Ecological project: “Here is ecology - a fashionable word, Previously, nature did not know this .... The best projects of the competition "School for Ecology: think, explore, act"

  1. The influence of climatic and meteorological factors on the functioning of the organism of students of early youth in the Sverdlovsk Regional Medical College.
  2. Homeless dogs in the urban environment in Yekaterinburg or the cities of the region and a danger to human health.
  3. Dust collector trees, their importance in improving the environment in the city of Yekaterinburg or the cities of the region.
  4. The study of environmental factors in conditions of inclined microzoning of agrolandscapes on the example of the Uktus Mountains.
  5. Analysis of water quality and the state of water intake facilities in Yekaterinburg or the cities of the Sverdlovsk region (case study).
  6. Monitoring of drinking water sources of non-centralized water supply in the city of Yekaterinburg or the cities of the region.
  7. The study of the phytoncidal properties of green plants in the city of Yekaterinburg or cities in the region
  8. Census of wintering birds: ecological aspect (Participation in the program of winter bird censuses "Eurasian Christmas census").
  9. Methods for studying the ecological state of the Iset or Patrushikha river, lake. Shartash, other reservoirs of the region and their use in the assessment of anthropogenic impact (a specific reservoir).
  10. Comparison of the cleansing capacity of the river ecosystem of the Iset, Patrushikha or other rivers of the region (case study).
  11. Medicinal dandelion (Taraxacum officinale Wigg) as an indicator of environmental pollution in the city of Yekaterinburg or the cities of the region.
  12. Perception of the visual environment and its influence on the well-being of a person (on a specific example).
  13. Natural-historical-cultural monument of nature "Stone tents" or other natural monuments of the Sverdlovsk region (a specific example).
  14. Comparative characteristics of the vegetation of landscape natural monuments "Shartash forest park" and "Uktus forest park" or other forest parks of the city (specific examples).
  15. Assessment of the state of the air environment in the districts of Yekaterinburg or other cities of the region by the method of lichen indication (specific area).
  16. Influence of anthropogenic impact on the growth and fruiting of Scots pine trees in Kharitonovsky Park or other parks of the city and region (specific park).
  17. The role of propaganda in increasing motivation to protect the environment on the example of the Sverdlovsk Regional Medical College and its impact on human health.
  18. Environmental studies of changes in the physical development of first-year students of the Sverdlovsk Regional Medical College.
  19. Household waste and problems of their disposal in the districts of Yekaterinburg or the cities of the region (a specific example).
  20. Assessment of the state of green spaces in the districts of Yekaterinburg or cities of the region and the impact on human health (a case study).
  21. Fauna of diurnal Lepidoptera in the districts of Yekaterinburg or the cities of the region.
  22. Study of the demographic situation in the city of Yekaterinburg or the cities of the region (a specific example).
  23. Assessment of the recreational capacity of a forest park or a protected area of ​​the Sverdlovsk region (specific area).
  24. How to survive a monument in the city of Yekaterinburg or the cities of the region (a specific example).
  25. Videoecology of the valley of the Iset or Patrushikha rivers and other rivers of the region.
  26. The dynamics of the avifauna of some forest areas in the Sverdlovsk region (a specific area) and the impact of anthropogenic pressure.
  27. Practical aspects of interaction between people and birds in the city of Yekaterinburg or the cities of the region.
  28. Factors affecting the performance and fatigue in the educational process in the Sverdlovsk Regional Medical College.
  29. Radiation monitoring of Yekaterinburg or cities of the region.
  30. The impact of environmental environmental factors on the health of students of the Sverdlovsk Regional Medical College.
  31. The problem of modernity "Tuberculosis - the border between life and death."
  32. Comparative characteristics of the ecological situation in the area of ​​buildings 1 and 2 of the Sverdlovsk Regional Medical College.
  33. Influence of the urban environment on the state of plants (on the example of studying the growth and development of lilac shoots).
  34. Species composition and abundance of waterfowl and near-water birds during the autumn migration period at the mouth of the Patrushikha River.
  35. Species composition and abundance of waterfowl and near-water birds during the autumn migration period in the pond of the Kharitonovsky park.
  36. Noise pollution in the 2nd building of the Sverdlovsk Regional Medical College.
  37. Proper housekeeping (case study).
  38. Comparative analysis of biological methods for assessing air quality using lichen.
  39. Study of Red Book and rare phytocenotic objects of a forest park or a protected area of ​​the Sverdlovsk region (a specific example).
  40. Some features of physical development and hemodynamic function of the heart in 1st and 2nd year students of the Sverdlovsk Regional Medical College.
  41. The study of the home diet of students of the Sverdlovsk Regional Medical College in order to identify genetically modified ingredients in it.
  42. The study of the home diet of students of the Sverdlovsk Regional Medical College in order to identify harmful food additives.
  43. Monitoring of the ecological state of the ecological systems of the city of Yekaterinburg or the cities of the region (specific examples).
  44. Study of rare and protected plants in the city of Yekaterinburg or cities in the region.
  45. The daily intake of nutrients by students of the Sverdlovsk Regional Medical College.
  46. The diet of students of SBEI SPO "Sverdlovsk Regional Medical College"
  47. Assessment of the ecological state of the air environment on the territory of the Sverdlovsk Regional Medical College.
  48. Video-environmental rationale for the discomfort of the interface of modern operating systems.
  49. Comparative analysis of indoor plants in classrooms - No. 216, 316 as a factor in improving the indoor microclimate.
  50. The study of the ecological state of the Kharitonovsky Park or the Park of Culture and Recreation named after. Mayakovsky.
  51. Ecological characteristics of the water system of the forest park Shartash (case study) and impact on health.
  52. Ecological characteristics of the reservoirs of the Sverdlovsk region and the impact on health (case study).
  53. Aging of the population of the Sverdlovsk region as an environmental problem.
  54. Dynamics of the ecological state of the Park of Culture and Leisure named after Mayakovsky.
  55. The use of microfertilizers as an effective way to dispose of household waste (on a specific site).
  56. Forecasting the level of pollution of surface waters in the Sverdlovsk region.
  57. Using the bioindication method to assess the state of atmospheric air in areas of the city of Yekaterinburg.
  58. Analysis of drinking water in Yekaterinburg and the impact on health.
  59. Ecological passport of the forest park of Yekaterinburg or the cities of the region (a specific example).
  60. Dependence of the incidence of ARVI and influenza in schoolchildren on the content of ascorbic acid (vitamin C) in the diet.
  61. Biotechnical measures for the conservation of plant species listed in the Red Book in the territory of a forest park or nature reserve in Yekaterinburg or cities in the region (a specific example).
  62. Assessment of the state of the ecosystem of Lake Shartash or rivers and lakes of cities and towns in the region.
  63. The secret of the water we drink.
  64. Influence of different types of tillage on its agronomic properties.
  65. The study of the ecological state of the river Iset, Patrushikha or rivers and lakes of the region.
  66. Violation of human eating behavior under the influence of socio-psychological factors.
  67. Socio-psychological factors of the environment and their impact on the health of students in the Sverdlovsk Regional Medical College.
  68. Determination of the coefficient of aggressiveness of the surrounding video environment in Yekaterinburg or cities in the region.
  69. Determination of the ecological characteristics of the meadows of the Sverdlovsk region by vegetation cover (specific examples).
  70. Influence of the anthropogenic factor on the ecosystem of the meadow in the Sverdlovsk region.
  71. Aircraft noise impact assessment in the area adjacent to Koltsovo Airport.
  72. The problem of beer alcoholism among students of Sverdlovsk Regional Medical College.
  73. Mobile phone: "for" and "against" (on the example of students of Sverdlovsk Regional Medical College).
  74. Determination of noise pollution on the territory of Sverdlovsk Regional Medical College.
  75. Food additives pros and cons.
  76. Category E food additives on human health.
  77. Assessment of the intensity of the traffic flow and its impact on the state of atmospheric air in the area of ​​the reinforced concrete plant or other areas of the city and region.
  78. Dynamics of the number and biomass of the earthworm (Limbricus terrestris) in natural and anthropogenic ecosystems (on the example of the suburban area of ​​the city of Yekaterinburg or the cities of the region).
  79. Determination of nitrates in agricultural products.
  80. Dependence of the species and quantitative composition of birds on the degree of recreational load of natural forest parks and parks of the city of Yekaterinburg in winter.
  81. Studying the impact of the highway on environmental safety on the example of the concrete goods district or other districts of the city and region.
  82. "The green dress of my street."
  83. The impact of railway transport on human health (on specific examples).
  84. Study of the illumination of the classrooms of the Sverdlovsk Regional Medical College.
  85. Ecological potential of the method of photographing wildlife in the districts of the city of Yekaterinburg and the cities of the region.
  86. Ecological potential of the method of drawings of wildlife objects of the districts of the city of Yekaterinburg and cities of the region.
  87. Conduct a comparative analysis of parks or forest parks in the districts of the city of Yekaterinburg and cities in the region by photographing wildlife.
  88. Landscaping of the territory of the Sverdlovsk Regional Medical College.
  89. Ecology of homeless animals in the districts of the city of Yekaterinburg and the cities of the region.
  90. The study of the ecological state of the springs of the city of Yekaterinburg and the cities of the region and the territory adjacent to them (on a specific example).
  91. Arrangement of springs and the territory adjacent to them in the vicinity of the city of Yekaterinburg and the cities of the region (on a specific example).
  92. Monitoring the quality of tap water in the city of Yekaterinburg.
  93. Influence of the degree of environmental pollution on the physiological parameters of some tree species in the city of Yekaterinburg and the cities of the region.
  94. Nitrates in vegetable products (on specific examples).
  95. Features of the perception of environmental risks in the context of the economic crisis.
  96. Studying the problem of urban environment pollution with household waste (on the example of the city of Yekaterinburg and the cities of the region).
  97. Dependence of bronchial asthma attacks on industrial air pollution in the city of Yekaterinburg and the cities of the region.
  98. My view on the problem of homeless animals in the city of Yekaterinburg or the cities of the region and ways to solve it.
  99. Assessment of the state of the visual environment of the city of Yekaterinburg and the cities of the region.
  100. Influence of the conditions of urbanized Yekaterinburg on the state of the cardiovascular system of students.
  101. Mental performance and physiological adaptation of students to the system of vocational training in Sverdlovsk Regional Medical College.
  102. Vitamin C in the diet of the indigenous and visiting population of Yekaterinburg.
  103. Study of the effect of road transport emissions on the linear growth of pine in the city of Yekaterinburg or the cities of the region.
  104. Study of the ecological environment of a dwelling (on a specific example).
  105. Influence of external factors on seed germination (on the example of flower seeds).
  106. Influence of computer addiction on the progress of students in Sverdlovsk Regional Medical College.
  107. Study of the influence of the visual environment on human health in the city of Yekaterinburg or the cities of the region.
  108. Studying the attitude of college students to smoking and the harmful effects of tobacco products on living organisms (at the Sverdlovsk Regional Medical College).
  109. Evaluation of the resistance of trees and shrubs in green spaces in residential areas of the city of Yekaterinburg or cities in the region.
  110. Linden as a bioindicator of environmental pollution in Yekaterinburg and the cities of the region.

2-11-2017, 15:10

Today, in our country, ecology is given great attention. The development of laws in the field of environmental protection and the regular updating of requirements in the field of monitoring the environmental situation obliges each enterprise to follow these rules for the functioning of its activities. The staff may have a dedicated department or one specialist to carry out environmental design responsibilities.

Goals and features of environmental design

Environmental design - a series of actions, including the development and approval of a package of documents in the regulatory authorities in order to comply with the law and obtain a permit for the legal operation of the enterprise. Industrial, construction and other companies that act negatively on the environment cannot work without an agreed environmental project.

Ecoproject - a document that includes calculations for a specific object, carried out on the basis of information collected at the enterprise. This document gives the right to carry out activities within the framework of established laws.

The main goal of ecological design is to minimize the negative impact on the environment, as well as restore the ecosystem through a series of activities.

Types of environmental projects

Based on the type of activity, enterprises should have the following types of eco-projects:

1. The Draft Waste Generation Regulations (PWLR) establishes the amount and composition of waste from an enterprise in order to select the best way to dispose of it in order to control the ecosystem. Handling environmentally hazardous waste includes work on their formation, elimination, transportation, collection and placement. This is one of the main environmental projects accompanying the production processes of each company. The exception is small and medium-sized businesses. They may not develop a project, but are required to submit annual reports in the prescribed form with data on waste generation.

Types of environmental projects:

  • work without interruption from production,
  • obtaining a permit for waste disposal,
  • reduction of the amount of eco-payment by 5 times.

2. The project of permissible emissions (MAE) is developed at each enterprise whose technical processes lead to air pollution. The standard of polluting masses is set for each source. The source should not exceed the established maximum allowable level and exert a critical load on the OS.

  • approved emission permit,
  • reducing the cost of fines for causing harm to the OS,
  • the opportunity to develop strategies to reduce the amount of harmful emissions.

3. Draft standards for permissible discharges (VAT) are necessary for organizations using water resources for wastewater disposal. Standards are set for each hazardous substance in the discharged mass.

  • the project is the basis for issuing a permit to water resources,
  • the existence of the project excludes criminal or administrative penalties,
  • monitoring compliance with regulations.

These are far from all types of projects; other environmental documentation is also being developed: a sanitary protection zone (SPZ), a forest development project, a sanitary protection zone project, an environmental audit, and others.

Environmental support for projects and enterprises

An enterprise can independently carry out environmental design or contact a company specializing in this type of service. The latter option is more profitable, because you will save on the maintenance of staff and be sure that the work will be completed on time with the prescribed requirements in the field of environmental protection. Environmental support includes both drafting a project and its approval by regulatory authorities, obtaining a permit and reporting.

Entrust environmental design to professionals from the Ecosphere company, which has been providing services in the field of environmental protection for more than 6 years and has implemented hundreds of successful projects. Experienced highly qualified specialists provide high-quality services in compliance with deadlines and legal regulations.

0 Environmental project


1. Introduction. Justification of the problem and need.

2. Main part.

2.1 Monitoring

2.2 Research and development of ideas.

2.4 Implementation steps

3. Evaluation of the work done. Self control.

4. Presentation.

5.​ Applications:


6. Literature used.


Throughout the history of human civilization, the social standard of living in society was determined by the production of consumer goods - from the necessary food, utensils, furniture, housing and to a variety of vehicles and modern household appliances. The growth of consumer goods is accompanied by an increase in the amount of household waste. The problem of accumulation and the need to dispose of municipal solid waste (MSW) due to pollution of the territory is especially acute in large cities, including Karaganda. The foregoing determined the theme of the project: "My world - without garbage!"

The relevance of research is associated with the need to reduce the amount of garbage in the city and its environs, since high pollution leads to an imbalance in the ecological balance.

Problem: an increase in the amount of garbage in the city and its environs can lead to a deterioration in the health of Karaganda residents due to the negative impact of waste on the environment (pollution of air, soil, water in the Nura River, Fedorovskoye reservoir).

Object of study: the state of authorized and unauthorized garbage collection sites in the school district, as well as the surrounding area.

Subject of study: creation of conditions for ensuring cleanliness on the streets of the city and optimal waste disposal.

Purpose: to study the impact of waste on human life and the environment.

Hypothesis: the solution of the problem of pollution will be carried out more effectively, in comparison with the existing practice, if

provide more authorized waste bins, clean up the area around them, carry out timely garbage disposal;

sort waste for recycling or recycling;

purposefully carry out educational work among students about the need to maintain cleanliness on the streets of the city, places of recreation outside it, beaches, etc.


1. Show the variety of household, construction and industrial waste found in city dumps, its detrimental effect on the environment.

2. Consider the problem of garbage disposal.

3. Contribute to solving the problem of pollution of the streets of the city of Karaganda.

The amount of accumulated garbage is constantly growing.

The analysis shows that the bulk is accounted for by organic components (75-80%), in recent years the share of packaging materials made of paper, cardboard and polyethylene has increased significantly, which is associated with the filling of the market with imported products.

From the history of waste management.

1810 - The tin can was invented in England.

1874 - The first organized waste incineration in England.

1897 - The first waste sorting and recycling center was opened in New York.

1912 - Cellophane is invented.

1932 - machines that press garbage are invented in the USA.

1992 - an international forum in Rio de Janeiro named waste disposal one of the main problems of the Earth.

Excursion into history:

200 thousand years BC - the first garbage heaps of animal bones and fragments of stone tools.

400 BC - the first ever organized landfill in Athens.

1775 - The first garbage cans in London.

1880 - pigs on the streets of New York to fight garbage.

Observing the garbage collection, we determined its composition:

disposable tableware (in large quantities)

plastic bags

plastic bottles

plastic toys

toys soft (rag)


bottles, jars (glass)


bricks, construction debris

books, magazines

cast iron plates

broken chairs, stools, other furniture

pencils, pens

batteries, accumulator.

Garbage is not sorted, its location is not fenced, landfills often burn, and there is no system for collection, cleaning and filtration. The landfills contain toxic waste. And the places of burial of household waste have become a breeding ground for rodents and insects.

Speaking of waste disposal, it is interesting to note that incineration reduces the amount of waste by 2-10 times; use heat from incineration for heating purposes (according to experts, burning 5 tons of MSW is equivalent to burning 1 ton of reference fuel); reduce contamination of water and soil waste. However, this destroys the valuable components contained in the waste; quite a lot of ash and slag waste is generated (up to 25%), which are subject to disposal at landfills; the atmosphere is polluted. The scale of emissions of harmful substances into the atmosphere with the smoke of the world's waste incinerators exceeds volcanic activity.

The most serious problem that arises when burning unsorted MSW is the release of toxic substances during the combustion of plastic, polyethylene and other polymeric materials, especially polyvinyl chloride (these materials are present in such beautiful and seemingly harmless things as glossy covers of notebooks, magazines and books, packaging of industrial goods, toys). The most dangerous of the resulting substances are dioxins (organochlorine compounds that do not decompose for 10–15 years, a strong mutagen and carcinogen, one of the strongest synthetic poisons, a dose of 10–6 g of which is fatal to humans). Actually, paper and natural fabrics, based on natural material, in particular cellulose, are harmless, but the paint applied to them gives harmful substances that enter the atmosphere when burned.

On the territory of our city there are many practically unequipped garbage dumps. The number of unauthorized dumps is unknown.

Garbage in landfills is often set on fire to reduce its volume and prolong the life of the landfill. Burning is bad, with smoke and stench, and it also generates hazardous chemicals (including dioxins) due to the presence of polymers, all sorts of chemicals, and other materials. As a result, air is polluted, harmful substances penetrate into underground aquifers, and surface washing of pollutants often occurs. The buried garbage undergoes anaerobic decomposition, which leads to the formation of biogas, 2/3 consisting of methane, which, spreading in the soil, adversely affects the roots of plants.

Construction and operation of waste incineration plants (WIP) are very costly activities.

Waste disposal times.

How long is garbage stored?

Very often, walking in a park or forest, we see garbage with bitterness. We meet, get upset and leave to lie in the same place, often due to the fact that the thought comes: “Nothing, the rain, they say, it will wash away, rot, in general, it will go somewhere.” For clarity on this issue and greater determination for those who want to do their bit in the fight against garbage, we suggest studying this table:

Types of garbage

Decomposition timeline

Food waste

From 10 days to 1 month


From 1 month to 1 year

Carton boxes

Wooden boards

iron fittings

iron cans

old shoes

Fragments of brick, concrete

Car Batteries


Electric batteries

rubber tires

Over 100 years

Plastic bottles

Over 100 years

Polyethylene film

aluminum cans

Over 1000 years



We decided to ask the opinion of the students of our school on this issue.

A QUESTIONNAIRE for students has been developed (see Appendix).



Our classmates helped us in the implementation of the project.

1. Students of the class answered the questions of the questionnaire.

2. We walked around the school district, where we marked the places of dumps and authorized waste bins.

It turned out that next to the school there were 3 official, equipped trash cans, of course, there were places for dumped garbage.

Near the village "Kuanysh" there are 3 official, equipped waste bins,

We conclude that there are clearly not enough garbage cans.

3. Students on duty noted the amount of garbage in the classrooms for one school day.

4. We worked with scientific literature and materials from the Internet to find a solution to this problem in other regions, countries.

Research and development of ideas.

Solid waste landfills, called sanitary landfills in the West, are complex engineering structures and are equipped according to special technology. The bottom of the landfill, which has a slight slope, is lined with a strong plastic film. The layer of waste poured daily is leveled and compacted with special rollers, then covered with a layer of sand or clay, leveled and compacted, again and covered with a layer of film. And so every day. At the bottom of the landfill there is a collection of filterable liquids, which are regularly taken out for processing. After filling the landfill to a zero level, reclamation is carried out - backfilling with a layer of sand and soil, planting grass and plants, and other necessary work.

Waste is sorted and sent, depending on its content, to various landfills. In recent years, after waste sorting, they began to be pressed into briquettes with a significant decrease in volume (by 5–10 times). On such landfills, soil subsidence practically does not occur; in the USA, England and other countries, it is customary to arrange playgrounds for the common national game - golf, on the uncultivated surfaces of landfills.

These are waste sorting bins that already exist abroad.

And they could be like that, for example, in our country, city.

Biotechnologies for the disposal of MSW are used everywhere on a small scale (with the exception of France, Sweden, the Netherlands). Composting is a biochemical process of decomposition of the organic part of MSW by microorganisms. Naturally, composting should be preceded by careful sorting of MSW. Compost does not contain a lot of nutrients compared to other types of fertilizers, but it does improve the soil structure. Its main disadvantage is the presence of elements such as lead, zinc, copper, etc., polluting the soil.

Way to solve the problem:

Recycling (recycling) MSW

Even in the last century, D. I. Mendeleev wrote: "The main goal of progressive technology is to find a way to produce something useful from waste."

The environmental safety of MSW disposal requires their preliminary sorting, which determines the efficiency of MSW processing and the cost recovery for the construction of processing facilities. It is the sorting of solid waste that allows them to be reused.

In the first case, we are talking about reusable containers, primarily glass. Practice shows that in addition to reducing the consumption of raw materials, we have significant savings in electricity, and hence the fuel for its production. It takes less energy to wash a bottle than to melt it and make a new bottle from the material obtained (note that the energy costs for the production of a bottle from recycled materials are less than from primary ones).

The need to reuse household waste was discussed even before the general interest in the ecology of the planet. The recycling of used products and the reuse of glass containers peaked in the developed countries of Europe in the early 1990s.

2.3 Research methods

In the course of this project, we used

methods: visual observations;




3. Evaluation of the work done.

self control

Positive ratings.

We began to live by the rule: “Clean where they don’t litter!”, We began to consciously monitor cleanliness and order.

We developed our artistic abilities, observation,

ability to work with additional literature, computer.

Our speeches made us think about this problem, developed an active life position. We helped maintain cleanliness in the classroom, the scale of the entire school.

We have become a more cohesive group.


Our presentation allows you to colorfully, visually highlight the important environmental problem of environmental pollution.

It can be used in ecology lessons, as well as by class teachers for class hours (see application).


So far, mankind has come up with three fundamentally different ways of waste disposal: organizing landfills, recycling waste and incinerating it. However, none of them can be considered absolutely acceptable.

Recycling of waste is the most resource-saving way, but it is not always profitable both economically and environmentally. Taking garbage to a landfill is the cheapest, but at the same time the most short-sighted way to dispose of it. He is short-sighted primarily because garbage remains garbage.

Landfills (especially around large cities) occupy huge areas. Poisonous substances that end up in landfills (in used batteries, accumulators, thermometers, etc., as well as in rotting food waste and decomposing plastics) penetrate into groundwater, which is often used as a source of drinking water, is dispersed by winds in the vicinity and thereby causing damage to the environment. In addition, as a result of decay processes without air access, various gases (methane, ethylene, hydrogen sulfide, phosphide) are formed, which also do not refresh the atmosphere around the landfill. Some decay products (primarily diphosphine P2H4) are capable of self-ignition, so fires regularly occur in landfills, in which soot, phenol, benzopyrene are released into the atmosphere (contained in coal tar, tobacco smoke, air of large cities, soil; carcinogenic) and other toxic substances.

We see the following ways to solve the problems of Karaganda with garbage.

1. Carry out explanatory work with the population under the slogan "Clean where they don't litter!"

2. Elimination of garbage at unauthorized dumps within the city and suburbs.

3. Control by the city administration over the process of garbage removal to a designated place. Set penalties for violations.

4. Accelerate the construction and launch of waste processing plants, introduce waste sorting for recycling (waste paper, glass containers, scrap metal, etc.)

5. Increase the number of garbage containers or the frequency of arrival of garbage trucks.

By reducing the volume of garbage - reduce the problem!

Solving the problem of garbage - guaranteed health for everyone!

A city without GARBAGE - a clear conscience - good health!

We want to see our hometown only like this: http://www.bankr ank.nsf/M/2FD2BE 1F7E78ED46C32568 2E00261D0C - Environmental issues

Experts believe that by 2050 the amount of plastic in the oceans will exceed the number of fish. Due to catastrophes threatening the world, the role of environmental projects and start-ups is rapidly increasing.

Business idea No. 6044

The Doctella service allows medical institutions to quickly create their mobile applications using ready-made templates selected specifically for the healthcare industry.

Investments from 2,300,000 rubles.

Business for the sale of power tools under the brand of the federal network "220 Volt". Model tested for 16 years, experience in launching more than 200 stores, assistance from a field team, low purchase prices.

Business idea No. 6043

A tea shop in the Chinese city of Guiyang employs only deaf employees. Only one cashier does not have hearing problems.

Startup Crowbar from Holland has found an original way to collect cigarette butts. They decided to entrust the duties to the crows, who throw them into vending machines in exchange for food.

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The Local Bee Hive are artificial bee hives designed for bees to thrive in urban environments that will appeal to amateur beekeepers without a...

Open your own store or island under the LABBRA franchise under the guidance of a professional team and start your successful business with a turnover of up to 12,000,000 rubles per year.

Creatives from Y&R Russia created wine bottles with a comic that illustrates the consequences of irresponsible drinking. Creative...

In many parts of the world, laundries for the homeless began to appear actively. Now they decided to repeat the experience of Australian and American volunteers in St. Petersburg. ...

Indian company EnviGreen has developed biodegradable plastic bags. The creators assure that the material is 100% organic, and even if you eat a bag, it will be completely digested, for no reason...

Designer David Davod developed the Linnaeus transformer drone project, which allows you to monitor the condition of plants and trees from the ground and from the air. Designer David Da...

Investments from 420,000 rubles.

Balloon business. Learn how to make money out of thin air!

Shenzhen, China, plans to transform an old city highway into a multimodal transportation system designed to move the vehicles of the future....

Designer Shi Dian Chang and Xing Xiang Lin have come up with a mobile barrier for road workers to reduce the noise of a jackhammer by redirecting the sound waves upward....

Studio Duffy London has developed micro-shelters for disaster relief. Two adults fit inside, and you can assemble the shelter with a screwdriver. ...

A new Russian clothing brand has introduced a line of eco-friendly sweatshirts. All products are made from fabric made from recycled plastic bottles. New Russian...

Investments from 200,000 rubles.

Manufacture of metal products under the "Metal-master" franchise

Off-season business in the production of change houses, fences, gates, gratings, arbors, barbecues and furniture. Technology training from scratch, even without construction experience, launch in 2 weeks, staff from 1 person.

What use can be made of old car tires other than creating swans and flower beds? African craftsmen also make shoes from used tires, which are sold to the local population and ...

The Korean company Enomad has developed a portable device that can generate electricity to charge gadgets using running water. Dimensions of "hydroelectric power plant...

Fiddler offers Americans to save 50% on their energy bills and cut their carbon footprint in half with wind. American...

They want to plant a forest in Times Square in New York. Donations are being collected on the Kickstarter crowdfunding site. The organizers of The PopUP F...

Purpose: to expand the field of knowledge of the surrounding natural world of our area. Tasks: -To educate the ecological culture of junior schoolchildren; -Expand the field of knowledge about the environmental problems of the native land and draw the attention of the younger generation to them. -Develop the ability to work with the information received: process, classify and present it.

Here is ecology - a buzzword, Previously, nature did not know this, Banks, bottles were not thrown into the bushes, Waste and oil were not poured into the river. Our planet is still alive, But without protection, it will die! If you want the world to be green, Don't cut down the birches and maples!

Research apron Forests of Zelenograd - affect the entire ecosystem of the city. Properties of the forest: health, recreation for people. A source of diverse raw materials (berries, mushrooms, wood) The influence of the forest on all types of the biosphere (people, animals, plants) Types of forests: coniferous, birch, pine, aspen, spruce forests Function of the forest: the main source of oxygen, it regulates water and soil balance

Once upon a time There was a picturesque pond, where the locals liked to relax, on the banks of which rare birds of our area (lapwings) nested, now it is gone, because. the banks are littered with garbage, it is not cleaned, the pond has turned into a large dirty puddle. The same story happened with the river in the village of Kamenka.

Riddle I'm in a bright red beret, In a gray satin jacket, I'm a friend of all the trees, And everyone calls me ... beetles a day Where have the woodpeckers, the orderlies of the forest, gone?

Survey among the population We conducted a survey of 50 people of different ages. The question was: Who and when saw and heard woodpeckers in wildlife. People aged 40 and older are well acquainted with this bird, they know what it looks like. People from 27 to 40 years old met her less often and some people did not meet woodpeckers in the forest. But the lowest percentage of respondents was among elementary school students, more than half of the children had never seen or heard the sound of woodpeckers. The number of woodpeckers has decreased and this also affected the spread of pest beetles.

We see that the birds can no longer fully cope with this problem. Therefore, man comes to the aid of nature. Only cutting down diseased trees can stop the mass spread of these beetles. We learned that 6,500 trees were cut down this year, and 4,500 were planted, of which many seedlings did not take root. This means that more trees are cut down than planted.

17 Conclusions: 1. Learned to collect, classify and analyze the information received, as well as present the product of their work. 2. As a result of our work, we came to the understanding that nothing in nature is superfluous and everything is interconnected; 3. We want to involve as many people as possible in solving the environmental problems of our region;

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