Feng Shui for an apartment: front door, corridor, hallway. How should a feng shui hallway look like?


Feng Shui is an ancient Chinese teaching that teaches how to create a positive atmosphere, comfort and harmony in the home. The arrangement of things in the house, the color scheme and lighting, the cleanliness and simplicity of the room are the main points.

This article is intended for persons over 18 years of age.

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feng shui color chart

The basic rules of the famous teachings of Feng Shui

The main principle of Feng Shui is the attraction of positive vital energy Qi to your abode. The flows of this matter affect the life and destiny of a person, therefore the creation of harmony and the right atmosphere is very important.

It is the hallway that is the first point where energy accumulates. Accordingly, its promotion in the house should be facilitated by correctly arranging furniture and decor details.

Feng Shui hallway color and indoor lighting

When choosing the color of the walls for the house, it is very important to observe harmony and lightness. The color of the wallpaper is best chosen in pastel and light shades. But there should not be too many bright moments in the interior, only for emphasis.

A bright living room should have subdued lighting. Windows can be covered with curtains and curtains to balance the flow of light. If the room, on the contrary, is dark in color, you need to let in as much daylight as possible into it or install lamps.

According to Feng Shui, color is very important and is responsible for certain sectors. For example, green is the best color for the wealth and family sector, blue is for career and creativity, and red is the color of the glory sector.

You can also use not only ordinary wallpapers, but photo wallpapers that depict symbols and hieroglyphs. Yellow and red colors attract the most positive energy, but they must be used carefully so as not to disharmony the room.

Decor items and furniture in the hallway according to Feng Shui

Furniture in any space is very important. In the hallway, a hanger, small tables and chests of drawers, cabinets for shoes or accessories, ottomans, and mirrors are most often installed.

Furniture is best placed to the right of the entrance. The location of the front door in the hallway should allow the energy of Qi to pass through. It is recommended to lay a special rug near the door that attracts Qi, and you can enhance the effect by placing three Chinese coins on a red thread under it.

It is better to place a blue, yellow or white rug under the door located in the north; red and green shades are suitable for the “southern” door. Of the most suitable materials for the door, wood is chosen, because it has the feature of not allowing energy to pass through, which will help trap the negative.

The size of the hallway should be medium. The space is best made as spacious as possible and free for the movement of energy. It is better to eliminate unnecessary objects and furniture.

The area in front of the door should be well lit. To do this, you can use a ceiling lamp directly above the door. Mirrors help to visually expand any space, it is this decor item that occupies one of the main places in the design.

Feng Shui hallway mirror

Mirror surfaces, as they say, "doubling" the energy. In the hallway, not only from the point of view of practicality, but also from the point of view of aesthetics, it is recommended to install large mirrors that would display a person in full growth.

It is best to place the mirror surface on the side of the front door, but in no case opposite. If you plan to install several mirrors in the room, it is better to do this in a checkerboard pattern or alternating.

Wall accessories will help to “dilute” the mirror surfaces: wall clocks or paintings, decorations and decorative elements such as planters, lamps and flowers. It is better to choose a round shape for a mirror. Also opposite the mirror you can install a beautiful picture or accessory.

"Water" feng shui decor elements

In the teachings of Feng Shui, water occupies a special place as a symbol of purity, freshness and freedom. Accessories related to the sea and water will help to save and increase positive energy.

A good solution for the hallway would be to purchase an aquarium. Water attracts vital energy and symbolizes its flow. If the aquarium does not suit you, you can hang pictures of water in the hallway.

These can be waterfalls, mountain rivers and seas painted on canvases, and you can also use all kinds of accessories and souvenirs brought from the seas: sea shells and seashells. It is best to place marine decor elements to the right of the doors.

Cleanliness, spaciousness and freedom are the main principles of Chinese teaching

The key to a favorable environment in Feng Shui is the observance of cleanliness and order. It is necessary to keep the room and all the interior items in it in complete cleanliness, blockages and rubbish, which will lead to energy stagnation, should also be avoided.

A very important nuance are walls, partitions and other barriers. Even the threshold at the door is considered a kind of barrier to the penetration of energy. That is why furniture, as a kind of barrier, is also installed along the edges of the door and as compactly as possible.

Features of the layout of the building according to Feng Shui

For the flow of Qi, not only the size of the space is important, but also its shape. For example, long corridors or corridors shaped like the letter "L" often prevent energy from entering the house.

A complete redevelopment of the building will help to solve the problem, and if this is not possible, resort to the technique of directing energy using mirrors. By decorating the hallway with a mirror, you can not only achieve the effect of expanding space, but also direct the flow of Qi in the right direction.

In an elongated corridor, mirrors are placed opposite each other, but always in a checkerboard or wave-like manner, and not immediately opposite. If the hallway is L-shaped, which is also a barrier to energy, the issue is also resolved with the help of mirror reflection.

Doors in the space should be closed, especially if they lead to the bedroom, nursery, bathroom. From the hallway, the “private” rooms of the residents of the apartment or house should not be viewed.

Also, you need to pay attention not only to the walls, but also to the flooring. Parquet boards are best placed along the length of the hallway to help strengthen Qi.

Very often in large houses it is in the hallway that the steps of the stairs leading to the second floor are installed. To balance the flow entering the house, it is worth placing flowers, bells or other attributes of the Chinese Feng Shui teaching, for example, “shamisen”, near the stairs.

Various amulets will help protect your family and loved ones from negative energy. Protection from the influence of negative flows is very important. Figurines of rhinos and elephants will help reflect the flow. The muzzle of the animals should be facing the front door.

The mirror will help reflect dark matter. The Bagua Mirror is a very strong obstacle to negative flows, but it should be used with caution. The reflective surface should not be directed at people or neighboring houses and apartments.

feng shui color chart

If you want to correctly arrange things, taking into account their color, material of execution and zone of influence, use a specially designed color chart. Below are the main areas of the room with a description of the most suitable colors for them.

  • The center is orange and yellow (responsible for the state of the body and its general health).
  • North - blue and black (symbolizes career and work).
  • South - red (symbolizes fire and affects reputation, respect, leadership and influence).
  • West - white, silver, metallic shade (responsible for creativity, procreation and family).
  • East - the colors of nature (green and brown shades - contributes to family happiness and tranquility).
  • Northwest - silver (symbolizes friendship, travel).
  • Northeast - orange and terracotta (responsible for training).
  • Southwest - pink (all its shades) and terracotta (affects love and romance, sympathy and appreciation).
  • Southeast - purple and green (symbolizes wealth and profit).

Since the entrance hall is the main corridor for the penetration of energy into the house, it is still worth following some rules. Tips from designers and a connoisseur of ancient Chinese teachings will help you properly arrange furniture and interior details in the house.

The arrangement of the premises is very important if you want to improve your physical, spiritual and financial situation, using the well-known Feng Shui technique.

Opening the front door, we find ourselves in the hallway. Together with us, Qi energy also enters the hallway, in order to then go around the rest of the house. Let's say your door is oriented in the right way, and the outdoor space near the door is organized according to all the rules of feng shui. But if the energy feels bad in the hallway (for example, it will stagnate in a cramped, cluttered and dark hallway), it will acquire negative qualities, this is exactly what will enter the living rooms, and all your efforts to equip the front door will be in vain. Apathy and fatigue will constantly haunt you and your loved ones.

The way the hallway is arranged has a great influence on our inner Qi. Of course, we do not stay long in this room. But even in a short time, we can spoil our mood for the whole day if, being late for an important meeting or an exam, we cannot find our keys, gloves or umbrella and constantly crash into the corners of nightstands, stumble over slippers and boots, rushing back and forth in their search.

Corridors are often compared to blood arteries. As the arteries carry food to all organs of the body, so the corridors deliver energy to all areas of the dwelling. A proper feng shui corridor will not block the energy and cause it to move too fast.

Opposite the front door in the hallway and corridor should not be the doors of bedrooms, kitchens, toilets and bathrooms, the back door and the balcony door, a window, a wall and a large mirror.

Rule 1

The entrance hall and corridors should be spacious enough, but not too large.

A cramped hallway lets insufficient energy into the house, moreover. it has a depressing effect on a person's personal energy. On a symbolic level, a cramped entrance hall means a limitation of the family's material resources.

A huge hallway, on the other hand, attracts too much Qi to the living quarters. And its excess affects the personal Qi of a person as negatively as its deficiency. People living in a house with a large hallway can become too aggressive due to excess energy. And guests, entering such a house, feel excessively small, depressed and unprotected.

Too close and too spacious corridors also affect the energy of a person and the living environment.

A small hallway and narrow corridors are quite common in our apartments. The best way to increase their space is not to put unnecessary furniture in them and not to clutter it up with unnecessary things. If you have a small hallway, leave only the most necessary items in it, light it up brighter and paste over its walls with light wallpaper. And the narrow corridors of the house should generally be empty.

Mirrors visually increase the space of the premises. Let one wall of a cramped hallway or narrow corridor be occupied by a large mirror.

The task of the owners of a small hallway is to invite only positive energy into the house. Let it accumulate in the hallway not in very large quantities, but if it is favorable, you will not feel its lack.

A large hallway and overly wide corridors should be visually reduced. they are best decorated in dark colors, and to limit the amount of energy, you can place more furniture and household items in them. plants in tubs and figurines in such hallways and corridors are a must. In the spacious hallway, you can also place a table, a sofa and an armchair.

Rule 2

The entrance hall and corridors should be clean, comfortable and well lit.

Then they will not negatively affect the energy entering the house and the internal qi of a person. Clean floors, a clean, beautiful rug at the doorstep, fresh, dirt-free wallpaper will create good feng shui. If space allows, you can place a plant, a sculpture in the hallway, and hang a picture on the wall.

Do not keep a basket with dirty laundry in the hallway, there is a bathroom for this. The atmosphere of the bathroom linen will not be able to, it is already bad. And do not put things that you temporarily do not use in the hallway and corridors. For this, there are pantries and sheds. But if a thing has not been useful to you within two years, it is better not to litter these premises with it, but to get rid of it for good.

Rule 3

In the hallway and corridors, the forces of Yin and Yang must be in balance.

The harmony of the forces of Yin and Yang in the interior of the hallway and corridors will help to harmonize the energy entering the house. In that case. if the hallway has windows facing south, southeast or southwest, and therefore good natural light, it is already dominated by a Yang atmosphere in the daytime, especially in sunny weather. In order to achieve a balance of the forces of Yin and Yang, it is necessary to add Yin components to such a hallway. For its decoration, choose muted colors and furnish it with rounded furniture that expresses the power of Yin. If the furniture is tall and rectangular, it expresses Yang forces. Therefore, to create balance in such a hallway, it is necessary to dim the lighting with thick curtains or blinds. Objects expressing the elements of Wood, Earth and Water will also help to add Yin forces: wooden, porcelain, ceramic and glass figurines, paintings depicting landscapes, seas and waterfalls.

In the hallway and corridors with windows facing north, northwest or northeast, even in sunny weather, neutral lighting is created. In such rooms, Yin and Yang tend to be in balance. They should be decorated in moderate colors and furnished with objects that express the interests of all five elements.

The hallways and corridors, which lack natural light and are more prone to a Yin atmosphere, need to be solved in brighter colors. Bright artificial lighting. as well as items related to the elements of Fire and Metal: paintings depicting people, animals, landscapes with a rising sun, photographs in rectangular frames, metal objects will add Yang power.

Rule 4

Corridors should not be narrow and long.

Energy in a straight narrow corridor will move too fast. She will lose her positive qualities and turn into Sha (translated from Chinese as "bad breath").

Correction of an unfavorable situation. It is unlikely that you will meet in our houses and apartments, where every meter is saved during design, a spacious corridor. Usually the corridors are "wrong", narrow and straight. In order to stop too fast movement of energy in such a corridor, to the ceiling in the center of the corridor, not far from the lamp, it is necessary to hang a crystal, a crystal ball or "wind music" with five tubes.

An excessively long corridor can slow down the rapid flow of energy and make it change its trajectory using mirrors.

Hallway setting.

Clothes hanger- an indispensable attribute of the hallway. It is ideal from a feng shui point of view if it is located in a closet or covered with a screen or curtain, since most often it has many sharp details and right angles (hooks for raincoats and coats, shelves for gloves and hats) that create Sha. If you like an open hanger, have the corners of the shelves beveled or rounded, and have hooks turned up for clothes, not pins pointing at you.

The panel with hooks for clothes should be located so that all family members, even small ones, can use it comfortably. You should not hang it too high, focusing on the tallest member of the family. Then the personal Qi of the others will not be suppressed. For children, you can make a separate panel with hooks and hang it lower. There you can also place hooks for bags.

Shelves for shoes may have a common rack with a hanger. This is especially convenient if the hallway is small. In a large hallway, it is better to install a separate shoe cabinet. It should be roomy: in no case should shoes stand on the floor of the hallway.

Umbrella, key holder and shelf for gloves that fit into the overall style of the hallway, can be an excellent decoration of the room.

If the area of ​​​​the hallway allows, it is very good to place it near the entrance armchair or small sofa. Firstly, sitting on them is comfortable to put on shoes, and secondly. the guest who came after you. if he does not want to undress and go into the living room, he can sit on them, waiting for you to get dressed.

The hallway must have large mirror. It is necessary not only in a small room, which it visually enlarges, but also in a large room. A person before leaving the house should see himself in full growth: not a single detail of the toilet should escape his attention. Just when hanging a mirror, do not forget that it should not be located opposite the front door: in this case, the energy will not enter your house. In a cramped hallway, it is convenient to put a closet for clothes and shoes, which closes with a mirrored door.

Oval or round table will be very handy in a large hallway. They will give the energy the right trajectory, making it go around their surface, and improve it. In addition, rounded shapes symbolize wealth and can attract money into the house.

Plants are an excellent feng shui tool. They will decorate the hallway and correct the negative energy that has fallen into it. Since living plants love sunlight, it is good to place them in a hallway that has windows. In a hallway with artificial lighting, it is better to place artificial plants. Plants belong to the Wood element, so their place is in the hallway near the eastern, southeastern and southern walls. Being in these parts of the hallway, they will improve her energy.

Paintings and sculptures, like plants, have a positive effect on a person's personal Qi and on the Qi of the environment. When choosing and placing them, one should take into account the correspondence of their element to the cardinal points. So, the entrance hall, located in the northern part of the house or apartment, should be decorated with paintings depicting waterfalls, rivers, seas, lakes and fish, as well as glass sculptures. For the entrance hall, located in the southern part of the house, paintings depicting people and animals, landscapes with the rising sun, as well as sculptures made of artificial materials are more suitable.

foot mat, placed at the door, is considered in Feng Shui a mandatory attribute of the hallway. When an incoming person wipes his feet, he not only wipes the dirt off his shoes, but also removes some of the negative energy from himself. Therefore, the rug serves as the so-called amulet of our housing: it helps to protect the energy of the house from the bad influence of people who come to us with bad intentions or just in a bad mood.

In addition, the rug can serve as a feng shui tool and bring good energy into the house. To do this, its color and shape must match the colors and shapes that are favorable for the side of the world that the front door looks at.

For example, if the door is facing west, white, grey, gold, copper, yellow, orange, and brown would be the best colors for a rug, while round, oval, and square would be suitable rug shapes. Rugs of these forms are generally useful at the front door. The round shape symbolizes wealth, and the square one stability.

To attract more money into the house, you should put under the rug coins. Just clean the rug more often, replace the frayed rug with a new one, and also wipe the dirt under it. If the coins roll in dust and dirt, under a torn rug, they are unlikely to work for your financial success.

The Feng Shui hallway should use the rules of this Eastern tradition so that the creative Chi energy circulates throughout the house. Ideally, if it is a room that invites energy flows into the house that carry harmony and abundance. The color of the hallway according to Feng Shui should be made in such a way that it does not block or weaken the energy of the house.

Feng Shui basic rules for the hallway

To create the necessary Feng Shui atmosphere, do the following:

  • Decide on the Ba Gua sector, which will attract and maintain positive Qi.
  • Make the hallway strong and welcoming to the energy required. To do this, you can put a small table with a small table lamp, or a round table with a vase in the middle filled with flowers, or a high-quality bright rug to match the color of the walls.
  • Remove the mirror facing the front door or place a houseplant near it.
  • Place flower vases or houseplants to redirect chi away from the staircase opposite the front door.
  • The wall close to the entrance to the house is an obstacle, to change the situation it needs to be repainted red or placed along a row of plants.
  • In order for the Qi energy to linger in your home, you can hang a lamp with a crystal in the hallway or visually raise the ceiling with the help of wallpaper with vertical lines, lamps with long legs or floor lamps.
  • Put things in order in the hallway.

How to prevent energy stagnation

To attract positive Qi energy, you should well equip the hallway in accordance with the principles of Feng Shui. And for this it is necessary to provide bright lighting in it, especially the space near the front door. Dim lamps and dark places will provoke energy stagnation. Negative energy will also accumulate there. To change situations, hang two lamps above the front door.

In accordance with Feng Shui, there should be a minimum number of barriers in the hallway. Therefore, try to leave a minimum of furniture and a maximum of free space. It is forbidden to place furniture at the entrance, as it will create possible barriers to the flow of Qi creation. To the right of the front door is the "helper's corner". Only in it can hangers for outerwear or umbrella stands be installed.

hallway feng shui colors

By and large, the hallway is not considered a room and performs auxiliary functions, so it is important to maintain a balance of Yin and Yang here so that not one of the energies prevails. It is better to decorate a bright hallway in pastel colors, reduce the brightness of the light, add dark elements to the interior.

In a dark hallway, you need to add rich colors, light shades, make good lighting. Some feng shui experts recommend decorating the hallway in the color of the sector to which it belongs. So, for example, if the hallway has occupied the wealth sector, it can be decorated in green. If it coincides with the career sector, the focus can be on blue.

If you don't want to decorate too radically in one color, just add zone color elements to the interior. For example, for the family sector, a bright green rug, for the glory sector - red.

Optionally, you can add an auxiliary element, i.e. for the southeastern sector of wealth, this color will be blue, for the western sector of creativity and children - brown.

To attract cash flow, three coins are placed under the door mat, tied with a red thread. The most important thing is that the coins lie with four hieroglyphs on top and two on the bottom.

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The Chinese pay close attention to the harmonious arrangement of their homes, and recently their wise technique has gained popularity with us.

Any house begins with a hallway, so it is very important to correctly complete the Feng Shui corridor, because qi energy can get stuck in an improperly equipped hall.

Moreover: if all the rooms are equipped according to Feng Shui, but the corridor is not, then the energy will not be able to reach the rest of the rooms!

Feng Shui corridor: rules you need to know

Taoist teachers divide our energy world into three most important energies: living energy qi, passive (neutral) xi qi, as well as aggressive energy sha qi.

The main idea of ​​feng shui practice is to create a residential interior in such a way as to provide it with the largest possible flow of “correct” qi energy. It is believed that it comes to us in a natural way - first through the front door, then it passes along the corridor, and only then it is poured and distributed to the rest of the rooms.

It turns out that an erroneous hallway can stall and impede this energy flow, harm the entire home!

feng shui front door

The feng shui of the apartment corridor starts from the front door. It is best that it be as far away from the stairs or steps as possible, not on the same line with them and not directly opposite.

You should also avoid placing the front door opposite the elevator car. This is due to the fact that in these cases the energy of abundance and wealth will “leak” from an apartment or house, and will not be able to linger there.

It is possible to reduce this negative phenomenon, so do not be discouraged if your apartment is placed by the front door directly onto the steps or the elevator. Place a regular round mirror above the entrance to restore the balance of energy flows.

  • It is desirable that the front door be solid, cast.
  • Decor from small metal elements is welcome, especially if they have a matte surface.
  • Do not forget that Chinese coins should be placed under the rug at the front door! This will help save your home from negative incidents, attract wealth and prosperity to the house. Take three coins with a square hole in the middle, connect them with thick red thread or ribbon, and then place them under the rug.

Feng Shui corridor lighting and color

Taoist practice recommends paying special attention to the color of the hallway. The Feng Shui corridor should be done in such a color scheme that there is a single harmony of the balance of the two principles - feminine and masculine. In color interpretation, they look like dark and light, but logically complement each other.

If you have light walls in the corridor, then add decor with dark elements, and if the walls are dark, add calm light shades. But do not overdo it with the decor, just two or three elements will be enough for balance!

Paintings for the corridor

Floor vases and paintings for the Feng Shui corridor are the best solutions. The Feng Shui technique does not recommend littering the corridor, because this prevents the flow of living qi energy, so everything superfluous and unnecessary from the hallway should be removed.

Pay attention to the examples from the catalogs, where the room does not contain anything superfluous, because the cleanliness of the space is the right Feng Shui corridor, the photos clearly demonstrate this.


Avoid a corridor that is too dark with dim lighting, which will repel favorable streams. Feng Shui recommends using moderately bright lighting with a warm color in the hallway. For example - lamps of yellow and terracotta shades.

In addition, such lighting will give home comfort and a sense of comfort to your corridor. Ideally, two identical lamps should be placed exactly above the front door (or on both sides of it at the same level) so that living qi is kept in a bright room and does not flow back when the front door is opened.

The shape of the corridor and its width according to Feng Shui

It is best when the corridor has enough "straight" space when it is not too narrow. Of course, it is not always possible to create an ideal feng shui hallway, because often we buy a finished house or apartment, where it is already impossible or extremely difficult to change the shape and area of ​​​​the premises.

It’s great if the corridor in shape resembles a regular geometric figure (square or rectangle), if it is spacious enough, it does not have turns in the form of the letter “g”. Such a corridor will help to avoid distortion of energy flows, their stagnation, and correctly distribute the incoming vibrations throughout your home.

If the corridor is very long and narrow, has sharp corners and turns, then it can negatively affect the flow of qi through your home.

Energy will accumulate only in this very corridor, and it may not reach the bedroom or study at all.

Remember that feng shui is the power of balance, and if at least one room in your house does not receive the necessary energy vibrations, then the whole harmony of the house will be disturbed. That is why the corridor is often the weakest link in the apartment. However, even the most unfavorable layout can be corrected by knowing a little trick.

Feng shui mirror in the hallway

The space of the wrong corridor can be changed even without resorting to redevelopment and demolition of walls. This is done with the help of mirrors: they are placed in the right places on the wall in order to reduce the negative manifestations of feng shui violations, help the qi energy circulate harmoniously in your home, and fully fill it.

A Feng Shui mirror is a symbolic and very strong object, possessing great energy power.

Thanks to the mirror surface, you can reflect invisible energy flows that enter your home, even change their direction. Thus, if your corridor has a too sharp and sharp turn (and especially a straight or sharp corner), then this problem is solved with the help of a “mirror collage”.

Place a row of mirrors on the wall to soften that angle visually, but always remember that the mirrors shouldn't reflect each other! Therefore, place them on the same wall and along it, and also carefully make sure that they do not reflect other mirror surfaces.

Choose mirrors of the same shape so as not to create an imbalance in the appearance and energy field of your home. You can buy mirrors of different sizes, but let them be very similar to each other. So, if you already have a rectangular mirror hanging in your hallway, then the rest of the mirrors should be rectangular.

The largest mirror in the Feng Shui corridor is recommended to be placed near the front door, but in no case should it reflect this door itself, because then the qi energy entering the house will immediately go back. And make sure that this mirror is large enough to reflect you as a whole, without crushing or cutting your body visually.

Feng shui doorways

It is the corridor that leads us to other living spaces, and you should know that even the location of the doors can make a huge difference in the feng shui of the entire apartment! For example, none of the important places in the house should be visible from the front door.

Opposite the front door in the corridor there may be a living room or a dining room, so it is better to equip them in this area.

The bedroom, nursery, bathroom are private areas, so no one should see their decoration through the doorway of the front door. If, nevertheless, in your corridor the bedroom or bathroom is the first to catch your eye, then divert attention from it with the help of bright decor. You can place a large noticeable picture on the opposite wall, and hang a bright lamp from above, then this place in the corridor will be the first to attract attention.

If you have such an opportunity, then arrange the doorways in the correct order:

  • Door to the bedroom it is best to place in the southwest (love zone) or in the east (family zone).
  • Door to office- in the northeast (learning zone) or in the southeast (wealth).
  • Door to children's room should lead from the corridor to the west.

Experts advise placing at least one object resembling the element of water in the Feng Shui corridor in order to increase the power of the qi energy flow. Suitable photos of the waterfall, paintings depicting ships, seashells in the decor.

As you can see, it will not be difficult to properly equip the corridor if you know the very simple rules of Feng Shui masters.

feng shui hallway

The entrance hall is the very first room through which the life force Qi enters the house, and then circulates through all other rooms. Feng Shui hallways are very important in a home. The further distribution of energy throughout the apartment, and the quality of this energy, depends on what kind of entrance hall you have.

Feng shui hallway starts with. It's bad if the door is too small or it might suddenly slam shut in front of your nose. Then the energy will not pass well into your apartment, and you will feel dependent, depressed. The Feng Shui hallway should not be small and dark, but also too large and empty. If the hallway is small, poorly lit, and, in addition, cluttered, the Qi energy will seem to be repelled from objects. In your life, this can lead to failures, conflicts, you may feel a lack or decline in vitality, illness and indisposition.

To visually expand the hallway, you need to hang mirrors in it, make good, preferably adjustable lighting. Particularly important are mirrors on walls adjacent to some potential source of noise or disturbance (neighbors, stairs, street, etc.). If the mirror hangs on the side of the front door, it will reflect the hallway and make it wider.

hallway dimensions

Hang pictures in the hallway

If your entrance hall, on the contrary, is very large, then a large amount of “extra” vital energy can enter it from the outside, and this energy will “overwhelm” the apartment, “displace” those living in it. Residents of such an apartment can become aggressive, tyrannize their weaker or dependent loved ones. When a person enters such a hallway, he becomes uncomfortable, he seems to cringe, alert, sometimes he feels defenseless and can often catch the internal, and sometimes external aggression of the residents. Such a hallway needs to be decorated with some object that attracts attention, which would concentrate the energy of the space around. It can be a table with flowers, a palm tree, a vase or stucco, etc.

If there are a lot of empty walls in your hallway, especially opposite the front door, you should decorate them with paintings, framed photographs. An empty wall in the hallway in front of the eyes of the incoming person will be associated with an insurmountable obstacle.

From the hallway, two views should not open at once: to the near wall and to the side room. In addition to being simply harmful to vision (the so-called split line of sight), over time this view can cause irritability, insecurity and headaches in residents. To avoid this, you also need to “keep” your eyes in one place, as in the case of a large hallway. You can cover the entrance to the room with a curtain, a plant, a sculpture, which will make the interior even more complete.

Choose the color of the hallway

Hallway in pastel colors

We also pay special attention to the color of the walls in the hallway, built according to the Feng Shui system. The color in the hallway should match the direction of the front door: red for the south, brown for the southwest, and so on. That is, before decorating the hallway, like any other room in your house, you will need the Bagua compass, which will help you determine in which sector your hallway is located and in what colors it is better to decorate it accordingly.

Of course, if the hallway is small, then it is better to use light, warm colors in the wall decor - this will visually expand the space. Therefore, there may be contradictions between the recommended color and the size of the hallway. In any case, if you are decorating a small hallway in cool white or blue tones, then try to add bright details in red, yellow or green. These can be various inserts, screens, fabric, plants, figurines, etc. Make sure that the colors of the sectors complement each other, and do not counteract.

According to the teachings of Feng Shui, it is undesirable to use any curved space, whether it be corners, walls, beams protruding above your head, arches. All this interferes with the free circulation of Qi energy, suppresses it and produces negative Sha energy - the so-called "poison arrows". Therefore, in hallways, especially dark ones, it is better not to use uneven protruding surfaces. Beams, arches and other similar elements in the hallway are best closed. You can also place something luminous or shiny in this place: a lamp, a pendant.

Three coins under the rug

The entrance hall is a place that has been used by different nations since ancient times to attract happiness and good luck to the house. According to Feng Shui, door mats are used in a similar way, which in themselves attract beneficial Qi. Also, three Chinese gold coins are placed under the mat for good luck. You can hang the same coins with holes on a red cord near the door.

It is believed that good luck is attracted to the house by bright lighting of the hallway in front of the front door and immediately behind it, that is, the threshold should also be brightly lit.

hallway furniture

In the hallway, people do not stay for long. That is why it is very important to observe the natural neutral balance of Yin Yang in it, since it is this harmonious balance that has a beneficial effect on the entire apartment as a whole. This can be achieved by soft pastel colors of the walls, smoothing out sharp corners, closed and “unobtrusive” doors to other rooms, mirrors in the right place, and all that was mentioned above.

You should also correctly design the Assistant zone, located to the right of the front door. In this zone, it is useful to place small hangers, tables, soft cozy ottomans, shelves, bedside tables - everything that you can rely on, which really serves as an assistant when a person takes off his shoes or undresses. In this place it is good to put a lamp, hang a mirror. In such a place, a special zone of warmth, comfort and care is created, and any incoming person will immediately feel comfortable and relaxed in your home.

The entrance hall is the place in the apartment that immediately creates an idea about the apartment itself and its residents. A place that directs, distributes and “heals” the entire energy of the apartment. That is why it is so important to apply the basics and principles of feng shui in the interior design of the hallway.

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