Sketch definition. Techniques and methods for their implementation


What are sketches? These are preliminary drawings representing the ideas of future structures, works of art, mechanisms or any of their details.

Detail sketch

This is a schematic representation of it, very similar to a drawing: it also includes all the information necessary for its production and control.

The sketch contains drawings, length, width, material and other information. It is necessary to create a sketch based on the norms and rules of standards. It is very important. Children draw sketches at school in a drawing lesson: the teacher puts a detail in front of them, and they transfer its image to paper. This item requires a checkered notebook.

How to sketch a part?

The sketch is done as follows:

Tattoo sketch

This kind of sketch (also called "flash") is an image drawn on cardboard, sheet or other surface, which is planned to be transferred to the skin.
The master does not have to be an expert in painting, but he needs to have an idea of ​​​​the basic rules for sketching for a tattoo. He must know this for sure. It should be noted that not all artists can become tattooists. Even if they know what sketches are, the process of creating tattoos may not be up to them.

Flash sets, tattoo rehearsal

It is very important to be able to correctly position the pattern on the body. Therefore, many masters cannot do without flash sets (collections of sketches) of experienced tattoo artists. It is recommended to work with them first of all for beginners. Only with the acquisition of experience will it be possible to start drawing sketches with your own hands. At first, you should limit yourself to creating a tattoo. Sketches, in truth, play a secondary role in this matter.

If the tattoo artist has artistic skills and knows how to create images on sheets, he will easily repeat the picture on the skin. Making a sketch on paper, a person imagines how it will look on the body. The master literally “rehearses” the tattoo, so it will be easier for him to apply the drawing to the skin.

clothes sketch

This type of sketch is a schematic drawing of clothing. How to fulfill it?

Now you know a lot about sketches of details, tattoos and clothing models. By following the above rules, you can make a pretty good sketch. Do not be discouraged if the first time you did not succeed - you need to practice a little.

Sketch (fr. esquise) - a preliminary sketch, fixing the idea of ​​a work of art, structure, mechanism or a separate part of it. Sketch- fast executed freepicture, not intended as a finished work, often consists of many overlapping lines.

Sketches are inexpensive and allow the artist to sketch and try out other ideas before turning them into a painting.Pencilorpastelmore preferred for sketches due to time constraints, but a quick sketchwatercolorsor even a quickly modeled clay or soft wax model can also be consideredsketchin the broader sense of the word. graphite pencils relatively new invention, artistsrenaissance did sketches using a silver pen on specially prepared paper.

Contrary to popular belief, artists often use erasers when drawing. The eraser can be used to remove construction lines, or to soften lines that are too sharp.

Sketch- a preparatory sketch for the work, reflecting the search for the best embodiment of the creative idea. Sketch can be made in various techniques.

A sketch is a sketch that captures the intention of a literary orartwork, structure, mechanism or its separate part. In literature sketch can be seen as preparatory work in the creationartwork, can be considered as something independent.

in a literary sense sketch accompanies almost any literary work. This is evidenced by the writers' drafts at our disposal. Pushkin used to put on paperpreliminary work plan. ManuscriptsDostoevskystore severalsketchesfor one novel.

Sketches writers testify that at the time of their creation the idea of ​​the work was not yet sufficiently clear: they display numerous alterations and changes. Though sketch, in the sense of preparatorysketchto a work, it must inevitably already have some artistic merit, but, in essence, it belongs rather to the field of psychologycreativitythan to the theory of verbalart.

Sketch, as an independent piece of art, and has independent purely artistic features. Works of this kind are most characteristic of our day, and the spread of this literarygenreis undoubtedly related to the principlesimpressionism.

In the field of literary research example of this kind sketches the "Book of Masks" by Remy de Gourmont can serve, where the general outlines of a number of modern poets are given in a few main lines. In Russian literature, Aikhenwald's book "SilhouettesRussian writers" (where even the title itself emphasizes this sketch character of the letter). Proceeding from the idea that a literary work exists only in perception, that its effects are born from the contact between the writer and the reader, Eichenwald asserts the inevitable subjectivity of any critical study. Thereby,criticismand can never claim a final, unchangeable meaning. A consciously applied subjective method bringsoutlineEichenwald to typeartistic sketches. This closeness is also emphasized by the form itself.silhouettes': counting workcriticismcontinuation of the work of the poet, Eichenwald uses, as a material, not onlyideas, but also with images and vocabulary, which he finds in one or another of the authors in question. This is the most tried and testedreceptionart-criticalsketch .

In the field of artistic prose, a model sketch can serve as impressionistic constructed poems in the prose of I. Annensky ("Posthumous Poems", 1923).

sketches Verlaine show an obvious predominance of static: the poet's perception lingers on the same lines andpaints. His most distinct example is the play: Dans l’interminable ennui de la plaine, we have a purely pictorial task before us - a plain covered with snow, above it - dull, with coppershadethe arch of the sky, on the horizon the dull gray outlines of the forest, and above everything the pale face of the dying moon drooped:landscapemotionless, frozen.

Sketch found in fiction and as part of a major work: sketch you can name some descriptions and characteristics, for example, Gogol.

Sketches Leonardo da Vinci and Edgar Degas are two examples of artists sketches which have become objects of art.


Sketch is the first trace, sketch or picture made from a painting or any other work of human creativity. The sketch represents the first concrete step of the work, i.e. first materialization author's idea.

In the art field, as we have already mentioned, sketches are fundamental so that authors can formulate their first ideas about the work they want to develop. This has led to the fact that at present in various museums of the world we have the opportunity to admire and recognize the sketches of great artists such as, for example, Cezanne or Picasso.

The plan must evolve and complete a series of steps until it becomes a finished work. Therefore, the concept of a sketch is also associated with some indefinite and indefinite idea of ​​something. For example: “The architect presented a sketch of a structure that I really liked”, “Tomorrow I have to give the final, and I just have a sketch of the topics to be developed”, "I want an outline of your plan for the last hour of the day . "

The concept of a sketch is related to the concept scheme, a term of Latin origin ( scheme), which refers to symbolic or graphical representation tangible or intangible things. The schema can be idea or a concept you have about something.

In more technical areas, a sketch can be compared to a diagram when it is leadership for development project. In these cases, it is the basis that points to the next steps.

Similarly, we cannot ignore the existence of an expression that uses the term we are now analyzing. It's an adjective "in the sketch" that is usually used to refer to the fact that something has either not been improved or is not yet complete.

We also need to make it clear that this concept we are exploring is also present in one of the most important animated series in history. We're talking about the Pokémon production that started out as a video game saga and finally achieved such success that it made the jump to the small screen and even to theaters.

In this we find the fact that there is a very important place called El Sketch. More specifically, this name is given to the forest, which is located on an island known as Exta Island, and which appears in the Pokémon Red Fire and Green Leaf. Another standout feature is that it can find Heracross, a Swamp Pokémon that is part of that combat type.

As for the text, the sketch is short summary, which includes phrases and words instead of full paragraphs. These sketches are organized hierarchically so that the ideas are organized with more clarity. Schema allows you to plan your writing essay by organizing the ideas that the author wants to capture in his text.

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Before proceeding with the manufacture of various items, it is necessary to perform certain preparatory work. They usually begin with the implementation of sketches and drawings, called graphic documentation. Items that need to be made are called products, and their individual parts are called parts.


Sketch- this is a conditional image of the product, drawn by hand, without the use of drawing tools, but with the proportions between its individual parts that are necessarily maintained “by eye”, i.e. This is a preliminary, approximate sketch of the product.

Drawing- this is a conditional image of a separate part or product, made using drawing tools. The drawing is considered the main graphic document. If you know how to read the drawings correctly, then from them you can find out what are the dimensions of the product depicted on them, what material it should be made of, what its appearance and shape are. In the drawing, all dimensions of products and parts are in millimeters.


A sketch is an inaccurate, highly preliminary sketch of a part or product. A sketch is performed when it is required to quickly depict the idea of ​​a new product on paper. It is most convenient to apply it on paper "in a cage". And it is for single use only. In the future, according to the sketches, working drawings are developed, and sometimes even parts are made.

A working drawing of a part, unlike a sketch, is performed with drawing tools or with the help of a drawing computer program (for example, AutoCAD, Compass, etc.) in standard formats, on a standard scale, with strict observance of line types and thicknesses. Both on the sketch and on the drawing of the product, all the necessary information must be placed, i.e. the shape of the product and its dimensions are transmitted, as well as the permissible errors of nominal dimensions.

Drawing machine for rolling arches

Often, drawings and sketches are made in a reduced or enlarged form, in comparison with the part to be manufactured. For drawings, a well-defined scale is used (1:2; 1:4, etc.). There are no such strict requirements for sketches.

Findings site

  1. A sketch is an inaccurate, approximate freehand sketch of a part or product.
  2. A sketch is usually performed when developing a structurally new part, when finalizing the design in a prototype version, in case of failure of a part during operation.
  3. On the sketch, all the proportions between the individual parts of the part must be maintained “by eye”.
  4. The drawing is the main graphic document according to which the part is manufactured.
  5. A drawing is a conditional image of a part or product made using drawing tools.
  6. In the drawing, all dimensions of the parts are presented in millimeters.

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