Encaustic, an unconventional drawing technique with wax crayons. Great creative ideas for the whole family - melted wax crayon paintings

Kaluga Elena Nikolaevna, methodologist, MBOU DOD Center for Children's Art in Surazh, Bryansk Region

Drawing can be done with children 7-10 years old.
Also, the master class will be useful for teachers of additional education, teachers of fine arts and primary classes, enthusiastic and creative parents.

Purpose of the master class: the lesson can be included in the course for beginners to paint with watercolors, a drawing decorated in a passe-partout and a frame can be used for a gift, interior decoration.
Target: make a drawing of autumn flowers, conveying their texture and characteristic features
Learn to combine watercolor technique and wax crayons in drawing
Develop compositional skills
Cultivate a love for nature
Develop aesthetic taste
Get the joy of creativity

The sun in the sky was surprised:
What a miracle happened
Maybe the stars were lit?
The asters are blooming!

The whole earth is an elegant carpet -
Bright, colorful, formal.
Colorful hats bloom
Like a fireworks display.

One hundred shades and varieties
These joyful flowers:
Pink, red -
The most beautiful! Tatyana Lavrova

Materials and equipment
. A4 sheet of paper
. Wax crayons
. simple pencil
. Watercolor paints
. Water container
. Squirrel brush №6

Work sequence:

We draw ovals on a sheet with a pencil - we outline the size and location of the flowers of the asters. We draw without pressing hard on the pencil so that the lines are barely visible. Asters should be about the same size. In order for the composition to be harmonious, 2 flowers should not be placed on the same line vertically or horizontally. Inside the large ovals we draw small ovals - the middle of the flowers.

With yellow wax crayon, paint over the middle of the asters. To do this, draw a spiral in a small oval. It is not necessary to completely paint over the oval, it is necessary to leave room for watercolor.

With wax crayons we draw petals of asters. To do this, we draw lines from the middle of the flower to the edge, like the rays of the sun. Finely draw with pressure so that the line is bright and bold. Asters can be painted in any color you like. For this pattern, it is better to choose 2-3 colors.

Draw leaves with green wax crayon.

To complete the composition, we add small flowers to our bouquet. On the free space of the sheet, draw small snowflakes with yellow wax crayon. We draw them, combining several pieces into inflorescences. Small work the same way, with pressure.

Now let's get to work with watercolors. Ocher paint over the background of the picture. We apply the paint on the sheet completely, excluding only the places where asters are drawn. Add green spots between the asters. Where the elements of the drawing are drawn in crayon on the sheet, the paint will not go down, since the crayon is waxy, greasy, that is, it is simply impossible to paint over the line with watercolor.

After the background has dried, draw asters. We take the paint of the same color as the asters are drawn, but of a more saturated shade so that the paint does not merge with the wax crayon and apply strokes from the middle to the edge over the petals drawn with chalk. We paint the middle of the flower with yellow paint.

Paint the leaves with green paint.

We draw small flowers with orange paint. On top of the yellow snowflakes, we apply watercolor strokes in the same direction in which the snowflake was painted with chalk. We also apply an orange smear from below to the middle to give it volume.
The drawing is ready. It remains to issue it in Passepartout.

Works of my students

Drawing lesson for children 8-9 years old

Drawing master class. Study of mixed media: wax crayons + watercolor.

Thematic composition "Round dance of fish" in mixed media: wax crayons and watercolor.

Age category - 8-9 years
The master class is intended for beginners: introducing students to the new mixed media - wax crayons and watercolor. In this technique, works can be performed in any genre of fine art: decorative landscape, portrait, still life, decorative easel composition, postcard, ornamental composition, illustration. For children of a smaller age category (7 years and younger), fish patterns can be used.
Lesson type: practical. The occupation of the assimilation of new knowledge and skills.
View: image on the plane from memory, representation.
Target: acquisition of skills in working with various graphic and pictorial materials.
Tasks: search for an expressive coloristic and compositional solution.
Tutorials: familiarity with mixed media - wax crayons and watercolor.
Developing: development of skills in various techniques;
- development of combining skills in a decorative image;
- development of imagination, fantasy, creativity;
- development of associative, figurative thinking, ability to imagine;
- development of an eye, imagination, ability to create an image;
Educators: education of students' attention, conscious attitude to work, education of discipline, accuracy, independence, instilling a sense of love for the motherland, admiration for the beauty of the native land.
Knowledge: statics, dynamics, frieze image, symmetry, asymmetry, compositional center, balance, proportionality, scale, format, contrast, nuance, color.
Skills: competently and consistently conduct work, apply various techniques to convey artistic intent.
Skill: application of various technical methods.
Methods used in the lesson:
by the nature of the cognitive activity of students:
- explanatory - illustrative;
- reproductive;
- method of creative tasks;
- partially - search;
- research.
By source of knowledge:
- verbal;
- visual;
- practical.
Form of the lesson:
Lesson - conversation
Equipment and materials needed for the lesson

For students:
- a sheet of A3 paper,
- eraser,
- simple pencils,
- cutter or sharpener;
- watercolor;
- jar for water;
- brushes;
- wax crayons;
- fish templates;
- colour pencils.
For the teacher:
a) books with illustrations.
b) reproductions of works by artists in various techniques.
c) graphic materials and a sheet of A3 paper.
d) teaching aids.
e) work of students from the school fund.
Course progress.
I. Message about the topic and purpose of the lesson.
II. Introductory conversation. Presentation of new material.
The lesson can be started by reading poems on the topic and questions: where are fish found in nature? Where, besides natural reservoirs, can fish live? What kind of fish do children know? What fish live in aquariums in children and their characteristic features?

Literary series:

At sunset, the pond slumbers.
Circles float on the water -
These are small fish.
Played here and there.
Like to splash water on them,
Shine with scales for a moment, -
The fish jump into the air.
It's all the same that we dive.
"Gold fish".

This fish is not simple,
This fish is gold.
Find understanding with her

Fulfill three wishes!

"Fish in the Aquarium"
In the aquarium - fish,
They have their own world:
There are stones and snails
And a stream of bubbles.

Sasha has a home pond
His aquarium is called.
And there are many secrets
In this glass pond.
It has a green garden under water,
Gray-haired moss hangs from the stones,
There are snags at the bottom,
Where catfish and crayfish sleep.
There is a glass grotto in the garden,
In there, the fish lead a round dance,
And crawl on the tiles
Horned snails.
The big fish swam
Stopped at the glass
Standing, breathing with cheeks,
And moves its fins,
And Sasha says something
But he doesn't hear her.

Behind transparent glass
Fish round dance,
Don't be sad, don't cry
The local people.
Among the green grass
Like lights
In the Christmas tree
On winter days.
Glitter bright fish
Like tinsel.
Let your smiles
Gives a child.

Fish house is not for people
It has no windows, no doors,
No candy, no kids
No computer game
They live away from the cat,
silent fishes,
water bubbles,
Yes funny worms
four pencils,
I'll paint them with flowers
Blue, red and plain
And, of course, gold!

At the aquarium - a pussy,
I got close to the fish.
Paw tries to catch
And she can't understand
What fish - behind the glass!
Can't get to the pussy.
So pussy eat your food
From a cat bowl.
Still she sits
Looking at the aquarium
And tries again
Catch at least one fish.

My aquarium is not the sea
The underwater world is small.
A lot of fish live in it,
And life is real.
Decorate the bottom of the shell
And a toy frigate.
Pearl beads are scattered on the bottom.
Miraculous algae garden.
There lives a golden fish
Scales gleam with fire.
The tail is beautiful waving
And floats to the crystal house.
And there are snails
They can crawl on glass.
Playing catch fish
Feed, grabbing on the fly.
My aquarium is not a fairy tale.
It takes a lot of care.
Change the water, clean the bottom
I'm growing up with the hassle.

Students are shown pictures of different types of fish. During the show, attention is focused on the variety of shapes, colors, sizes.

The first stage of work is the implementation of a sketch in which you need to place various fish, algae, pebbles at the bottom. It is advisable to place the fish in different places of the format, at different levels, of different sizes. It is better if the fish swim in different directions.

The most successful sketch is enlarged. On a large format, details are specified and added.
The following explains the technique in which the work will be performed.
Watercolor, due to its transparency properties, allows you to create light and airy compositions.
Wax crayons are a graphic artistic material that allows you to create bright compositions that are unique in their texture. Wax crayons can be used with a point, butt or flat, side surface of the crayon. The crayon leaves a mark on the surface of the paper in the form of a stroke. Closely spaced strokes form a spot. The crayons have a rich, bright color. The main property of wax is to repel water. This property is the basis of the method of work in this technique. The combination of watercolors and wax crayons gives a completely unexpected effect: if you walk over the wax with watercolors, then the places on paper that are not painted over with crayons will be painted with paint. This technique is called mixed.
The next stage of work is drawing the contour of the fish with wax crayons.

You can draw the contours of the fish only with white chalk. For these purposes, a paraffin household candle may also be suitable. But for the outline to look neat, the pencil drawing should be barely visible. If the pressure on the pencil when making the contour was very strong, then it must be loosened with an eraser or a nag. You also need to draw the fins, scales, eyes and tails of the fish. In addition to white crayon, colored crayons can be used for the outline. It is better to use contrasting colors. If the fish is red, then the contour can be taken green, if orange - the contour is purple, yellow fish - the contour is blue. You can also take into account different tonal relationships. For paler fish, take a more saturated tone of the contour and vice versa. In this case, if the contour was blue, then for water it is better to take more purple or blue paint. The outline can also be black.

After that, the silhouette of the fish is wetted with water.

Then, in accordance with the sketch, fish are drawn in watercolor.

Since the fish swim in water that has a cold blue scale (we use blue, cyan and purple colors), it is better to make the fish in warm colors.
To convey planning and show some fish closer, we perform them in brighter and more saturated colors. Those that are further away are drawn in paler tones. You can draw on top of a wax drawing using various techniques: filling, stretching, pouring one color into another. Excess paint from the wax can be removed with a semi-dry brush.
After all the fish are completed, the remaining space of the sheet is wetted and filled with cold blue, purple and blue colors.

Wax crayons are not considered a serious medium for painting. Most often they are bought for children, because they are the most harmless. Wax pastel is suitable even for babies, of course, if it is made from high-quality vegetable wax. Inexpensive wax crayons are made on the basis of paraffin, so it is possible to stumble upon cheap (non-food) paraffin. If you care about the health of your child, then it is better to buy wax pastel from a trusted manufacturer of art materials.

Wax crayons, like ordinary colored pencils, are very easy to sharpen with a knife. The thickness and shape of the sharpened chalk can be varied depending on what type of strokes you need. The shavings left over from sharpening wax crayons can be put to good use. To do this, it must be collected in different containers, selecting by color. When there is enough wax waste, new crayons of the original color can be made.

Of course, when choosing wax crayons, it is better to choose a pastel based on natural vegetable wax. Such crayons will be more plastic and opaque, which is very important for wax pastels.

When starting to work with wax pastel for the first time, it is best to try out a new material for you on different types of paper or drawing bases. So you can evaluate in advance all the features of wax painting.

Wax pastel, in comparison with other types of pastels, has a number of features. It doesn't blend as easily as classic dry pastels. In wax pastels, you cannot mix two different colors directly on paper. You can only change the tone of the base by brightening or darkening it. Shading for wax is applicable only on the borders of the elements of the picture, to smooth out sharp transitions from one color to another. To smooth out these transitions, you need to make some efforts, but you still shouldn’t rub the pigment into the paper with force. Let the wax thaw a little under the warmth of your fingers, this will make the wax crayons more ductile. In addition, you can’t draw with wax pastels on the street when it’s cold there.

For a cheap paraffin-based wax pastel, mixing colors on paper would be impossible at all. Such a pastel is very non-plastic and will roll under your fingers. There are other techniques for this type of wax crayons, for example: encaustic or stained glass enamel.

Despite a number of differences, wax pastels have much in common with other types of pastels. According to the drawing technique, wax is closer to oil pastels.

In order to master the wax pastel technique, you need to master the basics of pencil drawing. For any type of drawing or painting, the following concepts are relevant: perspective, proportions, composition, shadows and strokes. Without understanding the basics of drawing, one cannot master painting.

To begin with, a sketch of the future drawing is made. A sketch can be made with a regular pencil, or you can take a wax crayon of the color that dominates the composition. The sketch outlines the overall composition of the drawing, the elements of the drawing are distributed in their places, the contours of objects are applied, the contours of white or light areas are indicated. In order not to damage the surface of the paper, the sketch is done with light strokes.

When the sketch is ready, you need to spread the color over the surface of the future drawing. More often, special pastel paper is taken for pastels. Wax pastel is no exception in this sense, although other materials may be suitable for wax crayons. It is important that the background does not discord with the overall color performance of the picture, but complements it. If we talk about pastel paper, then the warm tones of the pastel are emphasized by the paper of cold tones. For pastels of cold shades, paper of warm colors is suitable.

Since wax crayons are an opaque material and have 100% hiding power, the color is carried from dark to light tones. Wax pastel also allows you to mix the previous color layer with the next, but you need to be very careful. After all, wax crayons are closer in my properties to oily ones, and therefore they can roll into dirty flakes under your fingers. No need to forcefully press on the pastel. If your pastel is made from natural wax, it should warm up a bit under your fingers. Then it will become more plastic and will allow you to smooth out the sharp color transitions of the picture.

The highlights on the wax pastel are scattered at the end of the work, when it remains only to make color accents on some details that require color highlighting. Wax pastel does not require fixing, the work is ready with the final touch.

Of course, it must be taken into account that mixing halftones in wax pastels is difficult. Therefore, the color scheme of the work must be thought out in advance, choosing the dominant color, which will be enough to slightly emphasize with light highlights and contrasting lines. Works made with wax pastels do not imply a rich color palette, it is better to choose a couple of primary colors in which the drawing will be performed. Drawings written with wax crayons are bright, expressive and expressive. The finished work looks more like a molded colored panel than a painting.

I want to offer a very original drawing technique. It is good because, despite all the complexity at first glance, even a child in kindergarten can master it. Uncomplicated scenes performed in this technique acquire a picturesque look without much work and art education. This technique is close to the style called pointillism, a very famous direction in painting. - The basic rules in which - applying paint with separate strokes of the correct, identical shape. Paints basically did not mix with each other, all for the sake of an optical effect. - Our brain itself compares pure color spots with each other in the right proportion through the eyes, thereby mixing them instead of the artist and getting the intended shades.

As for our master class directly, we will put spots with wax crayons heated over the fire, as a candle drips when it burns out. This technique is not new and has become quite popular - the technique of drawing with melted wax crayons is called encaustic. And of course, you can also experiment in it - for example, to make pictures in the pop style, you need to place round spots at an equal distance from each other. Try it yourself.

Master class on encaustics in the style of pointillism

To work, you will need wax pencils, a sheet of paper, or if you wish, you can take a canvas, and of course fire. You can take a candle or a special lighter for gas stoves, unlike the usual lighter, keeping your fingers lit for a long time will not burn your fingers.

Next, let's start drawing. First, draw a sketch of your future painting with a pencil. If you can draw, you will quickly succeed. If you don’t know how to draw, I won’t teach you this in this master class. - In the end, there are drawing courses, if you set yourself such a goal, visit them. And if you don’t ask, but want to try this technique, just draw something. When the sketch is ready, light a candle and proceed. You need to hold the wax crayon over the candle until a drop forms, then carefully and quickly transfer it to the right place above your sketch, placing the drop on the sheet plane.

In the case of a lighter, you can hold the chalk just above the right place. More details can be seen in the video

Here you choose whichever is more convenient for you. In the case of children, it is probably safer to use a candle and draw under adult supervision.

Drops of wax crayons create a voluminous and smooth textured surface that looks impressive both in paintings and in graphics. What can be seen from the works of the authors presented here.

Flower drawing lesson in elementary school

Drawing master class “Autumn stars - asters. Drawing with wax crayons and watercolors»

Kaluga Elena Nikolaevna, methodologist, MBOU DOD Center for Children's Art in Surazh, Bryansk Region

Drawing can be done with children 7-10 years old.
Also, the master class will be useful for teachers of additional education, teachers of fine arts and primary classes, enthusiastic and creative parents.

Purpose of the master class: the lesson can be included in the course for beginners to paint with watercolors, a drawing decorated in a passe-partout and a frame can be used for a gift, interior decoration.
Target: make a drawing of autumn flowers, conveying their texture and characteristic features
Learn to combine watercolor technique and wax crayons in drawing
Develop compositional skills
Cultivate a love for nature
Develop aesthetic taste
Get the joy of creativity

The sun in the sky was surprised:
What a miracle happened
Maybe the stars were lit?
The asters are blooming!

The whole earth is an elegant carpet -
Bright, colorful, formal.
Colorful hats bloom
Like a fireworks display.

One hundred shades and varieties
These joyful flowers:
Pink, red -
The most beautiful! Tatyana Lavrova

Materials and equipment
A4 sheet of paper
Wax crayons
simple pencil
Watercolor paints
Water container
Squirrel brush №6

Work sequence:

We draw ovals on a sheet with a pencil - we outline the size and location of the flowers of the asters. We draw without pressing hard on the pencil so that the lines are barely visible. Asters should be about the same size. In order for the composition to be harmonious, 2 flowers should not be placed on the same line vertically or horizontally. Inside the large ovals we draw small ovals - the middle of the flowers.

With yellow wax crayon, paint over the middle of the asters. To do this, draw a spiral in a small oval. It is not necessary to completely paint over the oval, it is necessary to leave room for watercolor.

With wax crayons we draw petals of asters. To do this, we draw lines from the middle of the flower to the edge, like the rays of the sun. Finely draw with pressure so that the line is bright and bold. Asters can be painted in any color you like. For this pattern, it is better to choose 2-3 colors.

Draw leaves with green wax crayon.

To complete the composition, we add small flowers to our bouquet. On the free space of the sheet, draw small snowflakes with yellow wax crayon. We draw them, combining several pieces into inflorescences. Small work the same way, with pressure.

Now let's get to work with watercolors. Ocher paint over the background of the picture. We apply the paint on the sheet completely, excluding only the places where asters are drawn. Add green spots between the asters. Where the elements of the drawing are drawn in crayon on the sheet, the paint will not go down, since the crayon is waxy, greasy, that is, it is simply impossible to paint over the line with watercolor.

After the background has dried, draw asters. We take the paint of the same color as the asters are drawn, but of a more saturated shade so that the paint does not merge with the wax crayon and apply strokes from the middle to the edge over the petals drawn with chalk. We paint the middle of the flower with yellow paint.

Paint the leaves with green paint.

We draw small flowers with orange paint. On top of the yellow snowflakes, we apply watercolor strokes in the same direction in which the snowflake was painted with chalk. We also apply an orange smear from below to the middle to give it volume.
The drawing is ready. It remains to issue it in Passepartout.

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