Evgeny Osin: biography, personal life, family, wife, children - photo. Evgeny Osin: alimony debts and quarrels with his wife


53-year-old Soviet and Russian singer, musician, songwriter Yevgeny Osin admitted that for several years he provides financially and takes part in the upbringing of his daughter Anastasia Godunova. According to the musician, the girl even calls him dad. And he met her mother Elena before marriage with his first wife Natalya.

“Lena and I met on the Arbat, and I immediately liked her. He began to look after, soon we came together. They lived together for several months, but then nevertheless broke up. I met Natasha, Agnia was born. With the former lover, we remained on good terms, we saw each other periodically. A few years ago, Lena found my number and stunned me with the news that I have a daughter, ”Osin told reporters.

EvgenyOblue illegitimate daughter, how did the acquaintance with Nastya go

Last year, singer Yevgeny Osin underwent a rehabilitation course in Thailand. Returning to the capital, he gave up alcohol and is now trying to lead a correct lifestyle. Aspen was forced to take care of his health in many ways by the news that he had another daughter.

“My daughter's name is Nastya Godunova, she is 12 years old. She even calls me dad! - said Osin in an interview with Starhit.

Osin asked the woman to see the girl. “I remember being very worried,” Evgeny continues. - But Nastya and I found a common language. The girl followed in my footsteps. Nastya is engaged in music, participates in children's modeling shows!

According to Aspen, Nastya looks very similar to him. But, despite this circumstance, Eugene decided to take a DNA test. “I don’t know the results yet,” the singer says. - I know that Lena had a man after me. When Nastya was born, he declared that the girl was not his, and abandoned her.

EvgenyOXing is an illegitimate daughter, after receiving the test, the singer burst into tears

The hero of the new issue of the show "Actually" was Evgeny Osin. At the beginning of the program, Dmitry Shepelev said that an old acquaintance of the performer of the hit "Girl Crying in the Machine" Elena Godunova declares that the artist has an illegitimate daughter, Nastya

Previously, the singer's former chosen one never officially stated that Osin could be Nastya's father. According to Elena, Eugene calls the girl his daughter, he calls her, they write songs. The musician does not deny that he talked with Nastya many times.

“I am her patron, she calls me dad. I admit that she is my daughter, but we need to check specifically, ”Osin noted.

According to Elena, she is trying to help Eugene stop drinking. The artist and his girlfriend met almost every weekend a few years ago. Osin himself does not remember exactly how often they see each other. The musician behaved very strangely during the filming of the program. Sabina Pantus wanted to clarify whether the artist had consumed alcohol before the broadcast. He carefully denied this fact.

“I loved him, and now I really want to help him so that he returns and becomes the same,” Godunova added.

During the check by experts, Osin was caught in a lie. It turned out that in the last 24 hours he still consumed alcohol. The artist has been drinking for many years, which he cannot even say how much. Treatment in a rehabilitation center did not help the musician.

Nastya Godunova also came to the studio. The girl confirmed that she calls Aspen dad. According to the young artist, even if the DNA test does not prove their relationship, they will continue to communicate.

Toward the end of the program, the talented Nastya performed with a solo number. Dmitry Shepelev believed that Elena would be able to save Yevgeny, surrounding him with care and warmth.

- Do you want to know the truth? - presenter
- I don't care. - Evgeniy

As a result, the musician burst into tears and became emotional, as he was lucky with such a friend as Elena, who accepts him in any condition.

Eugene began to study music very early, playing musical instruments was very easy for him. However, he never received any special musical education, and Eugene managed to achieve success and popularity thanks to his talent. At the peak of his popularity, Osin met his future wife Natalya, they got married, gave birth to a daughter, Agnia, but then their once happy family life ended - Natalya was tired of enduring her husband's spree, his endless drinking, and filed for divorce. After divorce Evgeny Osin's wife did everything so that he could not communicate with their daughter, and this became a real tragedy for the singer.

In the photo - Evgeny Osin

Eugene said that it was hard for him to see how his daughter rushed between her parents - she wanted to see him, but her mother did not allow it. Wore Osin continued to pour alcohol, but at some point he realized that if he did not stop, then he would never see Agnia again. To be closer to his daughter, Eugene got a job at the school where Agnia studied, as a singing teacher, created a music circle and got the opportunity to communicate with his daughter for a long time.

In the photo - the wife of Evgeny Osin

However, the resentment of Yevgeny Osin's wife against her ex-husband was so great that she transferred her daughter to another school. They moved to another area, and the singer's communication with his daughter came to naught. In addition, Natalya was afraid and did not want Agnia to meet with her drinking father. The grown-up Agnia already began to shun Yevgeny, and when she met him, she tried to look away and did not want to talk. According to Aspen, this is due to the fact that his ex-wife turns her daughter against him.

In the photo - the singer with his former family

Eugene himself claimed that he drinks from loneliness. At one time, Osin tried to end his drinking by turning to faith, and even went to a monastery for a while, but as soon as he returned to secular life, everything started all over again. But the artist himself each time denied that he had problems with alcohol. However, Evgeny Osina's wife has a completely different opinion, and this explains her daughter's reluctance to meet her father.

By a court decision, the singer has the right to see his daughter twice a week and take her on vacation for one week a year, but he does not use this opportunity, and explains this by saying that he does not want to force Agnia to communicate with him if she does not want to.

The performer of the hits “A girl is crying in a machine gun”, “Portrait by Pablo Picasso”, “Tanya plus Volodya” Evgeny Osin is 52 years old. A talented musician, a native Muscovite, after a divorce from his wife, increasingly began to go into hard drinking. From alcohol dependence, according to friends, does not want to be treated. “I need money for an operation - my legs failed because of problems with my spine,” Osin told teleprogramma.pro, citing a lack of work and money. In the spring, Eugene turned to the police for help - he was robbed by friends after a feast in the apartment. The 15-year-old daughter of Agnia does not visit the musician, Osin complains about the indifference to his ex-wife's fate. And why should a woman who has been living her life for a long time with a new husband help him?

How did Evgeny Osin come to such a life?

Love story

Evgeny Osin with his wife Natalya. Photo: personal archive.

Evgeny Osin sought his first wife, the backing vocalist of his band, for a long time, and when Lena agreed to become his wife, she quickly became disappointed - the couple did not get along in everyday life. The marriage lasted six months.

The musician met his second wife Natasha when he was at the peak of his popularity. He met a beauty in a shop near the house, she charmed him, and Osin asked for a phone number. Natalya turned out to be married, but Osin was able to win the heart of the beauty. In addition, Natasha and her husband, a foreign language teacher, did not have children in marriage. Osin decided not only to marry, but also to get married. His wife Natalya worked in a bank before the wedding, and after marriage, the jealous Eugene insisted that his wife stay at home and run the household. This went on for two years, and then the long-awaited pregnancy happened and 15 years ago, the daughter Agnia was born.

Separation and loneliness

The girl grew up, and her dad was already convicted of drunken brawls. For example, during a vacation in Egypt, the musician got into a fight with the security of the hotel in front of his wife and child. Soon Natasha could not stand it and filed for divorce. Osin explained her act this way: “We were too different people, I am a creative person, I could play the guitar for a day, and Natalya tolerated my hobbies.” The woman tried to be a good wife - she even agreed with the vegetarian Aspen and did not feed her daughter with meat. It was rumored that Eugene cheated on his wife, but she forgave. But even the patient Natasha could not stand her husband's spree. He himself admitted: "I drank." And Osin was very jealous of Natasha, it seemed to him that the woman did not refuse signs of attention of his wealthy friends. As a result, Osin quarreled with friends, and Natasha filed for divorce. At first, when Eugene could control alcohol addiction, he even went on vacation with his family - he was located in a nearby hotel and worked with Agnia for days on end. Then the ex-wife got married, and in 2010 Evgeny Osin got a job as a music teacher at the school that his daughter attended. So the father could see the child more often. The musician gave up drinking, repaired the music room at his own expense, created the Chips children's ensemble at the school, and again filmed five clips at his own expense. Naturally, Agnia sang it in the group. “I worked at school for almost five years - I studied the psychology of children, I understood how to communicate with them. I received twenty-five thousand rubles a month, ”said Evgeny Osin about work that brought pleasure. And then his ex-wife moved to the Moscow region and transferred her daughter to another school. The father began to meet the girl less often. But communication by phone and social networks did not stop.

Evgeny Osin with his daughter Agnia. Photo: frame from the TV program “Let them talk”.

New old life

Yevgeny Osin divorced the mother of his child more than 10 years ago. During this time, everything happened in his relationship with his ex-wife, who rightly demanded alimony for her daughter. The four-room apartment was purchased by the musician shortly before the marriage, so it remained in his ownership, but the bailiffs arrested the property that was in this apartment. But that's in the past. Debts on alimony Osin periodically repaid. A common-law wife appeared in his life, with whom Osin lived for several years and broke up. Eugene is proud of his daughter, who graduated from a music school, writes songs. He hopes that the girl will become famous and successful. In order to see this, Evgeny Osin needs to take care of his health, get rid of bad habits. It is possible that then work will appear - Evgeny will be invited to speak at corporate parties and events. Songs performed by him continue to be played on radio stations - people still remember the hits of Zhenya Osin.

Singer Evgeny Osin underwent a rehabilitation course in Thailand. Returning to the capital, he gave up alcohol and is now trying to lead a correct lifestyle. Aspen was forced to take care of his health in many ways by the news that he had another daughter.

I met her mother Lena before marriage with my first wife Natasha. We met on the Arbat, and I immediately liked her. He began to look after, soon we came together. They lived together for several months, but then nevertheless broke up.

I met Natasha, Agnia was born. With the former lover, we remained on good terms, we saw each other periodically. A few years ago, Lena found my number and stunned me with the news that I have a daughter.

Osin asked the woman to see the girl. “I remember being very worried,” Evgeny continues. - But Nastya and I found a common language. The girl followed in my footsteps. Nastya is engaged in music, participates in children's modeling shows!

According to Aspen, Nastya looks very similar to him. But, despite this circumstance, Eugene decided to take a DNA test. “I don’t know the results yet,” the singer says. - I know that Lena had a man after me. When Nastya was born, he declared that the girl was not his, and abandoned her.

The girl is not yet familiar with the eldest daughter of the musician Agnia. For a long time, Aspen had problems in relations with the heiress and her mother - they did not want to communicate with him.

After Eugene underwent rehabilitation, relations improved, but recently the daughter again stopped communicating with her father.

On today's broadcast of the talk show "Actually," the artist's second family agreed to a DNA examination. “I am her patron, she calls me dad. I admit that she is my daughter, but we need to check specifically, ”explained Osin.

The girl's mother, who appeared in the studio, said that she is very kind to the artist, considers him a close friend and family person. Elena Godunova hopes that the performer of the hit "Girl Cries ..." will still be able to overcome alcohol addiction, which he has been suffering for more than a year.

“I want my daughter to help him get back to his old life. He lacks love, warmth, family. My main goal is for him to stop drinking, ”said Elena. By the way, friends do not believe the woman and believe that she intends to take possession of the artist's property, taking advantage of his kindness and naivety.

“We have known him for 20 years, since 1998, and if I wanted to, I would try to take something away from him,” Godunova replied to the accusations.

Elena Godunova hopes that Osin will still recover from alcohol addiction. The girl really considers Aspen her father and hopes that he and her mother will start a family and be happy together.

At the end of the broadcast, Dmitry Shepelev was given an envelope with the results of a DNA examination, offering to announce the result to Elena. The woman, in turn, acted wisely, showing the document only to Aspen. The artist was so touched by such an act that he could not hold back his tears.

As for Osin’s eldest daughter Agnia, for a long time the girl’s father and mother did not communicate, then the relationship seemed to improve, but after Thailand and undergoing treatment, which accompanied Eugene with breakdowns and new binges, Agnia again stopped answering her father’s calls.

"It happened. Her mom makes a stranger call dad. Agnisha, I love you very much. You are my daughter, dear, and over the years you realize this, ”Evgeny turned to the girl live.

Recall that when singers Evgeny Osin and Chris Kelmi were sent for rehabilitation to the DeNova center, it seemed that they would soon get rid of their addiction and the green snake would free them forever from their bonds. Moreover, the cost of staying here, as they say, is sky-high 800 thousand per month. It would seem that for such money people can count on high-quality and quick help from professionals ...

“Zhenya (Osin. - Ed.) has a breakdown after a breakdown, he drinks again and again, and, alas, there are no positive changes in his condition yet,” the singer’s relatives said. - As far as we know, he has been unconscious for the fifth day already, cannot get out of bed, does not recognize anyone, walks under himself. Things are no better for Chris Kelmi. Big money was paid for them, but things are still there.”

Look what he was...

Evgeny Viktorovich Osin, the author of the famous hits of the 90s, was born in Moscow in October 1964. The boy's father, Victor, worked as a trolleybus driver. Parents gave their son a sister, Albina. When the child was 9 years old, the father left the family, and the children stayed with their mother. My father was a sectarian - he belonged to the Seventh-day Adventists. After the parents separated, the mother and the children were given a two-room apartment in Tekstilshchiki. Viktor Osin lived in Cherepovets, where he headed a cell of a sect and worked as the head of a motorcade.

From childhood, the restless boy was addicted to playing the drums and by the age of 12 he could already play them quite well. The talented Zhenya even went to a music school in order to better master musical notation, but he quickly got bored with traditional classes.

After graduating from the 10th grade, Yevgeny Osin enters the Institute of Culture at the faculty of directing amateur performances, but, without finishing his studies, leaves from there with a certificate that allows him to be the head of an amateur ensemble. The young romantic in those years is fascinated by another occupation: he tames pigeons. On his balcony, the young man arranged a real dovecote. During these years, Osin dreams of a big house for his pets, which he will build when he gets rich.


For Evgeny Osin, one thing was clear: music is what he wants to devote his life to. In his youth, Zhenya changed many musical groups. At the age of 22, he creates the first project "Nightcap", which was later renamed "Cupcake". Eugene became the vocalist and guitarist in his band.

After the collapse, the musician moves to the Nicolaus Copernicus team, where he masters percussion, and then to the Alliance, in which he sits down at the drum set. Two years later, Stas Namin notices the young assertive musician and invites the guy to his center to work with the Santa Claus team.

How many years Osin would have worked like this is unknown, but in the creative biography of Yevgeny an event occurred that can be called a happy circumstance. The popular at that time group "" was urgently looking for a vocalist. The fact is that, having recorded an album with musicians, she suddenly decided to leave the team before the tour. And in order for the tour not to fail, it was necessary to find a no less charismatic frontman who would save the situation as soon as possible.

Clip Evgeny Osin "Crying girl in the machine" Song by Evgeny Osin "Yalta"

At a performance in Rostov-on-Don, during Osin's song "Yalta", the president unexpectedly stepped onto the stage and began to dance. It was a shock for everyone: for the singer, presenter and security guards. Photos from that significant concert can be seen on the Instagram network, and the video is posted on YouTube.

In the 2000s, Evgeny Osin appeared on television a lot in musical projects, he works with young performers, experiments. The album "Golden Collection" and the collection of children's songs "Babel and Baton" are released. But the former glory of the artist is no longer possible to achieve. There could be many reasons for this. The very style of the singer's performance becomes irrelevant, since the time of post-Soviet romance has long passed. The artist's songs are increasingly broadcast on radio and television marked "retro".

In addition, the singer begins to have problems with alcohol. Trying to solve problems, Evgeny Osin turns to the church for help and finds support there. He visits monasteries, lives in them for some time and works. Ultimately, Evgeny Viktorovich finds inner peace. He has a confessor. In the spacious Moscow apartment of the singer, in the corner with icons, the lamp was burning to the last.

Personal life

In the late 90s, Eugene meets his future wife, Natalya. At that time she worked in one of the banks and was married. But this did not prevent a love interest, and soon after the first divorce, Natalya marries Evgeny Osin. The couple was happy, even though the girl's mother spoke out against this rash step of her daughter.

Undoubtedly, the birth of Agnia's daughter in 2002 can be considered the most important event in the singer's personal life. For her, he composed many children's songs, poems. Eugene tried to spend his free time with his family, he took his beloved wife and daughter to the sea. But alcohol addiction interfered with the personal happiness of the artist. Wife Natalya after a while left him and stopped the artist's contacts with the girl.

Osin suffered from separation from his daughter. In order to resume communication with Agnia, he got a job in the English school No. 1287 as an out-of-class singing teacher. Evgeny Viktorovich successfully applied his basic education and created the popular children's group "Chips", with which he even recorded several clips. But the ex-wife remained adamant. She turned her daughter against her father and transferred Agnia to another school. For 5 years of pedagogical activity, the artist practically did not appear on stage.

After breaking up with his wife, Eugene lived with a woman in a de facto marriage for five years. But she could not come to terms with the "illness" of the singer and left.

Later, Evgeny Osin again took up his solo career. In 2010, the artist experienced one of the main losses of his life - the tragic death of Alexander Alekseev, a close friend and stage partner. The singer dedicated his last work to the memory of his comrade - the album "Separation", on the material for which he worked for a very long time.

The artist resumed the tour: he performed in a team with girls. Despite the fact that the singer's fans had already grown old, he did not stop collecting full houses. Evgeny Osin often took part in joint performances with other pop stars.

In February 2018, Osin admitted that he was raising an illegitimate daughter, Anastasia Godunova. With the mother of the girl, whose name is Elena, the artist met before marrying Natalia. Then the lovers even began to live together, but later broke up. The singer remained on good terms with Lena. And now, a few years later, the woman called Eugene and said that they had a common daughter.

In recent years, the singer lived in Moscow. The height of the musician was 168 cm, while the man weighed 72 kg.

Illness and death

In July 2017, Evgeny Osin told the press that his legs were failing due to problems with his spine. The artist added that he had no money for treatment. Then the singer came to the aid of the performer. The woman suggested that Yevgeny call a doctor to make a diagnosis. Another celebrity urged not to give money to the artist, because he will spend money on alcohol. As a result, Evgeny Osin refused to be examined and had a fight with Natalia. Sturm said that she no longer wants to interfere in the affairs of the musician.

A month later, the singer left home in an unknown direction and did not return. Three days later, the singer's sister turned to the police for help. It turned out that Eugene is in a rehabilitation center in Thailand and is being treated for alcoholism. This was facilitated by the TV presenter, who herself. Later it became known that the treatment did not bring results, and the celebrity returned from Thailand very unhappy. And the singer called Borisov "a dead man."

In March 2018, the artist was hospitalized in Moscow. The reason was the strongest intoxication. Then the doctors carried out a series of procedures to remove toxins from the body of Eugene.

In February, Osin was reported to have been unconscious for three days.

On May 22, journalists learned that Yevgeny Viktorovich. A few days earlier, the artist went to the traffic police on a new motorcycle to register the transport. But, approaching the house, the singer lost control and fell, as a result of which the vehicle crushed Aspen's leg. Arriving doctors gave the artist first aid and diagnosed fractures of the toe. However, Evgeny refused to go to the hospital and intended to register the motorcycle that day. An eyewitness who called the doctors stated that Osin was sober.

The troubles of Eugene did not end there. A little later, the musician participated in the filming of a television program dedicated to extreme sports, and broke his arm. The artist was hospitalized and underwent surgery. As soon as the singer got better, Aspen was sent home. To celebrate, Evgeny Viktorovich decided to celebrate his recovery and got drunk again. At the same time, the performer in an interview said that health problems began when the man stopped drinking.

In the same month, a former member of the group shared with fans that she was filming in a new video for Yevgeny Osin for the song "Beloved". The girl posted photos and videos of the workflow for the users of the Network to see. According to Yulia, there is still a "special spark" in Yevgeny's work. The artist tried to help a colleague in the shop.

On June 25, the producer of the group wrote on the page in “ Instagram", that if Eugene does not take measures to restore health, then the days of the artist are numbered. Andrei shared that Aspen's hand began to rot after the operation, but the artist does not stop drinking, his legs and kidneys fail. Doctors were even worried that the singer would have to amputate his arm.

On November 17, 2018, it became known about Evgeny Osin. The body was discovered a few days later by his sister Albina in his Moscow apartment. Aspen's cause of death was cardiac arrest. According to Albina, her brother did not get in touch for several days. Ex-wife Natalya and Agnia reported that they were in the singer's apartment a couple of days before his death. At that time, Eugene was in a deplorable state, but categorically refused help.


  • 1988 - "Man from the Star" (with the group "Santa Claus")
  • 1989 - “We will say Bravo to each other!” (with group)
  • 1991 - "The Bright Path of Fire" (with the Avalon group)
  • 1992 - "70th latitude"
  • 1994 - "In" Russia "
  • 1996 - "Work on the bugs"
  • 1999 - "Birds"
  • 2000 - "Golden Collection"
  • 2001 - Bagel and Loaf
  • 2001 - "All the same girls"
  • 2003 - "Mood for Love"
  • 2003 - "Star Series"
  • 2009 - Bagel, loaf and bagel
  • 2010 - "New and Better"
  • 2016 - "Separation"

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