Elena Letuchaya: biography, personal life, family, husband, children - photo. The husband gave Lena the flying nightmarish rest Elena the flying took away from the family

Elena Letuchaya is a TV presenter who won people's love after participating in the Revizorro program as a threat to unscrupulous owners of Russian hotels and catering establishments. He is also the producer of the Friday! and is responsible for all projects from the Revizzorro family, including Revizzorro Show and Magazino.

Childhood and youth of Elena Flying

Elena Letuchaya was born in the city of Yaroslavl on December 5, 1978. Her father, Alexander Nikolaevich Letuchy, was a civil engineer, so in 1986 the family moved to the Far Eastern Tynda - her father was invited to the BAM construction site.

As a child, Lena had many hobbies: the girl was engaged in figure skating, attended art school and dreamed of one day moving to St. Petersburg and becoming an architect. In 1997, at the insistence of her parents, Elena entered the Blagoveshchensk Financial and Economic College and two years later she held a diploma in the specialty "financier" in her hands.

After graduation, the girl moved to her hometown, where she worked for Russian Railways in the passenger service department for several years. In parallel, Elena Letuchaya received her higher education at the Moscow State University of Communications.

Elena Flying in "Evening Urgant"

In 2005, Elena Letuchaya received a long-awaited diploma and for the next 4 years she lingered as a financier at Gazenergoset (a division of Gazprom).

Elena Letuchaya on TV

The girl quickly realized that choosing a type of activity, focusing on the advice of relatives, and not on her own preferences, was a mistake. Sitting in the office, she envied people who sincerely love their work, because it is interesting to them.

On the eve of her 29th birthday, Elena decided to radically change her life, starting with getting a second higher education. The choice fell on the School of Television at Ostankino, where for the next two years Flying learned the basics of the profession of a TV and radio host. The graduation story about blood donors, which revealed the shortcomings of domestic medicine, made her finally convinced that working on television was her vocation.

Elena Letuchaya before she became famous

But getting a job in a new specialty was very problematic, especially without experience and acquaintances in this field. Over the next year, she tried everything - from the banal printing of texts to editing other people's scripts. Often the girl did not have enough money to pay for rented housing.

In some especially difficult moments, her mother suggested that she return to Yaroslavl, but Elena did not back down, and soon the girl's perseverance and hard work were rewarded. In 2011, Elena became a producer and editor of the Special Projects Studio of Channel One (the show Let They Talk, Tonight). Working on the main state channel has become a valuable experience, but the crazy schedule without days off and breaks exhausted Elena - a year later the girl ended up in a heart clinic.

Therefore, Elena preferred a quieter (in comparison with Ostankino) work on cable channels, where she interviewed, directed the filming of documentaries, oversaw several large television projects (the TV series "Kitchen", the show "Vacations in Mexico", the program "Funny People").

Elena Letuchaya - host of "Revizorro"

In 2014, the management of the Friday! acquired from the Ukrainian "New Channel" the format of the program "Inspector" - a one-of-a-kind project. Initially, they intended to make Olga Freimut, the host of the original version, the face of the program, called "Revizorro", but she refused due to her busy schedule.

A friend told about the casting for the post of host Elena, who at that moment was engaged in the project "Kitchen" and the creation of a film about the series. The audition took place in one of the capital's restaurants; the future presenter needed the ability to behave, look good in the frame, be sociable and not be afraid of “closed doors”. The spectacular blonde Elena Letuchaya, who possessed all these qualities, interested the producers of the project, and three months after the casting, she had already signed a contract for three dozen episodes.

Elena's new format of "live video" was complex, but indescribably exciting. For the first six months, the presenter lived in constant travel: she flew in from filming, unpacked her suitcase, packed her things again and flew to another city that required inspection.

Inspections of the leading program "Revizorro" were not always happy. Often during checks, the staff got into a fight, argued in a raised voice, but Flying never lost her composure. There were also outrageous incidents, as in Salekhard and Kemerovo, when the film crew of the show was attacked: journalists were beaten, and the cameraman was threatened with a knife. After experiencing stress, Elena was helped to recover by her favorite hobbies: yoga, horseback riding and books.

Attack on the Revizorro film crew in Salekhard

Elena always rightly believed that she was doing a useful thing, striving to improve the quality of services in the country. She taught viewers how to behave in conflict situations and legally fight for the quality of service. However, to the great disappointment of Elena Letuchaya's fans, due to the creation of her own show ("Slender"), the presenter left the project, handing over the reins to singer Olga Romanovskaya. Letuchaya's departure caused a huge resonance in the media space.

After leaving Revizorro, Elena remained the co-host of the Revizorro show, in which every owner of a restaurant or hotel who considered a negative assessment undeserved could come to the studio and refute the accusations.

In the spring of 2016, the shooting of the first releases of Elena Letuchaya's new project called "Slender Girls" took place. It was reported that the participants of the show will lose extra pounds for money.

In October 2016, Elena Letuchaya announced her return to Revizorro, to the great joy of all her fans.

Personal life of Elena Flying

According to Elena Letuchaya, family life should be entered with an absolute understanding of what you expect from it, regardless of the stereotypes prevailing in society. Previously, she believed that she was simply not made for marriage, preferring a career, travel and self-development. After 35 years, according to the presenter herself, she formed an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe ideal life partner, thought about children and was even ready to sacrifice an established way of life for the sake of harmony in the family.

In August 2016, Elena Letuchaya got married. The chosen one of the star of the Friday channel is businessman Yuri Anashenkov. A sensation in the press was made not only by the ceremony itself in Santorini (Greece), but also by the “flying bachelorette party” that Elena held for her closest friends. After the wedding, the presenter intended to take a double surname and become Flying-Anashenkova.

For such a busy person, Elena has surprisingly many hobbies. In addition to horseback riding and yoga, she attends a fitness club to keep herself in good physical shape. Another passion of the Volatile is cooking.

She practically does not use the services of stylists, completely relying on her own taste. He loves diverse clothes, preferring elegance and restraint. He considers himself a shopaholic, because he buys a lot of clothes and cannot remain indifferent to the latest fashion.

Unlike most people working in the field of television, Lena watches TV, including serials. But the host no longer eats in restaurants - she had to observe too many violations while working at Revizzorro.

Elena Letuchaya now

In October 2017, Channel One invited Elena Letuchaya to head a new show in the Revizorro format, however, dedicated to the inspection not of restaurants and hotels, but of hospitals and other government agencies, school canteens and courtyards. The program was called "The Flying Squad".

The creation of the project was preceded by an unpleasant scandal: Elena came to the Voronezh hospital with a check and was shocked by what she saw. There was no heating in the institution, no shower for the sick, cockroaches scurried along the corridors and wards, and the toilet bowls covered with excrement smelled so much that the presenter could enter there only by holding her nose.

Elena Letuchaya in Voronezh hospital

Flying Elena Alexandrovna is a delightful beauty who is associated exclusively with her impartial host of the Revizorro program. The woman is so talented that she can combine several professions at once, including a TV presenter, producer of television programs, and also a television journalist.

Lena Flying happy wife who dreams of becoming the mother of a charming baby. At the same time, on the Friday! the woman holds the post of producer, therefore she heads all the projects that are part of the Revizorro line.

She does not sit in one place for a minute, because she simply cannot imagine her life without outdoor activities, including surfing, yoga, running, horseback riding. Elena is great at skiing and rollerblading, and also does not get tired of doing charity work.

At the same time, many fans dream of finding out what height, weight, and age the famous TV presenter has. How old is Elena Letuchaya - this is the second question that is not at all difficult to resolve, since the date of her birth is known to everyone.

Lena was born in 1978, so she was already thirty-nine full years old. At the same time, Elena Letuchaya: the photos in her youth and now are completely the same, since the girl is incredibly bright and beautiful, and even the smallest wrinkles are absent on her face.

Elena received the sign of the Zodiac - Sagittarius, that is, she received such character traits as dreaminess, changeability, stability, activity. At the same time, the Eastern horoscope gave her the sign of a hardworking, reliable, efficient, self-confident, generous, resourceful Horse.

The growth of the Volatile is no more than a meter and seventy-eight centimeters, and the weight does not exceed sixty kilograms.

Biography of Elena Flying

The biography of Elena Letuchaya is filled with incredible facts that prove that high efficiency, activity and a little luck can help make a dizzying career.

Father - Alexander Letuchy - an engineer who designed and built BAM, and her mother - Lyudmila Letuchaya - was also a builder. Together with her parents, the girl moved from her native Yaroslavl to the Far East, where she studied at ordinary and art schools, and danced.

By the way, Flying wanted to go to the northern capital of Russia and become a student at an architectural institute, however, she entered Blagoveshchensk College and became an economist or financier. After that, she worked on the railway, and also received a second education at the Institute of Railways and Communications of the capital. Starting in 2005, the girl worked for four years as a financier in the future Gazprom.

Soon the woman realized that she was simply wasting time working at a boring job, so she went to conquer the world of television, enrolling in the School of Television at Ostankino. Already in 2010, she received an education, but until she went to work at the All-Russian State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company, she was terribly poor, was engaged in printing texts, rewriting and editing scripts. There was not enough money even for the most budgetary food and rent an apartment, but Lena was in no hurry to return to her parents' house.

The girl worked hard, practically did not sleep, so she managed to become an editor and producer of the special projects department of Channel 1, but in 2012, during nervous exhaustion and overwork, she ended up in a clinic with a heart attack. Then she switched to quieter cable channels, and since 2014 she has become the face of the Friday! and the Revizorro program.

Elena was the author or host of the programs "Flying Communication", "Lexicon", "Hell's Kitchen", "Flying Squad", "Slender", "Flying Store". In parallel, she became a producer of the films "Kitchen", "Ship", "Vacation in Mexico", "Kitchen in Paris".

Personal life of Elena Flying

The personal life of Elena Flying has never been too stormy, because the girl believes that you should not enter into a relationship if you do not know what you want to get from them. At the same time, the TV presenter herself refused stormy romances, because she believed that the wedding and family relationships were not hers, since it was more important for her to build a career and become famous.

At the same time, the girl was so busy in “live communication” projects, therefore, due to moving and constant filming, she constantly lost consciousness, ended up in hospitals with heart failure, and in January of this year, Elena completely refused to shoot in the “Flying Squad” project. . The fact is that she ended up in the hospital, where she was diagnosed with unstable angina pectoris and a ban on systematic flights was imposed.

That is why the woman took care of her health, and did not have affairs with men. Information appeared several times on the Internet that TV presenter Elena Letuchaya had given birth to a child, but the TV presenter did not confirm these rumors.

At the same time, the fans started talking about the Flying pregnant after she began to wear loose-fitting clothes, and also, her tummy was rounded. However, years have passed since 2016, but the woman never gave birth to anyone, and also commented on these rumors, specifying that she would never marry only because of her interesting position.

Family of Elena Flying

The family of Elena Letuchaya is her joy and reliable rear, so she constantly says that a strong family is the basis of well-being. At the same time, the girl claims that parents, even the most beloved, should not sometimes be listened to if it concerns her personal life and career.

The fact is that Flying still remembers that it was her parents who dissuaded her from entering the architectural institute, since they themselves worked in this industry and understood how difficult it was.

It was in order to seem like a good and exemplary daughter that Lena received a higher economic education, becoming a financier. However, Volatile often says that work should bring not only profit, but also satisfaction, and you should go to the service with a sincere smile.

Children of Elena Letuchaya

The children of Elena Flying have not yet appeared to her, although there are persistent rumors about this on the Internet, which the woman is already tired of refuting. At the same time, the TV presenter is especially upset that her imminent marriage with her most beloved person only means that Elena became pregnant and wants to have a baby in marriage.

Several times in an interview, Volatile pointed out that she would never want to rush with the birth of a baby, because she does not dare to become a single mother. However, only now, having become a beloved wife, she dreams of giving birth to her chosen one a child and, if possible, three.

Elena is the only child in the family, so she wants a big and friendly family where everyone loves each other.

Husband of Elena Flying - Yuri Anashenkov

Elena Letuchaya's husband, Yuri Anashenkov, is two years older than his chosen one, he is a self-sufficient person, since he is engaged in entrepreneurial, collection and advocacy activities, and is also fond of hockey. The fact is that young people met a year and a half before the moment of marriage.

At the same time, Flying literally took Yura away from the family where two children were growing up, but she does not repent of this. Young people met at the Topical Style Awards, and everyone began to talk about the fact that the guys would be a great couple.

The marriage took place in 2016 in a luxurious villa on the Greek island of Santorini, while the ceremony was only for their own. The bachelorette party Letuchaya spent in the presidential chambers of the Lotte Hotel Moscow, where she thought over the last details of the celebration.

At the same time, a woman often says that Yuri is just perfect for her, because he is a real authority, and also, the only man who supports her. By the way, a man never regrets anything for his wife, the couple lives in a cottage village near Moscow.

The guys have completely the same interests and worldview, so they feel just great together. At the same time, the couple rejects the assumption that Lena is an insidious homemaker, since the ex-wife has long lived separately.

Yuri often sees his children, because the eight-year-old and six-year-old boys are in great need of a father, and Elena sees nothing wrong with this.

Photos of Elena Flying in the magazine "Maxim" never appeared in print, but they can be found in the electronic version of the magazine. At the same time, they are quite modest, since on them the first television beauty appeared before her fans in a swimsuit, or rather, in several of their varieties.

The fact is that the beauty travels a lot, so she often posts photos in a swimsuit taken in the Seychelles and Maldives on social networks. In addition, Lena is often interested in which of the swimsuits fits her best.

Candid photos of Elena Letuchaya are limited to pictures in beautiful lingerie, swimsuits or light-fitting dresses. All the photos that show a naked journalist and TV presenter are skillfully and not very well made photoshop or viral files.

Instagram and Wikipedia of Elena Letuchaya exist and are officially confirmed, while all the information posted in them is reliable, verified and up-to-date. So from an article on Wikipedia, it’s really possible to learn about childhood, parents, education, career growth on television and in other industries, personal life, and also about the beauty’s health.

Approximately 1,200,000 people have subscribed to the Instagram of the people's favorite, who can rate and comment on photos and videos of Flying. At the same time, almost all of them are devoted to working moments or travel, but there are few materials from the beauty’s personal archive.

For the sake of a comfortable life, the leading "Revizorro" endures the adventures of her boyfriend

For the sake of a comfortable life, the leading "Revizorro" endures the adventures of her boyfriend

According to the results of the past year, Elena FLYING became not only the most recognizable face of the Friday! Channel, but also, according to viewers, the sexiest woman in the country. This spectacular blonde is impossible to deceive, and her snow-white gloves make even the alien sentiments of men tremble. On duty, 37-year-old Elena has to check the work of restaurateurs and hoteliers, and we, in turn, decided to “scan” Volatile herself and fill in some gaps in her official biography.

The future TV star was born in Yaroslavl, but in 1986 her railway parents went to the All-Union Komsomol construction site of BAM. Therefore, Lena went to first grade already in the Far East, in the small town of Tynda. At school Volatile(by the way, this is her real name) was known as a pure humanitarian: she drew beautifully, loved geography and history, wrote brilliant essays.

Lenka was just as active and playful as a child, - recalls a classmate Anna Zhukova. - And also terribly stubborn: if he thinks of something, he will lay down with bones, but he will do it. In general, she grew up as a tomboy - she always hung out with boys, some girls didn’t like her for this and called her a tall girl, because even then Flying stood out for her tall stature. Parents tried to pacify her, gave her to various circles for girls - either figure skating or dancing. But Lenka did not like all this. She said so: “I’m afraid the boys will laugh!” The only thing Flying has become attached to is drawing. Her father was engaged in jewelry business - probably, the talent was inherited.

After school, she even wanted to study as an architect, she decided to enter St. Petersburg, but her parents did not let her go. Lena is the only child in the family, her beloved daughter: naturally, dad and mom blew dust off her and were very worried about her. But Flying herself, like all of us, often did not understand this in childhood, she was offended. I remember telling how during the holidays I decided to earn extra money as a cleaner in the laboratory, where her father was the head. So then she regretted it a hundred times, because dad allegedly found fault with her painfully - several times he forced her to wash cones and floors. But, you see, everything went to the benefit - maybe that's why she grew up so neat!

However, the title of the cleanest leading country was still far away. At that time, Flying did not even think about a television career. And after school, at the insistence of her parents, she entered the Blagoveshchensk Financial and Economic College. It was a fairly serious educational institution - its graduates without exams were enrolled immediately in the third year of the Khabarovsk Financial Academy.

Lena approached the issue responsibly - day and night she crammed the formulas. But to count money, for example, she absolutely did not know how.

In my youth, I was a noble spender, - the Flying once said. - When I was in college, my parents sent me money to live on. Once my mother gave the amount for a month, and I lowered it in a couple of days. Mom found out, got upset, began to scold me, and I was offended and decided that I would not take a penny more from my parents. As a result, she got a job as a maid in one family. They fed me.

A crazy kiss

It was in college that boys began to pay attention to Lena. The tall, slender blonde even then was very careful about her hair and tried to dress fashionably.

Over time, when the Flying family returned to their native Yaroslavl, Lena listened to the advice of her friends and tried herself in the modeling business. At the same time, she also entered the Moscow University of Communications and worked as an economist at Russian Railways. There, in Yaroslavl, the future TV star had his first serious love. Lena herself recalled the feeling that suddenly swallowed her like this:

We worked out together in the gym, I saw him and almost fell off the bike. This was the only time I used all my charms. With him, she could neither talk, nor breathe, nor eat, nor drink. And when he kissed me for the first time, I lost consciousness!

For the sake of this guy, Lena had to leave her former boyfriend. But the new novel, unfortunately, did not bring her happiness. They say that the guy who blew the roof off Lena could not provide her with a decent life. While the girlfriends spent the fabulous sums on shopping, which were allocated to them by their hockey player boyfriends, Flying was barely enough for the bare necessities. And although the young man was serious about Lena (he proposed to her several times and dreamed of children), the ambitious blonde was afraid to get bogged down in everyday life. And finally put an end to their history.

This happened after one day a loved one threw a scene of jealousy to Lena and raised his hand to her. Flying did not want to forgive such antics and, in order to quickly forget what had happened, she decided to move to Moscow.

Elena Letuchaya - one of the most beautiful Russian TV presenters, producer, author of sensational TV projects, was born in Yaroslavl on 12/05/1978.


A few years after the birth of their daughter, the whole family left to build BAM. By profession, Elena's father was a civil engineer, and there he was offered a good position, and his mother followed her husband. So Elena finished school in the Siberian town of Tynda.

From childhood, the girl showed her creative abilities, and so versatile that for a long time she could not choose an occupation to her liking. She studied singing, learned to draw, attended a figure skating school, danced and took part in all school concerts and events with pleasure.

But after graduating from school, she chose a fairly serious specialty for herself and entered the Faculty of Economics. After graduating from the Blagoveshchensk Financial College, she first got a job at Gazprom, and then returned to Yaroslavl and worked at JSC Railways, combining work with her studies at the university.


We can say that Volatile got on television quite by accident. In principle, everything in her life suited Elena anyway - there was a job that she liked and paid pretty well. She led an independent and well-to-do life. All that was missing was the realization of that creative spark that was laid in her by God.

And then one day she came across an announcement that the Ostankino studio was recruiting a new group for the School of TV presenters. And Elena tried to realize her chance and test herself in a new role. The debut was successful. After the very first graduation project dedicated to donation, she was invited to work at Global Star TV, where she became the author of two programs at once.

For three years from 2010 to 2013, Elena managed to become quite recognizable and light up on several TV channels at once, but she was still far from the status of a star. She also managed to try her hand as a producer of the programs "Vacation in Mexico" and "High-profile cases". The programs were popular and had their own audience.


But the Revizorro TV project made Elena really famous, which arranged unexpected checks of hotels, restaurants and shops, the results of which were then made public on the television screen. Literally after the very first releases, the rating of the program skyrocketed, and Flying, which simply copied the style of Olga Freimut, suddenly woke up famous.

I must say that participation in the filming of the program did not always bring only positive emotions - it turns out that not all representatives of the Russian service sector are happy with unexpected guests, and even with television cameras. But despite the frequent stresses and even the fact that once she was almost beaten by the owners of the establishment who were dissatisfied with the invasion of the film crew, work at Revizorro brought Elena satisfaction, as she really showed people the truth.

But soon Flying left the project, and Olga Romanovskaya took her place in Revizorro, who, in terms of the style of the program, was completely different from her predecessor. The rating of the program went down sharply. Programs without Flying have lost their charm. And Elena, being at the same time her producer, could not leave her offspring in such a deplorable position and returned to the screen again.

However, during her absence from Revizorro, Letuchaya managed to launch another TV project, Slimyashki, which the audience also fell in love with and continues to hold very good ratings. But the updated Revizorro, of course, remains one of the leading Russian television projects.

Personal life

One can only guess about the personal life of Elena Flying before her appearance on Russian television. It is clear that the tall and slender charming blonde has never lacked admirers. At the same time, she could not build a long-term relationship for quite a long time.

After coming to Ostankino, she started several stormy but short-term romances until she met businessman Yuri Anashenkov. Around this relationship from the very beginning there was a lot of talk. Elena was accused of taking away the father of two children from the family, although Anashenkov's first marriage broke up long before Elena appeared on his horizon.

With his second wife, as he himself claims, he also broke up about a year before the affair with Elena, although the ubiquitous paparazzi provide evidence that the reason for the second divorce was just Yuri's betrayal. But one way or another, at present their relationship is officially registered, the spouses are happy and enjoy each other.

In addition, Elena devotes a lot of time to her favorite activities. She plays sports a lot and with pleasure, rightly believing that the body of a TV presenter should be in good shape.

Preference is given to yoga, fitness and equestrian sports. Relaxes while shopping, which brings her real pleasure or watching TV (not only her own production). The couple does not yet have children - they devote most of their time to work.

The owner of an interesting and extensive biography, Elena Letuchaya is known to a wide audience as one of the most popular Russian TV presenters.

Having a variety of creative activities, the ex-host of the Revizorro program continues to delight her fans with new projects: on a show called The Flying Squad, she, together with the film crew, will check work in schools, hospitals and kindergartens.

Hobbies in school years and the search for a favorite thing

Elena was born in 1978 in Yaroslavl. Her father and mother worked as civil engineers. When the girl was 8 years old, the whole family moved to Tynda, as her parents were sent to build the BAM. In her childhood and school years, the future TV presenter had diverse interests: she danced with pleasure, skated and studied at an art school, dreaming of becoming an artist in the future.

In the photo, Elena Flying in childhood with her family: father Alexander Nikolaevich and mother Lyudmila Alexandrovna

After graduation, the girl changed her plans and wanted to study as an architect, however, her parents were against it. Having chosen the Blagoveshchensk Financial University, she successfully entered this university, after which she got a job at Gazprom Gazenergoset OJSC. Then Flying received a second higher education, having studied at the Russian Open Academy of Transport in Moscow. She also managed to work at the Railway Directorate, but soon the girl realized that she did not enjoy her work.

Television career

In company with a friend, Elena entered the school of television, where she took a course. Her first creative work was a story about donation, after which the spectacular blonde realized that she was on the right track. At the same time, she was an editor at the All-Russian State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company, filmed stories on the Stolitsa TV channel, and was the author of several programs on the Global Star TV channel. In 2011, Letuchaya began to cooperate with Channel One, becoming the editor of some projects. Her creative activity also included production work, which she carried out on the Friday! and TV3.

At the beginning of 2014, the blond beauty was able to charm the producers of a new show on the Friday TV channel with her creative abilities, thanks to which she was soon appointed the host of Revizorro. For the sake of a new job, Elena had to not only learn all the subtleties in servicing various establishments, but also change her external image. This project quickly gained popularity among viewers, and the star of the broadcast itself had numerous fans. For two years in this show, she had to visit many Russian cities with her team and carry out the difficult work of checking a wide variety of hotels, cafes and restaurants, while causing hostility from their owners.

In 2016, the hard work of the TV presenter was noted: she received two TEFI awards in such categories as Investigative Journalism and Evening Talk Show. However, already in 2017, Flying left Friday!, becoming the host of a new program on Channel One. Her fans were saddened by the turn of events, but Elena herself is happy with her new appointment. As part of her Flying Squad program, the blonde, together with a team of like-minded people, will tell viewers how to fight for their rights in difficult life situations.

Harmonious relationship with husband

For a long time, Flying did not seek to start a family, since all her strength was thrown into building a career. But this does not mean that she forgot about her personal life, in which there were dates with men, meetings with friends, as well as hobbies for equestrian sports and other interesting things. The blond beauty always watched her figure, due to which, with a height of 178 cm, her weight was only 60 kg. When a major leap took place in the career of a TV presenter, at the same time she met businessman Yuri Anashenkov. The new lover had a relationship in the past, and now he has two sons growing up. When Elena started dating Yuri, he was already free. A year and a half later, the lovers celebrated their engagement, and in the summer of 2016 their wedding took place, which took place on the Greek island of Santorini.

In the photo, Elena Flying with her husband Yuri Anashenkov. Source https://www.instagram.com/elenapegas/

Together with her husband, she opened her own Internet project "Flying Shop", where you can buy various souvenirs and gifts. Spouses are interested in spending time together, so they often go shopping together, travel the world, surf, not getting tired of each other's company. Flying hopes that soon two children will appear in their family, but for now she is happy to communicate with her husband's sons.

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