taking into account inclinations, interests, opportunities, combined with reasonable exactingness, achieves much better results than one who strictly adheres to authoritarian methods of management. One of the best ways to increase interest in work and create a well-coordinated team is to respect people and delegate responsibility and authority to them.

Responsibility appears under two conditions: when the performer is assigned quite specific tasks and responsibilities; when the performer knows that he will definitely be asked for how the work is done. Explaining to each participant in the process the meaning of his mission, the organization in order to achieve certain results, does not acquire a forced administrative character, but conscious creative work. An important issue in results-based management is the distinction between the concepts of “result” and “contribution”.

The result is the realized goal. But the goal itself can be real and ideal. In our case, we assume real goals, i.e. provided with all the resources for execution.

Thus, results-based management is a purposeful resource-provided interaction of the control and managed subsystems to achieve the planned result.

3. Levels of management of preschool educational institutions

It is necessary to allocate levels of management by results.

The first level is determined by the leader's ability to see the mission of the preschool educational institution.

The social characteristic of any organization includes goals and strategy.

The goal of the organization is a specific image of the desired (expected) result, which the organization can actually achieve by a clearly defined point in time. ( Potashnik M.M., Moiseev A.M. Modern school management. M., 1997. S. 75.) When determining the purpose of the organization's activities, one should adhere to the structure proposed by V.I. Zvereva.

When formulating goals, the specified sequence of components may not be observed, but their safety is mandatory. Organization strategy- these are the basic guidelines where the organization is moving, what means it uses. What resources are spent and where, what people are mobilized for. In an integrated way, the goals and strategy are represented by the mission of the organization. Mission of the organization there is its purpose, that is, for the sake of which it exists, what are the differences from surrounding organizations. To determine the mission, use the answers to the following questions: 1. What social needs is the organization created to meet? 2. By means of what, with the help of what services is this need satisfied? 3. Who is the direct consumer of services? 4. What is the competitive advantage? 5. Why do you continue to exist along with other organizations?

When determining the mission of the preschool educational institution, consider the following points: 1) the prospects of the mission. The mission expresses aspiration to the future, shows what efforts will be directed to and what directions will be priority; 2) publicity and collegiality in the development of the mission. In order to develop a real, and not formally proclaimed mission, the opinion of the team should be taken into account; 3) the specificity of the mission. The wording should be clear, clear, understandable for all subjects interacting with your organization; 4) a change in the mission of the organization may be caused by the impossibility of qualitatively fulfilling the mission due to its “overestimation” or significant transformations of the organization.

The second level proposes to consider the result in terms of the quality of services.

The main service of the preschool educational institution to the population is pre-school education and upbringing of children from 3 to 7 years old.

The quality of preschool education is such an organization of the pedagogical process in kindergarten, in which the level of upbringing and development of each child increases in accordance with his personal, age and physical characteristics in the process of education and training. What determines the quality of the work of a preschool educational institution?

1. From the quality of the work of the educator.
2. From the relations that have developed in the teaching staff.
3. From the conditions created by the leader for the creative search for new methods of working with children.
4. From an objective assessment of the performance of each employee.

Therefore, the quality of preschool education in an institution is a manageable process. Therefore, based on the components of "quality" listed above, two approaches to quality management can be distinguished.

One - through the management of the entire pedagogical process and its components.

The other is through personal subjective aspects in the management system: the formation of a team and the regulation of the moral and psychological climate in it.

Having singled out these, perhaps, the main positions, it can be argued that quality is the result of the activities of the entire team, which is determined by two positions:

How is the pedagogical process organized in kindergarten (mode, choice of programs and technologies, provision of benefits, a system for improving the professional growth of teachers through various forms of methodological work, etc.);

How does a child (children) in an institution exercise their right to individual development in accordance with age-related capabilities and abilities.

Therefore, the quality of the work of a preschool educational institution is both a process and a result.

The third level of results-based management involves considering the result from the perspective of consumers.

This is a family, parents with children of preschool age who need the conditions provided by educational institutions. However, today the picture of parental requests and needs is not fully studied and presented. Studying the requests of parents and creating conditions that help the leader to change the situation flexibly, offer children and parents a variety of services.

Educational: development of social (mathematical, speech, cognitive, artistic and aesthetic, musical, rhythmic) abilities; special preparation for school, language training; educational games; etiquette and behavior, embroidery, design, etc.

Medico-improving: rhythmoplasty, swimming, relaxation; thermotherapy (sauna), respiratory prophylaxis; sports gymnastics, motor-strengthening; massage, etc.

Social: museum excursions, a musical hour at the Philharmonic, a puppet theater, holidays for adults and children; tourism, excursions; lawyer consulting; tutor services.

4. Formation of the organizational structure of management

One of the features of management at the present stage is the departure from traditional forms of organizational construction, the restructuring of structures in accordance with the requirements of high efficiency in resolving issues in a unified system of continuous education.

Under the organizational structure of management, we understand the integral structure of the managing and managed subsystems, consisting of links that are in interaction and ordered by relationships in accordance with the place of these links in the management process.

To remove the existing contradictions in the system of intragarden management means to put into action a significant reserve for increasing management efficiency. This involves the formation of the necessary organizational and pedagogical conditions:

Creation of a truly democratic opportunity for the participation of the team, each member in the preparation, adoption and implementation of management decisions;

Improving pedagogical skills and managerial competence of all participants in the management of a preschool institution.

The management mechanism of a modern preschool institution changes the nature of the performance of managerial functions, generates fundamentally new forms of interaction between the institution and all participants in the pedagogical process.

The structure of these relations is as follows:

kindergarten - external environment; administration - the public; leader - subordinate; teacher - teacher; teacher - parents; teacher - children; child is a child.

The problem of forming the organizational structure of management requires, first of all, understanding the development of a preschool institution as a complex socio-pedagogical system, taking into account the objective factors of its democratization.

We see the solution to the problem of forming the organizational structure of management in the further development of democratic foundations in management, both as a principle of state-public management, and as a system of its organization.

Ensuring the optimal balance of such organizational management principles as centralization and decentralization in the implementation of management decisions, collegiality and unity of command in management, rights, duties, responsibilities, etc.

The management structure cannot be separated from the whole set of organizational problems: ensuring the consistency of the organizational structure of social and economic systems in the context of restructuring the life of a preschool institution and society; sequential analysis of each cycle of the management process and, in parallel with this, an analysis of the object, subject and management tools for a comprehensive consideration of the issue of improving the organization of management.

The proposed approach is to consider the organizational structure of the management of a modern preschool institution, taking into account its needs, using modeling applied in pedagogy, based on the general theory of social management, taking into account practice.

The modeling of the control and managed subsystems (control apparatus) that we use facilitates the task of a systemic vision of control, gives the control subject the opportunity to choose the most rational system control functions.

A promising way to design organization models is targeted structuring, i.e. building block-target structures formed according to the matrix principle based on the search for the optimal ratio of centralization and decentralization in management systems, in the forms of planning and control, such a distribution of management functions, when the interests of the individual and the team are combined, the characteristics of each category of workers, children, and their parents are taken into account and the public. At the same time, the specifics of the goals and objectives, methods and forms of management of a modern preschool institution are taken into account: democratic principles; flexible working hours with children; variable system of forms of educational activity; expansion of interaction with the social environment.

As you can see, the specifics of management is associated with a significant expansion of the scope of the control and managed subsystems, an increase in the amount of information necessary for the normal functioning of an integral system.

The expanded object of managing a modern preschool institution involves taking into account all the connections and relationships that develop between the kindergarten and the environment.

Access to subject-subject relations also changes the total subject of management. The structure of such an extended subject of management includes the heads of the kindergarten, management.

Building models by defining a system of elements connected and interacting with each other requires a clear vision and understanding by the manager of the general principles of building a management structure, its parameters, levels of subordination, distribution of functionality.

The formation and implementation of modern democratic organizational management structures without scientifically based organizational design can cause irreparable damage to a preschool institution.

The design of management structures (managers and managed) in integral pedagogical systems should proceed from the following provisions:

Modernization of the management structures of an integral pedagogical system is carried out taking into account the goals facing the system. They are primary, management structures are secondary and create pedagogical conditions for the effective achievement of final goals;

The design of managing and managed structures is carried out taking into account the development of the management process, as well as the development of pedagogical technology, the consideration of training and education as a management process;

The structures of the main links of the managing and managed pedagogical subsystems are largely determined by the distribution of basic rights and powers, as well as the division of the general management process into subprocesses, functions and stages of management;

Continuity in a holistic preschool education management system implies a clear definition of rights and powers and their mandatory implementation. Failure to comply with this condition leads to an imbalance in the execution of management decisions and uncontrollability in one or another subsystem;

The restructuring of the integral system of management of preschool education must be carried out in the direction of structural and functional changes. Each subdivision of the managing and controlled subsystems, its apparatus should be endowed with rights, duties and responsibility (moral, material and disciplinary) for the effective performance of functions;

As part of the management system, there should be a body with the right of public and state expertise based on state and public standards with the right of legislative initiative to present and make strategic management decisions. This provision will contribute to the development of public administration;

To increase the efficiency of all links of the control and managed subsystems, constant functional regulation of all control functions is necessary. This condition will allow developing self-regulation in the subjects of management and transferring the subjects, as well as objects of management, to a new qualitative state;

In order to form and develop independent managerial thinking, initiative and creativity, it is necessary to delegate authority, especially in choosing the optimal pedagogical conditions, methods, means and influences to achieve goals.

An intragarden control system can be designed as a functional model, including control levels and their relationships.

The basis of this model is four interrelated levels of all participants in the pedagogical process: members of the council of the preschool educational institution, the head, his deputies, educators, teachers, public organizations, parents of children attending the preschool educational institution.

Each of the levels of management is necessarily included in the zone of influence of the subjects of management both horizontally and vertically (scheme 1).

Scheme 1

Functional structure of intragarden management

Two factors stand out in the proposed management structure vertically and horizontally: specialization in the distribution of basic functions with their simultaneous integration and the amount of labor necessary to ensure the educational process. Note that such a model represents a democratically centralized system with a special nature of relations between the subjects (bodies) of control.

This model of intragarden management determines the balance of tasks of all management bodies with the structure of goals; correspondence of hierarchical levels of tasks and management links; optimization of compliance with the tasks, powers and responsibilities of management bodies. This system has been introduced in many preschool institutions in Moscow.

The developing intragarden management can also be constructed according to the matrix structure. The matrix management structure is effective for the period of development and implementation of new projects, i.e. in the conditions of innovative activity of the institution. In this case, the participants in the pedagogical process are united in groups (subsystems) for the implementation of specific projects that make up the development program of the preschool educational institution within the framework of a single concept. (scheme 2).

Scheme 2

Matrix structure of intragarden management

This diagram shows three projects that the DOW is working on. It is important that not only the teaching staff, but also the parents of the pupils participate in each of them. Creative groups are created for a specific topic, such groups should include interested, creative teachers. In the work of such a group, a person cannot be forced to work by order, people unite at will, in order to create and implement something new. The task of the creative teams is to develop a more detailed, in-depth development of one of the sections of the project. The connecting link of this structure can be a form of presentation of results for all projects, for example, a conference. This structure indicates a special period of the institution's work - the mode of development, changes in the content and organization of the pedagogical process in order to improve it.

5. Basic principles for updating the activities of the preschool educational institution

Let us name the basic principles underlying the renewal of the activities of a preschool institution.

1. Democratization. This principle implies the distribution of rights, powers and responsibilities between all participants in the management process, its decentralization.

2. humanization. It provides an equal choice for each individual of the level, quality, direction of education, the method, nature and form of its receipt, the satisfaction of cultural and educational needs in accordance with individual value orientations. Reorientation of the educational process on the personality of the child.

3. Humanitarianization of educational programs, those. such a ratio and combination of programs, the use of such didactic approaches, teaching methods and technologies that ensure the priority of universal values, integrity, consistency, continuity and anticipatory nature of education.

4. Differentiation, mobility and development. These principles presuppose multilevelness, multifunctionality of educational programs of all diverse types of educational institutions. They provide children, adolescents, youth, as they grow up, social development and self-determination, the possibility of moving horizontally (changing class, profile, direction of education), as well as vertically (changing the level, type, type of educational institution).

5. openness of education, those. providing opportunities for both continuous education in various forms, and general education at any stage, at any level (basic and additional).

6. The diversity of the educational system, those. qualitative growth and development of the state preschool institution, as well as the opening of a new type of elite educational institutions.

7. Standardization. This principle presupposes the observance of federal standards for the quality of education, the introduction of regional standards that take into account the national and other characteristics of the region.

All these principles become a guide to action in a developing and developing preschool institution. At the same time, the main function of a modern kindergarten (of any type or species) is the purposeful socialization of the individual: introducing it into the world of natural and human connections and relationships, immersion in human material and spiritual culture through the transfer of the best examples, methods and norms of behavior in all spheres of life.

To assess the advancement of a preschool educational institution in its development, the following performance indicators are analyzed.

1. Innovative activity of the institution - updating the content of education and training in accordance with state standards (basic and additional educational services); updating pedagogical technologies, methods and forms of work; a combination of introspection, self-control with self-assessment and peer review.

2. Organization of the educational process (UEP) - self-government, cooperation of teachers, children and their parents in achieving the goals of education, upbringing and development; planning and organizing a variety of children's activities, taking into account the interests and needs of children; teacher and child as equal partners in this activity; high level of motivation of all participants in the pedagogical process; a comfortable subject-developing and psychological-pedagogical environment in kindergarten for all participants in a holistic pedagogical process.

3. Efficiency of the UVP - comparison of the compliance of the final results with the planned ones (assessment of the state of physical and mental health of children, their development: physical, cognitive, artistic and aesthetic, intellectual, social).

6. Key results of the activities of the preschool educational institution

An important point in this approach to results-based management is the allocation of key results. The closer the key results are to the third level, the deeper is the awareness of the goals of the preschool institution.

Based on the awareness of universal and national values, we highlight the following key results of our activity:

1. Health and healthy lifestyle. The level of health, physical and mental development of the child.

2. Education based on universal and national values. The level of moral, spiritual and moral education of the individual.

3. Education in accordance with personal capabilities and abilities. The level of intellectual development.

4. Willingness to continue education. School readiness level.

5. Adaptability of the educational environment to meet the educational needs of the individual. The level of adaptability of the subject-developing and educational environment.

The management of identified key results will be determined by the main factors and conditions (figure 3).

Scheme 3

The sponsor of the publication of the article is an online store of professional massage equipment of well-known Japanese and American brands Massagetables.ru. The proposed range of massage products will allow massage therapists to equip both an office for receiving patients and buy a folding massage table designed for comfortable on-site work. American cable technology allows such folding tables to be compact when assembled, quickly assembled and have sufficient reliability for many years of use without loss of quality.


1. How do you understand what "management" is?

2. What is the essence of results-based management technology?

3. What can be the management structures and how do they differ?

The task

1. Analyze the proposed or formulate the key results of your preschool educational institution.

2. State the mission of your institution.

You will need to complete this task to draw up the Development Program for your preschool educational institution. Get serious.

* See: Santalainen T., Voutilainen E. et al. Management by results. M., 1993.


In modern society, you can often hear the word "management". In the scientific and methodological literature, this concept is interpreted as a set of principles, methods, means and forms of managing social, including educational processes, management is also called the art of management. "Pedagogical management is a set of principles, methods, organizational forms and technological methods for managing the educational process, aimed at increasing its effectiveness."

Professional knowledge of management presupposes the awareness of three fundamentally different management tools.

The first is the organization, the hierarchy of management, where the main means is the impact on a person from above (using the basic functions of motivation, planning, organization and control of activities, as well as the distribution of material wealth, etc.).

The second is the management culture, i.e. values, social norms, attitudes, behaviors developed and recognized by society, organization, group of people.

The third is the market, market relations, that is, relationships based on the sale and purchase of products and services, on the balance of interests of the seller and the buyer.

Management, like any activity, is based on the observance of a number of principles. “Principles of management is the fundamental idea for the implementation of management functions. Principles are a concrete manifestation, a reflection of the patterns of management.

Management principles:

2. Responsibility as a prerequisite for successful management.

3. Communications penetrating the organization from the bottom up, top down, horizontally.

4. The atmosphere in the organization, conducive to the disclosure of the abilities of employees.

5. Mandatory establishment of the equity participation of each worker in the overall results.

6. Timely response to changes in the environment.

7. Methods of working with people, ensuring their job satisfaction.

8. The ability to listen to everyone the leader encounters in his work.

9. Honesty and trust in people.

10. Reliance on the fundamentals of management: quality, costs, service, innovation, control of forces and capabilities, personnel.

11. Vision of the organization, i.e. a clear idea of ​​what it should be.

12. The quality of personal work and its continuous improvement.

The organization of the pedagogical process is considered as a complex system consisting of certain interrelated elements. A preschool educational institution (hereinafter referred to as a preschool educational institution) has its own pronounced specifics: goals, team structure, types and content of information and communication processes. Therefore, today it is impossible to provide favorable conditions for the creative work of the DOE team without purposeful and scientifically based management.

Such requirements are imposed on a modern preschool institution that raising the level of management of a preschool educational institution becomes an objective necessity and an essential aspect of its further development. Leaders are obliged to respond flexibly and quickly to the demands of society, in a constantly changing difficult economic situation, to find ways to survive, stabilize and develop. A well-known specialist in the field of psychological and pedagogical activity L. V. Pozdnyak notes that with the correct management of an institution, it is important for a manager to constantly analyze the current situation, this will allow preschool teachers to focus on an active perception of society's achievements in the field of democracy, openness, development of self-awareness.

L. M. Denyakina believes that it is important for the leader to think over the development strategy of a preschool educational institution, determining its purpose and place in the education system, its main goals, objectives and functions.

The goal of DOU management is to ensure its optimal functioning, to achieve the effectiveness of the educational process with the least amount of time and effort.

A preschool institution operates in accordance with the Federal Law of the Russian Federation "On Education in the Russian Federation", the Regulations on the institution providing preschool education, and operates on the basis of the Charter approved by the founder, the Agreement between the institution and parents (or other legal representatives of children).

The properties of management include purposefulness, openness, awareness, regularity, cyclicity, the combination of science and art.

At the present stage, a personality-oriented approach in the management of a preschool institution is very important. The essence of this approach lies in the fact that for the well-coordinated work of the entire institution, it is necessary to respect each member of the team, to strive to ensure that each of the employees feels like an important part of a common holistic organism, the main task of which is to educate and educate the citizens of our country as a healthy, versatile developed, creative, capable of transformative activity, personality.

The main tasks of a preschool institution are:

– Protection, protection and strengthening of the physical and mental health of children, the formation of the foundations of a healthy lifestyle;

– Ensuring intellectual, personal and physical development;

- Introducing children to universal values;

– Ensuring early socialization of children in a group of peers and adults;

– Identification and development of individual inclinations and inclinations of children;

– Preparation for basic education at subsequent levels;

– Interaction with the family to ensure the full development of the child.

The management of a preschool institution is carried out in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, the charter of the institution and is based on a combination of the principles of unity of command and self-government.

The Council of a preschool institution carries out its activities in accordance with the Law on Education, the Charter of a preschool institution and the Regulations on the Council of an educational institution.

The main tasks of the preschool council:

- Creation, together with the head of the preschool institution, of conditions for ensuring the optimal combination of state and public principles in the management of the preschool institution, involving teachers, parents or their legal representatives in the management.

– Taking part in the development and implementation of internal documents regulating the functioning of a preschool institution, self-government bodies, the rights and obligations of participants in the educational process.

– Development and implementation, together with the head of the preschool institution, of a system of measures aimed at strengthening and developing the material and technical base of the preschool institution.

– Support for initiatives of participants in the educational process aimed at improving the quality of education and meeting the needs of various social groups interested in this education.

The decisions of the council are binding on the teaching staff of the preschool institution, parents or their legal representatives. The parent asset is a self-governing body of a preschool institution and is created from among the legal representatives of the pupils of this preschool institution.

The main tasks of the parent committee of a preschool institution are:

- All-round strengthening of the connection between the family and the preschool institution in order to establish the unity of the educational influence on the pupils from the teaching staff and the family.

- Involving the parent community in active participation in the life of a preschool institution, in organizing joint work in educating pupils.

– Participation in the organization of propaganda of pedagogical knowledge among parents.

To discuss and resolve the most important issues, the parent asset may convene a general meeting. At the general parent meeting, the presence of the head of the preschool institution is mandatory.

The Pedagogical Council is a body of public administration of a preschool institution. The Pedagogical Council of a preschool institution operates in accordance with the Law "On Education".

The competence of the educational institution includes:

- selection, recruitment and placement of personnel, improving their qualifications;

- monitoring the performance of teaching staff and students of their duties;

– material and technical support of the educational process in accordance with state standards;

- organization and improvement of the methodological support of the educational process;

- development and organization of the approval of curricula and training (working) programs;

- implementation of current control over the assimilation of the program of pupils of the educational institution, as well as analysis of the results of the educational process;

- carrying out other activities not prohibited by law and provided for by the charter of this educational institution.

The educational institution is obliged:

- carry out its activities in accordance with the norms of this Law, regulatory legal acts of state bodies regulating relations in the field of education;

- to carry out the educational process in accordance with the requirements of educational standards, standard curricula and curricula;

- to promote the activities of pedagogical and methodological associations;

- to promote the creation in the educational institution of the necessary conditions for the work of departments of public catering and health care institutions.

The educational institution is responsible for:

- non-fulfillment of functions related to its competence;

- non-compliance of the quality of the education provided with the established requirements;

- actions that entailed violations of the norms for the protection of health and safety of life of students (pupils) and employees of the educational institution, the norms and rules of environmental protection during the educational process;

- non-compliance with the norms of sanitary legislation;

– violation of the rights and freedoms of pupils and employees of the educational institution.

Thus, based on the above, the following conclusions can be drawn:

1. Management is an integral part of any educational process.

2. Management has its own goals, objectives, principles and functions.

3. For the successful management of a preschool institution, well-coordinated work of the entire team is necessary under the guidance of competent leaders who base their activities on the basis of the legislation of the Russian Federation, on a personal approach to each participant in the educational process.

4. Managers should use in their work a variety of methods and forms of work with the team, based on the principles of leadership.

Used Books:

1. Pronina A. N. / Fundamentals of the course "Management of a modern preschool educational institution" / A. N. Pronina. - Yelets: YSU them. I. A. Bunina, 2005. - 162 p.

2. Belaya, K. Yu. / 300 answers to the questions of the head / K. Yu. Belaya. - AST, Astrel, 2001. - S. 400.

3. Denyakina L. M. New approaches to managerial activity in a preschool educational institution / L. M. Denyakina. - M: New School, 1997. – 48 s.

4. Pozdnyak L. V. /Management of preschool education: a textbook for students. teachers / L. V. Pozdnyak, N. N. Lyashchenko. - M.: Publishing Center "Academy", 2000. - 432 p.

5. Federal Law of the Russian Federation “On Education in the Russian Federation” No. 273-FZ. Effective: September 1, 2013

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

More details on the site nsportal.ru

Features of managing a preschool organization in modern conditions

Karaganda State University named after E. A. Buketova

Features of managing a preschool organization

in modern conditions

Pre-school education and training is the first level of continuous education, which creates a developing environment for the full formation of a competitive generation.

The turn of preschool organizations towards the child, with his requests and individual development, is possible only with the implementation of new management principles and a high level of professionalism of its leaders.

Such requirements are imposed on a modern preschool organization that raising the level of management becomes an objective necessity and an essential aspect of its further functioning and development.

Researchers consider a preschool organization as a complex socio-pedagogical system, and therefore management should be systemic.

A system is a set of elements that are in connections and relationships with each other, forming a certain integrity, unity. The system has a number of features and implies differentiation, integrity of interconnected components that have a special connection with the environment and are part of a higher order system.

Researchers distinguish "system properties". These include: purposefulness; polystructurality; controllability; interconnection and interaction of components; openness; communication with the environment and systems of a higher order; inertia; criteriality; stability; stability; ability to self-improvement (T. M. Davydenko, T. I. Shamova).

The systemic vision of reality, notes T. M. Davydenko, is a special cognitive management technology that focuses on the study of the management process as a system of functions. The level of integrity of the system, T. I. Shamova pays special attention, will depend on the completeness of the set of elements, the relationship between them, the presence of goals for all elements and their connection with the goal of the system.

The purpose of a preschool organization as an educational system is to create conditions for the full harmonious development, upbringing and education of each child at the level of his individual capabilities. A preschool organization is a part of the society in its microdistrict, it is connected with it, experiences its influence and influences it.

The head of the preschool organization should be able to see:

Connections between parts of the system, be able to characterize them as: internal and external, general and particular, direct and reverse, direct and indirect, permanent and temporary, essential and insignificant, deep and superficial, dominant and non-dominant;

To be able to consider the preschool organization as a system and see all the richness of the connections between the parts;

To be able to make a choice of those connections that would allow achieving the goal with the minimum number of connections.

There are driving forces of the system, sources of its development. These include objective contradictions between parts of the system (tasks, content, forms, methods), as well as between the links that exist between them, between the various structures of the system; process dynamics; structure optimization.

Thus, we see that a preschool organization is a multi-layer systemic education, each component of which needs to be managed and an optimally functioning control system should be built.

What are the foundations for building a management system in a preschool organization? In the management literature, the concept of "management" is interpreted from three positions: 1. Management is seen as a purposeful activity of all subjects aimed at ensuring the formation, stabilization, optimal functioning and mandatory development of a preschool organization.

Such definitions, T. I. Shamova, T. M. Davydenko note, are important from the point of view of identifying management as one of the types of social activity that has as its goal a certain result. Researchers identify the main goals of management activities.

The first goal is the formation, creation of managed and control systems (creation of an optimal for specific circumstances and conditions, a holistic, original author's pedagogical system).

The second goal is to maintain all the properties of the system, its ordering and stabilization.

The third goal is to ensure the optimal functioning of the system.

The fourth goal is the development of the system, its transfer from the existing to a new, qualitatively higher state.

Second position. Researchers consider management as the “impact” of one system on another, one person on another.

Third position. Management is the interaction of subjects. Such an understanding of interaction presupposes a mutual change in the managers and the governed, and the process of interaction itself as a change in its states, which corresponds to real management practice.

The properties of management include: purposefulness, openness, awareness, regularity, cyclicity, the combination of science and art.

At present, a number of scientists believe that the composition and sequence of functions that make up the management process is the same for all self-governing systems.

N. V. Kuzmina defines management as a set of five functions:

Design, which involves the formulation of goals and objectives, changing various plans and objectives;

Constructive - the essence of which is to model a variety of situations;

Organizing, in which the executive activities of the manager are implemented;

Communicative - is aimed at building the necessary relationships and connections between the subjects of management.

Management activity can also be considered as a process. Management as a process, notes V. Ya. Yakunin, is a sequence of stages, states, stages of development, a set of actions of the leader to achieve the goal. It highlights the following management functions:

  • collection of information;

Material from the site www.rusnauka.com

Preschool education in the city of Izhevsk

Do you know what is the uniqueness of the system of preschool education in the city of Izhevsk?

Pre-school education in the city of Izhevsk is represented by a three-level system of pre-school education, which continues to develop qualitatively, taking into account the new socio-economic trends taking place in the state.

1. Department of preschool education and upbringing.

2. 5 MKU "TsDOi V - CB" of the districts of the city of Izhevsk and AU DPO TsPK "Alternativa"

3. 203 MDOUs, of which 183 are budgetary, 19 autonomous and 1 state-owned.

The network of municipal kindergartens of the city is diverse!

Parents choose a kindergarten, taking into account the state of health of children, individual characteristics and needs.

In 203 MDEIs, there are 175 MDEIs of a general developmental orientation and 28 MDEIs of a compensatory orientation.

The work carried out over the past 9 years to increase places in kindergartens in the city of Izhevsk already in 2012 made it possible to solve ahead of schedule the task set by the President of Russia on the complete elimination of the queue in preschool institutions for children aged 3 to 7 years by 2016 .

In 2015, it is planned to commission 2 more new buildings of preschool institutions for 231 places (at 33 Kraeva St. in Pervomaisky District for 115 places; at Kommunarov St., 319 "a" in the Oktyabrsky District for 116 places).

In 2016, it is planned to build 3 new kindergartens for 660 places (an additional building of MADOU No. 259 in microdistrict 8 of the Ustinovsky district for 220 places; on Baranova St., 70 in the Leninsky district for 220 places; in microdistrict Stolichny No. 2 in the Industrial District for 220 seats).

But the problem of providing places in kindergartens for children aged 1.5 to 3 years still remains, which is solved not only through the opening of additional groups and kindergartens, but also through the development of variable forms of preschool education (short stay groups).

Did you know that starting from 2014:

  • the city of Izhevsk provides for the possibility of subsidizing the costs of small and medium-sized businesses whose activities are related to the provision of services in the field of preschool education from the city budget;
  • in the Udmurt Republic, the municipal service "Acceptance of applications, registration and enrollment of children in educational institutions implementing the main educational program of preschool education (kindergartens)" is carried out on the Regional portal of state and municipal services of the Udmurt Republic at http://uslugi.udmurt. ru/ (hereinafter - RPGU);
  • the “Electronic Kindergarten” system has been introduced into the work of kindergartens, the purpose of which is to automate the workplace of the head of the MDOU, the introduction of a unified database of children for the municipality, and the collection of data for monitoring preschool education.

Over the past years, the city's preschool institutions have been actively implementing measures to improve the quality of services provided:

7 preschool educational institutions - participants in the Russian experiment on the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard of preschool education based on the didactic system of L. G. Peterson ("School 2000").

7 preschool educational institutions - regional innovative (experimental) platforms for testing multimedia systems and introducing the Federal State Educational Standard for preschool education.

42 preschool educational institutions - urban base sites for the implementation of the GEF of preschool education.

4 preschool educational institutions urban innovative (experimental) platforms for working with children with increased cognitive activity in the context of the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard, the organization of work with the family.

In 42 preschool educational institutions, in-depth work is being carried out on local history and ethno-cultural education of children.

Groups operate in 11 preschool educational institutions:

  1. "Young Traffic Inspector"

3. groups of the Ministry of Emergency Situations.

On the basis of 10 preschool educational institutions, basic methodological centers have been created for the section "Safety".

Thus, the preschool industry of the city is able to solve social problems of demography, providing families with the opportunity to combine parental functions with professional employment.

More www.izh.ru

Abstract: Management of preschool education - Xreferat.com - Bank of abstracts, essays, reports, term papers and theses

General approaches and requirements for planning the work of an institution based on results

Planning and forecasting are the basis of management and the most important stage of the management cycle at all levels.

With regard to the management of a preschool institution, planning and forecasting consist in determining the zones of the nearest and future development of a kindergarten in specific environmental conditions based on pedagogical analysis. The model regulation on a preschool educational institution gives the teaching staff the right to independently determine the directions of their activities, build a model for the development of a kindergarten in accordance with the species diversity of the preschool educational institution, and choose a program for the education and training of preschoolers.

Planning must meet a number of fundamental requirements. These requirements are as follows: unity of long-term and short-term planning; implementation of the principle of combining state and public principles; ensuring the integrated nature of forecasting and planning; stability and flexibility of planning based on forecasts.

Planning will be effective if three main conditions are met:

An objective assessment of the level of work of a preschool institution at the time of planning; - a clear presentation of the results, the level of work that should be achieved by the end of the planning period; - the choice of the best ways, means, methods that will help achieve the goals, and therefore, get the planned result.

When developing plans, it is important to define specific outcomes. This requirement applies to both long-term and current plans.

The daily action plan in the kindergarten is the work plan for the year, and the long-term plan is the Development Program of the preschool educational institution and the educational program. Let's take a quick look at these three documents.

Methodology for developing a development program for preschool educational institutions

The development program of a preschool institution should meet the following qualities:

Relevance - the property of the program to be focused on solving the most important problems for the future system of preschool education of a particular kindergarten.

Predictiveness - the property of the program to reflect in its goals and planned actions not only today's, but also future requirements for a preschool institution, i.e. the ability of the program to meet the changing requirements and conditions in which it will be implemented.

Rationality - the property of the program to determine such goals and ways to achieve them, which allow you to get the most useful result.

Realism - the property of the program to provide a correspondence between the desired and the possible.

Integrity is a property of the program that ensures the completeness of the set of actions necessary to achieve the goal, as well as the consistency of the relationship between actions.

Controllability - the property of the program to operationally determine the final and intermediate goals (expected results), i.e. define them in such a way that there is a way to check the actual results obtained for their compliance with the goals.

Sensitivity to failures - the property of the program to timely detect deviations of the real state of affairs from that envisaged by the program, which pose a threat to achieving the set goals. Sensitivity to failures is higher, the more detailed the program.

The program of a preschool institution can be developed using different technologies. The proposed technology includes the following procedures and sections of the program:

1. Preparation of information about the preschool educational institution;

2. Problematic analysis of the state of the educational process;

3. Formation of the concept and development of a strategy for the development of a preschool institution;

4. Determining the stages of the program implementation;

5. Development of an action plan.

When attesting and accrediting a preschool educational institution, the development program is a mandatory document.

Structure of the development program

Information-reference about the preschool educational institution.

When compiling an information certificate about a preschool institution, you must remember:

firstly, it is an analysis of what has been achieved; and it is useful for the team to sum up some results, to look at themselves as if from the outside. This is an important tool for educating the teaching staff;

secondly, this is information for the founders, the expert commission for attestation or evaluation of the submitted draft development program;

And an educational institution should not neglect these requirements in the face of increasing competition.

You can start the help with a brief analysis of the society. Indicate the surrounding area: industrial area, city center, "sleeping" area, the nearest cultural and mass objects.

Next, you should move on to information about the preschool institution: the state of the material and technical base, the characteristics of the contingent of pupils, information about the teaching staff. Brief results of the educational process. Achievements of the teaching staff.

The presence of creative contacts with colleagues, scientists, workers of art and culture, medical, sports institutions. Brief information about the history of the kindergarten, the traditions that have developed in the teaching staff are also needed.

Problematic analysis of the state of the educational process along all lines of development (physical education and health, speech, intellectual, artistic and aesthetic, social and moral development).

This section highlights good practices and unresolved issues in each area, and specifies the challenges that need to be addressed.

Experienced managers accompany the text with various comparative tables, diagrams, graphs, materials from a survey of parents and employees.

However, it often comes down to the traditional analysis of the execution of sections of the program. “Behind the scenes” remain such important issues as the microclimate in the team, the growth of professional skills, the problems of comfort for children, parents, teachers in the garden, assessment of the development of children, etc.

Any program for the development of a preschool institution is ultimately focused on solving one main problem - improving the quality of education and upbringing. But the problem cannot be solved in the abstract. The task of analysis is to concretize this general problem, to present it in the form of interconnected tasks.

Analysis of the educational situation based on the final results for 1-2 years includes: levels of health and a healthy lifestyle, upbringing and education of preschoolers in accordance with state standards; readiness of children for school. It is important to analyze the scientific and methodological support of the developing educational process; the level of professional competence of teachers. Continuing the analysis of the problem, it is necessary to give specific answers to the question: “Due to what shortcomings in the educational process is there a discrepancy between the results and requirements of the social order?”.

Concluding the analysis, it is necessary to highlight the list of those shortcomings, the elimination of which is the most relevant.

Thus, an urgent problem is the increased incidence of children and, of course, a decrease in kindergarten attendance. Its solution involves a number of activities related to the hardening of preschoolers, the introduction of herbal medicine, physiotherapy, vitamin therapy, the organization of physiotherapy exercises and breathing exercises. In turn, this requires training personnel, creating conditions, purchasing inventory, equipment, etc.

The concept and strategy for the development of preschool educational institutions.

Concept (from lat. conceptic) - understanding, system, interpretation of any phenomena, the main point of view, the guiding idea for their coverage, the leading idea, the constructive principle of various activities. The concept of development of the preschool educational institution is considered as a set of measures to update it as a result of the development of innovative processes. In this section, it is important to form the type and nature of the future preschool educational institution, which the teaching staff is striving for; identify the goals and objectives of updating the content of the educational process, based on regulatory documents, determine the strategy for achieving the goals set.

When forming the concept of development of a preschool educational institution, it is necessary first of all to determine which part of the social order for preschool education it will be focused on. For example, it can be a correctional and diagnostic center based on a compensatory kindergarten, which has extensive experience in developing and restoring the physical and mental functions of the body, which has managed to create a complex of medical and recreational care for children or a “Child Development Center”. It is created on the basis of a kindergarten of a general developmental type, which has good results in the intellectual development of children, in organizing training using new technologies, maintaining constant contact with the school and analyzing the process of adapting its pupils to it.

The concept of development of a preschool institution should consist of two parts.

The first part is the nature of the future preschool institution, where it is given:

The structure of a new and modernized educational institution; - new or upgraded programs; - new approaches, methods, schemes, organization of the educational process; - description of new technologies, methods of education, upbringing and development of children; - characteristics of additional services.

The second part is the project of a new control system. It is created on the basis of an already fully developed project of a new (modernized) institution and contains:

A new or modified organizational structure of the management system, which shows all the subjects of management; - a new or updated list of all personal and collective management bodies, which necessarily corresponds to the new object of management; - new management methods.

The strategy is a general idea of ​​the process of transition to a new kindergarten. The development of a strategy begins with determining the approximate time for the implementation of the concept and the stages of transforming a preschool educational institution into a new status. For example, the identified goals and objectives can be implemented in five years, in three stages.

Since it is impossible to implement the whole concept of a new kindergarten at once, it is necessary to outline intermediate stages. The development of a strategy begins with determining the approximate time for the implementation of the concept. Then the stages of transformation of the existing institution are highlighted, the main actions implemented at each stage.

For each stage of the implementation of the concept, directions and tasks of action should be determined. To formulate a task means to indicate a specific result that is expected to be obtained in the implementation of one or another direction of action at a given stage of the program. For example, if the direction is related to updating the content of education, then the task may be to switch to a new program from such and such a year.

Action plan.

It is written for each stage separately and can be drawn up in the form of a table, which indicates the activities, the timing of their implementation (beginning and end), the responsible executor, the means used to obtain the result. At the end of the designated stage, a brief analysis of the implementation is given (what succeeded, failed, reasons) and then an action plan for the next stage is written.

Ultimately, the program is a model that determines what actions, who, when, where, by what means should be performed in order to obtain the desired results.

In order for the action plan to perform its functions effectively, it must be complete, holistic, coordinated and balanced across all resources (human resources, scientific and methodological, logistical, but above all financial).

It is advisable to present the plan in tabular form (see Table 1).

Material from xreferat.com

Topic: Preschool management system

1. The concept of "management" in the modern aspect. The essence, goals, objectives and features of the management of a preschool institution at the present stage.

2. Conditions for the effective management of a preschool institution, patterns and principles of pedagogical management of a preschool institution.

3. The logic of building a management cycle. The content of management functions, basic management methods.

1. The relationship between the functions of the management cycle in the course of preparation for the review-competition "Green Light"

2. Algorithm of managerial actions on the issue of preparing and holding a pedagogical council in a preschool institution.

List of sources used

Theoretical substantiation of the topic

1. The concept of "management" in the modern aspect. The essence, goals, objectives and features of the management of a preschool institution at the present stage

In pedagogical science and practice, the desire to comprehend the integral pedagogical process from the standpoint of the science of management, to give it a strict, scientifically substantiated character, is becoming increasingly stronger. It is true that many domestic and foreign researchers assert that management is real and necessary not only in the field of technical, production processes, but also in the field of complex social systems, including pedagogical ones.

Management generally refers to activities aimed at making decisions, organizing, controlling, regulating the object of management in accordance with a given goal, analyzing and summing up on the basis of reliable information.

In the scientific literature, the concept of management is interpreted from the following positions:

1. Management as a purposeful activity of all subjects, aimed at ensuring the formation, stabilization, optimal functioning and mandatory development of a certain system.

2. Management as the impact of one system on another.

3. Management - interaction of subjects.

At the present stage, there are many characteristics of management. Management can be positive and negative, desirable and undesirable, have attributive or acquired properties.(1)

A preschool institution carries out its activities in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Belarus, the regulation on an institution that provides preschool education and operates on the basis of a charter approved by the founder, an agreement between the institution and parents or other legal representatives of children.

The main tasks of a preschool institution are:

Protection, protection and strengthening of the physical and mental health of children, the formation of the foundations of a healthy lifestyle

Ensuring intellectual, personal and physical development;

Introducing children to universal values;

Ensuring early socialization of children in a group of peers and adults;

Identification and development of individual inclinations and inclinations of children;

Preparation for basic education at subsequent levels;

Interaction with the family to ensure the full development of the child.

The management of a preschool institution is carried out in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Belarus, the charter of the institution and is based on a combination of the principles of unity of command and self-government.

In a preschool institution, self-government bodies are created:

Preschool Council;

Board of Trustees;

Parental committee.

Pedagogical Council.

Methodological Cabinet Council

The council of a preschool institution is the highest self-governing body and is created from among the teaching staff of a preschool institution, parents or their legal representatives. The council may include representatives of state educational authorities, public associations and other organizations.

The council carries out its activities in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Belarus, the charter of the preschool institution and the regulation on the council of the educational institution.

The main tasks of the preschool council:

Creation, together with the head of the preschool institution, of conditions to ensure the optimal combination of state and public principles in the management of the preschool institution, involvement in the management of teachers, parents or their legal representatives

Taking part in the development and implementation of intra-garden documents regulating the functioning of a preschool institution, self-government bodies, the rights and obligations of participants in the educational process.

Development and implementation, together with the head of the preschool institution, of a system of measures aimed at strengthening and developing the material and technical base of the preschool institution.

Support for initiatives of participants in the educational process aimed at improving the quality of education and meeting the needs of various social groups interested in this education.

The decisions of the council are binding on the teaching staff of the preschool institution, parents or their legal representatives.

The Parents' Committee is a self-governing body of a preschool institution and is created from among the legal representatives of the pupils of this preschool institution.

The Parents' Committee carries out its activities in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Belarus, the charter of the preschool institution and the regulation on the parent committee of the educational institution.

The main tasks of the parent committee of a preschool institution are:

All-round strengthening of the connection between the family and the preschool institution in order to establish the unity of educational influence on pupils from the side of the teaching staff and the family.

Attracting the parent community to active participation in the life of a preschool institution, to the organization of joint work on the education of pupils.

Participation in the organization of propaganda of pedagogical knowledge among parents.

To discuss and resolve the most important issues, the parent committee may convene a general meeting. At the general parent meeting, the presence of the head of the preschool institution is mandatory.

The Board of Trustees in a preschool institution is created in accordance with the Law of the Republic of Belarus "On Education" and the regulation on the Board of Trustees.

The Board of Trustees of a preschool institution is a self-governing body of a preschool institution and is intended to assist in its provision of its activities and development.

The procedure for the creation and competence of the board of trustees is determined by the charter of the preschool institution. The decision to establish a board of trustees is made by the board (pedagogical council) of the preschool institution.

Functions of the Board of Trustees

The Board of Trustees organizes its work on the basis of the charter of the educational institution and the Regulations on the Board of Trustees of the educational institution

The Board of Trustees develops, adopts and organizes the implementation of plans for its activities in the interests of the educational institution, as well as the interests of organizations whose representatives are members of the Board of Trustees.

The Board of Trustees interacts with other self-governing bodies of the educational institution on the issues of functioning and development of the educational institution.

A representative of the Board of Trustees may participate in the work of other self-governing bodies of the educational institution with a decisive vote in accordance with his authority when considering issues within the competence of the Board of Trustees.

Decisions of the Board of Trustees outside its exclusive competence are advisory and advisory in nature.

Purpose and object of activity of the Board of Trustees

The main goal of the Board of Trustees is to assist the educational institution in the implementation of its statutory functions, to unite the efforts of state and public organizations, labor collectives, individual citizens aimed at strengthening the educational and material base, protecting health, developing the abilities and talents of those brought up and studying in the educational institution, creating favorable conditions for the upbringing, education and recreation of children, teaching staff and other employees.

Board of Trustees:

Contributes to ensuring a combination of state and public principles in the management of an educational institution;

Develops and implements plans for its activities in the interests of the educational institution and in accordance with the areas of work;

Facilitates the attraction of extra-budgetary funds to ensure the activities and development of the educational institution;

Contributes to the strengthening and improvement of the material and technical base of the educational institution, the improvement of its premises and territory;

Promotes the organization and improvement of working conditions for teachers and other employees of the educational institution, protection and implementation of the legal rights of members of the staff of the educational institution and the board of trustees;

Determines the directions, forms, amounts and procedure for using the funds of the board of trustees, including for the development of the educational and material base, for helping children from low-income families, orphans, for supporting and stimulating gifted children, and also monitors their target use;

Facilitates the organization and holding of social and cultural events: concerts, evenings of rest, exhibitions, sales exhibitions, mass sports and other events;

Submits proposals for consideration by the council of the educational institution on changing and supplementing its charter, including on the list of educational and other services provided by the educational institution, on the content of the terms of the contract of the educational institution with parents and (or) students regarding the provision of additional paid educational services;

Considers other issues referred to the competence of the board of trustees by the charter of the educational institution.

The Board of Trustees operates on the basis of the following principles:

Voluntary membership;

Equal rights for members of the Board of Trustees;

collegial leadership;

Publicity of decisions.

The Pedagogical Council is a body of public administration of a preschool institution. The Pedagogical Council of a preschool institution operates in accordance with paragraph 3 of Article 42 of the Law of the Republic of Belarus "On Education" (9).

Functions of the pedagogical council

The pedagogical council is multifunctional

Its functions can be divided into the following groups:




- Socio-pedagogical.

The managerial (administrative) functions of the pedagogical council include the following varieties.



Generalizing - diagnostic

Planning and prognostic

Expert - controlling



They are expressed in collective decisions taken by open vote and binding on each employee (adoption of recommendations from educational authorities; decisions regarding the implementation of state programs, issues of transfer, awards; certification of teaching staff


discussion of objective information about the state of the educational process, development of recommendations.

Generalizing - diagnostic:

conducting experimental work, social, psychological and medical examinations.

Planning and prognostic:

discussion of the prospects for the development of planning the activities of the team, the choice of curricula programs.


listening to reports, conclusions on the activities of teaching staff, on the implementation by the team of the Charter of a preschool institution, uniform requirements for children, on working with families, etc.


making changes and amendments to the work plans of a preschool institution in connection with changes in the social situation and social order ...

Socio-pedagogical functions consist of:

in the communication of the connection of the teaching staff with parents, teachers, teaching staff of other preschool institutions;

Coordination and integration of the efforts of all subjects of education: preschool institution of the family, the public, public organizations:

Coordination, establishment of expedient connections, sequence of actions;

The protection of children and teaching staff, the implementation of legal norms in relation to the participants in the pedagogical process (healthy working conditions, nutrition, social security,

hiring and dismissal.)

The management of the educational institution is carried out by the head, appointed in the manner prescribed by legislative acts.

The competence of the educational institution includes:

Selection, reception and placement of personnel, improving their qualifications;

Monitoring the performance of teaching staff and students of their duties;

Material and technical support of the educational process in accordance with state regulations;

Attraction for the implementation of activities provided for by the charter of this educational institution, additional sources of financial and material resources in the manner prescribed by law;

Organization and improvement of methodological support of the educational process;

Development and organization of the approval of curricula and curricula;

Implementation of ongoing monitoring of academic performance and intermediate certification of students (pupils) of an educational institution, as well as analysis of the results of the educational process;

Verification of the authenticity of documents on education upon admission to study at an educational institution and the presence of doubts about their authenticity - sending requests to the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus to confirm the fact of their issuance;

Carrying out other activities not prohibited by law and provided for by the charter of this educational institution.

An educational institution, regardless of its subordination and forms of ownership, is obliged to:

Carry out its activities in accordance with the norms of this Law, regulatory legal acts of state bodies regulating relations in the field of education;

Carry out the educational process in accordance with the requirements of educational standards, standard curricula and curricula;

To promote the activities of pedagogical and methodological associations;

To promote the creation in the educational institution of the necessary conditions for the work of departments of public catering and health care institutions.

An educational institution is responsible in accordance with the procedure established by law for: failure to perform the functions within its competence;

Non-compliance of the quality of the education provided with the established requirements;

Actions that entailed violations of the norms for the protection of health and safety of life of students (pupils) and employees of the educational institution, the norms and rules of environmental protection during the educational process;

Non-compliance with the norms of sanitary legislation;

Violation of the rights and freedoms of students (pupils) and employees of an educational institution.

In modern society, you can often hear such a word as "management". In the scientific and methodological literature, this concept is interpreted as a set of principles, methods, means and forms of managing social, including educational processes, management is also called the art of management. "Pedagogical management is a set of principles, methods, organizational forms and technological methods for managing the educational process, aimed at increasing its effectiveness." (2)

The organization of the pedagogical process is considered by us as a complex system consisting of certain interrelated elements. Such elements are goals, objectives, means, forms and methods, subject, object of management, principles and functions that determine its activities.

A preschool educational institution has its own pronounced specifics: goals, team structure, types and content of information and communication processes. Therefore, today it is impossible to provide favorable conditions for the creative work of the DU team without purposeful and scientifically based management.

Such requirements are imposed on a modern preschool institution that raising the level of control of remote control becomes an objective necessity and an essential aspect of its further development. Leaders are obliged to respond flexibly and quickly to the demands of society, in a constantly changing difficult economic situation, to find ways to survive, stabilize and develop. L.V. Pozdnyak notes that with the correct management of the institution, it is important for the manager to constantly analyze the current situation, this will allow teachers to orientate the teachers of the educational institution to an active perception of the achievements of society in the field of democracy, openness, and the development of self-awareness.

L.M. Denyakina believes that it is important for a leader to think over a strategy for the development of a preschool educational institution, determining the purpose of a preschool educational institution, its place in the education system, its main goals, objectives and functions.

The purpose of the management of the preschool educational institution is to ensure its optimal functioning in order to achieve the effectiveness of the educational process with the least amount of time and effort.

Researchers identify the main goals of management activities.

1. Formation, creation of managed and control systems (creation of an integral, original author's pedagogical system that is optimal for specific circumstances and conditions).

2. Maintenance of all properties of the system, its ordering and stabilization.

3. Ensuring optimal functioning of the system.

4. The development of the system, the transfer of everything from the existing to a new, qualitatively higher state (provides for the relevance of the functions: forecasting, long-term planning, special activities to introduce innovations into the life of remote control, the creation of experimental sites on its basis).

The properties of management include: purposefulness, openness, awareness, regularity, cyclicity, the combination of science and art.

At the present stage, a personality-oriented approach in the management of a preschool institution is very important. The essence of this approach lies in the fact that for the well-coordinated work of the entire institution, it is necessary to respect each member of the team, to strive to ensure that each of the employees feels like an important part of a common holistic organism, the main task of which is to educate and educate the citizens of our country as a healthy, versatile developed, creative, capable of transformative activity, personality

2. Conditions for the effective management of a preschool institution, patterns and principles of pedagogical management of a preschool institution

The managerial activity of the head of a preschool educational institution is multifaceted, permeates all the processes taking place in a preschool institution and is characterized by great complexity and dynamism. Management involves the skillful use of existing patterns, the creation of a well-thought-out system of relationships and requires that the processes that depend on the leader do not proceed without his intervention. To manage a preschool institution means to purposefully influence the teaching staff (and through it, the educational process) in order to achieve maximum results in the field of educating preschool children.

For the successful implementation of activities, the manager, first of all, needs to have certain theoretical knowledge and relevant practical skills.

Professional knowledge of management presupposes the awareness of three fundamentally different management tools.

The first is the organization, the hierarchy of management, where the main means is the impact on a person from above (using the basic functions of motivation, planning, organization and control of activities, as well as the distribution of material wealth, etc.).

The second is the management culture, i.e. values, social norms, attitudes, behaviors developed and recognized by society, organization, group of people.

The third is the market, market relations, i.e. based on the purchase and sale of products and services, on the balance of interests of the seller and the buyer. (White, Preschool images)

Management, like any activity, is based on the observance of a number of principles. “The principles of management are the fundamental idea for the implementation of managerial functions. Principles are a concrete manifestation, a reflection of the patterns of management. (1)

Management principles:

1. Loyalty to employees.

2. Responsibility as a prerequisite for successful management,

3. Communication that permeates the organization from the bottom up, top down, horizontally.

4. The atmosphere in the organization, conducive to the disclosure of the abilities of employees.

5. Mandatory establishment of the share participation of each worker in the overall results.

6. Timely response to changes in the environment.

7. Methods of working with people, ensuring their job satisfaction.

8. The ability to listen to everyone with whom the leader encounters in his work.

9. Honesty and trust in people.

10. Reliance on the fundamental foundations of management: quality, costs, service, innovation, control of forces and capabilities, personnel.

11. Vision of the organization, i.e. a clear idea of ​​what it should be.

12. The quality of personal work and its continuous improvement.(6)

The culture of leadership is the ability to correctly, deeply and comprehensively evaluate the results of the activities of the entire preschool institution and each teacher, the ability to understand and draw practical conclusions. This understanding includes both personal culture and the culture of the management process. A leader who knows how to be bigger and better than others and at the same time be a highly cultured, well-mannered and modest person enjoys great authority. Success in leading people is determined not by the power of power, but by the power of authority, the power of energy, versatility, and talent. The head, who enjoys authority, disposes to himself and his influence on the team is very strong. The manager needs to cultivate politeness, sensitivity and attentiveness to people. All these qualities strengthen his position among employees, make him a respected person. All this helps to make the work in the team harmonious and successful. Given the high qualifications of a modern teacher, the leader should not be limited to a shallow analysis of his work and orders regarding the conduct of classes and other regime moments. His task is to delve into the content of the work of the educator, identify his strengths and weaknesses, help correct the shortcomings, correctly comprehend the content of the program, direct to improve the methodology of the educational process. Here, an individual approach, the ability to understand each person, is of particular importance. Organizational skills are a necessary quality for a manager, especially a preschool institution. The head develops annual and calendar plans; defines responsibilities between team members; uses more effective measures to stimulate the work of employees; monitors and analyzes the work of educators, correctly and timely draws up documentation. The leading line of the head in the management of remote control is the presence of his own concept, professional thinking, individual style of managerial activity.

The style of work of the leader, his business and personal qualities have a significant impact on the mode and procedure of work of a preschool institution, on the efficiency and effectiveness of its activities. Therefore, management in this institution should be based on the personal principle, since the final results of management activities are achieved not by the leader himself, but by all members of the team.

3. The content of management functions, basic management methods. The logic of building a management cycle

The managerial activity of the head of the preschool educational institution requires promptness in solving a variety of issues, brevity and accuracy of the presentation of thoughts, a creative, deep and flexible approach to the implementation of the many tasks facing the preschool institution. All this predetermines the need for its continuous improvement and increase in efficiency, which depends on the interaction of various factors.

Planning and prognostic function that provides a combination of long-term forecasting and current planning;

Information-analytical function? involves increasing the efficiency of management activities in the context of democratization based on the selection of information, which should be complete in scope and specific; as a result of the pedagogical analysis of information about the activities of each link of the educational institution, managerial actions of the head are formed;

Motivational-target function, which involves the desire to achieve the desired result (this function ensures that all members of the team perform work in accordance with the duties delegated to them and the plan, correlating the needs to achieve their own and collective goals);

Organizational and executive function, which relates to each management cycle and involves the implementation of a personality-oriented model for organizing activities in remote control; practical distribution of duties, rational organization of labor;

A control and diagnostic function that involves a combination of administrative and public control within the DU with introspection of the members of the teaching staff (mutual visits in the organization of various types of children's activities among teachers, Open Doors, questioning parents, etc.);

Regulatory and corrective function, which involves making adjustments to the management of institutions with the help of operational lines.

All these functions are typical for the management system of a preschool institution, but each of them has its own characteristics arising from the specifics of the content of the work of the institution.

Planning is one of the most important functions of a leader. An obligatory and important component of the planning function is the selection and determination of the parameters by which the results of education will be evaluated, the determination of the educational opportunities of each child in the zone of his potential development. Planning also involves a detailed description of the ways and means to achieve the goals. Based on the annual plan, work plans for all officials are drawn up. In a preschool educational institution, there are the following forms of the plan: text and graphic.

The textual form of the plan reflects a system of measures that provides for the order, sequence and timing of implementation.

In graphical form, the stages of organizational, social, propaganda, pedagogical work are indicated, responsible, deadlines and prospects are determined.

The graphical form guarantees the visibility of planning, helps to ensure the uniformity of work, helps to see the connection between activities, and facilitates control over the implementation of the plan.

The combination of two forms (graphic and text plan), according to practitioners, is the best planning option in order to distribute all work in time and space.

The organization in the management system of a preschool institution is aimed at forming not only a managed, but also a managing subsystem, the division and cooperation of labor in which should be carried out at a higher level.

A clear, well-thought-out division and cooperation of labor of the leaders of a preschool institution prevent duplication of each other's activities by specialists, make it possible to cover all levels of management organization.

Knowledge of the level of education, work experience, theoretical and methodological training, business and personal qualities of deputies allows the head of the preschool educational institution to correctly distribute functional responsibilities, carry out division, resolve the issue of labor cooperation and create the necessary microclimate in the administrative apparatus, manage the activities of deputies, taking into account the capabilities of each of them .The most important goal of the organization as a function of managing a preschool institution is to achieve the organizational unity of the team. To do this, it is necessary to clearly define who, when and how to carry out their activities, while interacting with other members of the team. The organization in the management system determines the place and role of each member of the team in achieving the goal (“who and what?”), Ensures their effective interaction in the process of achieving goals (“what and how?”) and (“where and when?”), creates a system of organizational relations necessary for this and thereby determines the solution of such questions as “who and with whom?” and “whom and where?”. The correct organization of work determines the specifics of the managerial activity of the leaders of a preschool institution, with the help of which it is carried out in practice.

Leadership is a management action that involves, first of all, motivational work with all participants in the educational process based on studying their needs, influencing these needs in order to change them (M.M. Potashnik). Verification of the result of activity includes control and correction.

One of the functions of the leader is to control the state of the educational process and its implementation. Control is an assessment of the activities of employees or the entire preschool institution. After checking, correction is carried out. M.V. Pozdnyak, L.M. Denikin note that the ability to control is the same art as the ability to make decisions. Control must be planned, it helps to control all areas of the preschool institution.

Correction - a type of regulation based on the results of feedback in the control process. Any control should be organized in order to help employees in organizing the educational process.

In their work, any leader must use a variety of management methods. Let's consider the main ones.

There are four main groups of management methods:


Organizational and administrative;


Organizational and pedagogical methods.

Economic methods help the leader to carry out economic activities, solving economic issues of the work of a preschool institution.

Organizational and administrative management methods are implemented in the development and approval of annual plans, a promising program for the development of DU, decisions of the pedagogical council, while instructing performers in the form of instructions, orders, orders. With the help of this group of management methods, the department maintains the internal order provided for by the Charter, selects and places personnel, creates conditions for the rational organization of affairs, exactingness and personal responsibility of each employee.

Socio-psychological methods direct the staff of the DU to the creative solution of the tasks at hand; on the basis of these methods, the design of the social development of the team is carried out, a favorable psychological climate is established, positive, socially significant motives for pedagogical activity are formed.

Organizational and pedagogical methods are characterized by the participation of teachers in the management of DU on the basis of healthy competition, cooperation, the organization of methodological work and the development of democratic principles in management.

When choosing management methods, the following factors should be considered:

Strategic and tactical tasks;

Features of people (teachers, parents, children) in respect of which the method is applied (managerial influence);

Comparative effectiveness of various management methods;

Measure in the use of certain methods and their relationship;

The peculiarity of the situation, the exhaustion of other means; the availability of time to solve the problem with the chosen set of control tools;

Moral-psychological, material and other conditions;

Opportunities, skills of subordinates; traditions, the attitude of a given team to a particular style of management.

For competent management, the head uses a variety of forms of work with personnel: individual (group visits with subsequent analysis, mutual visits, consultations, personal demonstration of methods and techniques of work, etc.) and collective (pedagogical councils, seminars, workshops, open viewing of games, classes, walks etc.). They help to ensure the optimal solution of the tasks assigned to the preschool institution in the shortest possible time, to bring the work begun to the end, to see the future and to captivate the team with it. The head is obliged to remember that the head is responsible not only for how he leads, but also for what those led by him do.

It is important to correctly build a management algorithm in a preschool institution. Management in a preschool institution is a certain structure. In order to characterize the management structure, it is necessary, first of all, to name its composition, list all the parts that make up a particular system, indicate the links between them, i.e. show who reports to whom (relationships, subordination, coordination).

The structure is always in dynamics, i.e. in real, existing, changing and developing education.

Types of structures:

1. Invariant - (the most general, typical, the same for all) structure.

It has four levels of control:

  • manager level;
  • the level of his deputies and other members of the administration;
  • level of educators and other teachers;
  • children level.

Consider the listed levels of the management structure.

First level.

Head - the main administrative person, chosen by the team or appointed by a state body, who is personally responsible for everything that is done in the remote control by all subjects of management.

The Council of the School of Education, the Pedagogical Council, the Board of Trustees - ensure the unity of the management system as a whole, determine the strategic direction of the development of the School of Education, all its divisions.

The second level - deputy heads, psychologists and teachers of additional education, head of physical education, music director.

Through them, the head leads the indirect management of the preschool system in accordance with the set goals, the program and the expectation of results, achieves the implementation of the tasks set.

The third level is educators, parents. The functions of any person at this level of management are not limited to legal regulation, his powers are inextricably linked with his personality.

The fourth level is children.

1. Optimal structure.

It is necessary to create a model of the management structure of the preschool educational institution, where each subject has its own purpose, specific goals, and must clearly know its functionality.

Rational distribution of functional responsibilities in the management of remote control:

  1. It is necessary to use the strengths of the teachers who are currently working in the institution to the maximum.
  2. The management of vacant sites must be temporarily taken over by the head or his deputies, urgently looking for the right person.
  3. Clear definition of functionality. Record in writing all functional, official duties performed for a fee or on a voluntary basis by each person. Responsibilities must be approved by order. A written list of duties of management subjects mobilizes them and organizes everyone. A clear distribution of functional responsibilities prevents conflicts and confusion. Strict fulfillment of their functional duties by each subject of management. Each should perform only its own function.
  4. The efficiency and quality of management requires the division of labor and cooperation of all subjects of management.
  5. Designing various options for the distribution of functional responsibilities, comparing their effectiveness and choosing the optimal one.

The specificity and characteristics of the activities of the management personnel of a preschool institution in modern conditions require not only knowledge of regulatory, legal and other local documents, but also the ability to organize the successful work of the teaching staff, the parent community in the upbringing and education of children. Without this, it is impossible to fulfill the tasks that are set for the system of preschool education of the Republic of Belarus in general and in a preschool institution in particular. Effective and efficient work of the entire teaching staff

DU depends on the coordinated actions of the head and deputy head for core activities. Their management functions are determined in accordance with the requirements of job descriptions, which clearly indicate and define functional and job responsibilities. One of the main functions of the activity of a preschool institution is the organization of the educational process.

So, the functional duties of the head of a preschool institution include the development and adoption of a decision to ensure the system of educational and administrative work of a preschool institution. It is the leader who finally determines the goals and objectives of the development of remote control, plans his work in order to implement measures to implement the tasks facing the team. The functional duties of the head of the preschool institution include the implementation of accounting and control over the implementation of the decisions of the pedagogical council and the economic activities of the DU, regulates the constant maintenance of the required level of organization of the activities of the DU. The head of the department develops, in accordance with the goals of the department, on the basis of its development program, the specific job responsibilities of the employees of the department, as well as the staffing table. Selects and hires employees. Encourages and stimulates the creative initiative of employees, maintains a favorable moral and psychological climate in the team. Gives priority to creating a positive image, the image of the DU in his area. Provides accounting, safety and replenishment of the educational and material base, compliance with the rules and norms of labor protection and fire safety. Responsible for the implementation of educational programs in accordance with the curriculum.

Uses modern control technologies, predictive type of control.

The Deputy Head for Core Activities, together with the Head of the Department of Management, manages the Department of Management. Her functional duties include managing the organization of educational and methodological work in a preschool institution. Organization of current and long-term planning of this work. Coordinates the educational, methodological and educational work of all pedagogical workers in the implementation of curricula, programs and ensures their complete and high-quality implementation. Controls the quality of the educational process. Organizes educational work for parents on the issues of education and upbringing of pupils. Organizes work on the study of advanced pedagogical experience. The duties of the deputy head include assisting teaching staff in the development and development of innovative programs and technologies. Draws up a schedule of training sessions, Participates in the selection and placement of teaching staff, assists in holding events, makes proposals for improving the educational and upbringing processes. Takes part in the preparation of the pedagogical council, organizes and controls the implementation of its decisions. Deals with issues of organizing and equipping group rooms with modern equipment, visual aids, organizes the work of the methodological office. Carries out control over the work of educators, ensures the relationship in the work of DU, family, school.

Practice-oriented task

1. Algorithm of managerial actions based on a functional approach on the preparation and holding of a pedagogical council in a preschool institution

The deputy head for main activities, on the basis of his professional functions, prepares for the pedagogical council.

The diagnostic and analytical function allows you to competently prepare and organize the pedagogical council, organize the development and preparation stage.

Projective-constructive allows you to plan a pedagogical council, determine its prospects, outline the course and difficulties that may arise and the stages of their resolution. Goals, topics, problems are outlined.

The research and innovation function directs the deputy head to search for and select new progressive psychological and pedagogical ideas, effective methods and techniques for organizing a pedagogical council in order to arouse interest among teachers, to make this form of work more useful and expedient.

The organizational and regulatory function is aimed at organizing the activities of the teaching staff, its rallying, creating a favorable socio-psychological climate. Finding the best practical application of the ability of each member of the teaching staff to achieve common goals. This function is implemented at the stage of organizing the meeting itself.

The stimulating function is aimed at activating and stimulating the activities of teachers. Teachers should be interested in solving the problem put up for discussion at the pedagogical council, to see possible options for solving it.

An important role in the preparation and conduct of the pedagogical council is played by the information and normative function of the teacher's activity. It manifests itself in the prompt informing of the teaching staff about new achievements in the field of psychology and pedagogy of preschool education, best practices in public and family education; on documents related to the protection of the rights of the child, changes in the functional duties of teachers.

A special role in the preparation and conduct of the pedagogical council is assigned to the supervisory function. The head and deputy head for the main activity exercise control over the criteria for evaluating the activities of teachers on the topic of the pedagogical council, control the implementation of the decisions of the pedagogical council.

The administration of a preschool institution is entrusted with the function of making decisions. The decision-making process goes through 4 stages. First of all, it is the careful preparation of the decision, which includes all-round reflection and study of the conditions in which it is given. This is followed by the development and adoption of the decision itself, the organization of execution. The final stage in this process is the verification of performance, the pedagogical evaluation of the results.

Scheme of the pedagogical council

1. Development stage

definition of purpose, topic, problem

development of a plan for the pedagogical council

distribution of the teaching staff into problem groups

publication of the general plan

development of questions for study

2. Preparation stage

theory study

survey, interview


class attendance

preparation of proposals for decision

study of documentation

theoretical seminars

visual design

3. Meeting phase

problem group presentation


4. Aftereffect stage

registration of methodical bulletins

analysis and reflection

implementation of decisions.


1. The Deputy Head for Core Activities prepares a list of questions to help reveal the depth of this topic. This helps educators to actively participate in the discussion, make suggestions, and develop thoughtful solutions.

2. In the methodological office, it is necessary to arrange a special stand “Getting ready for the teachers' council”:

the date, agenda, f. and. about. speakers;

instructive and policy documents on this issue;

list of methodological literature, articles from journals;

announcements about holding a consultation, an open lesson, a seminar in connection with the preparation for the teachers' council;

the decision of the previous teachers' council is posted, information is given on the progress of its implementation;

materials from the experience of educators,

questions about the topic under discussion.

3. Taking into account the topic of the nearest teachers' council, the head and the deputy head for the main activity conduct observations of the pedagogical process, questioning teachers. Analysis of the results (drawing up diagrams, drawing up a certificate, conclusions and recommendations) gives the manager a concrete idea of ​​the work of the team, the ability to navigate the issues under discussion.

4. The deputy head of the main activity advises the speaking teacher in the choice of literature, drawing up the plan of the report, in using his personal experience as an illustration of theoretical conclusions. The speaker studies instructional documents, methodological literature, gets acquainted with best practices, looks at children's work that will be used by him in illustrating certain provisions of the report, analyzes his own experience and the experience of his comrades. The leader helps the teacher to analyze the work and highlight the main directions in working with children.

When preparing for the teachers' council, it is useful for novice teachers to offer to see how this or that issue is solved by an experienced teacher. The head teacher helps teachers to summarize their experience. The leader looks through the abstracts of the report before the teachers' council.

5. The work of the analytical group (this group gives an analysis: what shortcomings were found during the conduct of the teachers' council, what helped during the conduct of the teachers' council).

6. Development of a draft decision.

7. Rational placement of participants. The room must be prepared: large tables, chairs are set, a board is placed to illustrate the material for the report


1. The teachers' council begins with information about how the decisions made earlier are being implemented.

2. A short opening statement should focus the group's attention on the importance of the issue under discussion and show the main lines of discussion.

3. During the teachers' council, the head listens attentively to the speakers, tactfully directing the speeches in the right direction in order to make the debate business-like, principled.

4. The leader sets the tone in creating an atmosphere of goodwill, adherence to principles, the ability to correctly perceive criticism.

5. When holding a teachers' council, it is necessary to observe clear regulations, not to allow deviation from the topic.

6. The teacher gives an analysis of his activities, notes not only achievements, but also mistakes, illustrates his message with examples of successfully found methods and techniques that helped him achieve his intended goal, shows effective ways of pedagogical influence on them.

7. All present educators take part in the discussion of the work of the speaker.

8. Each issue is discussed in a businesslike manner, adhering to the rules. All members of the council should learn to speak briefly and only on the merits of the issue, not to allow deviations from the topic.

9. The final word of the chairman contains an assessment of the activities of the teachers' council, shows the direction of work to address the issues raised, summarizes the speeches

The relationship between the functions of the management cycle in the course of preparation for the review-competition "Green Light"

Objectives of leadershipPlanning managementOrganization of team activitiesCurrent control and pedagogical analysisRegulation of management based on control dataFinal control and adoption of new management decisionsChecking the implementation of decisionsOrganize and conduct a review competition on the topic "Green Light" according to the rules of the road. To replenish the subject-developing environment of groups with didactic aids and developments on the rules of the road. work with children on the problem, children's knowledge of traffic rules in accordance with age, organization of cooperation with parents. Discuss the conditions for awarding prizes, promotion. Terms of preparation and holding of the competition Methodical hours, consulting, individual forms of work with personnel, open viewings. Organization of the PPO school Implementation of control according to the criteria for evaluating the activities of teachers. Summing up the results of the control, analysis of the results obtained Methodological assistance Organization of a review competition with the participation of the declared groups. Development of solutions, recommendations and proposals. Control Conclusions

Based on the analysis of scientific and methodological literature, the following conclusions can be drawn:

1. Management is an integral part of any educational process.

2. Management has its own goals, objectives, principles and functions.

3. Successful management of a preschool institution requires coordinated work of the entire team under the guidance of competent leaders who base their activities on the basis of the legislation of the Republic of Belarus, on a personal approach to each participant in the educational process. Leaders must comply with modern society: be highly cultured, educated, possessing business qualities, the ability to manage the economic and economic mechanism of a preschool institution

4. Managers should use a variety of methods and forms of work with the team in their work, based on the principles of leadership.

List of sources used

1. Pronina, A.N. Fundamentals of the course "Management of a modern preschool educational institution" / A. N. Pronina. Yelets: Yerevan State University I.A. Bunina, 2005.- 162 p.

2. Belaya, K.Yu. 300 answers to the questions of the head / K.Yu. White. - M: "Sphere", 1996.? 56 p.

3. Bondarenko, A.K. Head of a preschool institution / A.K. Bondarenko, L.V. Pozdnyak, V.I. Shkatulla. ? M.: Enlightenment, 1984 .? 234 p.

4. Denyakina, L.M. New approaches to managerial activity in a preschool educational institution / L.M. Denyakin. - M: New School, 1997 - 48 p.

5. Kolodyazhnaya, T.P. Management of a modern preschool educational institution: practical. Manual for heads of preschool educational institutions, students of ped. textbook institutions, students of the IPK: in 2 parts / T.P. Kolodyazhnaya. - Rostov-n / D: Teacher Publishing House, 2002.-Part 1.- 128 p.

6. Pozdnyak, L.V. Management of preschool education: a textbook for students. ped. universities / L.V. Pozdnyak, N.N. Lyashchenko. - M.: Publishing Center "Academy", 2000.? 432 p.

7. Falyushina, L.I. Management of a preschool educational institution. Modern aspect / L.I. Falyushin. - M.: Pedagogical Society of Russia, 2003.- 80 p.

8. Law of the Republic of Belarus on education in the Republic of Belarus

9. Decree of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus of November 9, 2004 No. 66 "On approval of the regulation on the institution providing preschool education"


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