Fortune telling on tarot cards on your own. Unified Tarot Interpretation System


The article will describe the methods of divination on Tarot cards, methods of interpreting divination.

Perhaps everyone is worried about the future. And even those who do not want to look into it sometimes would like to know how to act correctly in a given situation. Divination is a way to discover the space of options and see what our intuition tells us.

  • The secret of fortune-telling is not at all that some mysterious entity helps us laying out a deck of cards. Maps are just a tool to help you look into yourself.
  • Psychologists, starting with Sigmund Freud, have established that a person is not only his conscious part, but also his unconscious
  • Cards help to connect with the unconscious and extract information from your subconscious.
  • Each person has "his" way of divination. Someone likes regular cards, someone likes runes or specific decks
  • Adherents of tarot cards claim that guessing on them is simple and most effective.
  • Everyone can try to read Tarot cards. Over time, you will learn to own them and understand what each of them means.

How to learn to read Tarot cards for beginners on their own, where to start?

  • The first thing you need is desire. You must get rid of prejudice and the opinion that cards are 100% the answer to any question you are interested in
  • Fortune telling on cards, like the interpretation of dreams. It's all about feelings and images. Cards only throw up the desired option. But the interpretation is up to you
  • Many professionals argue that interpretations from books or the Internet are too generalized. Therefore, make notes to adjust the meaning of the cards just for you.
  • Buy a deck of cards. Don't accept it as a gift. It must be brand new.
  • Guess regularly. Even if some of the answers of the cards seem strange or blurry to you, record the results in a notebook. With practice, you will be able to understand their meaning more.
  • Don't expect quick results. Tarot reading is hard work, which can be compared with spiritual development. Gradually, a connection and understanding is established between you and the images of the cards.
  • Study as much literature as possible and practice new divination techniques. This will expand your receptivity in the spiritual realm.
Divination by Tarot cards

History of Tarot Cards

  • Cards have always been banned in the Christian world. In the beginning, they were used only for playing. And later, for divination
  • Any way to predict the future was considered by the church "objectionable to God", so those who guessed on the cards were severely punished
  • It was only in the 14th century that Tarot cards were mentioned in sources. Then it was already a full-fledged deck of 78 cards.
  • Then Tarot cards were used to play "tarok". It was distributed in Germany and France
  • Tarot cards gained their popularity due to the fact that the deck was divided into major and minor arcana. The minor arcana are symbolic images that even illiterate people could perceive.
  • From the 16th century, people began to guess on Tarot cards. According to experts, this method of using the deck was invented by gypsies. They spread this teaching throughout Europe.

History of Tarot

Opinion about Tarot cards of scientists and psychologists

  • Opinions that cards are just an area of ​​esotericism are extremely wrong. Many psychologists see cards as a tool to communicate with their subconscious.
  • Sigmund Freud believed that a person in conscious life practically does not feel his unconscious (or subconscious). It manifests itself in hidden desires, complexes and dreams. The subconscious has a huge influence on decision making and character in general.
  • There are many practices to "hear" your subconscious. Meditation, divination, prayer are all sides of the same coin.
  • Another famous psychologist, Carl Jung, noted that cards are symbols that correspond to a person’s mental state. Guessing, a person synchronizes these symbols and his psyche, thus extracting answers outward.
  • That is why science does not deny that cards can be used for self-knowledge.

How to start reading tarot cards?

  • If you are convinced of your desire to start the practice of divination, then buy a new deck of cards
  • Cards must be selected individually. Do not be lazy, but look at all the images and try to feel the energy
  • The decks of cards are drawn by various artists. And the images can be perceived by each person in different ways.
  • Choose the images that please you. Which you want to consider for a long time
  • Having brought a deck of cards home, do not rush to proceed immediately to the layouts
  • In your free time, sit quietly and meditate on the cards. Consider each card, feel what emotions each of them brings to you.
  • Only after you get acquainted with the deck, proceed to simple layouts
  • Take notes, noting which card corresponds to which situation. Over time, you will be able to move away from standard interpretations and use personal

Introduction to the Tarot deck

  • The tarot deck consists of 78 cards, major and minor arcana.
  • The major arcana are cards with an image and a symbolic name (for example, "Sun", "Tower" or "Moon"). There are 22 of them. Calculation starts from 0 - this is the Fool card. The last card is 21, "World"
  • Minor Arcana - 56 cards, divided into 4 suits - Wands, Swords, Cups and Pentacles
  • Tarot cards in some divination methods have a direct and inverted meaning. This must be taken into account when laying out cards.

How to properly store a deck of cards?

  • Deck care has two purposes. The first is the safety of the deck in proper form. The second is the energy perception of the cards.
  • A deck of cards is usually bought one for life. She has a special bond with her. And it will be a shame if the drawings are erased and the corners are wrinkled.
  • In energetic terms, by carefully storing the cards, you give them significance, as something of value.
  • Experts advise storing cards by wrapping them in fabric (silk) and placing them in a special wooden box.
  • The more carefully you store the deck, the more importance you will attach to divination and a deck of cards.

Tarot Card Storage Box

Relationship between astrology and tarot cards

  • Although there is a connection between Tarot cards and astrology, they cannot be perceived identically. Astrology and Tarot are two different directions
  • Astrology helps to penetrate deeper into the essence of the cards. Especially for those who were already familiar with astrology before.
  • Everyone knows that the signs of the zodiac are divided into 4 elements: fire, air, water and earth. Tarot cards (minor arcana) are also divided into 4 types: wands, swords, cups and pentacles
  • They have a correspondence: wands - fire (West), swords - air (East), cups - water (North), pentacles - earth (South).
  • The signs of the zodiac have the following correlations with the cards: cups - Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces; pentacles - Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn; swords - Gemini, Libra and Aquarius; wands - Aries, Leo and Sagittarius

Astrology and tarot cards

How to choose "your card" in the deck?

  • “Your card” is the one that will symbolize in you in some layouts
  • A personal card is selected from the minor arcana. It will be a page, a knight, a king or a queen. For young girls and boys - page and knight, respectively. For mature women and men - queen or king
  • Next, choose a card by suit, focusing on your zodiac sign
  • For example, a girl under the zodiac sign Cancer should choose the Page of Cups card.

"Own card" in the Tarot deck
  • Read the literature before drawing conclusions about the process of divination on tarot cards
  • There are two sides to the coin - skepticism and blind trust. Both of these approaches are wrong and will not bring self-knowledge.
  • Always treat divination with optimism. The cards do not predict the future, but speak about your subconscious attitude to the situation. Analyze it to do the right thing
  • No need to guess everyone and everyone. Maps are a tool for self-discovery. It is difficult to analyze someone else's subconscious with the help of cards if you still feel little connection with the images.
  • Fortune telling on cards goes well with other spiritual practices. Remember that a person is beautiful when he develops all areas of his life.

Video: What is Tarot? How to choose a deck of cards

Where to start learning Tarot if you do not yet have the slightest idea about working with these cards? Each person has his own path: someone is guessing, someone is looking for opportunities for development, someone is learning to meditate with the help of this esoteric oracle. But regardless of your goal, you need to start with the first simple steps, which we will talk about.

Many beginners are wondering if they can learn how to use the Tarot from scratch, with absolutely no special knowledge. The answer is yes, but it will take a lot of time and effort. If you are ready, start right now, and over time, the world of tarology will become familiar and simple for you.

What skills do you need to master in order to work with a Tarot deck and understand how to throw cards:

  • Understand the meaning and meaning of arcana on an intuitive level
  • Feel the energy and information space, respond to the signs of the Universe, see its clues
  • Understand the differences and similarities of Tarot decks, at least the classic ones
  • Understand that Tarot is just a tool, but only you yourself influence fate, you are responsible for everything that happens in your life

There are a great many teaching methods, we will share the one that is suitable for beginners. But you must be aware that Tarot divination is not a mechanical process, but a deep spiritual work with energy.

Where to start learning?

The very first thing you will need to do is to purchase a suitable deck of tarot cards for beginners. We recommend starting with the Rider Waite Tarot - it's a classic. With this deck, you can learn most of the universal divination.

Examine the deck when it is in your hands. You need to understand its structure. It is divided into major and minor arcana:

  • 22 Major Arcana
  • 14 minor arcana: suit of Cups (Cups)
  • 14 Minor Arcana: Suit of Swords
  • 14 Minor Arcana: suit of Pentacles (Coins)
  • 14 Minor Arcana: Suit of Wands

Working out the structure of the deck

For structural study, the method of structural associations is used. You need to take each lasso from the deck in turn, examine it carefully, and then ask yourself questions while looking at the card.

The questions are the following:

  1. Emotions you experience when you look at the picture
  2. What does intuition suggest, what sensations arise?
  3. What is the image on the map associated with, describe in a few words
  4. If a person is drawn on the lasso, listen to yourself and imagine his image in your imagination. Think about how he feels, what he is doing, what occupies his thoughts, what his goals are. Try to decipher the meaning of the colors of his clothes, posture, facial expressions. Imagine that he is addressing you and saying something. What are these words?
  5. Similarly, draw an associative series with lasso, on which animals or plants are drawn.
  6. See the weather, time of day and year on the map. What mental images do you have?
  7. Think about what number you associate with the image of the lasso

Important: try to take a piece of paper and write down the answers to the questions. In the future, this information will be useful for introspection and verification of how the classic interpretations of the cards coincide with your feelings.

There are additional questions that you can work through as well. If you are tired, put it off until a more appropriate moment, but if you are ready to study further, start right now.

Ask, mentally referring to each of the arcana:

  1. In what cases can a card indicate favorable circumstances, predict something good?
  2. And vice versa - when does its meaning carry a negative context?
  3. How is it useful for self-development and self-knowledge?
  4. What forecast does it give in different areas of life (personal life, health, work, finances, self-realization)?

It can take several days or even weeks to work through the entire deck. Take your time, analyze each card carefully and in detail. This will not only help to better understand the meaning of the cards, but also create an energetic connection with the deck, which will be useful in divination in the future.

Watch video tutorials on how to quickly learn how to work with Tarot cards:

After the structural study of the deck, the next stage of training begins - the study of the classical meanings of all the arcana of the Tarot. Arm yourself with a detailed interpreter taken from a reliable source, and get out your notes that you made during the first stage.

You need to check your own feelings with the "official" interpretations. There is a method that simplifies the task. This is the test question method:

  • You give a prediction, for example, about a person’s personal life, based on personal feelings (written down in the first stage)
  • Take the second prediction from the textbook of tarology
  • Then listen to what the person has to say.

Check what matches and what doesn't. In this way, you begin to realize when your intuition is right, and in which cases it is better to listen to the opinion of official sources.

  • In the morning, ask the Tarot a question about what awaits you in the coming day.
  • Get an answer and interpret the prediction
  • At the end of the day, check what came true, what didn’t, and what part of the prediction is too vague

Instead of a card of the day, you can use express layouts. That is, you turn to the deck with some small question. For example, "Will I be at work on time today?" You get an answer, wait, find out if it was true.

It is very important to practice regularly. Then gradually you will work out all the skills necessary for a beginner to work with Tarot and will be able to proceed to a more complex level of training.

For a beginner in such a complex matter as fortune telling and making forecasts, any alignment is not given the first time. Every experienced magician knows how important it is to put a lot of effort and effort into understanding the signs in the Tarot deck. Ancient, powerful cards cover all sorts of components of human life, require well-deserved respect.

Tarot reading is like a new book that needs to be read correctly

How to guess on Tarot cards, if there is no experience behind you yet, and the desire to master the craft is haunting? Tarot for beginners is like a new book that needs to be read correctly. To begin with, a person will have to get acquainted with a mysterious, magical deck.

Choosing a Divinatory Tarot Deck

How to learn to read Tarot cards and is sacred knowledge accessible to everyone? Training, diligent implementation of all the recommendations of an experienced magician and the desire to comprehend something new, unknown, exciting consciousness, encourages a person to get acquainted with the cards of the Tarot deck. It is not so difficult to make an alignment with a special question or a general message, and such a magical ritual is available to everyone.

Problems arise when the combination of the dropped cards needs to be read. Individual symbols of the deck can have completely contradictory meanings. In order not to confuse yourself and others, a person must realize that there is no place for fun. If the desire to comprehend the craft of divination is serious and balanced, then no problems will arise.

Learning to work with the Tarot deck

Where to start learning Tarot, and how will it end? Experienced magicians claim that sensitive cards are very capricious in choosing the person with whom they will work. Deck selection occurs in that order. A person is chosen, and not he is looking for a deck of divination cards.

The established connection will serve as the basis for a future forecast, and therefore it is especially important to find a deck that does not have to be solved like a puzzle. It is not for nothing that they say that during fortune-telling the magician and cards are a single, inseparable whole.

Deck Features for Beginners

Tarot for the first layouts is a regular deck that can be purchased at a magical or occult shop. Over time, a person will get the hang of it and be able to choose more complex decks. A classic is the traditional Tarot deck, which consists of four suits.

There are many types of tarot cards. You should choose the one that suits you

There are many types of cards, they may differ in appearance, basic composition and symbol hierarchy. Every day there are new decks, with a specific purpose and appearance. Rune cards, Lenormand, Tarot Ibis or Rider-Waite deck? The choice is up to the newbie.

How to start learning Tarot? From getting to know each individual card. The meaning of the symbol, presented in the form of a colorful illustration, will make it possible to understand the role of the sign in the deck.

Simple divination techniques for beginners

How to learn to read Tarot? A beginner is tormented by a similar question for days on end, because not everyone can study the deck. The methods of divination on Tarot cards depend on the question with which the questioner invokes the magical attribute.

Common special layouts on the Tarot deck:

  • about professional life;
  • on personal relationships;
  • on the state of health;
  • about future self-development and spiritual growth;
  • on the results of the cases.

How much the world costs, so much a person is looking for spiritual harmony in all spheres of life. Having mastered ready-made layouts on given topics, a person will be able to look into the future. Popular Tarot layouts are in great demand to this day, because outwardly the magic deck has changed little.

Why you need to use special literature

The best tarot books for beginners help you understand the basics of any divination. It is useful to analyze the cards individually, but only tarot books for beginners allow you to delve into the meaning of ancient magical symbolism. It is not so difficult to interpret the Tarot on your own, if you are not afraid to admit your own incompetence.

The classical description of each lasso will not always coincide with the vision of a person, because any truths are interpreted by a person based on his personal experience.

You should not be afraid of such a confrontation, showing character, the fortuneteller becomes one step closer to the goal - the correct interpretation of the entire deck. The Tarot book will become an indispensable tool for anyone who masters the technique of divination. What other methods of tarot divination are available for a beginner?

Tarot card layouts for a beginner magician

Ready-made schemes, which are resorted to by experienced magicians, will allow you to make the right alignment for relationships or work affairs. Simple divination can be done even by a beginner who is just learning the true power of divination cards. Decomposing the finished layout will not be difficult. How to guess correctly according to ready-made, proven schemes?

Tarot, like any other magical attribute in rituals or rites, loves order and accuracy. The layouts on the cards are not made under the influence of emotions or a momentary impulse. The forecast should be the result of a balanced decision that a person will not regret. Laying out Tarot cards is necessary only on condition that the beginner feels well, is in a peaceful state and is ready to expand his own consciousness.

Tarot spreads for the first divination with interpretation have been used for centuries:

  • informative scheme "Cross";
  • alignment for the near, near future;
  • prognosis for personal life;
  • divination "Heart";
  • pyramid.

It's easy to do a tarot spread. You just need to keep practicing

A description of simple layouts is available to every beginner with an irresistible desire to comprehend the wisdom of the Tarot deck. Such types of fortune-telling will not take much time, but will give fairly truthful results. It is not difficult to make a layout if you tirelessly practice every free minute.

Interpretation of a simple layout

A person who has made a deal on a question of interest cannot wait for an answer. He must find it, receive it, like a mined precious stone. The interpretation of the symbols and their combination is more important than the correct order of the cards in the layout.

The main element of any prediction is the first card that left the deck. It serves as a guide, a prototype of a person who turned to the Tarot deck for advice. The clue that lies in the first character should not be ignored. It is the first character that answers questions regarding personal or professional life.

The layouts called "partnerships" are made according to the principle of the descending position of the main and auxiliary cards. The fortune-telling mechanism of such a ready-made scheme is quite simple: the first card remains in the middle of the layout, and the remaining Tarot signs lie (three by one) on either side of the main landmark of any suit. The first character always indicates the hidden essence of the answer, no matter what area of ​​​​life the forecast is made.

Technique for the near future includes a forecast that covers upcoming moments. The near future may bring many surprises. Fortune telling for a week or two is quite simple. To do this, lay out the major arcana of the Tarot deck in one row. The main meaning of the layout will be hidden in the first card, while the rest of the symbols will serve as additional clues. This technique can be done on any day and at any position of the moon.

Alignment for beginners "Pyramid"

The alignment, which is compiled in the form of a pyramid, allows you to see the future in the personal and work spheres. For the questioner, whose soul is disturbed by the difficulties that have arisen, this type of alignment is especially valuable. The wrong approach to the "Pyramid" scheme will not open a probable future, therefore, before making a deal, it is necessary to master its technique.

In total, ten cards, folded in four rows, will be needed for prediction. The layout displays the essence of the answer, options for the development of existing situations and tips for solving all the difficulties that have arisen in the way of the questioner. For a beginner, the Pyramid is a difficult but accessible way of predicting.

Fortune telling on cards for beginners is a complex process that brings a lot of stress and frustration. The expectation of a person about how the alignment is performed, and reality often do not coincide. How to understand Tarot and is it worth understanding it at all?

Everyone who takes on a fortune-telling deck must understand that it will not work to guess the future, if the main goal of a beginner is to have fun, then you should not start studying Tarot.

An expanded forecast is an opportunity, a weapon, advice and warning, and only then an exciting action. Magic does not tolerate partiality, frivolity, therefore, having started training, a person will have to go to the end.

How to learn to guess for yourself on Tarot cards? The answer to this question is sought by many people who want to look into their own and find out what awaits them in the future?

Analyze the current situation or get a hint in .

The simplest way, without resorting to , is divination to oneself.

There are many opinions as to whether it is possible to guess for oneself or not? Some say you can, and some say you can't.

The truth, as always, is somewhere in the middle, you just need to know how to do it correctly and observe safety measures when divining the Tarot to yourself.

This is a whole trend in magical art, and like any magical knowledge corresponds to that what do you believe.

If you believe that it will be bad for yourself from fortune-telling and higher powers will punish you for this, then everything will happen.

Well, if you believe that fortune-telling on the Tarot to yourself will benefit you, then be sure - it will be so!

The only danger which lies in wait for you when divining to yourself on Tarot cards - this is to aggravate a possible negative scenario from your own future. Read on and find out how this can be avoided.

Guessing to yourself on tarot cards possible and necessary. This is a wonderful way not only to get to know yourself and your inner world, but also to learn how to use this powerful magical tool in your own life, which is a sign of mastery.

First of all, you need to learn how to do it correctly, observing safety and certain rules.

The basic rule of divination to oneself, not only on, but also in other ways, is emotional detachment.

When you tell fortunes to someone, such fortune-telling does not affect your inner, emotional world.

But, if you are guessing to yourself or a person close to you, then such fortune-telling touches your inner world and causes certain emotions.

At best, they will display only your current state, and at worst, they may give incorrect information.

Therefore, in order to learn how to read Tarot cards for yourself, you must first learn to renounce your own "I" at the time of the fortune-telling session for yourself.

With a certain practice, this is quite easy to do, here are some simple tips that I have worked out and which I use when guessing for myself, close relatives and friends.

1. Create a calm, quiet and familiar environment around you. Light candles and incense. It is advisable to have obsidian near you in the form of a piece of rock or a pendant (raw rock is more effective).

Not only will this stone help you concentrate your thoughts, but it will also protect you from the possible influence of negative information from your own information field.

If you just analyze the current moment and do not climb into the future, then you can do without obsidian. But if you look into, then the use of this stone necessarily.

The thing is that if something negative comes up in the future, then this negative can worsen, that is, it will be even more difficult to fit into the script of your life and change the course.

Obsidian is able to save you from this. If there is no obsidian, then you should use a protective magic circle to read Tarot to yourself without negative consequences.

These are simple safety rules that should not be neglected.

2. Focus on the candle flame, calm down and feel inner harmony. Tune in to fortune telling in the usual way.

To be most effective, you need to have your own photo handy. The bottom line is to step back so much that looking at your own photo you don’t associate yourself with it.

For you, it should be just a person who needs it at the moment. Take the position of an observer in relation to yourself.

This is the main the secret of divination to oneself - emotional detachment from my own "I". You are just a conductor of information that should not be distorted by your own emotional impact.

Look at the photo and establish a mental contact with the person's information field (in this case, with your own), mentally say the name and date of birth, formulate a question and proceed to the alignment.

This detached state is important to maintain when interpreting cards. Do not think about what you are guessing to yourself, guess just like any other person from the street.

I often wonder to myself, my wife or close relatives. The key to the effectiveness of my divination is that in such cases I do it in the same way as other people. At the moment of divination, I do not make any fundamental distinctions. I communicate and speak in the same way as when working with other people.

If I conduct fortune-telling remotely, then when formulating the results of fortune-telling in a text file, I observe the appeal to "You" and do not make any of my own conjectures.

My task is to convey what they say as authentically as possible and to do it professionally.

3. Note that don't guess to yourself over trifles and repeating the same question several times in a row.

They don't like this. First of all, formulate in advance your question or a set of questions to which you want to get clear answers.

At the beginning, you should not ask many questions, formulate one clear question indicating the essence of the problem that has arisen.

Later, when you learn how to withdraw as much as possible and maintain this state, you can ask as many questions as you need.

It’s worth doing large layouts on Tarot cards for yourself if you only have a difficult, confusing situation or you want to know future events.

If you need simple advice from Tarot cards, then you can draw just one card by asking: "What do the tarot cards want to tell me?" or "What should I pay attention to in the first place in such and such a matter?" or "What do the cards want to warn me about?".

So, we can draw some conclusions:

1. Be safe, especially if you are looking to the future.

2. Get away from your own "I". Your emotional background should not be affected by the very fact of divination to yourself, not the information received.

3. To be most effective, take a picture of yourself and focus on it until you no longer identify with it.

4. Formulate the question in advance, or better yet, write it down.

5. Try to draw some conclusions after the divination session. It is advisable to write down the information received.

6. Do not lay out cards for nothing. If you need simple advice, then just one card may be enough.

7. After the session, thank yourself, or even better, reward yourself with a small gift or allow yourself to buy something that you have been planning for a long time if the results exceeded your expectations. Here it's up to you to decide. Treat yourself to a good cup of coffee and that will be enough.

To learn to guess for yourself on tarot cards a certain amount of time is required. Start first with the simplest questions and layouts, when you learn how to get reliable answers to simple questions, you can move on to more complex layouts.

Be patient and be sure to record the results. As a result, you will not only learn effectively tell yourself on tarot cards, but also reach a new level of mastery of this wonderful predictive technique.

No one can give an exact answer when exactly Tarot cards appeared. The origin of this amazing mantic system is still covered in many legends, but despite this, it is consistently effective and very popular.

Today, on the free market, you can find a wide variety of Tarot decks, various astrological or gypsy decks, as well as Lenormand cards. A beginner can easily get lost in all this diversity, not understanding what to choose and which deck to start learning from.

Undoubtedly, it is best to start with the classic Tarot deck, which consists of 78 cards. 22 cards of the Major Arcana and 56 Minor. In turn, the Minor Arcana are divided into 4 suits (Wands, Swords, Cups and Pentacles). Each suit contains ten number cards (from Ace to Ten) and the so-called court cards (King, Queen, Knight and Page).

How to choose and properly prepare a deck of tarot cards

The first step is to purchase your own Tarot deck. In the first few months, one deck will be enough, and you simply do not need additional ones. When the time comes, you yourself will feel the need to purchase one or more decks. The classic Tarot deck recommended for getting started is the Rider-Waite Tarot. It was created in 1910 by the famous English esoteric and mystic Arthur Edward Waite and artist Pamela Colman-Smith. The Rider-Waite deck differs from many others in that each card of the Minor Arcana depicts a certain plot that reflects the meaning of the Arcana. This greatly facilitates the life of a novice tarot reader and helps to quickly remember the meaning of each card. After working with this deck ceases to cause you difficulties, you can move on to mastering other, more complex Tarot decks.

After acquiring Tarot cards, you need to prepare them for work. You will need a new white candle. In order to clear the cards and rid them of any unnecessary information, you should 13 times, counterclockwise, draw a deck over the flame of a lit candle. This should be done in the evening, preferably after sunset. After carrying out this ritual, it is necessary to lay out the cards on the windowsill face down, and leave them like that for the whole night. It is best if at the same time moonlight falls on the cards. In the morning, your cards will be completely ready to go. Your Tarot deck should be treated with great respect. You need to store it in a special bag or some beautiful box. Obsidian, amethyst or moonstone can be put with the cards. These gemstones are most closely associated with the ability to read information and clairvoyance. However, the stones themselves also require some cleaning, the best way is to put them in table salt for a day. After that, the stones should be washed well, and the used salt should be thrown away. Now they can be stored together with the Tarot, enhancing the already huge abilities of this magical tool.

5 Important Tarot Card Divination Rules

Rule 1

Initially, you should determine by which system you will interpret the meanings of the cards. It is extremely important to determine the most suitable fortune-telling system for you, and not change it with each new alignment. Tarot cards tend to remember certain rules of work. If these rules change frequently, you simply will not be able to correctly interpret the meaning of the layout.

Many authors tend to give different interpretations of the same card. Someone uses in their work only the direct position of the cards, while someone also uses the inverted one. In some sources, the Devil in a straight position is good, and in an inverted position it is very bad, while in others it is vice versa. Interpretations of symbols and astrological correspondences of each card may vary. If you simultaneously use books from different authors to decipher the layout, you risk getting seriously confused. In order to avoid such a situation, at least for the first six months, you should work with only one interpretation system, to choose from.

Rule 2

The second very important point is the way you shuffle, draw and open the cards. Here you should also develop a certain ritual for yourself and try not to change it from alignment to alignment. Here are some recommendations:

  • Do not give your cards into the hands of other people, shuffle them only on your own;
  • When the cards are mixed, ask the one to whom you are guessing to move part of the cards of the deck towards you, with your left hand;
  • Pull out cards for the layout with the left hand from any part of the deck - wherever it pulls;
  • Initially, the cards of the layout are laid out face down and only then they are opened one by one;
  • The cards should be turned strictly from right to left, like a page in a book, and in no case from above or below;
  • The layout is always done facing the interpreter, this is especially important if you use inverted cards in your work.

It is perfectly acceptable if you develop your own divination rules, but then you need to strictly follow them.

For fortune-telling, contrary to rumors, there are no forbidden days. Guess when you really want to. The only guideline for the possibility or impossibility of a session can only be your physical and mental well-being.

Rule 3

Many experienced tarologists refuse fortune telling:

  • If they are tired or not feeling well:
  • In a bad mood, when they are very upset about something or experience strong emotional arousal;
  • During lunar and solar eclipses.

The process of divination requires good health, calmness and concentration.

The most important are your own internal feelings, perhaps, over time, you will notice certain patterns that affect your ability to correctly understand the alignment. These can be certain days of the week or phases of the moon, everything is purely individual, and there are no universal rules here.

Rule 4

Before proceeding with fortune-telling, it is very important to clearly formulate your question. Only on a specific question, the cards will be able to give a clear and detailed answer.

It is very useful to keep a diary of all the layouts made. For this, any notebook or notepad is suitable, where you will write down:

  • Time and date of the session;
  • The number of the lunar day and the sign in which the Moon is at the moment;
  • Your question;
  • The layout used;
  • The cards that fell out in the layout.

At first, you should not choose very large and complex layouts. Try to use those with no more than ten cards. Initially, it is better to work only with the Major Arcana, only gradually connecting the Minor Arcana to them.

Rule 5

It is very important to remember that you should not ask the cards the same question over and over again. Many beginners make this mistake all the time when trying to get favorable cards. You will not get the correct answer in this case.

If you are worried about any problem, focus, choose a favorable time, ask a specific question, make a layout, write down its interpretation in your diary. Then you just have to analyze the advice received, which, as a rule, are very clear.

An attempt to re-clarify the exciting situation should be no earlier than after a lunar month, that is, after 29 days. During this time, some events may occur that will allow you to look at the problem from a different angle, which means that new questions may appear. For example, if you made the first layout for changes in your personal life, carefully considered the advice received from the cards and took the appropriate actions, after a few months you can use the new layout to see in which direction the situation has changed. It’s not worth tormenting the cards with the same question more often, they will begin to deceive you.

If you try to follow these simple rules, over time, working with the Tarot will begin to bring you not only pleasure, but also great satisfaction from the opportunity to effectively use this powerful magical tool in your life.

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